Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ISD300 des Produzenten SEH
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ISD300 User Manual ISD300 User Manual V ersio n 1.0 Manufa c t ured by SEH C omputertechnik GmbH Suedring 1 1 33647 Bielefeld Germany Phone: +49 (0)521 94226-29 Fax: +49 (0)521 94226-99 Support: +49 (0)521 94226-44 Email: Web: http://www .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual 2 General Infor mation ........ ..... ..... .... .......... .... .......... .... ......... 4 Purpose ...... ...... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ... 4 Technical Data .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual 3 How to s top or r estart a Queue? ( Accum ulate P rint Jobs) ....... ........ 36 How to rej ect or a ccept Pr int Job s? ......... ............. ............. ............. . 36 How to a ssign a Filter Appl ication ( 3party softwar e) t o a Queue ? .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Gener al In formation 4 Genera l Infor mation Purpose The ISD300 was developed as an ap pliance to spool and manage print j obs and to handle print queues.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Gener al In formation 5 Safety Regulations Before s tar ting th e initi al operat ion procedur e and du ring the operat ion procedure of the ISD300, pl ease read the fol lowing safet y regulat ions: - The ISD300 may only be connecte d to the mains and to t he network by quali fi ed personnel.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Gener al In formation 6 First S teps Foll ow the steps to configure the ISD300 quickly and easi ly . After that, the I SD300 is ready f or operati on. 1. Connect the I SD300 to the network and t he power supply .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Gener al In formation 7 Manual This manua l is inte nded to he lp you to confi gure the ISD300. Y ou can d ownload t he latest version from: http:/ /www .seh-tech nology .com/support The manual i s avail able in PDF (User Manu al) and HTML ( Online Manual) format.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using the P anel I nterface 8 Using the Panel Interface A number of actions can be ca rried o ut via the uni t’ s operati ng p anel.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using the P anel I nterface 9 How to switc h on the ISD300 ? Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Switch on the power switch on the backsi de. 2. Switch on the soft power switch on the front side. The I SD300 boot s automat ically .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using the ISD300 H omepage 10 Using the IS D300 Homep age Initi al inst alla tion, configurat ion and subs equent admi nistrati on of the ISD applia nces as well as management of the rel evant netwo rk printer s can be carried via the integrated web server (ISD300 Homep age).
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using the ISD300 H omepage 1 1 How to log on to the ISD300 Homepage? Access to the I SD300 is d efi ned for thr ee user g roup s: ’Any ’, ’User ’, and ’Admin’ . For further informati on see: Login Accoun ts on p age 50.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using the ISD300 H omepage 12 Afte r login some bas ic infor mation about the ISD300 are d isplay ed. In additi on to det ails about the login, the host name and.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Network Settin gs 13 Network Settings In order t o work with the I SD300, Host, Date and TCP/ IP param eters m ust b e s et. In orde r to se t al l param et ers, use th e Quick Setup for an easy conf i guration. ISD300 Networ k sett ings can b e co nfigured by administr ators onl y .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Network Settin gs 14 Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Pre ss . IP Setup|Cancel appea rs in t he disp lay . 2. Press to c onfirm. IP Configuration appear s in the di spl ay . 3. Sel ect Manual via . 4. Press to c onfirm. IP Address:000.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Network Settin gs 15 4. Press to c onfirm. Apply|Back a ppears in the di splay . 5. Press to c onfirm. Upon boot ing DHCP will be appl ied automati cally . TCP/IP p arameter s are assi gned by a DHCP server . Setting TCP/I P p aramet er via ISD300 Homep a g e Proceed as fo ll ows: 1.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Network Settin gs 16 3. Enter the Host name (max. 256 charact ers ). 4. Click Set . How to set Date and T ime? Date and ti me specificat ions are necessary i f you want to di splay the ti me at which the print job was pr inted.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Network Settin gs 17 How to set DNS? DNS is servi ce that translat es domain names int o IP addresses . Using DNS, names can be assigned to IP addres ses and vice versa . In order to use t his funct ionali ty , specif y the p rimary DNS serve r by its IP addr ess.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Network Settin gs 18 The Quick Setup invol ves fo ur step s: - general s etting s - TCP /IP param e ters - the s earch fo r avail able pr inters i n the network - the s etting up of queue s Proceed as fo ll ows: 1.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Network Settin gs 19 If you want t o use ’Poi nt and Print’, we reco mmended to a ssign print dr ivers to t he queues aft er the Quick Setup; see: Managi ng Print Driver s on p age 26.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Micr osoft A uthentication (SM B) 20 Microsoft Authenticati on (SMB) MS Windows client access t o inst alle d queues c an be restr icted by usin g the SMB protocol. This method uses users and group s with associat ed pas swords.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Micr osoft A uthentication (SM B) 21 How to display MS Wi ndows Network information? Click SMB printing in t he main menu to open t he MS Windows p age. The p age displays the fo llowi ng informatio n depending from the setup s.