Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung BD-SP808 des Produzenten Onkyo
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Thank you f or purchasing an Onkyo BL U-RA Y DISC PLA YER. Please read this manual thoroughly befor e making connec tions and plugging in the unit. F ollowing the instructions in this manual will enable you to obtain optimum performance and listening enjoyment from your new BL U-RA Y DISC PLA YER.
3 PRECAUTI ON S E N 1 . Recor ding Copyright — Unless it ’ s for personal use only, recording copyrighted material is illegal without the permission of the copyright holder . 2. A C F us e —The AC fuse inside the unit is not user- ser viceable. If you cannot turn on the unit, contact your Onkyo dealer.
4 PRECAUTI ON S E N • Do not use this unit when there ’ s the possibilit y of moisture condensation occurring . Doing so may damage your discs and certain parts inside this unit. If condensation does occur , remove all discs and leave this unit turned on f or two to three hours .
5 PRECAUTI ON S E N •T his unit ’ s packag ing mat eria l s are recyc l ab l e and can be reused. P l ease dispose of any mater ia l s in accordance with you r l oca l rec yc l ing regu l ations.
6 PRECAUTI ON S E N HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and Hig h-Defi nitio n Mu l timedia Interface are trademarks or regist ered trademarks of HDMI Licensi ng LLC in the United States and other countrie s. Man ufac ture d under l ic ense from Do l by Laboratories.
7 E N CONTENTS Intro d uction PRECAU TI ON S .......... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ....... .... ...... .... .. 2 F EATURES .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... .... ....... .... ...... .. 8 Featu res . .... ...... .... ......
8 E N FEATURES F ull h ig h - d ef initio n vi d eo p la yb ac k Watch movi es in th e highest pi cture qua l ity avai l ab l e for your HD T V. T his unit of fers fu ll high-defi nition vi deo p l ayback up to 1 080p res o l ution for an amazing viewing experience .
9 F EATURES E N T o specify for wh ich medi a type each function is, we put the fo ll owing symbo l s at the beginn ing of each item to operate. If you do not find any of the symb o l s l isted above under the function he adin g, th e operati on is ap p l icab l e to a ll media.
10 E N FUNCTION OVERVIEW ( * ) T he unit can a l so be turned on by pressing these buttons. 1. I / Q ON/ STA N DBY b utt on • Pres s to turn on th e unit, or to turn th e unit in to the stan dby mod e. ( T o comp l ete l y sh ut down the unit, you must unp l ug the AC power cor d) 2.
11 F U N CTI ON O VERVIEW E N ( * ) T he unit can a l so be turned on by pressing these buttons. 1. DISPLAY b ut ton • Press to disp l ay the on -sc re en di sp l ay menu. 2. ON/ STA N DBY I / Q b utton • Press to tu rn on the unit, or to turn the un it int o the stan dby mo de.
12 F U N CTI ON O VERVIEW E N Insta ll 2 R6 ( 1 .5 V) b atteri es matc hin g the po l arity indicat ed inside batter y compar tme nt of the remote cont ro l . Keep in mind the fo ll owing when usin g the remot e contro l : • Make sure that there are no obstac l es betw een the remote contro l and the infrar ed sensor window on the unit.
13 F U N CTI ON O VERVIEW E N 1. Dis p la y s p la yb ac k st atus icon . Refe r to t h e ta b le b el ow . 2. Dis p la y s va rious k in d s of inform ation suc h as title num b er , ela p se d time , re p eat mo d e , etc . F ront Panel Dis p la y 1 2 * Bri ghtne ss of the disp l ay can be adjusted.
14 E N CONNECTIONS • Make on e of the fo ll owi ng con nections, depen ding on the capa bi l ities of you r existin g de vice. *1 ) T his unit is compatib l e with the progressive scan system. T he feature provi des you with the higher qu a l ity pictures than traditiona l outpu t system does.
15 C ONN ECTI ON S E N Press [ RES O LUT I ON] to change the res o l ution of the video signa l being output from HDMI OU T jack. T he video reso l ution chan ges as fo ll ows every time [ RES O LUT I ON] is pressed.
16 C ONN ECTI ON S E N S Au d io signals out p ut from H DMI O UT j ac k *1 Fu ll decoded. * 2 On l y the indepe nden t substre am is decoded. * 3 Do l by T ru eHD stream is decoded . * 4 On l y the Do l by Digit a l substream is decoded. * 5 On l y the core su bstrea m is decoded.
17 C ONN ECTI ON S E N • When you ch ange the conne ctio ns, a ll device s shou l d be turned off . • Ref er to th e manua l accompanyi ng ex ter na l device s for more informa tion.
