Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung TVS-471 des Produzenten QNAP
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1 QNAP Turbo NA S Software User Manual (Version: 4.2) This manu al is applic able to t he following Turbo N AS models : TS -128, TS -131, TS- 228, TS-231, TS -231+, TS-251 , TS-2 51+, HS-251 , HS-251+.
2 Table of Conte nts Notice ................................................................................................................................................................ . 5 Legal Notice and Disclaimer ..............................
3 U ser Groups ............................................................................................................................................ 154 Share d Folder s ................................ .........................................
5 Notice Legal Notice and Discl aimer Regulatory N otice Document Annotatio n Safety Infor mation an d Precautio ns.
6 Legal Notice and Disclaimer Thank you f or choosin g QNAP pro ducts! T his user m anual provi des det ailed instructi ons of using the T urbo NAS (network -att ached stora ge). Ple ase read caref ully and start to enjoy t he powerful fu nctions of the Turbo N AS! The Turbo N AS is her eafter ref erred to a s the NAS.
7 Back up t he syste m periodic ally to avoi d any pote ntial dat a loss. QNAP disclaims any responsibility of all so rts of dat a loss or rec overy. Should yo u return any c omponent s of the NAS packa ge for refun d or mainte nance, make sure they are car efully packed for s hipping.
8 Regulatory Notice FCC Not ic e QNAP NAS compl y with di fferent FCC compl iance classes. Pl ease refer the Appendi x for detail s. Once the class of the d evice is determi ned, refer to th e followin g corresponding statement. FCC Cl ass A Noti ce This device complies with Par t 15 o f the FC C Rules.
9 does cause harmful i nterference t o radio or televisio n receptio n, which can be deter mined by turning th e equipme nt off and on, the user is encour aged to try t o correct t he int erference by one or more o f the fol lowing me asures: Reorient or r elocate t he recei ving ante nna.
10 Document Annotation Annotations in this document War ni ng: This in dicates the i nstructio ns must be strictly followed. F ailure to d o so co uld result in i njury to hu man body or death.
11 Safety Information and Precautions 1. The NAS can operat e normally i n the temperature of 0 º C – 40 º C and rel ative humi dity of 0% – 95 %. Ensure the envi ronment i s well -ventilated. 2. The p ower cord and d evices connected to th e NAS mu st provide correct supply vol tage (100W, 90 – 264V).
13 Getting Started New NAS us ers are a dvised to foll ow the b elow steps t o complet e their NA S inst allation. For users who alr eady own a QNAP NA S and wou ld like to move the data to a ne w QNAP NAS, refer to Mi grating fro m Old NAS for detailed in structions.
14 Hardware Installation After unpackin g the NAS, fi rst follow th ese instructions to in stall your hardwar e: 1. Instal l the hard dri ves. Before doi ng so, ensure the hard drives (HDDs) that you use a re compatibl e with the NAS. Go to the Hard Di sk Drive Compati bility Li st secti on for more detail s.
15 Hard Disk Drive Compati bility List This product works with 2.5- inch an d 3.5-inch SATA h ard disk dri ves and/or soli d -state drives (SSD) from major hard dri ve brands. F or a full list of compatible dri ves, check the c ompatibili ty list on the QNAP websi te ( http:// www.
16 Checking System Status LED Di spl ay & Sy ste m Sta tus Ove rvi ew LED Colo r LED St atu s Des cri pti on System Status Red/G reen Flashes gre en and red alternat ely every 0.5 se c 1) The hard di sk drive on t he NAS is being formatted. 2) The NAS is b eing initi alized.
17 LED Colo r LED St atu s Des cri pti on every 2 se c Green The NAS is r eady. Off All the hard disk drive s on the NA S are in standby mo de. Power 1 Green Flashes gre en The NAS is b ooting up. Green The NAS is o n and re ady. LAN Orang e Orange The disk d ata is bei ng accesse d from the network.
18 *The 10 GbE network expa nsion functio n is only supported by the TS -470 Pro , TS-670 Pro, TS -870 Pro, TS-870 U-RP, T S-879 Pr o, TS-10 79 Pro, TS -879U- RP, TS-12 70U- RP, TS -1279U -RP, TS- EC879 U-RP, an d TS- EC1279 U-RP. **TS-210 , TS-212, T S-219, T S-439 U-SP/RP, TS -809 Pr o, TS-8 09U-R P do not support eS ATA port.
19 Software Installation After install ing the NAS hardwar e, proceed to so ftware install ation. There are th ree approach es for software instal lation: 1.
20 Smart Installa tion Guide Follow the steps in this secti on to complete onli ne installati on for your NAS: 1. Go to ht tp://start.qnap .com . 2. Choose the number of HDD ba ys and the m odel of your NAS an d cli ck "Start Now". 3. Cli ck "Hardware" and follow the on -screen i nstructi ons to get hardware ready.
21 Cloud Installati on Follow the st eps in t his sectio n to compl ete clou d installati on for your NAS : 1. Connect your NAS to the Internet, and on your PC, g o to " sta rt.qnap.c om " and s croll down unt il the "Install firmware" section.
22 CD Installation Follow the st eps in t his sectio n to compl ete CD i nstallatio n for your NAS: 1. Instal l the QNAP Qfi nder from the pr oduct CD-R OM. 2. Ru n the QNAP Qfi nder. If the QNAP Qfi nder is bl ocked by your firewal l, unblock the util ity.
23 HDMI Installation Follow the st eps in t his sectio n to compl ete the H DMI instal lation for y our NAS : 1. Conn ect the NAS to an HDMI di splay. 2.
24 Getting Utilities QNAP has prepared a number of pra ctical an d useful utilitie s to e nhance yo ur NAS ex perience. After setti ng up the N AS, choo se from the f ollowing t wo meth ods to inst all the utiliti es: Method 1: Down loading from the QNAP website Visit htt p://www.
25 Connecting to NAS Shared Folders After install ing the hardware and softwa re, it i s time to connect t o the shared fol ders on the NA S. Refer to these li nks for the connecti on setup: Co.
26 Windows There are t wo metho ds for co nnecting t o shared fol ders of th e NAS when usin g Window s: Method 1: C onnect to the sha red folders of the NAS by us ing th e QN AP Qfinder 1. Laun ch QNAP Qfi nder. Select your NAS and then cli ck "Tool" > "Map Net work Drive".
27 Mac or Linux Mac Us ers There are t wo metho ds to connect shared fol ders on a NAS: Method 1: Using QNAP Qfinder 1. Laun ch QNAP Qfi nder, select your NAS, an d go to "Conn ect" > "Open i n File Explorer". 2. Ente r your login ID and password.
28 Connecting to NAS by Web Bro wser To connect to the NA S by a we b browser, follow t hese steps : 1. Ente r http://NAS IP:80 80 i n the web browser. Or if usi n g QNAP Qfinder, simply doubl e click on the NAS to open th e login page. Not e: The defa ult NAS IP is 169.
29 Migrating from Old NAS Users can migrate the ir existi ng N AS to an other NAS model with all th e data and configuratio n retaine d by simpl y installi ng all the hard drives of the ori ginal (so urce) NAS o n the new ( destination) NAS accor ding to its original hard drive order a nd restart th e NAS.
30 TVS-x63, T S-563, TS -x63 U, TS -x69, TS -x70, T VS-x71, TS -x79, TS -x80, T VS-x80, TS -x80U TS -x39, TS -509, TS -809, SS -x39, TS -x59, TS -x59U 3.8 4.0.x 4.1.x and later TS -x10, TS -x12, T S-x19, TS -x20, TS -x21, HS - 210 3.8.x and older 4.0.
31 4.1.x and later TS -x69, TS -x69U, T S-x70, TS -x70U, TV S-x71, TVS -x71U, TS -x79, TS -x79U, T S-x80, TS -x80U, TV S-ECx8 0 4.1.x and later HS -251/251 +, T S-x51/x51 +, TS -x53, SS - x53 4.1.2 and later TS -x31+ 4.1.1 TVS-x71, T VS-x63 , TS-563, TS -x63U, TS -x53, T S-x51/x5 1+, x31+ 4.
32 .3 and later TVS- x71, T VS-x63 , TS-563, TS -x63U, TS -x53, T S-x51/x5 1+ .3 and later NAS Mo de ls t hat D O N OT Sup po rt Syst e m M ig rati on NAS models that do n ot support direct mi gration are listed in t he belo w table.
33 migration or th e data may be i naccessible. For a co mpatibility li st, go to http://www bility . SS -x39 and SS-46 9 Pro series onl y support 2.5 -in ch hard disk dri ves. Encrypted disk vol umes cannot b e migrated to a NAS that does not support file system encryption.
34 4 to 6-drive RA ID 6, 4-drive or 6-dri ve RAID 10. 8-bay NAS 1 to 8-drive si ngle disk volume, JB OD, RAID 0, 2-drive RA ID 1, 3 to 8-drive RA ID 5, 4 to 8-drive RA ID 6, 4-drive, 6-dri ve, or 8-dr ive RAID 10. Mig rati ng you r NAS Follow the st eps bel ow to perf orm syste m migratio n: 1.
36 QTS Basics and De sktop QTS is a u ser-friendl y NAS o peratin g system desi gned to e nhance ev ery as pect of yo ur NAS experience. With ba sic metho ds such a s drag - and - drop or poi nt and cli ck, you can complete most NAS operatio ns.
37 Introducing QTS Built on a Linux foundati on, QTS i s shaped fro m an optimi zed ker nel to deliv er high- performance services th at satisfy n eeds for fil e storage, managem ent, back up, multimedi a applicatio ns, surveilla nce, and more.
38 Intuitive GU I with Mul ti- Windows, Multi-T asking, M ulti-Ap plication, Multi -Devi ce acces s support Cross platf orm data storage, ba ckup and s haring ce nter Revolutionar.
39 Using QTS Desktop After you fini sh the basic setup an d logi n to the NAS, the deskt op will appear. Each main desktop feature is in troduced in the f ollowing sections. Topics cover ed in thi s chapter: QTS Deskto p 2-step Verif ication QTS De skto p NO.
40 Desktop, wil l be lau nched once you cli ck a third -party appli cation. Click the icon from the menu to laun ch the selected appl ication. 3 Search Enter a feature sp ecific keywo rd in the search b ar to sea rch for the desired function an d its correspondi ng online help .
41 mouse cursor cl ose to the buttons. o Show the li nk bar on the d esktop: Uncheck th is option to hi de the link bar (No. 13, No. 14 an d No. 15.) o Show the Dashboard bu tton: Un check thi s option to hide the Dashboard butt on (NO.
42 be opened in Tab Mode, Win dow Mode, or Fram eless Mode. Onl y Tab Mode is avail able if you l og into the NAS using a mobile devi ce. o Tab Mode: In thi s mode, th e window wil l be opened to fi t the entire NAS Desktop and only one appli cati on window can be displ ayed at a time.
43 1. Instal l the auth enticator App on your mobil e devi ce: For Androi d and iOS devices, in stall th e Google Authenti cator App from thei r respecti ve App stores. For Wi ndows Phone, i nstall th e Authenticator from i ts Store. 2. The syst em times of y our mobil e device and NAS must be synchr onized.
