Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DL128SSDV3 des Produzenten Origin Storage
Zur Seite of 154
Security Hardware-Based Encryption – Dedicated 256-Bit AES XTS Mode Crypto Engine T wo-F actor Authentication via RFID Card All Encryption, Administration and Authentication P erformed on the DataL .
3 Sicherheit shin w eise Aus Sic herheitsgrü nden mü ssen Sie die folgend en Si cher heitshi nweise lese n und befolge n: Lesen Sie diese B edien un g sanleitu ng gr ün d lich durc h, bevor Sie ve rsuchen, Ihren IP-Sp eicher vo n Thecus einzuric hten.
4 T a ble of Content s Copyright and Trad emark Not ice ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... . 2 About This Ma nual..... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 2 Limited Warranty .
5 WAN/L AN1 .. ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... .. ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... .. ...... ..... ...... .. 63 LAN2 ....... ...... ..... ...... ...... .. ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ... .... ...... ...... ...... ..... 6 5 DHCP Server Conf iguration .
7 Chapter 1: I ntroduct ion Overview Thank yo u for choosing the T hecus IP Storage S erver. Th e Thecus IP s torage is an easy-to- use stora ge serve r that a llows a ded icated appro ach to stori ng and distribu ting data on a ne twork.
8 Print er Server With the Thecus I P stora ge’s Pr inter Serve r, you can ea sily sha re an IPP printer w ith other PCs co n nected to your networ k. To set up the Pri nter Ser ver, refer to Chapter 4: E xternal Devic e> Printer Inform ation . Multiple RAID Thecus IP storage support s multiple R A ID vol umes on one syste m.
9 Package C onte nts The Thec us IP sto rage sho uld con tain the fo llowing co mmon ite ms: System U nit x1 QIG (Q uick Insta ll a ti o n Guide) x1 CD-Title x3 (Acron ics back up CD , Two.
10 Front Pan el N2200XXX: The T hecus N22 00XXX’s front pa nel has the dev ice’s co n trols, indicators, and hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption Power Button Powers th e N2200 XXX o n/off . USB P ort USB 2.0 port for comp atibl e USB devic es, such as digit al ca mera s, USB disks, and US B print ers.
11 N3200XXX: The T hecus N32 00XXX’s front pa nel has the dev ice’s co n trols, indicators, and hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption Power LED Solid blue: Syst em is power ed on WAN.
12 Netzsch alter Sc hal tet d en N0503 e in/au s Leuchtet blau: G erät i st eing eschal tet LCD-Bild schi rm Ze igt den akt uellen System statu s un d Meldun gen a n (Aktuali sierun gszeit: 60 S ekund en).
15 N7700 Series : The Th ecu s N7700 series front panel has t he device’s co ntrols, indica tors, and hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1.Powe r LED Solid blue: Syst em is power on. 2.Syst em LED Solid ora nge: sy s tem i s b eing upgra ded or sy stem s tartu p ; dat a currentl y inac cessi ble 3.
16 1U4200XXX: The Thec us 1U42 00XXX fro nt pa nel has th e dev ice’s co n trols, indicators, a n d hard disk trays: Up Button Ente r Button L oca tor Button Powe r Button Reset Button Down Butt on .
17 1U4600: The T hecus 1U460 0 fron t pa nel has the dev ice’s controls, ind icators, and hard d isk trays: Escape Button PWR LED Down Button LAN2 LED Powe r Button Busy LED WAN/LAN 1 LE D Reset But.
18 1. Öffnen S ie die Fron tklappe de s N0503. 2. Bei 3,5 Zo ll-HDD a. N ehmen Sie d ie Festp lattensch ienen und montieren Sie sie an Ihre SATA-Fe stplatte( n). b. Schieben S ie die Festp latten in den N050 3, bis s ie einras ten. c. Bringe n Sie die Rä ndelschraub en wiede r an.
