Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Energy M des Produzenten Phicomm
Zur Seite of 53
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 1 CONTENTS I MPORT ANT INFO RMA TION . .... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. .... 11 G ET TO KNO W YOU R PHONE .. .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ..
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 3 MANAGING MEMORY ... .... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. .. .... ..... .. ... 40 MANAGE AND CLEAR INST ALL ED A PPS ..... .... ... .... ... 4 0 SYST EM UPDA TES.. .... ... .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 5 GROUPS... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... 58 SEAR CH CONT AC TS ..... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. .... ... .... 58 TRANSFER CONT ACTS .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 7 DELETE BOOKMA RKS .... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. .... ... .... . 73 ADD BOOKMARKS TO HOMESCREEN ..... ... .... ... .... ... 73 MANAGE TEXT AND PICT URE S .... .....
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 9 SET UP F A V ORITES .. .... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. .. .... ... .... ... 93 EDIT F A VO RITES . .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... . ..... .. ..... .. ... 93 MONO AND STEREO PLA YBACK .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 11 I MPORTANT INFORMAT ION CAUTI ON: The bat te ry is no t charg ed when y ou ta k e it out of the box. Do not rem ove t he batt ery pack when the device is charging . Y o ur wa rra nty is inv alidated if y o u di sassemble or change the device shell.
Copyri ght @ 201 4 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 13 T o redu ce the risk of bodil y injury , el ectric shock, fire, and damage to t he equipm ent, observes t he following precauti ons.
Copyri ght @ 201 4 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 15 using t he device as c ondensation may form o n o r withi n the device. Wh e n y ou are using the dev ice or char ging the battery , it is normal for d evice to get warm.
Copyri ght @ 201 4 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 17 shielded from external RF energy . T urn your phone OFF i n h ealth care f acilities when any reg ulations po s ted in these areas instruct y ou to do so. HEARING AID DEVI CES Some digital wireless ph ones may interf ere with some hearing aid devices.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 19 AVOID USI N G Y OUR DEVICE AFTER A D RAMATI C CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE Wh en y ou move your device between environments with very different temperature a nd /or humidity r anges, c o ndensation may form on or wi thin the de vice.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 21 G ET TO KNOW YO UR PHON E ABOUT AN DROID TM Phicomm smartphones are based on Android Softwar e plat f orm. Android™ i s an opera ting sys t em that was developed f or m obile devices wi th touch contr ols (smartphone s and tablets).
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 23 REINST ALL BA CK CO VER 1. First hold th e uppe r half of the b ack. Fa sten and align it on the device.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 25 CHARGING THE BA TTERY 1. Con nect t he power adapte r and the USB connector of y our phone with the USB cable 2. Plug in the power adapter t o an electrica l outlet to s tart charging the batt ery .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 27 alwa ys in a vertical di rec tion, such a s when fl icking the c ontacts or mess agi ng list. ROT A TE For m ost screens y ou can autom atically change the scr een orienta tion from portr ait to l andscape b y tu rning the phone sideway s.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 29 NOTICE: If you want to move th e item from the home screen to the extended home screen, press a nd hold t he item and drag it to the left or right. Then the sce ne will switch to th e exte nded home screen .
