Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MC342dn des Produzenten OKI
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Configuration Guide T h i s g u i d e s u p p o r t s t h e f o l l o w i n g m o d e l s : M C 3 3 2 d n , M C 3 4 2 d n , M C 3 4 2 d w , M C 3 5 2 d n , M C 3 6 2 d n , M C 3 6 2 d w , M C 5 6 2 d.
Preface > 2 P REFACE Every effort has been made to ensure that t h e information in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. T he manufacturer as sumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its control.
Contents > 3 C ONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Notes, cautions and warnings .
Contents > 4 MC562dn, MC562 dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS27 31mc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Basic setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Advanced set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents > 5 Wireless LAN settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Changing network settings fr om the web page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Encrypting Communication by SSL/T LS . . . . . .
Notes, cautions and warnings > 6 N OTES , CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS NOTE A note provides additional information to supplement the main text. CAUTION! A caution provides additional info rmation which, if ignored, may result in equipment malfunction or damage.
About this guide > 7 A BOUT THIS GUIDE D OCUMENTATION SUITE This guide is part of a suite of online and printed documentation provided to help you become familiar with your product and to make the best use of its many powerful features.
About this guide > 8 O N - LINE USAGE This guide is intended to be read on sc r een using Adobe Reader. Use the navigation and viewing tools provided in Adobe Reader . There are many cross-references with in this book, each highlighted as blue text .
Configuring the network set tings > 9 C ONFIGURING THE NETWORK SETTINGS Functions such as Scan To E-mail, Scan To Ne twork PC and Internet Fax enable you to send scanned data to a computer via the network co nnection. To use them, you need to set up your machine and the computer to which you want to send scanned data.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 10 C HECKING THE COMMO N SETUP INFORMATION Check the common setup information for Scan To E - m a i l , S c a n T o N e t w o r k P C a n d I n t e r n e t Fax, and fill in the corresponding column in the “Setup Information Form,” on page 9 .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 11 4. Press the to select Wireless Setting , and then press t he . 5. Press the to select Set automatically (WPS) , and then pres s the . 6. Press the to select WPS-PBC , and then press OK . 7. Press the to select Yes , and then press OK .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 12 8. Start the WPS push button for wireless AP after clicking Yes in step 7. C ONFIGURING AUTOMATICALLY USING PIN METHOD 1. Log in as the administr ator . 2. Press the to select Network Menu , and then press the .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 13 4. Press the to select Wireless Setting , and then press t he . 5. Press the to select Set automatically (WPS) , and then pres s the . 6. Press the to select WPS-PIN , and then press OK . 7. Press the to select Yes , and then press OK .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 14 8. Enter the display ed 8 character PIN code to the wireless AP , and start WPS-PIN for the wireless AP . C ONFIGURING MANUALLY 1. Log in as the administr ator . 2. Press the to select Network Menu , and then press the .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 15 4. Press the to select Wireless Setting , and then press t he . 5. Press the to select Manual Setup , and then press the . 6. Press the to select SSID , and t hen press the . 7. Enter the SSID name (within 1-32 characte rs) of the wireless AP that you want to connect to.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 16 8. In the security settings screen, select th e same security setti ng as the wireless AP that you want to connect to. 9. Depending on the security se tting selected in step 8, execute the setti ngs from either (1) or (2) below .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 17 b)Enter the same KEY as th e WEP KEY set for the wireless AP that you want to connect to. After enteri ng the WEP KEY , m ove the cursor to the Done field and press OK . (2) When WPA-PSK or WP A2-PSK is selected: a) Press the to select the en cryption type, and then press OK .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 18 c) Enter the same KEY as the Pre-shared KE Y set for the wireless AP that you want to connect to. After entering the Pre-shared KEY , m ove the cursor to the Done field and press OK . 10. In the confirmation screen, check the entere d SSID and selected security settings.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 19 R ECONNECT TO THE WIRELESS LAN When the wireless is enabled, restart the wireless function. If a problem has occurred in the wireless AP communication or performance, the wireless function ca n be restarted. (If the wired is enabled, the wireless functi on is enabled with th e configured wireless settings.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 20 6. Press the to select Yes , and then press OK . 7. When Yes is selected in step 6, Searching for connection... is displayed in the screen. After this, Connection successful is displayed, and t he wireless LAN can be used on this equipment.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 21 3. Press the to select Network Setup , and then press the . 4. Press the to select Enabling Wired Communications , and then press OK .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 22 4. On the General tab, note the Name and E-mail address in the “Setup Information Form,” on page 9. 5. Click the Server tab, and then note each of the settings as shown: If My server requir es authentication is selected, enter “ SMTP ”.