45 System Sett ings Go to "Co ntrol Pa nel" > "Syste m Setting s" to set u p your NAS . For details o n the sett ings, refer to the follo wing link s: General Setti ngs �.
46 Ge neral Settings Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Gener al Setting s" to confi gure basic setting s of the NAS.
47 connectio n (SSL) o nly" is enable d, users c an only connect to t he web ad min istratio n page by HTTPS. Disa bl e an d hid e t he hom e/ mul ti med ia fea ture s suc h as P ho to Sta.
48 Select the l anguage t he NAS u ses to dis play files and directorie s. Not e: All of the file s an d directories on the NA S use Uni code enco ding. If your FTP clie nts or PC OS does not s upport U nicode, select the l anguage w hich is the same as the OS language in or der to properly vie w files and directori es on t he NAS.
49 Storage Manager Based on QNAP's Flexibl e Volume Architect ure , the St orage Man ager provide s a secur e, flexible a nd comprehe nsive appr oach to m anage data o n your NA S and offer s a n.
50 Each layer is designe d to cover an aspect of the stor age system , and all four layers combined can achieve total prote ction for y our stor age syste m.
51 For specific setup of t he Stor age Manager, please re fer to the foll owing li nks: Dashboard Storage iSCSI Virtual Disk Note: To expand storage spa ce wit h an expansion un it connected vi a a USB cabl e, you must create a separate static vol ume or storag e pool on the expan sion unit .
52 Dashboard The Storage Manag er dashboard provides an o verview for IT adm inistrators to easily moni tor and manage storage al locations. Over vie w There are three secti ons on the pag e: Disk, Volu me/LUN and Sto rage Pool .
53 This page is desi gned for users t o moni tor storage utiliz ation of their NAS. Wi th volume and sto rage pool usage info rmation present ed on this page, users can manag e their storage system mor e effectively and sp ot potenti al issues based on tr ends over a peri od of time (from t he last hou r to the last year.
54 Storage Manage volu mes, stor age pools, hard disk drives, sna pshots, en crypt and decrypt fil e systems, a nd confi gure cache accel eration with Stor age Mana ger.
55 Disks This page i s designed for user s to monit or and m anage hard disk driv es installe d on the NA S and its con nected ex pansion e nclosures, and users can quickly i solate and identify hard drives for rel evant m aintenanc e tasks.
56 Acti on Des cri pti on Disk Info Click this button to c heck det ails of a di sk, includi ng the mode l, model number, seri al numb er, capacity, firmware version, ATA versio n and ATA standard. Disk Healt h Click this button to c heck disk S.M.A.R.
57 component panel) type (data, fr ee, error, s pare, cach e, or none) and statu s. Click "Refr esh" to refres h the list. You can als o perform sequenti al read and IOP S read te sts (under.
58 You can en able the fo llowing Di sk Healt h settings i n the Glob al Setti ng dialog win dow (t he "setting" ic on next to "?" on top r ight side of the scr een): Activate Pr edictive S MART Migr ation: Wit h Predictive SMART M igratio n, a w arning message wil l pop up w hen an S.
59 Update fir mware (un der "Action") Click this button t o update fir mware for t he cho sen enclosure. Rename en closure (u nder "Action") Click this button to r ename t he chosen e nclosure.
60 Storage Space The Storage Space features Stor age Pool s and Vol umes. Thi s page li sts availa ble storage pools and t he volume s, iSCSI LUNs, and s napshots fr om remote NAS o n each of t hese storage pool s. It dis plays thes e storage e ntities’ c apacity an d/or usage t o give a complete view of st orage allo cation.
61 Storage Pools A storage pool is desi gned to ag gregate ph ysical har d disk drives into a larg e storage sp ace and to provi de enhance d RAID protection for it .
62 3. Select the enclosure unit, hard disk drive( s), RAID ty pe and hot spare disk and click "Create". 4. Set the perc entage of storage spool space t hat is r eserved to store sn apshots. 5. Please note t hat all data on t he s elected h ard disk driv e(s) will be erased.
63 4. Select to cre ate and add a new R AID group. Select "A dding ne w hard driv e(s) to an existing RAI D group" (the optio n "Create new RAID gr oups" will be cov ered in th e following s ection), ch oose an exi sting RAID group from the dro p -down list and cli ck "Next".
64 With this f unction, RA ID grou p capacity ca n be expand e d by r eplaci ng hard disk drives in an array one by one. This o ption is supporte d for the foll owing RAI D types: RAID 1, RA ID 5, RAID 6 and R AID 10. Follow t hese step s to expan d a RAID group : 1.
65 When the s napshot re serve is set to a val ue greater t han 0 %, this reserve d space will be dedicated ent irely to snapshots. T he free s pace in a st orage pool will be lo wer after th e value is set and the sn apshots will only use the space re served.
66 Volumes A volume is formatt ed by the fil e syst em to stor e share folders and files. Users can manage, m onitor, create, or delete a l ogical vol ume on this page.
67 2. Configure t he mode f or the vol ume from st atic sin gle, thick m ultiple, an d thin multi ple according t o your ne eds. 3. Configure t he volu me capacity, alert thres hold, vol ume alias, Byt es per in ode, encry ption and shared f older sett ings and click "Next".
68 After you g o to "Stor age Man ager" > "ST ORAGE" > " Storage Spac e", click "A ctions" a nd choose to c onfigure t he thres hold and ca che setti ngs,.
69 Users can t ake a snap shot, manag e snapshots (revert , delete, and clone a snapshot, set up snapshot schedules, o r rest ore sna pshot files f or LUNs or volumes), or replicat e volumes/LU Ns betw een differen t remote s ervers u sing sna pshot techn ology.
70 Clone a sn apshot: T his action all ows you t o clone a snapshot i nto a ne w volume or LUN. To clone a snapshot, f irst select a snapshot, click " Clone", enter an alias f or the ne w volume, and select th e folders to share afte r cloning.
71 Not e: The AES v olum e-based encryptio n is applic able only to specific NAS models. Pl ease refer to th e product compari son table for d etails. Data encryptio n on QNAP NAS Users can manage e ncrypted disk volume s on t he NAS. Each e ncrypte d disk vol ume is locked by a particular key.
72 4. Confirm t he settin gs and cli ck "Finish". 5. Note that all the dat a on the se lected drive s will be DELETED! Pl ease b ack up the data before creati ng the en crypted vol ume. Click "Yes" after data b ackup. 6. Double click the n ewly-cr eated vol ume to bring up t he Volume Managem ent page.
73 To verify th at a disk v olume is encrypte d, log into t he NAS a s an admi nistrator. Go to "Storage Manager" > " STORAGE" > "Storag e Space". T he encrypt ed disk vo lume will b e shown on t his page, wit h a lock i con under "St atus".
74 RAID Groups Users can expand a RA ID group, add ha rd drive(s) to a RAID group, migrate a RA ID group, con figu re a spare drive, enabl e a bitmap and r ecover a RAID gr oup for a chosen v olu me, while the data contai ned in the RA ID group remai ns intact.
75 data protecti on. A minimum of 3 hard disk s are req uired to cr eate a RAID 5 group. The tot al capa city of the R AID 5 gro up is e qual to the size of the disk with the sm allest c apacity in t he arr ay ti mes the n umber of ( hard disk – 1) .
76 times (the number of hard disk s in the array/2). It is re comme nded that only hard disk drives of the sa me bran d and capacity are use d to create a RAID 10 group. RAID 10 is suit able for hig h volu me transactio n applications, such as a d atabase, t hat require high perfor mance and f ault tolerance.
77 5. After the d escriptio n displ ays "You can repl ace this driv e", plug i n the ne w hard disk drive to the drive slot. Rep eat the sa me proces s for all h ard drives to be replaced . Click "Expand C apacity" to continue. 6. Click "Ye s".
78 4. Select the hard di sk drive(s ) to be conf igured as sp are drive and click "A pply". 5. Please note t hat all data on t he selected h ard disk driv e(s) will be erased. Click "Yes" if you are cert ain about this. 6. The chosen disk drive s are adde d as spare drive.
79 RAID grou p Min ima l n um ber of ha rd dis ks re qu ire d f or r ec ove ry RAID 1 1 RAID 5 Number of disks - 1 RAID 6 Number of disks - 2 RAID 10 Number of disks / 2; (1 hard driv e per RAI D 1) Follow these steps to recover a f ailed RAID group: 1.
80 Cache Acceleration Based on S SD technol ogy, the Cache Accel eratio n feature is designed to boost ac cess performance of the NAS. On this p age, you can both monitor SS D perfor mance and manage cache acceler ation f or yo ur NAS.
81 6. An SSD ca che volume will be creat ed. Not e: If SSD Cac he is enabl ed with t he Read - Write type, t he SSD MUST NO T be remove d while it is being use d, as this will cause data loss. Remo vi ng S SD Vol um es Follow the st eps bel ow to rem ove a SSD volu me: 1.
82 cache is sup ported by your ap plications..
83 Snapshot Vaul t Snapshot V ault stores snapshot s created re motely fro m remote NAS vi a Snapshot R eplica in Backup Stati on. It al so lets yo u manage and restore remote s napshots. Not e: If this is t he first ti me you use t his feat ure, please configure Snapshot Replica i n Backup Stati on on the source N AS first.
84 1. Navigate to Snapshot Vault i n Storage Manager. 2. Select a sn apshot re plication in t he list an d click "Re move". 3. The snapsh ot replicati on is rem oved. Cloning Snapshot s 1. Navigate to Snapshot Vault i n Storage Manager. 2. Select a s napshot o n the left panel and cli ck "Clo ne".
85 iSCSI Manage t he iSCSI sto rage, creat e advance d ACLs and back up LUN s with th e iSCSI manageme nt feature s. For details o n the fe atures, please refer to the foll owing link s: iSCSI .
86 iSCSI Storage The NAS supports a built- in iSCSI (Internet Sm all Comput er System Interfac e) service for s erver clustering and virtualized environm ents. Users can enabl e or disabl e the iSCSI service, chan ge the port of the iSCSI portal , enable/di sable the iSNS service, and l ist and manage al l iSCSI targets and LUNs on th is page.
87 VAAI Block Zeroi ng Supported Supported VAAI Hardware Assi sted Locking Supported Supported VAAI Thin Provi sioning and Space Reclai m Supported Not Supported Thin Provisi oning Supported Supported.
88 Follow the steps bel ow to confi gure the iSCSI ta rget service on th e NAS. 1. If no i SCSI targets ha ve been created yet, the Quick Confi gurati on Wizard will automatic ally be launched and pr ompt users to creat e iSCSI targets and LUNs.
89 4. Ente r the target name and ali as. Choose to cli ck "CRC/Checksum" to select "Data Di gest" and/o r "Header Digest". Th en Cli ck "Next". 5. Ente r the username and password f or "Use CHAP au thenticati on" and/or "Mutual CHAP" and click "Next".
90 Disabled The LUN is in active and i s invisible to the initiators. Refer to the tabl e below for acti ons (the "Acti on" button) avai labl e to manage iSCSI targets an d LUNs: Action Description Deactivate Deactivate a ready or connect ed target.
