Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Twizy Z.E. (2012) des Produzenten Renault
Zur Seite of 111
0.1 ENG_UD23441_1 Bienvenue (X61 électrique - L38 électrique - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_0 T ranslated from French. Copying or translation, in part or in full, is forbidden unless prior written permission has been obtained from the vehicle manu- facturer .
0.2 ENG_UD20783_6 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_913-.
0.3 ENG_UD10779_7 Sommaire Général (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_0 Getting to know your vehicle .......
0.4 ENG_UD20783_6 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_913-.
1.1 ENG_UD27601_3 Sommaire 1 (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Section 1: Getting to know your vehicle Electric vehicle: introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 ENG_UD27219_3 Véhicule électrique : présentation (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte Electric vehicle: introduction 1 Charging cord 2 Electric motor 3 Orange electr.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.3 ENG_UD27219_3 Véhicule électrique : présentation (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Electric vehicles have specific features. We therefore recommend that you read these instructions describing your elec- tric vehicle carefully .
1.4 ENG_UD27219_3 Véhicule électrique : présentation (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte Th e ve hi c le dr iv e sy st e m in an ele ctr ic ve hic le use s a d i r e c t v o l t a g e o f a p - pr ox im at el y 58 vo lt s.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.5 ENG_UD27219_3 Véhicule électrique : présentation (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Driving When you lift your foot off the accelera- tor pe dal, th e motor gener ates el ectri- cal current during deceleration, and this energy is used to recharge the traction battery .
charging flap .......................................................... (current page) electric vehicle important recommendations ............................ (current page) traction battery ....................................................... (current page) 1.
charging cord ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) traction battery charge .......................... (up to the end of the DU) electric vehicle charge ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
electric vehicle important recommendations ............................ (current page) electrical installation ........................................
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.9 ENG_UD27229_5 Charge batterie (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 ELECTRIC VEHICLE: charging (3/5) Charging cord 2 Th is co rd e na bl es a f ul l re ch ar ge of th e t ra ct i on b a tt er y i n a pp ro x im at el y 3.
1.10 ENG_UD27229_5 Charge batterie (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte ELECTRIC VEHICLE: charging (4/5) Recharging the traction battery Ignition switched off: – open fla.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.1 1 ENG_UD27229_5 Charge batterie (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Important: before starting the vehi- cle, please make sure that the cord is properly stored in its housing and that the flap is fully closed.
keys ...................................................... (up to the end of the DU) children ................................................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.12 ENG_UD24780_1 Clés (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Key KEY Key A Coded ignition-starter key , locking/ unlocking storage compartments.
warning buzzer ...................................................... (current page) doors..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) opening the doors .
engine immobiliser................................ (up to the end of the DU) engine immobiliser................................ (up to the end of the DU) 1.
front seat adjustment ............................ (up to the end of the DU) front seats adjustment ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) front seats with manual controls ........................................ (current page) 1.
seat belts .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) driving position settings ........................................... (up to the end of the DU) adjusting your driving position ............................... (current page) front seats adjustment .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.17 ENG_UD25691_2 Ceintures de sécurité (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Unfastening Press button 6 and the seat belt will be rewound by the inertia reel.
1.18 ENG_UD25691_2 Ceintures de sécurité (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 SEA T BEL TS (3/3) – No modification may be made to the component parts of the originally fitted restraint system: belts, seats and their mountings. For special operations (e.
seat belts .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint ............. (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint to the front seat belts ...................... (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint to the rear seat belts .
1.20 ENG_UD24789_1 Dispositifs complémentaires à la ceinture avant (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEA T BEL TS (2/3) Side support belt Pl ea se s ee t he in fo rm at io n on “S ea t belts” in Section 1.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.21 ENG_UD24789_1 Dispositifs complémentaires à la ceinture avant (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEA T BEL TS (3/3) Operation Thi s sy ste m is only ope rat ion al w hen the ignition is switched on.
air bag................................................... (up to the end of the DU) methods of restraint in addition to the seat belts (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint ............. (up to the end of the DU) seat belts ......
child safety............................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat .
1.24 ENG_UD27620_3 Sécurité enfants : généralités (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 CHILD SAFETY : General information (2/2) Use Only a booster seat should be used. The lev el of pro tec tio n offe red by th e boo ste r sea t de pen ds on its a bil ity to res tra in yo ur ch ild a nd on its in sta lla - tion.
towing rings .......................................... (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child safety.
child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child safety.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.27 ENG_UD27612_2 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 ² Seat not suitable for fitting child seats. Seat which only allows a stand- ardised “Universal” booster seat to be installed using a seat belt.