20 N5500: Die Rück seite des N 5500 ist mit me hreren A nschlüssen ausgestat tet. Rüc kseite Element Besch reibu ng 1.WAN/ LAN1- Anschlu ss W AN/L AN1-An schl uss für die Ver bindun g mit eine m Etherne t-Net zwerk über ein en Switch oder Rout er 2.
21 N0503: The N05 03 support s both 2.5” and 3.5” Ser ial ATA ( SATA) hard disks. To insta ll a hard disk into the N 0503, follow the steps be low : 3. Open fron t door of the N05 03. 4. For 3.5” HDD a. Get the hard drive rails and place the m on e ither side o f the hard drive, fit ting into the appropr iate groo ves.
22 Rear Pane l N2200XXX: The N22 00XXX rea r pane l features ports an d conne ctors. Back Panel Item De scriptio n eSATA Port e SAT A por t for hi gh-sp eed external stora ge exp an sion . USB P ort USB 2.0 por t for comp atibl e USB devi ces, su ch as di gital camera s, USB disks, and US B print ers.
23 N3200XXX/N0503: The N32 00XXX/N0 503 rea r panel fea tures ports and connector s. Back Panel Item De scriptio n eSATA Port e SAT A por t for hi gh-sp eed storag e expan sion USB P ort USB 2.
24 Kapitel 2 : Har dwareinst al lation Übersic ht Ihr IP-Speicher von Thecus ist für eine einfache Ins tallation a usgelegt. Das folgende Kapitel die nt als Starthilfe für eine s chnelle Ei nrichtung un d Inbetr iebnahme de s IP-Speic her von Thecus.
25 Back Panel Item De scriptio n 1.WAN/ LAN1 Port WAN/L AN1 p ort for conne cting to an Ethern et n etwor k thr ough a switch or a r outer. 2.LAN2 Port LAN2 por t f or conn ecting to a l ocal Ethern et n etwork throu gh a switch or rout e r. 3.
26 N7700 series: The N77 00 rear pan el fea tures por ts and co nnectors. Back Pane l Item De scriptio n 1.LAN2 Port LAN2 por t f or conn ecting to a l ocal Ethern et n etwork throu gh a switch or rout er. 2.WAN/ LAN1 Port WAN/L AN1 p ort for conne cting to an Ethern et n etwor k thr ough a switch or rout er.
27 Befolgen Sie zum Ve rbinde n des 1U4 600 mit Ihrem Ne tzwerk di e nachst ehenden Schritte: 1. Schließe n Si e ein Et hernet-Kabel I hres Netzwer ks am WAN/LAN 1-Por t an der Rückseite des 1U46 00 an. 2. Verbinde n Sie das mitgeliefe rte Netzkab el mi t dem Univer salnetzan schluss an der Rü ckseite.
28 1U4600R: The rear panel of the 1U46 00R houses mos t of the USB and Etherne t connection s, as w ell a s the e SATA port, s ystem fan, a nd po wer conne ctor.
29 N8200XXX: The N82 00XXX rea r pane l features ports an d co nn ector s. 4 7 1 2 3 8 5 6 Back Panel Item De scriptio n 1.Power C onne ctor C onne ct th e inclu ded power cor ds to th ese con necto rs. 2.Power Swi tch Powers th e N8200 XXX o n/off .
30 N8800 series: The N88 00 rear pan el fea tures por ts and co nnectors. Back Pane l Item De scriptio n 1.Power C onne ctor C onne ct th e inclu ded power cor ds to th ese conn e ctor s 2.Power Swi tch Switch for power sup ply 3.eSATA Por t eSATA port f or high- s pe ed stora ge ex pansion 4.
31 6. Benenne n Sie I hren IP-Spe icher von Thecus und konf iguriere n Sie die Netzwerk- IP-Adress e. Ist I hr Switch oder Rou ter als DHCP -Serve r konfigurier t, wird empfohlen, d en IP- Speicher v on Thecus für den automat ischen Bezug einer IP- Adre sse zu kon figuriere n.