91 After creati ng the iSCSI targets and LUN on the NAS, the iSC SI initi ator installed on the comput er (Windows PC, Mac, or Linu x) can be used to connect to the i SCSI target and LUN and th e disk volumes can be used as the virtu al dri ves on the computer.
92 To use this featur e, click "Add a Policy". Enter th e policy name and th e i nitiator IQN, assign th e access right for each LUN creat ed on the NAS a nd click "Appl y". For descripti ons on each fi eld, refer to the tabl e below: Field Description Read-only The connected in itiator can onl y read the data from the LUN.
93 Multiple s napshots ca n only be t aken on bl ock -b ased LUNs, and only o ne snapsh ot can be taken for f ile- based LUNs i f you us e the LUN B ackup fe ature.
94 Connecting to iSCSI Targets by Microsof t iSCSI Initiator on W indows Before you start to u se the iS CSI target s ervice, make sure y ou have cr ea te d an iS CSI target with a LUN o n the NA S and inst alled the correct iSCS I initiator f or your OS.
95 Connecting to iSCSI Targets by Xtend SAN iSCSI Initiator on Mac OS This sectio n shows yo u how to use Xten d SAN iSCSI I nitiator o n Mac OS to add the i SCSI target (QNAP NAS) as an extra p artition.
96 Connecting to iSCSI Targets by Open -iSCSI In itiator on Ubuntu Linux This sectio n shows yo u how to use the Lin ux Open -i SCSI Ini tiator on Ubuntu to a dd the iS CSI target as an extra parti tion.
97 You shoul d be able to see the lo gin messa ge as below : Login sessi on [iface: d efault, targ et: iqn.2 004 m:NAS:iS CSI.ForUb untu.B9281 B, port al:,3 260] [ O K ] Check the device st atus wit h dmesg. # dmesg | t ail Enter the foll owing c omman d to create a partitio n, /dev/s db is the device na me.
98 LUN Backup The NAS su pports backing up iS CSI LUNs to differe nt storage lo cations ( Windows, Linux, or local shared fol ders), restori ng the LUN s to the N AS, or creati ng a L UN snaps hot and map ping it to an iS CSI target.
99 "Next". (U se Compres sion : When t his option i s enabled, more CP U resource s of the NA S will be use d but the size of t he backup L UN can be reduced.
100 Refer to t he table bel ow for acti ons (the " Action" but ton) avail able to man age restore jobs. Acti on Des cri pti on Edit Edit the jo b settings. Delete Delete the job. Start Start the job immedia tely. Stop Stop the r unning jo b.
101 9. Go to "Stor age Mana ger" > "iSC SI Storage" , and the snapshot LUN will be shown i n the iSCSI Target List. U se iSCSI initi ator softw are to co nnect to t he iSCSI t ar get and access the point - in -time data on t he snaps hot LUN.
102 Virtual Disk You can use thi s functi on to add iSCSI targets o f other NAS or storag e servers to th e NAS as vi rtual disks for storage capaci ty expansi on. The NAS su pports up to 8 vi rtual di sks. Supported fil e systems: Format: Ext3, Ext4, FA T, NTFS , and HFS+.
103 Action Des cri pti on Edit Click this button to e dit a virt ual disk n ame or the aut henticatio n information of an iSC SI target. Connect Click this button to c onnect t o an iS CSI target. Disconnect Click this button to d iscon nect an iS CSI target.
104 Network Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Networ k" to co nfigure t he NAS netw ork settings. In this cha pter, the fo llowing to pics are cov ered.
105 of Et hernet 1 will be sho wn in LAN 1 only and the IP of Ethernet 2 will b e sho wn in LAN 2 only. To use port tr unking f or a dual LAN connect ion, see se ction (iii).
106 disabled. If t he NAS su pports two Gigabit LAN ports and only on e network i nterface i s configure d to enable VLAN, you can also c onnect to t he NAS via the ot her net work inte rface. Not e: The VLAN feature is only su pported by x8 6 -base d NAS mo dels.
107 Contact yo ur ISP or network a dministrat or for the IP address of the pri mary and t he secondary DN S server s. When t he NAS play s the role as a termin al and nee ds to perform ind ependent connectio n (BT dow nload, etc ) enter at l east one DNS server IP for proper URL con nection.
108 Balance-rr (Round- Robin ) Round-R obin mode i s good f or general purpose load bala ncing bet ween two Et hernet int erfaces. This mode tr ansmits packets in sequenti al order from the firs t availa ble slave thr ough the l ast. Balance-rr provides load balan cing and f ault tolerance.
109 Ba lance-tlb (Adaptive Transmit Lo ad Balancing) Balance-t lb uses ch annel bon ding that d oes not require any special swit ch. The o utgoing tr affic is distributed according to the c urrent load on each Ethernet i nterface (c ompute d relative to t he speed.
110 Ico n / Op tio n Na me Des cri pti on Rescan Rescan Search for Wi-Fi net works i n range. Secured network The Wi- Fi network r equires a network key. Connect Connect to a Wi -Fi network. If a se curity ke y is required, yo u will be prompted t o enter th e key.
111 You can ch oose to con nect to an ad hoc ne twork in which you c an connect to any wir eless devices wit hout the need for an access poi n t. To s et up, foll ow these s teps: 1. Enter the n etwork na me (SSID) of the wire less netw ork and se lect the s ecurity ty pe.
112 SSH Qsync for Wi ndows Netbak Repl icator To use this f unction, select t he option " Enable IP v6" and click "Apply" . The NAS will res tart. After the sy stem re starts, go to the IPv6 page. The s ettings o f the IPv6 i nterfac e will be shown.
113 DD NS Ser vi ce To allow re mote acce ss to the N AS using a domain nam e instead of a dynami c IP addr ess, enable the D DNS serv ice. The NAS su pports t he DDNS provi ders: htt p://www m , http://u pdate.ods. org , http://w , http ://www.
114 Thunderbolt Management Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Thun derbolt Man agement" t o configur e the NAS Thunderbolt settin gs. On this pa ge, you can configure T hunder bolt Bridge Ad dresses, t he Thun derbolt int erface, and monitor ban dwidth u sage.
115 applicable m odels, please refer to t he pro duct compariso n table on t he QNAP we bsite..
116 Security Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Sec urity" to confi gure relev ant security settings for your N AS. Sec uri ty Level Specify the I P addres s or networ k domain f rom which connectio ns to the NA S are allo wed or denied.
117 Secure Sock et Layer ( SSL) is a protocol for encrypte d communi cation bet ween we b servers and browsers for secu re data transfer. You c an upload an SS L certific ate issu ed by truste d providers.
118 Hardware Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Har dware" to co nfigure t he NAS har dware functions. Gen er al Enab le co nfi gur atio n r ese .
119 o Adv anc ed syst e m r es et: You will hear two beeps after c ontinuously pressing t he reset butt on. The NA S will reset all system set tings to default (si milar to th e system reset in "A dministrati on" > "R estore to Factory D efault") e xcept all t he NAS data will be reserve d.
120 Smart Fan C onfigurati on: Enab le sm art fa n (r ec omm e nde d) : Select to use the default smart f an setti ngs or t o manually defi ne the s ettings.
121 Power You can rest art or shut down t he NA S, s pecify th e behav ior of the NAS after a po wer recover y, and set the schedule f or autom atic syste m power on /off/rest art on this page.
122 Wak e- on -LA N (W OL) Enable this option to allow users to power on the NAS re motely by Wake o n LAN. If t he power cable is un plugged w hen the NA S is tur ned off, Wake on LAN will not funct io n even if t he power su pply is reco nnecte d afterwards.
123 Notification Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Notifi cation" to c onfigur e NAS notifi cations. E-m ail The NAS su pports em ail alerts to inform th e administr ator of sys tem errors and warnin gs.
124 Configure t he SMSC server setti ngs to se nd SMS me ssages to specified phone num bers fro m the NAS. F ollow these steps to set up a S MSC ser ver : 1.
125 Android server mecha nisms..
126 Firmware Update Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Firm ware Updat e" to u pdate the fir mware version of t he N AS.
12 7 4. Click "Brow se" to sele ct the fir mware im age for t he system update. Click "Upd ate System" to update th e firm ware. The syste m update may take seconds, min utes or lo nger to co mplete de pending o n the network co nnection status.
128 Backup/Restore Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Backu p/Restore" t o back up, restore your NAS or restore y our NAS t o factory default set tings.
129 Rest or e Fa cto ry Def au lts & Fo rm at all Vol um es : Restore s yste m settings to default an d form ats all di sk vol ume s . Rese t Set tin gs: Restore system settings t o default without erasing user data. Rei niti aliz e N AS: Er ase s a ll da ta and rei nitialize s the NAS.
130 External Device Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Exter nal Stora ge" to config ure exter nal storage devices, U SB printer s and UPS systems.
1 31 External Storage The NAS su pports USB and eSATA storage d evices for backup and data storag e. Conn ect the external st orage devi ce to a USB or an eSA TA port of the NAS and its d etails will be shown o n this page.
132 Not e: We recom mend form atting disk v olumes lar ger tha n 2TB usin g EXT4, NT FS, or HFS+. Ejec t "Eject" offer s two different o ptions. "Disc onnect di sk partitio n" allows yo u to rem ove a si ngle disk partitio n or a disk dri ve in a multi -driv e enclos ure.
133 1. To change t he encry ption passwor d or do wnload an encrypti on key fil e, click " Encryption Manageme nt". 2. Select " Manage encry ption key". Click "Nex t". 3. Select to c hange the encryptio n passwor d or downl oad the e ncryptio n key file t o the loc al PC.
134 USB Printer The NAS su pports net work pri nting sharing servic e over local networks and the Internet i n Windows, Mac, and Li nux (Ubu ntu) environ ments. U p to 3 USB p rinters are supporte d. To share a U SB printe r, connect the printer to a USB port on the NAS .
135 Bonj ou r pr in ter sup p ort: Select t his option to broa dcast printin g service to Mac use rs via Bonjour. When n aming yo ur printer, t he name can only cont ain "a -z", "A- Z", "0-9", dot (.), co mma (,) an d dash ( - ).
136 Windows 7 Follow these steps to set up your printer connectio n: 1. Go to Devic es and Pri nters. 2. Click "A dd a printer". 3. In the Ad d printer wizard, click " Add a network, wir eless or Bl uetooth printer".
13 7 Mac OS 10.6 If you are u sing Mac OS 10.6, f ollow these steps to configure t he NAS pri nter functi on: 1. First make sure th at Bonjour is enabled o n the NAS in "Exter nal Device" > "USB Pri nter" > "Setting s".
138 Mac OS 10.5 If you are u sing Mac OS X 10.5, fol low th ese ste ps to confi gure the NAS printer f unction: 1. Go to "Net work Servi ces" > "Wi n/Mac/ MFS" > "Mi crosoft Net workin g". Enter a workgrou p name for t he NAS.
139 Mac OS 10.4 If you are u sing Mac OS 10.4, f ollow these steps to configure t he NAS pri nter func tion: 1. On the tool bar, click " Go/Utilitie s". 2. Click "Print er Setup Utility". 3. Click "A dd". 4. Hold the " alt" key an d click "More Pr inter s".
