Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung KX-TES824 des Produzenten Panasonic
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Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic Advanced Hybrid System. Please read this manual carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.
2 User Manual Feature Highli ghts 1.5.5 Using V oice Mes saging ( Built- in V oice Messa ge [BV]) 1.8.3 If a V oice Process ing Sy stem i s Connec ted 1.
User Manual 3 In this manu al, • Propr ietar y T elephone is abbreviated as "PT" *1 . Single Line T elep hone is a bbre viated as "SL T". Propr ietar y T elephone wi th a Dis play is abbre viated as "D isplay PT".
User Manual 5 The KX-TES824E, the KX-TES824NE, the KX-TES824GR/KX-TEM824GR, the KX-TES824CE/KX-TEM824CE, and the KX-TES824PD/KX-TEM824PD are designed to interwork with the Analogue Public Switched T elephone Network (PSTN) of European countries. P anasonic Communications Co .
6 User Manual Attention • K eep the unit awa y f rom heati ng appl iances and devices that ge nerate elec tric al no ise such a s fluores cent lamp s, motors, and televisions.
User Manual 7 For Future Reference Pleas e pr int, r ecord, an d retain the following infor mation f o r future reference. Not e The ser ial numbe r of th is prod uct can b e found on the la bel affixed to the u nit.
8 User Manual T able of Contents 1 Oper ation ...... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... 11 1.1 Befor e Operating a T elephone ..... . ............ ......... .......... ......... ..
User Manual 9 1.8.3 If a V oice P roce ssin g Sy stem is Con nect ed ... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... .... 99 1.9 Using a Displa y Prop rietary T elephone ............ .. . .... .. ........ . . ....... ...
10 User Manual.
User Manual 11 Section 1 Operation This chap ter shows you step by step how to use eac h f e ature. Read this chapter to becom e familiar with th e many useful features of this PBX.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 12 User Manual 1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elephone 1.1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elepho ne What Kind of T elephone Can Be Used? Y ou c an use a s ingle li ne device su.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elep hone User Manual 13 Y our Ext ension Number If you use a P ana sonic display PT , you can confi r m your own e xtensi on number by pressing the " " ke y 2 times (" ") whil e on-hook , or by acce ssing p ersonal programmin g.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 14 User Manual Go off- hook by doing any of the f ollowin g: • Lift the han dset. • Pre ss the SP-PH ON E butto n. • Press the MONITOR button. (T o star t talking, l ift the h andset.) Press t he Call button on the Door p hone.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elep hone User Manual 15 When Y ou Use a P anasonic Pr oprietary T elephone If you use a P ana sonic P T or DS S Consol e, you will be able to us e some of the us eful feature buttons descr ibed below . Thes e buttons simp lify cer tain operati ons.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 16 User Manual Customised Buttons Througho ut this manual , when th e name of a button is wr itten in pa renthese s, such as "(G-CO) ", th is means that it is a flexible button that has b een c ustomis ed.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elep hone User Manual 17 Night Used to c hange the time s er vice mode to night m ode. Lunch Used to c hange the time s er vice mode to lunch mode.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 18 User Manual How to Follow the Steps An example sy stem operation p rocedur e is sh own below . • If your teleph one ty pe is not inclu ded in the operation s teps, for e x ample, only " PT" is marked a nd you are using an SL T , your telephone cannot ex ec ute tha t feature.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elep hone User Manual 19 Connection Example This diagram shows devices that can be con necte d. Door Opener/Doorbell/ Door Chime Doorphone External Music Source Pager/Amplifi.
1.2 Makin g Calls 20 User Manual 1.2 Making Calls 1.2.1 Basic Calling – Calli ng Oth er Exte nsions – Calli ng an Outs ide Par ty – Using an Acco unt Code (Acco unt Code Entr y ) Calling Other E.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 21 T o call the operator (Operat or Call) Y ou c an easil y ca ll the extension assigne d as th e operator extension. Calling an Outside P ar ty There ar e 4 m ethods of s eizing an outsid e (CO) line. Use whi chev er me thod you prefer , un less reque sted by your manager to use a sp ecifi c method.
1.2 Makin g Calls 22 User Manual T o select an idle outside (CO) line in the speci fied outside (CO) li ne gr oup automaticall y (Outside (CO) Line Gr oup Access) T o select a specified ou tside (CO) line T o select an idle unassi gned outside ( CO) line PT and SLT PT/SLT Off-hook.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 23 • The Single-CO (S-CO) and Group- CO (G-CO) button lights show the curre nt status as fol l o w s : Off : The line is idle.
1.2 Makin g Calls 24 User Manual Using an A ccount Code (Accoun t Code Entry) The ma nager may give persona l accoun t codes t o extension user s, and check the ir telep hone us age for accou nting p ur pose s. Alter nat ively , an acco unt co de can be speci fied for each c ustome r , to log c all durations for billing pu r pose s.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 25 1.2.2 Easy Dialling There ar e sever al co nv en ient me thods of s tor ing and diall ing freq uently used pho ne number s.
