Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 8100 SERIES des Produzenten Q-Logic
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FE0254601-00 A User ’ s Guide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series.
ii FE0254601- 00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Information fu rnished in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , QLogic Corporation assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patent s or other right s of third part ies which may result from it s use.
FE0254601-00 A iii T able of Content s Preface What’s in This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters FCoE Network Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Hardware Component s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FE0254601-00 A v User ’ s Guide Converged Ne twork Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters Removing the Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 V erifying Driver Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters Upgrading the Boot Code (Firmware) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24 Upgrading the Boot Code Using the QConvergeConsole GUI . . 4-24 Using QLogic BIOS and UEFI Utilities .
FE0254601-00 A vii User ’ s Guide Converged Ne twork Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters PXE Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25 Prerequisites for PXE Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 7 Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environment Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Driver Parameters .
FE0254601-00 A ix User ’ s Guide Converged Ne twork Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters Online S torage Configuration and Reconfiguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-21 Adapter FCoE Performance T uning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 9 Offline Utilities Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 Fast!UTIL . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FE0254601-00 A xi User ’ s Guide Converged Ne twork Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters List of Figures Figure Page i Illustration of Sample Motherboard and Slo ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii 1-1 Encap sulated Fibre Channel .
xii FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 3-36 Inst all Additional Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 3-37 Windows Inst allation T ype . . .
FE0254601-00 A xiii User ’ s Guide Converged Ne twork Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 4-20 Install the QConvergeConsole: Directory Containing Inst aller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28 4-21 Install the QConvergeConsole: T erminal Window—V erify Permission to Execute .
xiv FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 5-33 Add Hardware — Select Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 5-34 Add Hardware — Network Connection . . . .
FE0254601-00 A xv User ’ s Guide Converged Ne twork Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 6-33 Examine the Bo nd0 Network Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50 6-34 ifconfig Command Output . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvi FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 9-5 Select able Boot Setting Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 9-6 Select Fibre Cha nnel Device Window . . . . .
FE0254601-00 A xvii User ’ s Guide Converged Ne twork Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters 8-19 FC HBA Change LUN S tate Utility Package Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-50 8-20 FC HBA Change LUN S tate Utility Command Line Options .
xviii FE0254601-00 A User ’s Gu ide Converged Network Adapter 8100 Series Adap ters.
FE0254601-00 A xix Preface This guide provides det ailed instructions on the inst allation, configuration, and troubleshooting of QLogic 8100 Se ries Converged Network Adapter for Windows ® , Linux ® , and VMware ® .
Preface Intended Audience xx FE0254601-00 A Section 7 describes the characteristics, co nfigurations, and feat ures of the QLogic 8100 Series Converged Netwo rk Adapter FCoE function for Windows.
Preface License Agreeme nts FE0254601-00 A xxi Te x t i n blue font indicates a hyperlink (jump) to a figure, table, or section in this guide, and links to W eb sites are shown in underlined blue . For example: T able 9-2 lists problems related to the user int erface and remote agent.
Preface T echnical Support xxii FE0254601-00 A T echnical Support Customers should cont act their authorized maintenance provider for technical support of their QLogic product s. QLogic- direct customers may contact QLogic T echnical Support; others will be redirected to their authorized mainte nance provider .
Preface Legal Notices FE0254601-00 A xxiii Knowledge Dat abase The QLogic knowledge dat abase is an ext ensive collection of QLogic product information that you can search for specific solutions. W e are constantly adding to the collection of information in our database to pro vide answers to your most urgent questions.
Preface Legal Notices xxiv FE0254601-00 A EMI and EMC Requirement s FCC Part 15 compliance: Class A (QLE8 xxx ) FCC compliance information st atement: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Preface Legal Notices FE0254601-00 A xxv MIC: Class A (QLE81 xx ) Korea MIC Class Korean KCC : KN22 KN24(08.05.19) Class A (QLE81 xx) Korea Class A Certified Product Name/Model Fibre Channel Adapter C.
Preface Legal Notices xxvi FE0254601-00 A.
FE0254601-00 A xxvii Quick S t art Inst allation Instructions This Quick S tart section descr ibes how to install and conf igure your new QLogic Converged Network Adapter in four simple step s: S tep 1. V erify the Package Contents . S tep 2. Inst all the Adapter Hardwa re .
Quick S tart S tep 3. Install t he Adapter Drivers xxviii FE0254601-00 A 4. Pull out the slot cover (if any) by removing the screw or releasing the lever . 5. Inst all the low-profile bracket (if required). 6. Grasp the adapter by the top edge and seat it firmly in to the appropriate slot (see the illustration below).
Quick S tart S tep 4. Install QConvergeConsole Management T ools FE0254601-00 A xxix 4. On the download page un der Drivers , select the appropriate driver and download it to your system. 5. Follow the instructions provided in the driver read me file for installing the downloaded driver .
Quick S tart Additional Resour ces xxx FE0254601-00 A.
FE0254601-00 A 1-1 1 Product Overview What is a Converged Network Adap ter? What is Enhanced Ethernet? What is Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)? QLogic Converged Network Adapter .
1–Product O verview What is Enhanced Ethernet? 1-2 FE0254601-00 A What is Enhanced Ethernet? S tandard Eth ernet is a best-ef fort network that may drop packets o r deliver packet s out of order when the network is busy or congeste d, resulting in retransmissions and time-out s.
1–Product Overview QLogic Converged Networ k Adapter FE0254601-00 A 1-3 Because the transmitting Fibre Channel fr ames require a lossless tra nsport, an Ethernet network that transport s FCoE frames must also provide the same lossless characteristics.
1–Product O verview FCoE Network Deployment 1-4 FE0254601-00 A T able 1-2 describes the QLogic 8100 series Converged Network Adapters for standard servers. FCoE Network Deployment The FCoE network consist s of several hardware component s in addition to the Converged Network Adapters.
1–Product Overview Hardware Components FE0254601-00 A 1-5 In Figure 1-3 , the FCoE adapter communicates to existing native Fibre Chann el storage because of the translatio n capab ility of the switch.
1–Product O verview Hardware Components 1-6 FE0254601-00 A Figure 1-4 shows the hardware component s of a QLogic 8100 Series Adapter . T able 1-3 describes the 8100 Series Adapter component s.
1–Product Overview Hardware Components FE0254601-00 A 1-7 S o ft w a r e C o m p o n e n ts This section describes the following QLogic Converged Network Adapter software components ( Figure 1-5 ): .
1–Product O verview Hardware Components 1-8 FE0254601-00 A Figure 1-5. Driver Model Boot Code Boot code resides in the Flash memory on the adapter . The primary function of the boot code is to commu.
1–Product Overview Hardware Components FE0254601-00 A 1-9 Firmware The firmware module performs most of the FCoE and Ethernet pro tocol-related functions, thus freeing the system CPU and memory reso urces from protocol processing. This ef ficiency saves runtim e system resources, such as CPU and memory .
1–Product O verview Hardware Components 1-10 FE0254601-00 A T able 1-4. Software and Firmware Components Component (QLogic Operating System Supported a Comment s Windows FCoE Driver Windows NIC Driver Windows T eaming Driver Windows Install the team ing driver only if the teaming function is required.
1–Product Overview Hardware Components FE0254601-00 A 1-1 1 QLogic SuperI n- staller for Li nux Red Hat RHEL Novell SLES Linux Utility that installs: FC-FCoE and Ethernet Netwo rk- ing drivers. QConvergeConsole comman d line interface (CLI) Management To o l .
1–Product O verview Adapter S pecifications 1-12 FE0254601-00 A Adapter S pecifications The QLogic 8100 Series Adapters provide high-performance server connectivity to SAN and LAN networks. T able 1-5 lists the adapter physical and electrical specifications.
1–Product Overview Adapter S pecifications FE0254601-00 A 1-13 BIOS Support QLogic adapte rs support the following boot ima ges (boot from SAN and PXE boot): PCI BIOS version 2.1 and 3.0 UEFI specification 1.10 and 2. x . FCode for SP ARC ® -based systems T able 1-6.
1–Product O verview Adapter S pecifications 1-14 FE0254601-00 A N_Port ID Virtualization Supports 256 virtua l ports per physical po rt, optimized for virtualization T opo logy Support Point-to-poin.
1–Product Overview Adapter S pecifications FE0254601-00 A 1-15 Compliance IEEE: 802.3ae (10Gb Ethernet) 802.1q (VLAN) 802.3ad (Lin k Aggregation) 802.
1–Product O verview Adapter S pecifications 1-16 FE0254601-00 A T able 1-9. Management Sp ecifications Specification Description QLogic Utilities QConvergeConsole Web Management GUI, which is us.
FE0254601-00 A 2-1 2 Management T ools Overview QLogic provides the followi ng tools with which to manage the QLogic 81 00 Series Converged Network Adapter: QConvergeConsole W eb Management GUI .