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 23 S ETTING THE E - MAIL ADDRESS FOR YOUR MACHINE Enter an e-mail address to be used by your machine in the “Setup Information Form ,” on page 9 . > If the e-mail address for yo ur machine is sp ecified by th e network adm inistrator , enter the email address in B-1 .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 24 C ONFIGURING YOUR MACHINE FOR SCAN TO E - MAIL AND INTERNET FAX Set up your machine for Scan To E-mail an d Internet Fax using the informati on in the “Setup Informat ion Form,” on page 9 . 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 25 S ETTING UP SCAN TO NETWORK PC The Scan To Network PC function enables yo u to send and save scanned images to the “shared folder” of a computer on the network.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 26 Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP 1. For Wi ndows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > System . For Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > System . 2. Select the Computer Name tab and then click Change .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 27 D ETER MINING THE NAMES OF THE ITEMS REQUIRED FOR SCAN TO NETWORK PC Determine the names of the fo llowing items and fill in C-2 to C-6 on the “Setup Information Form,” on page 9 .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 28 7. Select Create a password . 8. Enter the password (C-3) in New password and Confirm for new password , and then click Create password . 9. Close the control panel. 10. Create a new folder on the c omputer with the shared folder name entered in C-5 .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 29 13. Select the user account created in step 5 from the drop down box, then click Add . 14. Select the user added in step 13 and select the permission leve l, then click Share . 15. Click Done . 16. Click Advanced Sharing on the Sharing tab.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 30 18. Select the user added in step 13 and select th e Allow check box for Full Control , then click OK . 19. Close the folder’ s property dialog bo x. Windows Server 2003 1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Server Management .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 31 16. Close the folder’ s property dialog bo x. Windows XP 1. Click Start > Control Panel . 2. Double-click User Accounts . 3. Select Create a new account . 4. Enter the user name (C-2 ) in the text box and click Next .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 32 M ANAGING PROFILES C REATING A PROFILE FOR SCAN TO NETWORK PC Register the information you configured on th e computer as a profile. It is necessary when you perform Scan To Network PC with the computer. 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel to prompt the Setting screen.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 33 21. Configure other items if ne cessary , for exam ple: PC1SalesDev 22. Press OK to register t he settings and save the profi le entry . The setup for Scan To Network PC is complete. D ELETING A NETWORK PROFILE To delete a network profile: 1.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 34 M ANAGING THE ADDRESS BOOK S ETTING SENDER AND REPLY TO E - MAIL ADDRESSES ( FROM / REPLY TO ) You can set the e-mail address from whi ch e-mails are sent and the address to which responses are sent. 1. Press the SETTING button.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 35 C REATING E - MAIL TEMPLATES You can c reate up to five e- mail template s with various subject lines and b ody text. Registeri ng a subject 1. Press the SETTING button. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Admin Setup and then press OK .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 36 A DDING AN E - MAIL ADDRESS ENTRY TO THE ADDRESS BOOK The machine can hold up to 100 e - mail ad dresses in th e addr ess book. To assign a new e - mail address to the address book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel.
Configuring the ne twork settings > 37 M ODIFYING AN E - MAIL ADDRESS ENTRY FROM THE ADDRESS BOOK To edit an e-mail ad dress entry from the address book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Address Book and press OK .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 38 A DDING A GROUP ENTRY TO THE ADDRESS BOOK The machine can hold up to 20 group addresses. To add a new group address to the address book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Address Book and press OK .
Configuring the ne twork settings > 39 M ODIFYING A GROUP ADDRESS ENTRY FROM THE ADDRESS BOOK To edit a group address entry from t he address book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Address Book and press OK .
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 40 C ONFIGURING THE SCANNING TO L OCAL AND R EMOTE PC S U SING D RIVERS AND S OFTWARE This section explai ns how to use the scanner driver and utilities. They allow you to scan documents and change settings easily on your computer.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 41 9. When there is no continued page or the back side is not scanned, click Qui t . Changing Settings You can adjust how the document is sca nned by changing the driver setting. The following explains the setting items.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 42 4. Click Scan to start scanning. If you want t o finish the setting , click Quit . Starting a Scan Job (for Mac OS X (MC 332dn, MC342dn, MC342d w, MC352dn, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES3452 MFP, ES5462 M FP)) 1.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 43 8. Select Impor t from File of Adobe Photoshop CS3 and select OKI MPS2731mc Network . The windows appears.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 44 Starting a Scan Job 1. Place your document with text face up in the ADF or face down on the document glass. 2. Press the SCAN key . 3. Press the to select Remote PC and then press OK . 4. Start PaperP ort on your computer .
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 45 7. Make additional setti ng if necessary . 8. Click Scan . 9. Exit Windows FAX and Scan . U SING ICA D RIVER The ICA driver is not compatible with the Windows OS. The ICA driver supports the Mac OS X 10 .
