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User Guide ©2003 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved. Nokia, the Model 3586i and the Original Enhancements logo ar e either trademarks or r egistered tr ademarks of Nokia Corpor ation and/or its affiliates. Nokia reserves the right t o mak e changes to products or specific ations without prior notice.
Nokia 3586i User Guid e What information is needed? Number s Where is the numbe r? My number Wireless service provider V oice mail number Wireless service provider Wirel ess provi der’s n umber Wireless service provider Provi der’s cust omer c are Wireless service provider Model number Nokia 3586i See “About your phone” on page 1 1.
The wireless phone described in this guide is approved for use in CDMA networks. LEGAL I NFORMATION P art No. 9356778, Issue No. 1 Copyright © 2003 Nokia. All r ights reserved. Nokia, Nokia Con nectin g People, No kia 3 586i, the Nokia Orig inal Enhanc eme nts log os, an d Rac ket are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation.
[ iii ] Contents 1 For your safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Quick guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Menu shortcu ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ iv ] 4 Phone setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Learn about your headset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5 T ext entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Enter lett ers and numbe rs .
[ v ] 8 V oi ce mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Store your voice mailbox number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Set greet ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Listen t o your voice messages .
[ vi ] 1 1 Advanced features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 View in-ca ll options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Use call fo rwarding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Use call waiting .
[ vii ] 15 Y our phone and other devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 PC Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 16 Minibrowser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 7 Understand browsing se ssions and indicators .
[ viii ] NOTES.
[ 1 ] For your safety 1 For your safety The use of m obile phones and th eir enhancem ents may be pr ohibited or restricted in ce rtain areas. Obey applicable law regarding mobile phone usage. Read these simple guidelin es. Breaking the rules ma y be dangerous or illegal.
[ 2 ] USE SENSIBL Y Use only in the n ormal position. Don't touch the antenna unnece ssa rily . QUALIFIED SERVICE Only qualified personnel may install or repair phone equipm ent. ENHANCEMENTS AND BATTERIES Use only approved enhancements and batteries.
[ 3 ] For your safety • QUI CK GUIDE * This feature is only supported w hen sending to anoth er Nokia phone. Make a call Fully extend w hip antenn a.
[ 4 ] • MENU SHORTCUTS 1 MESSAGES Text me ssag es . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1-1 Creat e mes sag e . . . . . . 0 1- 1-1 Inbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-1-2 Out box . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1-1 -3 Arch ive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1-1 -4 Templa tes .
[ 5 ] Welcome 2 W elcom e Congratulations on the purchase of your Nokia mobile phone - a new tool for th e mobile information society . Nokia recomm ends that you read this chapter before you use your new ph one.
[ 6 ] Observe text conv entions This user guide p rovides text clues to help make in structions clear and easy to follow . These clues are called conven tions. Follow graphic clues This guide uses certain icons (graphic clues) to aler t you to important information.
[ 7 ] Welcome • UNDERSTAND WIRELESS NETWORK SERVICES Y our servic e provide r’s wirele ss network may be equipped to provide spec ial features or fu nctions for us e with your No kia phone.
[ 8 ] • Audiocassette • E-text (electronic documents on a 3.5-inch disk, in Microsoft Wo rd or W ordP erfect f ormat). To request any of the above formats, please contact Nokia Custom er Care. Please see “Contact Nokia” on page 9 for m ore information.
[ 9 ] Welcome Note: The LPS-4 is s old separately as an enhancement. Once you connect the LPS-4 to your phone, use the phone’s menu ( Menu > Setting s > Enhancement s ettings > Loop set ) to enable loopset mode. For more information, see “Learn about your headset” on page 34.
[ 1 0 ] Have the right information available We r ecommend that you have the following information ava ilable before you contact the Nokia Customer Service department: • the phone’s model number �.
[ 1 1 ] About your phone 3 About yo ur phone This section gives you a brief introduction to your phone and provides you with quick steps for making, answering, and managing your calls. The r est of this guide user provides complete details on ph one use.
[ 12 ] • ABOUT THE ANTENNAS Y our phone is equipped with three antennas. The intern al antenna is always active. The whip antenna is activated when the whip antenna is fully extended. The GPS antenna is also internal and is activated when placing emergency calls or when the Location i nfo sharing fe ature is activated.
[ 13 ] About your phone If your deal er has already installed th e battery , please s ee “Char ge the battery” on page 13. 1 Remove the back cover of the phone by pressing and holding the release button while sliding the cover up ward towa rd the top of the phone.
[ 14 ] 2 With your phone on or off, connect the lead from the charger to th e charging port located on th e bottom of the phone. The battery indicator bar appears on the screen and starts to scroll up and down after a f ew seconds. With the phone off, only the batter y indicator bar will appear .
[ 15 ] About your phone RUIM card slot Y our phone has an RUIM card s lot built into its mechanics. However , the RUIM card slot is not functional in th is phone model. Please avoid placing anything in this slot. Important battery information • Recharge your battery only with a charger approved by Nokia.
