Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 4.3 des Produzenten Qualcomm
Zur Seite of 307
Version 4.3 for Windows User Manual.
This manual was written for use with the Eudora® for Windows soft ware version 4.3. This manual and the Eudora software described in it are copyr ighted, with all ri ghts re served.
5 QUALCOMM Incorporated Contents Click the topic or page number to display the topic. Introducing Eudora® Email 13 What’s N ew in E udora Em ail 4. 3 13 Eudora E mail v s.
Contents 6 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Checkin g Your Spel ling Automa tically (Spons ored and Paid mode s onl y) 35 Checkin g Your S pelling Manually (Spons ored and Paid mode s onl y) 37 Check S pe.
Contents 7 QUALCOMM Incorporated Usi ng th e Repl y Opt ion s 63 Reply with Select ed Text 64 Forwardi ng a Me ssage 64 Redirect ing a Mes sage 65 Turbo Redire ct ing 65 Redirect an d Signatu res 66 S.
Contents 8 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Size Co lumn 97 Server S tatus Column 97 Subj ec t Colu mn 97 Display ing and Re sizing Column s 98 Usin g the M ail box Si ze Dis play 98 Message Preview P ane.
Contents 9 QUALCOMM Incorporated Floatin g Windows 13 3 Tabbed W indows 134 Eudora ’ s Defa ult T abbe d Windows 135 Opening and Ac tivatin g Tab bed Windo ws 136 Reorgani zi ng Tabbe d Win dows 136.
Contents 10 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed (Spons ored and Paid mode s onl y) 168 Read ing Q uer y Resu lts 169 Addres sing a Me ssag e from the Directo ry Ser vices Window 170 Making a n Addres s Book .
Contents 11 QUALCOMM Incorporated Backgr ound Ta sks 222 Autom ation 224 Extra War nings 225 MAPI 227 Advanc ed Network 228 Auto Confi gure 23 0 Kerber os 231 Miscel laneou s 231 Using Modifiers and S.
Contents 12 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Kerber os 258 Spel li ng Dic tio nari es 258 Develope r Inform ation 258 Dialup Eudora 259 Introduc tion 259 Genera l Step s 259 Config uring Dia lup Net working under Wi ndows 95/ 98 260 Config uring Dia lup Netw orking using W indows NT 4.
13 QUALCOMM Incorporated Introducing Eudora ® Email Welcome to Eudo ra Em ail 4.3! E udora E mail, her eafter r eferred to as Eud ora, is a compreh ensive elect ronic m ail (ema il) so ftware program that acc esses y our Inter net Servi ce Provid er (ISP ) or ne twork to r eceive and send your em ail me ssag es.
Eudora User M anual Where Do I F ind Information? 14 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Wher e Do I Find Information? If you can ’ t find th e informa tion y ou are l ooking fo r in t his user m anual, it may be in the Eudora Q uick Start G uide, or in the onlin e help progra m in Eudo ra.
Eudora User M anual Where Do I F ind Information? 15 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Eudora Quick Start Guide The Eudora Quic k Start Guide is in clude d in your Eudor a produc t box a nd/or as an ele c- tronic fil e in you Eudo ra director y .
Eudora User M anual Operating Eudora in One of Three Modes 16 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed ■ Press t he F1 k ey . Sel ect the op tion, comm and or fiel d item in Eudora yo u want to kn ow about, o r use the T a b and arr ow keys t o move keyboar d focu s to tha t item.
Eudora User M anual Changing Eudora Modes 17 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Changing Eudora Modes If you bou ght Eud ora from a retail store o r from a web site, Eudora i nstalls in Pa id mod e. However , i f you wo uld like to chang e the oper ating mode , for e xample to Sponsor ed mode, you can d o so right i n the E udora prog ram.
Eudora User M anual Registering Eudora 18 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 3 In the Keeping Cur rent secti on: ■ T o customiz e the ad s, clic k Custo mize the Ad s Y o u See . E udora di spla ys a web site wher e yo u can pr ovide in forma tion ab out yo urself to help in c ustomi zing whi ch ads shou ld be displayed to you.
Eudora User M anual Starting and Quitting E udora 19 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Starting and Quitting Eudora T o s tart Eudo ra, do the following . 1 From the Start menu under Progra ms, choose Eudora 2 Choose Eudora again . Eudora launc hes. T o qu it Eud ora, do the follow ing.
Eudora User M anual Starting and Quitting E udora 20 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
Creating an Outgoing Message Eudora User M anual 21 QUALCOMM Incorporated Creating Messages Creating an Outgoing Message An out going mes sage is a mes sage you send to someone else . The si mplest wa y to create a n outgoing message is to do the foll owing.
Using the Composition Window Eudora User M anual 22 QUALCOMM Incorporated Y ou can s elect or turn o ff each feat ure for the curre nt messa ge by c licking a button on the toobar . (A feature is sele cted wh en the b utton is d epress ed, and tur ned off when t he button is raised .
Using the Composition Window Eudora User M anual 23 QUALCOMM Incorporated The drop- down lists and but tons on the bo ttom ro w of the text to olbar ar e descr ibed below . Note that the text sty les and at tributes control led by this row can a lso be ac cessed v ia text file wind ows and s ignature windows.
Using the Composition Window Eudora User M anual 24 QUALCOMM Incorporated Ty p e w r i t e r (Spons ored and Paid m odes on ly) Make the se lecte d text th e fixed-w idth (t ypewrite r-style) messag e font se t in the Fo nts op tions. See “ Font s ” on page 208.
Using the Composition Window Eudora User M anual 25 QUALCOMM Incorporated Message Header Outgoing mail hea ders c onsist o f six field s: T o: , From:, Subject: , Cc:, Bcc :, and Atta ched. Each field is descr ibed belo w . The T o:, Subj ect:, Cc: , and Bcc: fie lds can be di rectly edited.
Using Automatic Name Completion (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 26 QUALCOMM Incorporated Message Body After fi lling in the hea der fiel ds, move the ins ertion p oint to the spac e belo w the mess age header . T y pe the b ody of the message here.
Setting the Message Priority Eudora User M anual 27 QUALCOMM Incorporated indicate s that the nam e came fr om your address book. If the name is from your address book, on ly the nickna me appe ars in the drop- down na me li st. indica tes that the name c ame from your hi story file .
Requesting a Return Re ceipt (Spo nsored and Paid m odes only) Eudor a User Manual 28 QUALCOMM Incorporated Selecti ng a prio rity for a message Note. T o set up Eudora to defaul t to the se nder ’ s prior ity on your replies , turn on the “ Copy origina l ’ s priority to reply ” optio n in th e Replyin g options .
Formatting Text (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 29 QUALCOMM Incorporated ■ Click Now to queu e the notific ation mess age in your Out mailb ox. It will be sent the next time queued message s are s ent. ■ Click La ter to c lose the m essage w ithout sen ding a notifica tion.
Formatting Text (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 30 QUALCOMM Incorporated T ext Editing Menu Commands T o for mat te xt, use th e comm ands on th e T ext submenu of the E dit menu. If text in the message body is sele cted, t he menu command applie s the formattin g to that text.
Inserting Objects in Message Text (Sponsored and P aid modes only) Eudora User M anual 31 QUALCOMM Incorporated Other Formatting Options If you se lect t he Word Wrap button i n the m essage to olbar .
Attaching a File to a Message Eudora User M anual 32 QUALCOMM Incorporated Attaching a File to a Message Any file can be atta ched to an d sent with a Eu dora m essage. Mo st of the ti me, an atta ched document functions like a “ ri der ” to the e mail message , and does not app ear withi n the message text.
Attaching a PureV oice™ File t o a Message Eudora User Manual 33 QUALCOMM Incorporated Uuencode — This is best for rec ipien ts usin g PC or UN IX syste ms tha t are not MIME-comp liant.
Including a URL in a M e ssag e (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 34 QUALCOMM Incorporated 2 T o c reate an a udio file , click the New b utton, or f rom the File menu , choo se New Recording . If a current r ecording exists, a dial og box ap pears as king if you wa nt to discar d or sa ve the curren t reco rding.
Checking Your S pelling Automatically (Sponsored a nd Paid modes o nly) Eudor a User Manual 35 QUALCOMM Incorporated T o c reate a hy perlin k, do th e followi ng. 1 T ype the t ext you wa nt to li nk in your outgoing mess age, for e xample “ Cl ick her e.
Checking Your S pelling Automatically (Sponsored a nd Paid modes o nly) Eudor a User Manual 36 QUALCOMM Incorporated Spell Ch ecking options wi ndow 3 Select A utomatically as you type .
Checking Your Spelling Manually (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 37 QUALCOMM Incorporated Drop-down w ord list 6 From the d rop-down word list, choos e the corr ect word. Y our missp elled wor d is replaced b y the cor rect word . Note.
Checking Your Spelling Manually (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 38 QUALCOMM Incorporated Note. For an alt ernate way to c heck y our spel ling, us e the Sh ift+Check S pelling o ption o n the Eudor a main wi ndow too lbar , whic h lets y ou see al l misspel led words at once and change on ly th ose you wa nt to.
Checking Your Spelling Manually (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 39 QUALCOMM Incorporated Change T o — This field work s in con junction with the Cha nge and Cha nge all buttons.
Checking Your Spelling Manually (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 40 QUALCOMM Incorporated Note. The Add bu tton in this dia log bo x works the same as the Ad d button in the Check Spellin g dialog box.
Saving a Message for Later Changes Eudora User M anual 41 QUALCOMM Incorporated Saving a Message for Later Changes Somet imes it i s conve nient to save a n outgoing message either as a sa feguard wh en typing l ong mess ages, or so you can return t o it la ter to make c hange s.
Saving a Message for Later Changes Eudora User M anual 42 QUALCOMM Incorporated.