32 3. Press the po wer b utton to boot up the N2 200XX X. To con nect the N3 200XXX/N 0503 to your network, fol low the s teps below: 1. Con nect an Et hernet cab le from your netwo rk to th e WAN/LAN 1 port on the back pa nel of the N 3200X XX/N05 03.
33 Link Aggregatio n (Link -Anhäuf ung) Aktueller Link A ggre gation- Statu s Syst em Fa n1 (Sy stemk ühl er 1) Aktueller Status des Sys temkühler s 1 . Syst em Fa n1 (Sy stemk ühl er 2) Aktueller Status des Sys temkühler s 2 . CPU F an (CPU-L üfter) Aktueller Status des CPU- Lüft ers.
35 To con nect the 1U4 200XXX/ 1U4600 to your netwo rk, follow the steps be low: 1. Connect an Ether net cabl e from your network to the W AN/LAN 1 po rt o n t he back pa nel of the 1 U42 00XXX/1 U4600. 2. Connect the provided po wer co rd into the universal power socket on the back panel.
36 To con nect N7700 series N AS to yo ur netwo rk, f ollow the steps below : 1. Connect an E thernet cable from yo ur net wor k to the W AN/LAN1 port on the back pa nel of the N7 700. 2. Connect the provided po wer co rd into the universal power socket on the back panel.
37 Kapitel 4 : Sy stemadministration Übersic ht Der IP- Speicher vo n Thecu s verfügt ü be r eine b equem aufr ufbare Web-Adm inistratio nsoberflä che . Mit ihr könn en Sie den IP-Speicher vo n Thec us überall i m Netzwerk konfigur ieren u nd überwac hen.
38 Chapter 3: F irst T ime Setup Overview Once the hardwar e is inst a lled, ph ysi cally co nnected to yo ur network, and powered on, you can co n figure the Thec us IP storag e so that it is acces sible to yo ur n etwo rk users. T here are two way s to se t up your Thecus IP storage: u sing t he Thecus Setup Wizard or the LCD d isplay .
39 5. Login wit h the adm inistra tor acco unt and pas sword. The defau lt acco unt and password are bot h “ admin ”. 6. Name yo ur T hecus IP s torag e an d co n figure the networ k IP addres s.
40 Mitteilu ngsle iste Element Element Element RAID Info rmatio n (RAID- Information en) Zeigt den Status d es ers tellten RAID-Lau fwerks a n. Zum A ufrufen der RAID-Infor mationsse ite ankl icken. Disks Infor mation (Festplat teninformat ionen) Zeigt den Status d er im Sy st e m installier ten Festp latten a n.
43 4. Press Ente r ( ) and theN320 0XXX/N 0503 wi ll start cop ying U SB disks connect ed to the front USB port. The LCD will dis play the USB copy progre ss and resu lts. OLED Op eratio n (N4200 se ries) OLED O peration The N 4200 series is equipped with an OL ED on the fron t fo r ea sy st a tus displa y and setup.
44 Typical S etup Pr ocedure From the Web Adm inistrat ion Interfac e, yo u can begin to se tup yo ur Thecu s IP storage fo r use on yo u r network. Se tting u p t he Thecus IP s torage t ypical ly fo llows the five steps o utlined below. For more o n how to use t he Web Ad minis tration Interface, s ee Chapter 4: Web Administ ration Interfa ce .
46 Chapter 4: Sy stem A dm inistration Overview The Thec us IP stora ge pro vides a n easily a ccessible Web A dmini stratio n Interfac e . With it, you can co nfigure a nd mon itor t he T hecus IP storage a nywhere on the ne twork. Web Admi nistrat ion Inter face Make s ure your n etwork i s connected to t he Interne t.
48 Adminis trators can add or remove favor ite f uncti ons to My Favo rites b y r ight clic king the mo use on th e menu tree. The other wa y adm inistra tors can add favori te f unctions i s by clicki ng the “ Add Favorite” i con i n each func tion scree n.
