Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CRV-B-8 des Produzenten Roberts Gorden
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W ARNING Installation must be done b y a contract or qualified in the installation and service of gas-fir ed heating equipment or your gas supplier . Improper installation, adjustment, alter ation, ser vice or maintenance can result in death, injury or property damage.
© 2006 R OBER TS GORDON, LLC All rights r eser ved. No part of this work cov ered by the cop yrights herein ma y be repr oduced or copied in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechani.
TABLE OF FIGURES Fi gure 1: St andard R eflect or ........................ .................... ......... 4 Fi gure 2: One S ide Refl ector ............. ................... ................. .... 4 Fi gure 3: T wo Side R eflect ors ..................
SECTION 1: H EATER S AFETY 1 SECTION 1: HEATER SAFETY Y our Saf ety is Impor tant to Us! This sy mbol is used throu ghout the manual t o notify you of possib le fi re , electr ical or burn hazar ds. Please pa y special at tention when r eading and f ollow ing the w ar nings in these sections.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 2 SECTION 2: INSTALLER RESPONSIBILITY The installer is r esponsib le f or the f ollow ing: • T o ensur e the sy st em is designed in accor dance w ith the paramet ers of the CR V -Series De sign Manual (P/N 1 27500NA).
SECTION 3: C RIT I CA L C ONSIDER ATIONS 3 SECTION 3: CRITICAL CONSI DERATIONS 3.1 R equired Cle arances t o Comb ustibles Clearances ar e the r equir ed distances that combustib le objects m ust be aw a y fr om the heate r to pre vent ser ious f ire hazar d s .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 4 NOTE: 1 . All dimensions ar e from th e surf aces of all tubes, coupling s, elbo ws, t ees and crosses . 2. Clearances B , C and D ca n be r educed b y 50% af ter 25' (7 .5 m) of tubing do wnstr eam fro m wher e the combu stion chamber and the t ube connect.
SECTION 3: C RIT I CA L C ONSIDER ATIONS 5 NOTE: 1 . All dimensions ar e fr om the surf aces of all t ubes, coup lings, e lbows, tees a nd crosse s. 2. Cleara nces B, C and D can b e reduced by 50% a f ter 25 ' (7 .5 m ) of tubing do wnstr eam from wher e the combu stion chamber and the t ube connect.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 6 NOTE: 1 . All dimensions ar e from the surf aces of all tu bes, couplings , elbo ws, t ees and crosse s. 2. Cleara nces B, C and D can b e reduced by 50% a f te r 25' (7 .5 m) of tubing do wnstr eam fro m wher e the combu stion chamber and the t ube connect.
SECTION 4: N ATIONAL S TANDARDS AND A PPLICABLE C ODES 7 SECTION 4: NATIONAL STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE CODES 4.1 Gas Codes The type of gas appear ing on the namepla te must be the type of gas used. Inst allation must comply with national and local codes and requir ements of the local gas compan y .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 8 SECTION 5: MA JOR COMPONEN TS The f igur es in this section pr ovide a gener al ov erview of component placement in a CR V -Series s yst em. The location of some components such as suppor ts and couplings is crucial f or proper inst allation.
SECTION 5: M AJOR C OMPONENTS 9 FIGURE 1 0: Major Component Descriptions (Conti nued) Univ ersal Shield w ith Holes Refl e cto r Jo in t Ref lector Side Exte nsion Brac ke t Barr ier Shield Re fle cto.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 10 FIGURE 1 0: Major Component Descriptions (Conti nued) DANGER © P / N 9 1 0 0 8 0 0 1 w w w . r g - i n c .c o m P r i n te d i n t h e U . S . A Im p r im é a u x E ta t s - U n i s DANGER Electrical Shoc k Hazard Disconnect electrical power before servicing.
SECTION 5: M AJOR C OMPONENTS 11 5.1 Standar d P arts List T able 1: Content s of CR V -Series Bur ner Carton * C anadian Models: Rub ber (T ype 1) Gas Hoses av ailable as an accessory , see P age 41 . T able 2: Common CR V -Ser ies Components Part No.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 12 Control Packages and Accessories 10001501 Water Resistant Sensor 02770002 System Control URVCCM ROBERTS GORDON ® UL TRAV AC™ Central.
SECTION 6: D ESIGN R EQUIREMENTS 13 SECTION 6: DESIGN REQUIR EMENTS The CR V -Series s y stem’ s design is relat ed t o the sy st em operatio n and perf or mance r equir ed by the buildin g being heated. Ev er y ef fo r t should be made to f ollow the dimensions on the la y out dra wing .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 14 F IGURE 1 1: Heater A ssemb ly Ov erview End V ent Comb ustion Chamber T ube & Ref lector Hanger Burner Ref lector T ube Coupling R.