1.2 Makin g Calls 26 User Manual Using Number s Stored at Y our Extension (P er sonal Speed Dialli ng) Y ou c an store up to 10 numbers a t your e x tension for your persona l use.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 27 Using Numbers Stored in the PBX (System Speed Dialling) Y ou c an make calls using pre programmed s peed dial ling numbe rs (ma x. 100 code s) s tored in th e PBX. Ask your manag er or deale r abo ut the stor ed sp eed diall ing numb ers.
1.2 Makin g Calls 28 User Manual T o set/cancel T o dial Using a Preprogrammed Number (Quic k Dialling) Y ou c an make a call simply by us ing the preprogrammed code num ber (50 through 5 9).
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 29 1.2.3 Redialling Redial f eatures make it easy to ma ke consecutive calls to the s ame ou tside par ty . – Rediall ing the Last Ou tside Number Y ou Dialled ( Last Nu.
1.2 Makin g Calls 30 User Manual Saving an Outside Phone Number for Redialling (Sa ved Num ber Redial) T o sa ve T o dial T o dial automaticall y (A uto m atic Redial) The s av ed number rem ains available until anothe r number i s store d. Customising Y our Phone • 3.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 31 1.2.4 When the D ialled P ar ty is Busy or Th ere is No Answer – Reser v ing a Busy Li ne (Automatic C allback Bus y [Camp- on]) – Sendi ng a Cal l Waiting T one to.
1.2 Makin g Calls 32 User Manual T o answer a callbac k ring set f or a busy outsi de (CO) li ne T o cancel the callbac k ring (Automat ic Callback Busy Cancel) Sending a Call W a iting T one to a Bus.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 33 Leaving a Message W aiting Indicatio n/C alling Back a Caller Who Left an Indication (Message W aitin g) Lea ving a Messa g e W aiting Indicati on T o leave a message w.
1.2 Makin g Calls 34 User Manual T o cancel a messa g e waiting indica tion using the MESSA GE b utton Ca llin g B ack a Cal ler Wh o L eft an Indi cat ion T o check a recei ved m essage and call bac k T o cancel all message waiting indic ations left at your e xtension PT and SLT PT Off-hook.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 35 T o cancel all message waiting indica ti ons left at another e xtension T o lock/unl ock messa ge waiti ng indications Off-hook. Enter 70 . Enter # . PT 0 7 D.Tone Dial extension number . 3 On-hook. extension no. C.Tone Enter 3 .
1.2 Makin g Calls 36 User Manual Joining an Existing Call (Exec u tive Busy Override) Y ou can join an ongoi ng conversation, establishing a 3- par ty conference call , if your e xtension is per mit ted through system programming.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 37 T o join an inter com call T o disconnect one party and talk with another when one of the parties is an outside party T o leave the conf erence call • Y ou can also prev e nt others from joi ning your conversations. Refer to "1.
1.2 Makin g Calls 38 User Manual Calling an Extension Tha t Is Refusing Calls (DND Override) Y ou c an call use rs wh o hav e set the D o Not Dis turb (D ND) f eature, if your e xtensio n is per mitted throu gh system progr amming. • If you hear the DND tone, enter "2" , and th en hear a busy to ne, the called extensio n is busy .
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 39 1.2.5 Switching th e Calling Method (Alternate Callin g—Ring / V oice) T o switch th e calling method Extensi on use rs can ch oose wh ether to b e aler ted to incom ing ca lls by ringi ng or by the c aller's voice.
1.2 Makin g Calls 40 User Manual 1.2.6 Using Y o ur Calling Privile ges at An other Exten sion (W alking COS) Y ou c an use your cal ling pr ivil eges (cl ass o f ser vic e [COS ]) at ano ther extension, to ov err ide cal ling restr icti ons t hat hav e been set at that extension .
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 41 1.2.7 Accessing A nother P ar ty Directl y from Outsid e (Direct Inwar d System Access [DISA]) T o call an extensio n When an out side cal ler dia ls a spe cifie d tele.
1.2 Makin g Calls 42 User Manual T o call an outside party In No Security Mode Dial DISA phone number . In T runk Security Mode/All Security Mode From an Outside T elephone DISA phone no. Off-hook. Off-hook. Seize an outside (CO) line before dialling the outside phone number.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 43 • W ARNING There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls wil l be made using the Outside-to- Outside (CO-to-CO) Line Call feature of DISA. The cost of such calls w ill be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 44 User Manual 1.3 Receiving Calls 1.3.1 Answering Calls • Han ds-f ree Ope rat ion Y ou can receive a call an d have a conv ersation in h ands- free mod e usin g the SP -PHONE button. Refer to "1.4.8 T alking t o Another P ar ty w ithout Lift ing the Handset ( Hands-fr ee Operation )".
1.3 Receiving Calls User Manual 45 1.3.2 Answering Hands-free (Hands-free Answerbac k) T o set/cancel Y ou c an set your p ropr ietar y te lephon e (PT) to answer incoming interco m calls without g oing o ff-hook. When a n inter com ca ll arr ives, you will hear th e caller talki ng without th e phone rin ging.
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 46 User Manual 1.3.3 Answering a Call Ringing at Another T ele phone ( Call Pickup) – Answering a Call fro m Another T elephone ( Call Pickup) – Prev e nting Oth er P e ople f.
