Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DCM 2 Online des Produzenten Polaroid
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Online User Guide DMC 2.
Ne x t C ontents Navigating in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 DMC 2 Camera Feat ures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Taking P ictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Typical Picture -Taking Sequen ce . . . . . .
2 Calibrating Auto Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Setting Expo sure Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Setting Se nsitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Selecting Color Temperature .
3 Adjusting Colo r Balance by Selecting a Black point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Manually Adjusting Co lor Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Manually Adjusting D ark Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Manually Adjusting Br ightness .
4 Setting DMC 2 Softw are Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 General Pre ferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Remote P references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Output Prefere nces . . . .
5 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 PC Minimu m System Requireme nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Macintosh Minimu m System Requireme nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 04 Installing Software and Setting Up the Camera .
6 Polaroid O ffices and S ervice Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Solving SCS I Communication P roblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Changing Sync Trans fer Rate on So me Adaptec SCSI Adapters .
Ne x t 7 Na vigating in T his Document This Polaroid electronic document uses the A dobe Portable Docume nt Format (PDF) and its associat ed A crobat R eader softw are. Y ou should familiari ze yourself with the controls of the A crobat reader . A ccess Hel p.
8 Click to disp lay these he lp pages. Click to open the inde x..
Ne x t 9 DMC 2 C amera F eatures The Polaroid DMC 2 Digital Microscope Camera captures high-quality digital color images from light micros copes and other optical instruments. The camera uses a 2- million-pixel, 11mm CCD (charge coupled device) to capture 1 4-bit linear RGB images.
Ne x t 10 U sing the software provided with the camera, you can: • Display a color viewfinder image on your computer screen. • Choose resolution, exposure, s ensitivity, color tempera ture, and other options. • A utomatically adjust exposure. • Manua lly adjust color balance, bright ness, contrast and sharpness.
11 The camera has a SCSI connection requiring no frame-grabber or other special hard- ware o r software. ( The camera requires a SCSI host adapte r, usuall y buil t into Macin - tosh computers. SCS I host adapters can also be easi ly added to PC-compatible computers.
12 Ta k i n g P i c t u r e s T ypical P icture- T aking Sequ enc e 1 T urn on t he camera . 2 Start the D MC 2 software. 3 Frame a nd focu s the pre view. 4 Choose a c apture are a 5 Choose colo r or gray scale prev iew. 6 Rotate the imag e. 7 Zoom the pr eview.
13 Tu r n i n g t h e C a m e r a O n 1 T urn off the computer. 2 T urn the camera power switch to on (1). 3 V er ify that the green and yellow LEDs are on, indicatin g A C and te rmination power are on.
14 Star ting the DMC 2 Sof tware I f more than one D MC camera is connected to the computer, you must select the cam- era to be u sed in this session. T o select a camera, see S elect ing a DMC Camera . Macintos h Windows Double-click Polaroid DM C 2 .
15 Selectin g a DMC C amer a I f more than one DMC camera is connected to the computer, use these steps to sel ect the camera to be used in the current session: Macintos h Windows 1 Click the Prefe rences button in the main DMC 2 window. 2 Click Choose a DMC 2 in the DMC 2 Prefer ences box.
16 F raming and Focusing the Pre view 1 V iew the subjec t through the microscop e eyepie ce. 2 Ad just subject p osition, focus and lighting according to the microscope instruc- tions. 3 I f your microscope requires, manually switch the light path to the camera.
Ne x t 17 Choosing a Capt ure A rea Y ou can captur e the entire DMC f rame or a smaller, se lected area. T o capture an area smaller than the DMC frame: 1 Ad just exposure to o btain an acceptable image on the V iewfinder D isplay tab of the main DMC 2 window.
18 5 Click the V iewfinder Display tab to view only the capt ure area. Th e values av ail- able in the Im age S ize box correspond to the capture area you selected.
19 Choosing Color or Gr a yscale P review Y ou can view the preview image in the DMC 2 main window in either color or gray- scale. A color prev iew provides a mor e accurate represen tation of the final image, while a graysca le preview refre shes faster.
20 Rotating the Image T o correct picture orientation, you can rotate the preview image 180 degrees by clicking the rotate button. When you rotate the pre view image, the fina l image is also rotated.
21 Enla rg ing th e Pr ev iew Y ou can enlarg e the view of the pre view image for focusing and closely inspecting detail whil e framing. Enl arging the view does not affect the fina l image. T o enlarge the prev iew image: 1 Click the image to display the zoom and focus box.
22 Setting Ex posure Automatically 1 I f you have not do ne so, calibrate automat ic exposure for the current lighti ng and specimen conditions. See Calibr ating A uto Exposu re . 2 Click the Au t o button in the main DMC 2 window. 3 W ait a few seconds for the DMC 2 software to optimize the exposure .