[ 16 ] • CHECK THE START SCREEN The start screen refers to the phone’s display wh en no calls ar e in progress, an d there are currentl y no menu or phone book entries displayed. Y ou can easily return to the start screen from any location (other than an active call) simply by pressing the En d key .
[ 17 ] About your phone Note: The icons you see may dif fer depending on you r service provider . The service provider’s network deter mines which icons actually appea r on the scr een. • USE THE SELECTION KEYS Note the two selection keys ben eath the screen.
[ 18 ] • LEARN ABOUT THE KEYS The table on the f ollowing page contains a summary of how the various keys on your phone work. • MAKE AND ANSWER CALLS Tip: Fully extend the whip antenna when placing or receiving calls. Ke y Descri ptio n Po w e r : Press and hold to switch the phone on or off.
[ 19 ] About your phone Use the followin g table as a quick referenc e for making and answerin g calls: • REVIEW PHONE SYMBO LS The following is a collection of the various indicators and icons you may see on your phone. Tas k Instru ction s Make a call 1 Enter the number using the keypad (include area code as needed).
[ 20 ] Ke yguard is active. Y ou have one or m ore voice messages waiting. Y ou have one or m ore unread text messages waiting. Digital service is available.
[ 2 1 ] About your phone •M E M O R Y U S E In your ph one, Calendar Notes and To n e s share a comm on pool of memory (sto rage cap acity). When either of th ese feat ures are used, there is les s available me mory for the oth er feature which is al so dependent on sh ar ed memory .
[ 22 ] • USE THE SELECTION KEYS Note the two selection keys beneath the s creen. The f unction of these keys is determined by the word shown above them on the screen. For example, press ing the left selection key when th e word Menu appears above it shows the first of many menus.
[ 23 ] About your phone • BROWSE PHONE MENUS Y our phone’s menu system displays choices you can make to change settings on your phone or gives you access to various phone features. Y our phone has 1 0 menu s, plus the phone book m enu ( Contacts ).
[ 24 ] SCROLLI NG TIPS • Y ou can scr oll up as well as down to find some of the most frequently used submenu options. • Y ou can return to the pr evious menu level by pressing Back . • To exit a menu and return to the start screen, press the En d key .
[ 25 ] About your phone • MENU AND MENU SHORTCUTS MESSAGE S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Text me ssa ges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ 26 ] V oice messa ges 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-2 Liste n to vo ice mes sage s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-2-1 View det ails of la st v oi ce ma il . . .
[ 27 ] About your phone Data /fa x cal ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Last sen t dat a/f ax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6-1 Last rece ive d da ta/f ax .
[ 28 ] SETTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Call sett ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -1 Loca tion in fo sh arin g . . .
[ 29 ] About your phone Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3-2 Show (Hi de) date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3-2 -1 Set t he d ate . . . . . . . . .
[ 30 ] Netwo rk service s 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 V oic e pri vacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 -1 Call forw ardi ng . . . . . . . .
[ 3 1 ] About your phone V OICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 V oic e ta gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 Add voice tag 1 .
[ 32 ] Make a no te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1-2 -2 Meet ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1-2-2-1 Mem o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ 33 ] About your phone • PHONE B OOK MENU From the sta rt screen, press Contacts . The followin g phone book option s are available: Menu Menu (cont ’d.
[ 34 ] 4 Phone setup Now that you have had a chance to learn about some of the basic funct ions and features of your phone, you may want to explore a fe w options to improve the way you use your phone. • LEARN ABOUT YOUR HEADSET Using the HDB-4 headset (available for pu rchase) offers you convenient handsfree communications with your phone.
[ 35 ] Phone setup Adjust screen brightness Y ou can change the brightness on your phone’s screen, making the screen brighter or darker . 1 Press Menu 4-4-4 ( Settings > Display settings > Disp lay b rig htne ss ). Y our phone displays the current setting.
[ 36 ] 5 T ext entry War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interfere nce or danger . Y ou can enter letters, numbers , and special characters via the ph one’s keypad when working with the phone book, calen dar , text messaging, or while br owsing the In ternet.
[ 37 ] Text entry • WRITE USI NG ABC AND 123 MODES A status in dicator in the upper left cor ner of your screen indicates what mode you are in whenever you are enter ing inf ormation into your phone (phone book, ca lendar , or text messaging).
[ 38 ] For example: to enter the na me “Albert” : Press 2 A Press 5 - 5 - 5 l Press 2 - 2 b Press 3 - 3 e Press 7 - 7 - 7 r Press 8 t Note: Default mode is sentence case where first letter of a name or sent ence is automatically capitalized. Phone book default mode is ti tle case - each word is capital ized.
[ 39 ] Text entry Enter punctuati on/other characters Y o u can ent er punctuation, specials c haracters, and symbols while wr iting text messages, entering notes in the Or gani zer , creating phone book entries, o r browsing the In ternet. The illustration to the right shows a sa mple of the available c haracters.
[ 40 ] p This character creates a pause that occurs when the phone dials a number . Numbers entered to the right of th is special character are auto matic all y sent as touch t ones af ter a 2. 5-se cond p ause . w This character causes the phone to wait for you to press Send .