51 ‧ My Fav orite Add/Re move t he curren t page fro m the Ho me p age. ‧ Shutd own Choose Shutdo wn or Reboot from t he dropdo wn men u t o shutdow n or reboo t your N AS.
52 System Status Item D escri ption CPU Loa din g (%) Displays curr ent CP U workl oad of the Thecu s IP s torage . CPU F an S peed Displays c urr ent CP U fan s tatus. Syst em Fan S pee d Displays t he current s tat us of th e sys tem fan . Up Tim e Shows how l ong th e sy stem h a s be en u p and run ning.
53 See the fo llowing table for a detailed descrip ti o n of eac h item: System L ogs Item Descri ption All Provide s all l og inform ation i ncl uding syste m m essag es, war ning mess ages an d error mess age s. INFO Records informa ti o n about system me ssages.
54 Other tha n the de fined i tems sen t upon regi stration, there ar e also two additio nal items: “HDD Info” and “Time Zone”. These two o pti ona l items ca n also be sent to Thecus ano nymo usly for a nalysis a nd sta tistics purposes.
55 System M anageme nt The System Managem ent menu gives you a wealth of settings that you can u se to configure yo u r Thecu s IP s torage sys tem adm inistra ti o n function s. You ca n set up system time, syste m not ifications, and even upgrade f irmware f rom this men u.
56 Notif ication configuration From the men u, choose the Notificati o n item, and the Notific ation Configurati on sc ree n appears. Th is sc reen lets you ha ve T hecus IP storage notify you in case of a ny syste m malfu nction. Pres s A pply to confirm a ll setting s.
57 Firmware Upgrade From the menu, choose the Firmw are Upgrad e it em and the Firmwa re Upgrade screen appea rs. Follow the steps b elow to u pgrade yo ur firmwar e: 1. U se the B rowse b utton to fi nd the fir mware fi le. 2. Press App ly . 3. The beeper beeps and the Busy LED b links until the upgrad e is comp l ete.
58 Example - Mond ay: On: 8:00; O ff: 16:00 System will t urn on at 8 :00 AM on Monda y, and of f at 16:0 0 on Monday. System will turn on for the rest of t he week. If yo u choose an on time, bu t do n o t assig n a n o ff time, the sys tem will turn on and remain on until a scheduled of f t ime is reached , o r if the unit i s shutdown ma nually.
59 See the fo llowing table for a detailed descrip ti o n of eac h item. Change Adm inistra tor a nd L CD E ntry Pa sswor d Item D escri ption New P asswor d Type in a n ew ad ministr a tor p asswor d. Confirm P assw ord Type th e new p asswor d a gain to confi rm.
60 F actory default From the men u, choose the Fact ory Default ite m and the Reset to F actory Default s creen app ears. Pr ess Apply to rese t Thecus IP storage to fac tory defa ult settings. Rebo ot & Shu tdo wn From the men u, choose R eboot & S hutdow n item, an d the Sh utdown /Reboot System scree n a ppears.
61 Once the system has rebo oted, yo u will be retur ned to the File Sy stem Che ck prompt. There you will see t he ava ilable RAID volumes to run the file sys tem c heck on except ZFS vo lume, ZFS has no need to perform f il e sy stem check. C heck the desired RA ID volu mes and click Next to pro ceed wit h the fi le system c heck.
67 Disks In for mation Item De scriptio n Disk No. Indicates disk l ocation. Capacity Show s the SAT A hard disk ca pacity . Model Displays t he SATA h ard disk mo del na me. Firmwar e Show s the SAT A hard disk firmw a re v ersion . Status Indicat es the s tat us of th e di sk.
68 S.M. A.R.T. Informa tion Item Descri ption Tray Number Tray the hard d isk i s inst alled i n. Model Model name of t he in stalled h ard disk. Power ON Hours Count of hour s in po wer-o n st ate. Th e raw val ue of th is attrib ute shows total cou nt of hours (or minut es, or s econd s, de pendin g on manuf acturer) i n power-on state.