23 Calibrating A uto Expos ure 1 Manually set expo sure to the optimu m position for the current setup. Se e Setting Exposure Manually . 2 Click Calibrate A uto E xposure on the To o l s me nu. 3 Click the Set button i n the A uto Exposure Calibration bo x.
24 Setting Ex posure Manually Drag the Exposure slider right or left to adjust the camera shutter speed for brighten- ing or darken ing the image. Range: 20 milliseconds (far left) to 8 seconds (far right).
25 Sett ing Se nsit ivit y Choose a sensitivit y (camera gain) setting from the Sensitivit y list: • Low (ISO 2 5 equival ent) • Medium (ISO 50 equi valent) • High (ISO 100 equivalent) .
26 Select ing C olo r T emper ature Y ou can select one of the standard color temperatures to match your lighting: • T ungst en (3200K) • Daylight (5500K) These color te mperatures are appropriate for many lighting situations, bu t best results are often obtained by creating and using a custom color temperature.
Ne x t 27 Cr e a t i n g a Cu s t o m Co l o r T e m p e r at u r e S e t t in g I f the standard color tempe rature settings are inappropriat e for your lighting , you can create a custom color temperature setting based on the actual lighting.
28 Cr e a t i n g a Cu s t o m Co l o r T e m p e r at u r e S e t t in g ( c o nt i n u e d ) Macintos h Windows 4 Click Cali brat e . 5 W ait for the Calibrate C olor T empera- ture box t o close. 6 T o use the custom setting, select Cu s - tom from th e Co lo r T emp popup menu.
29 Sele cting Ima ge T ype Y ou can select one of these image ty pes for your final image fr om the Image T ype box: • 48-Bit C olor (68.7 billion color s) • 24-Bit Color (16.7 million colors) • 16-Bit Grayscale (65,00 0 gray shades) • 8-Bit G rayscale (2 56 gray shades ) The image type you choose affects t he size of the image file.
30 Sele cting Ima ge Siz e Choose a final-image size from t he Image Size box: • 1600 x 1200 pixel s • 800 x 600 pixels • 400 x 300 pixels ( W indows systems only) These sizes are availab le if your selected region of interest inclu des the entire frame.
31 Image File Sizes The size of the saved TIFF image depends on image type and size, as shown in the fol- lowing tabl e. (File siz es are approximate. ) Image Size (Pixels) 48-Bit Color 24-Bit C olor .
32 V eri fying Sharp F ocus Digitally I f necessary, you can fine-tune your image focus digitally with the DMC 2 software: 1 Click the image to display the zoom and focus box. 2 Drag the zoom and focus box to the ar ea of interest. 3 Zoom into the area of interest by clicking .
33 Ca pt u ri ng th e Im ag e After you have selected the capture sett ings in the DMC 2 main window, you are ready to capture the ima ge and tran sfer it to the comput er. Y ou have the fol lowing three options for capt uring the image: • Capture the image, enhance it with DMC 2 software, then save it as a TIFF file.
Ne x t 34 Capturing and Enhancing w ith DMC 2 So ftware U se this procedure to capture the image currently disp layed in the DMC 2 main win- dow for enhancem ent with DMC 2 softwar e: 1 Click Capture & Enhance to capture the image, transfer it to computer memory, and display it in the DMC 2 Enhance window.
35 3 Do one of t he following: Macintos h Windows • Save the image to disk by clicking Save I mage (n ot availa ble whe n runnin g the DMC 2 plug- in). • T ransfe r the image to a pl ug-in compatible application by clicking T ransfer Ima ge (a vailab le only when runn ing the DMC 2 plug-i n).
36 Cap turin g an d Savin g Imme diat ely t o Disk T o captur e the image and save it to disk withou t further enhancement: 1 Click the Capture & Save butto n. N ote: On Maci ntosh systems, this opt ion is available only when running th e DMC 2 softwa re.
37 Capturing and T ransferring to Another Appl ication (Macintosh) N ote: This opti on is available only if you are running the DMC 2 plug-in w ithin the other applicati on.
Ne x t 38 Captur ing and T ransfer ring t o Another A pplic ation ( Windows) U se t hese steps if you want to transfer the ca ptured image immediately to another image-processing or im age-analysis program.
39 5 Click OK . When you click Capture & Save or the save button in the DMC 2 program, the image appears in the selected applicat ion for further enhancement and saving. I f you are running the TW AIN ver sion of DMC 2 software: I f you are in the DMC 2 main window, click Ca pture & T ran sfer .
Ne x t 40 C apturing a Rapid Seq uence The DMC camera and software allows yo u to capture a ra pid sequence of images in the camera memory. After the images are stor ed, you can select one of the ca ptured images for transfer to the DMC 2 Enhance window or for saving immediately.
