Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung RP114 des Produzenten NETGEAR
Zur Seite of 155
SM-RP114NA-2 July 200 1 NET GEA R ,I n c . 4500 Gr eat Ame rica P arkw ay Santa Clara, CA 950 54 USA Phone 1-888 -NETGEAR Reference Guide for t he Mod el RP1 14 W eb Safe Router.
ii © 2001 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights re served. T rademarks NETGEAR and FirstGear a re trademarks Netgear, Inc. Microsoft, W indows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand a nd product names are reg istered tr ademarks or tradem arks of their res pectiv e holders.
iii Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Es wird hie rmit be stätigt , daß das Mo del RP1 14 W e b Safe Rou ter gemä ß der im BMP T-Amts blVfg 243 /1991 und Vfg 46/199 2 aufg eführt en Bestimmu ngen ents tört is t. Das vor schrif tsmäßi ge Betr eiben ein iger Ger äte (z.
Contents v Contents About This Guide T echnic al Suppor t .............. ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ................... .... xv Related Publ ications ................ ............. ............. .......
vi Contents Chapter 3 Preparing Y our Network Preparin g Y our P ersonal Co mputers for I P Netw orking .............. ............. ................... ... 3-1 Configur ing Windows 95 or later for IP Ne tworking ............... ............ .........
Contents vii Static Routes .............. ............. ............. .................... ............. ................... ............. ......... 5 -8 Static Route Exam ple ........ .................... ............. ............. .................
viii Contents Chapter 9 Using the M anager In terface f or Advan ced Syst em Maint enance System Sta tus ................... ................... ............. .................... ............ ............. ................ 9- 1 Log and T ra ce ......
Contents ix T esting the Pa th from Y our P C to a Re mote Devi ce ................... ............. ............. . 1 1-7 T ro ubleshoo ting the Ma nager Inte rface ....... ................... ............. ............. ................... . 1 1-7 Restoring th e Default Co nfigurat ion and Pa ssword .
x Contents.
xi Figure 2-1. RP1 14 Front P anel ......... .................... ............. ............ .................... ......... 2-3 Figure 2-2. RP1 14 Rear P anel ......... ............. .................... ............ ............. ................ 2- 4 Figure 4-1.
xii Figure 10 -3. Menu 21.1. 1 - TCP/IP Fi lter Rule ....... ............. ............ .................... ....... 10-5 Figure B -1. Three Main A ddress C lasses ...... ............. ................... ............. ............... B-3 Figure B -2.
xiii T able 2- 1. LED Descri ptions ..... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ......... 2-3 T able 4- 1. Log entry d escriptio ns ................. ............. ................... ............. .............. 4 -12 T able 4- 2.
About Th is Guide xv About This Gu ide Cong rat ulati ons on your pur chas e of t he NE TGE AR ™ Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Rou ter. The Model RP1 14 router provid es connectio n for multiple pers onal .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router xvi About Th is Gui de For more informatio n about IP address translati on, refer to RFC 1631, Th e IP N etwo rk A ddress T ranslator (NA T) .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer About T his Guide xvii T ypog raphic al Convent ions This guide uses the fo l lowin g typographic a l convention s: ital ics Book titles and UNIX f ile, co mmand, and d irector y names. courier font Screen text , user-typed command -line entries.
Introduc tion 1-1 Chap ter 1 Introduction This chap ter describes the feat ures of the NETGEAR Mode l RP1 14 W eb Saf e Route r and discuss es planning consi derations for install ation.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 1-2 Introduc tion – Pow erfu l pa cket f ilte ring c apab iliti es – Incomi ng port f orwarding and DMZ for s pecific servi ces • Built i n .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Introdu ction 1-3 • Front pa nel LEDs for easy moni toring of status and activi ty • Flash memor y for fir mw are upgrad e • Five-ye ar w.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 1-4 Introduc tion Autosensing 10/100 Ethernet W ith its i nternal , 4-port 10/100 swi tch, the Model RP1 14 router c an connect to eit her a 10 M bps standar d Ethernet network or a 100 Mbps Fast Etherne t network.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Introdu ction 1-5 Easy Installation and Management Y ou can in stall, configu re, and operate t he Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router wit hin minutes afte r connecti ng it to the net work.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 1-6 Introduc tion.