1.28 ENG_UD27612_2 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 CHILD SAFETY : installing a booster seat (3/3) T ype of child seat Weight of the child .
controls ................................................. (up to the end of the DU) dashboard............................................. (up to the end of the DU) driver ’s position .................................... (up to the end of the DU) rear view mirrors .
display .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) warning lights........................................ (up to the end of the DU) driver ’s position .................................... (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel .
seat belts ............................................................... (current page) battery......................................................
1.32 ENG_UD27225_2 Témoins lumineux (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Lo w tr a ct i o n ba t t e ry le v e l warning light This c omes on w hen the tr acti on bat - ter y char ge le vel h as re ach ed the re- serv e th resh old. Ple ase s ee t he i nfor - mation on “Di splays and in dicato rs” in Section 1.
display .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) indicators: instrument panel ............................. (up to the end of the DU) control instruments ............................... (up to the end of the DU) energy consumption .
instrument panel ................................... (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel messages.................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
clock ..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) clock ..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) 1.
warning buzzer ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) headlight flashers ................................. (up to the end of the DU) indicators .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) lights: hazard warning .
1.37 ENG_UD27227_1 Avertisseur sonore pietons (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_1 Horn HORN Elect ric ve hicle s are particu larly quiet. T h i s s y s t e m e n a b l e s yo u t o wa r n peo ple o f y our pr es enc e – es pe cia lly pedestrians and cyclists.
lighting: exterior ............................................ (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel .................................................... (current page) lights: side lights ........................................................
wipers ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) windscreen washer/wiper ..................... (up to the end of the DU) windscreen washer .
1.40 ENG_UD20783_6 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_913.
2.1 ENG_UD27602_3 Sommaire 2 (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_2 Section 2: Driving (Advice on use relating to fuel economy and the environment) Starting, stopping the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
starting .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) starting the engine ................................ (up to the end of the DU) driving ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) starting the engine .
2.3 ENG_UD25695_2 Commandes de vitesse (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_2 Driving Press switch D , a beep will sound. Wh i le dr iv i ng , pre s s th e ac ce l er a to r pedal to achieve the desired speed.
handbrake.............................................................. (current page) 2.4 ENG_UD25695_2 Commandes de vitesse (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_2 Parking the vehicle Wit h th e ve hic le a t a st and sti ll, pre ss switch N . Warni ng l igh t 3 c ome s on the ins tru - ment panel.
handbrake............................................. (up to the end of the DU) 2.5 ENG_UD27226_3 Frein à main (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_2 Handbrake Handbrake T o release: With the ignit ion o n, p ressi ng o n the brake pedal : – lightly pull lever 1 towards you; – press button 2 ; – fully lower the lever .
driving ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) practical advice ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) vehicle range ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) energy consumption .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.7 ENG_UD27622_3 Conseils : économie d’énergie (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_2 VEHICLE RANGE: recommendations (2/2) T yres An under-inflated tyre increases energy con su mpt io n. Co mp ly w ith the spe ci - fied tyre pressures for your vehicle.
environment .......................................... (up to the end of the DU) 2.8 ENG_UD24820_1 Environnement (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_2 Environment ENVIRONMENT Please make your own contribution towards protecting the environment too.
charge meter ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) energy charge meter (function) ................... (up to the end of the DU) energy consumption ................................... (up to the end of the DU) energy recovery .
2.10 ENG_UD20783_6 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_913.
3.1 ENG_UD27603_3 Sommaire 3 (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_3 Section 3: Y our comfort De-icing, demisting the windscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Passenger compartment storage space and fittings .
de-icing windscreen ....................................................... (current page) demisting windscreen .......................................
storage compartments .......................... (up to the end of the DU) storage compartment............................ (up to the end of the DU) fittings .
3.4 ENG_UD25764_2 Rangements / aménagements habitacle (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_3 Storage 8 Located behind the rear seat back A . T o unlock the seat back A , insert the ig- nition key in lock 7 and turn it. Unclip the seat back A . NB : Wh en rep la cin g, ma ke s ur e yo u lock the seat back in place.