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 31 NOTIFI CA TIONS (ST A TUS BAR) Notifications icons open s to display when rec ieving n ew messages, set calendar even ts, clock o r forwar d ed calls as well as your cur re nt call st atus.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 33 it may p o ssibly be a problem with the ins t allation of new a pps. Please no te RAM co n not be ex panded. The m ajority o f th e inter nal drive memo ry i s alread y occupi ed b y the opera tion sy s t em and pre-ins talled applicat ions.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 35 M ANAGE YOUR P H ONE PHONE SETTINGS Fami liarize y ourself w ith the follo wing phone settings f or a bette r handling .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 37 Set up time zone 1. T ap on the homescreen on the men u k ey . 2. Select Syst em se t tings > Date & time . 3. Deactivat e the check box Automatic time z one , if activ ated.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 39 PROT ECTI NG Y OU R PHONE SET UP PIN CODE Y o u can pr otect y o ur phone wi th a PIN code to prev ent a non-infringing use. Activat e y our PIN 1. Tap on t he home screen on the menu key.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 41 SYSTEM UPDA T ES Ke ep y our device up to d ate to en s ure an optimum performance and the lates t enhancements av a ilab le. For this, use the preinst alled S yst em Upd ate App t o perf orm a wireless u pdate.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 43 4. Activat e the check box Automatic res tor e , i f no t al re ady activat ed.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 45 Cutti ng, coping , pasing: Select the tex t you wa nt to edit . T ap on Cutting twice to c ut out a te xt. T ap on Copy to copy the ma rk ed t e xt. If there is s omething to pas te you will s ee Pas te .
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 47 C ALL M ANAGEMENT MAKING PHONE CALLS Y ou can d ial a nu mber directly , o r u se a num ber from y our call hist ory or contacts or call a s tored c ontact. MAKE A CALL B Y DI ALING A PHONE NU MBER 1.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 49 SWIT CH ON / OFF SPEAKER DU RING A CALL 1. T ap on ❸ t o activat e the speaker . The i con will b e highlighte d with a blue bar when activat ed. 2. T ap again on ❸ , to d eactiv ate the spea k er .
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 51 ANSWER FURTHER CALL / CURRENT CALL ON HOL D If y o u h e ar repeaded beeps during a call, slide up the phone s y mbo l on the display to th e right to answer the new incoming call.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 53 SWIT CH ON / OFF PHONE FUNCTIONS Wh en you e nable th e airplane mode, al l wireless conn ections on th e device will be turned off , including call function, Bluetoot h a nd WLAN.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 55 8. Confirm again wit h OK . B Y U SING A S D CARD T o synchro nize your contacts b y u sing a SD c ard y o u hav e to trans fer al l y our co ntacts t o the SD car d. Please mak e sure all contacts are tra nsf e rred from y o ur old device to y our sd car d.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 57 3. If you have synchronize d y our c ontacts with more t han one account, select t he account to w hich y ou want to add th e new contact to. 4. Enter the dat a. 5. T ap on Done .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 59 Send all contacts at once 1. T ap on the homescreen on Cnotacts . 2. T ap on the menu k ey . 3. T ap on Import / e xport . 4. T ap on Share visible contacts . 5. Select a method and fo llow the instructinos.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 61 ANSWER MESSA GES 1. Tap on the home screen on Messaging . 2. Tap on the mes sage you would like to answer. 3. Enter your answer and t a p on send . The phone is op erating with dual SIM; you can d ecide wh ich SIM card should be used to answer the message.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 63 phone to vibrate when you receive a new text or multimedia message. SMSC SET TINGS Set the slot1’ s SMS C number Here you c.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 65 5. Confirm with OK . USE EMAIL COMPOSE AND SEND EMAIL 1. T ap on the homescreen on Email . 2. If y o u hav e set u p sev eral email acco unts, tap t he top of the inbo x and the select the a ccount from which y ou want to se nd the email.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 67 WLAN Y ou device can conncect via WLAN, GPRS/ 3G o r E DGE to the internet. With WL AN, you ca n access th e internet wireless y o ver a dis tance up to 100 m eter s from t he r ou ter .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 69 SHOW DET AILED I NFORMA TION ABOUT T HE ASSIGNED WLAN NETWORK 1. T ap on the homescreen on the menu k e y . 2. T ap on Sys t em set tings > Wirele ss & Networks > W LAN .