43 QUALCOMM Incorporated Sending Messages and Checking Mail Sending or Queue ing a Message After yo u compo se a mess age, yo u can send it imme diately o r put it i n a queu e to be sent later . Note. Most outgo ing (SMTP ) server s do not requ ire a p assword to send ma il.
Eudora User M anual Sending or Queueing a Message 44 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Queued m essages i n the Out m ailbox T o send all of yo ur queued mess ages, do the foll owing. ■ From the File me nu, selec t Send Q ueued M essages . If you have th e T as k Stat us window dis played, you c an se e the prog ress of the tr ansmiss ion.
Sending or Queueing a Message Eudora User M anual 45 QUALCOMM Incorporated If you ch oose On or after , you can use the Ti me and Da te fields t o fill in the tim e and date at which the message should b e sent.
Eudora User M anual Sending Messa ges with Special S erver Inst ructions 46 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Sending Messages with Special Server Instruc tions T o send yo ur queued mess ages with spec ial ins truct ions fo r the in comin g serv er , do th e foll owing.
Keeping Copies of Outgoing Messages Eudora User Manual 47 QUALCOMM Incorporated Keeping Copies of Outgoing Messages Following are th e three wa ys to keep cop ies of yo ur ou tgoing mes sages: ■ T o pu t a copy of every outgoi ng message in the Out mailbox, turn on the Keep copies option in the Se nding M ail opti ons windo w .
Eudora User M anual Checking for Incoming Mail 48 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Options . 2 Scroll th rough the catego ry list a nd choos e Checking Ma il . The Che cking M ail optio n window app ears. F or more informa tion, s ee “ Chec king Mai l ” on page 199.
Using Your Password Eudora User M anual 49 QUALCOMM Incorporated T o resume mail ch eck, ri ght-cli ck o n the prog ress i ndica tor and c hoose Proces s All W ait ing T a sks . Using Y our P assword Each time you open E udora and chec k mail f or the first time, you ne ed to en ter a pas s- word for each inc oming ma il ac count that you ha ve.
Eudora User M anual Using Your P assword 50 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Forget Passwor ds windo w (multi ple persona litie s only) Y ou can al so mak e Eudor a rememb er al l of your passwor ds fro m one s ession to the n ext, which me ans you n ever have to enter passwo rds agai n, eve n if you q uit and restart Eudora.
51 QUALCOMM Incorporated Receiving and Responding to Messages Receiving New Mail When Eud ora d oes a mai l check, you can be notifi ed of ne w mail in one or all of th e following ways: an alert di alog box , the ope ning of the mail boxes to which new m ail is deliver ed, and a speci al “ New Mai l ” sound.
Eudora User M anual Incoming M essage Window 52 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed The incom ing me ssage wi ndow co nsists of the titl e bar , to olbar , and message body . Title Bar The title b ar prov ides informati on about th e mes sage, inc luding th e name of the send er , the time a nd date the mes sage was delivered , and th e mess age subj ect.
Receiving Attachments Eudora Us er Manual 53 QUALCOMM Incorporated Message Body The messa ge body c ontain s the mes sage hea der an d text info rmation, as well a s the name and icon of ea ch att achment. Attach ments c an be opened fr om withi n the message window by click ing on the attach ment ic on or na me.
Eudora User M anual Receiving Attachments 54 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed If you re ceive a larg e messag e consi sting lar gely of indec ipherabl e text, i t is prob ably an attach ment that was not a utomati call y decode d. Usua lly this occur s becaus e the attach- ment heade rs are formatted incorrec tly .
Editing Incoming Messages Eudora User M anual 55 QUALCOMM Incorporated Editing Incoming Messages Y ou can ed it the m essa ge body i n an inc oming message if you s elect the Penc il butt o n i n the toolba r .
Eudora User M anual Managing Your Mail on the POP Server 56 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Leaving Mail on the Server If you us e the PO P protoc ol for y our inc oming s erver to retriev e mail, y our mai l is no rmally deleted fr om the server o nce i t is deli vere d to Eudor a.
Managing Your Mail on the POP Server Eudora User Manual 57 QUALCOMM Incorporated Deleting a Message fr om the Server T o dele te a mess age that has been left on the serv er (without re trievin g it again), click the T ra sh button i n the m essage t oolbar o r set the message summa ry ’ s serv er status t o Delete, the n check mail again.
Eudora User M anual Managing Your Mail on the POP Server 58 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Note. If you on ly ha ve one persona lity (domi nant) , only the left s ide of thi s dialog box appears . 2 Set the op tions you want an d click OK to con tinue c heckin g for mai l.
Managing Your Mail on the IMAP Server Eudora User Manual 59 QUALCOMM Incorporated domin ant accou nt. T o set op tions for any o f your pe rsonal ities, ac cess th e Accou nt Settin gs dialo g box fr om the P ersona lities wi ndow . Y ou can al so sp ecify the person aliti es that you wa nt to chec k or s end with thi s mail t ransfer .
Eudora User M anual Managing Your Mail on the I MAP Server 60 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Full Message Except Attachments Over _ K T o pr event Eu dora from tran sferring large att achme nts to you r compu ter duri ng mai l checks, turn o n the “ Full me ssag e except atta chmen ts ove r _ K ” option an d spec ify a size.
Managing Your Mail on the IMAP Server Eudora User Manual 61 QUALCOMM Incorporated ■ Mark the messag e for dele tion. ■ Remove al l mark ed messa ges. T o ma rk a mes sage for delet ion, do the following . 1 Open the IMAP mai lbox or folder c ontain ing the me ssag e.
Eudora User M anual Managing Your Mail on the I MAP Server 62 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Refreshing Y our List of IMAP Mailboxes and Folders If you hav e sh ared fold ers set up , you and other us ers ca n acc ess and chang e messag es stored i n mai lboxes a nd fold ers yo u keep stor ed remote ly on an IMAP s erver .
Replying to a Message Eudora User M anual 63 QUALCOMM Incorporated Replying to a Message T o r eply to th e curr ent messa ge, do t he foll owing. ■ From the Mess age m enu, ch oose Reply or cl ick . A new mess age windo w appear s, with the origina l sender ’ s address auto matic ally pla ced in the T o: field of t he head er .
Eudora User M anual Reply with Selected Text 64 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Reply with Se lected T ext If you re ceive a message from someo ne, and you would like to r eply to this m essage b y using a selec ted pa rt of th e mes sage, y ou can do s o by j ust h ighligh ting t he text you w ant to appe ar in yo ur reply .
Redirecting a Message Eudora User Manual 65 QUALCOMM Incorporated Redirecting a Message Incoming mess ages ca n be se nt to a n ew reci pient “ by way of ” you, main taini ng the o rig- inal se nder ’ s address i n the From : field . Y ou sh ould red irect a message that sh ould ha ve gone to so meone else.
Eudora User M anual Sending Rejected Messages Again 66 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed when you s elect a recipi ent from th e Redirec t T o submenu u nder t he Messa ge menu, a turbo r edirect will be pe rformed automa tically . For mo re in formatio n, see “ Miscell aneous ” on page 23 1.
Using a Signature Eudora User M anual 67 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using Signatures and Stationery Using a Signature A signa ture is a few li nes of tex t that a re automa tically added to the end o f an outg oing message when it is sent .
Eudora User M anual Adding a New Signature 68 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed ■ Edit — Op en an edit ing wind ow for the sel ected sig nature. ( Double-c lick a s ignature a s a shor tcut f or th is com mand.) S ave your c hanges w ith the File menu “ Save ” co mmand, or close the wind ow without s aving to discar d your change s.
Modifying a Signature Eudora User M anual 69 QUALCOMM Incorporated 7 Close the Signa ture wind ow . Modifying a Signature T o c hange a signatur e, do t he followi ng. 1 Right-c lick the s ignature in the Si gnature wi ndow to display the drop -down co ntext menu.
Eudora User M anual Using Stationery (Sponsored and P aid modes only) 70 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed T o include a par ticular signatu re in all of yo ur outgoi ng mess ages — unl ess you are using.
Creating New Stationer y Eudora User M anual 71 QUALCOMM Incorporated Sample S tation ery wind ow The Stat ionery window d isplay s a sing le-col umn list of you r statio nery fil es. Note. Y ou ca n selec t only on e item a t a tim e in the list; y ou can not selec t mul tiple it ems.
Eudora User M anual Modifying Stationery 72 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed T o c reate a ne w statione ry file , do the fol lowing. 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Stationery or cli ck the S tation ery wind ow ’ s tab if it i s the inact ive windo w in a tabbed g roup.
Replying with Stationery (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User M anual 73 QUALCOMM Incorporated A compos ition window appears co ntaini ng the header an d body from the stationer y file. If you ar e replying to a me ssage, th e station ery info rmation is added to the repl y .
Eudora User Manual Replying with Stationery (Spons ored and Paid modes 74 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
75 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using Multiple Personalities (Sponsor ed an d Paid modes only) Using Alter nate Email Acc ounts Y ou can s et up alterna te “ pers onalitie s ” in E udora for e ach em ail accoun t you h ave.
Eudora User M anual Using Alternate Email Accounts 76 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed T o r esize the col umn width s, posi tion th e pointer over th e div ider lin e betwe en the c olumn headings , until a splitter cursor appears . Then jus t drag the di vider to left or ri ght.
Adding a New Personality Eudora User Manual 77 QUALCOMM Incorporated Y ou can al so disp lay th e drop-d own co ntext menu and cre ate a ne w person ality by right- clicki ng in a blank a rea of the Pe rsonali ties window , of f all p ersonal ity items , when none of the items a re sele cted.
Eudora User M anual Adding a New Personality 78 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed New Acc ount Wiz ard Per sonality Na me wind ow 5 In the Personality Name text box, e nter the n ame to i dentify t his Per sonalit y only , for example “ Busi ness. ” Clic k Next and the next New Ac count W izard wind ow , Personal Inf ormation , ap pears.