2–Management T ools QConvergeConsole Management Agen ts (qlremote /netqlremote) 2-2 FE0254601-00 A Configuration management – QConverg eConso le allows you to configure local and remote systems. With QConvergeConsole you can configure QLogic adapters and connected devices.
2–Management T ools QConvergeConsole CLI FE0254601-00 A 2-3 QConvergeConsole CLI The QConvergeConsole CLI is a unified CLI tha t manages Ethernet and Fibre Channel functions on QLogic adapters. The QConvergeConsole CL I non-interactive mode st arts, performs the functions defined by the list of parameters provided, and then terminat es.
2–Management T ools Offline Utilities 2-4 FE0254601-00 A The offline utilities for UEFI servers are as follows: EFICFG — This utility provides a UEFI shell into the server manufacturer’s boot-up menu interface, which configures advanced adapter features, including boot-from-SAN.
FE0254601-00 A 3-1 3 Inst allation in a W indows Environment Overview This section describes how to inst all a QLogic Converged Network Adapter , including system requirement s, hardware installation, driver inst allation, and software inst allation.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Downloading QLogic Drivers 3-2 FE0254601-00 A The server motherboard must have a PCIe slot of at least x8 ph ysical length.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Downloading QLogic Drivers FE0254601-00 A 3-3 4. In the selection list, click Converge d Network Adapters in the first column. 5. In the selection list, click on t he adapter model number in the second column.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Hardware 3-4 FE0254601-00 A 8. Under Drivers, click the download link for the QLogic drivers. T o enable all adapter capabilities, d ownload both the FCoE (ST OR Miniport) and NIC (NDIS Miniport) drivers ( Figure 3-2 ).
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Hardware FE0254601-00 A 3-5 Inst all the Adapter T o install the ada pter: 1. Record the adapter model number , which can be found on the bar cod e label on the board. 2. Determine whether the server requires a f ull-height or a half-he ight adapter bracket.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Hardware 3-6 FE0254601-00 A For QLE815 x Series Adapters, see the list of app roved copper cables at http://www under Cable Support. 10. Connect the other end of the Ethe rnet cable to a supported switch.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-7 If the QLogic BIOS banner does not appear , confirm that the adapter is seated properly . If necessary , inst all the adapter in another available PCIe x8 slot. If the BIOS banner still does no t appear , verify that the adapter is compatible with the server .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-8 FE0254601-00 A Creating the Driver Disk or Extr acting the Driver File into a Folder For a boot-from-SAN inst allation, insert the disk, CD, or o ther media, and unzip the driver package file.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-9 T o obtain ven dor ID and device ID information: 1. Right-click on th e My Computer icon o n the desktop or in the St ar t menu, and then select Manage . 2. Select Device Manager in the lef t pane.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-10 FE0254601-00 A 5. In the Property drop-down list, select Device Instance Id (Windows Server 2003) or Hardware Ids (Windows 2008). Figu re 3-6 shows sample vendor IDs and device IDs for QLogic 810 0 NIC adapter (Windows 20 03) and QLogic 8100 FCoE adapter (Windows 2008).
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-1 1 4. In the Computer Management window , select Device Manager in the left pane.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-12 FE0254601-00 A Adapter under this section. Figure 3-9 sho ws typical entries for a dual-port QLogic 8100 Series Adapter . Figure 3-9. T ypical QLogic 8100 Seri es Ethernet Adapter Port Entries b.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-13 7. The Hardware Upda te Wizard start s. Select No, not this time , and then click Next ( Figure 3-1 1 ). Figure 3-1 1. S tarting the Hardware Update Wizard 8. Select In stall from a list or specific location (Advanced) , and then click Next .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-14 FE0254601-00 A 12. Confirm that the QLogic 10Gb network adapter is shown in the list of network adapters ( Figure 3-12 ), and th en click Next . Figure 3-12. Confirming the Ethernet Adap ter 13.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-15 Adapter . For information about identifying QLogic devices in the Other Devices section, refer to “Identifying Unnamed Devices” on p age 3-8 . Figure 3-13. QLogic 8100 Seri es Adapter Device Entries b.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-16 FE0254601-00 A b. T o upgrade the driver , right click QLogic FCoE Adapter , and then click Up date Driver ( Figure 3-16 ). Figure 3-16. Updating an FCoE Driver 7. The Hardware Upda te Wizard start s.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-17 13. The Microsoft Wind ows Hardware Up date Wizard proceeds to install the STOR Miniport driver for t he QLogic adapter FCoE function. 14. When the installation is co mplete, click Finish to close the Hardware Update Wizard.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-18 FE0254601-00 A b. T o inst all the driver , right click Ethernet Controller , and then click Update Driver Software ( Figure 3-19 ). Figure 3-19. Installing an NIC Driver — Windows 2008 6.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-19 7. The Update Driver Sof tware Wizard start s. Click Browse my computer for driver software ( Figure 3-22 ). Figure 3-22. Starting the U pdate Driver Software Wizard 8.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-20 FE0254601-00 A 10. When the inst allation is complete, the message Windows has successfully installed/updated you r driver software appears.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-21 b. T o inst all the driver , right click Fibre Channel Contro ller , and then click Update Driver Software... ( Figu re 3-25 ). Figure 3-25. Installing an FC oE Driver for Windows 2008 6.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-22 FE0254601-00 A 7. The Update Driver Sof tware Wizard start s. Click Browse my computer for driver software ( Figure 3-28 ). Figure 3-28. Starting the U pdate Driver Software Wizard 8.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-23 10. When the inst allation is complete, the message Windows has successfully installed/updated you r driver software appears. Click Close to exit. 1 1. If a reboot is required to complete the d river insta llation or update, Windows will prompt you ( Figure 3-30 ).
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-24 FE0254601-00 A 6. In the third column, click the versio n of the Microsoft Windows ope rating system that is inst alled on the server . For example, in Figure 3-31 , Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) is selected for a QLE81 52 adapter .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-25 10. Run the Windows SuperInst aller: a. Ext ract the setup.exe from the .ZIP file to a temporary loca tion on your system drive. b. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the temporary location.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-26 FE0254601-00 A Figure 3-34. Insert Driver Disk 6. Windows displays a list of drivers found on the disk ( Figure 3-35 ). Select QLogic FCoE Adapter , and then press ENTER. Figure 3-35.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-27 7. Windows presents a list o f mass storage device drivers to load in addition to the standa rd drivers that have already been inst alled ( Figure 3-36 ). If required, specify other devices, or press ENT ER to continue with the installation .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware 3-28 FE0254601-00 A 3. Whe n prompted to indicate the type of inst allation ( Figure 3-37 ), click Custom (advanced) . Figure 3-37. Windows Installation T ype 4. Whe n prompted to indicate where to inst all Windows ( Figure 3-38 ), click Load Driver .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 3-29 5. Whe n prompted to select the driver to be inst alled ( Figure 3-39 ), insert the QLogic driver disk (3.5-inch disk, USB memory stick, CD/DVD-ROM), click Browse , and then select the drive cont aining the QLogic driver disk.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Removing the Driver 3-30 FE0254601-00 A 7. Windows loads the QLogic FCoE driver , and displays all LUNs that were presented to the QLogic adapter for a boot-from-SAN installation.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment V erifying Driver Installation FE0254601-00 A 3-31 V erifying Driver Inst allation V erify every adapter installation to guarantee that the adapter drivers have been installed successfully and are o perational .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment V erifying Driver Installation 3-32 FE0254601-00 A c. In Device Manager , under Network Adapters (for NIC Drivers) a nd Storage Controllers (for FCoE Drivers), right click on a QLogic-labeled entry , and then click Properties ( Figure 3-43 ).