[ 4 1 ] Text entry K EYS AND TOOLS FOR PREDICTIVE TEXT Key Descri ptio n 2 - 9 Use for text entry . Press each key only once per letter . Press and hold the ke y to enter the num ber . * /+ If the underlined word is not the word you intended, press this key repeatedly until the word you want appears.
[ 42 ] T urn on predictiv e text input Y ou can turn on predictive te xt input from the Op tion s menu while writing a text message. O nce enabled, predictive text is available to all features that support it. in the screen’s upper left corner indicates predictive text is active.
[ 43 ] Text entry If the displayed word is not correct: •P r e s s * /+ repeatedly until the word you want appears, then press 0 to confirm your choice and continue. - OR- •P r e s s Options , scroll to Matches , then press Sel ect . Scroll to the correc t w ord an d pr ess Use .
[ 44 ] 6 Contacts (Phone book ) War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interfere nce or danger . Y ou can save up to 500 entr ies (contac ts and associated numbers) in your phone book. The phone’s memory is capable of storing multiple numbers for each name (home, busines s, mobile, etc.
[ 45 ] Contacts (Phone book) • RECALL CONTACTS AND NUMBERS There are several ways to r ecall phone book entries. Once you locate the desired name and number from the phone book, you can pe rform any of the foll owing tasks: call the number , edit or add inform ation to the se lected phone book entry , or delete the entry .
[ 46 ] Displaying the phone book Y our phone book’s information can be displayed in two different ways: • Name list - Entries displayed as a list of contacts. • Name+number - Name and default number disp layed When viewing the ph one book, use th e scroll key to scroll through the phone book entries.
[ 47 ] Contacts (Phone book) • ADD A NUMBER TO A PHONE B OOK ENTR Y There are seve ral ways to ad d additional numbers to an e xisting phone book entry .
[ 48 ] 1 Recall the name from the ph one book. 2 Press Deta ils , then scroll to highlight the number you want to modify . 3 Press Optio ns , scroll to Change type , then press Select . 4 Scroll to the number type you would l ike, then pr ess Se l ect .
[ 49 ] Contacts (Phone book) DELETE ENTIRE P HONE BOOK ENTRY 1 Highligh t the phone book entry you want to delete, then press Details . 2 Press Optio ns . Scroll to Dele te , then press Select . 3 Press OK to delete the phone book entry (including all details).
[ 50 ] Assign phone number to a caller group 1 Recall the desired phone book entry , then press De tails . 2 Scroll to the desired phone number , then press Options . 3 Scroll to Caller gr oups , then press Select . 4 Scroll to the desired caller group (for example Famil y ), then pres s Select .
[ 5 1 ] Call log 7 Call log War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interfere nce or danger . Y our phone keeps a log (record) of call-related information including phone numbers and call times.
[ 52 ] 2 Scroll up or down to view the list of m issed, received, or dialed calls. Scroll to the desired call log entry , then press Options . Note: If the phone number recorded by the call log matches a number stored in you r phone book, the nam e of the phone book entry is displayed.
[ 53 ] Call log DIALED NUMBERS Y ou can view the list of dialed calls without having to access the Call log menu. From the st art scr een: 1 Press the Send key . The most recently dialed call is displayed. 2 Scroll up or down to view the other cal l log entries.
[ 54 ] ACCESS T HE VARIOUS CALL T IMERS: 1 Press Menu 2-5 ( Call l og > Call timers ). 2 Scroll up or down to view the options described in the followin g list: • TURN ON A C URRENT C ALL TIMER Y our phone can display a call timer showing elapsed time of th e current call.
[ 55 ] Call log • CLE AR CA LL TIM ERS 1 Press Menu 2-5-6 ( Call lo g > Call tim ers > Clear time rs ). 2 The Security code field appear s. 3 Enter your security code and press OK .
[ 56 ] 8 V oic e mailbox War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interfere nce or danger . V oice mail is a feature that enables those who call you to leave a voice message, in the event you are unable to answer your phone.
[ 57 ] V oice mailbox • LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE MESSAGES Note: The way you r etrieve your voice messages varies, depending on your service provider . Call your serv ice provider if you have any questions. LISTEN TO MESSAGES WHEN NOTIFIED If your phone plays an alert tone an d New voice message is displayed, press Listen and follow the prom pts.
[ 58 ] 9 T ext messages War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone u se is prohibited or when it m ay cause interference or danger . Y ou can u se the Messages menu (Me nu 1) and Short Message Service (SMS) to read, wri te and send text messages to another phone in your network.
[ 59 ] Text messages 1 From the sta rt screen, pr ess Menu , th en pre ss Select . 2 Select T ext messages , then select Create messag e . 3 Select either Te x t (up to 16 0 charac ters) or Numeric page (message consists of phone number only). Note: The ability to sen d a numerical page may be dependent on your wireless network.
[ 60 ] • USE MESSAGE TEMPLATES Tem plates are short, prewritten m essages which can be recalled and inserted into n ew text messages wh en you a re short on time. 1 Create a new text message as described in steps 1 - 6 in the section, “Create and send a text message” on page 5 8.