Adding a New Personality Eudora User Manual 79 QUALCOMM Incorporated New Acco unt Wi zard Lo gin Nam e window 8 In the Login Name text bo x, ente r your logi n name. Thi s is the acc ount name you use to gain ac cess t o your em ail from your In ternet Service Provid er (ISP ).
Eudora User M anual Adding a New Personality 80 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed New Acco unt Wi zard O utgoing E mail S erver wi ndow 11 In the Outgoing Server text box, enter the nam e of your ou tgoing ser ver . If you do not want authen ticati on when sendi ng mai l, unche ck the Allow aut hentica tion box .
Adding a New Personality Eudora User Manual 81 QUALCOMM Incorporated New Acco unt Wi zard Ac count S ettings wi ndow 3 Select I mport sett ings from a n exist ing email acc ount . This optio n appea rs only if Eudora re cogni zes that y ou ca n import settings from ano ther pro gram.
Eudora User M anual Adding a New Personality 82 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed New Acco unt Wi zard Imp ort Setti ngs windo w (importi ng Nets cape) 6 (From Net scape) T o import y our ema il mess ages, sel ect Import Mail . T o import yo ur address book en tries , selec t Import Address Book from LDIF file .
Adding a Personalit y via the Account Settings Dialog Eudor a User Manual 83 QUALCOMM Incorporated Adding a Personality via the Account Settings Dialog Y ou can ad d a new p ersonal ity witho ut going th rough the New Ac count Wi zard se ries of windows, b ut via the Accoun t Settings dialog b ox.
Eudora User M anual Adding a Pers onality via the Account Settings Dialog 84 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Generic Properties This d ialog box wi ndow c ontains th e general characte rist ics ass ociated with th is person- ality .
Adding a Personalit y via the Account Settings Dialog Eudor a User Manual 85 QUALCOMM Incorporated Note. If you do enter an addr ess in th is field, fi rst test the addres s to be su re that ma il sent to it is indeed del ivered to you .
Eudora User M anual Adding a Pers onality via the Account Settings Dialog 86 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed ■ Each time you do a manua l chec k for mail by cho osing the Chec k Mail co mmand fr om the File menu or via ano ther me thod, mail i s checked fo r this per sonali ty as well .
Adding a Personalit y via the Account Settings Dialog Eudor a User Manual 87 QUALCOMM Incorporated Delete fro m server afte r _ days — This opti on has a che ck box for turning o n or off and an edit box for spec ifying th e numb er of day s mail th at was left on the P OP serv er shoul d be save d before being del eted.
Eudora User M anual Modifying a Personality 88 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Min imal He ader s Only — If sele cted, on ly a li mited set of mes sage h eaders i s dow n- loaded for each i ncoming m essage. The m essage ’ s statu s, From: fi eld, date/ time, server s tatus , and subj ect are i nitia lly re trieved .
Linking a Signature and Stationery to a Personality Eudor a User Manual 89 QUALCOMM Incorporated 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Personalities , or if the Per sonali ties wind ow is in a visible ta bbed wi ndow , click its tab. 2 Open the Persona lities window a nd selec t the pers onality you want t o delet e.
Eudora User Manual Selecting a Personality in a Message Header 90 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 5 In the Default Signature drop-d own list, sele ct the s ignatur e for this perso nality . Note that if the sta tionery you jus t sele cted h as a sig nature li nked to i t, this s ignatu re over- rides a ny sign ature you sele ct her e.
Eudora User M anual 91 QUALCOMM Incorporated account ’ s options, th en the sig nature s tored with the st ationery file is used. However , y ou can alway s chang e the sig nature dr op-down list in t he com position window . For d etails, see “ Us ing a Si gnature ” on page 67.
Eudora User M anual 92 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
93 QUALCOMM Incorporated W orking with Mailboxes Opening a Mailbox T o op en a mai lbox, s elect it from th e Mail box menu , or do uble-cli ck it in the Mai lboxes window . Note. The unr ead mes sage ico n appe ars in th e Mail box menu whenev er a mai lbox or folder con tains unread me ssag es that are less than five days old.
Eudora User M anual Understanding the Component s of a M ailbox 94 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed ■ T o s elect a consec utive rang e of su mmar ies, selec t a summar y , hold down the Sh ift key , and se lect a nother s ummary . Or , dr ag the mouse ov er the su mmaries to se lect them — as l ong as y ou begin o n an un selected summ ary .
Understanding the Components of a Mailbox Eudora User Manual 95 QUALCOMM Incorporated T o select th e dis play o f lines in the mes sage sum maries portion o f mailb ox win dows — hori- zonta l line.
Eudora User M anual Understanding the Component s of a M ailbox 96 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Priority Column This col umn di splays the me ssage priority . Y ou ca n use t he dro p-down li st to set a p artic- ular prio rity . For mo re infor mation on mess age prio ritie s, see “ Se tting th e Messa ge Priori ty ” on page 27.
Understanding the Components of a Mailbox Eudora User Manual 97 QUALCOMM Incorporated Date Column This column di splays the date an d time the mess age was c ompose d, or , for timed message s, the date and ti me the m essage i s sche duled to be sent.
Eudora User M anual Understanding the Component s of a M ailbox 98 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Displaying and Resizing Columns T o indicat e whic h column s you want di splayed in yo ur ma ilboxes, do the fol lowin g. 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Options .
Understanding the Components of a Mailbox Eudora User Manual 99 QUALCOMM Incorporated Message Preview Pane If the “ Show m essage p review pane ” opti on is s elect ed in the Viewi ng Mail o ptions window , then th e messag e previe w pane ap pears i n roughly the bottom h alf of th e mailbox window .
Eudora User M anual Creating Mailboxes and Folders 100 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Note. Eudora perform s the auto -marki ng beh avior o nly when y ou manual ly sel ect or previe w message s, not when it perfo rms act ions s uch as automat ic ma il ch ecks or filteri ng.
Using the Mailboxes Window Eudora User M anual 101 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using the Mailbox es Window The Mai lboxes window l ets you create ne w mail boxes an d folde rs, remov e and ren ame them, a nd move m ailboxes amon g folde rs. Mail boxes o r fold ers that are b olded hav e unread m essages .
Eudora User M anual Using the Mailboxes Window 102 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Creating a New Mailbox or Folder T o c reate a ne w mail box or fo lder in the Mai lboxes window , do the following . 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Mail boxes , or click the Mail boxes wi ndow ’ s tab if it is part of a visibl e tabbed window gr oup.
Mailbox and Folder Management: POP vs. IMAP Eudora User Manual 103 QUALCOMM Incorporated prompted , or click Re move all to remove all items selected for deleti on and no furthe r prompts will appear .
Eudora User M anual M ailbox and Folder M anagement: POP v s. IMAP 104 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
105 QUALCOMM Incorporated Organizing Y our Messages Deleting a Message As a sa feguard ag ains t inadver tent de letions, two ste ps are us ed to del ete a me ssage from you r compu ter: fir st put the m essage i n the Trash, then emp ty the T ras h.
Eudora User M anual Transferring Messa ges 106 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Y ou must pe rform two steps to remove a mess age from your comp uter: first mark it for deletion, then remo ve ma rked mes sages. T o ma rk for d eletion a message stored i n an IM AP mail box or fo lder , d o the follo wing.
Transferring Mess ages Eudora User M anual 107 QUALCOMM Incorporated Note. Y ou ca n undo mai lbox tr ansfers us ing th e “ Undo ” comma nd fro m the Edi t menu. Using the T ransfer Menu The Transfer men u is one w ay to tr ansf er mess ages amo ng you r mailbo xes.
Eudora User M anual Filtering Messages 108 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Filtering Messages Important. If you are using Eu dora in L ight m ode, yo u have ac cess to fewer features when usin g Eudo ra ’ s Filtering functi on ali ty . Many of th e emai l mana gement func tions i n Eudora can be done a utomatica lly u sing filters.
Filtering M essages Eudora User M anual 109 QUALCOMM Incorporated Make Filt er di alog b ox with s ample f ilter Match Conditions The Matc h Conditi ons area of the d ialog box help s you se t up the criter ia that wi ll dete r- mine wheth er a p articul ar mess age will be acted o n by t his filte r .
Eudora User M anual Filtering Messages 110 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed from the Sp ecial men u while m essage summ aries ar e select ed in a mai lbox w indow — but Eudora s till fi lters th e messag es auto matical ly duri ng mail s ends and chec ks.
Filtering M essages Eudora User M anual 111 QUALCOMM Incorporated T ransfer to Exis tin g Mailbox — Se lect to transfe r the filtered message into o ne of your existing m ailbo xes. Select th e mail box from the button next to the field. The d efault mailbox is the In box.
Eudora User M anual Filtering Messages 112 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 1 From the T ools menu , choose Fil ters , or click on the F ilters wi ndow ’ s tab i f it is part of a visible tabbed window group. The F ilter s window ap pears, a nd any filters y ou have created are listed on the left.
Filtering M essages Eudora User M anual 113 QUALCOMM Incorporated When the f ilter s are i nvoked ( automa tically or manu ally ), each m essage i s match ed against e ach filt er in order from top to bottom. I f the mess age meets a filt er ’ s criter ia, the actions are done as spec ified until there are no more ac tions.
Eudora User M anual Filtering Messages 114 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Use the ma tch type ( “ cont ains ” is the defau lt) drop-down menu to control ho w the hea der item is matched wi th the te xt st ring in the text fi eld.
Filtering M essages Eudora User M anual 115 QUALCOMM Incorporated unless — If the m essage m atches the fi rst ter m, filter it unles s the message als o matc he s the seco nd term, i n which c ase do not fi lter it. (This lets you exc lude cer tain var iations of the first te rm.
