Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Passport ARN Routers des Produzenten Nortel Networks
Zur Seite of 166
Part No. 114200 -E Rev 00 Octobe r 2000 600 Tec hnology Pa rk Driv e Billeric a, MA 01821-4 130 Installing and Operating P asspor t ARN Router s.
ii 114200-E R ev 00 Copy right © 2000 Nor tel Netw or ks All rights reserv ed. October 2000. The inform ation in this do cument is sub ject to c hange witho ut notice.
114200-E R ev 00 iii EC Dec laration of Conf ormity This pro duct co nforms ( or these pr oducts co nform) to the pr ovisions of Council Directive 89/336 /EEC and 73/2 3/EEC .
iv 114200-E R ev 00 Canada Requirements Only (continued) Repairs to certif ied equip ment should be coordina ted b y a represen tativ e designated b y the supp lier .
114200-E R ev 00 v FCC P ar t 68 Com pli ance Statement This equipme nt complies with P art 68 of FCC Rule s. All direct connectio ns to telephone netw ork lines must be made using sta ndard plu gs and jacks c ompliant with FCC Pa rt 68. Please note the fo llo wing: 1.
vi 114200-E R ev 00 Nor tel Netw orks NA Inc. Software License Agreement NO TICE: Pleas e carefu lly read this license agre ement befo re copying or using the ac companying sof tware or installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled software (each of which is referred to as “ Software ” in this Agreement).
114200-E R ev 00 vii for the se curity of its o wn data and i n formation and for ma intaining adequate pro cedures apart from the S oftware to reconstru ct lost or al tered f iles, data, o r programs.
114200-E R e v 00 ix Contents Prefac e Befo re Y ou Begin ............... ............. ................... .................... ............ .................... ..........x ix T e xt C on ventions ..................... .................... .........
x 114200- E Rev 0 0 Connectin g to the ISD N Interface ...................... ................... ................... ............. . 1 -17 Connectin g to the 56/ 64K DSU/CSU Inte rf ace ............... ............ .................... ....... 1-18 Connectin g to the FT1/T1 D SU/CSU Interface .
114200-E R e v 00 xi Ether net 1 00BASE-Fx LEDs .......... ................... ............. ................... ................ 3-4 T oken Ring L EDs ........ .................... ............. ................... ................... ............. .
xii 114200- E Re v 00 Enabling and Disa b ling Int erf aces wi th ifconfig ..................... ................... ............. .. A -6 Example s of ifconfi g Commands ........... ................... ................... ............. ..............
114200-E R e v 00 xiii Appendix D Requirements f or European Operation ARN Eth ern et Base M odel Saf ety S tatus .... ............. ................... ................... ............. .. D-1 ARN 10/ 100BASE-T Ethe r net Base Mo del Safety Status ..
114200-E R e v 00 xv Figures Figure 1-1. Accesso ries in th e ARN Shi pping Conta iner .............. ............. ................ 1-3 Figure 1-2. Options for Attaching Flange Brackets to Rack-Mount the ARN .............. 1- 7 Figure 1-3. Installing the ARN in an Electron ic Enclosure Rack .
xvi 114200- E Re v 00 Figure 3-2. ARN P ower Switch ......... .................... ................... ............. ................... . 3 -11 Figure 3-3. ARN Reset B utton .... ................... .................... ............ .................
114200-E R e v 00 xvii Ta b l e s T able 1-1. Installatio n Space R equirements ............. ................... .................... ......... 1-5 T able 1-2. V .34 Fr ont-Panel Modem A dapter Modul e Defaults ................. .............. 1-21 T able 1-3.
xvii i 1142 00-E Re v 00 T able C-2. Network Inte rf aces A vailabl e on A RNs ....................... .................... ........ C-4 T able C-3. A UI Pin As signments ......................... ................... ................... ............. .
114200-E R e v 00 xix Preface The P assport ™ Adv anced Remote Nod e ™ (ARN ™ ) router is par t of t he Nortel Networ ks ® line of communicat ions produ cts. The ARN pro vides two W AN adapter slots to s upport a br oad array of primary and backup connec ti vity opt ions.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs xx 114200- E Rev 0 0 T ext C on venti ons This gui de uses the follo wing te xt con v entions: angle br acket s (< >) Indicate that you c hoose the text to enter based on t he descript ion insi de the bra ckets.
Prefac e 114200-E R e v 00 xxi Acr ony ms This gui de uses the follo wing acron yms: ital ic text Indicate s f ile and dir ectory name s, ne w terms, boo k titles , and v ariables in command syn tax descript ions. Wh ere a variab le is two or m ore wo rds, the wo rds are connected by an undersc ore.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs xxii 114200-E Re v 00 CCITT Internat ional T ele graph and T elephone Con s ulta ti ve Comm itte e (now ITU- T) CHAP challeng e handshak e authen ticat.
Prefac e 114200-E R e v 00 xxiii Har d-Co py T echnica l Manuals Y ou can print se lected t echnical manuals and release notes fr ee, directl y from the Inter net . Go to the ynetwor brary/tp ubs/ URL. Fi nd the pro duct for whic h you need documentat ion.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs xxiv 114200-E Re v 00 Ho w to Get Help If you pu rchased a service contra ct for you r Nortel Netw orks product fr om a distri but or or aut horized r eseller , contact the t echnical support s taf f for that distr ibutor or r esell er for a ssist ance.