4.1 ENG_UD27604_3 Sommaire 4 (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_4 Section 4: Maintenance Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 brake fluid .
brake fluid .............................................................. (current page) windscreen washer fluid ........................................ (current page) tanks and reservoirs brake fluid ................................................
windscreen washer ................................................ (current page) tanks and reservoirs: windscreen washer .............................
12 volt battery ....................................... (up to the end of the DU) 12 volt battery maintenance ................................... (up to the end of the DU) 4.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 4.5 ENG_UD25714_2 Batterie (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_4 12 VOL T BA TTER Y (2/3) Label A Observe the indications on the battery: – 4 naked flames and smoking are .
4.6 ENG_UD25714_2 Batterie (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_4 Connecting a charger to the accessories socket Only use a charger that is compatible with a nominal voltage of 14.
maintenance: bodywork ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) washing ................................................ (up to the end of the DU) paintwork maintenance ................................... (up to the end of the DU) anti-corrosion protection .
4.8 ENG_UD24844_1 Entretien de la carosserie (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_4 BODYWORK MAINTENANCE (2/2) We have selecte d special products to care for your vehicle and you can obt ain the se f rom the m anu fac tur - er ’s accessory outlets.
maintenance: interior trim ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) interior trim maintenance ................................... (up to the end of the DU) cleaning: inside the vehicle ............................ (up to the end of the DU) 4.
4.10 ENG_UD27595_2 Entretien des garnitures intérieures (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_4 H i gh - p r e s s u r e e q u i p me n t a n d sp r a y s m a y n o t b e use d insi de the p ass eng er c om p a r t m e n t .
5.1 ENG_UD27605_3 Sommaire 5 (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 Section 5: Practical advice T yres (tyre and wheel safety , use in winter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Headlights (changing bulbs) .
tyres ...................................................... (up to the end of the DU) wheels (safety) ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.
tyre pressure.......................................................... (current page) Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.3 ENG_UD27596_2 Pneumatiques (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 TYRES (2/4) T yre pressures Res pec t th e ty re p res sur es, chec kin g them at least once a month and before any long journeys.
5.4 ENG_UD27596_2 Pneumatiques (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte TYRES (3/4) Fitting new tyres Due to the speci al design of this ve hi- cle, please bear in mind the tyre speci- fications as indicated: A = Dimension, type and structure.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.5 ENG_UD27596_2 Pneumatiques (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 TYRES (4/4) Whe n t he y n eed t o b e r e- pl a c ed , o n l y ty r es of t h e same make, size, type and profile should be used.
front lights changing bulbs ................................ (up to the end of the DU) lights: dipped beam headlights .................. (up to the end of the DU) lights: direction indicators .......................... (up to the end of the DU) lights: main beam headlights .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.7 ENG_UD24851_1 Projecteurs avant : remplacement des lampes (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 FRONT HEADLIGHTS: replacing bulbs (2/2) Any operation on (or modi - f ic .
bulbs changing ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) lights: direction indicators ........................................... (current page) lights: brake lights ...................................................... (current page) lights: side lights .
lights: fog lights .......................................................... (current page) lights: reversing lights ................................................. (current page) lights: number plate lights ........................................
fuses ..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.10 ENG_UD27222_2 Fusibles (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte Fuses Fuse box If an y e le ctr ic al co mp on en t d oe s n ot work, check the condition of the fuses.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.1 1 ENG_UD27222_2 Fusibles (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 FUSES (2/2) Symbol Allocation Symbol Allocation 60 Circuit breaker Ṍ T raction battery Ṟ Inverter U ST.
accessories........................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.12 ENG_UD24858_1 Accessoires (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 Accessories ACCESSORIES Electrical and electronic accessories Before installing this type of accessory , make sure it is compatible with your vehicle.
wiper blades ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) wipers blades ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) 5.13 ENG_UD24859_1 Balais d’essuie-vitres (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 Wipers (replacing blades) WIPER BLADE Ch ec k t he c on di ti o n o f t he wi p er blades.
towing hitch............................................................ (current page) towing breakdown ....................................................... (current page) towing towing points and choice of towing .................. (current page) 5.
towing breakdown ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) towing in the event of energy failure ......................... .. (current page) 5.
towing breakdown ....................................................... (current page) 5.16 ENG_UD24862_1 Remorquage : dépannage (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 troubleshooting TOWING : breakdown recovery Before b reakdown recovery , inse rt the key in the ignit ion to unlock the steer- ing column.
operating faults ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) faults operating faults ............................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.