Eudora User M anual Filtering Messages 116 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Print — Pr ints one copy of each mes sage. Notify User — Notif ies you “ As Norm al ” and/or “ In Repo rt ” when mess ages are receiv ed. The “ As Norma l ” option noti fies you ba sed on th e option s you have selected in the Getti ng Attention option s.
Creating an Auto-Reply Message (Sponsored and Paid modes only) Eudora User Manual 117 QUALCOMM Incorporated Skip Rest — Stops fi ltering for the message.
Eudora User M anual Sorting Messag es Within M ailboxes 118 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Simila rly , wh en you tran sfer mes sages to an other mail box, th ose message s appea r at the bottom of the mess age s ummary list in that mai lbox.
Using the Find Command Eudora User M anual 119 QUALCOMM Incorporated Complex sorting Y ou can pe rform c omplex sorting b y hol ding do wn the Ctrl key and click one colu mn, then another c olumn, and s o on. The col umns are s orted in th e order y ou clicked on them.
Eudora User M anual Find Messa ges 120 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Find dial og box 4 In the text field, ty pe the te xt you wa nt to find. 5 Check Match whole word only to match th e text a s whole wo rd (not emb edded in another w ord). Che ck Match c ase to mat ch the ca se of the e ntered tex t.
Find Messages Eudora User M anual 121 QUALCOMM Incorporated Find Me ssages dialog box In the Fi nd Messag es dialo g box, your mai lboxe s appe ar along with ch eck box es. If th e boxes are chec ked, Eudo ra will perform a search i n thes e mailbox es acc ording t o the criteria you are about to set up.
Eudora User M anual Find Messa ges 122 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 3 In the d rop-dow n criteri a list ( Anywhere is th e default) , choose where in the mes sage you wa nt Eudor a to sear ch for te xt.
Find Messages Eudora User M anual 123 QUALCOMM Incorporated Subject — Choose th is option to se arch text en tered in only the Subje ct: heade r field of the mess age. CC — Choose this o ption to s earch te xt entere d in only the Cc: he ader f ield of the message .
Eudora User M anual Find Messa ges 124 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed matches regexp — If the speci fic item match es the r egular e xpressi on stri ng of cha rac- ters, sear ch and di splay those m essages. Re gular E xpressio n is a s earch str ing that uses speci al ch ar acter s t o matc h te xt char ac ters .
Find Messages Eudora User M anual 125 QUALCOMM Incorporated Exampl e of search criteria for a two level se arch In the a bove exa mple, if y ou clic k Se arch , Eu dora will sea rch for ev ery mes sage through e very sel ected mailbox that co ntains th e word speaker anywhe re but onl y if the text Ken is somewh ere in th e header .
Eudora User M anual Saving a Message to a File 126 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Sear c h contex t menu (right- click) ■ T o s ort the me ssages , click the colu mn head ings to s ort by t hat colum n. T o sort in descend ing orde r , click th e colu mn hea der agai n.
Saving a Message to a File Eudora User M anual 127 QUALCOMM Incorporated Save As dial og box 3 Enter the name you want to give t he text file and s elect th e appropr iate opti ons.
Eudora User M anual Saving a Message to a File 128 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
Window States and Tabbed Windows Eudora User M anual 129 QUALCOMM Incorporated Managing Windows in Eudora Window States an d T abbed Windows Every win dow in Eudor a exists i n one o f three s tates. ■ Normal ■ Docked ■ Floating Y ou can use these different wind ow states to set up Eu dora the way you wan t to see it on your s creen.
Eudora User M anual Normal Windows 130 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Closing a tool window does not eras e its c ontents, un less the conte nts are s aveable and you choo se to discard c hanges .
Docked Windows Eudor a User Manual 131 QUALCOMM Incorporated A tool window in the norma l state, whet her alone or in a tabb ed group, ca n be dragge d out of the con fines of the m ain Eudor a wind ow , but it must f irst be con verted t o a doc kable or floating w indow .
Eudora User M anual Docked Windows 132 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Only to ol windows , whethe r alone or tab bed, are d ockable . All other win dows in E udora, particu larly message windows and mail box wi ndows, ar e not dock able.
Floating Windows Eudora User M anual 133 QUALCOMM Incorporated Close Button The clos e button contains an “ x ” and ap pears n ext to t he zoom b utton.
Eudora User M anual Tabbed Windows 134 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Therefor e, a flo ating Eudo ra windo w floats ab ove all other Eud ora windo ws exce pt other floating w indows. The title b ar of a floating w indow con tains, in additi on to th e title, on ly the Cl ose bu tton.
Tabbed Windows Eudora User M anual 135 QUALCOMM Incorporated ■ It serves as a “ drag ha ndle ” th at let s you d rag the tool wi ndow fro m one tabbed win dow to anot her , so that you c an reorgan ize y our tabbe d windows and cre ate new t abbed windows.
Eudora User M anual Tabbed Windows 136 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed As desc ribed l ater in t his s ection, y ou ca n reo rganize these def ault tab bed win dows a ny way you lik e. Y our ne wly arr anged tabb ed wind ow will be preser ved when you qu it and restar t Eudora .
Tabbed Windows Eudora User M anual 137 QUALCOMM Incorporated Creating a New T abbed Window T o cr eate a new tabbe d window , drag one of the tabs from an exist ing tabbed win dow and drop it o nto an e xposed p ortion o f the win dow work ar ea.
Eudora User M anual Window Context Menu 138 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Closing T abbed Windows T o c lose a tab bed win dow , click th e “ x ” close bu tton in the upp er-right cor ner of th e window . Alterna tely , r ight-cli ck a ny tab in the wind ow or on th e windo w border , a nd ch oose Hide from the d rop-dow n context menu.
Window Context Menu Eudora User M anual 139 QUALCOMM Incorporated Allow Docking This co mmand con trols the docka bilit y of floating and doc ked win dows. It is av ailable only when the “ Float In Mai n Window ” c omman d is des elect ed. It is n ot avai lable fo r normal windows wh en “ Float In Main Wind ow ” is select ed.
Eudora User M anual Eudora Toolbar 140 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Eudora T oolbar The mai n toolba r is a str ip of buttons th at gives you ea sy acc ess to your frequen tly u sed Eudora c omma nds. Main T oolbar The tool bar can be moved to wherev er you wa nt it on the scr een.
Eudora Toolbar Eudora Us er Manual 141 QUALCOMM Incorporated Viewing the Main T oolbar T o s how or hid e the m ain too lbar , sel ect or de select the “ Show toolbar ” op tion in th e Display o ptions wi ndow . S ee “ Display ” on pag e 209. Click the pag e number to disp lay the topic.
Eudora User M anual Eudora Toolbar 142 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed T o s ee a desc ription of each too lbar but ton, posit ion the mouse pointer over the butt on; a descripti on appear s in the status bar at th e lower-le ft of the main Eudo ra window if the “ Show status bar ” op tion sele cted in th e Display o ptions wi ndows.
Eudora Toolbar Eudora Us er Manual 143 QUALCOMM Incorporated main tool bar , a n ew compos ition win dow open s. If you hold do wn the Shi ft key an d click the New Mes sage butt on in th e main toolbar , th e Mess age Opti ons d ialog box appears , allowin g you t o select option s for creatin g a new message (Persona lity and Statio nery).
Eudora User M anual Eudora Task bar 144 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Moving a T oolbar Button T o c hange th e placem ent of a button on th e main toolba r , hold down the Al t key an d drag the button t o wher e you want i t.
Main Window Icon Eudora User M anual 145 QUALCOMM Incorporated Any norm al Eudora window that is op en or minimiz ed is r epresen ted by a bu tton on the taskbar . This includes compos ition mess ages, rece ived messages, mai lbox windo ws, and any tool wi ndows or tabbed w indows tha t are in the normal stat e.
Eudora User M anual Main Window Icon 146 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed A New M ail notificati on icon i n the Win dows 95/98 /NT 4.0 Sy stem T ray ( clock ar ea) also tells you when new mail has ar rived . If y ou ho ld the mous e over the icon, a tool tip te lls y ou how man y messages you h ave.
Main Window Icon Eudora User M anual 147 QUALCOMM Incorporated If the gener ation of a filte r repor t is enab led via the option mentio ned abo ve, the n each time a fil ter o peration is perfo rmed, Eu dora adds the en try or entries to t he Filte r Repo rt window and activ ate s the wind ow .
Eudora User M anual File Browser W indow 148 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed File Browser Window Use this window to b rowse the Wind ows desk top. For example , you can use th is windo w to find fil es to atta ch to new o utgoing me ssages. T o op en the F ile Br owser windo w , do t he followi ng.
File Browser Window Eudora User Manual 149 QUALCOMM Incorporated files. (Eu dora doe s not fi ll in the “ Send T o ” submenu on the context m enu.) When sele cting mul tiple items, us e the S hift key to se lect a ra nge of item s, and use th e Ctrl key for disj oint sel ectio ns.
Eudora User M anual Background Tasks (m ulti-threading) 150 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed the comma nds on the window ’ s context menu, such as Cut, Cop y , Paste, and Del ete. T o display the drop- down conte xt menu to use these comma nds, you mu st first select the file you want th en ri ght-clic k.
Background Tasks (multi-threading) Eudora User M anual 151 QUALCOMM Incorporated Enve lope ’ s drop- dow n list Choose P rocess All W aiting T asks to sen d or retrie ve your mess ages in the ba ckgrou nd. Choose Show T ask Stat us to d isplay the T a sk St atus sho wing ba ckgrou nd activ ity .
Eudora User M anual Background Tasks (m ulti-threading) 152 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Y ou can s ee if your s ent me ssages are sent, queued , or pro cessing i n your O ut mailbox. The foll owing ic ons dis play to the left o f the me ssag e name in y our Ou t box: Followin g are fi eld desc riptio ns for columns in the T ask Status win dow .