69 RAID Information From the S t orage menu, choose the RAID item and t he RAID Informati on screen appears. This screen lists the RAID volumes curre ntly r esid ing on the Thecus IP st orage. From this scree n, yo u c an get infor mation abou t the statu s of your RA ID volumes, as we ll as the cap acities allocated for da t a, a nd iSC SI.
72 8. Selected th e file system yo u like t o h ave for this RAI D v olume. The selection is available from ex t3, XF S and ZFS. 9. Press Cr eate to b uild the R AID storag e volu me. NOTE . Select ZFS fi l e syst em whi l e snapshot is needed. It i s onl y one ZFS fi l e syste m allo wed to be c reated per s ystem.
74 Remove R AID Click to re move the RAID volume. All user da ta a nd iSCSI has bee n created i n selected RAID vo lume w ill be remo ved. To remov e a RAID volume, follow t he steps b elo w: 1.
75 Expanding a R AID To expa nd a RAID 1, RAID 5, or RA ID 6 vol ume, fol low the step s below : 1. Replace o ne of th e ha rd dr ives in t he RAID vo lume a nd allow it to automat ically reb uild. 2. Once reb uilt, you can co ntinue to r eplace a ny re maining d isks in t he RAID array.
76 Migrating a RAID Once a R AID vol ume has bee n creat ed, yo u may want to mo ve it to other p hysical drives or cha nge the RAID arra y a l l together. To mi grate a RA ID 0, R A ID 1, R A ID 5 or RAID 6 volume, follow t he steps be low: 1. From the RAID Co nfigura tion scree n, click Mig rate RAID.
77 Space Allocat ion (Speicherplatzzuweisun g) iSCSI Ta rget (iSCS I-Ziel) Sie könne n den Spe icherp latz festlege n, der iSC S I- oder Z iel-USB-La ufwer ken zugewiese n werden soll (Zie l-USB ist bei den Mo del len N55 00 und 1U 4600 verfügbar).
78 Below is a table l isting of p ossible RAID migra tion s chemes: To From RAID 0 RA ID 5 RAID 6 RAID 1 [RAID 1] HDD x2 t o [RAID 5] HDD x3 [RAID 1] HDD x2 t o [RAID 5] HDD x4 [RAID 1] HDD x2 t o [RA.
79 RAID 6 X X [ ONLINE ] [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x5 [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x6 [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x7 [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x8 ………………… ……… …….
80 Volum e Alloca tio n List Item De scriptio n Modify Click this to modify the alloc ated space. Delete Click thi s to delet e the al locate d sp ace. iSCSI T arget C lick to alloc ate s pace to i SCSI volum e. Type Ty pe of vol ume. Can b e either USB or iS CSI.
82 8. When iS C SI target v o lume has been creat ed, the LUN I D is configurab le from 1 to 2 54 with a defau lt o f the next avai lable num ber i n a sce nding numeri cal order. T he LUN ID is unique and ca n no t be dupl icated exc ept for LUN ID 0.
84 2. Press Y ES . All da ta i n the volum e will be removed. iSCSI T hin -Provisioning With this function, the iSCSI capa city can be more flexible and more efficient ly serve more users.
85 Next, set up the p hysical capa city for iSCSI thin-pro vision vol ume by d ragging the Allocatio n bar to the desir ed size. After the s ize h as been determi ned, c lick OK t o confirm. Now you will see the iSCSI thin-provi sioning volume i s ava i lable from the list.
86 Now you can star t to crea te iSCS I targe ts to join the newly- created iSCSI thin-provi sion v olu me. B a sically, the iSCSI target under iS C SI thin-provis ioning has exactly same settings screen as the st a ndard iSCSI target vol ume c rea tion.
90 A. Add a Stack Targ et Volum e From t he f igure above, c lick Add to acces s the stackable target devi ce configura tion page. Pleas e refer to the f igure be low: With t he added s tack target yo u co u ld “Enab le” or “Disab le” now or l ater per usage needed.