114200-E R e v 00 1-1 Chap ter 1 Inst alling th e ARN This chap ter descr ibes ho w to insta ll the P assport ARN router , as follo ws: Prepar ing to I nstall th e ARN V erif y the followin g be fore beginni ng the i nstal lation , as explai ned in th e se ction s that fo llo w: • Y our shipment is complete and un damaged.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-2 114200- E Re v 00 • Y our install ation sit e meets ph ysical, el ectrica l, and en viron mental requi remen ts. • Y ou hav e the communica tions de vices and the cabling tha t you need to attach to the ARN.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-3 Figure 1-1. Accessories in the ARN Shipping Container ARN0048B Console/Modem Cable (DB-9 Receptacle to DB-25 Plug Cable) DB-25 Receptacle Null Modem Adapter .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-4 114200- E Re v 00 Additional Equipment T o insta ll the ARN, yo u may need some a dditiona l items t hat are not p art of the ARN accessor y package. Before ins talling th e ARN hardware, ensu re that y ou obtain a l l t he cables, tools, and other equi pment that you need.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-5 V e rifying Site Requirements The inst allati on site must pr ovid e a certain amount of free space around t he ARN to dis sip ate he at, as det ailed in Ta b l e 1 - 1 . In add ition , the insta llatio n site must meet t he ele ctric al and en v ironm ental specif ications listed in Ap pendix C.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-6 114200- E Re v 00 Rack -Mounting the ARN F or this proc edure, you need : • T wo fl ange brack ets and eight #6 Philli ps scre ws (shipped wit h the ARN) • A Philli ps scre wdri ver • An electr onic enclos ure rack.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-7 Figure 1-2. Options for Attaching Fla nge Brac kets to Rac k-Mount the ARN 3. If the ho les in the rack’ s ver tical support s ar e not thr eaded f or cagenut screws, inse rt a ca ge nu t in f o ur lo catio ns (F igure 1-3) .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-8 114200- E Re v 00 Figure 1-3. Installing the ARN in a n Electr onic Enclosure Rack 4. Insert a cagenut scr ew through each brack et hole a nd into the corr esponding holes i n the rack. 5. T ighten each ca genut screw wi th a Phillips screwdri ver .
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-9 Understanding the ARN Module Locations The ARN is des igned to s cale to your needs. In addition t o either an Etherne t or toke n ring bas e module, t he ARN can con tain an optional LAN e xpansion module and up to two W AN adapter modules ( Figure 1-4 ).
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-10 114200- E Re v 00 Connecting Communications Cables Gath er the commu nica tions equip men t and c ablin g tha t you wi ll at tach to the ARN. If you do not hav e the proper c ables, cont act your ne twork admi nistrator or see the Cable Guide .
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-11 Connecting t o the A UI The A UI interf ace prov ides broadband , baseband, f iber , and shielded twisted p air (STP) supp ort, depending on t he transcei ver a nd cables y ou use. T o atta ch an Ether net A UI tr anscei ver ( dr op ) c able to the A UI connecto r on an Ethernet module: 1.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-12 114200- E Re v 00 Connecting t o the UTP Inter face T o connect an unshie lded twis ted-pair (UTP) ca ble to th e base mo dule or exp ansion module Ether net inte rface , insert the UTP jack into the RJ -45 recept acle conne ctor , as sho wn in Figure 1- 6 and Figur e 1-7 .
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-13 Connecting t o the Fiber I nterface T o connect a f iber ca ble to the base module or ex pansion modul e Etherne t inter face, in sert t he fiber ca ble ja ck int o the i nterfac e as sh o wn in Figure 1- 8 .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-14 114200- E Re v 00 Connecting t o the STP I nterface T o connect a tok en ring shiel ded twist ed pair (STP) cable to the base module or expansi on m odule token r ing in terfa ce: 1. Attach the 9- pin D-SUB plug to the tok en ring ST P interface ( Fig ure 1-9 ).
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-15 Figure 1-10. Connecting a T oken Ring UTP Cable Connecting to a Serial In terface Y ou connect 44- pin ser ial cables to the connecto rs on ARN ad apter an d exp ansion modules. Eac h seria l interf ace supports mult iple W AN protocols at a transmi ssion rate of 120 0 b/s to 2.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-16 114200- E Re v 00 Figure 1-11. Connecting Se rial Cables to an Ex pansion Module Connector numbering o n expa nsion module serial int erfaces begi n with COM3.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-17 Serial adapter mod ules, labe led COM, can be in positi on 1 or 2. These interf aces are COM1 and COM2. 3. Secur e the cab l e to t he interface using the captur e scre ws on the cable. 4. Connect the r emote end of each cable to the appr opriate communic ations equipment.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-18 114200- E Re v 00 Connecting to the 56/64K DSU/CSU Interfac e Y ou connect 56/6 4K DSU/CSU service to th e connecto r on an ins talled 5 6/64K DSU/CSU adapte r module. T o connect to the 56 /64K DSU/CSU inte rfac e: 1.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-19 Figure 1-15. Connecting the FT1 /T1 DSU/CSU Cable 2. Connect the other end of the cable to a T1 communica tions de vice. Connecting to the E1/FE1 DSU/CSU Interfac e Y ou connect E1 /FE1 service t o the conn ector on an inst alled E1/ FE1 adapter module.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-20 114200- E Re v 00 Connecting to the Integrate d V .34 Modem Y ou connect d ial service s to the connect or on an ins talled V .34 Modem adap ter module. T o connect a telep hone cable to the in tegr ated V .