Background Tasks (multi-threading) Eudora User M anual 153 QUALCOMM Incorporated Task Err o r messag e Click Details to exp and the mes sage as follow s. Task Erro r details Followin g are fi eld desc riptio ns for the T ask Error details w indow . Persona — The perso nality n ame asso ciate d with this error appears .
Eudora User M anual Link History (Sponsored and P aid modes only) 154 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Link Histo ry (Sponsored and Paid modes only ) Link Histor y is a new option on the T ools me nu that dis plays Inter net we b site URLs, attachmen ts, and ads th at have ap peare d in Eudo ra.
Link History (Sponsor ed and Paid modes only) Eudora Us er Manual 155 QUALCOMM Incorporated Change Date Display — dis plays a subm enu allow ing yo u to se t remind ers w hen to see the link , bookmar k the li nk, or sor t the link items b y date. Change Date Display submenu Note.
Eudora User M anual Link History (Sponsored and P aid modes only) 156 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
157 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using the Address Book The Add ress Book is where y ou ke ep info rmation about indi viduals or gro ups with wh om you cor respon d. Each en try in t he Addr ess B ook incl udes a nickna me for a p erson o r group, th e full ema il addre ss, a r eal name, a ny co ntact info rmation, and any n otes.
Eudora User Manual Creating an Address Book within your Address Book 158 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed T o pa ge up an d down i n the lis t of ent ries, use the arro w keys. T o re size the list, drag the divider. T o cl ose and open the rig ht-hand si de of the A ddress Boo k, use th e close ( « ) and open ( » ) buttons.
Adding an Address Book Entry Eudora User M anual 159 QUALCOMM Incorporated Creating a ne w nickna me entry 3 Enter a Nickn ame for the e ntry in the tex t box. A nick name, sometime s cal led an a lias, is an e asily remember ed, shor ter su bstitu te for the email address in the en try .
Eudora User Manual C hanging, Moving, Copying, and Deleting Entries 160 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 9 In the Po stal Addr ess , Phone , and Fax text bo xes, enter the c ontact i nformatio n for the pers on or group .This i nformati on is not include d in ou tgoing message s.
Renaming a Nickname Eudora User M anual 161 QUALCOMM Incorporated Y ou cannot mov e an entr y into the fil e it is alre ady in, but you can cop y an entry i nto its file. A “ Copy of [Entry] ” is c reated. T o delete an entry or an address file, selec t it from the lis t and click the Delete butto n or press the Delete k ey .
Eudora User M anual Make Address Book Entry Command 162 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Once the compos ition wind ow appe ars, yo u can use the T o:, Cc:, and B cc: butt ons to inse rt additi onal n ickname s into the corre spondi ng fie lds, sub ject to the follow ing res tric- tions.
Make Address Book Ent ry Command Eudora User M anual 163 QUALCOMM Incorporated Note. When the Addr ess Boo k is doc ked or floating, t he Mak e Addres s Book Entry comm and appli es to th e Addres s Book only if the keybo ard fo cus is in the Address Book.
Eudora User M anual Finish Address Book Entry Comm and 164 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Finish Address Book Entry Command By usi ng the Fi nish Add ress B ook Entr y comm and, yo u can enter a un ique.
Using the Quick Recipient List Eudora User M anual 165 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using the Quick Recipient List The Qu ick Rec ipient Li st is y our list of recipi ents to who m you o ften send mail. T o ad d a nic kname to the Qu ick Rec ipient Li st, do the followi ng.
Eudora User M anual Including Nicknames on the Quick Recipient List 166 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed T o insert the real addre ss(es ), inste ad of a n icknam e, do the fol lowin g. 1 Hold down the Shift key and fr om the Edit menu , choose Inse rt Recipien t .
167 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using Directory Services Opening D irectory Ser vices Eudora l ets you look up i nformati on abou t people o n the Int ernet, with in yo ur comp any , and in your E udora Ad dress B ook u sing four d irector y serv ice protoc ols.
Eudora User M anual Keeping the Directory Services Window on Top 168 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Keeping th e D irectory Se rvic es Wind ow on T op T o k eep the Directory Servi ces wind ow on top so that y ou can ea sily continu e using i t, sele ct the “ Keep O n T op ” opti on locate d at th e bottom o f the l eft pan e.
Reading Query R esults Eudora User M anual 169 QUALCOMM Incorporated Read in g Query Resu lts Y our quer y resu lts are listed i n the left half o f the Di rector y Servic es window, in the results list (top vie w) and the d etails pa ne (bottom view).
Eudora User Manual Addressing a Mess age from the Directory Services 170 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Addr essing a Me ssage fr om the Dir e ctory Servi ces Window Y ou can c reate and addre ss a mes sage with the que ry resul ts in the Direc tory Se rvices window .
Printing Your Quer y Results Eudora User M anual 171 QUALCOMM Incorporated Printing Y our Query Results Y ou can pr int and pr int pre view the res ults of y our quer y as show n in the detail s pane. First pe rform y our quer y , then sel ect one or mor e sum maries in the results list.
Eudora User M anual Using Directory Service Protocols 172 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Using Dir ectory S ervice Pr otocols Protoc ols are used to ac cess i n Direct ory Serv ices to find i nformatio n on pe rsons b y entering their na me, ema il add ress, e tc.
Using Directory Service Databases Eudora User M anual 173 QUALCOMM Incorporated Y ou use the dat abase s in this l ist to perf orm your loo kup que ries.
Eudora User M anual Using Directory Service Databases 174 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Ph Databas e wind ow, General panel 3 In the General panel, enter a de scrip tive n ame for th e Ph ser ver , its Host Name or IP address of the Ph se rver , an d the Por t in the re spect ive fields .
Using Directory Service Databases Eudora User M anual 175 QUALCOMM Incorporated Results and Detail s Lis ts (left pa ne of Di recto ry Serv ices win dow) Results List In the Resu lts Lis t, the data a ssocia ted with the Ph attr ibutes you name a ppear in the columns on the left pa ne of the Directo ry Serv ices win dow .
Eudora User M anual Using Directory Service Databases 176 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Add an Attribu te 6 When you are f inished makin g entrie s or change s, cl ick OK .
Using Directory Service Databases Eudora User M anual 177 QUALCOMM Incorporated Finger Databa se win dow, Ge neral panel 3 In the General panel, enter a de scrip tive name for the s erver , th e Host Name or IP address of the server , and the Port in the resp ective fi elds.
Eudora User M anual Using Directory Service Databases 178 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed LDAP Datab ase window, Ne twork pan el 3 In the Network panel , enter a descri ptive name for the serv er , the Host Name or IP address of the server , and the Port num ber in th e respecti ve fie lds.
Using Directory Service Databases Eudora User M anual 179 QUALCOMM Incorporated LDAP Datab ase windo w, Attrib utes panel , Add Attr ibute 6 In the Attribute Name text box, e nter t he name for the attri bute you wish to ad d a mapping f or , for ex ample, cn for com mon name.
Eudora User M anual Using Directory Service Databases 180 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Note. Thr ee of the fo ur colum ns in t he query r esults l ist windo w can be a ssigned to any attribute you wi sh, b ut yo u cannot chan ge the name of the colum n hea ding.
Using Directory Service Databases Eudora User M anual 181 QUALCOMM Incorporated LDAP Datab ase windo w, Search O ptions p anel 9 On the S earch Op tions pan el, sp ecify th e Search timeout by moving the bar i ndi- cator . Y ou c an adjus t the bar indicato r for a sho rt to long timeou t.
Eudora User M anual Using Directory Service Databases 182 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 13 In the Whole-query Search Filter , you enter a ty pe of sea rch filt er to cr eate a term for the whole q uery . Y ou ca n set this filter a s an alte rnate (OR) for the w orldwis e search filter res ults.
Using Directory Service Databases Eudora User M anual 183 QUALCOMM Incorporated T o mo dify a n existing databas e, do t he followi ng. Important. Y ou can o nly modi fy one database at a tim e. Mult iple s electio ns disa ble the modify fe ature. 1 Click t he datab ase name or icon in the Databases lis t to sele ct it.
Eudora User M anual Using Directory Service Databases 184 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
185 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using Menu Commands Introduction This se ction descri bes Eudora ’ s m enu co mmands . Each m enu is illust rated, and each comm and is de scrib ed. Add itional comma nds are availab le by pressing the S hift key while choosi ng menu comma nds.
Eudora User M anual Edit Menu 186 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Save As St ationery — (Sponsored an d Paid modes only ) Save the curre nt mess age to a statione ry file. (St ationery files hav e the .sta ext ensio n and, by defau lt, are sav ed in your Statio nery di rector y .
Edit Menu Eudora User M anual 187 QUALCOMM Incorporated Redo — Redo the m ost rec ent actio n that wa s undo ne with the Undo co mmand. Y ou can redo up t o the la st 50 a ctions (d ependi ng on ho w many wer e undone) . Cut — Delete the selec ted text a nd pla ce it on th e clipbo ard.
Eudora User M anual Mailbox Menu 188 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Mailbox Menu This m enu lets you op en a mai lbox or br ing an op en mai lbox to the fron t. It also lets yo u create n ew mai lboxe s and m ail fold ers. Mailbox menu In — Open the mailb ox where inc oming mes sages are s tored unt il del eted or trans ferred to anothe r mailbo x.
Message Menu Eudora User M anual 189 QUALCOMM Incorporated Message Menu This m enu le ts you create, send, and delete mess ages. Note. If you ho ld down the Sh ift ke y whil e selec ting an y of th e .
Eudora User M anual Transfer Menu 190 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Reply With — Open a repl y mess age wit h the sele cted s tation ery . R eply to th e send er of the mess age only . Reply to All With — Ope n a reply me ssag e with the s elected statio nery .