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 46 U SING A CT K EY S OFTWARE Using the ActKey, you can start a scan job in specified setting s with a click a button. Installing the Sof tware 1. Insert the “Software DVD-ROM” into your computer.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 47 1. Start ActKey on your computer. 2. Press the SCAN k ey on the operator panel of the machine. 3. Press the to select Remote PC and then press OK . 4. Place y our document with text face up in the ADF or face do wn on the do cument glass.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 48 > Method to add a new network scanner T o add a new network scanner , select Add Scanner from the Scanner menu, and select scanner driver name of t he added scanner .
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 49 If the machine is tuned off and ca nnot be connected, an error occurs when registering. After registering, if the co mputer's name, IP address or port numbe r is changed, you need to register again with the above procedure.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 50 U SEFUL F UNCTIONS FOR S CANNING TO L OCAL AND R EMOTE PC S This section ex plains useful functions f or scanning to local and remote PCs. S ETTING PC S CAN M ODE You can sele ct either simp le scan mode or secure scan mode for scan ning to local PC function.
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 51 2. Press the to select Admin Setup and then press OK . 3. Enter the administrator password. 4. Select Enter and press OK . 5. Press the to select Scanner Setup and then pres s OK . 6. Press the to select WSD Scan Setup and then press OK .
Configuring the scanning to Local and R emote PCs > 52 OKI MC5(3)x2_ES5(3)4x2 Network Driver .ds OKI MPS2731mc Network.ds OKI MC5(3)x2_ES5(3)4x2 USB Driv er .ds OKI MPS2731mc USB.ds 3. Close the TWAIN Data Sources dialog box. 4. From the hard disk, select Library > Image Capture > Devices .
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 53 C ONFIGURING THE FAX SETTINGS (MC342dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP AND MPS2731mc) B ASIC SETUP Minimum configuration requirements; a PSTN telephone line connection.
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 54 15. Highlight Enter and press OK . 16. Press the Right arrow key to se lect Sender ID . 17. Using the keypad or arrow keys and on screen keyboard, enter the sender ID.
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 55 A UTOMATIC REDIAL You can set t he fax to au tomaticall y redial if the initial fax transmission fails. The machine will redial on: > Line busy > No answer > Communication error To set auto-redial: 1.
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 56 A DDING A TELEPHONE HANDSET If you want to add a telephone handset to your MFP, co nnect the line to the Tel socket (in certain countries it may be necessary to use a telephone plug adaptor).
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 57 M ANAGING THE PHONE BOOK The following section describes how to add/re move/modi fy speed and gr oup dial entries to/ from the Phone Book.
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 58 17. Press the Left arrow key to exit the menu. A DDING A GROUP ENTRY TO THE PHONE BOOK The machine can hold up to 20 group dial setti ngs.
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 59 5. Using the arrow key s, scroll to Delete and press OK . 6. At the prompt select Yes to continue or select No to canc el the operation.
Configuring the fax settings (MC342 dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC362dw, MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc) > 60 4. Press OK to show the oper ation menu. 5. Using the arrow key s, scroll to Sort By Name or Sort By Number , and press OK . Then the groups will be sorted dependi ng on the selection.
User authenticati on an d access control > 61 U SER AUTHENTICATION AND ACCESS CONTROL The user authentication and access control functions allow you to limit the functions available to each user.
User authenticati on an d access control > 62 PIN AUTHENTICATION R EGISTERING A PIN Before enabling user authentication and access control, be sure to register a PIN for each user. You must be the admini strator to register PINs. To register a PIN, launch PIN Manager from Configuration Tool.
User authenticati on an d access control > 63 O PERATION WHEN PIN AUTHENTICATION IS ENABLE D Logging in to the machin e For gene ral users 1. Enter your PIN using the keypad on the control panel. 2. Press OK . If authentication succeeds, the top screen displ ays.
User authenticati on an d access control > 64 U SER NAME AND PASSWORD AUTHENTICATION R EGISTERING A USER NAME AND PASSWOR D Before enabling user au thentication and access control, be sure to register a user name and a password for each user. You must be the administrator to register user names and passwords.
User authenticati on an d access control > 65 Logging out o f the machine When you have finished operations, be sure to log out of the machine. 1. Press the BACK button or Left arrow key until the top screen displays. 2. Press the RESET/LOGO UT button on the control panel.
User authenticati on an d access control > 66 Faxing (W indows on ly) 1. Open the file you want to fax. 2. From the File menu, select Print . 3. Select your machine (fax driv er) in Select Printer and click Pref erences . 4. On the Setup tab, click User Auth .
Advanced network settings > 67 A DVANCED NETWORK SETTINGS This chapter explains advanced ne twork settings for your machine. N ETWORK SETTING ITEMS This section explains the menus avai lable for network settings.
Advanced network settings > 68 Domain Name Domain Name - - - (NULL) Sets the domain nam e the machine be longs to. WINS Server (Primary) WINS Server (Pri.) - - - S pecifies the n ame or IP address of the WIN S server (for Windows only). WINS Server (Second- ary) WINS Server (Sec.