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-21 Connecting to the X.25 P AD Interface T o suppor t X.25 P AD applicati ons, the ARN ro uter requir es the follo wing hardwa re: • ARN X.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-22 114200- E Re v 00 T o connect X.25 P AD services: 1. Po sition the X.25 br eakout box abov e the ARN in one of the f ollowing ways: • Attac h th.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-23 Connecti ng a Managemen t Console Y ou can use the ba ck-panel console po rts to co nnect one or both of the f ollowi ng management d e vices: • PC or term inal • External modem or tel ephone conn ection to optional inte grated V .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-24 114200- E Re v 00 Figure 1-19. Connecting the Console/Modem Cable 4. Attach th e null modem cros sov er adapter to the other end of the console cabl e (F igure 1-20) . Figure 1-20. Attac hing the Null Modem Crosso ver Adapter 5.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-25 Figure 1-21. Connecting a PC Console to an ARN Connecting a T erminal Console T o connect a termin al console to th e ARN, you need both of t hese piec es in the ARN console/ modem cable kit (Order No. 11 0310): • Serial console/ modem cable wit h 9-pin rece ptacle to 25-pin pl ug connectors (Order No.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-26 114200- E Re v 00 When you ha ve the appropriate equi pment, comple te the f ollo wing steps: 1. T urn on a nd conf igure t he terminal, us ing the parame ters in Ta b l e 1 - 3 and the te rminal user guid e.
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-27 Connecting a Console Mo dem A modem pro vides a system administra tor with remote a ccess to t he ARN. It is a good idea to connect a modem in ca se the ARN e xperie nces syste m problems.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-28 114200- E Re v 00 Connecting an External Consol e Modem T o connect an e xternal modem to the ARN ba ck panel, yo u need an A T or Hayes compatibl e modem and th e modem cable ( Order No. 110 307) that came in the ARN console/ modem cable kit .
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-29 Figure 1-24. Connecting to an Inte grated Console Modem Connecting the P ower Cable T o connect the po wer cable to t he ARN, complete these st eps: 1. Connect the power ca ble to the power connector o n the left side of t he ARN back panel ( Figur e 1-25) .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-30 114200- E Re v 00 Figure 1-25. Connecting the P ower Cable to the ARN 2. Connect the re mote end of th e power ca ble to a gr ounded outlet . Note: For in formation about connecting a redundant po wer supply to the ARN, refer t o the docume ntation tha t came with your po wer supply .
Install ing the A RN 114200-E R e v 00 1-31 Installing the Flash Memory Car d Nort el Net works ships the ro uter s oftware on a P CMCI A flas h mem ory ca rd (Fig ure 1-26) . The f lash memory card provid es storage for t he Non vo latile File System (NVFS) in the ARN.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 1-32 114200- E Re v 00 Where t o Go Ne xt Use the f ollow ing table to deter mine where yo u want t o go ne xt.
114200-E R e v 00 2-1 Chap ter 2 Star ting the ARN This chap ter descr ibes ho w to start the P assport ARN router , as fo llo w s: Understanding the Star tu p Process T o operat e, the ARN requir es two f iles: a softw are image and a conf iguration f ile.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 2-2 114200- E Re v 00 When you start th e ARN for the f irst ti me, it completes an in itial sta rtup proced ure to boot a nd connect to the net work usi ng eithe r a def ault conf iguration f ile or one alread y customize d and a vaila ble on the netw ork.
Startin g the ARN 114200-E R e v 00 2-3 Y ou may not be ab le to use a ll methods de scribed in thi s chapte r to boot o ver some interf aces on your r outer .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 2-4 114200- E Re v 00 Star t ing the AR N f o r the First Time The ARN f actory d efaul ts are s et to f ind the im age f ile and c onfigura tion f ile.
Startin g the ARN 114200-E R e v 00 2-5 Using EZ -Install EZ-I nstal l is th e defau lt ins tall ation opti on pr ovided by No rte l Netwo rks. This option r equires th at your network a dministra tor has set up the netw ork so that you can sta rt the EZ- Install pr ocedure.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 2-6 114200- E Re v 00 Using Ne tboot, Dire cted Netboo t, or Local Bo ot When you net boot or loc al boot the ARN, yo u must use a command li ne interf ace that ac cesses t he router software.
Startin g the ARN 114200-E R e v 00 2-7 2. While the r outer is r unning the EZ-I nstall pr ocedur e, issue a brea k sequence f rom t he management co nsole.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 2-8 114200- E Re v 00 Continuing with Netboot T o use the net boot option , you must ha ve at leas t one serial, Eth ernet, or to ken ring interf ace connecte d to the ne twork.
Startin g the ARN 114200-E R e v 00 2-9 The getcfg c ommand sho w s t he source loca tion, either l ocal or netw ork, of the boot image f ile and the netw ork conf igurati on f ile. It als o sho ws the interf ace conf igurat ion sett ings that you speci fied u sing the ifconfig comm and .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 2-10 114200- E Re v 00 Continuing with Directed Netboot Y ou must ha ve at least on e serial, 56/ 64K DSU/CSU, Ethernet , or tok en ring interf ace connecte d to the netw ork to use the d i rect ed netboot opt ion.