Special Menu Eudora User Manual 191 QUALCOMM Incorporated T rash — Transfer the cur rent mes sage(s ) to the Trash mailbo x. New ... — Display the New Mailbox dialog bo x to c reate a ne w mailbox and tran sfer the curre nt message (s) in to that mai lbox, all in one s tep.
Eudora User M anual Tools Menu 192 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Compact Mailbo xes — Recl aim u nused spa ce in all ma ilboxe s. Forget Pas sw or d(s) — Make Eudora fo rget your p assword s, so tha t next tim e mail is checke d for one of your p assword -controll ed mai l accou nts, the pa ssword must b e entered f irst.
Tools Menu Eudora User M anual 193 QUALCOMM Incorporated Mailboxes — Displ ay the Ma ilboxes window , w hich l ets you manage your ma ilboxes and mail folders.
Eudora User M anual Window Menu 194 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Window Menu All of Micr osoft Wind ows ’ stand ard Window menu option s are list ed in this menu incl uding the names of all no rmal Eudora wi ndows tha t you cur rently hav e open ( tabbed w indow groups ar e listed by the curren tly active wind ow in the tabbe d group ).
Help Menu Eudora User M anual 195 QUALCOMM Incorporated Help menu To p i c s — Displa y the o nline Hel p con tents. Context Sensitive Help — Display context- sensit ive He lp. Se lecting this com mand attaches a ques tion mar k icon t o the mo use point er .
197 QUALCOMM Incorporated Setting Eudora Preferences Introduction T o display categor y win dows wh ere you can spec ify h ow you wan t to use Eudor a, se lect Options from the T ools menu. By s electin g or tur ning o ff criteria on th ese wi ndows, yo u cust omize Eu dora to s uit your needs.
Eudora User M anual Getting Started 198 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Getting St arted op tions win dow Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Real name — This is the real name assi gned to y our prin cipal ac count, generall y your fi rst and last name.
Checking Mail Eudora User Manual 199 QUALCOMM Incorporated SMTP server (outgoing) — T his is the n ame of th e outgoing mail server fo r your pr incipal email ac count . All outg oing m essag es sent fr om your primary acco unt are r outed t hrough this se rver .
Eudora User M anual Incoming Mail 200 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Check fo r mail every _ minute( s) — If yo u enter a number greater than zer o in t his field, then at re gular i ntervals, E udora au tomati cally che cks your incomin g mail server for new mail and transfers to your PC any ma il addre ssed to you r prima ry accou nt.
Incoming Mail Eudora User M anual 201 QUALCOMM Incorporated When Server configurat ion = POP: Incoming Mail opti ons wind ow (POP ) Leave mai l on server — If this is sel ected, Eu dora copies i ncoming message s to y our PC and leav es the m essage o n the PO P server .
Eudora User M anual Incoming Mail 202 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Server configuration = IMAP: Incoming Mail opti ons wind ow (IMAP ) IMAP Mailbox Location Prefix — This specifi es the ma ilbox l ocation p refix th at IMAP will use when l ocating your mailbox es on the incom ing mail server.
Sending Mail Eudora User M anual 203 QUALCOMM Incorporated Authenticat ion styl e — This specifi es which IMAP ac count a uthentica tion te chnol ogy to use for this accou nt: Passw ords, Ke rberos , or CRAM -MD5. As k you r email adm inis trator which one to use if you are not su re.
Eudora User M anual Sending Mail 204 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed All ow au th enti cat ion — Eudora can log in to an SMTP server when s ending mail, just lik e it does fo r re ceivin g mail . Not all S MTP se rvers requir e or all ow such authenti catio n.
Internet Dialup Eudora User M anual 205 QUALCOMM Incorporated May use quoted-printa ble — If this is sel ected, E udora us es quoted- printab le encod ing when neces sary , such as w hen sendin g mess ages th at contain s pecial c haracte rs or long lines o f text.
Eudora User M anual Replying 206 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed New — Selec t to create a new dial-up n etworkin g entry . See the onl ine user man ual for informat ion on creatin g a dia l-up netw orki ng entry . Edit — Sel ect to edit the c urrent en try display ed in the Entr y field box.
Attachments Eudora User M anual 207 QUALCOMM Incorporated Quote o nly the s elected text — If this is s elect ed, only the text you hi ghlight i n a r eceived message will app ear on the reply m essage. When replying to all — This specif ies ho w to addre ss a re ply .
Eudora User M anual Fonts 208 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Attachment directory — This spe cifie s what d irector y will receiv e inc oming atta chmen ts. T o specify a folder , sing le-cli ck the fo lder name button . A dia log bo x appe ars pro mpting you to sel ect a folder .
Display Eudora User M anual 209 QUALCOMM Incorporated Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Message — These fi elds list the proporti onal and fix ed-width fon ts to be used for displayi ng the text i n your r eceived and com posit ion mess ages a nd in the m essage preview pane in mailbox windows.
Eudora User M anual Viewing Mail 210 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Disp lay opti ons windo w Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Show toolbar — If this opt ion is s elected, Eudor a displ ays the m ain windo w toolba r .
Viewing Mail Eudor a User Manual 211 QUALCOMM Incorporated Viewing Mail opti ons windo w Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Message Window — Thes e optio ns deter mine how E udora di splays receiv ed and compo- sition m essages .
Eudora User M anual Mailboxes 212 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed read (bl ank in the S tatus column ) after the specified numb er of s econds . If th is option i s turned off, a prev iewed message will not a utomatic ally be m arked a s read.
Styled Text Eudora User M anual 213 QUALCOMM Incorporated Show Mailbox Columns — These options d etermine which colu mns appea r in mai lbox windows. S elect an option to displ ay that c olumn in all ma ilbox wi ndows. T he options are Status , Priorit y , Atta chment , Label , Se nde r , Date , Size , Ser ver statu s , and Subject .
Eudora User M anual Styled Text 214 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Styled Text option s window Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Show formatting to olb ar — If this is se lecte d, the forma tting tool bar appear s by de fault in new mess age win dows.
Spell Checking (Sponsored and P aid modes only) Eudora Us er Manual 215 QUALCOMM Incorporated Spell Checking (Sponsored and Paid modes only ) The Spell Che cking opti ons co ntrol the be havio r of Eu.
Eudora User M anual Auto-Completion (Sponsored and Paid modes only) 216 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Note. If Eudor a has no sugges tions fo r the w ord in it s dicti onary , then n o sugges tions are list ed.
Auto-Completion (Spons ored and Paid modes o nly) Eudora Us er Manual 217 QUALCOMM Incorporated Auto-c ompletion option s window Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge.
Eudora User M anual Date Display 218 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Date Dis p lay The Date Display options d etermine how Eu dora dis plays mes sage date s in the Da te colu mn of ma ilbox wi ndow mess age s ummarie s. T o di splay the Date Di splay o ptions window , do the fo llowing.
Labels Eudora User M anual 219 QUALCOMM Incorporated Age-sens itive — If thi s is selected , message dates a ppear differen tly base d on the ag e of the mes sages.
Eudora User M anual Labels 220 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Options . 2 Scrol l and clic k the Labels ico n. The La bels options windo w appea rs. Labels o ptions wi ndow T o ch ange a la bel title, t ype the n ew title in th e field to the right of the label n umber .
Getting Attention Eudora User M anual 221 QUALCOMM Incorporated Custom c olors pa lette To define a custom colo r , do the followin g. 1 Select o ne of th e 16 cu stom c olor bo xes. 2 Using the mouse pointer , c lick a nywhere on the c olor pa lette to se lect t he color Hue and Satur ation.
Eudora User M anual Background Tasks 222 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Getting Atte ntion o ptions windo w Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Use an al ert dial og box — If t his is sel ected , an aler t dialog b ox notifi es you wh en new mail is received .
Background Tasks Eudora User M anual 223 QUALCOMM Incorporated in the bac kgroun d from the incomin g serve r at thos e time int ervals. B ut Eudo ra will not process it unti l there i s no use r activ ity perfor med on your co mputer fo r the a mount o f seco nds you ind icate in the Backg round T asks option s windo w .
Eudora User M anual Automa tion 224 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed W ait for _ seconds of user inactivity before processing downloaded messages — [default: 2 0 second s) If Eud ora is retrievin g mail.
Extra Warnings Eudora User M anual 225 QUALCOMM Incorporated Automatio n opti ons window Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below.
Eudora User M anual Extra Warnings 226 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Extra War nings o ptions window Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Delete unread mail — If th is is sel ected, you are warned if you try to d elete m ail that i s marked unrea d.
MAPI Eudora User M anual 227 QUALCOMM Incorporated (IE) 4.0 as the default v iewer if IE 4. 0 is installe d on your sy stem an d the “ Use Micros oft ’ s viewe r ” option i s selec ted in the Viewin g Mail option s. See “ Viewin g Mail ” on page 210 .
Eudora User M anual Advanced Network 228 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed MAPI options wind ow Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge. Op tions ar e describ ed below. Use Eudora MAPI server — If “ Never ” is sele cted, the Eudor a MAPI s erver is turned off and is ne ver automat ically loaded.
Advanced Network Eudora User Manual 229 QUALCOMM Incorporated 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Options . 2 Scrol l and clic k the Adv anced N etwork ico n. The Ad vanced N etwo rk optio ns window appears . Adva nced Networ k optio ns win dow Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge.
Eudora User M anual Auto Configure 230 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Auto Configure Eudora n eeds basic i nformatio n from you to s end and receiv e mai l.
Kerberos Eudora User M anual 231 QUALCOMM Incorporated Kerberos These o ptions contr ol the Ke rberos authentic ation sy stem. If your n etwork uses Kerber os for authe nticat ion, the ap propria te options are pr ovided by your e mail adm inistra tor .