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 71 CHANGE BROW SER SETTI NGS 1. T ap on the menu k ey while y ou are on a we bsite. 2. T ap on Set tings . 3. Mak e y o u r changes and ret urn with the ret urn key . CHANGE TEXT SIZE ON WEB SI TES 1.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 73 Depending on the network provi de r som e bookmarks ma ybe pre-ins talled. SET BOOKMARKS 1. T ap o n the menu key wh ile y ou are on the websit e y ou wou ld like t o bookmark.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 75 AUT O-FITS P AGES If aut oscalling is enabled , the b rowse r will adjus t th e siz e o f text and images a utomatical ly . If th i s fu nction is not enabl ed, you may need to scr oll to the next pa ge to get the complet e t ext.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 77 NOCTICE: Blue tooth™ is turn ed o ff by default. T u rn Bluetooth™ off when no t u sing it t o save p owe r . Also turn it off i n p laces where it is prohibite d to use Bluet ooth™ (e.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 79 C AMERA T O T AKE PHOT OS AND VIDEOS Y o u can capture ph otos and videos wi th the b uild-in camera. Y ou can send those via MMS t o frien ds or upload to other We b Servi ces.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 81 DELETE PHO TOS OR VIDE OS 1. Open the camer a a pp. 2. T ap on ❸ View photo / video . 3. Select the photo / v ideo y ou w ould like t o delete. 4. T ap on the menu k ey . 5. T ap on Delet e and confirm with OK .
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 83 CROPPING PHO TO 1. Open the camer a a pp. 2. T ap on ❸ View photos / videos . 3. Swipe to the left or right to scr oll thro ugh y our photos / v id eos. 4. T ap on the menu k ey .
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 85 G ALLERY Y o u can view your videos or photos on the gallery app and share the m with others or set as wallp aper o r ca ller image. A appropriate selection appears w hen y ou tap o n t he menu button w hile you are in the g allery app.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 87 Delet e photos 1. Select the photo y ou want t o delete. 2. T ap on the menu k ey . 3. T ap on Delet e and confirm with OK . Share photo 1. Select the photo y ou want t o share.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 89 M ULTIMEDIA MUSIC APP Y o u can transfe r your music or audio books from y our computer to your smartphone and play them. Al so purchased online and do wnloaded music/ audio book s easily can be list end a nd arran ged.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 91 1. Whil e playing a tr ack ta p on the menu k ey . 2. T ap on More . 3. T ap on Delet e . MANAGER PLA YLISTS Y ou can creat e pla ylists directly on y our device. Add track to pl aylis t 1.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 93 ST A RT R ADIO APP 1. Connect y ou r headset or head phones to y our dev ice. 2. T ap o n the h omescree on on > FM R adio . The ava ila bl e radio s tations are display ed when scrolli ng with ❸ or ❺.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 95 O THER APPLICATI ONS CALENDAR Y ou can use the calendar ap p to ente r events or personal appointments. I f y ou hav e a Google ™ acc ount, y ou c an s ynchronize y o ur device ca lendar with y our web calendar .
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 97 2. Search the alarm you w ant to adjust b y scrolling up or d own the list. 3. Tap on the a larm. 4. Tap on Repeat . 5. Make your selection and tap on OK . 6. Tap on OK . ENABLE VIBRA TION 1.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 99 DEL TE NOTE 1. T ap on the homescreen on > Notes . 2. T ap on the note y ou wa nt to delete 3. T ap on Delet e and confirm with OK . CREA TE CA TEGOR Y Y ou can organiz e y our no tes in cate gori es to obtain a b ett er overview and s tructure.
Copyri ght @ 20 14 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 101 4. T ap on the applicati on y ou w ant to restore. The c heck box is selected. By tou ching the application the check box is deactiv ated aga in. 5. T ap on Start R ecover . 6.
Copyri ght @ 2 014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – Print only for pri vate use. 103 If th e b attery can’t be ful ly ch arged, d ispose the o ld ba ttery properly and c hange a new battery. The phone feel s hot Wh en you op en several apps at a time, the la rge p ower needed may cau se ho tness.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Phicomm Energy M (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Phicomm Energy M noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Phicomm Energy M - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Phicomm Energy M reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Phicomm Energy M erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Phicomm Energy M besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Phicomm Energy M verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Phicomm Energy M. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Phicomm Energy M gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.