Startin g the ARN 114200-E R e v 00 2-11 T o use th e directed netb oot featu re: 1. At the c ommand line pr ompt, enter th e ifcon fig command pro vided to yo u by y our network admi nistrator and pr ess the Ret urn k ey . The foll owing is a sample command: ifconfig co m1 9.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 2-12 114200- E Re v 00 Figure 2-1. V e rifying Direct ed Netboot Configuration If getc fg displays the correct informati on, continue to St ep 4. Other wise, correct and reent er the ifconf ig and bc onf ig commands.
Startin g the ARN 114200-E R e v 00 2-13 6. Ensur e that the ARN is succes sfully connec ted to y our networ k. T o ver ify that the ARN is no w connected to the netw ork, contact your net work administ rator . T o troublesh oot an y problems, your netw ork admini strator can refer to Conf igurin g P assport Remot e Access .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 2-14 114200- E Re v 00 2. T ype the f ollowing c ommand and pr ess the Retur n key to boot the ARN: boot 3. Ensur e that the ARN boots corr ectly . When the ARN boot s, its LEDs flash in a partic ular orde r .
Startin g the ARN 114200-E R e v 00 2-15 Ente ring n stop s the Quick-St art scri pt and re turns you t o the T echnic ian interf ace prompt. Enteri ng y allo ws you to conf igure ano ther module /port. When the i nstall script c ompletes, the ARN sta rts bri dging and rout ing traf f ic.
114200-E R e v 00 3-1 Chap ter 3 Operating the ARN This chap ter descr ibes ho w to operat e the P assport ARN rou t er , as foll ows: Understanding the ARN LEDs Light-e mitting diode s (LEDs) on the ARN pro vide informati on about ho w the ARN is opera ting.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 3-2 114200- E Re v 00 Base Module LEDs The base mod ule includes di agnostic L EDs and LAN in terf ace LEDs, visibl e on the fro nt panel o f the ARN. Diagnost ic LEDs The base mod ule diagnostic LEDs ( Figure 3-1 ) i ndicate t he statu s of the ARN itsel f.
Oper ating the AR N 114200-E R e v 00 3-3 Ethernet 10 B ASE-T LEDs Ta b l e 3 - 2 describes t he base modu le Etherne t 10B ASE-T LEDs. RPS Ligh ts and rem ains on when the red undant pow er supp ly (option al) is operat ing. F an Ligh ts and rem ains on if one or m ore ARN co oling f ans st op oper ating.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 3-4 114200- E Re v 00 Ethernet 10 /100B AS E-Tx LEDs Ta b l e 3 - 3 describes t he base modu le Etherne t 10/100B ASE-Tx LEDs. Ethernet 10 0B ASE-Fx LEDs Ta b l e 3 - 4 describes t he base modu le Etherne t 100Base-Fx LEDs .
Oper ating the AR N 114200-E R e v 00 3-5 Expansion Module LEDs When the ARN has an installed e xpansion m odule, i ts inte rface LEDs are vis ible on the f r ont pa nel. F or the lo cation of the optio nal ARN e xpansion module , see Figure 1- 4 on page 1-9.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 3-6 114200- E Re v 00 Serial LEDs Ta b l e 3 - 8 des cribe s the exp ansio n mo dule serial interfa ce LE Ds. Adapter Module LEDs When the ARN/DC ha s an optional ada pter module instal led, its i nterfa ce LEDs are vi sible on the fron t panel.
Oper ating the AR N 114200-E R e v 00 3-7 ISDN BRI LEDs (S/T or U Interfaces) Ta b l e 3 - 1 0 desc ribes the ISDN adap ter module LEDs. 56/64K DSU/CSU LEDs Ta b l e 3 - 1 1 descri bes the 56/ 64K DSU/CSU adapt er module LEDs. T able 3-10. ISDN BRI LEDs LED Meaning S/T Inter face Unlab eled LED Light s when the ARN is us ing the D- channel .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 3-8 114200- E Re v 00 FT1/T1 and FE1/E1 DSU/CSU LEDs Ta b l e 3 - 1 2 descri bes the FT1/T1 and FE1 /E1 DSU/CSU adapt er module LEDs. X.25 P AD LEDs Ta b l e 3 - 1 3 descri bes the X.25 P AD adapter mo dule LEDs.
Oper ating the AR N 114200-E R e v 00 3-9 Ensuri ng a Successfu l Installat ion After c onnecting the ARN to th e netwo rk, you ca n ensure a successfu l install ation by checkin g the diagn ostic LEDs o n the fron t panel of the base module (ref er to Figure 3- 1 on page 3-2 ).
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 3-10 114200- E Re v 00 • After the boot process completes, the Run LED li ghts and the Boo t LED turns of f, indi cating t hat the ARN i s operationa l. If the LEDs on the ARN li ght in th is sequenc e, your ins tallation is succes sful.
Oper ating the AR N 114200-E R e v 00 3-11 P owe ring On an d Off The ARN po wer switch is located o n the back p anel (Figu re 3-2 ) . Figure 3-2. ARN P ower Switch T o po wer on an ARN, press the po wer switch to th e ON positio n (1). V erify th at air is flo wing by pla cing your hand ne xt to the fa n vent s.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 3-12 114200- E Re v 00 Resett ing the ARN The Reset but ton is se t inside the ARN back pan el and res ides ne xt to the fl ash card sl ot, as sho wn in Figure 3-3 .