1.3 Receiving Calls User Manual 47 Preventing Other People fr om Picking Up Y our Calls (Call Pickup Den y) Y ou c an prev en t other ex tensio n users from pickin g up your calls. Off-hook. On-hook. Enter 1 to prevent or 0 to allow. Enter # . PT/SLT Prevent Allow 1 0 OR Enter 72 .
1.4 During a Con versation 48 User Manual 1.4 Durin g a Con ver sation 1.4.1 T ransferring a Call (Call T r ansfer) – T ransf e rring to an E xtensio n within the PBX – T ransf e rri ng to a n Outsid e Destina tion T ransf erring to an Extension within the PBX Y ou c an transfer incomin g calls to anoth er extension.
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 49 T ransfe rring to an Outside Destination • Y ou can go on-hook before the destin ation e x tension answers the call. If the dest inatio n ex tensio n does not answer the call wi thin a specifi ed time per iod , you will h ear an al ar m tone, and the cal l will retur n to you.
1.4 During a Con versation 50 User Manual 1.4.2 Holding a Call – Holding – Holdin g in a System Park ing Zone (Call Park) Holding There ar e 2 types of Call Hold mode. The difference between the m is whet her other pe ople ca n retr iev e the held c all (G eneral Call Hold) or n ot (Exc lusive Call Hold ).
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 51 T o retrie v e a call (Call Hold Retr ie ve) • The CO or INTERCO M button light shows th e current stat us as follows: — Gene ral C all Hold mod e Fla s hi ng gr ee n s lowly : Y ou hav e a c all on hold.
1.4 During a Con versation 52 User Manual Hold ing in a Sy stem P a rkin g Zone (Ca ll Park) Y ou c an put a call on hold in a commo n par king zone of the PBX so that any extensio n can ret rieve the par ked call. Up to 10 c alls ca n be par ked in th e PBX.
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 53 1.4.3 T a lking to 2 Parties Alte rnately (Call Splitting) When ta lkin g to one par ty with another p ar ty on hold, you can switch between the 2 par ties. • Thi s feature is not av ai lable for calls fro m door p hones or pagin g annou nceme nts.
1.4 During a Con versation 54 User Manual 1.4.4 Answering Call W aiting – Answering Call W aiti ng in the PBX – Answering Call W a iting from the T elep hone Com pany Answer ing Ca ll W aiting in .
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 55 2. T o hold the cur rent call and then talk to the new part y • A sin gle line tele phone ( SL T) user cann ot transfer a ne w ca ll while hol ding the curr ent call. T o transf er the new call, fir st par k the or ig inal cal l using th e Call Park feature, then go on- hook and off-ho ok .
1.4 During a Con versation 56 User Manual Answering Call W aiting from the T elephone Company Y our telephone compa ny may also offer an opti onal cal l waiting ser vic e, which can i nform you that you hav e another call on the sa me outs ide (CO ) line.
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 57 1.4.5 T a lking to Multip le P ar ties (Con ference) – Addin g a Thir d Party Dur ing a Conversation (3-pa r ty Con ference) – Leaving a C onference Call.
1.4 During a Con versation 58 User Manual T o put the third party on hol d and talk to the original par ty T o leave a 3-party conference call • T o re turn to the held call before the third party joins, press the co rrespondi ng CO or INTERCOM button or p ress th e Recall/ hookswitch.
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 59 Leaving a Conference Call (Unattended Conf erence) T o leave a confer ence call and establish an unatt ended conference call T o return while other s are tal.
1.4 During a Con versation 60 User Manual Originating a 3-party to 5-par ty Conference Cal l (5-party Conference) T o establish a 5-party conference cal l A PT user ca n establish a 3-par ty to 5-pa r ty conference cal l with up to 5 extensions or wi th a comb inatio n of extensions and up t o 2 outs ide p ar ti es.
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 61 T o change to a 5- party conference cal l during a 3 -party conference c all with one or 2 out side parties T o disconnect a 5-party confere nce call • Only one 5 -par t y conference call c an be i n progress a t a time.
1.4 During a Con versation 62 User Manual 1.4.6 Muting a Microphone (Microphone Mute) T o set/cancel Y ou c an disable the microph one to con sult p rivately with others i n the r oom whil e listen ing to the other par ty on the pho ne throug h the s peaker .
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 63 1.4.7 Using th e Headset (Headset Operation ) T o talk using the headset Conn ecting an option al head set al lows for hands-free c onv ersatio ns. This feature is also k nown as Hands et/Headset S electio n.
1.4 During a Con versation 64 User Manual 1.4.8 T alking to Anot her P ar ty without Liftin g the Handse t (Hands-free Operation) T o switc h from the handset to hands-free mode T o switch fr om hands-fr ee m ode to the handset Y ou c an hav e a conversation in hand s-free mode usi ng the S P-PHONE button.
1.4 During a Con versatio n User Manual 65 1.4.9 Changin g the Dialling Mode (Pulse to T o ne Con version) If you are usi ng a pulse -typ e outsi de (CO) line, you can tempora ril y chan ge the dial ling mo de from pul se to tone to access compu ter telep hone s er vices that requ ire t one dia lling s uch as V oice Ma il.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 66 User Manual 1.5 Bef ore Lea ving Y our Desk 1.5.1 Forwar d ing Y our Calls (Call Forwarding [FWD]) Y ou c an hav e your inco ming cal ls forwarded to a sp ecified destinati on.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 67 T o set/cancel T o set/cancel fr om another extensio n 1 7 Off-hook. Press FWD/DND or enter 71 . Enter required number . All Calls Busy/No Answer To Outside (CO) Line (Max. 32 digits) Dial destination extension number .
