Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung KX-TG1850NZ des Produzenten Panasonic
Zur Seite of 48
This unit is Calle r ID comp atible. T o display the c aller ’ s phone number , you must subscribe to Ca ller ID servi ce. Charge the batter ies for about 7 hours be fore initial use. Please read thes e operat ing instr uctions before u sing the unit and s ave them for future referenc e.
Introducti on 2 Introdu ction Thank you for purchasing a new Panas onic digit al cordless pho ne. For your future re ference Attac h or ke ep or igin al re ceip t to as sist wit h any r epair un der w arr anty . Note: L In the ev ent of prob lems, y ou should conta ct your e quipment supplier in the first inst ance.
Feature highli ghts 3 Feature highlights Colour dis play The hand set’ s col our displ ay allows you to customi se the ha ndset to your liking. Y ou can cus tomise the hand set by sele cting the “w allpap er” pattern shown on the disp lay i n stand by mode ( pag e 22).
T able of Conte nts 4 Preparation Access ory informati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Import ant inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Controls a nd display s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Connectio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparation 5 Accessory information Included acces sories Additional/ replacement accessori es General W a rning: The gr ant of a T ele permit for any item of termina l equipm ent in dicates only that T elecom ha s accepte d that the item com plies with minimu m condit ions for c onnectio n to its network.
Preparation 6 Impo rt ant info rmat ion General L Use onl y the AC adap tor include d with this produ ct, noted on p age 5. L Do not conne ct the AC adaptor to any AC outlet ot her tha n a sta ndard 220– 240 V AC outlet.
Preparation 7 Controls and displays Controls Handset A Spea ker B Charge con t act C Dis pla y D Sof t keys E {C} (T alk ) F Nav iga tor key L {e}{v} : T o sea rch for the desired item in me nus. L{ > } : T o se lect the d esired it em or move the curso r to the righ t.
Preparation 8 Menu icons When in st andby mod e, pressing the middle soft key re veals the handset ’s m ain menu . From here you can acce ss v ariou s fea ture s and sett ings.
Preparation 9 Connections When the AC adaptor i s connected , a short beep wil l be heard . If it is n ot heard, chec k the con nections . Import ant: L Use onl y the AC ada ptor and telephon e line cord supplied with thi s unit. Note: L After con nection, you mus t charge th e bat teri es to make or ans wer calls ( page 10).
Preparation 10 Battery inst allation 1 Insert the batteries negative ( T ) terminal first. 2 Close the handset c over . Note: L Use only rech argeable batt eries (pag e 5). Battery charge Place the h andset on the base unit for about 7 hou rs before in itial use.
Preparation 11 Battery life After y our Panaso nic batter ies are ful ly charged, you can expect th e follow ing performan ce: Ni-MH batteries (700 m Ah) Note: L Actual b attery perf ormance d epends o n a combin ation of how of ten th e han dset is in use (tal king) and how often it is not in use (stan dby).
Preparation 12 Setting the date and time Import ant: L Confirm th at the AC adaptor i s connec ted. L Ensure th at w is not fl ashing. If the handset is in scre en saver mode , w is not dis playe d. Pr ess {ih} to turn th e disp lay on . 1 Press $ (middl e soft ke y).
Making/Answering Calls 13 Making calls 1 Lift the hand set and d ial the ph one numb er . L T o correct a digit, pre ss { C/ T } , th en enter the cor rect number . 2 Press {C} . 3 When f inished talkin g, pres s {ih } or place th e handset on the base uni t.
Making/Answering Call s 14 3 Select “ Edit and Call ” , then pre ss , . 4 Press {<} or {> } to move the curs or , then edi t the nu mber . L Place th e cursor on th e number y ou wish to erase, t hen press { C/ T } . L Place th e cursor to th e right of where you w ant to ins ert a numb er , then press th e appropriate dia l key .
Making/Answering Calls 15 R button (to use the recall fe ature) { R } is used to acces s optiona l telepho ne service s. Cont act your servic e provide r for det ails.
Phonebook 16 Using the phon ebook The phon ebook allows you to m ake call s withou t having to dia l manually . Y ou can add 200 nam es and phone nu mbers to the phonebo ok, assign each phon ebook en try to the de sired category , and search for phonebo ok entries by na me or catego ry .