[ 6 1 ] Text messages 3 Scroll to one of the availabl e templates: 4 Press Select to enter the text into your new message. 5 Complete the p rocess described earlier to se nd your message. Y ou can also create a new message while browsing the Templates folder .
[ 62 ] Messages to phones in othe r networks Most service providers now h ave the ability to route e- mail messages to your phone (appearing as t ext messages). The following are just a f ew examples of how your phone’s e- mail address may appear: 2135551234@myserviceprovider.
[ 63 ] Text messages Note: The icon in front of the message header indicate s the message has not been read. in front of the m essage header indicates you have already viewed the message. • RESPOND TO A TEXT MESSAGE Y ou have several options when reading a text message.
[ 64 ] • REPLY TO A MESSAGE Y ou can reply to a text message either by a traditional text message or by an e-mail message. The or igin of the me ssage or the sender’s wir eless network affects how you reply to the incoming message. Replying vi a SMS 1 While viewing a message, press Op tions .
[ 65 ] Text messages • DELETE MESSAGES Y ou have several options for erasing individual messages or erasing the contents of an entire folder . Y ou may need to delete older or unwanted messages in order to fre e up your phone’s memory f or new messages.
[ 66 ] 1 While viewing a message, press Op tions . 2 Scroll to Forward and press Se lect . 3 Select Add e-mail or Ad d number , then address th e mess age. For multiple recipients, press Options again , then add additional e-mail addresses or phone numbers.
[ 67 ] Text messages A blinking icon indicates the text m essage memory is full. B efore you can receive, save, or send any new messages, yo u must delete older messages from yo ur Inbox , Outbo x , or the Archive folder . • MESSAGE SETTINGS Specify several settings that affect the over all way your phone handles text messaging.
[ 68 ] 1 0 P erson alization War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interfere nce or danger . • LEARN ABOUT PROFILES A pr ofile refers to a group of settings you can use to customize the way your phon e works.
[ 69 ] P ersonalization • CUSTOMIZE A PROFILE 1 Press Menu 3 ( Profil es ). 2 Scroll to the profile you want to customize, then press Select . 3 Scroll to Cus tomize , then press Sele ct . The following sections describe each of the options you can customize.
[ 7 0 ] 1 From a profile’s Customiz e menu, scroll to Ring ing ton e and press Select . 2 Scroll through the options and listen. When you hear the ringing tone you want to us e, press Select . About polyphonic sound (MIDI) Y our phone is equipped with a polyphonic tone genera tor capable of playing up to four differ ent voices simultaneously .
[ 7 1 ] P ersonalization 1 From the selected profile’s Customize menu, scroll to Message alert tone and press Select . 2 Scroll through the options and listen.
[ 72 ] 2 Select Change image from the list of options to activate wallpaper . 3 Use the scroll keys to browse the im age gallery . When you arrive at the image of your choice, press Option s , scroll to Set as wallpaper , and press Select . 4 If Replace curr ent wal lpape r? appears in the display , p ress OK .
[ 73 ] P ersonalization ADJU ST TI MEO UT SE TT ING S The Timeout setting allows you to determine how long the phone must be in idle mode before the screen saver is activated. T he default timeout setting for screen saver is 2 minutes. To adjust this setting: 1 Press Menu 4 ( Setti ngs ).
[ 74 ] View folders 1 At the start screen, press Men u 5-1 ( Galler y > View f olders ), and then press Select . A list of folders appears in the display . 2 Scroll to a folder , such as Graphics or To n es and press Open . 3 Scroll through the list of graphics or ton es, and press Op ti ons .
[ 75 ] P ersonalization Select and customize an enhancement profile Note: Y ou must have an enhancement (s uch as a loopset) attached to your phone prior to selecting the Enhancement settings menu.
[ 76 ] IF YOU SELECTED TTY/TDD The following option is available. Pr ess Select to enter the option’s submenu and modify its settings. • Use TTY - Enable the use of a TTY/TDD device. Scroll to Ye s or No an d press Select . Note: If the loopset is en abled, you wi ll be asked to disable the loop set before enabling TTY/TDD.
[ 77 ] P ersonalization Use PC Composer Y ou can use No kia PC Suite’s PC Composer to create new r inging tones an d send them to your phone via the DKU-5 cable (available as an enhancement). For more information, please refer to the Nokia PC Suite User Guide and PC/ PDA Connectivity Gu ide in the Download Software section o f www .
[ 78 ] By default, th e clock gets its in formatio n from the wirele ss ne tw or k. If yo u wish to override the n etwork clock, do the f ollowing: Manually setting the clock 1 Press Menu 4-3-1 ( Setting s > Ti me se tti ng s > Clock ). 2 Scroll to Set the time , then pre ss Se lec t .
[ 79 ] P ersonalization Displaying or hiding the cloc k 1 Press Menu 4-3-1 ( Setting s > Ti me setting s > Cloc k ). 2 Depending on the current settings, either Hide cloc k or Show clock is h ighlighted.