140 Linux (Ubuntu 1 0.10) If you are u sing Linux (Ubunt u 10.10), follo w these steps to c onfigure t he NAS pri nter function: 1. Click the "Sy stem" t ab, choo se "Admini stration". T hen select "Printi ng". 2. Click "A dd".
141 UPS By enabli ng UPS (Uni nterrupti ble Power S upply) s upport, you can prote ct your N AS from abnormal sy stem shu tdown cau sed by pow er disruptio n.
142 3. Select "APC UPS wit h SNMP ma nagement" f rom the "Pr otocol" drop down menu. 4. Enter the IP address of the SNM P- based UPS. 5. Choose bet ween whet her t he NAS should sh ut down or enter auto - protecti on mode after the AC po wer fails.
143 Not e: To allo w the UPS device to s end SNMP alerts to t he NAS i n the eve nt of power l oss, you may h ave to ente r the NAS IP address i n the UPS c onfigurati on page. Beha vi or o f t he UP S Fe atu re of the NA S There are t hree phase s during a power outag e: Phase 1: Po wer loss s tarts until t he end of t he waiti ng time.
144 System Status Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Syste m Status" to check the statu s of yo ur NAS. Syst e m I nfor mat io n View the su mmary of system infor mation s uch as the server nam e, CPU, m emory, fir mware and system up time on this p age.
145 Reso ur ce Mo nit or You can vie w the CP U usage, disk usage, and bandwi dth transfer statisti cs of the NAS . CPU Usage: Shows t he CPU usage of the NAS. Memory Us age: Show s the me mory usage of the NAS by real -time dynamic gr aph.
146 System Logs Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Syste m Settings" > "Syste m Logs" to config ure the lo gs setting s of your NAS. Syst e m Ev ent Lo gs The NAS ca n store 10,00 0 rece nt event lo gs, inclu ding warni ngs, errors, and infor mation.
14 7 Not e: For AFP a nd SSH con nections, t he system can only re cord lo gin and logo ut events. Onli ne Use rs The infor mation of online users co nnected t o the NAS by network ing services is shown here. Tip : Right click o n a recor d to disconn ect the IP connectio n and block the IP.
149 Privilege Settings Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Privile ge Syste ms" to config ure privile ge settin gs, disk q uotas and domain securi ty on th e NAS.
150 Users The NAS cr eates the f ollowing users by def ault: admin: The administr ator "admi n" has full access to system adm inistration and all sh ared folders. It cannot be deleted. guest: This i s a built -in u ser and will not be displaye d on the "U ser Mana gement" p age.
151 Creating a User Creating Multiple User s Importing/ Exporting Users Home Fold ers Cre ati ng a Us er To create a user on t he NAS, foll ow the st eps belo w: 1. Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Privile ge Settin gs" > "User s".
152 Imp or ting u ser s Before im porting user s to t he NAS, mak e sure yo u have b acked up the ori ginal us ers' settin gs by exporti ng the us ers. Follo w these ste ps to i mport users to the NA S: 1. Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Privile ge Settin gs" > "User s".
153 4. Open the C SV file wit h Notep ad and save it in UTF -8 encodin g if it contain s double - byte characters. BIN (E xpo rt ed from t he NA S) The BIN fil e is export ed from a QNAP NAS . It cont ains infor mation i ncluding us ername, password, quota, an d user gro up.
154 User Groups A user group is a coll ection of users wit h the same access right s to files or folders. The NAS creates t he following user gro ups by defa ult: administr ators: All t he memb ers in this group hav e administra tion right s o f the NAS.
155 Shared Folders Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Privile ge Settin gs" > "Shar ed Folders" to confi gure share d folders of your NAS.
156 TS -4 59U -RP+/SP+, TS-459 Pro+, TS-459 Pr o II, TS-559 P ro+, TS -559 Pro II, TS- 659 P ro+, TS-659 Pr o II, TS-85 9 Pro+, TS - 859U -RP, TS- 859U - RP+, TS-809 Pro, TS-80 9U-RP, TS-x70 , TS -879.
15 7 note that th e Recycle Bin optio n is only av ailable after you en able Network R ecycle Bin in "Control Panel" > "Net work Servi ces" > "Net work Rec ycle Bin". o Ena ble Sync on t his shared f older: En able this o ption if yo u want to sync the contents in this sh ared folder.
158 2. Go to "Privile ge S etting s" > " Shared F olders" > "S hared Folder s" tab. Select a r oot fo lder, for example Dept, a nd click " Folder Per missions". T he shared fol der na me and its first-level subfolder s are sho wn o n the left.
159 o Apply chang es to files and subfol ders: Ap ply permissi ons setti ngs exce pt owner protection a nd root fold er write pr otection settings to all the fi les and subfolders within the selecte d folder. T hese setti ngs incl ude new users, deleted users, modified permissions, and folder o wner.
160 Microsoft Netwo rking Host Acce ss Contro l NAS folder s can be ac cessed via Samba ( Windows) by default. Y ou can spe cify auth orized IP addresses a nd hosts by followi ng these ste ps: 1. Click "Fold er Permissi ons". 2. Select " Microsoft Net working host access" from the drop -dow n menu o n top of t he page.
161 Encr ypt in g a nd loc ki ng a sha re d fold er To encrypt a nd lock a shared fol der, follow these step s: 1. Enable fold er encrypti on: o When yo u create a fol der, tick " Encryp tion" un der "Folder E ncryptio n", enter a password and choose to save a n encryptio n key.
162 NAS also offer s volu me- based encry ption. See Volu me Encryp tion for more d etails. The default s hared fol ders can not be encry pted. ISO Sh are d F old er s You can mount ISO im age files o n the NAS as ISO shares . The NAS supports mountin g up to 256 ISO shar es.
163 You can aggr egate t he share d folders on Microsoft network as a port al folder o n the NAS a nd let NAS us ers access t he folder s through y our NA S. Up to 10 folders ca n be linked to a port al folder. To use this f unction, fol low th ese steps: 1.
164 Permissio ns" is ena bled, click "F older Per missions" under the "S hared Fol ders" tab to configure subfolder permissi on settin gs. See Shar ed Folders" > "Folder P ermissi on of thi s section for d etails.
165 Quota To efficiently allocate storage space, yo u can specify quotas t hat can be u sed by ea ch user. When this i s enable d and a user has reach ed the quota, the u ser ca nnot uploa d any more data to the NA S. By def ault, no li mitations are set for t he users.
166 Domain Security The NAS supports user authenti cation by l ocal access right manag ement, Microsoft Acti ve Directory (Windows Serv er 2003/2008/20 12), and Ligh tweight Directory Access P rotocol (LDAP) directory.
167 Joining NAS to Ac tive Director y (Windows Serve r 2003/2008/2 012) Active Dire ctory is a directory used in Windows e nvironments to centrally store, sh are, and manage a net work's i nformation and resou rces.
168 3. Enter the d omain n ame of t he domain name servi ce (DNS.) The NetB IOS name will be automatically generat ed whe n you enter t he dom ain name. Specify t he DNS serv er IP for domain resol ution. T he IP must be the s ame as the DNS serv er of yo ur Active Director y.
169 4. In "Local Se curity Set ting" sele ct "Send L M & NTLMv2 – use NT LMv2 sessi on sec urity if negotiate d" from the l ist.
170 Connecting NAS to an LDAP Direc tory LDAP (Lig htweight Dir ectory Ac cess Proto col) is a dire ctory th at can stor e the infor mation of every user and group in a centraliz ed server . Administr ators ca n use LDAP to m anage u sers in the LDAP directory and allow t hem to co nnect to multiple NAS with the same logi n details.
171 4. Click "A pply" to save t he sett ings. Upon suc cessful co nfiguratio n, the NAS will be able t o connect to t he LDAP server. 5. Configure L DAP authe ntication options.
172 B. Sam ba sch e ma To import t he a Sam ba schema t o the LDAP server, ple ase refer t o the do cumentati on or FAQ of the LDAP server. A samba.s chema file i s require d and can be f ound in t he directory examples/L DAP in t he Samba so urce distrib ution.
173 Domain Controller The Turbo NAS can now act as a d omain controll er for Windows. IT adm ini strators can easil y configure the Turbo NAS as the centerpi ece of domai n directory s ervices for th eir organiz ation to store user account i nformation, manage us er authenti cation and enforce securi ty for a Win dows domain.
17 4 After a domai n controller is enabl ed, only th e domain users can c onnect to Mi crosoft Networkin g shared folders. Pl ease be sure to grant sha red fol der permissions to do main users and g roups. Not e: The NAS can only act as eith er a domain controller or LDAP server.
175 3. Select the option "Ov erwrite existing users" to o verwrite ex isting do main user s (or l eave this option unchecked if yo u want to i mport domain users withou t ov erwriti ng exist on es.
17 6 Properties the first log in, acco unt expiratio n date, des cription an d email. Ed it Group Membershi p Choose whi ch domain group(s) t he domai n user belo ngs to. Edit User Profile Specify the profile pat h, login scri pt, and hom e folder of an domain user account.
177 Editing group m embers To edit domai n members withi n a group, foll ow the steps below: 1. Go to "Cont rol Panel " > "Privil ege Settings" > "Domai n Controll er" > "Groups" tab . 2. Cli ck the "Edit Group M embershi p" button und er "Action".
178 p DNS The Domain Name System, or DNS, can help th e domain controller locate se rvices and devi ces within the domain (or vi ce versa) usi ng service and resour ce records. Tw o DNS zones a re created by default (the domain created when you first set up the NAS as the d omain cont roller and the zone wit h a name starting wit h _msdcs.
179 3. Cli ck "Yes". Back up /Re st ore The domain controller status can be bac ked u p or restored usi ng the ba ckup/restore functi on. Onl y the first domain controller needs to be backed up.
181 Network Serv ices Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Networ k Service s" to confi gure netw ork servic es on th e NAS. For setup details, ref er to the foll owin g links: Win/.
182 Win/Mac/NFS Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Networ k Service s" > "Win /Mac/NFS" t o confi gure networki ng services.
183 AD Dom ai n M em be r Use Microsoft Active Dire ctory (AD ) to aut henticate users. To use this o ption, e nable Active Directory authentic ation in "Privil ege Setti ngs" > "Domain Se curity" a nd join t he NAS to an Active Dire ctory.
184 Aut oma tic all y re gis ter in DN S: When t his optio n is enable d and the N AS is join ed to an Active Dire ctory, t he NAS will automati cally re gister itself i n the dom ain DNS serv er. This will cr eate a DNS host entry for the N AS in t he DNS serv er.
185 mou nt -t nfs <N AS IP >:/ <Sh ar ed Fo lder N ame > <D ire cto ry t o Mo un t> For example , if the IP address of your N AS is 192.168. 0.1 and y ou want t o link th e shared folder "publ ic" under t he / mnt/pu b directory , use this c omman d: mou nt -t nfs 19 2.
186 FTP Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Networ k Service s" > "FTP" t o Confi gure the FTP server. FTP Se rvi ce When yo u enable the FTP service, y ou ca n specify the port nu mber an d the maxi mum number of u sers that are allowe d to connec t to the N AS by FTP at the s ame time.