41 5 Re peat step 4 as needed to capture and display additional thumbnails u ntil the camera bu ffer is full. N ote: Change the Rapid Fire setti ng on the General tab of the Set P references b ox to stop capturing images whe n the buffer is fu ll or to begin overwriting t he first images captured.
42 Printing the Image T o print the curren t image fro m the DMC 2 E nhance wind ow: The image prints at 300 dpi and siz ed to fill the page. N ote: T o print at different resolutions or sizes, save the image and open it with an image-editing a pplication such as A dobe Photoshop.
43 Enhancing the Image with DMC 2 Softwar e After y ou capture an image by clicking Capture & Enhance in the DMC 2 main win- dow, the captur ed image is stored in memory and displayed in t he DMC 2 Enhance window.
44 A utomatic ally Adjusting Color Balance T o have the D MC 2 progr am analyze the cu rrent i mage and automa tically set the color sliders to th eir optimum position, click the automatic b alance but- ton. This f eature is no t recommended fo r fluoresc ent imagin g.
45 Adjusting Color Balance by Sele cting a Whitepoint T o adjust overall color balance by identifying a whitepoint in the picture, click the white eyedropper button. Then click on a n area of the picture that should be pur e white. The area you clicked becomes white, and all other colors in the image are adjusted accordingly.
46 Adjusting Color Balance by Sele cting a Neutral Gray P o int T o adjust overall color bala nce by identifying a neu tral gray point in the pic- ture, click the gray eyedropper button. Then click on an area of the picture that should be neutral gra y, such as a metallic object, concrete, gray brick, or a shadow falling on a whi te object.
47 Adjusting Color Balance by Sele cting a Black point T o adjust overall color balance by identifying a blackpoint in the picture, click the black eyedropper button.
48 Manually A djusting Color Balance Drag the thr ee Color slider s left or right to adjust col or balance. The effect of your settings appea rs in the preview image to the left.
49 Manually A djusting Dark Levels Drag the D ark Levels slider l eft or right to decrease or incr ease dark levels. The effect of your settings appea rs in the preview image to the left.
50 Manually Adjusting Brightness Drag the Brightness slider right or left to increase or decrease brightness. The effect of your settin g appears in the preview image to the left.
51 Adj us tin g G am ma Drag the Gamma slider right or left to increase or decrease gamma (the apparent con- trast between the highli ghts and the shadows).
52 Viewing a Histogram U se the histogram display to judge the dis tribution of brightness va lues in the current image. The horizontal axis represents all possib le brightness values in the image (0- 255) and the vertical scale represe nts the number of pixels at each brightness valu e.
53 T o view a histogram of brightness levels in the image: 1 I f the DMC 2 main window is visible, click Histogram on th e To o l s men u. I f the Enhance window is visible, click the histogram button . 2 Select a channel for display from t he Channel list (Luminos ity, Red, Green, Blue, RGB) .
54 Adju s tin g Sh ar pne ss Drag the Shar pness slider left or right t o decrease or increase sharpness. The effect of your settin g appears in the preview image to the left.
55 Viewing the F u ll Image I f necessary, you can view the full image for close inspection after capturing but before saving . When viewing the full image, you can zoom and pan to assure you ha ve captured the desired ar ea and detail and that enhancements you applied have the expected result s.
56 Reducing Grain in Long Exposures Y ou can reduce image grain in long exposu res (longer than 500 milliseconds) by enablin g the DMC 2 mult i-frame av eraging/dark s ubtract f eature. T o enable or disabl e multi-frame ave raging/dark subtr act: 1 Click Set Preferenc es on the T ools menu.
57 Adding a Label This label appears at the bottom of the image when i t is saved, transferred to another application, or pri nted. Macintos h Windows 1 Click the Ad d T e xt L ab e l box. 2 T ype a label or other descript ive infor- mation in the text box.
58 Ad ding a C alib ra ted Mic ron Mar ker DMC 2 software can add a calibr ated scale or micron marker to th e lower right corner of your image, providing an accurate too l for determining dimensions of features in the image.
Ne x t 59 Creating a Calibrated Micro n Marker T o create a calibrated micron marker you can add to the bottom of images for deter- mining dimensions of features in the image: Macintos h Windows 1 Place a micromet er horizontal ly under the microscope obj ective and focus the microscope to obtain a sharp image of the scale in the DMC 2 main window.
Ne x t 60 Creating a Cali brated Micron Marker (continued ) Macintos h Windows The Micron Marker Ca libration win- dow opens and displays the microme- ter im age. 4 Define a measured distance on the micrometer image by dra gging a line from one micrometer scale ma rk to anoth er.
Ne x t 61 Creating a Cali brated Micron Marker (continued ) Macintos h Windows 6 Ent er or sel ect the uni ts of mea sure in the U nits popup. 7 T ype a name for the marker in the Marker N ame box. 8 Click Save Marker. (End of Maci ntosh procedur e) T o remove the second mark, click the Clear button.