Phonebook 17 4 Pres s the d ial k ey ( { 0 } to { 9 } ) which cont ains the charac ter you are searchi ng for (p age 38). L Press t he same dial key re peatedly to displa y the first en try corresp onding to each le tter located o n that dia l key .
Phonebook 18 displ aye d. Y ou can ov erwr ite t he previ ous assi gnmen t if ne ces sary . L If you do not wish to ove rwrite, sel ect “ Go Back ” . 4 Press , . 5 Press {ih} . Making a call using a one touch dial key 1 Press an d hold the desired o ne touch dial ke y ( { 1 } to { 9 } ).
Handset Settings 19 Guide to handset settings For your re ference, a chart of all items whic h can be customised fo r the hand set is printed below . L When cu stomising the handset, t he current item o r setting is hig hlighted. Note: L Up to 3 menu ite m s can b e displa yed at a time.
Handset Settings 20 T ime settings Alarm An alarm will sound for 3 minut es at the set time onc e or dail y . Set the da te and tim e beforehan d (page 12). 1 Press $ (middl e soft ke y). 2 Select b , t hen press , . 3 Select “ A larm ” , then pr ess , 2 times.
Handset Settings 21 several seconds if the caller h angs up before y ou answer . Y ou may he ar a dial tone or n o one on the line when you answ er a ca ll. L The pr eset melodi es in this produ ct are used with permission of © 2004 M-Zo NE Co., Lt d.
Handset Settings 22 Selecting c ategories to byp ass night mode 1 Press $ (mid dle sof t key). 2 Select Y , th en press , . 3 Select “ Ringer Setup ” , then pre ss , . 4 Select “ Night Mode ” , then pres s , . 5 Select “ Select Categor y ” , then press , .
Handset Settings 23 Changing the display langua ge 1 Press $ (middl e soft ke y). 2 Select Y , the n press , . 3 Select “ D isplay Setup ” , then pres s , . 4 Select “ S elect Language ” , then press , . 5 Select the desired langua ge, then press , .
Handset Settings 24 1 Press $ (middl e soft ke y). 2 Select Y , the n press , . 3 Select “ O ther Options ” , then pres s , . 4 Select “ H andset PIN ” , then pr ess , . 5 Enter the c urrent 4-dig it handset PIN. 6 Enter the n e w 4-digi t handse t PIN, then press , .
Base Unit Settings 25 Guide to base uni t settings For your re ference, a chart of all items whic h can be customised fo r the base unit is printed below . L When cu stomising the base unit , the curren t item or s etting is high lighted. Note: L Up to 3 menu ite m s can b e displa yed at a time.
Base Unit Settings 26 Ringer setup Ringer volume 1 Press $ (middl e soft ke y). 2 Select Z , t hen press , . 3 Enter “ 0000 ” (default ba se unit PIN). L If you ch anged the PI N , ent er it (pag e 28). 4 Select “ R inger Setup ” , then pres s , .
Base Unit Settings 27 4 Select “ Ringer Setup ” , then pre ss , . 5 Select “ Night Mode ” , then pres s , . 6 Select “ Ring Delay ” , then pres s , .
Base Unit Settings 28 codes w hich you w ant the unit to delete automati cally . Example: Y ou have stored the are a code “ 123 ” . If you make a call from t he Cal ler ID list to the ph one number “ 123-456-7890 ” , the unit dials “ 456-7890 ” .
Base Unit Settings 29 Import a nt: L If yo u change the PIN, p lease ma ke note of you r ne w PIN . The u nit w ill not re veal the PIN to y ou. If you forg et your PIN, consul t your nea rest Panas onic servic e centre. 1 Press $ (middl e soft ke y).
Call er ID Se rvic e 30 Using C aller ID servic e Import a nt: L This un it is Calle r ID compatibl e. T o use Calle r ID featur es (such as displ aying caller p hone numbers), y ou must subsc ribe to Call er ID service. Cons ult your servi ce provider for det ails.
Call er ID Se rvic e 31 4 Select th e current setti ng of the category ringtone, then press , . 5 Sele ct the des ired ri ngt one, then p ress , . 6 Press {ih} . Changing ca tegory display colours Y ou c an sele ct a di spl ay colo ur fo r each category .