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Micr osoft A uthentication (SM B) 22 4. Click Next . 5. Select the Domain controler . Use the NTLM method to authe nticate user s against the Acti ve Directory or NT 3.5x/4.0 domain cont roler . Use Kerberos to authenticat e users against t he Active Direc tory domain contro ler .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Micr osoft A uthentication (SM B) 23 How to us e the ISD3 00 as S t and-Alone Server? (Local Authentication) The ISD300 is used as S tand-Al one-Server i n the netwo rk envi ronment. Users are authe nticated agai nst the l ocal us er- and group accounts .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Micr osoft A uthentication (SM B) 24 Creating a user Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click SMB pr intin g . 2. Click Local use rs&groups . 3. Click Create n ew user . 4. Enter the username and the p assword. System use r - and groupnames ( root, LP , sys, users.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Micr osoft A uthentication (SM B) 25 4. Click Set group membership . 5. Assign the group s via the Add and the Remove button. 6. Click Set . Creating a group Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click SMB pr intin g . 2. Click Local use rs&groups .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Mana ging Print Drivers 26 Managing Print Dr ivers In ord er to print, assign a dri ver to the queu es. If you want to assign a dri ver to a queue vi a ’Point and Pr int’, st ore the dr iver on the ISD300 firs t.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Mana ging Print Drivers 27 • The printer driv ers that are requi red f or prin ting wil l be i nst alled automatical ly on t he connect ed client s; s ee: How t o use ’Point and Print’ wit h your PC client? on page 29.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Mana ging Print Drivers 28 How to store Dri vers on the ISD300? (Windows NT 4.0) Print dr ivers can be stored by printer administr ators o nly . For furth er informat ion see : How to s et a Prin ter Admi nistrator Account ? on p age 25.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Mana ging Print Drivers 29 If no Windows dri ver has been stored on the ISD300, the ’Avai lable driver s’ box is empty . Print drivers can be assigned by admini strators only . Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click SMB pr intin g .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 30 Managing Queues and Jobs There ar e dif ferent queue types. T he queue type s pecifies which protocol is use d to send the pr int d ata from the ISD300 to the networ k printer . For further info rmation; s ee: T ypes of Queues on p age 31.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 31 - Creati ng copy queues (simult aneous print out of multiple copies on more than one print er) What do you want t o do? • How to cr.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 32 LPD The LPD queue se nds print jo bs to a network pr inter that prints via the LP D protoco l. When cr eating the queue, the printer ’s IP addr ess or host na me and the remote queue name as remot e de vice have to be s pecif ied.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 33 How t o cr eate a Queu e? Queues c an be creat ed in two ways. Automa tica lly During se t-up, all print ser vers / net work pr inter.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 34 routine , and made availabl e as prin t queues. Using the Quick Setup; see: How to conf igure via Quick Set up? on p age 17. Once the automa tic search for available prin t servers fa ils to find a devi ce, you can st ill setup, manually .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 35 Create Q ueue - Step 3 par ameter s depending from queue types Sock et Host name / IP addres s -------- ------ Port Host name or IP addres s of the printer (e.g. 192 .168.0.2 1). ------ -------- ----------- -------- ----- TCP/IP Por t of th e printer .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 36 How to modify a Queue? The descri ption, lo cation, type, and connected prin ter settings of a queue c an be modifi ed: Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click Queues/Jobs . 2. Click Modify in the lis t of queues.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 37 3. Click Reject jobs or Accept j obs . How to assign a Filter Applicatio n (3party software) t o a Queue? The ISD300 may be used as a platf orm for speci fic, printi ng rela ted soft ware solution s provided by thir d part ies (e.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 38 2. Click Current Jobs . The active jo bs wil l be displa yed. If you want t o change the pr operties of pr int jobs of one queue, just click on the queue name in the list. How to di splay a Job H istory? The l ast few p rinted jo bs are displ ayed in the job his tory .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 39 How to print one Job on sever al Printers? (Copy Queue) Using a copy que ue it is possible to pri nt the same print job on sever al printer s. The copy queue sends t he print job t o all member queues.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 40 S tore printed Jobs int o the Repository Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click Queues/Jobs . 2. Click Jobs . 3. Click Avanced options . 4. Enable the S tore pr inted j obs into t he reposi tory option.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Managing Queues and Jobs 41 How to print a T est Page? In order to tes t queues and printers, you can print a test p age. Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click Queues/Jobs . 2. Click Settin g in the list of queues. 3. Choose the dat a format for printing the test p age (Post Script or ASCII).