62 Creating a Cali brated Micron Marker (continued ) Macintos h Windows (no further st eps for Macint osh systems) 8 I f you want this calibrated marker to be the de fault marker i n the Enhance window, click the U se as default objectiv e box. 9 Click OK .
63 Deleting a Calibra ted M icron Marker I f necessary, you can delete a calibr ated micron marker from the list box located below th e A dd micro marker bo x: 1 Click Add micron marke r at the bottom of the Enhanc e window. 2 Click De lete Micron M arker from the list of micron markers.
Ne x t 64 Saving and Reusing Program Sett ings I f you develop settings in the Enhancement window that you expect to use frequently, you can save them to a file, then reload the m when necessary.
Ne x t 65 Saving and Reus ing Progr am S ettings (continue d) T o sav e the current settings in a new settings file: Macintosh Window s 1 In the Enhancement window, click Settings . 2 T ype a name for the new settings file. 3 Select Sa ve . 1 If the main DMC 2 window i s open, click Set ting s on the File menu to open the Settings window.
Ne x t 66 Saving and Reus ing Progr am S ettings (continue d) T o load enhancement settings you saved ear lier: Macintos h Windows 1 In the Enhancement window, click Settings . 2 Select the name of the settings to be applied. 1 In the main DMC 2 window, click Settings on the File menu to display the S ettings windo w.
67 Saving and Reus ing Progr am S ettings (continue d) T o delete a settings file: Macintos h Windows 1 In the Enhancement window, click Settings . 2 Select the name of the settings to be applied. 3 Click Del et e . 1 In the main DMC 2 window, click Settings on the File menu to display the S ettings windo w.
Ne x t 68 Pr ogr am Setti ngs Y ou C an Sa ve When you save DMC 2 pro gram settings for reuse (see Savi ng and Reus ing P rogram Setti ngs ), the following settings are sa ved.
Ne x t 69 Pr ogr am Setti ngs Y ou Can Sav e (C ontin ued) P references Bo x -- G ener al Settings N ote: The state of t he M ulti-Fram e A veragin g/Dark Subtract checkbox and the num- ber of dark and light fra mes are not saved.
70 Pr ogr am Setti ngs Y ou Can Sav e (C ontin ued) P references Bo x --Remote Settings P references Bo x -- Output Settings P references Bo x -- Cameras Settings N o Cameras settings are saved.
71 Setting DMC 2 Software P refer enc es The DMC 2 Preferences dialog box (Maci ntosh) and the Set Preferences dialog box ( W indows) let you choose these categor ies of settings for the DMC 2 softwar.
Ne x t 72 General Preferences U s e the Genera l tab to select gen eral DMC 2 software opera tion preferenc es. On each imag e capture: Reset to defaults R esets all controls in the Enhance window (Color, D ark Lev- els, Brightness, Gamma, Shar pness) to their factory-defau lts after you captur e a picture .
Ne x t 73 General Preferences (Continued) Cast found on auto color b alance (available only if Do auto color balance is selected under “On each image capture”): Rem ove it Removes any overall color cast (tint) from the image when per- forming auto color balance.
Ne x t 74 General Preferences (Continued) Show preview on startup Expands the Main window to show a preview image when the DMC 2 program starts. U se fl ash A ctivates the x-sync flash cable connector on the DMC camera when the image is captured. The defa ult setting is off (disabled) .
Ne x t 75 General Preferences (Continued) Save V iewfinder ROI se ttings When the DMC 2 program is closed, saves the image capture ar ea (region of interest) sele cted on the Region of Interest S election tab in the DMC 2 main window.
76 General Preferences (Continued) Launch External Ap plication Starts the im age-e diti ng ap plica tion specif ied in the External A pplication P ath box when an image is saved to disk.
Ne x t 77 Remote Pr efer ence s U s e the Remote tab to captur e images using the re mote trigger. Y ou can specify if you want the captured images transferred to an image-editing program, the Enhance win- dow, or to files. U se Remote Capture Captures images using to remote trigger.
78 Remote Pr eferenc es (C onti nued) Save Directly to a File Captures images and saves them directly to a file for viewing and enh ancin g at a l ater date. Re mote Cap ture Fil es: Cha ng e Allows you to specify a locat ion for your image files i f you select Save Directl y to a File.
Ne x t 79 Outp ut Pr eferenc es U se the Output tab to sel ect the highlight pr operty and t he output defaults of the images. Highli ght P ropert y: Specular U sually provides best image results with r eflected-light microscopy specimens containing specular highlights (r eflective or metallic areas or points much brighter than most of the image).