91 The Expo rt share name wi ll becom e the netwo rk share na me and d isplayed through n etwork acc ess su ch as SM B. You may r efer the fig ures be low to see the result. Plea se note the nam ing limi tation. From t he figure above, the Export share name is “ pmm eeting” .
95 E. Recon nect a Stack Target The enabled s tack target dev ices may be d isco nnected by situations s uch a s power outages o r networ k disco nnects. When t hi s hap p ens, the Rec onnect button w ill available. To atte mpt to reco nnect the stack target, c lick Re conne ct .
97 After yo u hav e comp l eted to add ISO th en th e p age will displa yed a ll mo u nted I SO files, You co ul d c lick “Un mount” to e limina te mou nt ed ISO file. B. Using ISO The mou nted ISO file will be located sa me shar e folder wi th name giving.
98 Share Folder From the Storage menu, choose Sh are Folde r , and t he Folde r scree n appears. This scree n allows you to create a nd config ure f olders o n the Thec us IP storage volume.
99 Adding Folders On the Fold er scree n , press the Add button a nd the Add Fol der scree n appears. This sc reen allows you to add a fol der. A fter enteri ng the i nforma tion, press Apply to create new folde r. Add F older Item De scriptio n RAID ID RAID volum e wh ere the n ew fol d er w ill reside.
100 Modify F olders On the Folder scree n, press the Edit button and th e Modify Folder scree n appears. This screen allows you t o ch a nge folder informa tio n. Afte r en tering the informat ion, press Appl y to s ave your c hang es. Mo dify Fold er Item Descri ption RAID ID RAID v olum e wh ere the fol d er wil l re side.
102 Guest syste m root a ccount will hav e full access to thi s share ( root:r oot). Guest system roo t accoun t w ill b e ma ppe d to anonym ous user (n obody:n og rou p) on NAS . All user on guest system wil l be map ped t o ano nymo us user (n obody:n og rou p) on NAS .
103 The Thec us IP sto rage snap shot is s uppor ted total 1 6 versio ns . Once c hecked “Automat ically remove oldes t snapshot”, the oldest will be remo ved to l et n ewes t t o added on top.
106 User an d Group A uthe nticati on The Thec us IP stora ge has built- in user da tabase that allows ad ministra tors to manage user acces s us in g di fferen t group pol icies. Fro m the U ser and Group Authenticati on me nu , you ca n cr eate, modi fy, and de l ete u sers, a nd as sign them to group s that yo u desig nate.
110 Remove U sers 1. Select an existing user fro m the L ocal User Config uration s creen. 2. Click on Rem o ve bu tton a nd the user is de let ed from t he system. Loc al Group Configuration From the Account s menu, c hoose the Group it em, and the Local Gr oup Configurati on s creen ap pears.
111 Add Group s 1. On the L ocal Gro up Configu ration scree n, click on t he Add b utton. 2. T he Local Group Setting screen appears. 3. E nter a Gr oup Name . 4. E nter a Group ID number. If left blank, the sys tem will automa tically assign one. 5.
112 Remove G roups 1. On the L ocal Gro up Configu ration scree n, sel ect a group na me from the list. 2. Press Remov e to delete t he group from the system. Batch Create Use rs and Groups The Thec us IP stora ge can also add users a nd gro ups in batch mode.
113 Quota The User Quota system provid es a way of l imitin g users’ avai lable storage capac ity. Setting a user quota gives a give n user a g iven amo unt of spac e on E ACH RAID partition.
114 Network S ervice Setup and manag e protoco ls such as Samba/C IF S, FTP, a nd HTTP/We b Disk, a nd other netwo rk ser vices. Samba / CIFS There are 5 o ptio ns i s curren tly a llow Admin to Enable/Disab le t o operate T hecus IP storage associated wit h Samba / CIFS protoco l.