Setting Up the Hardwa re 2-1 Chap ter 2 Setting Up the Hardware This chapte r describes the Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router hardware and prov ides instru ctions for insta lling it.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 2-2 Setting U p the Hardw are Local Ne twork Hardware R equire ments The Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Rou ter is intende d for use i n a netw ork of person al computers (PCs) that are int erconnected by twist ed-pair Eth ernet cables.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Setting Up th e Hardwar e 2-3 The Rou ter ’ s Front Panel The front panel of th e Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router ( Figure 2-1 ) cont ains port con necti ons and stat us LE Ds. Figure 2-1. RP1 14 Front Panel Y ou can use some of the LEDs to verify connections.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 2-4 Setting U p the Hardw are The Rou ter ’ s Rea r Pane l The rear panel of the Mo del RP1 14 router is shown in Figure 2 -2 .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Setting Up th e Hardwar e 2-5 The Model RP1 14 router inc orporates a fou r-port s witch for connection to you r local network. T o connect the Mo del RP1 14 router to your LAN: • Connec t up to four PCs directly to any of the four LAN ports of the router us i ng standard Ethernet ca bles.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 2-6 Setting U p the Hardw are Ve r i f y i n g P o w e r After conne cting the power adapter to the route r and a power source, the router powe rs on auto maticall y . Complete t he following ste ps to verify tha t power is corre ctly applie d to the r outer: 1.
Preparin g Your Ne twork 3-1 Chap ter 3 Preparing Y our Networ k This chap ter describes how to prepa r e your PC network t o connect t o the Int ernet through t he Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Route r and how to ord er broadba nd Internet service fro m an Intern et servic e provider (ISP) .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 3-2 Preparing You r Netwo rk Follow the instructi ons provided wit h your operating s ystem or networ king soft ware to instal l TCP/IP on yo ur computer .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Prepari ng Your Netwo rk 3-3 Y ou must have an Ethernet ada pter , the TCP/IP protocol , and Client for Micro soft Networks. I fy o un e e dt h ea d a p t e r : a. Click the Add button . b. Select A dapter , and then clic k Add.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 3-4 Preparing You r Netwo rk d. Select TCP/I P , and then click OK. If you need Clien t fo r Micr osof t Net wor ks: a. Click the Add button . b. Selec t Clie nt, and t hen cl ick Add . c. Select Mi crosoft.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Prepari ng Your Netwo rk 3-5 T o check your PC’ s TCP/IP configu ration: 1. On the W indows taskbar , click the St art butt on, and then cli ck Run. The Run windo w opens. 2. T ype winipcfg , and then click OK.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 3-6 Preparing You r Netwo rk 2. From th e “Connec t via” box , select your Ma cintosh’ s Ethe rnet interfac e. 3. From the “Configur e” box, select Using DHCP Server . Y ou can leave t he DHCP Clien t ID box empty .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Prepari ng Your Netwo rk 3-7 Y our Inte rnet Account For acc ess to the I ntern et, yo u need to con trac t with an In terne t servic e pro vider (I SP) for a single -user Internet access a ccount using an ex ternal broadban d access devic e such as a cable modem or DSL modem.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 3-8 Preparing You r Netwo rk Account Information Unless t hese ite m s are dy namically assign ed by the ISP , your ISP s hould give you the follo.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Prepari ng Your Netwo rk 3-9 5. Select the Gat eway tab. If an I P address appears under Ins talled G ateways, write down the address . This is the ISP’ s gatew ay add res s. Sele ct the ad dress a nd the n click R emov e to remo ve the gat ew ay addr ess.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 3-10 Prepari ng Your N etwork Ready fo r Configuration After c onfiguri n g all of y our PCs for TCP/IP networ king and connecti ng them t o the LOCAL network o f your Model RP1 14 router, you a re ready to acc ess and confi gure the router.