187 Con nec tio n: Enter th e maximu m number o f allowed FT P con nectio ns f or the NAS and a single acco unt and c heck "Enabl e FTP tran sfer limit ation" to s pecify t he maxim um uploa d and downlo ad rates.
188 Telnet/SSH Enable this option to connect to t he NAS by Tel net or S SH encry pted co nnection (o nly the "admin" acco unt can r emotely l ogin.) Use Telnet or S SH conne ction clie nts, for exa mple, putty for co nnectin g. Make sure t he specifi ed ports have bee n opened o n the router or firewall.
189 SNMP Settings Enable SNMP ( Simpl e Network Managem ent Proto col) on t he NAS and enter the tr ap addres s of the SNMP managem ent statio ns (SNMP manager) - for ex ample, a PC with SNM P softwar e installed. When an ev ent, w arning, or err or occ urs on the N AS, it will r eport a real -tim e alert to SNMP m anageme nt statio ns.
190 between t he managem ent statio n and the NAS. The community string is in cluded in ev ery pack et that i s transmitted between t he SNMP manager an d the SN MP agent. SNMP V3 The NAS su pports SNMP version 3. Specify th e authenti cation and privacy set tings if available.
191 Service Discovery Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Networ k Service s" > "Servi ce Discov ery" to configure t he UPnP discovery service a nd Bonjour .
192 Network Recycle Bin The Network Recycle Bin retain s files delet ed on th e NAS. Wit hin each s hared folder, a dedicated f older with the name @R ecycle i s create d after the i nitial QTS i nstallati on. Specify the num ber of days (1-180 ) to ret ain files a nd the da ily ti me.
193 Caut io n: All of th e fil e s in net wo rk r ec ycl e b ins wil l b e p erm ane ntl y d ele te d whe n fi le s ar e d ele te d i n "@ Re cycl e" on the n et wor k sh ar e o r w hen yo u cli ck "Emp t y Al l N etw or k Rec ycle Bi ns" .
194 Qsync Central Station Qsync Centr al Station 2.0 is a clo ud -based file synchr onization s ervice o n the NAS. Si mply add files to yo ur local Qsync fo lder, and the y will be available o n your N AS and all its connecte d devices.
195 o Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Privile ge Settin gs" > "User s" > cli ck "Create" ( or go to "Qsyn c Central Stati on 2.0" > "Users" > " Create a U ser".) o Only NAS administr ators can cre ate acco unts.
196 2. For mobile devices ( Qfile), co py or move files into t he local Qsync fol der. 3. For the NAS , copy or move file s to the Qsy nc folder using File St ation.
19 7 You can sh are a folde r with a user group. If a ny member from the group share s the files i n the folder, ot her me mbers can r eceive t he file. 1. Create user accounts in the NAS for each gr oup mem ber. 2. Ensure that a Qsync Client is i nstalled o n each mem ber’s devi ce.
198 3. Click "Setti ngs" on t he botto m-r ight side of the scr een. 4. Scroll down and look f or "Auto upload from photo gallery" and cli ck on "Set up now". 5. Select a N AS to upload photos a nd vi deos to. 6. Select the f older.
199 b. View files by the we b browser: Br owse fil es in the Q sync folder using File Station. 2. Control synchroniz ation progr ess: a. Pause synci ng / Resu me syncin g: Click t o pause or re sume sy ncing. b. Sync with NA S now: Force Q sync to scan again and r efresh the s ynchro nization li st.
200 i. Set up E- mail: Set up an email acco unt for s haring file li nks. Yo u can use t he NAS SMTP server settin gs (for administr ators o nly), your P C’s mail ser ver setti ngs, or configure a new SMTP server. e. Proxy: i. Set up Proxy : Use a proxy serv er for the Qsync clie nt device .
201 from the menu bar, "M ore Action" > "Pr evious Versions". Or just click the "S how Rig ht Panel" > "ver sion" to show t he versio n list. Rest ori ng pre vi ous ve rsio ns In the ver sion history page, select the v ersion yo u want to r estore and click "R estore".
202 versions will be drop ped. Only th e equiv alent numb er of latest v ersions as of the ne w settings will be kept. The deletio n will only take effe ct after y ou click "A pply" or "Appl y All". The maxim um numb er of versi ons supporte d for Ver sion Control is 64.
203 Administrat ors can no w apply pr e- config ured settin gs to devi ces that con nect to th e NAS for the first ti me, restrict users’ ri ght on mo difications t o all or cert ain prefere nce set.
205 Business Application s The followi ng NAS fu nctions ar e designed to meet bu siness nee ds. For setup details, ref er to the foll owin g links: Antivirus Backup_St ation File.
206 Antivirus Configure a ntivirus fe atures o n this page. Over vie w Antivirus: U se the ant ivirus to scan the NAS manually or on rec urring sche dules. It will delete, qu arantine, or report files i nfected by viruses, malware, T rojans, and oth er malicious t hreats.
207 The NAS su pports manual and sch eduled sc anning of all or specifi c shared f olders. Up to 64 schedules can be cre ated an d up to 5 sca n jobs ca n run conc urrently. To cr eate a sc an job, follow the se steps. 1. Go to "Ap plications" > "Antivir us" > "Sc an Jobs".
208 Butt on Na me Des cri pti on Run Run the s can job now . Stop Stop the sc an job. Edit Edit the sc an job setti ngs. View last run log Open the la st virus s can su mmary. Delete Delete the scan job. Rep or ts View or dow nload the reports of t he latest scan jobs on the NAS.
209 Restore Selected Files Restore Sel ected Files Restore m ultiple files on the li st. Delete Selected Files Delete Sele cted Files Delete mult iple files o n the list. T he files c ann ot be recovered. Delete All Files Delete All Files Delete all of the file s on the list.
210 Backup Station Configure the NAS a s a backup serve r, remote repli cation, cloud backup and exte rnal backup with the Backup Stati on. For details o n the fe atures, please refer to the foll owin.
211 Backup Server Rsyn c Se rver Enable Rsy nc server t o config ure the NA S as a ba ckup server for data backup fro m a remot e Rsync server or NAS server. T he default port number for re mote re plicatio n vi a Rsyn c i s 873 . Specify the maximum downloa d rate for bandwidt h control.
212 You can ch eck and manage back up jobs fr om other NAS that use the curr ent NAS as a target desti nation for their backup. To check back up jobs, cli ck the "I ncoming Li st" tab and the details (including the jo b name, so urce NAS, destinatio n NAS, job sc hedule a n d job status) of t he backup jobs will b e shown i n the list.
213 Date Modifi ed: Last m odified date of this Ti me Machin e backup. Delete: Del ete the selected Tim e Ma chine b ackup..
214 Remote Replication This chapter covers the foll owing topics: NAS to NAS and R sync RTRR Downloadi ng Replication Job Logs NAS to NA S and Rs ync The NAS data can be backed up to a r emote NAS o r Rsync server usi ng Rsync remote replication.
215 o Delete extra fil es on remote desti nation: Sel ect this opti on to synchronize the source data with the destin ation data (one- way synchroni zation.
216 Real-ti me Remote Replicati on (RTRR) provides real -time or sch eduled data repli cation and one -way and two-way data synch ronization betwe en two locati ons (such as a lo cal NAS and a rem ote NAS, local NAS and an FTP server, o r local NAS and an ext ernal drive, or repl ication betwe en two loca l folders.
217 Acti on remo te fol der loca l fold er/ ex ter nal dri ve loca l fo ld er Backup Synchronizat ion Restoration Two synchroni zation options are avai labl e: one-way syn chroniz ation and two-way synchroniz ation.
218 o Daily: Speci fy the time wh en a dail y backup should be exec uted (f or exampl e: 02:02 every day.) o Weekly: Select a day of the week and the ti me when a we ekly backup s hould be executed . o Monthly: Sel ect a day of the mont h and the ti me when a mont hly backup shoul d be executed.
219 o File date/ti me: Specify the date and time of the fil es to be repli cated. 10. Click "Next". 11. Confirm the setti ngs and click "Ne xt". 12. Click "Fini sh" to exit the wiz ard. Icon Name Description Enable and Start Enable connecti on to a remote serv er.
220 Snapshot Replica The Snapshot Repl ica all ows you to repli cate the volume/LUNs between di fferent remote server s using snapshot technol ogy, whi ch provides a flexib le and effici ent backup servi ce for IT professi onals.
221 o Compress fil es during transmi ssion: Enabl e this option to all ow file compressi on during the data transfer process. Th is opti on is recommended f or a low bandwi dth environm ents or remote replication over WAN.
222 Cloud Backup Ama zon S 3 Amazon S3 (Simple Stor age Servic e) is an onli ne storag e web se rvice offere d by AWS (Amazon Web Service s.) It provi des a simpl e web servi ce interf ace that can be used to store and retrieve data fro m anywhere on the w eb.
223 External Back up The followi ng topics a re covered i n this ch apter: External Driv e USB One To uch Copy Exte rn al D ri ve The NAS su pports re al-ti me and sche duled dat a backup be tween inter nal disks vol ume s on the NAS an d external USB/eSA TA stor age device s.
224 The External Drive fe ature su pports u p to 32 jobs an d each jo b supports up to 16 folder pairs. 6. Choose bet ween real -tim e and sche duled back up.
225 12. Click "Fi nish" to exit t he wiz ard. 13. The back up job and t he status will be sho wn on the l ist. Butt on Na me Des cri pti on Start Start a back up job. Stop Stop a back up job. Edit Edit the b ackup job. View / Downloa d View the jo b status an d logs.
226 Smart Import ( Beta) When a USB device ( such as a c amera) is connecte d to the fro nt USB p ort, all of the photo s and videos on the dev ice will be automati cally i mported to t he NAS without pre ssin g the "Copy" butto n.
22 7 The NAS su pports i nstant data co py backup from USB d evices to the NAS or vi ce ver sa using the one tou ch copy button. T o use this f unction, fol low thes e steps: 1.
228 File Station File Station i s an online file management center. Wit h the File Sta tion, you can ac cess the NAS acros s the Internet, manag e files usin g a web browser, qui ckly find files, pl ay media fil es, set file and fol der permissions, and easily shar e your files and fol ders on the NAS.
229 1 Left Panel Hide/Show the left pan el . 2 Search Bar Search fil es by their name, fil e type (musi c, video, or photo) or wi th advanced search . 3 Browsing Mode Switch between di fferent browsi ng modes (from l eft to right: Thu mbnail browsing mode/l ist browsing mode/detail browsing mode.
230 Set to show/hi de files and folders on th e local PC. Set to show/hi de hidden fil es. 14 Help Review the onl ine help and check th e About informati on. 15 Right Panel Show/Hide the ri ght panel . Tip : If you ar e using Google C hrome, yo u can drag & drop files fro m your P C to File Station.
231 Volume: Every sha red folder and f older on the NAS is li sted here. Dependin g on your NAS mod el, the default shared folders are different and can i nclude "Download", "homes" , "Mul timedia", "Public", "Recordi ngs", " USB" and "Web" .