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 68 User Manual • The FW D/DND button li ght sh ows the cu rrent statu s as follows: Off : Ne ither f ea tur e is se t.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 69 1.5.2 Showing a Message on the Caller's T elephone Display (Absent Message) If you are un able to answer calls, you can sel ect a br ie f messag e that wi ll be shown on th e displays of P anaso nic dis play propriet ar y telep hone ( PT) users when they call you.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 70 User Manual T o confirm • Enter the de sired value in th e " % " pos itions. Y ou mu st ente r the number of digit s represent ed by the number o f " % " symb o ls .
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 71 1.5.3 Preventing Oth er P eop le fr o m Using Y o ur T eleph one (Extension Lo c k) Y ou c an lock your e x tensi on so tha t outsi de (CO) line c alls ca nnot be made. This can be us eful to pr ev ent othe r people from mak ing inapp ropr iate cal ls usi ng your extension.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 72 User Manual 1.5.4 Leaving a Gr oup (Log-in/Log-ou t) T o set Log-i n/Log-out Y ou c an change your status in an extension group. When you log out, in comin g calls to the group will no t ring at your e xtension. Wh en you log back in , calls wil l aga in ri ng at your extension.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 73 1.5.5 Using V oice Messaging (Built-in V oice Messag e [BV]) – Recordi ng, Pl ay ing, or Erasing Personal BV Out going Mes sages – Forwarding Y ou.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 74 User Manual button or Messa ge/Rin ger Lamp, the correspond ing button or lam p tur ns on whe n a message ha s been le ft. Y ou c an also p erform the following operation s: • Y ou ca n recor d, play , or erase a person al BV OGM for your personal messag e area .
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 75 T o play bac k T o erase • The A U TO DIAL/ST ORE button light shows the curr en t status as follows: Off : Y ou are reco rdin g a mes sage, or a me ssag e has finis hed playing. Red on : A mes sage is playing.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 76 User Manual Forwarding Y our Calls to Built-in V oice Message T o set/cancel • Settin g this feature also ca ncels o ther type s of Ca ll Forwarding (FWD) /Do Not Dis turb (DND). Customising Y our Phone • 3.1.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 77 Leavi ng , Pla ying, or Erasing V oice Messages T o leave a v oice message in a user's per sonal messa g e area T o leave a v oice message in the common message area On-hook. Record a message. Off-hook.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 78 User Manual T o leave a v oice message using Direct Message T o view and pla y back a v oice message in a voi ce message area PT/SLT On-hook. Record a message. Off-hook. Dial another extension number . Enter 725 .
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 79 T o play bac k all voice me ssa g es in a voi ce m essage area T o erase all v oice messa ges in a v oice message area PT PT/SLT Off-hook. Listen to the messages. Enter 725 . Enter 2 . Enter # . 2 5 2 7 C.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k 80 User Manual T o pla y back and/or erase v oice messages fr om an outside tel ephone •* 1 T o era se a voice mess age while liste ning to the mess age, enter "3 ". Y o u will he ar dial tone 3. Enter "3" again to erase the m essage.
1.5 B efore Leav i ng Y our D es k User Manual 81 • Calle rs cann ot put a call on hold by pres sing the T RANS FER or HO LD button while recor ding a voice mess age. • If you enter a wrong voice message ac cess c ode, when tr ying to play back voice message s fr om an ou tside tel ephone, the call wil l be d isconne cted af ter 10 seco nds.
1.6 Makin g/Answering a P aging An nouncement 82 User Manual 1.6 Making/Ans wering a P aging Annou ncement 1.6.1 P aging –P a g i n g – P aging and then T ransferrin g a Call P aging Y ou ca n make a paging annou ncemen t to sev eral peo ple at onc e.
1.6 Mak ing/Answ ering a P aging Announce ment User Manual 83 P aging and then T r ansferri n g a Call Y ou c an transfer a call after making a pagi ng announc ement. • After you go on-hoo k, the par t y on hold can ta lk to t he perso n who answers the page.
1.6 Makin g/Answering a P aging An nouncement 84 User Manual 1.6.2 Answering/Den ying a P aging Anno uncement Y ou c an answer a paging a nnouncem ent fro m any extension. Y ou can also se t your propr ietar y tele phone (PT) t o not rec eive paging ann ouncem ents.
1.7 Setting the Te lephone Accor ding to Y our Needs User Manual 85 1.7 Setting the T elephone Accor ding to Y our Needs 1.7.1 Setting the A larm (Timed Rem inder) Y ou ca n set your telep hone to r ing at a set time, to remind you of a me eting, appo intmen t, or as a wake-up call.
1.7 Setting th e T elephone Accor ding to Y our Needs 86 User Manual T o stop the alarm T o confirm • The al ar m rings f or 30 se conds. • If y ou receive an incoming call during an alar m, the r inging f or that call wil l star t after the alar m stops r inging .