Ne x t 80 Outp ut P refer ences (C onti nued) Output Defaults: For best r esults, choose the appro priate channel mixture and output scale for your specimen and the way the image will be used. Color Channel Mixture CR T color Optimizes the out put image color for display on a monit or.
Ne x t 81 Outp ut P refer ences (C onti nued) Color Channel Mixture (continued) Us e r U se the custom color c hannel mixture in MA TRIX2PUSER.MT X (for DMC 2 cameras) or MA TRIXIEUSER.MTX (for D MC I e cameras). Color Output Scale T one Scale Optimizes the output ima ge tone values for display on a monitor.
Ne x t 82 Outp ut P refer ences (C onti nued) Grayscale Channel Mixture The Grayscale C hannel Mixture uses the following (RGB channe ls) to produce a gray scale i mage: Luminance D igitally provides the effect of a luminan ce filter for gray- scale imaging.
Ne x t 83 Outp ut P refer ences (C onti nued) Grayscale Channel Mixture (continued) Cyan (DMC Ie cameras only) Prov ides the effect of a cyan filter. Magenta (DMC Ie cameras only) Pr ovides the effect of a magent a filter. Yellow (DMC Ie cameras only) Provides the ef fect of a yellow filte r.
84 Outp ut P refer ences (C onti nued) Graysc ale Output Sc ale T one Scale Optimizes the output ima ge tone values for display on a monitor. Li n e ar S ets the tone value of each output pixel in proportion to the actual transmittance or reflectance me asured by the camera.
85 C amer a P ref erenc es U se the S elect Camera tab to select the active DMC camera when multiple DMC cam- eras are connected to t he computer. Cameras are identified by their Device IDs (SCSI addresses) and thei r Ada pter IDs. T o select a camera , click the appropriate line in the win dow and then click OK .
Ne x t 86 Using the C olor Stacker Utility The Color S tacker ut ility provide d with DM C 2 soft ware provi des a w ay to combine three images. Th is is useful when imaging a single sample w ith multiple fluoro- chromes.
87 Creating a C ompos ite Image (Continued) Macintos h Windows 2 Open th e Color S tacker ut ility (d ou- ble-click P olaroid Co lor Stacker ). 3 Select an image for ea ch color channel by clicking each color button ( Red , Green and Blue ) and selecting the appropriate T IFF file.
88 C olor Stacker Pre view Options The Color Stacker utility displays a preview of the composit e image as you select files for each color channel. By clicking the Op tions butt on at the top of the C.
89 Camer a Mainte nance DMC 2 camera maintenance consists of cle aning the camera when ne cessary. Click on either topic below for more information. Cleaning t he camera o ptics Cleani ng the came ra .
Ne x t 90 Clea ning the Camera Optics Important: Protect the DMC 2 camera from dirt, dust, rain and moisture. Damage caused by these condi tions may no t be cove red by the warranty.
Ne x t 91 Cleaning the Camera Optics (C ontinued) V er ifyi ng t he Locati on o f Du st o r Di r t A void needless cleaning of the DMC 2 camera optics by dete rmining the location of dust or di rt before proceeding.
Ne x t 92 Cleaning the Camera Optics (C ontinued) 3 Follow these steps to d etermine whether the dust spot is on t he camera optics or the c-moun t adapter lens: a Separate the camera from the c-mount. b Install the lens cap on the DMC 2 camera. c Clean the c-mount adapter lens according to the manufacture r’s instructions.
Ne x t 93 Cleaning the Camera Optics (C ontinued) Camer a Optics Cleani ng Ste ps 1 I f you have not already done so, install the shutter- opening software on your com- puter as follows. ( This software opens the shu tter, allowing you to clean the cam- era optics.
Ne x t 94 Cleaning the Camera Optics (C ontinued) 2 Obtain the following cleaning mat erials: 3 Detach the camera from the microscope, and remove the c-mount adapter from the camera. I f you are using the camera with a lens, remove the l ens. 4 I f the camera is not connected to the computer, turn off the camera and the com- puter.
Ne x t 95 Cleaning the Camera Optics (C ontinued) 6 R u n the shutter-opening softwar e: 7 P ower down the computer and turn t he camera powe r off. (The shutter remain s open.) Macintos h Windows a Double-click DMC 2 Shutter Opener . b Click Open DMC 2 S hutter .
Ne x t 96 Cleaning the Camera Optics (C ontinued) 8 Clean the anti-a liasing filt er (behind t he shutte r) with ai r. I f necess ary, gently dis- lodge any dust with the camel-hair brush. Caution: U se care whe n inserting anything into the camera lens opening.
97 Cleaning the Camera Optics (C ontinued) c I f dust or dirt remains after th e first at tempt to w ipe it away, r epeat th e proce- dure w ith a new , clean wipe . 10 After the filter is clean, close the shutter by turning the camera power swi tch on and then off.
