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UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual v 2013.1.31.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual v 2013.1.31 Legal Notice The inform ation in thi s docum ent is subj ect to change wit hout notice. 3D PRINTING SYS TEMS L TD. MAKES NO W ARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MA TERIAL , INCLUDI NG, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED W ARRANTIE S OF MERCHANT ABILI TY A ND F ITNESS F OR A P AR TI CUL AR PURPOSE .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 4 1. INTRODUCTION ....... .............. ............................. ........................... ................ .............. .............. ..... 6 1.1 H OW T O USE THIS MANUAL ................................... .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 5 6.7 S P ARE P ART S ................ .................................. .............. ..................................... ........... ..................... 46 6.8 L EVELING THE PLA TFORM ............................
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 6 1. Introduction 1.1 Ho w to use this manual This User Manual i s divided into four sections w hich cover the Introduction, Over view , Operation, and T roubleshooting. Please study this manual carefully before installat ion, and use the printer according to these instructions.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 7 1.2.2 The following clas sifications are used in this ma nual. CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in m inor or moderate injury . W ARNING: I ndicates a p otential ly hazar dous situati on which, if not avoided, may result in se rious injury .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 8 1.2.5 Status In dica tors LED State Indicates Solid Red P rinter is not inti lised Solid Green P rinter is r ea dy Flashing 10 tim es per second Computer is sending / s pool ing job to the printer .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 2. Overview The UP Mini 3D Printer is designed with ultimate portability and simplicity in mind. T he sy stem and softw are allow y ou to p rint great models with only a few keystrokes used a 3D printer before. The syst e m st rong and dura ble.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Figur e 2. Back view of printer 2. 3D Printer User Manual 2. Back view of printer 2. Overvie w 10.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Figur e 3. Accessories P AR TS TO OLS 2. 3D Printer User Manual 2. Overvie w 11.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 2.2 Specificatio ns 2.2.1 Printer Physi cal Characteris tics Printing Material Material Color Layer Thickness Print Speed Print Bed Size Printer W eight Printer Size Extrusion T emperature Platform T emper ature 2.2.2 Specificatio ns Power Requirem ents Model Support Input F or mat W orkstation com patibility 2.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3. Operation 3.1 Prepar atio n 3.1.1 Quick Setu p 1. Rem ove the two pac king foam and li ft u p th e pl atform and rem ove t he s econ d fr om u nder th e pl atform . 2. Cli p on the rol l hol der onto t he bac k of the pri nter .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 5. Load the spool of filament Check the d iagram for the correct orientation spool.. 6. Feed the end of the fil ament Feed the filam en t through the feeder about 10cm out the ot h er end of the tube. 7. Place the F ilament and tube inside the back of the top door .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 10. Plug the USB cable into the left hand si d e of the prin er . 11. Plug in the power adapter int o the left hand side of the printer . 12. Switch on at the wall socket of the printer . 13. V isit www .3dprintingsy ste ms.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 21. Scale the bunny b y 50%, click “Scale” and select “0 .5”. 22. Click “Place” this will centre the m odel the base of the print area 23. Click the “Print” icon 24. Select the followi ng: Z Resoluti on: “0.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 28. Make sure the extruder vent to the right). This is located on the left side of the e truder print head. Having the door closed with speed up pre- heating time on both the extruder h ead and the heated platform . 29. Close the top and front door keep the doors closed during preheating and printing.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Advanced Startup Restart now On r ebo ot pop up menu will appear Select “T roublesh o ot” On the next menu select Advanced Options Startup settings Restart Disable Driver signature E n for cement Done Now you should be able to install the drivers without any issue.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual If you have any p roblem s installing the drivers, or g et a "W inusb.dll not found" to the driv er section in the troubleshooting secti o n of this manual. is referred as “Free Motion” dependi ng on your model number .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3.1.4 Updating your ROM Even if y our printer is brand new , it is best to check you have the l atest ROM version num ber i stalled on y our printer .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3.1.5 Initialisi ng the Printer Before any thing can be print ed, the print er must be the “3D print” menu. The printer will beep and the will t hen return the platform and print head t o the printer’ s origin and be ep again when it i s read y .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3.1.7 Setting the Platfor m Height This section is probably the most import Please read it carefully to ensure that y ou understand the platform height setup procedure, as it is vital for successful 3D pr inting. T o print successfully , the plat form should be set to sta rt at folded over) from the nozzle.