18 C ONN ECTI ON S E N S Au d io signals out p ut from AUDI O O UTPUT ( DIGI TAL O PTICAL / C O A X IAL ) j ac k s For the settings in the “Digita l Out” to take effect, “HDMI Audio Out” shou l d be set to “Audio Mu te”.
19 C ONN ECTI ON S E N • By connec tin g th is unit to the In te rn et, yo u can up date the software via the Int ernet, p l ay con tents stored on DLNA home media ser ver s or acces s BD -Live. -F o r mor e inform ation about software update, refer to “Ne twork Update” on page 54.
20 C ONN ECTI ON S E N You can us e the fo ll owing mu l ti-room kits to con tro l the BD-SP808 when it’s out of range of the re mote contro ll er: • Mu l tiroom ki ts such as those made by Ni l es an d Xan tech.
21 E N INFORMATION ON PLAYBACK Before you start p l aying back a disc, read the fo ll owi ng inform ation . T his unit is compati b l e to p l ay back the fo ll owin g discs / fi l es.
22 I NFO RMATI ON ON PLAYBAC K E N Note • ABOU T DIVX VIDEO : DivX ® is a digita l video format cr eate d by DivX, Inc. T hi s is an officia l DivX Cert ified device that p l ays DivX video. Vis it www. for mo re informa tion and softwar e too l s to convert your fi l es into DivX video.
23 I NFO RMATI ON ON PLAYBAC K E N T he fo ll owing discs wi ll not be p l ayed back in this unit. BD and DVD are recorde d in differen t co l our systems through out the wor l d. T he most co mmon co l our system, used pr imari l y in the U.K. and other EU countr ies, is PAL.
24 I NFO RMATI ON ON PLAYBAC K E N S C h a p ter information <T it l e / Chapter informat ion for BD and AVCHD > < Chapte r inform ation for DVD > Curre nt tit le num b er Curre nt c h a p.
25 E N BASIC PLAYBACK Pla y ing Bac k a BD , DVD or a Disc wit h AV C H D F iles Note • may appear at the to p- righ t on the T V scre en when the operation is pr ohib ited by the disc or this unit. • During the p l ayback of 2- l ayered dis c, picture s may stop fo r a moment .
26 BASIC PLAYBAC K E N Many of BD-video and DVD-video disc contain s ti t l e menu (BD-video / DVD-video / AVCHD), disc menu (DVD-vid eo) or pop-u p menu (BD-video) which guides you th rough the avai l ab l e functions in the disc. T he con tents of the menus may differ depe nding on the disc s.
27 BASIC PLAYBAC K E N Me d ia icon: It is recomm en d e d t h at files to b e p la y e d b ac k in t h is unit are reco r d e d un d er t h e foll owing s p ecif ication s : < Div X ® > Offici.
28 BASIC PLAYBAC K E N To Pla y Bac k t h e Div X ® Su b titl e Create d by t h e User T he subti t l e crea ted by th e user can be di sp l aye d during DivX ® p l ayback. 1) After se l ectin g the DivX ® fi l e, use [ K / L ] to se l ec t the fi l e you want to p l ayback, then press [ C ] .
29 BASIC PLAYBAC K E N You can p l ay back the AVCHD, MP3, WMA and J PEG fi l es in an SD Memo ry Ca rd. With the SD Memory Card, you can a l so enjoy the spec ia l additiona l contents for BD-R OM ver. 2 (Profi l e2 . 0 / P r o f i l e 1 . 1 ) which can be down l oaded from the Inte rnet.
30 BASIC PLAYBAC K E N On this unit, you can p l ay video, music and phot o fi l es stored on DLNA certif ied hom e media serve rs (version 1 .5) connec ted to your home network. In ord er to use thi s feature, you must conne ct this unit to the Internet.
31 BASIC PLAYBAC K E N DL N A Clien t ( DMP ) O ur Planni ng S p ecific ation DL N A Pla yb ac k F ormat Error Code appears in the error scr e en when the unit detect s an error , as shown be l ow. T he co de is used to specif ica ll y determine the cause of error.
32 E N SPECIAL PLAYBACK 1 During p la yb ac k, p ress [ D ( forwar d)] re p eate d l y for fast forwar d. During p l ayb ack, press [ E ( rev erse )] repe ated l y for fast reve rse. Every time you pr ess [ D ( forwar d) ] or [ E ( reverse )] , the p l ayback speed wi ll chan ge.
33 SPECIAL PLAYBAC K E N You can p l ay back the spec ific part (bet ween point A and point B) repea ted l y. 1 During p la yb ac k, p ress [ A- B ] at t h e d esire d starting p oint A . 2 During p la yb ac k, p ress [ A- B ] at t h e d esire d en d ing p oint B .
