Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung STC-TGL4M des Produzenten Radio Shack
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STC-TGL2M / STC-TG L4M / STC-TGL5M User’s Manual Toll Free Customer S upport 1-888-30 4-6125 www.wildvie Version 1.3 06/07.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 2 For Cu stome r Serv ice or W a rranty Info rmatio n Call T oll Free 888-30 4-6125 WI L D V I E W P .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 3 Manual Contents Camera overview 4 Camera k it contents 6 Battery and me mory Instal lation 6 Definition 10 Programming 11 Mounting the cam.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 4 Camera overview Front vi ew Sid e view.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 5 Open v iew image w ith major parts i ndicati on.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 6 Camera kit content s • Wildv iew ser ies Di gital Scout ing C amera • Camer a driver • User Man ual • USB cabl e • S trap Battery & memory inst allation The W ild view Di gital S couti ng Camera i s desig ned to operate us ing alk aline batt eries for optim um perform ance.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 7 NOT E: Always have c amera in t he OFF pos ition when install ing or rem oving batte ries. Batteri es “C” cell The interna l batter y compartm ent accepts 4 “ C” cell batteries. Be s ure to u se high qualit y brand n ame alkaline batter ies.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 8 Please m ake sur e the v oltage and polarit y (+/-) are correct b efore connect ion. Incorre ct voltag e or polarity ( +/-) will dam age the cam era.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 9 of images on the built in m emory unless th e expansion card is inserted at whic h point th e front cou nter wil l onl y displa y the num ber of images stored i n the expan sion card. Inserting SD card Make sur e camera is in the OF F position whenever adding or re moving memory .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 10 Definition • Time out: T o set the am ount of preset tim e in minutes the camer a will sleep bet ween PIR tr iggering • Resolution: The r esolut ion selec tion that you have sele cted.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 11 o 3P: Thr ee images c ontinu ous captur ing per PIR triggering o A VI: 10 seco nd video clip per PIR tr iggerin g • FULL: W hen m emor .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 12 conditio ns. b. On – Flas h on for every im age capture d c. Off – No Flash will go off . 4. Selec t Burst m ode: Slide the switch t o 1 / 2 / 3 / A VI position. If you c hoose A VI m ode, the cam era will autom atically switc h to 1 picture m ode if it detects a low light sour c e.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 13 f. Press [SET ] button to enter date setti ng. Date & DD will blink . Press [UP] or [DN] to adjust date. g. Press [SET ] button to enter year setti ng. Date & YY will blink. Press [UP] or [DN] to adjust year .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 14 Mounting the camera It is re commended that you mount the camer a 4-5 ft of f the ground with the c amera pointed a t a slight downward angle.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 15 Mounting the camer a with the supplied s trap • Insert th e strap thro ugh the str ap slots on th e rear housing. • Wrap the st rap around the mounting surf ace. Secure the strap and tight en the bu ckle in or der to sec ure the camera.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 16 In order to obtain proper w eather resistanc e, please make sure that both door latches are securely lock ed in place. T esting t he camera cov erage area One of W ildvie w Sc outin g Cam er a’s features is the abil it y to test the c overage ar ea.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 17 • W hen you have c ompleted testing th e coverag e area, open the f ront hous ing and sli de the po wer switch from T est position to PIR position. Front LCD c ounter will show “0 000”.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 18 Viewi ng ima g es Vie wing images by computer download The W ildview Sco uting Ca m era is a plug and pla y USB storage de vice. This means user s of Windows 2000 / ME / and XP oper ating s y s tems need n ot install th e cam era driver .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 19 • Follow the instr uctions s hown on screen f rom your PC to co mplete ly install t he driver and app lication program .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 20 • If your computer doesn’t run autom aticall y, please click “Start” butt on and choose “Ru n”, and then browse th e CD drive and c lick “Setup” . Viewing th e images on your comput er • Slide the power sw itch to O FF posit ion.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 21 Saving and Deleting i mages SA VING IM A G ES T o save im ages on to your PC, s im ply cop y and paste, or drag and drop f rom the SD RAM m em or y to your PC d esk top. DELETING IM AGES There ar e two ways to del ete the im ages from the i nt er nal SD RAM memo ry .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 22 or [DN] until s creen shows “ESC” then pr ess [SET] ag ain to exit. d. T his will onl y del ete the las t image save d in th e me mor y . o Delet e All picture : a. Press [SET ] button t o enter delete setting.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 23 o ESC : T o ex it delete setti ng. 2. Sim ply rem ove the batt eries fr om the batter y compartm ent. This will delete t he im age stored i n the i nt er nal SD RAM memo ry CAUTION : Do not remove the battery until you have down loaded all th e images in the internal SD RAM.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 24 SD card Comp atibility Chart The f ollowing c ards hav e been test ed and approved for use in the W ildview series model.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 25 T echnical Sp ecifications System Requi rements and Compatibility • W indows 98/98se/2000 /Me/XP . • Pentium III 450MHz or equivalent proc essor . • 128MB SDRAM or abov e. • V GA Vi de o C ard wi th 32 MB R AM fo r mi ni mum, Co lo r 16 bit or higher .
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 26 Camera Fe atures and Spe cification Resolution Opti on Model Meg a Pixel Built in Mem or y High Low Video STC-T GL2M 2.0M 16M B 2.0M 0.3M QVGA STC-T GL4M 4.0M 32M B 4.0M 1.3M QVGA STC-T GL5M 5.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 27 • PIR detect ion angle 48 deg • Low po wer consum ption: o S tandb y current: < 4.5m A o Capture current: <1 20mA – STC-TG L2M o Capture current: <1 50mA – STC-TG L4M & 5M • Interfac e type: USB 1.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 28 General Information Stor ing conditions • Operati ng Envir onm ent: 14 to 104 de g F (-10 to 40 deg C). 20-8 5% relativ e hum idity , no n-condens ation. Special care in struction s!! • The camera is designed to be we ather resis tant.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 29 • Avoid drop ping the W ildview scouti ng cam era on to hard grou nd. Do not di sassem ble the W ildvie w scouti ng camera. • Do not m ix new and o ld batteries . • Do not open t he cam era for unauthor ized service.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 30 Image Cap acity Chart – STC-T GL2M SD card High Low AV I Built In 1 6MB SDRAM 8 12 2 16MB 26 40 8 32MB 52 80 16 64MB 104 160 32 128MB 2.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 31 Image Cap acity Chart – STC-T GL4M SD card High Low AV I Built In 3 2MB SDRAM 7 16 5 16MB 11 26 8 32MB 22 52 16 64MB 44 104 32 128MB 88.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 32 Image Cap acity Chart – STC-T GL5M SD card High Low AV I Built In 3 2MB SDRAM 6 8 5 16MB 9 13 8 32MB 18 26 16 64MB 36 52 32 128MB 72 10.
W ildview Series Toll Free 888-304-6125 33 NOTE : Image Capac ity Chart pro vides ap proxim ate num ber of images or A VI movies b ased on reso lution settin g and the size of memor y card. These f igures m ay vary depen ding on the am ount of detail in t he im age.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Radio Shack STC-TGL4M (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Radio Shack STC-TGL4M noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Radio Shack STC-TGL4M - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Radio Shack STC-TGL4M reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Radio Shack STC-TGL4M erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Radio Shack STC-TGL4M besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Radio Shack STC-TGL4M verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Radio Shack STC-TGL4M. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Radio Shack STC-TGL4M gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.