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Firmware Upgrades FE0254601-00 A 3-33 Firmware Upgrades QLogic 8100 Series Converged Network Ada p ters ship with the latest firmware version. QLogic periodicall y releases new firmware versions, which can be downloaded from the QLogic W eb site as part of a multi-boot image .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Firmware Upgrades 3-34 FE0254601-00 A 8. Under Boot Code, click the download link for the multi-boot image ( Figure 3-46 ). The multi-boot image cont ains firmware, BIOS and UEFI drivers, and the FlasUTIL and EFIUTIL utilities.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Firmware Upgrades FE0254601-00 A 3-35 1. In the QConvergeConsole web mana gement GUI, in the lef t pane, exp and the host to view the connected adapt ers. 2. Select th e port QLogic 8100 Series Ad apter for which to determine the installed firmware version.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Firmware Upgrades 3-36 FE0254601-00 A 3. Exp and the physical Port 1, select the FCoE port, and then select the VPD tab ( Figure 3-48 ) in the right pane. The F lash Image V ersion appears at the bottom of the Port V ital Product Dat a (VPD) list.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Firmware Upgrades FE0254601-00 A 3-37 3. Under Flash, click Up date Entire Image ( Figure 3-52 ). Figure 3-49. QConvergeConsole—Update Entire Image 4. Click the Choose File b utton. The Open dialog box appears.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Management T ools 3-38 FE0254601-00 A Up dating Firmware Using QLogi c BIOS and UEFI Utilities Y ou can update firmware without a first installing an opera ting system on the server . Such firmware upgrades are considered of fline upgrades.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Insta lling Management T ools FE0254601-00 A 3-39 Offline utilities provide adapter maintenance function s for special circumst ances. Section 9 describe s the offline u tilities and their functions. The Windows operating system tool is the W indows Device Manager/Server Manager .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Management T ools 3-40 FE0254601-00 A Inst alling and Launchi ng the QConvergeConsole The QConvergeConsole Installer for Windows is a self-extracting utility that installs the QConverge Console and related files.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Insta lling Management T ools FE0254601-00 A 3-41 2. Click Next . If the Apache T omcat server is not installed, a message prompt s whether you want to install T omcat o n your system ( Figure 3-52 ). Figure 3-52.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Management T ools 3-42 FE0254601-00 A During the installation, th e installer notif ies you of the inst allation status ( Figure 3-54 ).
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Insta lling Management T ools FE0254601-00 A 3-43 The Install Complete dialog box ( Figure 3-56 ) opens. Figure 3-56. Install the QConvergeCons ole: Ins tall Complete Notification 6. Click Done to exit t he installer .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Management T ools 3-44 FE0254601-00 A Figure 3-57. QConvergeConsole Ma in Window on the Server Where QConvergeConsole Resides T o open QConvergeCo.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Insta lling Management T ools FE0254601-00 A 3-45 Figure 3-58. Entering QConvergeConsole Web Address (Example) The initial main menu of the QConverg eConsole opens, as shown in Figure 3-59 .
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Management T ools 3-46 FE0254601-00 A Inst alling and Launching the QConvergeConsole CLI Y ou can install the QConvergeConsole CL I from the command prompt using the Microsoft ® Windows Insta ller (MSI).
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Insta lling Management T ools FE0254601-00 A 3-47 Overwrite Previous Windows Inst allations T ype the following for an installation that overwrites any prev ious installations without asking for confirmation.
3–Installatio n in a Windows Environment Installing Management T ools 3-48 FE0254601-00 A.
FE0254601-00 A 4-1 4 Inst allation in a Linux Environment Overview This section describes how to inst all a QLogic 8100 Series Adapter in a Linux server , including system requirements, hardw are inst allation, driver installation, and software inst allation.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Hardware 4-2 FE0254601-00 A The server motherboard must have a PCIe slot of at least x8 ph ysical length.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Hardware FE0254601-00 A 4-3 Inst all the Adapter T o install the ada pter: 1. Record the adapter model number , which can be found on the bar cod e label on the board. 2. Determine whether the server requires a f ull-height or a half-he ight adapter bracket.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Hardware 4-4 FE0254601-00 A 1 1. Connect the other end of the Ethe rnet cable to a supported switch.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Hardware FE0254601-00 A 4-5 V erify the Adapter Inst allation T o verify that the adapter is prope rly inst alled a nd that it can be recognized as a PCIe device by the server: 1. While t he host server is booting, verify that the adapter BIOS banner appears without errors.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Sof tware 4-6 FE0254601-00 A Inst alling Sof tware The FCoE driver (STO R Miniport) and NIC driver (NDIS Miniport) provide the adapter ’s Fibre Channel and Ethernet cap abilities, respectively .
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 4-7 6. In the third column, click the version of the Linux operating system that is installed on the server , and then click Go . For example, in Figure 4-3 , Linux Red Hat (64-bit) is selected for a QLE8152 adapter .
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Sof tware 4-8 FE0254601-00 A 10. Insert the RHEL 5 inst allation DVD into the op tical drive on the server , or into another drive that cont ains the following packet files for the RHEL 5 version and architecture inst alled on the server: kernel-headers-2.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 4-9 14. In the directory that cont ains the driver source file, qla2xxx-src-x.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx-k.tar .gz , type the following commands to expand the compressed file: # tar -xzvf qla2xxx-src- x .
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Sof tware 4-10 FE0254601-00 A a. Change to th e directory that cont ains the RAMDISK images. # cd /boot b. Create a backup copy of the RAMDISK (initrd) image. # cp initrd- [kernel version] .img initrd- [kernel version] .
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 4-1 1 Inst alling the FCoE Driver for RHEL 5.3 Boot-from-SAN The RHEL 5.3 operating system do es not include th e QLogic 8100 Series Ad apter drivers. Therefore, to boot from SAN, you must load the adapter drivers during the operating system inst allation.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Sof tware 4-12 FE0254601-00 A 7. Under Drivers , click the downloa d link for FC-FCoE DD-Kit ( Figure 4-8 ). Figure 4-8. Download the FC-FCoE DD-Kit 8. Read the QLogic license ag reement, and then click Agree .
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 4-13 14. Configure the server to boot from the optical drive, and power up the server . The system boots from the CD and stops a t the boot: prompt ( Figure 4-9 ). Figure 4-9.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Sof tware 4-14 FE0254601-00 A 17. The Driver Disk message box pr ompt s you for a driver disk: click YES , and then press ENTER. 18. From the Driver Disk Source window , select the driver source: If the driver disk is a 3.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 4-15 6. In the third column, select the version of the Linux Operating System that is installed on the server , and then click Go ( Figure 4-1 1 ). For example, in Figure 4-1 1 , Linux Red Hat (64-bit) is selected for a QLE8152 adapter .
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Sof tware 4-16 FE0254601-00 A 10. Insert the RHEL 5 inst allation DVD into the op tical drive on the server , or into another drive that cont ains the following packet files for the RHEL 5 version and architecture inst alled on the server .
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Installing Sof tware FE0254601-00 A 4-17 15. In the directory that cont ains the source driver file, qlge_ x.x.x.xx-ddmmyy_xx_x.x.xx .tgz , type the following commands to expand the compressed file: # tar -xzvf qlge_ x .
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Installing Sof tware 4-18 FE0254601-00 A c. Create a new RAMDISK image cont aining the updated QLogic networking driver . # mkinitrd -f initrd-[kernel version].img `uname -r` Depending on the server hardware, the RAMDISK file name may be slightly dif ferent.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment V erifying the Driver Installation FE0254601-00 A 4-19 V erifying the Driver Inst allation V erify every adapter to guarantee that the FCoE and networking adapter drivers have been inst alled successfully and operational.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Removing Drivers 4-20 FE0254601-00 A The following example displays the FCoE driver information: # modinfo -F version qla2xxx The following example displays the networking driver information: # modinfo –F version qlgc 1.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Firmware Upgrades FE0254601-00 A 4-21 Firmware Upgrades QLogic 8100 Series Converged Network ad apters ship with the latest available firmware version. QLogic pe riodically releases new fi rmware versions, which can be downloaded from the QL ogic Web site as p art of a multi-boot image.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Firmware Upgrades 4-22 FE0254601-00 A 7. Under Boot Code, click the download link for the multi-boot image ( Figure 4-15 ). The multi-boot image cont ains firmware, BIOS and UEFI drivers, and the FlasUTIL and EFIUTIL utilities.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Firmware Upgrades FE0254601-00 A 4-23 Figure 4-16. Displaying the A dapter Firmware V ersion 3. Exp and the Port node and select the FCoE port. NOTE: Ignore the driver firmware version listed under Informatio n; it is not related to the installed a dapter firmware version.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Firmware Upgrades 4-24 FE0254601-00 A 4. In the right pane, click the FCoE tab ( Figure 4-17 ). The MPI firmware version is listed under the Information section.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Firmware Upgrades FE0254601-00 A 4-25 3. Under Flash, click Up date Entire Image ( Figure 4-18 ). Figure 4-18. QConvergeConsole—Update Entire Image 4. In the Open pop-up window , browse to the temporary folder that cont ains the extracted multi-boot image, and then select the Flash file ( .
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Management T ool Installation 4-26 FE0254601-00 A Using QLogic BIOS and UEFI Utilities Y ou can update firmware without a first installing an opera ting system on the server . Such firmware upgrades are considered of fline upgrades.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Management T ool Installation FE0254601-00 A 4-27 Linux Network Int erface Configuration T ools — A set of tools, including ifconfig and neat, that configure p arameters such as IP address and network interface st atus.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Management T ool Installation 4-28 FE0254601-00 A Inst alling and Launching QConvergeConsole T o install and launch the QConvergeConsole: QConvergeConsole can be inst alled on a Linux host by running a Virtual Network Computing (VNC ® ) program on a Windows host to remotely co ntrol the installation.