98 Clea ning the Camera Body I f the DMC 2 camera body requires cleaning, use a clean, soft cloth dampened with water. Do not use cleaners of any kind, and do not spray water or other liquids directly onto the camera.
99 Obtaining Software Updates For the latest information about DMC 2 softw are updates, visit the P olaroid W eb site:
Ne x t 100 DMC 2 C amera Specifications Senso r 2.1 megapixel, 11 mm CCD Output resolution Super high resolution (1600x1200 pixels) High resolution (800x600) N ormal resolution (400x300 pixels); W indows version onl y Image formats 48-bit color (68.
101 DMC 2 Camera Specific ations (C ontinued) N ote: S pecifications subject to change without notice. Dimensions 2.1x7.2x5.1 in (5.3x18.3x13.0cm) Po we r s u p pl y 100-250V , 0.
102 S ystem Requirements U sing t he DMC 2 camera and soft ware to preview, capt ure and enhance pictu res requires a minimu m level of computer hardware and software. I f your system does not meet these requirements, contact your Polaroid deal er or your computer dealer.
103 PC Minimum S ystem Requirem ents • 166 MHz Pentium processor and 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM. (96MB of R AM for a TW AIN- compliant image processing progr am such as A dobe Photoshop or Image- Pro. ) • Microsoft W indows 95, 98, Me, 2000 or NT (4.
104 Macintosh M inimum System Requirements • P owerPC Macintosh computer or compatible with a S CSI-2 interface and 64 mega- bytes (MB) of RAM. (96MB of RAM for a Photoshop-Plug- In-compliant image pr o- cessing program such a s Adob e Photoshop or Image-Pr o.
105 Installing Softwar e and Setting U p the C amera 1 Un p a c k . 2 Install the DMC 2 software. 3 A t tach the camera to the micr oscope. 4 Connect the c amera to th e computer. 5 Connect the came ra to A C po wer and turn o n. 6 T ake a test pictu re.
Ne x t 106 Unpacking Make sure you have all the following components. Contact your dealer if any is miss- ing or damaged. 1 DMC 2 camera 2 power supply and cord (may differ from illustration for some .
Ne x t 107 Installing the DMC 2 Soft ware 1 T urn the computer on. 2 On W indows systems, close any applicat ions that may be running. 3 I nsert t he P olaro id DMC 2 sof tware C D into t he dr ive. 4 Start the ins tallation program: Macintos h Windows Double-click the Polaroid DMC 2 Installer.
Ne x t 108 5 Follow inst ructions on the scre en. 6 R emov e the C D from the dr ive . A tta ching th e Cam er a to th e Micr osc ope Y ou need a 0.63 or 1:1 c-mount adapter (no t provided) compatible with your micro- scop e. ( D o not use a 0.5 c-mount adapter.
Ne x t 109 T o attach the camera to the microscope: 1 Screw the c- mount adap ter into th e camera. N ote: Finger-ti ghten the ad apter. D o not us e tools. 2 Insert the c-mount adapter into the microscope. The camera indicator LEDs should face the front of the microscope.
Ne x t 110 C onnec ting the Camera to the C omp uter The DMC 2 camera requires a SCSI host adapter in your computer. I f your computer does not have an adapter, you mu st install one (see Ins tal li ng a SC SI Ho st A da pt er ).
Ne x t 111 Setting t he C amer a SCSI Ad dress Each device connected to a SCSI host adapter must have a unique address fro m 0-6. T o assure a uniq ue address for the camera, deter mine the addresses of any other SCSI devices: Macintos h Windows 1 Run A pple System Profiles, usually on the Ap ple menu.
Ne x t 112 Setting the Camera SCSI Ad dress (Conti nued) T urn the camera power swi tch to off (0) and set the SCSI ad dress switch to a va lue not used by any other device. N ote: The address is preset to 4. Do not change it unless anothe r device is using 4.
Ne x t 113 Connecting the SCSI Cables Place the DMC 2 camera at the end of the SC SI chain as shown or b etween the com- puter and other SCSI devices. U se the shortest possi ble cables. N ote: T urn the computer, camera and all other SCSI devices off before connecting or disconnecting a ny cables.
Ne x t 114 Se tting T erm inat ion The last de vice in a SCSI chain must be t erminated (or have termi nation on), while all other devices must be unterminated (or have termination off). I f the camera is the only SCSI device connected to your computer or the last device in a SCSI chain, s et camera termination to on (1).
Ne x t 115 C onnec ting the Ca mera to A C P ower and T urning On 1 Connect the camera to A C power and turn the power switch on. 2 V er ify that the green and yellow LEDs are on, indicatin g A C and te rmination power are on.
Ne x t 116 3 T urn the computer on. 4 W ait for the system to install the cam era driver and display the normal desktop..