1.7 Setting the Te lephone Accor ding to Y our Needs User Manual 87 1.7.2 Refusing Incoming Ca lls (Do No t Disturb [DND] ) Y ou c an set your telephon e to prev e nt inc oming ca lls f rom r inging a t your telepho ne. This c an be usef ul in situat ions w here you do no t want to be di sturbed , for e xa mple d urin g a meeting .
1.7 Setting th e T elephone Accor ding to Y our Needs 88 User Manual 1.7.3 Receiving Call W aiting Dur ing a conversation, you c an be infor med of a waiting cal l by a tone thr ough the built- in sp eaker of your propr ietar y tele phone (P T) or th e hands et of your sin gle li ne teleph one ( SL T) (Default: Di sable).
1.7 Setting the Te lephone Accor ding to Y our Needs User Manual 89 1.7.4 Preventing O ther P eop le fr om J oining Y our Con versation (Executive Busy Override Den y) Y ou c an prev en t other ex tensio n users from usi ng the Executive Busy Overri de feature to jo in an ongo ing call.
1.7 Setting th e T elephone Accor ding to Y our Needs 90 User Manual 1.7.5 T urning on the B ackgr ound Music (BGM) T o set/cancel Y ou c an liste n to background music (BGM ) throug h your teleph one sp eaker while o n-hoo k. If your e xten sion be comes busy (off-ho ok, m aking or rece iving a call etc.
1.7 Setting the Te lephone Accor ding to Y our Needs User Manual 91 1.7.6 Protecting Y our Line against Notification T ones (Data Line Security) Y ou c an protec t the lin e again st aud ible notifica tion ton es, such as call waiting to nes or h old al ar m tones dur ing a conv ersati on.
1.7 Setting th e T elephone Accor ding to Y our Needs 92 User Manual 1.7.7 Checking the Time Service Mo de The PB X can be pro grammed to make and recei ve calls differently in day/night/ lunch modes. Y ou c an confi r m the cu rrent ti me se r vice m ode (d a y , night, or lunch) o n the di splay .
1.7 Setting the Te lephone Accor ding to Y our Needs User Manual 93 1.7.8 Clearing Fea tures Set at Y our Extension (Exten sion Feature Clear) Y ou c an rese t the se ttings of the follo wing features on your extension to the default setting s. This feature is also k nown as Statio n Feature Clear or Station Programme Cl ear .
1.7 Setting th e T elephone Accor ding to Y our Needs 94 User Manual 1.7.9 Monitoring a Room (Room Mon itor) Y ou c an monit or a room th rough an other propr ietar y telep hone (P T), or m onitor a door t hroug h a do or phone. The P T you want to monito r shoul d be set i n advance to all ow monitor ing.
1.7 Setting the Te lephone Accor ding to Y our Needs User Manual 95 T o talk with a person in the monitored r oom T o cancel a monitor T o stop a monitor temporaril y whil e on-hook • Y ou can mo nitor us ing a PT with a n A UTO ANS/MUTE button or a singl e line tel ephone (SL T) with a MUTE button.
1.8 Using Use r-supplied Eq uipment 96 User Manual 1.8 Using User -supplied Equipment 1.8.1 If a Doorphon e/Door Opener is Con nected – Calli ng to an d from a Do or phon e (Door phone Call ) – Opening a Door (Door Ope n) Calling to and from a Doorphon e (Doorphon e Call) Y ou c an talk to a p erson at the do or thro ugh the do or phone.
1.8 Using User -supplied Equip ment User Manual 97 Opening a Door (Door O pen) Y ou c an unlock a door from your extension, if e nabled through sys tem programming .
1.8 Using Use r-supplied Eq uipment 98 User Manual 1.8.2 If a Host PBX is Con nected – Acc essing E xter nal Ser vic es (Ex ter nal Feature Access [EF A]) Accessing External Se rvices (External Fea tu re Access [EF A]) Y ou ca n acce ss speci al features su ch as Call W a iting o ff e red by anoth er PBX o r a tel ephone co mpany .
1.8 Using User -supplied Equip ment User Manual 99 1.8.3 If a V oice Processing System is Co nnected Y ou or a n outs ide par ty can access the V oice Pro cessing S ystem (VPS) from a tele phone.
1.8 Using Use r-supplied Eq uipment 100 User Manual T o listen to messages T o transf er a call to a mailbo x (APT Integrati on only) • If your PBX has a P anasoni c VPS co nnecte d usin g Inband (DT MF) in tegration, your PBX automa tically sends a s pecia l signa l to the V oice Ma il por t before connectin g the ca ller .
1.8 Using User -supplied Equip ment User Manual 101 Screening Calls (Live Call Screening [LCS]) Befor e operating • Create a Live Call Sc reening (LCS) button. • Select t he mode, ei ther Hands -free or P ri v ate. • Set t he LCS pas sw ord . • Set t he LCS f eatur e.
1.8 Using Use r-supplied Eq uipment 102 User Manual T o set LCS T o cancel LCS Press Live Call Screening . Enter LCS password . LCS password PT (Live Call Screening) While on-hook Press red Live Call Screening .
1.8 Using User -supplied Equip ment User Manual 103 Operation Fl owchart The op erations i n the shad ed areas can b e perform ed in hand s-free mode. Hands-free Mode Private Mode Stop monitoring Answer the call Monitor Monitor No operation Stop monitor Answer On-hook.