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 1.) Now click “Goto Bottom” in the Mai n tenance sc reen. NOTE: Once you have setup the nozzle height once, you now saved i n the printer .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3.2 Using the ba sic 3.2.1 Start the program Click on the UP icon on the desk 3.2.2 Loa ding a 3D model Click “File / Open” Software only sup- files), and the UP3 fi le for mat ( TIP: There are thousan d s of free 3D p rintable m odels available FILE 3D Print 3D Printer User Manual 3.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Move the mouse pointer onto presented in a floating windo w , as (W indows version) TIP: Y ou can open several models and print them all at the same time. J ust repeat the open model procedure for each model you want to add.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Fixing STL Files: If you load a model and parts of it are highlighted in re d, then the model h some errors. The Up software has an option th at attem pt s to fix m odels with bad surfaces. Under the “Edit” menu you will see a “Fix” option.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Scale: Rotate the mouse w heel V iew: The syst e m has 8 preset standard views Click the V iew button on the toolbar (the startup val u e for the V iew button is options: ( W indows version 3D Printer User Manual Rotate the mouse w heel : T he view gets zo omed in or out.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3.2.4 Model transfor mation Model Transform ation can be (W indows version) Moving the model: Click t he “Move” distance you want to move in the text box.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Scaling the model: Click “Scale” scale the model uniformly by clicking the scale button again, or want to scale if you only want to scale in one direction. Example1: Scale up the model Proc edur es: 1. C lick “Sc ale” ; 2.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual TIP: In general, tr y to place your m odel in the centre of the platform . Place: Click the “Auto P lace” model on the p latform .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual the value of how many gram s of material you h ave on the current spool. If i quantity should be set to 700 grams. with is ABS or PLA. TIP: An empty spool weighs about 280 grams so, if you are installing a partially used spool, weigh it, and subtract 280 gram s fr o m the weight.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3.3.5 Pr epa ring the Plat form Before printing, the platf orm must be prepared so be printed without the model moving. the fr ont of the Perfboard on to that it will cause the Perfboard to warp as well, in t hese cases you will need to use more cl ips to hold it down.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 3.3.6 Print Pr ef erences Click m enu “3D Print- >Setup box opens: Recommended Setti ngs in r ed pending on the model you ar e printing. W indows version M ac version Z Resolution: Sets the print resolution (lay er 0.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Support Options (Smart S u pport) The software’ s Smart Sup port is where the software wi ll automatically calculate where it requires support material .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual The re is a lway s a del icat e bala nce betw een th e amo unt of supp ort mater ial , v ersu s the qual ity of th e par t, ver sus the dif ficu lty of rem o v in g supp ort m te rial .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Bas e He ight : Thi s i s t he t hick ness of the raft of mat eria l b efor e th e s th e pri nter star ts pr inti ng, i t f irs t pri nts a raft of non m ateri al are hori zont al (al ong t he Y ax is ). It k eeps buil ding u p hor izon tal r ows of suppo rt m ateri al fo r a s many mm a s yo u have cho sen.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual properly on the virtual platfo rm of the m odel (t he so ftwa re wil l, ge neral ly , tel l you if the re is If not , cha nge the r eel t o a new one. For lar g e models results ca n be im proved by preheating the build platform.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual • Status bar: The bot tom status bar show s the current layer that is cu rrently being printed and the remaini ng time to complete the job.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 4.1 Extruder V ent The lever that i s located on the extruder vent “W ind barrier” Door Closed • Each printed lay er bonds to the layer bett er , making for a • The under sides of printed c urves have a rougher finish.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual including the raft and a ny suppo The price as 6/10 /12 for ABS plastic from working out to be 0.06 cents per gram . 5. Mod el Removal When the model ha s finished heating. Open the door , remove the clips and s Slide the spatula under t he model and slowly w iggle it back and forth t o pry loose the model.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 5.1 Remo ving the r aft The first part that the printer l a ys down is referred to as t he Raft. In order to remove t he raft from the model if the base of the m odel is flat is easi est using the spat ula by sliding it bet and the model and then sliding left and right in between the model.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Acetone (nail varnish remover). CAUTION: AL W A YS WEAR ESPECIALL Y WITH PLA MA TERI A L. CAUTION: The support materi al and the tools are sharp. W ear gloves and safety glass es when removi ng the part from the printer material 3D Printer User Manual Acetone (nail varnish remover).