Ne x t 117 Ta k i n g a Te s t P i c t u r e 1 Start the DMC 2 progr am: 2 Place a specimen under the microscope and focus it through the microscope eye- piece. 3 Click Previe w in the DMC 2 ma in window. If necessary, adjust the c-mount on the microscope to focus the image on the computer scr een.
Ne x t 118 4 In the DMC 2 main window, choo se the appropriate settings for the image being captured: Exposu re Se nsitivi ty Colo r T e mper atu re 5 Select 8-Bit Color from the Image T ype box for the test. 6 Click Capture & Save to captur e and save the image to disk.
119 Camer a Limited W arranty Polaroid Corpor ation warran ts the DMC 2 cam era against defe cts in manufactur e or work- manship fo r a period of on e year from the d ate of purchase. T o verify the warranty period, you should k eep the invoi ce, sales re ceipt, or othe r proof of the purchase dat e.
Ne x t 120 Radio and T ele vision Int er ferenc e FC C Notice (U.S.A.) N ote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a C lass B digital device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC R ules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection agai nst harmful interference in a residential installa- tion.
Ne x t 121 FC C Notice (continued) • Conne ct the equipment int o an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an e xperienced radio/TV techni cian for help. No te : I f your camera SCSI cab le has a ferrite core on one end, that e nd must be con- nected to the camera.
Ne x t 122 FC C Notice (continued) This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC R ules. Operation is subject to the f ollow- ing two considerations: (1) This device may not ca use harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interferen ce that may cause undesired opera tion.
123 Notice (Europe) Wa r n i n g : This is a Class A product. I n a domestic environment th is product may cause rad io inte rference in wh ich case th e user may be r equired to take adequa te mea- sures.
124 C o py right and T rademark Notices © Copyright 2001 Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. “P olaroid” is a regis tered trademark P olaroid Corporat ion. All other product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. All righ ts reserv ed.
Ne x t 125 P olaroid O ffices and S erv ice C enters A ustra lia E spaña Polaroid A ustralia P ty. Ltd. Polaroid (España). S. A. 13-15 L yonpark Road Calle Orense 1 6 -2 a planta. P . O . B ox 163 28020-Madrid North R yde , NSW 2113 Tno.: 91377 8103 T el.
Ne x t 126 Brasil Hong K o ng Po laroid do Br asil Ltda . Po laroid (F ar East) Ltd. A v. Paulista, 177 6/11° andar 32/F W indsor House Cerqueira C esar 311 Glouc ester Road São Paulo - Capi tal Cause way Ba y 01310-921 T el.: (852 ) 2894 0333 T el.
Ne x t 127 Da nm ar k I ta li a Polaroid a. s. Polaroid (I talia) S. p. A. Blokken 7 5 V ia Piave 11 3460 Birkerø d 21051 Arcisa te (V are se) Tlf.: 800 11887 T el.: 0 269633253 Deutschland Japan Pol ar o id G mb H Ni ppo n Po l ar oi d Sprendling er La ndstrass e 109 Kabushiki K aisha 63069 Offenba ch Mori Building, No.
Ne x t 128 Ne de r l an d L ux e m bo u rg Polaroid Nederland B. V . T el.: 0 8002542 Zonneb aan 45 3606 CH Maar ssen P . O . Bo x 1219 3600 BE Maarss en T el.: 0 204874534 N ew Zealand México Polaroid N ew Z ealand Ltd. Polaroid de México S. A. de C.
Ne x t 129 Norge Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Polaroid (Norge) A/S Polaroid A G Industriveie n 8B, 14 73 Skårer Hardturmstrasse 133 Postboks 80, 147 1 Skårer 8037 Zürich Tlf.: 800 11887 T el.: 0 18385329 (D eutsch) T el.: 0 18385348 (França is) T el.: 0 18385349 (Italiano) Österrei ch Suomi Polaroid Ges.
Ne x t 130 Port ug al Sv eri g e Pol ar o id ( E sp añ a ) S . A . Pol ar o id A B Suc ursal em P ortugal Ekholmsv ägen 36 Edific io M onumental B ox 2 04 A ven ue Praia da Vitória 71-A, 4°B 127 27 Sk ärholmen 1050 Lisbo a T el.: 0 84451231 T el.
131 U. S . A . Polaroid Corpor ation Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t T oll free : 1-800-432-535 5.
132 T echnical Suppor t I f you need additional help with your P olaroid equipment, call your nearest P olaroid office at the number l isted in P olaroid O ffices a nd S ervice Cen ters . Polaroid offers a variety of customer sup port services. Call for details and applic able fees.
133 Solving SCSI Communication Problems SCSI devic e not recogni zed Horizontal l ines, s ections missin g from ima ge System stops r espondi ng duri ng image t ransfer.