[ 80 ] Create a voice tag for a menu option Import ant: Please see “Importa nt notes about voice tags” on pa ge 90 for more information on creating voice tags. 1 Press Menu 8-2 ( Vo i c e > V oice commands ). 2 Scroll to the menu option you wish to tag, then press Select .
[ 8 1 ] P ersonalization W ork with voice tags Y ou can listen to an ex isting voice tag (in case you f orgot what you recorded), re-record a voice tag, or delete an existing tag. 1 Press Menu 8-2 ( Vo i c e > V oice commands ). 2 Scroll to the menu option you wish to tag, then press Select .
[ 82 ] 1 1 Advanc ed featu res War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interfere nce or danger . Note: Some in-call options are network services features. Please contact your service provider for information and availability .
[ 83 ] Advanced features • USE CALL FORWARDING When you use call fo rwardi ng , your network redirects incoming calls to another phone number . Using this feature helps to prevent missing important phone calls. Import ant: Call forwarding is a ne twork-dependent feature and may not work the same in all networks.
[ 84 ] Store a feature code 1 Press Menu 4-7-5 ( Setting s > Network ser vices > Ne twork feature se tting ). T he Feature co de field appears after a f ew seconds. 2 Enter the feature code your service provider gave you (example *90 for a cti va ting Forw ard if busy ), then press OK .
[ 85 ] Advanced features 2 Scroll to the desired c all forwarding option, then press Select . 3 Highlight Activa te and press Select . 4 Enter the number to wh ich you want your calls forwarded (or press Search to recall a nu mber from the phone book), and press OK .
[ 86 ] Note: Check with your service provider to make sure this service is available in your n etwork. 1 Make a call to th e first participant as usu al. When you are ready to place a call to the next party: 2 Press Optio ns , then press New call . 3 Enter the number and press the Send key (or press Search to recall the number from the phone book).
[ 87 ] Advanced features Store the feature codes Before you can use the Send own c aller ID when c alling fea ture, you must store the feature codes for activating this feature. Once the code is stored in your phone, it is sent automatically to th e network when you select this option from you r phone’s menu.
[ 88 ] If the system is busy , your phone makes th ree additional call attempts. If you want to stop the automatic redial process before the last attempt, press the End key . Import ant: This feature does not automatically retry a number when the n umber you are calling is busy .
[ 89 ] Advanced features 6 Enter the required information ( access number or prefix a nd card number) . Press OK to confirm your entries. 7 Press OK to save your ch anges. 8 Scroll to Card name , t hen press Select . En ter the card nam e, then press OK .
[ 90 ] • V oi ce tags are sensitive t o background noise. Record them and make calls in a quiet environment. • When recording a voice tag or making a call by saying a voice tag, hold the phone in th e normal position near to your ear . • V e ry short contacts are not accepted.
[ 9 1 ] Advanced features • Unique tags are recognized more accurately . Consider using first and last name or f irst name, last name, and number type (for example, mobile, home, work, etc.) when tagging a number . For example, "John Smith, work.
[ 92 ] W ork with voice tags Y ou can listen to an ex isting voice tag (in case you f orgot what you recorded), rerecord a voice tag, or delete an existing tag. 1 At the start screen, press Contacts . Sc roll to Vo i c e t a g s , then pre ss Select .
[ 93 ] Advanced features 4 Enter the phone number m anually , or press Search to locate a phone book entry . 5 Select the desired nam e or entry from the phone book. I f more than one number is stored for that entry , scroll to the de sired number and press Select .
[ 94 ] SELECT A RIN GING TONE AND GR APHIC FOR A CAL LER GROUP 1 Press Contacts . 2 Scroll to Cal ler grou ps and press Select . 3 Scroll to one of th e c aller groups and press Opti ons .
[ 95 ] Advanced features SET TOUCH TONE TYPE 1 Press Menu 4-2-2-1 ( Sett ings > Phone sett ing s > T ouch tones > Manual touch tones ). 2 Select one of the following options, then press Select : SET FIXED TO UCH TONE LENGTH Y ou can also specif y touc h ton e le ngth wh en us ing t he Fixed option.
[ 96 ] RECALL TO UCH TONE STRING FRO M THE PHONE BOOK 1 During a call to the au tomated service, press Options , scroll to T ouch tone s and press Select . 2 Press Sea rc h , scroll to the touch tone string e ntry in your phone book, then press OK . 3 Press Ton e s to send the touch tones.
[ 97 ] Advanced features USE LINK ING OPTIONS 1 Store the touch tone string i nto your phone book. 2 Assign the phone book entry with the touch tone s to a 1-touch dialing location (example: location 3 ). For more information on 1-touch dialing, see “1-touch dialing” on page 9 2.
[ 98 ] NOTES • Pressing Back instead of entering a subject discards the m emo without saving. • Pressing OK without entering a subject assigns the default name ( Reco rding ) to the memo. W ork with recorded memos To view a list of recorded memos: 1 Press Menu 8-3-2 ( Vo i c e > V oice recorde r > Rec ordin gs list ).