115 In general, Windo ws has de fault to invisible all o f hidden fo lders/f il es. So p l ease enable this optio n to view “. recyc le” folder. Samba An onymo us Login Authenti cation To enab le this opt ion, no ma tter t here is s hare f older has b een crea ted in p ublic access.
116 NFS Setup From the Network Service men u, choose the NFS item, a nd the NFS Supp ort screen appear s. T he T hecus IP storage can a ct a s an NF S se rver, e nabling users to download and upload files with th e favorite NFS clients. Press A pply to confirm y our settings.
117 publi c folder s. No acc ess: Bl ock anony mous FTP u ser ac cess. Auto R ename If checke d, the sy s tem wi ll auto ma tically renam e fil es that ar e upload ed wit h a dupl icat e fil e name. Th e r enaming s chem e is [filena me]. # , wher e # r epre sents an int eger.
118 A descript ion of eac h item follows: We b Service Item Descri ption HTTP ( WebDisk ) S upport Enable or di sable WebDi sk su pport. En ter t he port nu mber if this op tion is ena bled. Th e por t nu mber is defa ult 80. HTTPs ( Secur e We bDisk) Support Enable or disable secure WebDi sk support .
120 Auto Module Installatio n Or choose th e Auto Modul e Inst allati on item and the availabl e s ystem M odule screen appears. The defa ult to get module list is “On-line” so if Thecu s IP storage is capable to co n nect to Interne t then i t will a ut o matica lly link to Thecus o fficial website then lis t available mo dules.
121 Auto Mo d ule So urce List Item D escri ption Install ed Status of m odule Nam e Mod ule n ame Versio n The ver sion of rel eased v ersion Descri ption T he descri ption of mo dule Locati on The mo dul e is eith er get ting o n-lin e or di sk Docu ment The availa ble do cument ation of mo d ule Action To install mo d ule or delet ed p.
124 device, ma ke sure there is a folder named “ nsync”, and the Au th ID ha s writab le permiss ion in tha t folder. Designating The cus IP sto rage as an N syn c Target The Thecus IP storage can act as an Nsync server , en ab ling another Nsync- equipped Thecus NA S at a remo t e loca tion ba ckup their files to this T hecus IP s torage.
125 Rsyn c T a rget (For the 3x series) When it comes to backing u p your data, it ’ s very important to have flexibility. Rsync Backup prov ides you w ith many options, including loca l or remote backup, bac kup schedu ling, differe nt syncroniza tion set tings, and password pro tection.
126 *Now Rsy nc is t urned o n on your NA S, whic h mea ns it ca n be used a s a targe t for Rsync bac kup, i n other wo rds, only the back up NAS needs to be activated in this way.
130 Printe r Info rmation Item D escri ption Manuf acturer Di splays t he nam e of th e U SB pri nter manufa ctur er. Model Di splays the model of th e U SB prin ter. Status Display s the status of t he USB printer. Remov e docu ment from Qu e ue Click to remov e all docum ents fr om pri nter queu e.
131 8. Your Windows system will ask you if you wan t to set this pr inter as “D efau lt Printer”. Select Yes and all yo ur print jobs will be s ubmi tt ed to this printer by default. Click Next . 9. Click Finish . NOTE • Not a ll USB pri nters a re suppor ted.
132 Windows Vista To set up the Pri nter Ser ver in Windows Vi sta, f ollow the st eps below: 1. Open Print er Fold er from the Contr ol Pan el . 2. Cl ick the right mo use b utton in a nywhere o n the Printers folder a nd then select Add Printer . 3.
133 4. S elect T he printe r that I w ant is n’t listed . You can press The printer that I want isn’t li sted to go into next page witho ut waiting for Searching for avai lable printer s to finish.
134 If you r prin ter model is no t lis ted, pl ease co ntact your printer manufacturer for help. 7. Windows w ill attemp t to con nect to the pr inter. 8. Y ou can c hoose to set th is p rinter as the d efa ult printer by chec king the Set as the defa ult p rinter bo x.