Advanced network settings > 69 N ET W ARE ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONFIG. TOOL NETWORK SETTING PLUG-IN NETWORK CARD SETUP (WIN.) (MAC) Print mode - - - - Print Serv er Specifie s how to use the machine, as a print server , or as a remote printer .
Advanced network settings > 70 E THER T ALK T ree NDS T ree - - - (NULL) Specifi es the NDS tree name up to 31 characters. Specify the tree name t o which the file server belongs. Context NDS Context - - - (NULL ) Specifies the N DS context name up to 77 characters.
Advanced network settings > 72 SMTP Port Number SMTP Port Number - - - 25 Specifies the SMTP port number . SMTP UserID SMTP Server User ID - - - (NULL) Sets a user ID for SMTP authentication m ethod. SMTP Password SMTP Server Pas s w or d - - - (NULL) Sets a password for SMTP authenticati on.
Advanced network settings > 73 E- MAIL RECEIVE Attache d Information MAC Address Atta c he d Info MAC Address - - - Disable Specifies whether to list the machine MAC address on an alert e-mail.
Advanced network settings > 74 E- MAIL ALERT POP Encryption POP Encryption Algorithm - - - None Specifies the method to encry pt POP communication. POP Rec ei ve Interval MailPolling Time (min) - - - 5 (mins) Specif ies the interval to access the POP server to receive e- mails.
Advanced network settings > 75 Consumable Error Consumable Error Event 1-5 - - - Immediate Specifies whether to no tify you of an error on consumables. V alid only when the alert in the event of an error is select ed. Consumable Error Consumable Error Period 1-5 - - - Enable Specifies whether to notify you of an error on consumables.
Advanced network settings > 76 Printing Pap er Wa r n i n g Printing Pap e r Wa r n i n g Period 1 -5 - - - Disable Specifies whe ther to notify you of a warning on paper feed.
Advanced network settings > 77 Interface Error Interface Error Event 1-5 - - - 2H0M Specifies whether to notify you of an error on the interface. V alid only when the alert in the event of an error is selected . Interface Error Interface Error Period 1-5 - - - Enable Specifies whether to notify you of an error on the interface.
Advanced network settings > 78 SNMP Fa x E r r o r a F AX Error Period 1 -5 - - - Disable Specifies whe ther to notify you of an error on the fax function. V alid only when the periodical ale rt is selected . Other Error Other Error Event 1-5 - - - 2H0M Specifies whether to notify you of other errors.
Advanced network settings > 79 P RINTER TRAP - Auth Key - - - (NULL) Sets the authenticati on key for SNMPv3 packet authent ication in HEX code. Maximu m number of characters differs depending on the algorithm you select. Authentica tion Settings Algorithm Auth Algorithm - - - MD5 Specifies the algor ithm for SNMPv3 packet authentication .
Advanced network settings > 80 Printer Reboot 1- 5 TCP # 1 -5 Printer Re bo o t Tr a p - - - Disable Specifies whether to send an SNMP message wh en the machine has rebooted.
Advanced network settings > 81 IPP IPX Paper Out IPX Paper Out T rap - - - Disable Specifies whether to send an SNMP message wh en the machine runs out of paper . IPX Paper Jam IPX Paper Jam T rap - - - Disable Specifies whether to send an SNMP message whe n the paper jams.
Advanced network settings > 82 W INDOW S RALLY IEEE802.1X ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIP TION WEB PAGE TELNET CO NFIG.T OOL NETWORK SETTING PLUG-IN NETWORK CARD SETUP (WIN.) (MAC) WSD Print WSD Pri nt - - - Enable Spe cifies whether to use WSD Print. WSD Scan WSD Scan - - - Enable Specifies whether to use WSD Scan.
Advanced network settings > 83 S ECURE PROTOCOL SERVER (K ERBERO S ) LDAP ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONFIG. TOOL NETWORK SETTING PLUG-IN NETWORK CARD SETUP (WIN.) (MAC) Domain Domain Name - - - (NULL) Specifies the realm name for Kerberos authentication.
Advanced network settings > 84 M AIL SERVER Pa ssword Authentica tion User Pas s w or d - - - (NULL) Sets a password to access the LDAP server . Encryption Encryption Algorithm - - - None Specifi es the method to encrypt LDAP communication. ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONFIG.
Advanced network settings > 85 S ECURITY ITEM DEFAUL T VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONFIG . TOOL NETWORK SETTING PLUG-IN NETWORK CARD SETUP (WIN.) (MAC) - TCP/IP - - - Enable Specifies whether to use TCP/IP . NetBEUI NetBEUI - - - Disable Specifies whether to use NetBEUI.