Ne x t 134 Prob lem: De vice not recog ni zed Failure of your computer to recognize a SCSI device could be caused by any of the fol- lowing: Device not turned on. T urn the power switch on. (See instructions for turning the device on.) Cables loose or disconnected.
135 Device no t recogni zed (conti nued) Incorrect term ination. Check for pr oper SCSI chain termin ation. (See in structions for se tting term ination. ) Outdated miniport and AS PI layer drivers ( W indows systems only) . Upd ate the SCSI ho st adapter W indows miniport dr iver (.
136 Symptom: Horizontal lines, sections missing from image I f your images display horizontal lines or bands, check the following: Incorrect term ination. Check for pr oper SCSI chain termin ation. (See in structions for se tting term ination. ) Low-quality cables.
137 Symptom: S ystem stops responding during image tr ansfer I f your system locks and sto ps responding to the mouse and keyboar d during image tra nsfer, chec k the follow ing: Incorrect maximum sync transfer rate or other settings (for Adaptec 2940 and 3940 host adapters only).
Ne x t 138 Changing Sync T ransfer Rate on Some Adaptec SCSI Ad apters I f your system has an Adaptec 2940 or 3940 SCSI host adapter, it may not recognize a SCSI device if the minimum sync transfer rate or other values are incorrectly set.
139 4 Make sure the SCSI Device Settings are as foll ows: N ote: Change th ese settings only f or the SCSI address of the device not r ecognized. Leave all other settings unchanged. 5 Press Esc until you are prompted to sa ve the changes. 6 Select Yes , then pr ess the space bar t o restart t he comput er.
140 Installing a SCSI Host Ad apter This device connects to a SCSI host adapter in your computer. M ost Macintosh com- puters have a SCSI adapter built in, but most IBM PC compatible computers do not. I f you must install a S CSI adapter, tu rn the computer off and follow instructi ons pro- vided by the adapter manufactu rer.
Ne x t 141 Index A A C power, connecting camera to 115 area of interest, choosing 17 attaching camera to microsco pe 108 B blackpoint, adju sting color ba lance by selecting 47 brightness, adj usting .
Ne x t 142 Inde x (C ontinu ed) camera, DMC, selecting 15 camera, selecting 14 camera, turning on 13 capture area, cho osing 17 capturing the image 33 Cast foun d on auto color bal ance 73 color balan.
Ne x t 143 Inde x (C ontinu ed) color temperat ure, settin g 26 communication problems, SCSI, solving 133 copyright notice 124 D dark levels, adjusting manually 49 dark subtract, usi ng to reduce grai.
Ne x t 144 Inde x (C ontinu ed) exposure, automat ic, calibrating 23 exposure, setting automatically 22 exposure, setting manu ally 24 F FCC notice 12 0 feature s, DMC 2 camera 9 file sizes, based on .
Ne x t 145 Inde x (C ontinu ed) G gamma, adjusting 51 grain, reducing in long exposures 56 gray point, select ing to adjust color balance 46 Gray scale Channe l Mixture 82 Grayscal e Output Scale 84 g.
Ne x t 146 Inde x (C ontinu ed) I image enhancement 43 image size in pixels, selecting 30 image type, selecting 29 installi ng soft ware and se tting up came ra 105 interfe rence, rad io and T V 120 I.
Ne x t 147 Inde x (C ontinu ed) M maintenance, camera 89 marker,cal ibrated, a dding to image 58 micron marker, calibrated, adding 58 micron marker, calibrated, creating 59 micron marker, deleting 63 .
Ne x t 148 Inde x (C ontinu ed) O offices and service centers, P olaroid 125 Output De faults 80 output preferen ces 79 Overwrit e I mages Dur ing Rapi d Fi re 75 P package contents 106 picture taking.
Ne x t 149 Inde x (C ontinu ed) R rapid f ire fe ature, us ing 40 rapid sequence of images, captu ring 40 R emote Capt ure Fi les 78 remote pre ferences 77 R eset to de faults 72 responding, system st.
Ne x t 150 Inde x (C ontinu ed) SCSI hos t adapter (SC SI card), in stalling 140 sections missing from image, so lving 136 selecting a DMC 2 camera 15 sensitivity, sett ing 25 sequence of images, capt.
Ne x t 151 Inde x (C ontinu ed) Spe cu l ar 79 starting DMC 2 software 14 sync transfer rate, changing on SCSI adapters 138 system re quiremen ts 102 T technical support, obt aining 132 termina tion, .
152 Inde x (C ontinu ed) U updates, soft ware 99 U se existing se ttings 72 Us e f l a s h 74 U s e Remote Capt ure 77 W warra nty, camera, l imited 119 whitepoint, select ing to adjust color bal ance.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Polaroid DCM 2 Online (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Polaroid DCM 2 Online. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Polaroid DCM 2 Online gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.