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 6. M aintenance 6.1 Changing the Material T o change colours or diff erent material s it’ s best to f extruder head. Initial is e the print er and choose “ the sy st.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual After the calibrat ion model is printed, meas ure the X1 and X 2 length below . Open the “Cal ibrate” box form the “3D Print” m enu Then enter t he measured X1 and X 2 values i nto the appropriate boxes.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Fi rstly , m ove the p latf orm t o the bott om, then do a oxi diz ed ABS. La stly , use som e he at- re sist ant m ate rial, lik e 10 0 pe rcen t co tto n cl oth or s oft pape r . A pa ir of t we ze rs will als o be req uire d.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 6.7 Spare parts Almost all the plast ic parts on the printer are p rinted by the U spare parts for your printer , the files for al l spare parts can be found in the C: (x86)UPExam ple Spare Part 6.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual height. A dialogue will pop up when the calibration is su cessful. Close the platform calibration dialogue and with thi s file http:// 3d printingsys te boarder 7.0. T ips & T ricks Lar ge parts can someti mes hav e their cor ners lift from th e plat form, whi ch causes the part to d i tort.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 8. T r oublesho oting Problem or error message No power Extruder or platform fai ls to reach operating tem perature Material not extruding Cannot comm unicate with printer Nozzle too cool Platform t oo cool Extruder head has a clicking sound Others If the nozzl e is blocked, remov e the nozzle and cl ean it.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 8.1 Air Printi ng If the printer is just printing in model. T hen you m ost likely have one of the follow ing • The roll of filament has a k not in it. Check tension on the sp ool. • The fil ament feed guide on the back of the printer needs to be at about 10 degree angle.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 8.3 Ho w to clea n the • First intilise the print er , then click “W ithdraw” in t h e maintenance scr een. • Once the printer beeps, might need to gently push t.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 8.4 Ho w to clean the e xtr uder column • Remov e the head cover , unplug the extruder fa n from the top of the hea d. • “W ithdraw” the filament from the extruder . O nce the printer beeps remove the filament from t he extruder head.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Using a brush, clea n away the plasti c dust that has built the cog and the be aring. Reassembl e all parts. 4. T roubleshoo ting 3D Printer User Manual Using a brush, clea n away the plasti c dust that has built up on 4.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 8.6 Ho w to r e mov e First “Withdr aw” the filament from the extruder . Once the printer beeps rem ove the filam ent from the extruder head. If you only need to remov e the extruder block, then just f ollow the last st ep below .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 8.6 Solutio n for " Winusb If you encounter a “W inusb .dll not found” error message, pl ease follow the steps belo w: Option 1: Uninstall Older Driver 1. O pen the W indows c ontrol panel, go to the “System “Hardware” page.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 4. Instal l the latest UP s oftw are. 5. Unplug the USB cable, then plug a gain. W indows wi ll find a new device. Manually select driver f older (Default is C: Program f iles 6. There s hould now be a ne w driver secti on in the device manager as show n below: 8.
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual 4. Select the u p driver folder (the default i s C: 5. A “Free Motion Card” s ection 4. T roubleshoo ting 3D Printer User Manual (the default i s C: program filesUPDriver). 5. A “Free Motion Card” s ection should now hav e been inserted int o the Devi ce Manager .
UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual Appendix A - T o get support for y our product please Australia Phone: +61 (0) 3 9099 0225 support@3D P rintingSy Appendix B – There are many great free or low cost 3D CA D program s that can be used for design, s canning and cleaning up file s to 3D print .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts PP3DP Up! mini (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie PP3DP Up! mini noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für PP3DP Up! mini - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von PP3DP Up! mini reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über PP3DP Up! mini erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon PP3DP Up! mini besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von PP3DP Up! mini verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit PP3DP Up! mini. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei PP3DP Up! mini gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.