[ 99 ] Security and System settings 12 Se curi ty and S ystem se ttings War n i n g : Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone u se is prohibited or when it may cause interf erence or d an ger. Y our phone has a variety of security features that help prevent some of the following: • Placing accidental or unintentional calls.
[ 1 00 ] • SECURITY CODE Y our phone prompts you for a five-digit securit y code for certai n featur es an d com ma nds . Access is granted only after t he correct security code has been entered successf ully . Y our phone’s default security c ode is 12345 .
[ 101 ] Security and System settings • PHONE LOCK This feature protects your phone from u nau- thorized outgoing calls or unauthorized access to information st ored in the ph one. When phone lock is activated, Phone lo cked is displayed each time you turn your phone on or off.
[ 1 02 ] Activating and deactivating phone lock 1 Press Menu 4-6-2-1 ( Setting s > Security settings > Ac cess codes > Phone l ock ). 2 Enter the lock code, then press OK . 3 Scroll to On or Of f , then press Select . 4 Turn your phone off and back on to comple te the phone lock activation (or deact ivation).
[ 1 03 ] Security and System settings • CALL RESTRICTIONS This feature allows you to restrict incoming a nd outgoing calls. Y ou can restrict all calls or create a custom list of n umbers to restrict.
[ 1 04 ] 6 Enter a name to identify this r estriction, or just press OK . Note: When creating a new restriction, that restriction is automatically selected (enabled) at th e time it is saved. Select call restrictions 1 Press Menu 4-6-1 ( Settings > Se curity se ttings > C all restr ictions ).
[ 1 05 ] Security and System settings 3 Scroll to Restrict outgo ing calls or Restrict in comin g calls and press Select . 4 Scroll to De lete and press Select . 5 Scroll to the restriction you wish to delete, then press OK . 6 Press OK again to dele te restriction.
[ 1 06 ] Note: Loca tion info rmation will always be shared with t he netwo rk durin g em erge ncy ca lls t o th e off icial emer genc y numb er p rogra mmed into the ph one, regard less of which setting is se lected. Af ter plac ing an emergency call the phone remains in em ergency mode for five minutes.
[ 1 0 7 ] Organizer 13 Organizer Y our phone has a calendar , alarm clock, stopwatch, and contact database— everything you need in an organizer or personal digi tal assistant. • USE THE ALARM CLOCK Y our phone’s alarm clock can be set t o sound an alarm at a time you specify .
[ 1 08 ] Alarm when phone power i s off If the alarm time is reache d while the phone is switched off, th e phone switches itself on and starts sounding the alarm tone. If you press Stop , the phone asks whether you w ant to activate the phone for calls.
[ 1 09 ] Organizer Learn about Calendar views WEEK L IST From the Org anizer menu, scroll to Calendar , and press Select . Use the we ek list to view your c alend ar f our w eeks a t a gl ance . When you view the calendar , notice that today’s date is highlighted.
[ 1 1 0 ] The Options list for n ote view include: • Delet e , Edit , Mo ve , or Repe at the current n ote (every day , every week, biweekly or every year). • Make a note - used to create a new note for the selected day . • Go to date is used to jump to a specif ic date.
[ 111 ] Organizer 4 Scroll to the desired alarm option, then pr ess Select . The presence of an alarm is indicated by when you view the notes. WHEN THE ALARM SOUNDS FOR A NOTE The phone flashes its lights, beeps, and displays the note. W hen a Call note is display ed, you can call the number by pressing the Sen d key .
[ 1 12 ] • STOP WATCH Y ou can use y our pho ne’s Stopwatch featu re to time an event in hours, minutes and seconds. T he event’s time can be saved, viewed, or deleted.
[ 1 13 ] Organizer • Reset - clears the current timing data and resets the timer . • Start - restarts the split timer from the point the tim er was stopped. Time an event using lap timing The lap time function allows you to measure the amount of time it takes to complete a cycle or lap.
[ 1 14 ] 14 Games War n i n g : Y our phone must be switched on to use this function. Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cau se interference or danger . Y ou can use your phone not only for communication but also for some serious fun.
[ 1 15 ] Y our phone and oth er devices 15 Y our phone an d other device s Y our phone is capable if inter acting with, or conne cting to a computer using the DKU-5 USB c able. Y our phone can exchange information with other desktop and laptop PCs. Y our phone can also func tion as a wi reless mode m when connected to PCs.
[ 1 16 ] Please refer to the document Nokia PC Suite User Guide an d PC/PDA Connectivity Guide fo r i nstallation and setu p instructions availab le in the Download So ftware section of www .
[ 1 17 ] Minibro wser 16 Minibrowser War n i n g : Y our phone must be switched on to use this fun ction. Do no t switch the phon e on when wi reless phone us e is pr ohibited or wh en it m ay cause interfe rence or dang er . Import ant: This feature is available only if your service provider’s network supports mobile inter net access.