Oper ating the AR N 114200-E R e v 00 3-13 Remo vin g a Flash Memory Car d T o remo ve a memory card fro m an ARN: 1. Pr ess the eject b utton next to the card r eceptacle on th e back panel. The card p ops out sl ightly . 2. Pull the memory card o ut of the c ard r eceptacle .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 3-14 114200- E Re v 00 Pr otecting Memory Car d Files Nortel Networks ships ea ch memory c ard with it s read/write p rotect swit ch in the unpro tected p osition (Figure 3 -5) .
Oper ating the AR N 114200-E R e v 00 3-15 Where t o Go Ne xt Use the f ollow ing table to deter mine where yo u want t o go ne xt. For inf o rmation abo ut Go to Install ing the ARN Chapte r 2 Config.
114200-E R e v 00 4-1 Chap ter 4 Installing a W AN Adapter Module This chapte r describes how to inst all a wide area net work (W AN) adapte r module in the ARN. Prepar ing for Install ation Before i nstalling t he module, e xamine the con t ents of your ad apter module upgrade k i t.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 4-2 114200- E Re v 00 Downloading New Boot and Dia gnostic Code When insta llating an adapte r module as a n upgrade t o your e xisting hard ware conf .
Install ing a WAN A dapter Mod ule 114200-E R e v 00 4-3 4. Dete rmin e whic h of th e two fron t-pan el ada pter m odu le slo ts to u se (Fig ure 4 -1) . Figure 4-1. Loca tion of Adapter Module Slots 1 and 2 5. Remov e the installe d adapter module or the sl ot f iller panel.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 4-4 114200- E Re v 00 Figure 4-2. Removing the Filler P a nel from Slot 1 2. Gras p the metal t ab on the filler p ane l and p ull forwar d to remove t he panel. 3. Set the f iller panel asi de. T o opera te the ARN without a n adapter module in this sl ot, you mus t reinsta l l the f iller pane l.
Install ing a WAN A dapter Mod ule 114200-E R e v 00 4-5 Removing an Adapter Module T o remo ve a W AN ada pter module : 1. Usin g a Ph illip s screwd river , rem ove the sc r ew t hat secures t he ad apte r module y ou want to r emove (Figu re 4-3) .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 4-6 114200- E Re v 00 Installing an Adapter Module T o insta ll a W AN adapter modul e: 1. Hold th e adapter modul e with the c omponents facing up (Figure 4-4) . Figure 4-4. Adapter Module Ready f or Installation 2.
Install ing a WAN A dapter Mod ule 114200-E R e v 00 4-7 3. Push the ada pter module in until its connecto r pins ali gn with the base module connec tor sock et in the ARN chas sis. 4. Usin g a Phi llip s screwdr iver , ins ert and t ighte n the sc rew (Fig ure 4-6) .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs 4-8 114200- E Re v 00 What to Do Next Before yo u can use t he W AN adapter modu le after instal lation, y ou must start the router on the net work and mod ify its conf iguration f ile to i nclude the ne w inter face.
114200-E R e v 00 A-1 Append ix A Configurin g the ARN fo r Netboot and Directed Netboot This appe ndix descr ibes ho w to conf igure the Pa ssport ARN r outer for Netboot and Direc ted Netboot, a s follo ws: The ifconfig an d bconfig commands conf igure the ARN fo r netboot a nd direct ed netboot .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs A-2 114200- E Re v 00 Using the ifconf ig Command A router interfa ce cannot communicate in an IP network without an IP address . Because a n ARN netboots ov er one of it s serial, 5 6/64K DSU/CSU, Ethe rnet, or toke n ring links, the netboot interf ace must ha ve a v alid IP add ress.
Conf ig urin g the A RN for N etbo ot and Dir ect ed Net boot 114200-E R e v 00 A-3 Ta b l e A - 1 describes the ifconfig command setting s for conf iguring a COM inter face. T able A-1. COM Interface ifc onfig Command Settings Setting Descrip tion Default Settin g -d Resets t he router IP interf ace setti ngs to the def ault v alues.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs A-4 114200- E Re v 00 Configuring an Ethernet In terface for Netw ork Booting T o conf igure an y ARN Etherne t interf ace for n etwork booting, us e t.
Conf ig urin g the A RN for N etbo ot and Dir ect ed Net boot 114200-E R e v 00 A-5 Configuring a T oke n Ring Interface for Netw ork Booting T o conf igure an ARN tok en ring inte rface for netw ork .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs A-6 114200- E Re v 00 Enabling and Disabling Interfaces with ifconfig T o enable or disabl e an ARN inte rface for the n etwork boot process, u se the .
Conf ig urin g the A RN for N etbo ot and Dir ect ed Net boot 114200-E R e v 00 A-7 Using th e bconfig Co mmand Y ou use the bconfig comman d to conf igure the b oot option. • To u s e netboot , y ou use the b oot conf iguration command bconfig to speci fy that t he ARN softw are image f ile or conf iguratio n f ile resides on the network .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs A-8 114200- E Re v 00 Examples of bconfig Com mands 1. Conf igure the def ault ne tboot pro cedure. Use a local image f ile and look for the conf igurati on f ile o ver the netw ork using BootP . bconfig -d image (or bconfig image local ) bconfig -d config (or bconfig c onfig netw ork ) 2.