34 SPECIAL PLAYBAC K E N 3 Press [ B (p la y)] to start p rogramme p la yb ac k. • Program me p l ayb ac k wi ll star t. To e x it from t h e p rogramme p la yb ac k mo d e: • Press [ RETUR N] in stop mode. T his fu nct ion sh uff l es the p l ayback order of tracks / fi l es.
35 SPECIAL PLAYBAC K E N T his func tion p l ays back approximate l y at 1 .3 time s the norma l p l ayback whi l e keeping the so und output. T hi s function is ava i l ab l e on l y on discs recorde d in the Do l by Digita l form at. 1 During p la yb ac k, p ress [ M O DE ] re p eate d l y until t h e Ra p i d p la yb ac k se tting a pp ears .
36 E N SEARCH 1 During p la yb ac k, p ress [ G ( s k i p)] to move to t h e ne x t tra c k. Press it re p eate d l y to s k i p to su b se q uent trac k s . Press [ H ( s k i p)] once to go b ac k to t h e b eginning of t h e curren t trac k. Press it re p eate d l y to go to t h e p revious trac k s .
37 E N SPECIAL SETTINGS You can se l ec t the format of audio and video as you prefer depend ing on the conten ts of the disc you are p l aying ba ck. Some video materia l s may have subti t l es in 1 or mor e l anguages. For co mmerc ia ll y avai l ab l e disc s, the supporte d l anguages can be found on the disc case .
38 SPECIAL SETTI N GS E N T here are 2 ways to set “BD Audio Mode” setting ; whether to output the second ary and intera ctiv e audio accompanied by the pri mary audio or on l y the prima ry audio.
39 SPECIAL SETTI N GS E N You can adj ust the pictur e qua l ity and store the setting you have adjus ted on memor y 1 -5. 1 During p la yb ac k, p ress [ M O DE ] re p eate d l y to select “H D Picture Control ” or “ SD Pictu re Control ”, t h en p ress [ E N TER ].
40 E N FUNCTION SETUP In the setup menu you ca n chan ge the se tting for audio, video, l anguage, etc. You cannot ch ange th e setting duri ng p l ayback. Setting item s disp l ayed in gray indicate s the y are not avai l ab l e un der the cond itions at the time.
41 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N S Lang uage • For ho w to se l ec t the setti ng ite ms and options, ref er to “Custom” on pag e 40. * ) Settings with ( * ) are the defau l t. *1 ) “Auto” activates th e Get & Set Menu Language function. (Refer to pag e 50) -“ A u t o ” is avai l ab l e on l y when “HDMI CEC” is se t to “On”.
42 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N S Vi d eo • For ho w to se l ec t the setti ng ite ms and options, ref er to “Custom” on pag e 40. Setti ng items Op tions TV As p ect Sets the picture si ze according to aspect ratio of the conne cted T V. 1 6:9 Wide * : Se l ect thi s when a wide-screen T V is co nnec ted.
43 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N * ) Settings with ( * ) are the defau l t. *1 ) Even if “HDMI Video Reso l utio n” is se t to “Source Direct”, HDMI video reso l ution wi ll be ch anged when you r T V is not comp atib l e with th e video re so l uti on of a disc mater ia l .
44 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N S Au d io • For ho w to se l ec t the setti ng ite ms and options, ref er to “Custom” on pag e 40. * ) Settings with ( * ) are the defau l t. • “Quick ” menu consis ts of the setting menus fr equent l y used, and they are accompanied with .
45 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N S Digit al out sett ing When “Aud io Mute” is se l ected in “HDMI Au dio Out” se tting, HDM I audio signa l wi ll be mute d and the audio signa l s output from AUDIO OU T PU T (DIGI T AL OP T ICAL/COAXIAL) jac ks ch ange depend ing on “D igita l Out” setting.
46 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N How to naviga te throug h “HDMI Mu l ti(LPC M)”. 1 Use [ K / L ] to sel ect y our d esire d menu item t h en p ress [ E N TER ]. 2 Use [ K / L ] to sel ect y our setting items . • Pres s [ RETUR N] to go back to the previo us screen .
47 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N * ) Settings with ( * ) are the defau l t. • For “S peaker Size” setti ng, the se ttings of eac h sp eak er si ze may be adjusted automatica ll y corres ponding to each setting. (e.g. If “Front” is set to “Sm a ll ”, you cannot se t “Cent er”, “Surro und ”, and “S urrou nd Back” to “Large”.
48 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N S Parental Rating s co ntro l a ll ows you to set a l im it, which prevents yo ur chi l dren from viewing inappr opria te mat eria l s. P l ayback wi ll be stop ped if the ratings exc eed the l eve l s you set , and it wi ll requi re you to enter a pa sswo rd before p l aying back the disc.