[ 1 18 ] • LAUNCHING THE MINIBROWSER Note: Y ou must be in digital coverage to use the minibrowser . If you are in analog coverag e you will get the e rror message “Network not responding” . The first time you launch the minibrowser , you go through a securi ty setup process that takes three to f ive minutes (follow the on-screen prompts).
[ 1 19 ] Minibro wser ABOUT WEB P AGE CONTENT The following items may appear on web pages: • Menu choices (may appear as a numb ered list). • Hyperlinks (appear as underlined text ). • Input fi elds (for text or numbers) - appear as [...] . • Standard text (for reading on ly-no action required).
[ 120 ] GO TO THE HOME P AGE •P r e s s t h e En d key repeatedly to move back through previously viewed pages until the Home P age appears. OR, • Press to display the minibrowser m enu, scroll to Home , th en press OK .
[ 12 1 ] Minibro wser • BOOKMARKS Y ou can create a bookmark for a page so that you can quickly return to that page later . (Y ou may also be able to create bookmarks via your personal account at your service pr ovider’s web site.) BOOKMARK A PAGE 1 Go to the page for which you want to set a bookmark.
[ 122 ] Y ou can us e the Minibr owser messages menu ( Menu 0 1 - 3 ) to read your messages at a later time . W eb links in minibrowser messages Y ou can receive minibrowser messages containing Web links. If you receive a message containing a link, select Use Web l ink from the messa ge’s Options menu to open the li nk and go to the Web site.
[ 123 ] Minibro wser Tip: To prevent unintentional exiting of the minibrowser session, select either the Both or On exit options. This ensures th at a confirmation message appears before exiting. Note: If you press and hold the End key , the minib rowser session ends without confirmation (regardless of the minibrowser confirmation setting).
[ 124 ] 17 Reference informatio n • USE ENHANCEMENTS SAFELY This sec tion provides inf ormation a bout the phone’s batteries, enhance ments, and chargers. Be aware that the information in thi s section is subject to change as th e batteries, chargers, and enhancements ch ange.
[ 125 ] Reference infor mation Leaving the battery in hot or cold places, su ch as in a closed car in summer or winter conditions, will reduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery . Always try to keep the battery between 15°C and 25°C (5 9°F and 77°F).
[ 126 ] PA C E M A K E R S P acemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separation of at least 6 inches (approximately 15 cm) be m aintained between a handheld wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker .
[ 127 ] Reference infor mation P OSTED FACI LITIES Switch your phone off in any facility where posted notices s o require. P otentially explosive atmospheres Switch off your phone w hen in any area w ith a potentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signs and in structions.
[ 128 ] Aircraft Switch off your phone before boarding an aircraft. The use of wir eless telephones in an aircraft ma y be dangerous to the operation of the aircraft, disrupt the wireless telephone networ k, and may be illegal.
[ 129 ] Reference infor mation • CERTIFICATION INFORMATION (SAR) THIS MO DEL PHO NE MEETS GO VERN MENT REQ UIREM ENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WA VES Y our mobile phone is a radio transmitter and receiver . It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by Industry Canada.
[ 130 ] • CARE AND MAINTENANCE Y our phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The suggestions below will help you to f ulfill any warranty obligations and to enjoy this product for m any years: • Keep the phone and all its parts and enhancements out of the reach of small children.
[ 13 1 ] Reference infor mation •E N H A N C E M E N T S If you wa nt to enhance yo ur phone’s funct ionality , a range of e nhancements is available for you. Y ou can select any of these items to help accommodate your specific communication needs.
[ 132 ] Charging Times Charging times for the BLC-2 Li-Ion Battery (1 000 mAh) are approximate: Standby and Talk Times Note: Battery talk and standby tim es are estimates only and depen d on signal st.
[ 133 ] Reference infor mation • CHARGERS AND O THER ENHANCEMENTS Check the model number of any charger be fore use with th is device. This device is intended for use when supplied with power f rom the devices listed on the f ollowing pages.
[ 134 ] T ravel charger (ACP- 12U) This is a lightweight and durable AC charger . To use the Standard travel c harger , plug it into a standard 120 V AC wall outle t and connect the lead f rom the charger to th e base of your phone.
[ 135 ] Reference infor mation Data cable (DKU-5) Easy and conven ient co nnecti on to your PC or laptop computer for wireless modem functionality . DKU-5 is a USB cable that can be used with Nokia PC Suite and the DCV-15 Desktop charger with PC Sync.
[ 136 ] Car kit (CARK -142) The Ca r kit (CARK-142 ) offers a convenient handsfree option, automatic charging facility , and transmission capa city with external antenna connection.
[ 137 ] Reference infor mation 1 Push the release button on th e back cover . 2 Slide the cover downward and lift off. REMO VE TH E FRO NT CO VER 1 With the phone face down or up, grab the top of the phone’s front cover . 2 Gently pry the front cover away from the phone and lif t the cover off the phone.
[ 138 ] REPLACE THE FRONT C OVER 1 Align the keypad with the proper openings in the front cover . 2 Gently push the fron t cover into the phone until it clicks into place. REPLACE THE BACK CO VER 1 Insert the two catches of the back cover in the cor responding slots in the phone.
