Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 137-40225-20 des Produzenten ATI Technologies
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RADEON ™ VE User’ s Guide V ersio n 1.0 P/N 13 7-40225-2 0 Re v . B Copyright 200 1 by A TI T echnolo gies Inc. : AT I and R AD EON VE - A TI T echn olog ies I nc.;Windows 9 8SE , W indows M ill enni um Ed ition , W indows 2000 – Micro soft Corp.
2 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Pr oduct Notice MA CR O VISION PR ODUCT NO TICE A. Apparatu s Claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 4,631 ,603, 4,577, 216, 4,819 ,098, and 4,907,09 3 licensed for l imited viewing users only .
RADEON™ V E User’s Guide 3 Using Multiple Monitor s Y our RADEON™ VE pro vides dual displ ay functionality and TV Out from a single video card. Th is new t echnology chan ges the way you vie w you r PC, TV , and vi deo graphics . The RADEON™ VE uses HydraV ision™ software to create a seamless multiple disp lay desktop.
RADEON™ V E User’s Guide 5 RADEON ™ VE Displa y Configuratio ns Legend : CR T-(cath ode ray tub e) analog m onitor ut ilizing th e standard 1 5-pin VGA co nnector DFP-digita l flat panel mo nito.
6 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Multi-Mo nitor C ontr ols The W indo ws ® 2000 Multi-Monito r Dialog The Multi-Moni tor dia log in Windows ® 2000 fea tures a graphic representation o f the current mon itor array . The M ulti- Monitor dialog is located in the Advanced Settings of the Display Prope rties.
RADEON™ V E User’s Guide 7 T o enable the secondary display (assuming a secondary display is attached to your RADEON™ VE): 1 Right-click on monitor labeled “2 ”.
8 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Note The RADEON™ VE off e rs Ratiometric e xpans ion. Ratiom etric ex pansion ( or digital pan el scaling as it is com monl y known) e xpa nds a low r esolu tio n image to fil l a higher resolutio n panel. Ho we ver , Ratiom etric ex pansion is onl y av a ilab le on the primary dis pla y .
RADEON™ V E User’s Guide 9 Dynamic Mo nitor Reass ignment Windows ® 98SE/Windows ® Me/Windo ws ® 2000 In addition to the fact that you nev er ha v e to reboot when enab ling and di sabl ing mul.
10 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Note Video ov er la y allo ws f or the vie win g of full-moti on video on y our c omputer . How e v er , there i s only o ne video o v erla y , whic h is only av ailabl e on the primary monitor . The RADEON ™ VE allow s you to chan ge the primary monitor while vi ew ing a D VD .
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 11 Using HydraVision ™ fo r W i n d ow s ® 98SE/Windows ® Me/Windo ws ® 20 00 The W ind ows ® 98S E, W i ndo ws ® Me and W indo w s ® 2000 operating system s are desi gned to recognize m ultiple monito rs in a single system.
12 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide OK implements the changes you’ ve made in the HydraV ision™ dialog and e xits the Desktop Man ager . Changes tak e ef fect imm ediate ly unl ess you se e a messag e pro mpti ng you to re start your comput er .
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 13 Desktop Manage ment Controls The Desktop Man agement Dialo g The Deskto p Managemen t dialog let s you de termine the beha vior of pop -up windo ws and dialog b oxes in a mu ltiple monitor environment. Dialog contr ol : Enab le dialog repositi oning —T oggles dialog control on and of f.
14 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide W ind ow co ntr o l: Sing le mo nit or wi ndo ws —When this box is checked, windows are sized no lar ger than a single monitor . W indo ws that are placed on monitor splits are automatically relocated to the mon itor on which most of the windo w appears.
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 15 NO TE: This contr ol will work only if all mo nitors ar e runnin g at the same resolution an d your des ktop is c onfigured as a r ectangle (monitors side by side). Enable individ ual application s ettings —Check this box to specify desktop management settings for ind i vidual applications.
16 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Hot Ke ys Contr ols The H ot K eys Dial og Hydr aV i sion™ a llows you to speci fy hot key shortc uts for co mmon operations such as s tarting applications , snapping applications to design ated monit ors, and ch anging dis play res olution.
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 17 Y ou can also di sable al l hot ke ys liste d in the Assigned hot keys list b o xb yc h e c k i n gt h e Di sable hot keys bo x ne ar the b ott om of th e Hot K eys dialog . Using Hot Ke ys Y ou can use any assigned hot k ey at any time, from within an y applicat ion, to change your displ ay .
18 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide MultiDesk HydraV i sion™ software suppo rts multiple deskto ps. W ith MultiDesk, one acti ve d esktop will always be vis ible, while up to eight activ e desktops can reside in th e background.
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 19 The MultiDesk fu nctionality can be removed by selecting Unload HydraVision ™ MultiDesk from the pop-up menu. NO TE: This app lies to your c urr ent W indows ® session o nly .
20 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Using TV Out View y our PC’ s display on a TV! Y our ne w RADEON™ VE card has TV Out capability . Y ou can attach your card t o a tele visi on and monito r at the same time. Or you can con nect it to your VCR and recor d your mon itor’ s disp lay .
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 21 Connecting y our RADEON™ VE to a TV or a VCR T o connect your graphics card to a tel ev ision or a VCR, us e an S-V ideo cable from y our RADEON™ VE to t he television (or V C R ) .
22 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide 5 T u rn on your computer and you r tele vision (or VCR) . 6 T o tur n your tele vis ion display on a nd of f, please see Enabling and Disa bling the T elevision Display o n page 24.
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 23 Using SCAR T Connectors f or Eur opean T elev isions The SCAR T connect or support s only the C omposite video format, which means you will ha v e to use the video adapter cable. The abo ve illus tration sho ws ho w to conn ect your RADEON™ VE to a European TV using the SCAR T .
24 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Using and Adjusting TV Out Enabling and Disabli ng the T ele vision Display 1 Click Sta rt . 2 Point to Set tings ,t h e nc l i c k Contr ol Panel . 3 Double-click Disp lay . 4 C l i c ko nt h e Settings tab and then the Ad vanced .
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 25 Star ting Windows ® with T ele vision Dis pla y Enabl ed The television screen may become s crambled during the initi al Wi n d ow s ® logo display . This is o nly a temporary ef fect and your tele vi sion screen will be restored with in a fe w seconds.
26 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Vie wing T e xt on T elevision A TV is designed primar ilyto show mo ving, rather than stat ic, images. The large dot pi tch of a TV (which is fine for mo ving video) will yield p oor quality static im ages such as text.
RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 27 T o Increase t he Horizont al Siz e 1 Click Sta rt . 2 Point to Set tings ,t h e nc l i c k Contr ol Panel . 3 Double-click Disp lay . 4 C l i c ko nt h e Settings tab and then the Ad vanced ... button. 5 C l i c ko nt h e AT I D i s p l a y s tab .
28 RADEON™ VE User’s G uide Using Gam es and Applications Some older g ames and applications may program yo ur RADEON™ VE card directly to run under a specific display mode. This may cause your tele vision display to turn off automatically or become s crambled (the PC m onitor will not be af fected).
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