Conf ig urin g the A RN for N etbo ot and Dir ect ed Net boot 114200-E R e v 00 A-9 The follo wing sample res ponse sho ws the settings for an ARN w ith one Ethe rnet, one tok en ring, and f iv e serial i nterf aces: Boot Options boot image=local boot config=network Netboot Parameters: MAU1.
114200-E R e v 00 B-1 Append ix B Using Local Boot (the Quic k-Star t Procedure) This appe ndix descr ibes ho w to complete a local boot by running t he Quick-St art script , as foll ow s: This appe n.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-2 114200- E Re v 00 Bef ore Y ou R un Qu ic k-S tar t T o aid you in answering Qu ick-Start prompts, s ome sample w orksheets a re pro vided. Fill them o ut with assista nce from you r network adm inistrator .
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-3 Ta b l e B - 1 prov ides the c onnector names and numbers you shoul d use duri ng the Quick-St art procedur e. Filling Out the W orksh eets The in st_arn.bat script provi des man y options for conf iguring th e ARN on a netw ork.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-4 114200- E Re v 00 This worksh eet li sts s pecific o ption s for R IP , OS PF , o r Stat ic Ro ute conf igurations. For e xample, if you sel e ct RI P as your routi ng protoc ol, you need to f ill out onl y the wor ksheet pe rtainin g to RIP .
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-5 Global Information W orksheet This sec tion cont ains the p rompts and poss ible options re lating t o all ARN seria l conf igurations. Write your s election in t he “ Y our Response ” col umn.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-6 114200- E Re v 00 Enter con nector n umber [1] : If there is only one connect or on the modul e you cho s e , the sc ript automatic ally as signs a connecto r number and b ypasse s this prom pt. Otherw ise , the sc ript lists the a vai labl e connect ors.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-7 3 Enter I P address in dotted dec imal no tati on: Enter the I P address f or the COM interf ace. Enter I P subnetwork mask in dotted d ecimal nota tion: Enter the su bnetwork mask f or the C OM int erface IP addr ess.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-8 114200- E Re v 00 Router Pr otoc ol W o rksheets This sec tion cont ains requ ested informa tion and po ssible op tions rel ating to th e routing protocol choices o n the Global W orksheet . 6 Do y ou want to enab le TI TELNET (y/n) [n]: y(es) n(o) Enab ling TELNET is opti onal.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-9 Speci fy th e versio n of RIP . Th e default is to run RIP1. Rip2 r uns RIP2 without the auto matic aggreg ation of subnets that RIP1 provi des. RIG2 _AGGR provice s the a utoma tic aggrega tion o f subnets f or RIP2.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-10 114200- E Re v 00 Enter OSPF MTU size selec tion [1]: 1. Def ault 2. E ther n et size (Nor t el Ne twork s Series 5 compa tible) 3. User De fined MTU Enter OSPF interf ace type selec tion [1]: 1. Broadc ast 2.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-11 Enter dec imal v alue in sec onds f or P oll Interval [ 120]: (F or NBMA only) Enter the l argest n umber of second s allo wed between Hello pac ke ts that the rout er sends to an inactiv e NBMA neighbor .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-12 114200- E Re v 00 Wide Area Protocol W orksheets This sec tion cont ains request ed informa tion and po ssible opti ons relating to wid e area pr otocol cho ices on th e Global W orksheet.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-13 Enter Remo te Address selec tio n [3]: 1. DCE 2. DTE 3. EXPLICIT Note: Re vers e local a nd remote address va lues when co nfiguring the de vice at the ot her end of the circu it.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-14 114200- E Re v 00 PPP Standar d W orksheet Requested Inf ormation Options Y our Response Enter Remo te IP addres s in dott ed dec imal no tati on: Enter the I P address of the p eer connec tion.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-15 Enab le use of the Rem ote P eer router ’ s LQR Ti mer? (y/n) [y ]: (F or LQR Protoco l only) y(es) n(o) Note: If the LQR timer is enab led, the remote pe er router maint ains i ts own LQ R timer f or this in terf ace.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-16 114200- E Re v 00 Runn ing th e Quic k-Sta r t Scri pt The Quick- Start sc ript is called i nst_arn.bat and you run it as par t of the Local Boot proc ess. Begi n local bo ot as fol lo ws: 1. At th e T ech nicia n Int erfac e login: prompt, ent er Mana ger to log in.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-Star t Procedur e) 114200-E R e v 00 B-17 5. T ype the f ollowing c ommand and pr ess the Ret urn k ey: run inst_arn.bat 6. F ollow the scr ipt online, us ing y our wor ksheets when r esponding to its pr ompts. The list of commands i n Ta b l e B - 2 describe ho w to interact with the Quic k-Star t scrip t.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs B-18 114200- E Re v 00 7. Name and sa ve the co nfigurat ion f ile. The scri pt be gins to t est the conf igurati on on the ne w IP interf ace (Fig ure B-2) . Figure B-2. Starting the IP Interface T es t 8.
114200-E R e v 00 C-1 Append ix C ARN T ec hnical Specificati ons This appe ndix pro vides technical specif ications and a produc t ov erview o f the ARN and its interface o ptions, as follo ws: Physical Sp ecifi cation s The dimensi ons and wei ght of the ARN are as fo llo ws: • Heig ht: 2.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-2 114200- E Rev 0 0 If you are installing your ARN in an elect ronic equi pment rack, mak e sure that t he rack meet s the fol lo wing sp ecifi cations: • Hea vy-duty steel c onstruct ion • Electr onic Indus tries Ass ociation (EIA) sta ndard hole-spaci ng • W idth of 19 in .