[ 139 ] Reference infor mation • FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) This section lists and an swers the questions that you most frequently ask. Where n ecessary , the answers refer you to the appr opriate text w ithin this guide. Note: Some of the answers tell you to use m enu shortcuts.
[ 140 ] Q. How do I change t he rin ging ton e? A. P ress Menu 3 and scroll through the list of profiles until you find the one for which you want to change the ringing tone, then press Select . Highlight Custo mize and press Select . Scroll to Ri nging ton e , then press Select .
[ 14 1 ] Reference infor mation Q. How do I assign a key to 1-touch dialing? A. P ress Contacts and sc roll to 1-to uch dialing . Press Select . Scroll to the first number that includes the me ssage (empty) and press Assign . Scroll to the name/number to which you want to assign to this key and press Select .
[ 142 ] • GLOSSARY Ter m : Defi nit ion: analog network A network w here the signal is con veyed by varying the frequency , amplitude or phase of the transmission. antenna The portion of your phone designed to transmit and receive the wirele ss signal.
[ 143 ] Reference infor mation e-mail Electr onic Mail. A written form of communication in which tex t (and other types of in formation) is tra nsmit ted between recipients electronically via special electronic mail systems managed by corporations and/or Interne t service providers.
[ 144 ] message alert tone The sounds that are heard upon receipt of a text or syst em message (e.g. call waitin g notification) by your phone. microphone The elec tronic element in the base of your phone that picks up you r voice and other sounds.
[ 145 ] Reference infor mation profil e Refe rs to th e variou s settings r elating to your phone’s audible, vi sible and vibr ating alerts, and the ability to have multiple configurations to match your location or environment. ringin g to ne The tone or melody that is heard when you have an incoming call.
[ 146 ] voic e dialin g The ability to dial numbers in your phone using the phone’s voice recognition feature. ( see voice tags) voice mail A system maintained by your s ervice provider , used to record voice messages when you are una ble to answer a call.
[ 147 ] Reference infor mation • TEC HNICAL INFORMATION Wirele ss syst em Dual-ba nd CD MA 800 MHz , 190 0 MHz plus 80 0 AM PS We ig h t 1 16. 6 grams / 4.1 oz Dime ns io ns Length : 1 17.6 mm/ 4.63 in Width: 4 9.5 mm/1.9 5 in Thickness: 2 3.9 mm/0 .
[ 148 ] • TROUBLESHOO TING Proble m P oss ible c ause P ossib le soluti on My phone is not charging. Charger and phone are not properly connected. Check conn ectio n betwee n charger and phone/ charger stan d and phone. Charger is not properly plugged in.
[ 149 ] Reference infor mation My SMS messages are not being delive red. Y ou do not ha ve SMS service. Call your wireless service provider . I canno t succ essf ully tag a phon e book e ntry or menu command. Excessive background noise during the recording process.
[ 150 ] Nokia One-Y ear Limited W arranty Nokia warran ts that the Nokia wireles s phone and enhancem ents are free from defects in material and wor kmanship.
[ 15 1 ] Reference infor mation 4 This warranty does not cover defects or damages caused by a product which is not a pproved by Nokia to be connected to its wireless phone; 5 This warranty does not co.
[ 152 ] Besides this 9 0-day service warranty , the warranty repairs or repla cements do not affect the original warranty conditions, which are determined by the date of purchase.
[ 153 ] Index Numerics 1-touc h dial ing 92 set up 92 3-way conference calls 85 A ABC and 123 m odes 37 access codes lock code 101 security code 100 accessibility alte rnat e f orm ats 7 featu re s 8 .
[ 154 ] call forwarding 83 , 8 4 activate 84 cancel 84 feature codes 84 call lists, clear ing 53 call restrictions 10 3 adding 103 editing 104 erasing 10 4 selecting 104 call timers clearing 55 turnin.
[ 155 ] erase mista kes 38 erase mista kes 38 erase name s or numbers 46 ESN n umbe r 10 F FAQ 139 fax call time rs 55 G games 114 star ting 114 glossary of terms 14 2 GPS (Location sharing) 105 H hea.
[ 156 ] network services 7 subscribing 7 Nokia PC Suite 115 number type, changing 47 number type s 47 number s, ad d to mess age 43 number s, ent ering 38 O one-touch dialing 92 options in-call menu 8.
[ 157 ] ring volume, setting 70 ringing tone, setting 69 ringing tones, download 76 ringing tons polyphonic sound 70 ring s an d to nes 68 S save e-mail address 49 phone book entry 44 street address 4.
[ 158 ] U underlined words 42 understanding wireless network services 7 unlock keypad 99 updates to this guide 6 use the heads et 34 V vibrating alert, settin g 70 view calend ar note 109 dialed calls.
[ 159 ] NOTES.
[ 160 ] 08/03 NOTES.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Samsung N-35861 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Samsung N-35861 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Samsung N-35861 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Samsung N-35861 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Samsung N-35861 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Samsung N-35861 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Samsung N-35861 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Samsung N-35861. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Samsung N-35861 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.