136 Chapter 5: Using The cus I P S tor age Overview Once the Thecus IP storage is se tup and o perati ng, users on the ne twork may manage all variet ies of dig ital mus ic, photos, o r files b y simply using their web browsers.
137 1. In the Login page, type in the U ser ID and passwo rd that were previousl y set for you i n the Accou nts me nu. See Chapter 4:User and Group Authentic ation > Lo cal User Configurati on . 2. The Web Di sk pag e appea rs showi ng folders c urren tly availab le to yo u, this is contro lled via t he Acces s Contr ol List ( ACL) .
138 Folder Pa ge Butt on Button Descri ption List al l dire ctory tr ees p er login user’ s priv ile ge. Browsing select ed directory of i ts fold ers an d fil es. Go ba ck to th e we b disk directory lay e r. Re-loa d the curr e nt list . Search f iles in the curre nt w eb disk direct ory.
139 Photo Ser ver ( Does not a ppl y to the 3X series’ photo s er ver ) Using th e Pho to Server, users can view an d share photos, an d eve n create their own albums rig ht on t he Thecu s IP s torage. You w ill see yo u r ow n photo ga llery and a ll publ ic pho to album s on the network.
1 40 3. W indows XP w ill a sk w hether you w ant to run or save this file. C l ick Sav e to save the reg ister file. 4. On ce the register f ile is i nstalled, use the Window s file ma nager to brow se the folder that co ntains t he picture yo u wa nt to publis h.
142 10. Create your alb um by en tering a n album name and click ing on t he Create Album b utton. 11. Select the alb um you wa nt to up load yo ur pictur es to. 12. Co nfi rm the targe t album. 13. Windows w i ll show you tha t the p icture upload is in prog ress.
144 16. You will see the user’s album list. Clic k on Albu m . 17. Finished! Yo u will see the pict ures just selec ted in the album..
145 Managing A lbu ms and Photos Icon Functio n D escri ptio n Make Cover Make select ed ph oto your c over pictur e. Back Return to the pr evious s cree n. Add Add a n e w al bum or photos . Modify Edit th e nam e an d descri ption of th e selec ted al bum o r photo.
146 Creating Albums To crea te a pho to album, follow the steps be low : 1. Click the A dd butto n to crea te a new a l bum. 2. Enter a name fo r the a lbum, and en ter a descr iptio n if you w i sh.
148 A pp le OS X On an Apple comp uter, yo u can con nect to s hared co mputers a nd serv ers usi ng a network add ress. 1. Choose Go > Conne ct to S erver… 2. Enter the network add r ess for the serve r in t he Server Address text box. When con necting using SM B/CIFS p rotocol, type : smb://1 92.
149 Windows 20 00/XP 1. First, down load the iSCSI I nitiator from the Micr osoft websi te ( http://www. microsof ). You ca n find th is so ftware by e ntering iSCSI Initiat or into th e searc h box on their hom epa ge. 2. Once the download is comp lete, install the i SCSI Initiat or by double-clicki ng the EXE file.
152 12. Right click My C omput er o n the desktop a n d se lect Manag e . 13. Cli ck on Disk Ma nagemen t and you will see a new hard disk listed. 14. Initialize t he new h ard d isk and y ou w ill the n be able to use the i SCSI t a rget as a local d rive.
153 Windows Vist a Because Windows Vista has the Micro soft iSCSI Initiator pre- installed, yo u will no t have to install thi s piece o f software. Ins tead, sta rt the iSCS I Initia tor and fo llow steps 8-14 to map the Thec us IP storag e as a n i SCSI drive.
154 Part I - Setup a Dyn D NS Account 1. Go to http://ww w.dyndns. org fro m your home PC. 2. Click on t he Sign Up Now link. 3. Check the Ch eck boxes, se lect a user na me (i.e. : N 8800), e nter your ema il address ( i.e.: xxx @exampl, c heck Enable Wild card , and crea te a password (i.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Origin Storage DL128SSDV3. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Origin Storage DL128SSDV3 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.