Advanced network settings > 86 IP FILTERING Network Password Configur- ation Password Change Pas s w or d Change Pas s w or d Change Pas s w or d Last 6 digits of MAC address Sets a new administrator password up to 15 characters. The password is case-sensitive.
Advanced network settings > 87 MAC ADDRESS FILTERING SSL/TLS ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONF IG. TOOL NETWORK SETTING PLUG-IN NETWORK CARD SETUP (WIN.) (MAC) MAC Address Filtering MAC Address Filtering - - - Disable Specifies whether to use MAC address filtering.
Advanced network settings > 88 FTP Rec ei ve Cipher Level Setti ng FTP Rec ei ve Cipher Strength - - - Standard Specifies the strength of the encryption of reception via FTP . SMTP Rec ei ve SMTP Rec ei ve - - - OFF S pecifies wh ether to enc rypt reception via SMTP .
Advanced network settings > 89 IPS EC ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONFIG . TOOL NETWORK SETTING PLUG-IN NETWORK CARD SETUP (WIN.) (MAC) IPSec I PSec - - - D isable Specifies whethe r to use IPSec. IP Address 1-50 - - - - 0.0 .0.0 Specifi es the host allowed to communicate in IPSec.
Advanced network settings > 90 M AINTENANCE T IME SETUP (SNTP SETTINGS ) ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONF IG. TOOL NETWORK SETTING PLUG-IN NETWORK CARD SETUP (WIN.) (MA C) Re se t Network Card Re se t Network Card - - - No Select to reset Network Card.
Advanced network settings > 91 W EB PRINTING Time Z one Local Time Zon e - - - 00:00 Sets the time lag between GMT and your loca l time. Set Daylight Savi ng Daylight Saving - - - OFF Sets daylight saving time. ITEM DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION WEB PAGE TELNET CONF IG.
Advanced network settings > 92 C ONFIGURING THE WIRELESS LAN FROM THE W EB P AGE (MC342d W , MC362d W , MC562d W ONLY ) This section explains how to set the wireless LA N settings change the network settings from the machine's web page.
Advanced network settings > 93 Using PEAP: a) Select Disable for IEEE802.1X . b) Select PEAP for the EAP Type . c) Enter a user name in EAP User . d) Enter the password in EAP Passwor d . e) Select Authenticate Server and then click Import . f ) Enter the file name of th e CA certificate and then click OK .
Advanced network settings > 94 (1) When WEP is selected: a) When WEP is selected, WEP KEY is displayed. Enter the same KEY as the WEP KEY set for the wireless AP that you want to connect to. (2) When WPA-PSK or WP A2-PSK is selected: a) When WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK is selected, Encryption type and Pre Shared Key are display ed.
Advanced network settings > 95 b) In Encryption type , select the encryption type (T KIP or AES) set in the wireless AP that y ou want to connect to. 7. When all of the settings for basic settings and security settings are completed, press the Send button at the bottom left of the W eb screen, and the settings are reflected.
Advanced network settings > 96 C HANGING NETWORK SETTINGS FROM THE WEB PAGE This section ex plains how to change the n e twork settings from the machine’s web page.
Advanced network settings > 97 9. Click Export Certificate . 10. Perform st eps 1 to 3 in “Creating a certificate” on page 95 to enter the encryption screen. 11. Follow t he on-screen instructions to install a certificate from the certificate authorit y .
Advanced network settings > 98 IPP PRINTING IPP printing allows yo u to transmit your print job data f rom your computer to the machine via the Internet. Enabling IP P Printing IPP printing is disabled by factory default. To perform IPP p rinting, enable IPP first.
Advanced network settings > 99 15. On the Hardware Install screen, click Continue . 16. When the installation fini shes, print a test page. Setting up your machine as an IPP p rinter (for Mac OS X O nly) Add your machine to your co mputer as an IPP printer.
Advanced network settings > 100 E NCRYPTIN G COMMUNI CATION BY IPS EC You can encrypt t he communication between your computer and the machine. The communication is encrypted by IPSec. When IPSec is enable d, encryption is applied to all the applications us ing the IP protocols.
Advanced network settings > 101 6. Enter a Name and a Description and then click Next . 7. Clear the Activate the default respons e rule (earlier versions of Windows only). check box and then cli ck Next . 8. Select Edit properties and then click Finish .
Advanced network settings > 102 34. On the Filter Action Wizard , click Next . 35. On the Filter Action Name screen, enter a Name and a Descriptio n and then click Next . 36. On the Filter Action General Options screen, mak e sure that Negotiate security is selected and then click Next .
Advanced network settings > 103 C ONTROLLING ACCESS USING IP ADDRESS (IP FILTERING ) You can control access to the machine using th e IP address. You can set whether t o allow configuration or printing from the specified IP addresses. By factory default, IP filtering is disabled.