1.8 Using Use r-supplied Eq uipment 104 User Manual Recor ding a Con versation (2 -way Recor d) T o recor d into y our mailbo x • The L ive Call Screen ing ( LCS) button li ght sh ows the feature stat us as follows: Off : LCS is off. Flashing green rapidly : An ale r t to ne is r inging (Pr ivate mode onl y).
1.8 Using User -supplied Equip ment User Manual 105 T o recor d into another mail bo x (2-way T ransfer) • The 2-wa y Reco rd button light or 2-way T ransfer button light shows th e curr ent sta tus as fol l o w s : Off : Not recordi ng. On : Recordi ng the conversation.
1.9 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elepho ne 106 User Manual 1.9 Using a Displa y Pr oprietary T elephone 1.9.1 Calling with the Incom ing Call Log If your PBX r eceives caller infor matio n from the .
1.9 Using a Display P roprietary T elephone User Manual 107 T o view caller inf ormation and call bac k a caller T o erase caller inf ormation • New : Call records that have not pre vi ous ly been v.
1.9 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elepho ne 108 User Manual T o view caller inf ormation and pla y back an associated v oice message in a v oice message area T o erase caller inf ormation, includi ng.
1.9 Using a Display P roprietary T elephone User Manual 109 T o erase all caller i nfor mation in t he pers onal area T o disregar d the newest call/overwri te the oldest call in the person al area ca.
1.9 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elepho ne 110 User Manual • New inform ation of c alls tha t you did not an sw er will be disp lay ed first. • Informa tion of answered calls i s logged as ol d (already viewed) inform ation.
User Manual 111 Section 2 Operator/Manager Operation This cha pter show s the o perator and the manage r extension how to cont rol the o ther extensions or the P BX.
2.1 Contr ol Features 112 User Manual 2.1 Contr ol Features 2.1.1 Locking Other Extensions (Remote Ext ension Lock) T o loc k/unlock The op erator or man ager can lock or unl ock an e xtens ion. This f e ature is also known as Rem ote Stat ion Lock Control .
2.1 Contr o l Features User Manual 113 2.1.2 Switching the Time Ser vice Mode (Tim e Service) T o change the time ser vice mode manuall y T o return to automatic mode after c hangi ng the time service.
2.1 Contr ol Features 114 User Manual • The D a y , Night, and Lun ch button li ghts s how the cu rrent st atus as f ollows: Off : Not set Red on : Set • If lu nch mode is set manual ly by.
2.1 Contr o l Features User Manual 115 2.1.3 Setting an Alarm f or Other Extensio ns (Remote Timed Reminder [W ake-up Call]) T o set T o cancel The op erator or man ager can remo tely set or c ancel the Timed Re minder feature for any e x tensi on. No SL T On-hook.
2.1 Contr ol Features 116 User Manual T o confirm Off-hook. On-hook. Enter 764 . Dial extension number . Display PT extension no. 6 4 7 Enter # . Enter 763 .
2.1 Contr o l Features User Manual 117 2.1.4 Erasing All Caller Inf o rmation in t he Common Area (Incoming C all Log in the Commo n Area—CLEAR ALL) T o erase The o perator or m anager can era se all c aller informati on lo gged i n the com mon area .
2.1 Contr ol Features 118 User Manual 2.1.5 Disregarding the Ne west Call or Overwriting th e Oldest Call in the Com mon Area Ca ll Log (301st In coming Call Logged in t he Common Area) T o disregar d the newest call/overwr ite the oldest call in the common area call log The call lo g in the com mon area ca n store up to 300 call reco rds.
2.1 Contr o l Features User Manual 119 2.1.6 Recording, Pla y ing, or Erasing Com mon BV Outgo ing Messages If an optiona l voice message c ard is instal led in the PBX , the operator or manager can record, play , or erase a comm on Built- in V oice Message (BV) outgoing m essage ( OGM) i n the comm on mes sage ar ea.
2.1 Contr ol Features 120 User Manual T o erase PT/SLT Off-hook. On-hook. Enter 722 . 2 2 7 Enter 0 . Enter # . 0 Dial common BV OGM number (01–24). C.
2.1 Contr o l Features User Manual 121 2.1.7 Changin g System Setting s Using Programming Mode The op erator or man ager can set th e following system f e atures wh ile i n prog ramm ing m ode.
2.1 Contr ol Features 122 User Manual Recording or playing back the message used by Direct Inward Syste m Access (D ISA), Unif orm Call Dis tribution (U CD), and 3- lev el Automated Attendan t (AA) .
2.1 Contr o l Features User Manual 123 •* 1 Y ear (00 –99), Mon th (01–12) , Day (01–31), Day of the week (0–6: Sun -Sat), Hour (01– 12), Minute (00–59) , AM/PM ( 0/1) •* 2 The prepr ogrammed extension pa ssw or d can be u sed for the W al king C OS feature and the Remote Exten sion Lo ck F e ature.