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Management T ool Installation FE0254601-00 A 4-29 4. Click Run in T erminal . The installer extracts the files and inst alls QConvergeConsole in the directory /opt/QConve rgeConsole_Installer ( Figure 4-23 ). Figure 4-23.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Management T ool Installation 4-30 FE0254601-00 A The Pre-Installation Summary dialog b ox ( Figure 4-25 ) opens. Figure 4-25. Install the QConvergeC onsole: Pre-Installation Summary 6. Read the information, and then click Inst all .
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Management T ool Installation FE0254601-00 A 4-31 During the installation, th e installer notif ies you of the inst allation status ( Figure 4-26 ).
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Management T ool Installation 4-32 FE0254601-00 A The Install Complete dialog box ( Figure 4-27 ) opens. Figure 4-27. Install the QConvergeCons ole: Ins tall Complete Notification 7. Click Done to exit t he installer .
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Management T ool Installation FE0254601-00 A 4-33 Figure 4-28. QConvergeConsole Ma in Window on the Server Where QConvergeConsole Resides T o open QConvergeCons.
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Management T ool Installation 4-34 FE0254601-00 A Figure 4-29. Entering QConvergeConsole Web Address (Example) The initial main menu of the QConverg eConsole opens, as shown in Figure 4-30 .
4–Installation in a Linux Environment Management T ool Installation FE0254601-00 A 4-35 Inst alling and Launching the QLogic Linux T ools The QLogic Linux utilities manage the adapter FCoE function. The QLogic L inux tools pack age ( Linux-Tools- yyyymmdd-x .
4–Installation in a L inux Environme nt Management T ool Installation 4-36 FE0254601-00 A For information about using th e Linux utilities, refe r to “Using the QLogic Linux Utilities” on page 8-4 1 . ql-hba-snapshot- x . xx / ./ql-hba-snapshot.
FE0254601-00 A 5-1 5 Inst allation in a VMware Environment Overview This section describes how to inst all a QLogic 8100 Series Adapter in VMware ® ESX/ESXi environments including, hardware inst allation, driver inst allation, and software inst allation.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing Hardware 5-2 FE0254601-00 A c. Carefully remove the full-height bracket by pulling it away from the card. d. Fit the half-he ight bracket whil e aligning the slot s for the SFP+ transceivers an d LEDs.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE an d Networking Drivers FE0254601-00 A 5-3 Figure 5-1. Adapter Hardware 12. V erify the LEDs on the adapter to ensure proper operation. For information about LED indications, refer to Appendix A .
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE and Networking Drivers 5-4 FE0254601-00 A 5. Select VMware ESX/ESXi in the third column of the selection list, and then click Go ( Figure 5-2 ). Figure 5-2. Select Adapter Software for VMware by Operating System 6.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE an d Networking Drivers FE0254601-00 A 5-5 8. On the ESX host server , in maintenance mode, select the Summary tab ( Figure 5-4 ). Figure 5-4. Selecting the Summary T ab 9. Right-click the storag e icon, and then select Browse Dat astore ( Figure 5-5 ).
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE and Networking Drivers 5-6 FE0254601-00 A 10. In the Datasto re Browser , create a temporary folder in which to store the driver ISO files ( Figure 5-6 ). Figure 5-6. Creating a T emporary Folder in Which to Store t he Driver ISO Files 1 1.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE an d Networking Drivers FE0254601-00 A 5-7 13. Change to the directory that cont ains the driver ISO files by issuing the following command: # cd /vmfs/volumes/Storage1/ <esxconsole> /temp 14.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE and Networking Drivers 5-8 FE0254601-00 A 24. Unmount the first ISO file from the ESX host server by is suing the following command: # umount /mnt/cdrom 25. Reboot the ESX host server to comple te the driver installation and exit maintenance mode.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE an d Networking Drivers FE0254601-00 A 5-9 The example in Figure 5-10 shows the details for FCo E adapter 3, including the current state, the firmware versio n, the driver version, and the boot code version.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Installing the FCoE and Networking Drivers 5-10 FE0254601-00 A Figure 5-1 1. Displaying Networ king Adapter Driver Details.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Identifying QLogic Adapters Using vS phere Client FE0254601-00 A 5-1 1 6. Display adapter ne tworking driver and firmware versions f or QLogic vmnic interfaces.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring NIC Usin g the vS phere Client 5-12 FE0254601-00 A Figure 5-13. Displaying S torage Ad apters Using the vSphere Client 4. In the Hardware pane, select Network Ad apters to display all network adapters, as shown in Figure 5-14 .
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring NIC Using the vS phere Client FE0254601-00 A 5-13 3. Open th e vS phere client, and then click the Configuration tab. 4. In the Hardware pa ne, select Networking , as sh own in Figure 5-15 . Figure 5-15.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring NIC Usin g the vS phere Client 5-14 FE0254601-00 A 7. Click the vmnic associated with the QLogic adapter to be con nected to the new virtual switch, and then click Next . Figure 5-17. Selecting the V irtual Switch 8.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring the Driver Parameters FE0254601-00 A 5-15 Figure 5-18. Modifying the Ne twork Label and the VLAN ID 9.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring the Driver Parameters 5-16 FE0254601-00 A 4. Reboot the server to place the parameter changes into ef fect.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring the Driver Parameters FE0254601-00 A 5-17 ql2xplogiabsent device Enables (1) or disabl es (0) PLOGI (port login) to devices that are not pr esent af ter a fabric scan. Enabling this p a ramete r is required to work around some Fibre Channel switch defe cts.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Hard Driv e in a Virtual Machine 5-18 FE0254601-00 A Configuring a Hard Drive in a V irtual Machine T o configure a hard drive in a virtual machin e: 1. Open vS phere and exit maintenance mode on the vS phere client ( Figure 5-19 ).
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Hard Drive in a Virtual Machine FE0254601-00 A 5-19 6. Click Add in the V irtual Machine Properties wind ow to add a device to the virtual machine ( Figure 5-21 ).
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Hard Driv e in a Virtual Machine 5-20 FE0254601-00 A 7. Select a device. In this example, select Hard Drive to add a storage device to the virtual machine, and then click Next ( Figure 5-22 ). Figure 5-22.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Hard Drive in a Virtual Machine FE0254601-00 A 5-21 9. Select a t arget LUN. In this example, accept the selected LUN, and then click Next ( Figure 5-24 ). Figure 5-24. Add Hardwa re — Select T arget LUN 10.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Hard Driv e in a Virtual Machine 5-22 FE0254601-00 A 1 1. Select a compatibility mo de. In this example, accept the default, Physical , and then click Next ( Fig ure 5-26 ). Figure 5-26. Add Hardware — Compatibility Mode 12.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Hard Drive in a Virtual Machine FE0254601-00 A 5-23 13. Review the disk settings, and then click Finish to complete the configuration ( Figure 5-28 ). Figure 5-28. Add Hardware — Ready to Complete 14.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Network Adap ter in a Virtual Mac hine 5-24 FE0254601-00 A Configuring a Network Adapter in a V irtual Machine T o configure a network ad apter in a virtual machine: 1. Open vS phere and exit maintenance mode on the vS phere client ( Figure 5-30 ).
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Network Ad apter in a V irtual Machine FE0254601-00 A 5-25 6. Click Add in the V irtual Machine Properties wind ow to add a device to the virtual machine ( Figure 5-21 ).
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Network Adap ter in a Virtual Mac hine 5-26 FE0254601-00 A 7. Select the Etherne t adapter device, and then click Next ( Figure 5-33 ). Figure 5-33. Add Hardware — Select Adapter 8. Select the adap ter type and network connection.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Configuring a Network Ad apter in a V irtual Machine FE0254601-00 A 5-27 9. Review the adapter settings, and then click F inish to complete the adapter configuration ( Figure 5-35 ). Figure 5-35. Add Hardware — Ready to Complete 10.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 5-28 FE0254601-00 A Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 QLogic Fibre Channel and Converged Ne twork Adapt ers support N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV) for Fibre Channe l and FCoE SANs.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 FE0254601-00 A 5-29 Assigning WWNs to V irtual Machines Y ou can assign a WWN to a new virtua l machine with an RDM disk when you create the virtual machine, or to an exist ing virtual machine that has been powered of f.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 5-30 FE0254601-00 A 5. Proceed th rough the configuration procedure (Name and Location, Datastore, V irtual Machine V ersion, Guest Operating System, CPUs, Memory , Network, SCSI Controller) as you would for a ny non-NPIV virtual machine.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 FE0254601-00 A 5-31 7. Select the LUN to att ach to the VM, and then click Next ( Figure 5-40 ). Figure 5-40. Create New V irtual Machine — Select T arget LUN 8. Select th e datastore on wh ich to store the LUN mapp ing.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 5-32 FE0254601-00 A 9. Select the co mpatibility mode. In this example, click Vir t ua l , and then click Next ( Figure 5-42 ). Figure 5-42. Create New V irt ual Mac hine — Compatibility Mode 10.