SECTION 7: H EATER I NSTALLATION 15 SECTION 7: HEATER INSTALLATION T o ensur e your saf et y and comply with the t erm s of the wa rranty , all units must be inst alled in accorda nce with these instructions. The g as or the electr ical supply lines must not be used to suppo r t the heater .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 16 Step 7 .1 T ube Installation Step 7 .2 Coupling and T ube A ssembly Comb ustion Chamber 7' 6" (229 cm) Comb ustion Chamber NO TE: T ubing requir es a down war d slope of 1/2" (1 3 mm) per 20' (6 m) aw ay fr om burner .
SECTION 7: H EATER I NSTALLATION 17 Step 7 .2.1 Coupling and T ube Assemb ly (Continued) 7 .3 Elbo w P acka ge Configur ation Step 7 .3.1 Elbow Installation Step 7 .3.2 Elbow Installation Incorr ect Slide Bar P osition Corr ect Slide Bar Dimensions ± 2" (5 cm) Drive slide bar until tight.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 18 Step 7 .4 Ref lect or Installation Step 7 .4.1 Ref lector Installation w ith Hole Step 7 .4.2 Ref lect or Installation T u b e Han g er C o m b usti o n Cham b er S l ide Ref l ect o r w ith h ol e thr o u g h han g er .
SECTION 7: H EATER I NSTALLATION 19 Step 7 .4.3 Ref lect or , U-Clip and Ref lect or Support Installation The pict orial dra wings of the heat er construction in Section 7 ar e schematic only and pr ovide a gener al guideline of wher e hanger s, r eflect or suppor ts and U-clips are t o be installe d.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 20 Step 7 .5 Burner Installation Gasket Burner Comb ustion Chamber End V ent NO TE: Install end v ent at end combustion chamber position only .
SECTION 8: O PTIONAL H EATER A CCESSO RIES 21 SECTION 8: OPTIONAL HEATER A CCESSOR IES Step 8.1 T ee Installation Step 8.2 R ef lect or Joint Step 8. 2.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 22 Step 8. 2.2 Ref lect or Joint Installation Step 8. 2.3 Ref lect or Joint Detail F IGURE 1 3: Ref lect or Joint Detail Cut awa y contour with tin snips. Punch/drill six 3 / 32" (2 mm ) holes.
SECTION 8: O PTIONAL H EATER A CCESSO RIES 23 8.3 R eflect or Side Ext ension Step 8.3.1 Br ac ket Installation Step 8.3.2 Si de R eflect or Installation Ref l ect o r Side Extensi o n Bracket (2 per ref l ect o r ) Use additi o na l supp o rts in hi g h air m o vement app l icati o ns.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 24 8.4 Univ er sal Shield 8.5 Barr ier Shield T ube Univer sal Shield Brack et Assembl y* Hex Nut* Shield Suppor t Brack et* Stud* T ube and Reflect or Suppor t Assembl y* Flat tened Section Standard R eflect or * Included in univer sal shield suppor t pack age.
SECTION 8: O PTIONAL H EATER A CCESSO RIES 25 8.6 T wo-F oot Decorativ e Grille Installation Step 8.6.1 Gr ille Installation Step 8.6.2 F rame Shield Installation Suspended Ceiling F rame Heat Ex chan.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 26 Step 8. 6.3 Ref lect or Side Ext ension Installation f or Decor ativ e Gr illes 8.7 One-F oot Decor ativ e Gr ille Installation Step 8.7 .1 One-F oot Decorati ve Grille Br ack et Ref lector Side Ext ension Cut relief notches f or tube and ref lector hanger s.
SECTION 8: O PTIONAL H EATER A CCESSO RIES 27 Step 8. 7 .2 Decorati ve Gr ille Step 8. 7 .3 Joint Piece and R einfor cement Spread apart brack ets and install decorativ e grille.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 28 Step 8. 7 .4 End Piece and Ref lect or End Cap Step 8.7 .5 90° Elbow F asten end piece to brackets using two # 8 sheet metal screws and replace reflector end cap. Insert end piece between grille and brackets.