2.1 Contr ol Features 124 User Manual.
User Manual 125 Section 3 Customising Y our Pho ne & PBX This cha pter show s you how to custo mise your prop riet ar y telephon e (PT) or PBX acc ording to your needs.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) 126 User Manual 3.1 Customising Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) 3.1.1 Customising Y o ur Phone (Per sona l Programming) Y ou c an custom ise various features of your teleph one, such as line preferences an d custom ised buttons.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) User Manual 127 3.1.2 Changing P er sonal Settings Using Pr ogramming Mo de Y ou c an perform th e following while in p rogramming mode : – Set .
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) 128 User Manual Clearing Features Y ou c an reset the following features to thei r default settings. This operation a lso cance ls the A UT O ANS/MUTE stat us of b oth the H ands-free Answerback f ea ture and the Room Monito r fe ature.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) User Manual 129 T o return featur es to default (P ersonal Pr ogramming Data Reset) Confirming Y our Own Extensio n Numb er (Self-ext ension Number Confirmation) Y ou c an confir m your jack and extension numb er .
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) 130 User Manual 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Y ou c an custom ise the f lexib le CO buttons, Direc t Station S electio n (DSS ) buttons, Programmable Feature (PF) buttons, an d MESSAGE buttons on your propri etar y telephone (PT) and DSS Co nsole by assigning the following f e atures to them.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) User Manual 131 Extens ion Lock* 4 + e x ten si on no. Log-in/ Log-out 2-way Record* 5 + voice mail ex tens ion no. 2-w ay T ransf er* 5 + voice mail extension no. Live Call Scre ening (L CS)* 5 LCS Canc el* 5 V oice Ma il (VM) T ra ns fe r* 5 + v o ice m ail extensio n no .
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ersonal Pr ogramming) 132 User Manual T o confirm a bu tt on setting T o cl ear a but ton setting Press CO , DSS , PF ,o r MESSAGE . (CO, DSS, PF) OR Display PT Press PROGRAM . Press PROGRAM . Press STORE . 2 Enter 2 . To continue Press CO , DSS , PF ,o r MESSAGE .
3.2 Mana ging Call Logs User Manual 133 3.2 Managing Call Logs 3.2.1 Requirements The ma nager c an view , pr int ou t, and cle ar call log i nformation for each extension. A vail ab le Extension The extension c onnected to extension jack 01 Required T elephone A P anason ic prop rieta r y tel ephone (PT) wit h a displ ay (e .
3.2 Mana ging Call Lo gs 134 User Manual 3.2.2 Viewing, Printing, and Clearing Call Log s Item Progr amming Input Viewing the call r ecords of each extension. Clear ing the c all recor ds of each extension.* 2 Pri nti ng the cal l re co rd s of each extension.
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 135 3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) 3.3.1 Programming Information Y ou c an cha nge the default settin gs of your PBX acco rding to your requir ements. Customisable programming items ar e shown below , with the programme number in par entheses.
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Pr og ramm ing) 136 User Manual Icon Descriptions Fixed Button (KX-T77 30/K X-T773 5) Function PREV (PRE VIOUS) NEXT SECRE T ST ORE PA U S E PROGRAM END SELEC T FLASH.
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 137 Pr ocedure The ba sic ste ps ar e shown be low . 1. T o e nter prog r amming mode 2. T o programme Y ou can en ter each programme numbe r (3 di gits). 3. T o exit progr amming mode Enter manager password .
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Pr og ramm ing) 138 User Manual 3.3.2 System Programming System Speed Dial ling Number [001] Y ou c an store frequentl y used p hone numb ers for conv e nient d ialling . • If the des ired number is more tha n 32 digits, divide the number and st ore it into more than one speed diallin g number.
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 139 System Speed Dialling Name [011] Y ou c an store the nam e assoc iated with each s peed dia lling number . These na mes a re disp lay ed when makin g calls using the System Speed Diall ing feature.
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Pr og ramm ing) 140 User Manual DISA Security Code Digits [530] Y ou c an select th e number of digits used for DISA sec urit y codes assigne d in DISA Secu rity Code [512].
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 141 Entering Cha racters Y ou c an enter the following chara cters. The ta bles below show you the character s av a ilable f o r each button.
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Pr og ramm ing) 142 User Manual.
User Manual 143 Section 4 Appendix This cha pter p rovides T roubleshooting , the Feature Numb er T ab le and T one List. Check the T roubleshooting s ectio n before consultin g your dea ler .
4.1 T rouble shooting 144 User Manual 4.1 T r oubleshooting 4.1.1 T r oubleshootin g Problem Remed y I cannot make calls using the tele phone. • The telephone is locked. Unlock your telephone. ( 1.5.3 Prev ent ing Other P eople from Usi ng Y our T elephone ( Extensi on Loc k), 2.
4.1 T roublesh ooting User Manual 145 I cannot make an outside (CO) line c all using a One-touch Dialling but ton or Speed Dialling. • An outside (CO) line ac cess number was not stored with the phone number . An outs ide ( C O) li ne acce ss nu mber i s requi red f o r outside (CO) line cal ls.
4.1 T rouble shooting 146 User Manual I want to confirm m y extension number . • Confir m your extension number by pressing t he " " key 2 times whil e on- hook, or through p erso nal programm ing. ( Y o ur Exten sion Num ber in 1.1 .1 Before Operatin g a T elephone, 3.