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 FE0254601-00 A 5-33 12. Select the Options t ab in the Virtual Machine Properties window . 13. Select Fibre Channel NPIV in the lef t pane, click Ge nerate new WWNs, and then click Finish ( Figure 5-44 ).
5–Installation in a VMware Environment Deploying NPIV for VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 5-34 FE0254601-00 A c. Confirm the node WWN and port WWN in the WWN Assignment field of the Vi rtual Machines Properties window ( Figure 5-45 ).
FE0254601-00 A 6-1 6 Configuring NIC Functionality in the Converged Network Adapter Overview QLogic 8100 series Converged Network A dapter provides both NIC and FCoE server connectivity to host s.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-2 FE0254601-00 A T o access the Device Manager: 1. Click St ar t , right-click My Computer , and then click Device Manager to display a list of devices, as shown in Figure 6-1 .
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-3 Figure 6-2. Adapters Properties Dialog Box Managing the NIC Function with the QConvergeConsole CLI The QConvergeConsole CLI configures the tea ming and VLANs for the NIC function driver .
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-4 FE0254601-00 A Figure 6-3. Main Interactive Menu NIC Driver Parameters (Windows) T able 6-1 lists the QLogic 810 0 Series Adapter NIC function driver parameters for Windows, their default values, and allowe d values.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-5 T able 6-1. NIC Driver Parameters for Windows Parameter Name Funct.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-6 FE0254601-00 A Jumbo Packet Enables Jumbo Packet capability for TCP/IP pack- et s.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-7 PriorityVLANT ag Enables the sending and receiving of IEEE 802.3ac tagge d frames, which include: 802.1p QoS (Quality of Service) tags for prior - it y-ta gg ed pa cke ts 802.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-8 FE0254601-00 A TCPChecksumO ffload IPv6 Computes (Tx) or verifies (Rx) the TCP checksum of packet s in IPv6. This fea- ture can im prove perfor - mance and reduce CPU use.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-9 Offload Support The QLogic 8100 Series Adapter offloads the processing of several common protocols onto it s hardware; this saves host CPU cycles, increases pe rformance, and reduces CPU use.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-10 FE0254601-00 A about the CheckSumOf fload parameter , refer to T able 6-1 Do not turn of f checksum offload unless you are debugging a checksum compu tation problem.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-1 1 Network applications that have a large num ber of short-lived connection s, such as Web servers and data base se rvers, typically benefit from RSS.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-12 FE0254601-00 A 4. Search for a DWORD named Ena bleRSS. If none exists, RSS is enabled, and no action is required. If a DWORD named EnableRSS exist s, double-click EnableRSS , type 1 , and then click OK to enable RSS.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-13 Disabling RSS in the Microsof t W in dows Networking St ack RSS c.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-14 FE0254601-00 A Disabling RSS per Port Using the Windows Advanced Property Pages T o disable RSS per port using the Windows Advanced Property p ages ( Figure 6-9 ): 1.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-15 HDS is disabled on QLogic 8100 Series Adapters by default and can be enabled using the Windows Advanced Property Pa ges for the QLogic 10Gb PCI Ethernet adapter port through the Windo ws Device Manager .
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-16 FE0254601-00 A A protocol address, such as an IP addres s, is usually assigned to the physical adapter .
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-17 Creating and Configuring a T eam T wo or more QLogic adapter ports must be available in a server to configure teaming; all members of t he team must be QLogic adapter port s.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-18 FE0254601-00 A 6. The cu rrent VLAN/teaming driver version and the version to be inst alled are displayed. If this is correct, type Yes to proceed with the inst allation ( Figure 6-12 ).
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-19 Figure 6-13. Creating a T eam 10. After successfully creating a te am, a new logical interface appears in the Microsoft Windows Net work Conne ctions window as shown in Figure 6-14 .
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-20 FE0254601-00 A 1 1. Configure of the team by assigning a dynamic o r static IP add ress to the QLogic VT -IM Miniport Driver logical interface.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-21 After a team h as been deleted, the corresponding QLogic VT -IM Miniport Driver logical interface is removed from t he Microsof t Windows Network Connections window .
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-22 FE0254601-00 A 4. In the Host Level Info & Operations menu, type 2 and press ENTER to select Install/Update VLAN/Teaming Driver, All Adapters ( Figure 6-16 ).
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-23 8. In the main Interactive Menu, type 4 and press ENTER to select Configure VLANs Menu . 9. In th e Configure VLANs menu , type 3 , and then press ENTER to select Add VLAN to Port or Team ( Figure 6-18 ).
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-24 FE0254601-00 A 12. After successfully assigning a VLAN ID to th e team or interfa.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-25 d. Af ter successfully removing the VLAN ID assignment, press ENTER to return to the previous menu.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-26 FE0254601-00 A 1. Setup PXE boot and DHCP server .
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environme nt FE0254601-00 A 6-27 3. Set up client servers BIOS boot order . Select 8100 Series NIC as the first boot device in the Boot order/Boot De vice priority ( Figure 6-21 ).
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Windows Environ ment 6-28 FE0254601-00 A Figure 6-22. PXE Operation 1. As the server boots up , the QLogic adapter PXE bo ot code start s from the adapter Flash memory .
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-29 Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment Configuring the QLogic 81.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-30 FE0254601-00 A tx-checksumming (tx) Enables or disables hardware t ransmit TCP/UDP .
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-31 Modifying NIC Driver Parameters (Linux) The driver parameters describ ed in T able 6-2 can be modified using various methods.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-32 FE0254601-00 A Making Nonpersistent Changes to the QLogic NIC Driver Parameters To make changes that are not persistent a cross reboots, use the modprobe command to sp ecify the driver parameters and t heir values.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-33 2. Add the options line fo r the appropriate driver setting ( Figure 6-23 ), save the file, and then exit the editor . options qlge qlge_irq_type =1 qlge_mpi_coredump=0 Figure 6-23.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-34 FE0254601-00 A Using sysfs The sysfs virtual file system, provided by Linu x 2.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-35 3. V erify that the values for the p arameter have changed. The output of the following command should be 1 if the command in St e p 2 was successful.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-36 FE0254601-00 A Making Persistent Cha nges Using ethtool T o make changes that are p.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-37 Using ifconfig Use the Linux network interface configuration command ifconfig to modify the driver paramete rs that are listed in T able 6-2 that can be modified with ifconfig.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-38 FE0254601-00 A Figure 6-28. V erify NIC Driver qlge Figure 6-28 shows the PCI device IDs 85:0 0.0 and 85:00.1 are listed under the qlge section in sysfs.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-39 Figure 6-29 shows that the QLogic 8100 Series Adapter NIC functio n at PCI device ID 85:00.0 map s to eth0. QLogic drive r parameters can n ow be displayed and configured through /sy s/class/net/eth0 .
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-40 FE0254601-00 A Figure 6-30 shows the sample output for the eth0 interfa ce, associating the driver with the interface and the location of the a dapter hardware on the PCI bus.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-41 Switch Independent Bonding Switch independent teaming is implemented entirely at the adapter-host level.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-42 FE0254601-00 A Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver The Linux bonding driver combines multiple network int erfaces into a single logical bonded interface.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-43 arp_ip_t arget IP address Sp ecifies the IP addresses to use as ARP monitoring peers when arp_interval is > 0.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-44 FE0254601-00 A mode Intege r or string S pecifies a bonding policy balance-rr or 0 balance-rr or 0 — Round-rob in policy transmits pa ckets in sequential order from the first available slave through the last.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-45 Loading the Bonding Driver In most RHEL 5 environments, the bon ding driver is not loaded by de fault. Unless the bonding driver is loaded, bon d inte rfaces using the QLogic adapter NIC function cannot be created.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-46 FE0254601-00 A If the command produces no output, the bonding driver is already loaded. If the output is similar to Figure 6-32 , the bonding driver has been successfully loaded.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-47 2. Lo ad the Linux bonding driver module and specify para meters to be changed. One or more p arameters can be specified sep arated by a space.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-48 FE0254601-00 A d. Reboot the server for th e new RAMDISK image to ta ke affect by issuing the following command: # shutdown -r now 4.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-49 In this command: bond0 is the bonding interface created by the ifconfig command in St e p 1 . eth0 and eth1 are the QLogic adapter network int erfaces form a part of this bond.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-50 FE0254601-00 A a. Open the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcf g-ethx . For example: # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 b.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-51 2. Enter the ifconfig comma nd, and examine the output. Figure 6-34 shows that the bond0 interface st atus and IP address information.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-52 FE0254601-00 A VLAN Configuration A virtual LAN (VLAN) is a logical gro uping of network host s connected to a switch to achieve a logical se gmentation of a ph ysical network.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-53 Loading the VLAN 802.1q Kernel Module In most RHEL 5 environment s, the VLAN 802.1q kernel module is loaded by default.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-54 FE0254601-00 A This section describes nonpersistent and p ersistent configuration of VLAN interfaces over the NIC function usi ng VLAN 802.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-55 b. Open the VLAN inte rface network configuration script with a n editor , and make the following changes: Replace the string DEVICE=eth0 with DEVICE=eth0.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-56 FE0254601-00 A 2. Enter the ifconfig command, and then examine the output . For example: # ifconfig eth0.5 This command shows the eth0.