232 Open Enter the chosen sub folder. Download Compress and downl oad th e subfolder. Rename Rename the subfol der. Move Move the subfol der to another l ocation on the NAS . Delete Delete the subfol der. Cut/Paste Cut a subfol der and paste it to anothe r shared fold er.
233 Copy/Paste Copy a subfol der and paste it to anoth er shared fol der. Share Share selected fil es/folders via emai l, social network, by sha red lin ks, or to other NAS us ers. Refer to th e Shari ng files secti on for more details. View in Office Online Open Office fil es stored on th e NAS using Office Online.
234 have already b een transcoded i nto these re soluti ons. Cancel/Delete Transcoding Cancel/Delete tran scode task. Transcode Informati on Bring up th e Transcode Task wi ndow for you to revi ew transcode ta sks. Extract Extract the compr essed fil e.
235 "Control Pa nel" > "Ne twork Servi ce" > " Service Dis covery" > " Bonjour". Only MP4 vi deo files can be directly stre amed if y our NAS doe s not supp ort On -the -fly Transcodin g. You c an consi der transcodi ng them into differ ent media f ormats if t hey are desira ble.
236 8 Play/Pause (photo s) Play/Pause phot os as slideshow. 9 Seek Bar Control the pl ayback progress. 10 Show/Hide Previ ew Bar Hide/show the pr eview bar. 11 Last Item/Next It em Play the last/ next item on the p review bar. 12 Preview Bar Preview the items in queue.
23 7 Not e: To sear ch across all fo lders o n the N AS, click th e drop down list in " Location" and select " … ". Setting file/fold er level permission You can set fil e or folder level pe rmissions on t he NAS usi ng File Stati on.
238 To share fil es on the NAS usi ng File Stati on, right click on the fil es/folders and sel ect "Share". Th ere are four sharin g methods: Via email : Enter the requi red fields (i.
239 4. Speci fy the email (optional ) and phone number (opti onal) for the user. 5. Choose to send an emai l notificati on to the newly -created user (opti onal), fill out the message details (inclu d.
240 To share link s by em ail, the e mail server settings m ust be pro perly co nfigured in "System Setti ngs" > "Notifi cation" > "SMTP Serv er". Up to 1000 s haring li nks are s upported. For best performance, use one of t he followi ng brows ers: IE 9 +, Firefox 3.
241 LDAP Server The LDAP ser ver of t he NAS allo ws the ad ministrator to create users to access mult iple NAS servers wit h the sam e userna me and p assword. Con fig urin g LDA P Ser ver Follow these instructi ons to co nfigure the LDAP s erver. 1.
242 join anot her NAS to t he LDAP domain, lo gin to the NA S and go to "Privil ege Setti ngs" > "Domain Se curity", se lect "LDAP authenti cation" and set "LDAP server of a remote N AS" as the server type.
243 SQL Server You can en able an SQ L Serv er to be a website database. Not e: For legacy A RM mo dels (TS -x21, TS- x20, TS- x19, TS -x12 and TS -x10 ), MySQL will still be use d as the default SQL server. If y ou are using a legacy ARM mo del, you ca n still install Mari aDB from t he App Ce nter.
244 Not e: To use this f eature o n the TS -x39/ 509/809 series NAS, please up date the sy stem firmware with the i mage file enclo sed in the product CD or downl oad the lat est syste m firmware fro m htt p://www. . Do not delet e the ph pMyAdmin f older.
245 NTP Service A NTP Server allows t he PCs, serv ers and other net work devic es to sy nchronize t heir time with the sa me refere nce: the N AS. It is useful (an d sometime s require d) to keep th e time synchronize d for all devices i n some envir onments.
246 RADIUS Server The NAS ca n be config ured as a R ADIUS (Re mote Auth entication Dial In Us er Service) server to provi de centralize d authentic ation, aut horizatio n, accounti ng mana gement for c omputers to connect and use a network service. To use this f eature, fo llow these st eps: 1.
24 7 Not e: The RA DIUS serv er only su pports PAP, E AP -TLS/P AP, and EAP -TT LS/PAP authenticati on for loc al NAS user accounts ..
248 Syslog Server Configure t he NAS as a Syslog ser ver, cre ate Syslo g filters and view av ailable Sy slog messages o n this p age. Ser ver S ettin gs Ser ver S ettin gs: To confi gure the N AS as a Sys log server and allo w it to receiv e Sysl og messages fr om client s, enable Sy slog Server.
249 feature, co nfigure th e SMTP s erver setti ngs in "Sy stem Setti ngs" > "Notifi catio n" > "SMTP Server" . Next, enable e mail notificati on and sele ct the sev erity level in "Applicatio ns" > "Sysl og Server" > "Server Settings".
250 Edit Edit filter se ttings Delete Delete Delete filter s Sysl og Vi ewe r Use the Sysl og viewer to vie w the available Syslog messages o n the NAS.
251 TFTP Server Configure t he NAS as a TFTP (Trivi al File Tr ansfer Prot ocol) serve r for confi guration manageme nt of netw ork devices and remo te netw ork bootin g of comput ers for sy stem imaging or re covery. TFTP is a file transfer protocol with the fun ctionality of a very basic form of FTP.
252 details, please refer t o the DHCP Serv er cha pter.
253 Virtualization QNAP busi ness-cl ass Turbo N AS is a virt ualizatio n-r eady stor age soluti on design ed to optimize yo ur virt ualizatio n operation s.
254 Har dwa re -a ssis ted L ock ing : Enables granular l ocking of b lock stora ge devices rather than locking the entir e LUN in SCSI. This feature permits the V Mware vS phere environme nt t.
255 A 10GbE (10 Gigabit Ethernet) network i s essential for busin esses tha t dem and high bandwidth f or virtuali zation an d fast backup and restor ation efficie ncy for an ever -gro wing amount of d ata. QNA P's 10G bE Turbo NAS series is an affordable and reli able stor age solution for deployin g a 10G bE environ ment.
256 VPN Client The NAS provides t he VPN clie nt service which can co nnect to a VPN server vi a PPTP or OpenVPN. T he NAS also supports saving multi ple VPN settings to easily swit ch bet ween different co nnectio ns.
25 7 The Point- to -Poi nt Tunnel ing Proto col (PPT P) is a com monly -u sed method for imple mentin g VPN and is support ed by mo st client s, includin g Window s, Mac OS X , Linux, a nd mobile devices. 1. Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "VPN Cli ent".
258 4. Choose "U se the foll owing IP address" and change t he Defa ult gateway t o the IP address of the NAS t hat is o perating th e VPN Clie nt servic e (in this c ase, it is 1 92.
2 59 VPN Server The NAS su pports Virt ual Private Network ( VPN) servi ce for use rs to acces s the NAS a nd resources o n a privat e network fr om t he Internet.
260 o OpenVPN: OpenVPN i s an ope n source VPN solution w hich utiliz es SSL en cryptio n for secure co nnection. To connect to t he Op enVPN server, OpenVPN client must be installed o n your PC.
261 5. Enter your username and passw ord which i s added fro m the NAS for VPN ac cess. Clic k "Connect". PPTP on Mac OS X 10.7 1. Choose "A pple men u" > "Sy stem Prefere nces", and click "Net work". 2. Click "A dd (+)" at t he bottom of the li st, and cho ose "VPN" as the interf ace.
262 5. Put "ca.crt" and "ope nvpn.ovpn" i nto the c onfiguratio n folder under the OpenVPN configuratio n subdire ctory. 6. Run OpenVPN. OpenVPN on Mac 1. Download th e disk im age of Ope nVPN clien t from htt p://code. m/p/tunnel blick/ 2.
263 Web Server Go to "Co ntrol Panel" > "Applicati ons" > " Web Server" to confi gure t he web serv er and virtual host. Web Se rv er The NAS ca n host we b sites incl uding thos e that use Joomla!, P HP and MyS QL/SQLite to establish a n interactiv e website .
264 If the Web S erver is d isabled, all re levant ap plications i ncluding M usic Statio n, Photo Station, Ha ppy Get, o r QAirplay will beco me unav ailable. To use PHP mail( ), go to "S ystem Setti ngs" > " Notificati on" > "SMT P Server" and configure t he SMTP server setti ngs.
265 8. You can loc ate the we b folder i n the "N etwo rk Locatio n" sectio n in "Co mputer". 9. You can co nnect to t he folder t hough t his link via HTTP/ WebDAV. Mac OS X Follow these steps to connect to y our NAS via Web DAV on Mac OS X.
266 Virtual Host A virtual h ost is a we b server t echnique t hat provi des the c apability to host mor e than o ne domain (w ebsite) on one physi cal host an d offers a c ost -effe ctive sol ution for per sonal an d small busi nesses wit h such nee d.
267 4. Specify the protocol ( HTTP or H TTPS) for connectio n. If you select HTT PS, make sure the option "En able Secure Conne ctio n (SSL)" i n Web Serv er has been ena bled. 5. Specify the port nu mber for c onnection. 6. Click "A pply".
269 Other Applicat ions Various ap plications are provide d by QNAP to enha nce your u ser experie nces. For d etails on these appli cations, ref er to the f ollowing li nks: App_Center .
27 0 App Center The App Center i s a platform for th e distribu tion of NAS apps. Users can search f or, install , remove and update apps d eveloped by QNA P and thi rd-p arty developers to exp and servi ces and add ne w features to th e NAS.
271 5 Sort Sort apps by cat egory, name or release date. Left Panel Public Apps: Li st apps that are set to be accessi ble by the publi c. To set an App as a pub lic App, please go to "My Ap ps", check "Show on logi n screen" at the bott om of th e App icon box and th at App will show up in the l ogin screen.
27 2 the App Ce nter. To update an App, click "Updat e" and click "OK" to confirm. Alternati vely, you c an cli ck "Update All" on the menu bar to install all updates and "Refresh" t o check for the l atest updates.
273 DLNA Media Server The NAS supports two types of DLNA Media Ser vers: QNAP DL NA Media Se rver and Twonky Me dia DLNA Server. QNAP DLNA Medi a Server is developed by QNAP, and T wonky Medi a DLNA Server i s a third -party media server.
274 To allow DLNA pl ayers to access and play NAS mu ltimedi a content via Twonky M edia DLNA Serv er, enable it and click the link (ht tp://NAS IP:9000 /) to enter the Twonk yMedia DLNA Media Serv er configurati on page. Go to "TwonkyM edia Setti ngs" > "Basic S etup" to co nfigu re basic server setti ngs.
275 Download Station Download Stati on is a web- based downl oad tool that allows you to dow nload fil es from the Internet through BT, PT, Magn et Link, HTTP/H TTPS, FTP/F TPS, Xunlei , FlashGet, qqdl as well as Bai du Cloud downloads and subs cribe to RSS f eeds.
276 Dependin g on your NAS mod el, Download S tation may be enabl ed by default an d can be launched from the Desktop o r the Mai n Menu. If not, i nstall and enable it in the App Cent er (for QTS 4.
277 Left Panel Tasks: List all BT tasks based on their downl oad status (All , Downloading, Paus ed, Complete d, Active and Inacti ve.) Right click on a task to st art it, pause, set pri ority and rem ove a BT task (and it s data) and edit downl oads.