5.18 ENG_UD25718_2 Anomalies de fonctionnement (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte Electrical equipment POSSIBLE CAUSES ACTION REQUIRED The wipers do not work. Wiper blade stuck. Free the blade before using the wipers. Broken windscreen wiper fuse.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.19 ENG_UD25718_2 Anomalies de fonctionnement (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_5 OPERA TING F AUL TS (3/3) Electrical equipment POSSIBLE CAUSES ACTION REQUIRED The headlights are not working. Only one: – blown bulb, Replace the bulb.
5.20 ENG_UD20783_6 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_913.
6.1 ENG_UD27606_3 Sommaire 6 (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Section 6: T echnical specifications V ehicle identification plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 ENG_UD26083_2 Plaques d’identification véhicule (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 V ehicle identification plates VEHICLE IDENTIFICA TION PLA TES A A Th e in for ma ti on s how n on t he v e- hic le ide nti fi cat ion pl ate sh oul d b e qu o t ed o n a ll c o r re s po n d en c e or orders.
engine specifications ............................................. (current page) 6.3 ENG_UD27349_2 Plaques d’identification moteur (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Engine identification .
weights .................................................................. (current page) 6.4 ENG_UD27223_3 Masses (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Weights WEIGHTS (in kg) The weights shown are for a basic vehicle without options: they will vary depending on the equipment level of your ve- hicle.
6.5 ENG_UD27224_3 Dimensions (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Dimensions DIMENSIONS (in metres) 0,313 1,686 0,339 1,193 → 1,237 2,337 1,454* 1,188 → 1,232 1,381 → 1,396 * Unladen.
technical specifications ......................... (up to the end of the DU) replacement parts ................................. (up to the end of the DU) 6.
service sheets....................................... (up to the end of the DU) maintenance: mechanical ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) 6.
6.8 ENG_UD25385_3 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - S06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - X95 - L47 - X33 - X47 - X43 - X38 - H79 ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte SERVICE SHEETS (2/6) VIN: .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.9 ENG_UD25385_3 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - S06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - X95 - L47 - X33 - X47 - X43 - X38 - H79 ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 SERVICE SHEETS (3/6) VIN: .
6.10 ENG_UD25385_3 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - S06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - X95 - L47 - X33 - X47 - X43 - X38 - H79 ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte SERVICE SHEETS (4/6) VIN: .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.1 1 ENG_UD25385_3 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - S06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - X95 - L47 - X33 - X47 - X43 - X38 - H79 ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 SERVICE SHEETS (5/6) VIN: .
6.12 ENG_UD25385_3 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - S06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - X95 - L47 - X33 - X47 - X43 - X38 - H79 ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 VIN: ..........................
anti-corrosion check ............................. (up to the end of the DU) 6.13 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Anticorrosion check ANTICORROSION CHECK (1/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below .
6.14 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte ANTICORROSION CHECK (2/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: ...........
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.15 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 ANTICORROSION CHECK (3/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: ...........
6.16 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte ANTICORROSION CHECK (4/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: ...........
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.17 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 ANTICORROSION CHECK (5/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: ...........
6.18 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_6 ANTICORROSION CHECK (6/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: .................................
7.1 FRA_UD27607_3 Index (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_7 AlphAbeticAl index (1/3) A accessories........................................................................ 5.12 additional methods of restraint .............................. 1.19→1.
7.2 FRA_UD27607_3 Index (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_7 Jaune Noir Noir texte AlphAbeticAl index (2/3) front lights changing bulbs ...................................................... 5.6–5.7 front seat adjustment ................
Jaune Noir Noir texte 7.3 FRA_UD27607_3 Index (X09 - Renault) ENG_NU_913-3_X09_Renault_7 AlphAbeticAl index (3/3) S seat belt pretensioners .......................................... 1.19→1.21 front seat belt ..................................
à999101613Ròîòä CR RENAUL T S.A.S. SOCIÉTÉ P AR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIÉE AU CAPIT AL DE 533 941 1 13 € / 13-15, QUAI LE GALLO 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT R.C.S. NANTERRE 780 129 987 — SIRET 780 129 987 03591 / TÉL. : 0810 40 50 60 NU 913-3 – 99 91 016 13R – 03/2012 – Edition anglaise TWIZY Z.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012). Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Renault Twizy Z.E. (2012) gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.