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-57 W ake On LAN W ake on LAN is not supported for QLogic 8100 Series Adapt ers.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-58 FE0254601-00 A Figure 6-38. PXE Flow Diagram 1. As the server boot s up, it starts the QLogic adapter PXE bo ot code from the adapter Flash memory .
6–Configuring NIC Fun ctionality in the Converged Ne twork Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Environment FE0254601-00 A 6-59 7. The PXE boot code downloads the executable boot file using TFTP and executes the boot file.
6–Configuring NIC Functionality in the Co nverged Network Adapter Configuring the NIC in a Linux Enviro nment 6-60 FE0254601-00 A.
FE0254601-00 A 7-1 7 Configuring FCoE in a W indows Environment Overview The QLogic 8100 Series Conve rged Network Adapter is dual-funct ion adapter comprising FCoE and NIC functions. This se ction describes the characteristics, configurations, and features of the FCoE function.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Driver Parameters 7-2 FE0254601-00 A S pin-up Delay Ti me that the adapter port waits before scanning the channel for devices.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt Driver Parameters FE0254601-00 A 7-3 LUNs per T arget Number of LUNs pe r target. Multiple LUN support is typi- cal of RAID boxes that use LUNs to map drives.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Driver Parameters 7-4 FE0254601-00 A The following para meters af fect adapter FCoE performance: Operation Mode Interrupt Delay T imer Execut.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 7-5 Interrupt Delay T imer (IDT) The Interrupt Delay T imer parameter is available if the Ope ration Mode (ZIO) parameter is enable d.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 7-6 FE0254601-00 A NPIV allows a single physical Fibre Chann el ad apter port to function as multip le logical ports, each with it s own WWPN, as shown in Figure 7-1 . Figure 7-1.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 7-7 QLogic 8100 Series Adapter driver — QLogic STOR Miniport Driver or later . QLogic QConvergeConsole GUI , version 1.0.28, or later; or QConver geConsole CLI Build, version 1.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 7-8 FE0254601-00 A Figure 7-2. Select Port to Create a V irtual Port 4. In the Number of vPort to crea te box, select the number of virtual port s you want to create, then click Up date .
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 7-9 7. Select Refresh from the Host d rop-down menu and click OK when prompted to refresh the host. V erifying the V irtual Port s Use QConvergeConsole GUI to verify that the vPort has been created: 1.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 7-10 FE0254601-00 A 2. Inspect the switch Fibr e Channel databa se to verify that the vPort has logged into the connected NPIV -enabled FCoE switch. Refer t o the corresponding switch document ation for details.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 7-1 1 Figure 7-4. Select V irtual Ports to Delete 5. Click the Delete butto n, located at the bottom of the screen. A dialog box prompts you fo r a password. 6. T ype the administrative password, a nd then click OK .
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 7-12 FE0254601-00 A 3. V erify that none of the LUNs presented to the vPort t hrough the zoned storage array port s are visible to the Microsof t Windows operating system.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 7-13 Implementing Adapter-Based Quality of Service The QLogic 8100 Series Adapter solutio n provides for stan dards-based quality of service (QoS), ensuring high-quality performance for applicat ions that require preferential delivery .
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 7-14 FE0254601-00 A T o modify QoS levels, the configuratio n must meet the following hardware and software requireme nts: .
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt Boot from SAN FE0254601-00 A 7-15 Boot from SAN For legacy servers, the most common boot method was to b oot from a direct-attached disk.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Boot from SAN 7-16 FE0254601-00 A If failover cap abilities are required during boot-from-SAN, multiple QL ogic 8100 Series Adapters are requ ired to create redundant p aths to the boot device.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt Boot from SAN FE0254601-00 A 7-17 Confirm the following: The adapter port has exclusive access to this LUN. The LUN host type matches the op erati ng system that is to be inst alled on this LUN. Each server must have its own dedicated boot LUN.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Boot from SAN 7-18 FE0254601-00 A Single-Path Configuration A single-path configuratio n is the simplest configuration for boot-from-SAN fo r QLogic 8100 Series Adapters.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt Boot from SAN FE0254601-00 A 7-19 Multip ath T opology Multipath topology provides fault tolerance throu gh redundant SAN component s: two adapter port s, two converged networki ng switches, a nd access to the boot LUNs through two independent st orage array controllers.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Boot from SAN 7-20 FE0254601-00 A Configuring an Adapter to Boot-from-SAN This section describes how to configure a QLogic 8100 Series Adapter to boot the Microsoft Windows o perating system from the SAN.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt Boot from SAN FE0254601-00 A 7-21 i. Press ESC to return to the C onfiguration Settings menu . Select Selectable Boot Settings, and then pre ss Enter . j. Enable the Selecta ble Boot option in the Selectable Boot Settings menu.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Boot from SAN 7-22 FE0254601-00 A 5. Configure the UEFI se rver (Windows Server 2008 only). T o configure a BIOS server , refer to St e p 4 . The boot-from-SAN configuration process for UEFI servers depends on the server make and model.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt Boot from SAN FE0254601-00 A 7-23 i. Select Show T ranslation, under Information, from the Driver Configuration Main Menu ( Figure 7-9 ). T his option displays the t arget and LUN information. Figure 7-9.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Boot from SAN 7-24 FE0254601-00 A n. Enable bo th Selective Login and Selective LUN Logins ( Figure 7-10 ). Enabling Selective Logins restrict s the discovery of targets [WWPNs] to what is specified in the dat abase as a boot device.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environme nt Boot from SAN FE0254601-00 A 7-25 7. T o configu re a multipath/loa d-balanced boot-from-SAN configuration : a. Connect th e second adapter port, as shown in Figure 7-7 . b. Modify the storage array configuration to present t he primary and alternate boot LUNs to both storage array controllers.
7–Configuring FCoE in a Windows Environm ent Boot from SAN 7-26 FE0254601-00 A.