27 8 o Global maximum concurrent downl oads: Speci fy the maximum n umber of concu rrent BT downloads (the ma ximum numb er of concurrent down loads for x86 -b ased NAS mod els is 30, and 10 for ARM-ba sed NAS mod els.) o Global maximum upload rat e (KB/s): Enter the maximum u pload rate for BT downl oad.
279 1. Drag and d rop BT/PT fi les from th e local PC to Download Stati on or click "+" bu tton to add BT/ PT files or multi ple URLs (HTTP/FTP/Magn et li nk.) 2. You can search for BT files using the BT search functi on to add downl oad tasks.
280 Subscribing to and managing RSS feeds You can subscri be to RSS feeds usi ng the Downl oad Station and down load the tor rent files in the feeds: 1. Cli ck "+" next to "RSS" on the left panel to add an RSS fe ed. 2. Ente r the URL and the label.
281 Tip on slow BT download rate s or downlo ad errors : 1. The t orrent file has expired, the pe ers have stopp ed sharing thi s file, or there i s error in th e file. 2. The NAS has been confi gu red to use a fi xed IP but th e DNS server is not confi gured or it ha s failed.
282 HybridDesk Station HybridDesk Station is a platfor m where n umerous home and offi ce apps can be inst alled to enhance yo ur entertai nment and productivit y needs.
283 MCE remot e controlle r USB keybo ard or mo use Qremote: Q NAP rem ote app, designed excl usively for the Hy bridDesk St ation. Not e: If you want to use Chr ome, you must use t he Qre mote mouse fu nction or use a USB mouse t hat is con nected to t he NAS.
284 After install ation, cho ose your preferred lan guage on t he TV scr een. Then, yo u will s ee the HybridDesk Station p ortal as sh own here. 4. Enjo yin g the Hy brid De sk Sta tio n: A t t he Hybr id De sk S ta tion po rt al, si mpl y cho ose th e appli ca tion yo u wan t t o u se t o st ar t en jo ying th e se rv ice .
285 3. Choose "U SBDisk". 4. Select the photo yo u want to vie w. Imp orti ng Me di a Co n te nts t o y our N AS Use one of t he sever al types o f network protocols ( Samba, AFP , FTP, and .
286 Enter the l ocal NAS a dministratio n web pa ge to view t he NAS f unctions and settin gs. Con fig urin g Hybr id De sk Sta tio n Configure t he Hybri dDesk St ation by choo sing "Set ti ngs" at the Hy bridDesk Station port al and Hybrid Desk St ation in QT S.
288 RM -I R0 01 RM -I R00 2 MCE XBM C HD Sta tio n Power Power 1 N/A Power 1 Power 1 Power menu Mute 2 OK Mute 12 Mute 13 Mute Number 0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7, 8,9 3 OK 0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7, 8,9 18 0,1,2, 3,4,5, .
289 Shortcu t Red - (Home) 9 OK Red - (Home) 3 Home Green (Video) 10 OK Green (Video) 4 Video menu Yellow (Music) 11 OK Yellow (Music) 22 Music menu Blue (Picture) 12 OK Blue (Picture ) 23 Photo menu .
290 Options 29 N/A Menu 8 More Playb ack menu OK 25 OK OK 3 OK 7 OK OK Up 23 OK Up 2 Up 7 Up Up Down 26 OK Down 5 Down 7 Down Down Right 27 OK Right 6 Right 7 Right Right Left 24 OK Left 4 Left 7 Left.
291 OK Enter 34 Confir m Switch 16:9 / 4:3 27 Addi tio nal Re fer en ce : How to use Surveill ance Station ( Local Dis play) in HD Statio n ..
292 iTunes Server Using this s ervice MP3 files in t he Qmulti media/M ultimedia f older of th e NAS can be shared with iTune s. Comput ers on the LAN with i Tunes i nstalled will be abl e to find, browse, an d play the s hared musi c files.
293 Multimedia Management The Medi a Library servi ce scans for photos, m usic, and vi deos fro m designat ed me dia folders and indexe s them for usage in multime dia applicatio ns.
294 The media li brary is enabl ed by default. In s ome cases, t h e media li brary needs to be di sabled (when multimedi a applications are not i nstalled on the NAS.
295 Music Station Music Stati on (4.0) helps you creat e a personal music center on th e cloud. Thi s web -bas ed applicati on is designed f or users to play mu sic fil es on the NAS or a me dia server, li sten to thousand s of Internet radio stations, and shar e your music wi th your friends and f amilies.
296 Collection", thi s shared folder is l ocated under the "/hom e" folder.) Th e newly upl oaded music files can be found under "Recentl y Added" on th e left panel; 3) Swi tch to the fol der view bro wsin g mode and drag & d rop musi c files to a preferred fol der.
29 7 9 Help Show Help, Qui ck Start and About. 10 Right Panel Show/Hide the left pan el . Player N o Name Description 1 Seek Bar Control the pl ayback progress. 2 Previous Item Play the previ ous item. 3 Play/Pause Play/Pause. 4 Next Item Play the next it em.
298 section for detai ls.) All imported contents are s aved in the "/Mul timedia" sha red folder named with date. Now Playi ng: Songs in the "Now Pl aying" li st can be reordered by d rag & drop, and songs can be removed from the li st.
299 1 Lyrics Add lyri cs to a song and brows e them here. 2 Information Edit and browse mu sic detail s here. 3 Sharing Drag music fil es to the area und er "Songs" to sh are them via a l ink (including three methods: email , social sharing and lin k.
300 You can also sha re a li st of songs as y ou do with the pl aylist. To do s o, click "Shari ng" on the right panel, drag & drop s ongs under "S ongs" on the right panel from the middl e and use the "Email", "Social Sh aring", or "Link" button to share thi s list of songs.
301 To rate a music fi le, find it in the detail browsin g mode/al bum list browsing mode/cover flow browsing mode and rate it. To classify a musi c fil e, click the music fil e and "Info" on th e right panel to modi fy its data.
302 myQNAPcloud Service myQNAPcl oud provid es host n ame registr ati on, m apping of a dynamic N AS IP to a domain name, an d auto port m apping for UPnP ro uters on t he local netw ork.
303 It is recomm ended to use the wizard the fir st time yo u use myQNAPclo ud. Follow these steps: 1. Click "Get St arted" t o us e the wiz ard.
304 By enabli ng the my QNAPclou d DDNS servi ce, you can conn ect to t he network services o n your NAS by using yo ur specifie d internet address. To change yo ur myQNAP clou d DDNS domain nam e, click th e "here" li nk on the page.
305 6. Enter the e mail addre ss. Click "S end". Not e: To use t his functio n, the e mail server set tings m ust be pro perly config ured in "System Setti ngs" > " Notificati on" > "SMTP Server".
306 Not e: A myQNAP cloud SSL cer tificate can only be used on NA S with QTS 4.2 or a bove. Pur ch asi ng m y QNA Pcl oud S SL cer tifi cat es 1. Sign into th e myQNAP cloud we bsite with y our myQ NAPclou d account an d go to "SSL Certificate" on the left side.
307 The myQNAP cloud portal ( www. myqnapclo ) is an i ntegrate d web interf ace that all ows you to: Manage and c onfigure yo ur myQNAP cloud acco unt Access NAS servers U.
308 View and a ccess publis hed and priva te serv ices (for private servi ces, che ck the abo ve Cloud Portal sectio n for more details) Review a nd refresh device det ails or unr egister th e device Not e: Once you unregister y our devic e from myQNAPclo ud, all of t he service s will be sto pped.
309 The portal will not ify you of myQNAP cloud activiti es. Exa mples of s uch activitie s are: Your frien ds have add ed your devi ce as a favori te Your frien ds have creat ed a share d link for yo u. Your frien ds have sh ared their device with you.
310 Photo Station Photo Station (5.0) i s an onli ne photo albu m used to organi ze photos and vi deos on the NAS a nd to share them wi th friends and fami ly across the Internet.
311 1. Import ph otos and vi deos to a shared folder on the NAS. Th ere are three ways to upload photos and videos to the NAS: 1) Install Qfinder on you r PC or Mac, set up a network dri ve and upl oad files to your prefe rred shared folders.
312 N o Name Description 1 Gallery/Man ag e Switch between Gal lery mode and Manage mod e. 2 Advanced Search Bar Search for photos and vi deos by title, date take n, file size, resol ution, camera brand, col or label, rati ng, description or tag . 3 Multi-Select Select multi ple items at the same ti me.
313 Bonjour mu st be ena bled when using multi -zone stre aming. Y ou can e nable Bonjo ur in "Control Pa nel" > "Ne twor k Servi ce" > "Ser vice Discov ery" > "Bo njour". Only MP4 vi deo files can be directly stre amed if y our NAS doe s not supp ort On -the -fly Transcodin g.
314 currently runni ng in the backg round. 6 Settings Configure Photo Stati on setting s, launch th e Quick Start, or show the Photo Station onl ine help. Ther e are four setti ngs: Content Fil ter: Select shared folders as the c ontent source of the Photo Station.
315 14 Slideshow Play selected i tems as a sli deshow and cli ck the down arrow t o choose the slid eshow speed, effect and ba ckground mu si c. 15 Import Import videos or phot os.
316 Smart Albu m: List all smart al bums. Smart al bums will onl y show photos or vi deos that match specific condi tions chosen by u sers, such as t oday i n history, random, t ag and all files and can save you effort i n managing ph otos.
317 1. Swi tch to the fol der view in Man age mode, righ t click on a folder an d you wil l see two smart album opti ons: "Create a Smart Al b um" and "Conve rt subfolder to Sma rt Album". Sel ect "Create a Smart Albu m" to turn that folder int o a collective smart albu m.
318 As you create an album, you can cho ose to share i t with other NAS us ers (cho ose whether all NAS users can edit th e album, or onl y the alb um creator/admi nistrator can edi t the alb um) or t.
319 must be install ed.) Streaming to (N etwork Media Player) Stream videos to co mpati ble devices in di fferent rooms over you r home network. Share Share the photo or video on social networks, via emai l or link. Download Download the phot o or vi deo.
320 N o Name Description 1 Face Detection Enable Face D etection to show tagg ed faces. Yo u can also manuall y add a face tag. Please refe r to the Ad di ng face tags to photos secti on for more detail s.
321 10 Last Item/Ne xt Ite m Play the last/ next item. 11 Play/Pause Play the photo/vi deo as slideshow. 12 Seek Bar Control the pl ayback progress. 13 Hide/Sho w Preview B ar Hide/show the P review Bar. 14 Rewind/Forw ard Rewind/Forward th e Preview Bar.
322 3 Music Switch between di fferent pl aylists defined in the Music Stati on (from the "Playli st", personal playlist and shared playlist on the l eft panel.) Pl ease refer to the chapter on Musi c Stati on for more details. 4 Play/Pause Play/Pause the sl ideshow.
323 As the face d etectio n function c an affect sy stem perf ormance, avoid usin g it duri ng peak NAS u sage perio ds. Med ia L ib rary an d Pri vacy S e tti ngs Photo and vid eo files in Photo Station ar e listed and displayed accordin g to shared fol der privil eges and media fol ders settings in the Medi a Library .