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Printin g methods 42 Printing method s Y ou can print to the ISD300 by severa l methods. They sp ecify which protoc ol is used to send the print dat a from the client to the ISD300. Usual ly you d efine thi s, whil e setting up a printer on your client PC.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Printin g methods 43 For fur ther information about using IPP to address ISD300 to printer s see: T ypes of Queues on p age 31. Sock et Prin ting It is possibl e to assign TCP port s in the range fr om 9100 to 9107 to print queue s.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using ISD300 as DHCP / DNS Serv er 44 Using ISD300 as DHCP / DNS Server The ISD300 comes with an i ntegrated DHCP/DNS ser ver . Comp ared with dedicat ed DHCP/DNS servers t he ISD300 provi des a l imited set of featur es.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using ISD300 as DHCP / DNS Serv er 45 T able: Parameter Setting s - DHCP Serv er Param eter Description Address ranges S t art Addr ess End A ddress ‘IP A ddress Range’ is the r ange th at sup plies DHCP leas es to DHCP clients.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using ISD300 as DHCP / DNS Serv er 46 How to display the lease file? Informat ion about t he DHCP Server co nfiguration i s shown in a lease f ile. Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click DHCP & DNS . 2. Click V iew leases fi le to d isp lay t he file .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using ISD300 as DHCP / DNS Serv er 47 DNS can be set by administrator s only . Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click DHCP & DNS . 2. Click Configure DNS server . 3. Enter the dat a; see: Parameter Settings - DNS Server on p age 47.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Using ISD300 as DHCP / DNS Serv er 48 How to start/stop the DHCP or DNS Se rver? Afte r DHCP or DNS is configured, the server can be st arted. Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click DHCP & DNS . 2. Click S tart Serv er .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 49 Security Access to the ISD300 and to the entire c onfigurati on is con trolled by means of a multiple level ac cess pr otecti on.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 50 3. Enter the PIN. 4. Click Set . Entering the PIN If a PIN has be en set, the message ‘ Enter PIN’ appe ars on the disp lay after a but ton is pressed. T o enter the PIN use the navigati on keys on t he ISD300.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 51 The acces s right s for the ’user’ login are freel y definabl e by the adm ini str ato r . What do you want t o do? • Changing the p assword of.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 52 Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click Configura tion . 2. Click User Profil e . 3. Enable or di sable the desir ed check boxes; see: Parameter Settin gs - User Prof ile on p age 52.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 53 certif icate issued by the cer tifica tion author i ty . The root certif icate is stor ed on an authenticat ion s erver in the net work. Upon del ivery , a self -signe d cert ificate (the so- called default cert ificat e) is stored on the ISD300.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 54 Creating a CA certif ica te Certif icates can be created by admini strator s only . If a certific ate has al ready been saved on the pr int s erver , the content of thi s cert ificat e will be di splayed.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 55 Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click Maintenance . 2. Click Certif icate . 3. Enter the dat a. 4. Choose Create cer tificat e request . 5. Click Create . The cert ificat e request i s created . 6. Click OK to c onf irm .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Security 56 5. Click Add . 6. Click Confirm ..
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Main tenan ce 57 Maintenance On the p age Maintenan ce you will find det ail ed informati on about the board. With the assist ance of the Softwar e Manage Wizard y ou can i nstal l and delet e soft ware on the ISD300 or creat e a backup.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Main tenan ce 58 T able: Param eter Informa tion - B oard Inf o Param ete r Descr iption Board Default na me Default nam e of the ISD300 (set by the ma nufa ctu .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Main tenan ce 59 How to configure e-mail or SNMP trap notifications? Automatic err or notif ication ensures possi ble system errors are inst antl y communicated to the adminis trator via email or SNMP T raps. The ISD300 s ends warnings and er ror message s via e-mail or SNMP traps to a reci pient.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Main tenan ce 60 4. Click Set . T able: Param eter Setti ngs - No tificatio n Level Des cription E-Mail Mail serv er IP add ress or the host na me o f the mai l server (e.g. 19 2.168.0. 21) Recipien t e-mail addr ess o f the rec ipien t (e.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Main tenan ce 61 It is not neces sary to delet e the notific ation set up. The noti fica ti on functi on can be switched o f.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Main tenan ce 62 - Network settings, q ueues, dr ivers, users an d access cont rol - Queues and drivers - Drivers onl y Proceed as fo ll ows: 1. Click Maintenance . 2. Click Software . 3. Choose Create bac kup on th e ISD300 .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Main tenan ce 63 2. Click Software . 3. Choose Instal l software on the ISD300 . 4. Click Next . 5. Click Browse... . 6. Select a fi le. 7. Click Next to upload th e file to th e ISD300. 8. Click Next to apply th e file to th e ISD300.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Parame ter D es cri pti o n 64 Para meter De scrip ti on Para m e t e r In fo r ma ti o n - H o m e .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... .... .. ... .. .. .. .. 12 Para m e t e r S et ti n g s - T C P /I P .
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Index 65 Index A Access Rights 51 Authenticat ion 20 Local 23 B Backup 61 C Certif icates CA cert ifi cate 54 delete 55 selfsigned certi ficate 53 Configur ing 1.
ISD3 00 User Manual ISD300 User Manual Index 66 R Reboot 62 Repository load files 40 prin t fi les 40 print jobs 40 S Security 49 SNMP trap 59 Socket Printi ng 43 Software delete 63 install 62 Switch .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts SEH ISD300 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie SEH ISD300 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für SEH ISD300 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von SEH ISD300 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über SEH ISD300 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon SEH ISD300 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von SEH ISD300 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit SEH ISD300. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei SEH ISD300 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.