SECTION 8: O PTIONAL H EATER A CCESSO RIES 29 8.8 Pr ot ectiv e Grille Installation Step 8.8.1 Silico ne Cap Installation Step 8.8.2 Gr ille End Cap Installation Step 8.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 30 Step 8.9 Classic Cast-Iron Componen ts WARNING Suspension Hazard Hang heater with materials with a minimum wor k ing load of 750 lbs. (340 k g). Use special tube and reflector hangers when suspending the schedule 40 steel pipe system.
SECTION 9: P UMP I NSTALLATION AND V ENTING 31 SECTION 9: PU MP INSTALLATION AND V ENTING 9.1 Pum p Installation F or complete pump in stallation, please r ef er to t he EP -1 00, EP -200 or EP -300 Ser ies Installation, Operation and Service Manuals.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 32 9.2 Gener al V enting Requir ements Model EP-1 0 0, EP-20 0 and EP-30 0 Serie s Pumps This heat er must be v ented in accor dance w ith.
SECTION 9: P UMP I NSTALLATION AND V ENTING 33 F IGURE 1 5: V ertical V enting Configur ation Appro ved V ent C ap Appro ved Thimble 2' (.6 m) Minimum Aluminized T ee 1" (2.5 cm) P .V .C to drain sy stem in accordance with local codes. Drain C ap Clamps Fle xible Boot 6"(1 .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 34 9.3 Hor izontal V enting 4" (1 0 cm) Pipe F IGURE 1 6: EP-1 0 0 Horiz ontal V enting Configur ations 25' (8 m) and 3 Elbows Maximum 50' (1 5 m) and 3 Elbows Maximum Bird Screen 4" (1 0 cm) Single W all Pipe 5" (1 2.
SECTION 9: P UMP I NSTALLATION AND V ENTING 35 F IGURE 1 7: EP-20 0 Series Hor izontal V enting Conf igurations 1 0' (3 m) Maximum and No Elbo ws 25' (8 m) and 3 Elbows Maximum 50' (1 5 m) and 3 Elbows Maximum 4" (1 0 cm) Single W all Pipe 5" (1 2.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 36 F IGURE 1 8: EP-30 0 Series Hor izontal V enting Conf igurations 1 0' (3 m) Maximum and 1 Elbo w Appro ved Thimble V ent T erminal.
SECTION 1 0: O UTSIDE A IR S UPPL Y 37 SECTION 1 0: OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY The CR V -Ser ies sy stem is appr ov ed for use w ith an outside air s y stem. Halogenat ed h y drocarbons or other corrosiv e chemicals in the air can be dra wn int o the equipment and ser iously damage the s y stem components .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 38 1 0.3 Outside A ir Blow er Inter nal W iring F IGURE 20: Outsi de Air Blo wer Int er nal Wir ing Diagr am F IGURE 21: F ilter Housing A.
SECTION 1 0: O UTSIDE A IR S UPPL Y 39 F IGURE 22: A ir Supply Blow er Support F IGURE 23: P r essurized Outside Air Supply W all Outside Air Suppl y Blower Outside W all 5" (1 2.5 cm) Inlet Pipe 5" (1 2.5 cm) Outlet Pipe Bird Screen or V ent Cap Description Part Number Blower 9070750 1 5" (1 2.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 40 F IGURE 24: Non-P r essurized Outside Air Supply V ent Cap Outside W all 7/1 6" (1 1 .
SECTION 1 1: G AS P IP ING 41 SECTION 1 1: GAS PIPING Install the g as hose as shown in Fi g u r e 2 5 . The gas hose accommodates e xpansion of the heating sy stem and allows f or easy installation and serv ice of the burner .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 42 SECTION 1 2: CONTR OL METHODS There are se v eral methods of contr olling CR V -Series sy st ems. The op tions are as f ollows: 1 2.1 R OBERTS GORDON ® Sy st em Control The S yst em Contr ol is an electronic contr ol panel designed t o contr ol CR V -Ser ies heating sy st ems.
SECTION 1 2: C ONTROL M ETHODS 43 F IGURE 26: One Zon e Operatio n without Cont rol P anel 1 2 3 4 5 6 COIL COIL R C W G Y Thermostat P ump Motor P ressure Sw itch (P ump) SPST (1 2A) T ransformer Rel.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 44 F IGURE 27: One Zon e Operation (w ith Outside A ir Blo wer) w ithout Control P anel 1 2 3 4 5 6 COIL COIL R C W G Y Thermostat P ump M.
SECTION 1 2: C ONTROL M ETHODS 45 F IGURE 28: T wo Zone Oper ation w ithout Control P anel 1 2 3 4 5 6 COIL COIL R C W G Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 COIL COIL R C W G Y P ump Motor P r essure Sw itch (P ump) T rans.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 46 F IGURE 29: Gener al S yst em Wir ing F IGURE 30: Ext ernal W iring Diagr am EP-1 0 0 and EP-20 1 120 V 1 Ø P ump Burner Receptacles 4.