Advanced network settings > 104 E RROR NOTIFICATION BY E - MAIL ( E - MAIL ALERT ) You can set the m achine to se nd an error noti fication e-mail when an error happens.
Advanced network settings > 105 The network system reboots to enable the new settings. Alert when an error occurs 1. Perform st eps 1 to 6 in “Regul ar alert” . 2. Specify the time lag between when an er ror occurs and when the alert is sent. If you specify a l onger time, only continu ing errors are notified.
Advanced network settings > 106 U SING IP V 6 Your machine supports IPv6. The machine get s an IPv6 address auto matically. You cannot set the IPv6 address manually.
Advanced network settings > 107 E NABLI NG IP V 6 1. Access the machine’ s web page and log in as the administrator . 2. Select Admi n Setup . 3. Select Ne twork > TCP/IP . 4. Select Enable for IPv6 . 5. Click Submit . The network system reboots to enable the new settings.
Advanced network settings > 108 10. Click Submit . The network system reboots to enable the new settings. 11. When the standby screen appears on the machine, turn off the machine. 12. Go to “Connecting your machine to au thentication switch” on page 107 .
Advanced network settings > 109 C ONFIGURING LDAP SERVER 1. Access the machine’ s web page and log in as the administrator . 2. Select Admi n Setup . 3. Select Ne twork > LDAP . 4. Enter the domain name or IP a ddress of the LDAP server in LDAP Server .
Advanced network settings > 110 P RINTING WITHOUT PRINTER DRIVER ( DIRECT PRINTING ) P RINTING PDF S You can print PDFs without a pr inter driver. Specify the fil e you want to print on the web page and submit it to the machine. 1. Access the machine’ s web page and log in as the administrator .
Advanced network settings > 111 6. Click Submit . Configuration f or SMTP 1. Access the machine’ s web page and log in as the administrator . 2. Select Admi n Setup . 3. Select Network > E-mail > Receive Settings . 4. Select SMTP and then c lick To STEP2 .
Other operations > 112 O THER OPERATIONS This sectio n explain s how to in itialize th e ne twork settings and how to setup your machine and computer to use DHCP. I NITIALIZING NETWORK SETTINGS 1. Press the SETTING key . 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Admin Setup and then press OK .
Other operations > 113 5. Follow t he on-screen instructions and configure the settings as necessary . 6. On the Confirm Installation Selections screen, check t he settings and click Install . 7. When the installation finishes, click Clos e . 8. Click Start and select All Programs > Administrative Tools > DHCP to launch the DHCP wizard.
Other operations > 114 11. Enter the password for Password and then click OK . 12. Click OK on the co nfirmation window. The machine restart s to enable the new se ttings. During the restart, the machine status icon changes to red. When the machine has restarted and the new settings have been enabled, the status icon changes to green.
Appendix A - menu system > 115 A PPENDIX A - MENU SYSTEM The top-level function menus are: > Rep o r t s > Pap e r se t u p > Address book > Phone book > Profile > Network scan de.
Appendix A - menu system > 116 R EPORTS ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Configuration Ye s , No Prints out a report of the machine’ s configur ation Sys te m F il e L ist Yes , No Prints out a fil.
Appendix A - menu system > 117 P APER SETUP d. MC352dn and MC362dn and MC362 dw and MC562d n and MC562dw and ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc only. ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION T ray 1 Paper Size A4 /A5/A6/B5/ Letter/Legal13/ Legal13.5/Legal14/ Executive/ 16K(184x260mm)/ 16K(195x270mm)/ 16K(197x273mm)/ Hagaki/Custom Sets paper in T ray 1.
Appendix A - menu system > 118 ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION MP T ra y Paper Size A4 /A5/ A6/B5/ Letter/Legal13/ Legal13.5/Legal14/ Executive/ 16K(184x260mm)/ 16K(195x270mm)/ 16K(197x273mm)/ Custo.
Appendix A - menu system > 119 A DDRESS BOOK ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION E-mail Address Select an address number . Max. 100 entries. Reg is t er Na me user defined Enter a name for the e-mail address entry . Max. 16 char acters. E-mail Address user defined Enter the e-m ail address.
Appendix A - menu system > 120 P HONE BOOK NOTE MC342dn, MC342dw, MC362dn, MC3 62d w, MC562dn, MC562 dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc only. ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Speed Dial Select a speed dial number . Max. 100 speed dial entri es. Reg is te r Na me user defined Enter a name for the speed dial entry .
Appendix A - menu system > 121 P ROFILE ITEM OPTION VALUE/DES CRIPTION No. Select a profile number . Regis ter Profile Name user defined Sets a pr ofile name. Max. 16 characters. Protocol CIFS , FTP , HTTP Se lects a protocol to use for storing files.