FE0254601-00 A 8-1 8 Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environment Overview The QLogic 8100 Series Conve rged Network Adapter is dual-funct ion adapter comprising FCoE and NIC functions. This se ction describes the characteristics, configurations and features of the QLog ic 8100 Series Adapter FCoE fu nction for Linux.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t FCoE Driver Parameters for Linux 8-2 FE0254601-00 A ql2xextended_ error_l ogging Enables or disables the dr iver to print verbose logging infor- mation. 0 0 — Disable 1—E n a b l e modprobe, sysfs ql2xdevdiscg oldfw En ables or disables d evice dis- covery with golden firmware.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment FCoE Driver Parameters fo r Linux FE0254601-00 A 8-3 Interrupt Delay T imer The time interval, in 100ms increments, betwee n the response queue update an d the interrupt generation. This param eter can be speci- fied only if the Operation Mode parameter is enabled.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t FCoE Driver Parameters for Linux 8-4 FE0254601-00 A Execution throttle Maximum number of com- mands that a port can execu te at one time. When a port reaches its exec ution throttle, the port can ex ecute no new commands until the current command execution is com- plete.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment FCoE Driver Parameters fo r Linux FE0254601-00 A 8-5 Enable OoOFR Enables or disab les out-of-ord er frame reassem bly . This parameter reasse mbles out-of-ord er frames as they are received, minimizing network congestion by eliminating the re-transmission of frame s and exchanges.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring Driver Para meters Using modpr obe 8-6 FE0254601-00 A Configuring Driver Parameters Using mod probe The modpro be Linux utility intellige ntly adds or removes a module from the Linux kernel, and is available with RHEL 5.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Configuring Driv er Parameters Using mod probe FE0254601-00 A 8-7 2. Lo ad the QLogic FCoE driver mo dule, and specify one or more parameters separated by a spa ce. The following example enables MSI-X and Extended Error Logging: # modprobe –v qla2xxx ql2xenablemsix =1 ql2xextended_error_logging=1 3.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring Driver Parameters Using sysfs 8-8 FE0254601-00 A 3. Save and exit the file etc/modprobe.conf . 4. Create a new RAMDISK ( ini trd image): a. Chang e to the directory that cont ains the RAMDISK images by issu ing the following command: # cd /boot b.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-9 T o modify FCoE driver parameters using sysfs : 1. Chang e to the sysfs location where the driver p arameter resides by issuing the following command: # cd /sys/module/qla2xxx/parameters 2.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities 8-10 FE0254601-00 A Configuring FCoE Driver Parameters Using QConvergeConsole For information about inst alling and launching th e QConvergeConsole GUI, refer to “Management T ool Inst allation” on page 4-26 .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-1 1 T o configure a p arameter from the list of HBA p arameters: 1. Exp and the port number in the system tree (left pa ne) of the QConvergeConsole browser window .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities 8-12 FE0254601-00 A T o configure a p arameter from the list of advanced HBA p arameters: 1. Exp and the port number in the system tree (left pa ne) of the QConvergeConsole browser window .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-13 T o configure FCoE configuration settings using Fast! UTIL: 1. Select the Select Hos t Adapter option. 2. Select Confi guration Settings .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities 8-14 FE0254601-00 A Figure 8-5. Fast!UTIL Advanced Adapter Settings Displaying FCoE Driver Parameters Using sysfs T able 8-6 lists the FCoE driver p arameters and sysfs locations by which you can display parameter values using sysfs.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-15 T able 8-6. sysfs FCoE Driver Parameters and File Locations Sysfs Location Paramete.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities 8-16 FE0254601-00 A /sys/class/fc_host/h ost X / subsystem -> Link to the base subsystem class suppo.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-17 /sys/class/fc_host/h ost X /statistics loss_of_sync_count Number of ti mes synchronization is lost nos_count Not operational primitive sequence (NOS) count.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities 8-18 FE0254601-00 A /sys/class/scsi_host /host X / fw_state Firmware st ate fw_version FCoE firmw are v.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-19 Identifying the SCSI Host ID T o identify the SCSI host ID: 1. List the PCIe bus and search fo r the QLogic devices. For example: # lspci | grep “QLogic Corp” 2.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Configuring FCoE Paramete rs Using QLogic Utilities 8-20 FE0254601-00 A Figure 8-6. Locat ing QLogic 8100 Adapter PCI Devices Figure 8-6 shows PCI bus device IDs 85:00.2 and 85:00.3 for the two F CoE adapter ports.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Online S torage Configuratio n and Reconfiguration FE0254601-00 A 8-21 Figure 8-8. Identifyi ng the SCSI Host ID Figure 8-8 shows that the QLogic 8100 Series Adapter FCoE function at PCI device ID 85:00.2 map s to host6.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Adapter FCoE Performance Tuning 8-22 FE0254601-00 A Adapter FCoE Performance T uning The following FCoE driver p arameters affect adapter performance: .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 8-23 Queue Depth (qla2xmaxqdepth) The Queue Depth p arameter specifies the maximum number of SCSI command buffers that a n adapter port can allocate . This parameter de termines the maximum number of outst anding commands that can execute on any one adapter port.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 8-24 FE0254601-00 A Figure 8-9. N_Port ID V irtualization QLogic CNA NPIV Solution T o complement Linux server virt ualization software solutions, QLogic has extended virtualization cap abilities to the adapter hardware through NPIV .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 8-25 A QLogic 8100 Series Adapter FCoE driver — qla2xxx, latest version. QLogic 8100 Series Adapter FCoE firmware — the FCoE firmware is bundled with the multi boot image.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 8-26 FE0254601-00 A 4. T o benefit fro m I/O segregation and NPIV monitoring af ter creating a virtual port, configure zoning o n the FCoE switch, and configure selective LUN presentation on the Fibre Channel or FCoE ta rget array .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment N_Port ID Virtualization FE0254601-00 A 8-27 Figure 8-10. Displaying All V irtua l Ports for Physical Port h ost4 T o verify the state of the virtual port,.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t N_Port ID Virtual iz ation 8-28 FE0254601-00 A T o disable a virtual port, issue the following command, where X is th e port SCSI host ID: # echo 1 > /s.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Boot-from-SAN FE0254601-00 A 8-29 Figure 8-1 1. Comparing NPIV Physical and V irtual Ports Boot-from-SAN For legacy servers, the most common boot method was to b oot from a direct-attached disk.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Boot-from-SAN 8-30 FE0254601-00 A Because the boot device resides on th e SAN, it simp lifies server management.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Boot-from-SAN FE0254601-00 A 8-31 Set the boot order in the system BIOS configuration menu: first, t he optical drive, then the disk, and then the SAN-boot device.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Boot-from-SAN 8-32 FE0254601-00 A Storage Array Requirement s Some storage arrays cannot support boot-fro m-SAN for specific environments. Consult the storage array document ation to confirm that the array and the firmware support boot-from-SAN.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Boot-from-SAN FE0254601-00 A 8-33 Figure 8-12. Single-Path T opology Multip ath T opology The multipath topology provides fault tolerance through redundant.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Boot-from-SAN 8-34 FE0254601-00 A Figure 8-13. Multipath T opology Converged Networking Switch 1 Storage Array Server Controller A CNA Port 1 LUN 1 (Primar.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Boot-from-SAN FE0254601-00 A 8-35 Configuring an Adapter to Boot-from-SAN This section describes how to configure a QLogic 8100 Series Adapter to boot the RHEL 5 operating system from the SAN. 1. Inst all the QLogic 8100 Series Adapter , and update the firmware, if necessary .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Boot-from-SAN 8-36 FE0254601-00 A h. Press ESC to return to th e Configuration Settings menu. Select Selectable Boot Settings , and then press ENTER . i. Enable the Selectable Boot option in the Selectable Boot Settings menu.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Boot-from-SAN FE0254601-00 A 8-37 5. Configure t he UEFI server . T o configure a BIOS server , refer to St e p 4 . The boot-from-SAN configuration process for UEFI servers depends on th e server make and model.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Boot-from-SAN 8-38 FE0254601-00 A i. Select Show Translation , under Inf ormation, from the Driver Configuration Main Menu ( Figure 8-15 ). This option displa ys the t arget and LUN information. Figure 8-15.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Boot-from-SAN FE0254601-00 A 8-39 n. Enab le both Selective Login and Sel ective LUN Logins ( Figure 8-16 ). Enabling Selective Logins restri cts t he discovery of target s to what is specified in the dat abase as a boot device.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Boot-from-SAN 8-40 FE0254601-00 A 9. Set the SAN boot device (QLogic adapter for BIOS; fibre disk for UEFI) at the top of the boot order . 10. T o configure a multipat h/load-balanced boot-from-SAN co nfiguration: a.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-41 2. On the Adv anced Boot Loader Configura tion screen, select Cha nge Drive Order . Figure 8-18. Select Adva nced Boot Loader Options RHEL 5 Install step2 3.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-42 FE0254601-00 A Dynamic TGT -LUN Discovery Utility The Dynamic TGT -LUN Disco very utility is a combination command li.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-43 Using the Utility This utility has a command lin e interface and a menu interface. Command Line Interface T o start the Dyna mic TGT -LUN Discovery command line interface, issue the following command followed by one or more command line options: # .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-44 FE0254601-00 A Menu Interface T o open the menu interface, and display the ma in menu ( Figure 8-19 ), issue the following command: # ./ -–interactive Figure 8-19.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-45 T able 8-13 describes the main menu options. T able 8-13. Dynamic TGT -LUN Main Menu Option Description ALL HOSTS SCAN Scan all QLogic adapters in the system, and report new LUNs that are found.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-46 FE0254601-00 A HBA Collect Utility The HBA Collect utility creates a compressed file containing debug ging and configuration options from the RHEL 5 hos t. Run this utility when requested by QLogic T echnical Support.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-47 Package Content s T able 8-15 describes the files in the HBA Collect ut ility package. Using the Utility T o create a compressed file cont ai ning debugging and co nfiguration options, issue the following command: # .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-48 FE0254601-00 A FC HBA Snap shot Utility The FC HBA Snapshot u tility displays informa tion about connected QLogic ada.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-49 T able 8-17 describes the FC HBA Snapsh ot utility command line options. T able 8-18 shows a set of t asks that prov ide informatio n about the QLogic Converged Network Adapter and the FC HBA Snap shot utility command that performs each task.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-50 FE0254601-00 A FC HBA Change LUN S t ate Utility This utility is a combination command line/men u interface that changes the st ate (online/of fline) of LUNs connected to a QLogic adapter , without rebooting the server .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-51 Command Line Interface T o use the command line interface, type one of the following commands: # ./ < host number list > or # .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-52 FE0254601-00 A Menu Interface T o open the menu interface, issue the following command: # .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-53 The Set Device Command T imeout utility can set the timeout value for t arget devices on a selected host, or it can set a common valu e for all devices on all hosts.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-54 FE0254601-00 A T able 8-23 describes the Set Device Command T imeout utility command options.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-55 T able 8-24 lists a set of t asks and the commands that perform them fo r a target device with the following sysfs p ath: /sys/class/scsi_host/host 4 /device/rport-4: 0 -1 In this path, host=4 a nd target=0.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-56 FE0254601-00 A Menu Interface T o open the Set Device Command T imeout utility menu interface, issue the following command to display the menu shown in Fig ure 8-22 : # .