Call er ID Se rvic e 32 4 Select “ E rase ” , then pr ess , . L T o erase all entri es, select “ Erase All ” , then press , . 5 Select “ Yes ” , then press , . 6 Press {ih} . S toring caller inf ormation into the phonebook 1 Press $ (middl e soft ke y).
Mult i-unit Ope rati on 33 Operating additional unit s Additional handset s Up to 6 handset s can b e registe red to a single base unit. Additi onal handset s will give yo u the freedom to, for exa mple, hav e an int ercom call w ith anoth er handse t while a thir d handset is on an outsid e call.
Multi- unit Operation 34 L If all regis tered handset s start ringin g, press {x} to stop, t hen repeat this step. L Aft er pressi ng {x} , the rest of this proce dure must be comp let ed wit hin 1 minut e. 6 W ait until “ Enter Base PIN ” is display ed, then enter “ 0000 ” (defaul t base un it PIN), then pres s , .
Mult i-unit Ope rati on 35 L T o cancel a selec ted base u nit number , press the number again . The number w ill sto p flashing. 8 Press , . 9 Select “ Yes ” , then press , . 10 Press {ih} . Note: L T o register the hands et to anoth e r base unit or to the same base unit again, see manual registrati on (page 33).
Multi- unit Operation 36 T r ansf errin g a ca ll wit hout s pea king to the other han dset user 1 Dur ing an ou tside ca ll, press { INT } , t hen press th e desired ha ndset numbe r . L The othe r handset rings i f it is within range of the base unit an d turned on .
Useful Infor mation 37 W all mo untin g Note: L Make sure the screws are se curely faste ned to the wall. L Do not pinch the telephon e line co rd and AC adaptor co rd between the base unit and the wall. L Use the fo llowing wal l templat e to posi tion the s crews befor e drilling .
Useful Informat ion 38 A vailable character ent ries The dial keys are used to enter ch aracters and num bers. Eac h dial ke y has multipl e characte rs assig ned to it. The avail able cha racter entry modes a re, Alphabe t, Numeric, Greek, Ex tended 1 , Extended 2, and Cyrillic.
Useful Infor mation 39 Extended 1 characte r tabl e ( N ) L The foll owing are used for both up percase and lowercase : Extended 2 characte r tabl e ( O ) L The foll owing are used for both up percase and lowercase : Cyr illi c cha ract er tabl e ( P ) TG1850NZ(e).
Useful Informat ion 40 T roubleshoo ting If you s till have dif ficulties af ter follo wing the instructi ons in th is secti on, disc onnect th e AC adaptor a nd turn off the hands et, then re connect t he AC adaptor an d turn on th e handset. Initial settings Problem Cause & so lution w is flashing .
Useful Infor mation 41 T elephone Problem Cause & so lution I cannot m ake or rec eive ca lls. L The AC ad aptor or tel ephone li ne cord is not connecte d. Check the c onnectio ns. L If you are using a splitte r to conne ct the uni t, remove the splitter and con nect the un it to the wall socket d irectly .
Useful Informat ion 42 While stor ing an entry in the phoneboo k or assigni ng a one touch dia l, the han dset start s to ring. L A call is being received . T o answer the call , press {C} . Programming w ill be canc elled. S tart aga in. Pressing q does not display /dial the las t number dia lled.
Useful Infor mation 43 Speci fications ■ St andard: GAP (Generic Acce ss Profile) ■ Number of cha nnels: 120 Du plex Ch annels ■ Frequency r ange: 1.
Index 44 Index A Alarm: 20 Answe ring ca lls: 15 Auto ta lk: 15 , 23 B Base unit Additiona l base units : 33 Canc ell ing: 34 PIN: 28 Resetting: 29 Selectin g: 34 Sett ing s: 25 Battery Charge: 10 Ins.
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PQQX1 4483ZA CC0105DK0 Sales De partm ent: Panasonic N ew Zea land Lt d. 350 T e Irirangi D rive East T amaki Private Ba g 1491 1 Panm ure Auckl and NEW ZEALAND Panasonic C ommunic ations Zhuhai Co.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic KX-TG1850NZ gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.