Appendix A - menu system > 122 Reg is t er (cont.) File Name user defined Se ts a file name. Ma x. 64 characters. The following options can be set as the defaul t file name: #n: adding a serial number from 00000 to 99999 #d: adding the date of a fil e creation (yymmddhhmmss) Greyscale OFF , ON Select ON to print in grayscale.
Appendix A - menu system > 123 N ETWORK SCAN DESTINATIO N S TORE DOCUMENT SETTINGS ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION No. Select a de stination number . Reg i s t er D e s t i na t i o n user defined Sets a destination nam e. Max. 16 characters. Destination Address user defined Sets a de stinat ion address.
Appendix A - menu system > 124 V IEW INFORMATION ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION System Information Serial No. Asset No. Lot No. CU V ersion PU V ersion Scanner V ersion Pane l V ersion To t a l M e m o r y Flash Memory SD Memory Card a a. MC562dn, MC562dw, ES5462 MFP and MPS2731mc only.
Appendix A - menu system > 125 E ASY SETUP NOTE The Easy Setup menu is blocked by the Admin password. ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Date/Time Setting user d efined Using the arrow ke ys, select your time zo ne, in relation to GMT , from the list. Press OK to continue.
Appendix A - menu system > 126 E-mail Setting Set IP Address of Mail Server user defined Enter the IP address of the mail server . From user defined Enter t he sender ’s address Receive Settings POP3/SMTP/ Disable No Authenti cation Set the authenti cation method.
Appendix A - menu system > 127 A DMIN SETUP NOTE The Admin Setup option is blocked by a password. ITEM OPTION VALUE/DESCRIPTION Copy Setup D efault Setti ngs Scan size A4 , A5, A6, B5, Letter , Legal 13, Legal 13.5, Legal 14, Executive Allows you to se lect the document size.
Appendix A - menu system > 128 Copy Setup (cont.) Default Setti ngs (cont.) ID Card Copy ON, OFF Allows you to set ID card copying as the default copy mode. Note: place the ID card 5mm from the edge of the sc anner flatbed. Continuous Scan ON, OFF Allows you to cont inue scanning more documents.
Appendix A - menu system > 129 Fa x S e t u p a Default Setti ngs Re so l u ti o n Normal , Fin e, Extra-Fine, Photo Allows you to specify the type of images o n the document . Density -3 ~ 0 ~ +3 Adjust density Darker: K eep colour intensity and darker image.
Appendix A - menu system > 130 Fa x S e t u p a (cont.) Securi ty Function ID Check Tx ON, OFF Check and match the last four digits of the destination fax numbers with those registered in the target. If ON, the MF P will send only when they match. Broadcast Destination ON , OFF Fax number confirmation screen displays before sending the fax.
Appendix A - menu system > 131 Fa x S e t u p a (cont.) Fa x S e t t i n g S e r v i c e B i t O N , OFF Country Code Intern ationa l Select the country i n which the MFP is situated. A/R Full Print ON T o ne For Echo (For T ransmission) Enable, Disable It only shows, when ServiceBit = ON.
Appendix A - menu system > 132 Fa x S e t u p a (cont.) Fa x S e t t i n g (cont.) Calling Timer 1~255 second(s) Sets the call connection wait time (T O timer). When the setting va lue is “0” , the MFP runs at the initial value of each country .
Appendix A - menu system > 133 Scanner Setup Default Setti ngs Scan Size A4 , A5, A6, B5, Letter , Legal 13, Legal 13.5, Legal 14, Executive Allows you to se lect the scan size. Note: A6 is on ly simplex sc anning. Image Settings Density : -3 ~ 0 ~ +3 Allows you to adjust image settings.
Appendix A - menu system > 134 Scanner Setup (cont.) E-mail Setup File Name user defined T emplate Edit Subject Edit Body Select template from list From/ Re pl y T o From: user d efi ned Email Sender ID: user d efi ned Re pl y T o : Address Book Select e-mail address from the ad dress book.
Appendix A - menu system > 135 Print From USB Memo ry Setup Default Setti ngs Pap e r Fee d Tray 1(A 4), Tr a y 2 ( A 4 ) d , MP T ray(A4) Selects the de fault tray for paper feed, Tr a y 1 ( u p p e r ) , Tr a y 2 (lower , if inst alled) or MP T ray (multi purpose tray).
Appendix A - menu system > 136 Print Setup (cont.) Print Menu (cont.) Edit Size: Cassette Size , A4, A5, A6, B5, Letter , Legal 13, Legal 13.5, Legal 14, Ex ecutive, 16K(184x260mm), 16K(195x270mm),.
Appendix A - menu system > 137 Print Setup (cont.) Color Menu Density Control Auto , Manual If set to Auto, image density will be automatically adjust ed at power on, when a new image drum or toner cartridge is installed, and at interval s of 100, 300 and 500 drum counts.