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Enviro nment Using the QLogic Linux Utilities FE0254601-00 A 8-57 Figure 8-23 shows an example of the Select T arget for HostX menu. The actual menu varies depending on the number of t argets that are visible through the QLogic adapter port.
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environmen t Using the QLogic Linux Utilities 8-58 FE0254601-00 A T able 8-27 describes the Modify/Displ ay T imeout menu options. T able 8-27. Modify/Displ ay Timeout Menu Options Option Description MODIFY TIMEOUT S pecify the timeout value, in seconds, for the selected tar- get(s).
FE0254601-00 A 9-1 9 Offline Utilities Overview QLogic provides offline adapter configurat ion and Flash program ming u tilities with the adapter multi-boot code for advanced users.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL 9-2 FE0254601-00 A The QLogic Flash programming utility is a DOS utilit y with command line options. Fast!UTIL The Fast! UTIL utility is for of fline QLogic 810 0 Series Adapters that are inst alled on BIOS servers.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-3 After a few seconds, the system confirms that Fast! UTIL initialization is i n progress. If more than one adapter is inst alled on the server , Fast! UTIL prompts you to select an adapter to configure ( Figure 9-2 ).
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL 9-4 FE0254601-00 A The Fast! UTIL Option s menu presents the followin g options: Configuration Settings Scan Fibre Channel Devices Fibre Disk Utility Lo.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-5 T able 9-1 describes the parameters in the Adap ter Settings window . T able 9-1. Adapter Setting Parameters Parameter Description BIOS Address I/O address where the QLogic BIOS code is stored when you st art the Fast! UTIL utility or when the BIOS code is enabled by default.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL 9-6 FE0254601-00 A Select able Boot Settings The Selectable Bo ot Setting option opens the Select able Boot Settings window ( Figure 9-5 ), from which you can select one or more remote Fibre Channe l drives to serve as a boot device.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-7 Selecting the Boot Port Name, Lun p arameter opens the Select Fibre Chann el Device window ( Figure 9-6 ). Y ou can select any of the Fibre Channel devices listed. Figure 9-6. Select Fibre Channel Device Window T able 9-2.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL 9-8 FE0254601-00 A Restore Default Settings The Restore Default Settings option restores the default adapter a nd NVRAM settings. The NVRAM settings are the ada pter settings that were saved the last time NVRAM was updated using the QLogic FlasUTIL utility (option u).
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-9 T able 9-3. Advanced Sett ings Window Parameters Parameter Description Execution Throttle The maximum number of commands that can run on one port.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL 9-10 FE0254601-00 A Scan Fibre Channel Devices The Scan Fibre Channel Devices option displays information for all devices on the Fibre Channel loop. This in formation is useful when configu ring the adapter and attached devices and includes the loop ID, vendo r name, product name, and revision.
9–Offline Utilities Fast!UTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-1 1 Fibre Disk Utility The Fibre Disk Utility option opens the Disk Utility Options window ( Figure 9-8 ). This window displays information for all devices on th e Fibre Channel loop and provides options to perform disk maintenance function s.
9–Offline Utilities EFICFG 9-12 FE0254601-00 A Exit Fast!UTIL The Exit Fast!UTIL option closes the Fast! UTIL utility . When prompted , choose to save the changes and rest art the server to put configuration changes in to ef fect.
9–Offline Utilities FlasUTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-13 The Driver Configuration Main Menu will be displayed. Do not redirect the output of the Driver Configuration pr otocol.
9–Offline Utilities FlasUTIL 9-14 FE0254601-00 A 4. Boot the server with the QLogic 8100 Series Ad apter using the disk or USB removable drive. 5. Change to th e directory cont aining the multi-boot image on the disk or USB removable drive. Using FlasUTIL The FlasUTIL utility has a command line inte rface and a menu interface.
9–Offline Utilities FlasUTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-15 After updating the multi-boot image using FlasUTIL, issue the vpd /a /u command from the multi-boot image directory on the disk or USB removable drive. This command updates the version in formation for the newly inst alled multi-boot image.
9–Offline Utilities EFIUTIL 9-16 FE0254601-00 A The script updates the multi-boot im ages for all the QLogic adapters with corresponding multi-boot image version s, as shown in Figure 9-9 . Figure 9-9. FlasUTIL FW Upgrade In Progress 4. When the installation is complete, reboot the system.
9–Offline Utilities EFIUTIL FE0254601-00 A 9-17 The utility can run in batch mode or in in teractive mode (CLI mode). The mod e of operation is determined by the number command line p arameters used to start efiutil.
9–Offline Utilities EFIUTIL 9-18 FE0254601-00 A.
FE0254601-00 A A-1 A Adapter Port LEDs Figure A-1 shows the QLogic 8100 Series Adapter S torage T raffic and Link/Ethernet T raffic port LEDs. Each port has it s own LEDs. The S torage T raffic LED indicates th e state of dat a traffic exchanged with the SAN.
A–Adapter Port LEDs A-2 FE0254601-00 A T able A-1. Configuration Options for V irtual Ports Link/Ethernet T raffic LED Storage T raffic LED Hardware S tate Off Off Power of f Slow flashing, unison S.
FE0254601-00 A B-1 B Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Configuration This appendix describes how to use the swit ch CLI to configure the Cisco Nexus FCoE switch port as a virtual Fibre Channel port . This configuration enab les communication between the Fibre Channel and FCoE devices att ached to the switch.
B–Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Configuration Enable FCoE on the Switch B-2 FE0254601-00 A Enable FCoE on the Switch T o enable the FCoE function on the switch: 1. Determine whether t he FCoE function is enabled on the switch by issuing the show feature command.
B–Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Configuration Create and Configure the VLAN FE0254601-00 A B-3 3. Save the current con figuration to the switch nonvolatile memory , and then exit configuration mode by is suing the following commands: (config)# copy running-config startup-config (config)# exit 4.
B–Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Configuration Create and Co nfigure a Virtual Fibr e Channel Inter face B-4 FE0254601-00 A 2. Enable LL DP on the Ethernet interf ace by issuing the following commands: (config-if)# lldp transmit (config-if)# lldp receive 3.
B–Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Configuration V erify that the Adapter Is Logged in to the Switch FE0254601-00 A B-5 V erify that the Adapter Is Logged into the Switch T o verify that the switch has bee n properly configured and t hat the adapter has logged into the switch: 1.
B–Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch Configuration V erify that the Adapter Is Logged into the Switch B-6 FE0254601-00 A.
FE0254601-00 A C-1 C Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration This appendix describes how to use the sw itch CLI to configure the Brocade FCoE switch port as a virtual Fibre Channel port . This configuration enab les communication between the Fibre Channel and FCoE devices att ached to the switch.
C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration Enable the Ethernet Switch Service C-2 FE0254601-00 A Enable the Ethernet Switch Service If you have a Brocade 8000 Series FCoE switch, t he Ethernet switch service is enabled by default — proceed to “Create and Con figure FCoE VLAN” on page C-3 .
C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration Create and Configure FCoE VLAN FE0254601-00 A C-3 Create and Configure FCoE VLAN T o create and configure the FCoE VLAN: 1.
C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration Create and Configure CEE-MAP C-4 FE0254601-00 A 6. Create VLAN rules by issuing the following commands: swd77(config)# vlan classifier rule 1 proto fcoe encap ethv2 swd77(config)# vlan classifier rule 2 proto fip encap ethv2 7.
C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration Configure LLDP/DCBX for FCoE FE0254601-00 A C-5 6. V erify the CEE-MAP configuration by issuing t he following command: (config)# do show cee maps CEE Map demo Precedence 1 Priority Group Table 1: Weight 50, PFC Enabled, TrafficClass 3, BW% 40 2: Weight 50, PFC Disabled, TrafficClass 6, BW% 60 15.
C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration Configure CEE Port C-6 FE0254601-00 A 4. V erify the LLDP/DCBX configuration ( Transmit TLVs ) by issuing the following command: (config)# do show lldp LLDP Global Information system-name: swd77 system-description: Fibre Channel Switch.
C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration V erify that the Adapter is L ogged into the Switch FE0254601-00 A C-7 V erify that the Adapter is Logged into the Switch T o verify that the switch has bee n properly configured and t hat the adapter has logged into the switch: 1.
C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration V erify that the Adapter is Logged into the Switch C-8 FE0254601-00 A.
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Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Q-Logic 8100 SERIES (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Q-Logic 8100 SERIES noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Q-Logic 8100 SERIES - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Q-Logic 8100 SERIES reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Q-Logic 8100 SERIES erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Q-Logic 8100 SERIES besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Q-Logic 8100 SERIES verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Q-Logic 8100 SERIES. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Q-Logic 8100 SERIES gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.