49 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N S O t h ers • For ho w to se l ec t the setti ng ite ms and options, ref er to “Custom” on pag e 40. Settin g items Op tio ns Angle Icon On * : T he ang l e icon app ears on th e T V screen wh en p l ayi ng bac k the scene wit h various ang l e.
50 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N * ) Settings with ( * ) are the defau l t. • HDMI CEC a ll ows in tegra ted system con tro l ove r HDMI and is part of th e HDMI standard . In addition to Onkyo AV co mpone nts, it a ll ows intero perabi l ity with C EC-c ompat ib l e AV compone nts an d T Vs made by other manufa cture rs.
51 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N Set up the networ k conne ctio n settings in order to us e BD- Live, DLNA home media se rver or netw ork updat e function. After you enab l e a netwo rk conne cti on or chang e the network se ttings , a l way s per form th e conne cti on test to check if the connection is correct l y made.
52 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N If y ou select “ Manua l ”, fo llow t h e follo wing in struc tion to set t h e IP a dd ress an d D N S . 3-a) Us e [ K / L ] to se l ect “I P Addres s”, “Subnet Mask” or “Defa u l t Gateway”, then press [ E N TER ] .
53 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N 3-a) Us e [ K / L ] to se l ect “P roxy Address”, then press [ E N TER ] . Proxy address setti ng scree n wi ll appear. Enter pr oxy address. •T he key board scree n wi ll appear . 3-b) After you enter proxy address cor rec t l y, pres s [ D ] .
54 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N Deactivate a ll the netw ork conne ctio n and settings. 1 F ollow ste p s 1 to 4 in “ C onnecti on Test ” on p age 51. 2 Use [ K / L ] to selec t “ Disa b le ”, t h en p ress [ E N TER ]. 3 Pres s [ RETUR N] to go b ac k to t h e p re vious screen , or p ress [ SETUP ] to e x it .
55 F U N CTI ON SETUP E N Init ia l ise the setting or SD Memory Car d. Initiali z e 1 In sto p mo d e , p ress [ SETUP ]. 2 Use [ K / L ] to selec t , t h en p ress [ E N TER ]. 3 Use [ K / L ] to select a d esire d o p tion , t h en p ress [ E N TER ].
56 E N TROUBLESHOOTING If the unit does not perfo rm prope r l y when operated as instr ucted in thi s manua l , che ck the un it, con su l ting the fo ll owing chec k l ist . Pro b le m Soluti on No power. - Check if the AC cor d is pro per l y conne cted.
57 TR O UBLES HOO TI N G E N Pro b le m Soluti on T he unit does not respond to some operating co mman ds during p l aybac k. -O p e r a t i o n s may not be per mitted by the disc. Refer to the instruc tions of the disc . T he unit cannot read BD / DVD / CD.
58 E N GLOSSARY Analogue Au d io An e l ectri ca l sig na l that dire ct l y repres ents so und. Compa re th is to digita l audio whic h can be an e l ectri ca l signa l , bu t is an indire ct rep res enta tio n of sou nd. See a l so “Digit a l Audio”.
59 GL O SSARY E N MP 3 ( MPEG au d io la y er 3) MP3 is a me thod of compressin g fi l es . You can copy MP 3 fi l es on BD-RE/ -R, DVD-RW/-R, CD-RW/-R or SD Memor y Card or DLNA home server from the comp uter and p l ay back the fi l es on this un it.
60 E N LANGUAGE CODE Language Co d e A-B Abkhazian 4748 Afar 4747 Afrikaans 4752 A l bani an 6563 Amharic 4759 Ara bic 4764 Armeni an 547 1 Assame se 4765 Aymara 477 1 Azerbaijani 4772 Bash kir 484 7 .
61 E N SPECIFICA TIONS General Signa l sy stem N T SC / PAL Co l our Power requ iremen ts AC 11 0-24 0V, 50/60Hz Power consum ptio n 25W (st andby: 0.4W) Dimensi ons (w id th x he ight x depth) 435 x .
Sales & Product Planning Div . : 2-1, Nisshin-cho , Neyagaw a-shi, OSAKA 572-8540, JAP AN T el: 072-831-8023 F ax: 072-831-8163 ONKY O U.S.A. CORPORA TION 18 P ark W ay , Upper Saddle River , N.J. 07458, U.S .A. T el: 800-229-1687, 201-785-2600 F ax: 201-785-2650 http://www.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Onkyo BD-SP808 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Onkyo BD-SP808 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Onkyo BD-SP808 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Onkyo BD-SP808 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Onkyo BD-SP808 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Onkyo BD-SP808 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Onkyo BD-SP808 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Onkyo BD-SP808. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Onkyo BD-SP808 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.