SECTION 1 2: C ONTROL M ETHODS 47 F IGURE 31: Ext er nal Wir ing Diagr am EP-30 1 1 20 V 1 Ø P ump F IGURE 32: Ext ernal W iring Diagr am EP-203 or EP-303 208 V - 230 V (or 460 V) 3 Ø P ump Sy stem .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 48 F IGURE 33: Bur ner Inter nal W iring If any of the original wir e as supplied w ith the heater must be r eplaced, it m ust be rep laced with wir ing mat erial ha ving a t emperat ure rating of at least 1 05°C and 60 0 volts.
SECTION 1 3: S TARTING T HE S YSTE M 49 SECTION 1 3: STARTING THE SY STEM Star t with th e main gas v al ve closed an d the electric pow er of f . 1 3.1 Chec king the Gas Line 1 . Open the main v alv e and ver ify that no g as is flo w ing through th e meter .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 50 F IGURE 35: V acuum Read ing Inser t tubing about 6" (1 5 cm). Comb ustion Chamber at end position End V ent Manometer 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Appro ximate r eading af ter adjusting damper couplings and pump inlet.
SECTION 14: O PER ATION AND M AINTENANCE 51 SECTION 1 4: OPERATION AND MAINT ENANCE The heat er is equipped w ith a dir ect-spark ignition syste m . 1 4.1 Sequence of Oper ation 1 . T ur n the thermostat up . When the thermostat calls f or heat, the pump w ill start immediately .
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 52 1 4.5 Maintenance Chec klist Installation Code and Annual Inspections: All installations and service of ROBER TS GORDON ® products mus.
SECTION 14: O PER ATION AND M AINTENANCE 53 Tu b e s Make sure ther e are no crac ks. Make sur e tubes ar e connect ed and suspended secur ely . See P age 15, F igure 1 2 through P age 1 7 , Section 7 .2.1 . Make sur e ther e is no dir t, sagging, bending or dist or tion.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 54 Pum p With pump ope rating , check f or e x cessive vibr ation or noise. Vibr ation is usu- ally a sign that the impeller is out of balance . T ur n of f the sy stem, insur e pow er is shut of f and re mov e the inlet plat e.
SECTION 1 5: T ROUBLESHOOTING 55 SECTION 1 5: T ROUBL ESHOOTING 1 5.1 T roub leshooting Flow Chart W rong end vent plat e may be installed. Make sur e plate and burner match. Is the vacuum set ting too high? Ye s Adjust sy stem f or proper vacuum at the end v ent.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 56 T roub leshooting Flow Ch ar t No Replace filters as necessary. Replace the electrodes. Adjust the gap or replace the electrode. Ignition module may have failed. Replace module. Electrode gap should be 1/8".
SECTION 1 6: R EPLACEMENT P ARTS 57 SECTION 1 6: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS Use only genuine ROBER TS GORDON ® replacement parts. Use of parts not specified by R oberts-Gordon v oids war ranty . Failur e to f ollow these instr uctions can r esult in pr oper ty damage.
CR V -S ERIES I NSTALLATION , O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 58 SECTION 1 7: GENERA L SPECIFICATIONS 1 7 .1 Mater ial Specif ication 1 7 .1 .1 R ef lector s .024 Alum inium (Optional - 024 Stainless St eel T ype 304). 1 7 .2 Heater Spec ifications 1 7 .
SECTION 1 7: G ENERAL S PECIFICATIONS 59 General Specif ications f or pumps are as f ollows: * F or st arte r , see National Electr ic Code (NEC) r equir ement f or motor s 1 hp or higher . A ir Supply Blower Specif ications Capacity 240 CFM @ 0.75 in wc Power (W) 167 Phase 1 Hertz (Hz) 60 Voltage (V) 120 Full Load Amp (Amps) 1.
® O WNER W ARRANTY RE GISTR A TION C ARD About the Owner: Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Fax: E-mail: About the Installer: Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Purc.
Infrar ed Heating Maintain ???? cm c lear ance t o the side and ???? cm c lear ance belo w the heat er fr om v ehic les and comb ustible mat erials. www Print ed in U.S.A. P/N 9103791 2 Re v . C At tach this infor mation to a w all near the ROBER TS GORDON ® heater .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Roberts Gorden CRV-B-8 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.