Eudora User M anual Miscellaneous 232 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 1 From the T ools menu, choo se Options . 2 Scrol l and clic k the M iscellane ous icon . The Miscellan eous o ptions wi ndow app ears. Miscellan eous o ptions wi ndow Select t he opti ons you w ant to chan ge.
Miscellaneous Eudora User Manual 233 QUALCOMM Incorporated Say OK to alerts after _ sec ond(s ) [defau lt: 120] — If t his is s elected , any alerts that announce a pro blem with t he netwo rk com munic ation autom atica lly go a way afte r the specifi ed num ber of se conds .
Eudora User M anual Miscellaneous 234 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
235 QUALCOMM Incorporated Using Modifiers and Shortcuts Eudora Modifiers Many ope ratio ns in Eud ora can be imp lement ed by hol ding do wn one o r more “ m odifier ” keys. E udora us es th e Shift, Ctr l, and Al t keys as modifi ers. Ke ys you need to press a re display ed bet ween brac kets ([ ]).
Eudora User M anual Eudora Shortcuts 236 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Eudora S hortcu t s The sho rtcuts for Eudor a functi ons are as follow s: [Ctrl] + 0 Open O ut mailbox [Ctrl] + 1 Open In m ailbo.
Eudora Shortcuts Eudora User M anual 237 QUALCOMM Incorporated [Ctrl] + W Close window [Ctrl] + X Cut to clipboard [Ctrl] + Y Director y Services [Ctrl] + Z Undo [Ctr l] + [ta b] Switch b etween o pen.
Eudora User M anual Eudora Shortcuts 238 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed [Alt] + W Window Menu [Alt] + X Mailbox Me nu Arrows Move from o ne messa ge to anoth er in a mailbox (depen ds on you r Misc ellaneous Option s).
239 QUALCOMM Incorporated General Reference Right Mouse Button The com mands tha t are ava ilable fr om th e right m ouse button are gene rally the sam e as those on the mai n menu and toolb ar; the righ t mouse button simply offers anoth er access method.
Eudora User M anual Mail Storage 240 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Embedded Directory Eudora u ses the E mbedd ed direc tory to store JP EG ima ge fil es that yo u inser t into t he body of ou tgoing message s usi ng the Ins ert Pic ture... c ommand under the Edit m enu.
Mail Storage Eudora User M anual 241 QUALCOMM Incorporated Eudora.ini Y our Option s info rmation i s save d in th e Eudora .ini file , along with ot her informa tion. T his file con tains not es that describe each e ntry . For more informati on, see th e “ EUDORA.
Eudora User M anual Plug-ins (Extended Messaging Se rvices) 242 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Readme.txt This file conta ins the E udora Rea dme, a t ext file t hat con tains im portant, r elease-c urr.
The Messaging Application Program I nterface (MAP I) Eudora User M anual 243 QUALCOMM Incorporated The Messaging Application Pr ogram Inter face (MAPI) MAPI is an int erface th at lets y ou send email m essages from any MAPI- compatib le appl i- cation, s uch a s your Web browser , w ord proces sor , spr eadshee t, graphi cs ap plicati on, etc.
Eudora User M anual Putting Multiple Users on One C omputer 244 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Specify ing a mai l direc tory 5 T o start Eudo ra, user s simp ly dou ble-cl ick on t heir sh ortcut. A new Eu dora.ini file wil l be crea ted for eac h user loca ted in t he direct ory sp ecified in the Ta r g e t : fi eld.
245 QUALCOMM Incorporated Mail T ransport Introduction Eudora u ses Si mple Mail T ransfer Protocol (SMTP) to trans fer your o utgoing mail to y our SMTP se rver ma chine , which in turn uses SM TP to se nd yo ur mail to th e worl d at la rge.
Eudora User M anual Incoming Mail 246 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Incoming Mail When som ebody sends y ou mail, other comput ers use the SMT P protoc ol to del iver the mail to y our POP o r IMAP s erver . Y our POP or IMAP s erver puts mail in your “ mail dr op, ” where it stays un til the Eudora program picks it up.
247 QUALCOMM Incorporated MAPI T echnical Report Where to Ge t More Info rmatio n on MA PI For mo re infor mation , supplem entar y to this technic al repor t, visi t our onli ne MAPI F AQ a t the web si te <http://www .
Eudora User M anual MAPI Over view 248 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed MAPI Overview Let ’ s start with a pic ture: A MAPI client applicat ion is any 16- bit or 32-bit W indows ap plicatio n that kno ws how t o access the st andard M API m essagin g funct ions in a libr ary kn own as a DL L (Dy namic Link Li brary).
Eudora Implementation of M API Eudora User M anual 249 QUALCOMM Incorporated a user n ame an d password to the m ail sys tem in order to “ log on ” to the mai l system. (T he Eudora i mplement ation o f MAPI does not i mplem ent auth enticati on sinc e Eudora itself requires authen tication to access the POP3 and IMA P4 serve rs.
Eudora User M anual Eudora MAPI Shutdown Procedure 250 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 1 Check to see whe ther or not the Eud ora M API DLLs are alr eady ins talled in the Windows SYSTE M director y . If so, then you are finishe d. 2 Check for e xisting Microsof t MAPI .
Eudora DLL Swapping Restrictions Eudora User Manual 251 QUALCOMM Incorporated 7 Exit Wi ndows . Once Eudo ra ’ s MAPI DL Ls get int o the wrong “ sta te ” with res pect to E udora, you cannot corre ct the sta te mism atch unti l all MAPI cl ient a pplicati ons unlo ad the M API DL Ls and Windows is able to unl ock the D LL f ile.
Eudora User M anual Eudora DLL Swapping Restrictions 252 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
253 QUALCOMM Incorporated MIME and Mapping What Is MIME? MIME sta nds for M ultipur pose Inter net Ma il Exte nsions. MIME ser ves two major pu rposes — it allo ws mail a pplicati ons to tel l one a.
Eudora User M anual MIME Labeling 254 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed This cor rupt ion happen s bec ause SMTP c annot handle the spec ial cha ract ers. Howe ver , if you and y our re cipient b oth hav e.
Practical Issues Eudora User M anual 255 QUALCOMM Incorporated T ur ning Of f Quoted-Printable Encoding Eudora au tomatic ally uses quoted-pr intable enc oding if your mail contai ns special charac- ters. Eu dora also uses qu oted-pr intable en codin g for attac hed pl ain text fi les.
Eudora User M anual P ractical Issues 256 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Note that the Macintos h type fr om this map is em pty . This allows mu ltipl e types to be recogni zed with jus t one m appin g. This i s nice for “ in ” maps beca use it allows you to cove r a range o f creator /type pa irs with one ma p.
257 QUALCOMM Incorporated Sources Anonymou s F TP (ftp.eudo ra. com) QUALCOMM ’ s Eudo ra Divi sion has an a nonym ous F TP server , ftp.eudora .com , that h as informat ion a nd softwa re rel ated to Eudor a. The se are locate d with in th e eudora direct ory .
Eudora User M anual Ph Server Source Code 258 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Ph Se rver Source Co de A serv er for t he Ph p rotocol is availa ble v ia anon ymous F TP f rom . Password Ch ange Serv er Three sa mple UNIX se rvers for Eudora ’ s Change Password.
259 QUALCOMM Incorporated Dialup Eudora Introduction As of ve rsion 4 .0, Eud ora no lo nger supports the bu ilt-in S erial Dialup (she ll) connecti on method fou nd in p revious v ersions o f Eudora .
Eudora User M anual Configuring Dialup Networking under Windows 95/ 98 260 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 5 Define a Phonebook entry – The Mic rosoft Dialup Netwo rking t ool le ts you c reate multip le “ phonebo ok ” entri es, one for each of your Internet S ervice P rovide rs.
Configuring Dialup Networking using Windows NT 4.x Eudora User Manual 261 QUALCOMM Incorporated 10 If your I nternet S ervice Provider has assigne d you a s pecific (static ) IP add ress, s elect the Spec ify an IP address optio n, then enter that a ddress in the fie ld.
Eudora User M anual Defining a Login Script 262 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed 5 Click Next to display the Modem or Adapt er pag e. 6 Select y our mod em fro m the lis t, then cl ick N ext to disp lay the P hone Num ber page . 7 In the edit box, e nter the p rimary ph one num ber for your Inte rnet Ser vice Pro vider .
Defining a Login Script Eudora User M anual 263 QUALCOMM Incorporated goto Failure endif transmit $PASSWORD + "^M" waitfor "Permission granted" until 30 if FALSE == $SUCCESS then g.
Eudora User M anual Creating a Desktop Phonebook Shortcut 264 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed This scr ipt is compa tible with both Windows 95/9 8 and Wind ows NT 4.x Dialup Netw orking tools. If t he login s equence fails, th en the sc ript wil l halt, le aving yo u free to attempt a manual l ogin via the popup Di alup Networking te rminal window .
Configuring Eudora to A uto-Dial the Phonebook Entry Eudora User M anual 265 QUALCOMM Incorporated T o tes t the a uto-dial capabil ity , m ake sur e your m odem is not a lready connec ted, then sele ct t he C heck Mail co mmand from the File menu in E udora.
Eudora User M anual Configuring Eudora to A uto-Dial the Phonebo ok Entry 266 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed.
267 QUALCOMM Incorporated Eudora.ini File EUDORA .INI Settings File The EUDORA .INI file i s where E udora k eeps mos t of the settin gs. It is a s tandard Windows INI file, an d may be e dited with any te xt editor .
Eudora User M anual Default INI file 268 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Name and Location of the INI File The defa ult nam e is EUDORA .INI and the default locat ion is i n the ma il direct ory . B ut the name and l ocation can be chang ed. T o s pecify a different INI fi le from th e EUDORA.