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T able User Manual 147 4.2 Feature Numbe r T abl e 4.2.1 Feature Numb er T able The n u mbers li sted belo w are th e fea ture n um bers use d to ac cess the PBX f eature s. The n umbering p lan can be s elect ed through s ystem programm ing.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 148 User Manual 1.2.4 When the Dia lled P ar ty is Bus y or Ther e is No Answer Leaving a Mes sage Waiting Indicati on/Cal ling Back a Calle r Who Le ft an Ind ication ( Messag e W aiting ) 70 Leaving a Mes sage Waiting Indicati on – T o leav e 1 + extension no .
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T able User Manual 149 –T o r e t r i e v e 5 2 (#56) *4 sto red par king zone no . (0–9) 1.4.4 Answerin g Call Waiting Answ ering Cal l Waiting from the T e lepho ne Company 6 1.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 150 User Manual 1.5.5 Usin g V oice Mess aging (Built-i n V oice Message [BV]) Recording, Playing, or Era sing P er sonal B V Out goi ng Messa ges 723 – T o record 1 + #/0.
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T able User Manual 151 1.7.3 Re ceivin g Call W ai ting – T o set for outside (CO ) line cal ls 731 1 + #/0 – T o cancel for outsi de (CO) line calls 731 0 + #/0 – T o set for intercom calls/d oor phon e cal ls 732 1 + #/0 – T o cancel for interco m cal ls/door ph one call s 732 0 + #/0 1.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 152 User Manual Screen ing Calls (Live Call Sc reening [ LCS]) 77 – T o set the L CS pass word 3- digit LCS pass word 2 time s + # – T o c ancel the LCS password store d LCS password + # 1.
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T able User Manual 153 2.1.6 Recor ding, Playing, or Erasing Common BV Outgoin g Mess ages *5 722 – T o record common BV outgoin g messa ge (OGM) no . (01–2 4) + 1 + #/0 – T o play back common BV OGM n o . (01–24) + 2 + #/0 – T o erase common BV OG M no.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 154 User Manual Feature (When the extension is on-hook) Numbering 1.7.5 T urn ing on the Background Music (B GM ) – T o s et/cancel 1 1.7.7 Checking the Tim e Ser vic e Mode /2.1.2 Sw itching the T ime Ser v ice M ode (Time S er vice) – T o c onfir m th e current m ode # 3.
4.3 Identify ing T ones User Manual 155 4.3 Identifying T ones 4.3.1 Identify ing T ones While On-hook Ring T one P atterns The following ri ng tone pa tter ns c an be a ssigned to incom ing call type.
4.3 Identify ing T ones 156 User Manual Doorphone Chime P atterns The following door phone chi me patter ns can be as signed t o each door ph one when door bells an d door chime s are conn ected to t he PB X . * Chime patter ns 1 to 4 a re play e d only on e time duri ng the door pho ne ri nging tim e.
4.3 Identify ing T ones User Manual 157 When Going Off-hook Dial T ones T one 1 Norma l T one 2 Any of the f ollowin g features is set: • Absent Mess age • Background Mus ic (BG M ) (p ro pr ie ta.
4.3 Identify ing T ones 158 User Manual When Making Calls While Off-hook Busy T one Reorder T one The o utside (CO) li ne you tr ied to se ize is not ass igned or was denied.
4.3 Identify ing T ones User Manual 159 When T alk ing to an Ou t s ide Party When Setting the Features or Pr ogramming T one 3 (Hold Alarm T one) A cal l has bee n on hold for longer than the s pecifie d time. W arning T one This ton e is sen t 15 se conds before the speci fied ti me for disc onnect ion.
4.3 Identify ing T ones 160 User Manual.
User Manual 161 Inde x.
Index 162 User Manual Numerics 2- wa y Reco rd 17, 104, 1 31 2-way Tr ansfer 17, 105, 1 31 301st Incom i ng Call Log ged in the C om m on A r ea 118, 152 3-level Aut oma ted Att end ant 2 3-party Conf.
Index User Manual 163 EFA —> Exte rnal Feat ure Access (EFA) 98 El ect roni c Stat ion L ockou t —> Ex tensi on Lo ck 71, 149 Entering Cha ract ers 141 Erasi ng All C all er Informat ion in .
Index 164 User Manual Paging Deny 84 PAUSE 15 Personal BV O GM 73, 74 Personal Prog ramming 126 Perso nal Spe ed Dia lli ng 26, 147 Picku p Dial ling — > Ho t Lin e 27, 14 7 Preventing O ther Peo.
Index User Manual 165 Warni ng To ne 159 What K ind of Te lep hone Can Be Used ? 12 When the Diall ed P art y is Busy or There is No Answ er 31 When Yo u Use a P anas o nic Propri etary Tel eph one 15.
Index 166 User Manual.
Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. 1-62, 4-chome, Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8531, Japan Copyright: This material is copyrighted by P anasonic Communications Co ., Ltd., and ma y be reproduced f or inter nal use only . All other reproduction, in whole or in par t, is prohibited without the written consent of Panasonic Communications Co .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic KX-TES824 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Panasonic KX-TES824 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Panasonic KX-TES824 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Panasonic KX-TES824 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Panasonic KX-TES824 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic KX-TES824 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic KX-TES824 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic KX-TES824. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic KX-TES824 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.