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-3 Har dware Comm unicat ions Options The ARN is des igned to s cale to your needs. In addition t o either an Etherne t or toke n ring base module, you can add an opt ional ex pansion and up to tw o optional adapter modules to the ARN.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-4 114200- E Rev 0 0 • One ISDN BRI U in terface • One V .34 modem interf ace • One 56/64K DSU/ CSU interfa ce • One F E1/E1 DSU/C SU interfac e • One F T1/T1 DSU/C SU interfac e • One X.25 P AD interf ace Ta b l e C - 2 de scrib es eac h inte rface.
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-5 Serial Prov ides W AN con nectivity . ARN models ca n ha ve up to fiv e serial por ts (thre e on an e xpansion mo dule and up to tw o adapte r modules ). Each po r t can oper ate indepen dently with RS-232, RS-4 22, RS-44 9, RS-530, V .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-6 114200- E Rev 0 0 Ethernet Attachment Unit Interface (A UI) The ARN Ethern et 10B ASE-T base modul e, Ethernet e xpansion modul e, and Ethernet /tri-ser ial e xpansio n modules con tain a 10B ASE-T sta ndard 802.
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-7 Ethernet 10B AS E-T and 10/100BASE-Tx Interfaces The Ether net 10B ASE-T and 10/1 00B ASE-Tx inte rfaces provid e U TP su pport . Ta b l e C - 4 identif ies the pin l ocations and funct ion assig nments for these inter faces.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-8 114200- E Rev 0 0 T oken Ring STP In terface The tok e n ri ng STP interf ace pro vides shielded twisted-pai r support . The ARN toke n ring base module, t oken r ing e xpansion modu le, and tok en ring/tri -seria l exp ansion modules c ontain this standard 802.
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-9 T oken Ring UTP In terface The tok en ring UTP interfa ce pro vides unshi elded twisted- pair suppo rt. The ARN toke n ring expans ion module a nd toke n ring/tri-seri al expansi on modules co ntain this re cept acle.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-10 114200- E Rev 0 0 • RS-422 conn ections ( Order No. 7318 ) • RS-232 conn ections ( Order No. 7826 ) • RS-530 conn ections ( Order No. AE0018 012) Ta b l e C - 7 sho ws the signal and pi n assignments for these co nnectors.
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-11 ISDN BRI U Interf ace The ARN suppor ts the BRI s tandard for ISDN using an optiona l ISDN/BRI adapter module. The inte grated ISDN BRI functionali ty allo ws you to co nnect direct ly to the ISDN networ k, through a U interf ace, as opposed to connecting ov er a term inal a dapte r .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-12 114200- E Rev 0 0 ISDN BRI S/T Int erface The ARN suppor ts the BRI s tandard for ISDN using an optiona l ISDN/BRI adapter module. The inte grated ISDN BRI functionali ty allo ws you to co nnect to the IS DN net work over a ter mina l adap ter th rough a n S/T interfa ce.
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-13 56/64K DSU/CSU Interfac e The ARN suppor ts direc t synchron ous access to eithe r a 56K data phone digital servic e (DDS) or 64K Clear Channel dedicated services using an opti onal 56/64K DSU/CSU adapte r module.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-14 114200- E Rev 0 0 Ta b l e C - 1 1 lists the ARN F T1/T1 DSU/CSU connect or pinout s. T able C-1 1.
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-15 X.25 P AD Conn ections The ARN pro vides X.25 P AD functi ons that enabl e the router to access X.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-16 114200- E Rev 0 0 RJ-11 Interface (for V .34 Modem) The ARN suppor ts a V .34 modem c onnection using a n optional V .34 modem adapter module. The V .3 4 functio nality all ows you to conne ct directl y to a phone line, as op posed to co nnec ting over an exte rnal m odem .
ARN Technic al Specif ications 114200-E R e v 00 C-17 The connec t or pi n assignmen t descri bed in Ta b l e C - 1 4 shows signal and pi n assignmen ts for the Consol e port. Service Mod em Connections The ARN back pa nel conta ins one modem s ervice inte rface, label ed Modem; it s DB-9 plug c onnector p rovi des an RS-232 -D serial con nection.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs C-18 114200- E Rev 0 0 The connec t or pi n assignmen t descri bed in Ta b l e C - 1 5 shows signal and pi n assignmen ts for t he modem port. T able C-15. Servi ce Modem Po r t DB-9 P in Assignment s Pin Assignment Pin No.
114200-E R e v 00 D-1 Append ix D Requireme nts f or Eur opean Operation This appe ndix pro vides informati on require d for operat ing the ARN in Europe, cabling requireme nts for s ynchronous (seri al) conne ction, and informati on about using th e serial adapt er module ( Order No.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs D-2 114200- E Rev 0 0 ARN 10/100 B ASE-T Et hernet Ba se Model S afety Status Ta b l e D - 2 lists the s afety stat us of int erconnect ion point s to the c onnection of other e quipment.