324 Station Manager The Station Manager i s an integr ated contr ol panel f or all QNAP Statio ns and they can be enabled or disabled h ere. Enab li ng Pho to Sta tion Check "En able Photo Station" a nd click th e below li nks to dir ectly lo gin to the application.
325 Check "En able File Statio n" and click the below li nks to directly l ogin into th e applic ation. File Station ca n only be lau nched after it i s en abled in the Station Manager.
326 Transcode Management Transcoding i s the process of conv erting vi deo files int o an universal format (*.MP4) that is compatibl e with the broadest range of m edia playe rs such as mobil e devices and Sma rt TVs. Converted fil es with a range of resol utions can be us ed across different network envi ronments for a better viewin g experience.
32 7 Priority Adjust the order each ta sk is executed. Remove Remove the select ed task from the list. Note: Thi s feature is onl y availabl e for specific NAS model s. Please check th e product pag e (software specifi cation) on the QNAP websit e ( w ww.
328 Video Station Video Stati on (2.3) is a vi deo management tool used to organi ze videos on the NAS and to share them with friends and famil y across the Intern et. With Video Station, you can cl assify videos i n to home videos, m ovies, TV show s or music vi deos for personal collections.
329 drop videos to a pr eferred fold er. With the first and thi rd approach, you can ch oose which fol der on the NAS that y ou want to upl oad videos to. Tip s on fil e u plo ad : The maxim um size of an ima ge file is 2 GB. The maxim um size of multipl e files t hat can be u ploaded at o ne time is 2 GB.
330 7 Refresh Refresh the current pag e. 8 Settings Set video classi fication, content filters, or social network binding; configure subtitl es searching settin gs and miscellan eous settings.
331 Media Stre aming Add -On must first be installe d in the Ap p Center. Bonjour mu st be ena bled when using multi -zone stre aming. Y ou can e nable Bonjo ur in "Control Pa nel" > "Ne twor k Servi ce" > "Ser vice Discov ery" > "Bo njour".
332 The "/home" folder can onl y be accessed by its owner and NA S administr ators. Priv ate or personal vi deos sh ould only be stored i n your "/ho me" folder. For media f older confi guration, re fer to t he Multim edia Man agement cha pter.
333 the drop down menu. Cli ck "Create", speci fy the name of th e collecti on displayed on the page seen as r ecipient s open the link. Copy an d paste the URL li nk in the dial og window to your pr eferred appli cations. Not e: Multiple vid eo files c an be cl assified at t he same ti me.
334 and use the "Emai l", "Social Sharing", or "Li nk" button to shar e the videos. Then, your friends can log into Video Stati on with the link provided to the m to watch vi deos from shar ed collectio ns.
335 Movie Informati on Review movie i nformation (such a s genre, di rector, cast, etc) of the selected video. Add Tag Tag the vid eo . Rating Rate the video . Color Label Color-label the video . Not e: The movie i nformatio n option i s only avail able after t he video s electe d is classifie d as "Movies".
336 2 Stop Stop playback. 3 Seek Bar Control the pl ayback progress. 4 Mute/Volume Mute/Unmute and adj ust the v olume. 5 Resolution Change resolu tion and transcodi ng settin gs. 6 Subtitles Manage subti tles of the vi deo. 7 Streaming to Stream videos to co mpati ble devices in di fferent rooms over you r home network.
33 7 You can imp ort, display an d adjust subti tles files for movies. To import and di splay sub title files: a. Save the subti tles fil e in the same directory as t he video fil e, with an i den tical fil ename (for example, a vid eo with the fil ename "video.
338 Videos stored in the shared fold ers are only vi sible after they are d etected and s canned by the Media Library. To set the Media Library to scan for videos manu ally or by sche dule go t o "Control Panel " > "Multimedi a Management" > "Medi a Library".
340 Mobile Apps QNAP has i ntroduce d a list of mobile app s to help u sers access their N AS with th eir mobil e devices. Th e followin g are a list o f benefit s that QNAP mobile apps can bring you:.
341 Qma nag er Qmanager is a powerful manageme nt platfo rm with a si mple to use and int uitive in terface that makes monitori ng and m anaging yo ur NAS fro m mobile devices amazingly e asy.
342 Qremote i s QNAP’s re mote contr ol for HD Statio n. Use Qre mote to co ntrol HD St ation from your mobile devices. Dow nl oad Qmu sic Qmusic helps you enjoy the music coll ection on your NAS via yo ur mo bile device s at anyti me, anywhere.
343 Dow nl oad Qge t Qget allow s you to manage all of the do wnload t asks on y our NAS using your mobile devices at anytime, anywhere . Use Qget to add an d monitor yo ur downlo ad tasks i n D ownload Station. T he Qget buil t-in browser hel ps you t o add tasks from di rect dow nload links or from magnet li nks.
344 Vcam can t urn your mobile devi ce into a network c amera, allowi ng you to record any moment ar ound you t o your NAS. Vcam pro vides a gre at way to d eploy a ho me surve illa nce system wit hout purch asing expe nsive IP c ameras.
346 Computer Utilit ies QNAP const antly dev elops ne w ways for users to improve t heir NAS ex perience, and provides th e followi ng utilities t o improve productiv ity: Qfinder myQNAPcl oud conne ct Qsync 2.
34 7 NetBak Re plicator also support s backing up to a re mote serv er via FTP a nd WebDA V through the Inter net. Download User M anual Qge t QGet is a powerful utility for d ownload m anageme nt.
349 NAS Add-ons The followi ng NAS Add -ons ( QPKG) are reco mmended to help yo u explore other NAS possibilitie s: Storage a nd Backup Backup Versi oning – Beta Gmail Back up -B eta V.
350 you search it i n the A pp Center. For more A pps, please vi sit the QNAP site ( http://w m/go/qpk g.html ). Back up V ersi oni ng – Be ta Backup Versi oning ena bles versio n control o ption in RT RR backup jobs.
351 Notes Stati on ena bles you to cr eate digital noteb ooks on t he privat e cloud pr ovided by the NAS. You ca n also easily l everage t he files, p hotos, mu sic and vi deos store d on the NAS t o enrich your notes. Wit h Notes Station, digital me mos are safely k ept for i nstant ac ces s.
352 L2TP (Layer T wo T unnelin g Protocol) i s a com bination of t he Point - to -Point Tu nneling Protocol (PPTP ) an d Layer 2 For warding (L2F.) Co mpared to PP TP, whic h only est ablishes a single tunn el between the two e nd points, L2TP sup ports the u se of m ultiple tu nnels.
353 Signage St ation provi des digit al signage di splay functi onalities and allo ws content t o be managed wit h access permissi ons. Users c an use iArti st Lite to design t he digital signage content a nd upload to the NAS, and use Si gnage St ation to display t he digital signage media content on the web browser fro m the NA S.
355 Use the LCD Panel This feature is only pr ovided by t he NAS m odels wit h LCD panel s. You can us e the LCD panel to perf orm disk configur ation and vi ew sy stem infor mation. When the N AS has st arted u p, you will b e able to vi ew the N AS name and IP addres s: N A S 5 F 4 D E 3 1 6 9 .
356 the NAS will execute RAID syn chronizati on and th e progress will be sho wn on "Stor age Manager" > " Volume M anageme nt" page. The sy nchroni zation rate i s around 30 -60 M B/s (varies de pending o n the har d drive models , syste m resourc e usage, e tc.
35 7 TCP/ IP In TCP/IP, yo u can vi ew the foll owing opti ons: 1. LAN IP Addr ess 2. LAN Subnet Mask 3. LAN Gateway 4. LAN PRI. D NS 5. LAN SEC. D NS 6. Enter Netw ork Settin gs o Network S ettings – DHCP o Network S ettings – Static I P* o Network S ettings – BACK 7.
358 RAID 5 (S) RAID 5 re -synchron izing RAID 5 (U) RAID 5 is un mounted RAID 5 (X) RAID 5 no n-activat ed Syst e m This sectio n shows t he syste m temper ature and th e rotation speed of t he syste m fan. C P U T e m p : 5 0 ° C S y s T e m p : 5 5 ° C S y s F a n : 8 6 5 R P M Shu t d ow n Use this o ption to tur n off the N AS.
359 S y s t e m E r r o r ! P l s . C h e c k L o g s Syst e m Me ssa ge Des cri pti on Sys. Fan F ailed The syste m fan has fa iled. Sys. Overhe at The syste m has over heated. HDD Over heat A hard drive has overheat ed. CPU Over heat The CPU h as overheat ed.
361 GNU GENER AL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundati on, Inc. < h ttp://fsf.o rg/ > Everyone is permi tted to copy and distrib ute verbatim copi es of this license document, but chan ging it is not all owed.
362 For the devel opers' and authors' protecti on, the GPL cl early explai ns that there is no w arranty fo r thi s free software. For b oth users' and au thors' sake, th e GPL requi res that modifi ed versions be marked as changed, so that th eir probl ems will not be a ttribu ted erroneously to authors o f previous ver sions.
363 To 'convey' a work m eans any ki nd of propagation that enables othe r parties to mak e or receive copies. Mere in teraction wit h a user through a c omputer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
364 The Correspondi ng Source for a wo rk in source cod e form is tha t same work. 2. Basic Permi ssions. All rights granted un der thi s License are granted for the term of cop yright on the P rogram, an d are irrevocable provi ded the stated condi tions are met.
365 5. Conveyi ng Modified Source Ve rsions. You may conv ey a work based on th e Program, or the modi ficati ons to produc e it from the P rogram, in the form of sourc e code under the terms of secti.
366 c) Co nvey in dividual copies of the object code wi th a copy of th e written offer to provid e the Correspondi ng Source. Thi s alternative is all owed onl y occasionall y and noncommerciall y, and only if you recei ved the object code wi th such an offe r, in accord wi th subsection 6b.
367 any third party retai ns the abili ty to install modified object code on th e User Produ ct (for exam ple, the work has been installed in ROM). The requirement to provi de Installati on Inform ati.
368 for any li ability that these contractual assu mptions directl y imp ose on those licensors and authors. All other non-pe rmissive addi tional terms are considered 'fu rther restricti ons' withi n the meaning of section 10.
369 grants you permi ssion to propagat e or modify a ny covered work. These actions i nfringe copyright if you do not accept this L icense. Therefore, b y modifyi ng or propagating a covered work, you i ndi cate your acceptance of thi s Li cense to do so.
37 0 covenant not to su e for patent i nfringement). To 'gran t' such a patent license t o a party mean s to make such an agr eement or commi tment not to enforce a patent agai nst the pa rty.
371 13. Use with th e GNU Affero Gene ral Publi c License. Notwithstan ding any other provi si on of this Licens e, you have permi ssion to li nk or combine any covered work wi th a work li censed under versi on 3 of the GNU Affero Gene ral Publi c License into a single combin ed work, and to c onvey the resul ting work.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts QNAP TVS-471 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie QNAP TVS-471 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für QNAP TVS-471 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von QNAP TVS-471 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über QNAP TVS-471 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon QNAP TVS-471 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von QNAP TVS-471 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit QNAP TVS-471. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei QNAP TVS-471 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.