Settings Eudora User M anual 269 QUALCOMM Incorporated Settings Entry Default Value Descrip tion AllowDe fPlu gi ns 1 Controls whet he r or not EMSAP I plug-ins can be automat ically added t o the tool bar . AllowOv erw riteMod e 1 Controls whethe r or not to gg ling the Inser t key puts the messag e ed itor into ove rwrit e m ode .
Eudora User M anual Settings 270 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed CompactOu tgoing Plugins 0 Controls whethe r the outg oing EM SAPI plug -ins on the compos ition m essage w indow t oolbar should be separa te buttons or con tained within one bu tton th at pops up a l i st of all outgoing plug-ins .
Settings Eudora User M anual 271 QUALCOMM Incorporated GssDllNa me gssapi 32. dll For a user to spec ify the GS S/ K5 DLL name . GuessP aragrap hs 0 "Guess Paragrap hs" che ck bo x in the Sav e As .
Eudora User M anual Settings 272 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed MainWi ndowStat e 1 The state of the Ma in Win dow (norm al = 1, minim ized = 2, or maxim ize d = 3). The st at e i s se t wh en Eudor a clo ses, and the Mai n W indow is set to this sta te th e nex t time Eudora starts u p .
Settings Eudora User M anual 273 QUALCOMM Incorporated PasswordOKWordList lock busy ,own it, of memory , assign strea m, ush of tem p, being un lo ck, hangup, timeout , not owned ,quota , drop n ame, .
Eudora User M anual Settings 274 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed QuoteP r ef ix > The string that preced es all lin es o f the origina l messa ge in a forward ed mess age QuoteStart The str ing that gets inserted befo re the original text o f a forwarded mess age .
Settings Eudora User M anual 275 QUALCOMM Incorporated Reserved Dos Names au x,com1 ,com2 ,co m3,co m4,con, lpt1,l pt2,lpt3, lpt4,nul, pr n Reserved names o f files th at will not b e used for filename s of atta chm e nts. The se f i lenam es are re se rved for DOS , an d ca n cause s pr oblem s i n act ua l files wi th these na m es ar e c reated.
Eudora User M anual Settings 276 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed StatBarEr ro rA ni m at i onRa te 250 Controls the speed of the an imate d icon in the status b ar for tasks that are currently waitin g (unit s in millis econd s between imag es).
Settings Eudora User M anual 277 QUALCOMM Incorporated T askError Remo veFrom List 1 Controls whet her or not to remo ve e rrors from t he T as k Errors win dow a fter seei ng t he c orr es po nding er ror dialog.
Eudora User M anual Mappings 278 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Mappings This is a sam ple [Map pings] se ction. It is not a defaul t for Eudo ra if yo u h av e a mi ssi n g or empty [Ma ppings ] secti on.
Window Position Eudora User Manual 279 QUALCOMM Incorporated both=ppt,P PT3,SLD3,, both=wp,W PC2,.W P5,appli catio n,wordper fect5.1 both=zi p,,,applic ation,zi p both=rtf ,,,applic ation,rtf both=ps,.
Eudora User M anual Tool Bar 280 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed OldKeepO n T opcpC ov erted What in pre- 4. 0 v ersions of Eudo ra use d to be [S ettings] Addres sKeepF oregrou nd is no w Kee pOn T op in thi s section . Keep OnT op sav es the ch eck st ate of th e "Keep O n T op" chec k bu tton in the Direc tory Ser vice s windo w.
Tool Bar Eudora User M anual 281 QUALCOMM Incorporated DIRSERV -M ajor This entry ref lects the ma jor vers ion of D irServ .dll t hat was last regist ered.
Eudora User M anual Debug 282 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Debu g The [Debug] s ection con trols asp ects of the Eudora log fil e. The Eudora log file is a han dy tool for debugging networ k connec tions, e special ly when u sing the d ialup co nnecti on method.
283 QUALCOMM Incorporated T roubleshooting What to Do First Occasio nally , you may enco unter a pr oblem or bug wh en using Eudor a. This sectio n include s info rmation to help you sol ve tho se probl ems. Y ou c an also c heck th e Eudo ra T e chnical Supp ort Web Pages , click t he foll owing U RL: http://eudora.
Eudora User M anual Formatting and Printing 284 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed “ -ERR Maildrop lock busy ” This u sually happen s after your P C has “ hung ” d uring a mail check an d you are now attempting to re-con nect to the mail ser ver .
Miscellaneous Eudora User Manual 285 QUALCOMM Incorporated The so lution is to m ake the print font sma ller , or choo se a pr int fon t in wh ich the letters are printe d closer t ogether — like He lvetica in stead of Cour ier New , for exam ple.
287 QUALCOMM Incorporated Glossary Address Book. The Addre ss Book i s where y ou keep i nformati on abou t indivi duals or groups that yo u corr espond with. Alias. Anot her na me for an existin g user ’ s ad dress. In Eudora , an alias is also c alled a nickna me.
Glossa ry 288 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Dialup Networking. This is a sp ecified d ialup connecti on (ref erred to in Wi ndows NT 4.0 as a "ph onebook e ntry") used when Eudora d oes a ny netw ork operat ion. T his opti on is availab le only if you hav e instal led th e dial-u p network ing servi ces with Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.
Glossary 289 QUALCOMM Incorporated Hypertext T r ansfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP is the stand ard way o f tran sferring i nforma- tion acr oss the World Wide Web. It s upports a varie ty of m edia and fi le forma ts acro ss a variety of platfo rms. Internet.
Glossa ry 290 QUAL CO M M In cor por at ed Multi-Purpose I nternet M ail Extens ions (MIME). The is an attac hment d ecoding method best used for recipients with MIME -complian t email rea ders, regar dless of what operati ng system they a re usin g.
Glossary 291 QUALCOMM Incorporated Signa tur e. A signature is a few l ines of text au tomatical ly added to the end of an o utgoing message when it is sent . A signa ture can be whate ver yo u want, b ut it is m ostly us ed to give con tact in formatio n (telepho ne, addr ess, etc .
Glossary 292 QUALCOMM Incorporated.
Ind ex 293 QUALCOMM Incorporated Index Click the page number to display t he topic. Symbol s -, in the Status column 95 • , in the St atus column 41, 45, 51, 95 Ð , in t he Statu s column 47, 95 «.
Index 294 QUAL COM M Incor porated Delete attac hment s when empty ing T rash o ption 106 audio fi le attachi ng to a mess age 33 Authentic ation style how to enter in O ptions IMAP server 203 POP ser.
Ind ex 295 QUALCOMM Incorporated Unknow n field 38 Edit User D ictionary dia log Add butto n 39 Clear b utton 40 Delete bu tton 40 Spelling Options dial og Ignor e capital i zed words 40 Ignor e words.
Index 296 QUAL COM M Incor porated Directory Serv ices address ing a message from 170 auto name com pl eti on 16 8 Bcc button 17 0 Cc button 170 creating a new databas e 173 Databa ses list 167, 168, .
Ind ex 297 QUALCOMM Incorporated eudorlog .old file 241 Excerpt bars in quote d text with style s 63 Exit comm and 186 Expand N ickna me option 16 1 Extended Messaging Serv ices 242 Extended Messag in.
Index 298 QUAL COM M Incor porated Forw a rd T o su bmen u 165, 189 Forwarded s tatus (rig ht arrow) 64 From fie ld in a forw arded messag e 64 in Fil ter s 113 in outgo ing mail 25 in redire cted message 65 FTP defi nit ion 288 ftp.
Ind ex 299 QUALCOMM Incorporated Include Headers optio n 12 7 Include outdated ‘ Retu rn-Receipt-To ’ how to enter in O ptions 233 Include signature on reply how to enter in O ptions 206 Include y.
Index 300 QUAL COM M Incor porated Mail fo lder .fol d irectories 241 Mail fo lders creating during transfer 107 creating in the Mail boxes win dow 102 crea ting usin g Mailbox men u 10 0 Make i f a folder o ption 100 manage ment on POP vs.
Ind ex 301 QUALCOMM Incorporated how to enter in O ptions 209 Messa ge bod y in in coming mail 53 in outgo ing mail 26 Messa ge hea der in in coming mail 53 Messa ge Plug-ins Settings comm and 192, 24.
Index 302 QUAL COM M Incor porated O Offline how to enter in O ptions POP server 201 OLD form at (in Options) 21 9 On or af ter option 45 Onlin e Help 15 Online help 15 Open ac tio n 115 Open Att achm.
Ind ex 303 QUALCOMM Incorporated POP3 290 Post Office Protocol 24 5 Post Offic e Protoc ol 3 (POP3) 29 0 Postal Addres s field 160 Postmas ter us er 290 Preview Pane 211 Preview pa ne 51, 99 Print act.
Index 304 QUAL COM M Incor porated Copy orig ina l ’ s p riority to repl y option 63 in a fil ter with stationery 73 Include yourself op tion 63 Map Ctr l +R to “ Reply to All ” option 63 Put or.
Ind ex 305 QUALCOMM Incorporated Server status p opup 57 Settings button 192, 242 Shared fol der 290 Sharing a PC 24 3 Shift key and t oolbar but tons 143 Shift+Spac e 99 Shift+Spac e modifier change .
Index 306 QUAL COM M Incor porated Stat us fie ld, of Di rect ory S erv ic es 169 Stop but t on 16 8 styled and plain te xt 29 Styl ed Tex t op tions 29, 2 13 Subject colum n 97 Subject fie ld changi .
Ind ex 307 QUALCOMM Incorporated UNIX server (POP or IMAP) how to obtain 257 unles s o pt ion 115 Unloa d Winsock DLL a fter closing soc ket how to enter in O ptions 229 Unqua lified name, ad ding dom.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Qualcomm 4.3 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Qualcomm 4.3 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Qualcomm 4.3 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Qualcomm 4.3 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Qualcomm 4.3 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Qualcomm 4.3 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Qualcomm 4.3 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Qualcomm 4.3. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Qualcomm 4.3 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.