Requ irem ents for E urope an Op erati on 114200-E R e v 00 D-3 ARN Expans ion Modules Safety Statu s ARN expa nsion modules are upgrade opt ions that pr ovide an addi tional synchron ous inter face. T hese optio ns can be i nstalled i n any ARN mode l.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs D-4 114200- E Rev 0 0 Figure D -1. Cable 7837 (V .28 C ompliant) T able D-5. W AN Interface ( Or der No .
Requ irem ents for E urope an Op erati on 114200-E R e v 00 D-5 Figure D -2. Cable 7934 (V .28 C ompliant) T able D-6. W AN Interface ( Or der No . 7934) Nortel Netwo rks T erm ination Re m ote T ermi.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs D-6 114200- E Rev 0 0 Figure D -3. Cable 7220 (V .35 C ompliant) T able D-7. V .35 Inter face (Order No.
Requ irem ents for E urope an Op erati on 114200-E R e v 00 D-7 Figure D -4. Cable 7932 (V .35 C ompliant) 9 Data Carrier Detect+ F Data Carr ier Detect 19 Sign al Ground B Signal Gr ound Local Wire Con nections Pin 19 > 20 > 23 > 7 Pin 41 > 42 > 43 Pin 13 > 28 Pin 14 > 29 T able D-8.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs D-8 114200- E Rev 0 0 16 VST - AA Send Timing B 43 VRD+ R Receiv e Data A 18 VRD- T Receive Data B 6 Dat a Set Ready+ E Data Se t Ready 8 Da ta T ermin.
Requ irem ents for E urope an Op erati on 114200-E R e v 00 D-9 Figure D-5 . Cable 7224 (X.21 Comp liant) T able D-9. X.21 Interf ace ( Or der No. 7224) Nortel Netwo rks T erminatio n Remote T e rmina.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs D-10 114200- E Rev 0 0 Figure D-6 . Cable 7936 (X.21 Comp liant) T able D-10. X.21 In terface (O r der No.
Requ irem ents for E urope an Op erati on 114200-E R e v 00 D-11 Seria l Adapte r Module Require ments The seri al adapte r module (Or der No. CV0004001 ) is appro ved only f or instal lation i n a ho.
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs D-12 114200- E Rev 0 0 ISDN BRI Ad apter Mo dule Require ments The ISDN BRI ad apter module (Orde r No.
Requ irem ents for E urope an Op erati on 114200-E R e v 00 D-13 P ower Re quirements f or ISDN BRI and Serial Adapter Modules The IS DN BRI and se rial ada pter mod ules obta in po wer from the host chassis a nd ha ve the po wer require ments sho wn in Ta b l e D - 1 4 .
Installing and Oper ating Pass port ARN Route rs D-14 114200- E Rev 0 0 Figure D -7. Clearance and Creepag e Distances for ISDN BRI and Seria l Adapter Modules T able D-15.
Requ irem ents for E urope an Op erati on 114200-E R e v 00 D-15 The cree page dista nces appl y to the nor mal of fice en vironment. Whe n the loca l en vironme nt within the host c hassis i s subjec.
114200-E R e v 00 Index-1 Numbers 10/1 00BASE-Tx pin assi gnments, C-7 100BASE-Fx, 1 -9 interface, c onnecting to, 1-13 10BASE-T interface, c onnecting to, 1-12 7934, 50-pi n to RS-23 2 cable , D-5 A acron yms, xx i adapter mo dules conn ecting to DSU/CSU i nterfaces, 1-18, 1-19 , 1-21 ISDN interfaces, 1-17 serial interfaces, 1-17 V .
Index-2 114200- E Re v 00 B-ch annel #2 (B2 ) LED, 3-7 bcon fig co mmand default n etboot settin gs, A-8 descri bed, 2 -10 directe d netboo t, A-8 examples, A-8 format, A-7 local b oot, A-8 using, A- .
114200-E R e v 00 Index-3 conn ecting 100BASE-Fx c ables , 1-13 10BASE-T cable s, 1-12 A UI cabl es, 1-11 communi cations cab les, 1-10 DSU/CSU cab les, 1-18 , 1-19, 1-21 Etherne t cables, 1-10, 1-12,.
Index-4 114200- E Re v 00 AU I , 1 - 9 base mod ule, 1-9 expansio n module , 1-9 interf aces conf iguring, A -4 conne cting to, 1-10, 1- 12, 1-13 ifconf ig settings, A-4 pin assi gnments 10/1 00BASE-T.
114200-E R e v 00 Index-5 serial, 1-9 token ring STP , 1-9 UTP , 1-9 internal clocki ng, setting, A-3 IP address settings DSU/CSU, A-3 Ethern et, A-4 serial, A-3 token ring , A-5 connecto r settings D.
Index-6 114200- E Re v 00 ifconf ig command, A-2 requi rements, 2-2, 2-6 using, 2-6, 2-8 Non v olatil e File System ( NVFS) , remo ving, 3-13 Nortel Networks Prop rietar y PPP pro tocol, w orkshe et f.
114200-E R e v 00 Index-7 RS-530 connect ions, C-9 rubber feet, usin g, 1-5 Run LED, 3-2 S serial cable s, conne cting , 1-15 interf aces adapter module LED, 3-6 base module LEDs, 3- 6 conf iguring, A.
Index-8 114200- E Re v 00 W wa rm boot , 3-12 wire fault ( WFL T) LED, 3-4, 3- 5 wiring, 1-1 X X.21 co nnection s, C-9, D-3.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nortel Networks Passport ARN Routers gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.