Appendix A - menu system > 138 Print Setup (cont.) Color Menu (cont.) Adjust R egistration Execute Performs automatic colour registration adjustment. Normally this is done on power on and when the top cover is opened and then closed. This process accurately aligns the cyan, magenta and yellow images to the black image.
Appendix A - menu system > 139 Print Setup (cont.) Sys te m Configur ation Menu (cont.) Auto Continue ON, OFF Determines whether or not the MFP wi ll automatically reco ver from a memory overflow condi tion. Error Re port O N, OFF If ON , t he MFP will print error details when a PostScript emulation error occurs.
Appendix A - menu system > 140 Print Setup (cont.) PCL Setup (cont.) Pen W i dt h A dj u s t ON , OFF The thinnest line width in PCL, a 1-dot lin e, may look broken. ON: when the thinnest line width is specified, line width is emphasized to look wider .
Appendix A - menu system > 141 Print Setup (cont.) IBM PPR Setup (cont.) White Page Skip ON, OFF Selects whether bl ank pages are printed or not. CR Function CR , CR+LF Selects whether a received carriage return character (0Dh) also causes a line feed.
Appendix A - menu system > 142 Print Setup (cont.) EPSON FX Setup (cont.) Line Length 80 Column , 136 Column Specifies the numbe r of characters per line. Form Length 11 inch, 11.7 inch , 12 inch Specifies the le ngth of paper . TOF Po s it i on 0.
Appendix A - menu system > 143 Network Menu (cont.) Network Setup (cont.) Network Setting (cont.) IPv4 Address Current assigned IP address. T o change, enter the address using the numerical keypad. Press Enter to register new address.
Appendix A - menu system > 144 Network Menu (cont.) Network Setup (cont.) Network Setting (cont.) Network Scale Normal , Small Normal: Can work effectively even when connected to a HUB that has a spanning tree feat ure. However , printer start up ti me gets longer when computers are connected to two or three smal l LANs.
Appendix A - menu system > 145 Network Menu (cont.) Network Setup (cont.) Enabling Wired Communications (MC342dw/MC362dw/MC562dw only) This item appears when the Wireless is enable. Fa c t o r y D e f a u l t s Execute Select Y es to reload the settings pres ent when the unit was setup by the manufacture r .
Appendix A - menu system > 146 Network Menu (cont.) LDAP Serve r Setti ng Server Setting LDAP Server: Port No.: Timeout: Max. Entries: Search Root: user defined 1 ~ 389 ~ 65535 10 ~ 30 ~ 120second (s) 5 - 100 Entries user defined Edit the LDAP server settings.
Appendix A - menu system > 147 Management (cont.) System Setup (cont.) Allow All Reports T o Print Enable, Disable Enable/disable report printing. Near Life LED Enable , Disable Enable/disable near life LED. Near Life Status Enable , Disable Enable: Display a near-life w arning.
Appendix A - menu system > 148 Management (cont.) Memory Setup Receiv e Buffer Size Auto , 0.5 MB, 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 M B Specify the size of th e buffer you want to use to receive data. Re so u r c e S a ve A u to , OFF , 0.5 MB, 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 M B, 8 MB Specify the size of th e buffer you want to use for resource saving.
Appendix A - menu system > 149 User Install Tim e Z one 00:00 Ra n ge : - 12 : 00 to +12:00 minutes in 15 minute incr ements. Set Daylight Sa ving ON , OFF Enable/disable daylight saving setti ng. Time Setup Auto Setup SNTP Server (Primary): SNTP Server (Secondary): user defined user defined Set todays date and time automatic ally .
Appendix A - menu system > 150 User Install (cont.) Stand ard TTI TTI 1 , TTI 2, T TI 3 Select de fault TTI from the registered li st. TTI N u m b e r user defined Ent er your fax nu mber . TT I Calendar T ype yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy , dd/mm/yyyy Specify the T TI calendar date format.
Appendix A - menu system > 151 W IRELESS S ETTING ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Wireless Setting (MC342dw/ MC362dw/ MC562dw only) Manual Setup SSID Input SSID. Security The security of th e wireless LA N function. WPA -EAP can set only in W eb. WEP Key I nput WEP Key .
Index > 152 I NDEX A Adding a telephone handset .... 56 Address book adding a group entry ........ 38 adding an email entry ....... 36 deleting a group entry ...... 38 deleting an email entry . .... 36 editing a group entry ........ 39 editing an email entry .
Oki Europe Limited Blays Hous e Wick Ro ad Egham Surrey, TW20 0HJ United Kingd om Tel: +44 (0) 208 219 2190 Fax: +44 (0) 208 219 2199 www.okiprintingsolutions.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts OKI MC342dn (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie OKI MC342dn noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für OKI MC342dn - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von OKI MC342dn reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über OKI MC342dn erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon OKI MC342dn besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von OKI MC342dn verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit OKI MC342dn. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei OKI MC342dn gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.