Basic C onfigura tion of the Router 4-1 Chap ter 4 Basic Config uration of the R outer This chap ter describes how to perform the b asic configura t ion of you r Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router us ing the Setup W izard, which wa lks you thr ough the configur ation process for your Intern et connection.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4-2 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter A login window opens as shown in Figure 4-1 below:. Figure 4-1. Login window This screen may have a dif ferent appearance in ot her browsers. 5. T ype admin in the User Name box , 1234 in the P assw ord box , and the n clic k OK.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-3 7. In the f irst W izard screen, enter your accoun t’ s Host Name an d Domain Name, as shown in Figure 4 -3 be low : Figure 4-3.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4-4 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter 8. C l i c ko nN e x tt og ot ot h eI S PP a r a m e t e r ss c r e e n ,s h o w ni n Figure 4-4 below: Figure 4- 4. Brow ser-base d Setup Wiz ard, seco nd screen This screen det ermines whether a login progra m will be run.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-5 • If prov i ded by your ISP , enter your PP TP IP A ddress an d the Server IP A ddress of their P P TP Server . • If provide d by your ISP , enter the Connecti on ID/Name for your servic e.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4-6 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter 9. C l i c ko nN e x t t og ot ot h ef i n a lW i z a r ds c r e e ns h o w ni n Figur e 4-5 below . Figure 4-5. Browser-ba sed Setup Wi zard, third s creen This screen pr ovides setup for the followi ng paramete rs: a.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-7 • For conveni ence, the IP address of the PC you are now usi ng should alrea dy appear . If this is not the PC whose MAC address is to be used, enter th at PC's IP address.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4-8 Basic Config uration o f the Rou ter E-Mail In order to recei ve logs and alerts by email, you must provi de your email inf ormation in the E- Mail tab: •M a i l S e r v e r Specifi es the name of your outgoin g (SMT P) m ail serv er .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-9 •T i m e Z o n e Specify your lo cal time zone and click Apply . This setti ng will be used for the blockin g schedul e and also for ti me-st amping lo g entrie s.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4-10 Basic Con figurati on of the Rou ter T o delete a keyword or domain, sele ct it from the list, cli ck Delete Keywor d, then clic k Apply . Keyword appl icatio n examples: • If the keyword "XXX" is specified , the URL <http://www .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-11 Tr u s t e d The Model RP1 14 router al lows you to specif y one Tr usted User , which i s a PC tha t will be exempt fr om blocking and log ging.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4-12 Basic Con figurati on of the Rou ter Logs The log is a detai led reco rd of what website s you have accessed or a ttempted to access.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Basic Con figurati on of th e Router 4-13 Log viewin g buttons are des cribed in Ta b l e 4 - 2 T able 4-2. Log display buttons Field Des cription Previous Pag e Click this but ton to view the previ ous log page.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4-14 Basic Con figurati on of the Rou ter.
Advanc ed Configur ation of t he Route r 5-1 Chap ter 5 Advanc ed Config uratio n of the Router This chap ter describes how to configure t he adva nced feat ures of your Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router. T hese feat ures can be found by cl ickin g on the Advan ced head ing in the Ma in Menu of the browser i nterfac e.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 5-2 Adv anced Con figurati on of the Router Dynamic DNS Y our router supports Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS). In a Dynamic DNS se rvice , an IP regist ry server provides a publ ic centra l databa se where dyn amically -assig ned IP addresses can be stored and retri eved by hostname lo okup.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 5-3 LAN Setup The second feat ure category unde r the Advanced heading is LAN Setup. This me nu allows configu ration of LAN IP services such as DHCP and RIP .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 5-4 Adv anced Con figurati on of the Router Ta b l e 5 - 2 lists and describes the f i elds t o use for s etting u p DHCP parameters.. LAN TCP/IP Ta b l e 5 - 3 list s and desc rib es the fiel ds to use fo r settin g up TCP/I P par amet ers fo r the LAN.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 5-5 RIP Direc tion This pa rameter de termines how t h e router ha ndles RIP (Ro uting Infor mation Prot ocol). RIP al lows the router to exc hange routing informa tion with other routers.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 5-6 Adv anced Con figurati on of the Router Configur ing for P ort Forw arding t o Local S ervers Although t he router cause s your entir e local .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 5-7 Use the POR TS menu to configure the ro uter to forward inc oming proto cols to IP addresse s on your local net work based on the por t number .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 5-8 Adv anced Con figurati on of the Router • Local PCs m ust acce ss the local server using the PCs’ local LAN addr ess (192.168 .0.33 in this example) . Attempts by local PCs to access the server us ing th e externa l IP add ress (172.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 5-9 T o add or edit a Stat ic Route, sele ct a number and cli ck the Edit butt on to op en the Edit Menu, shown in Fi gure 5-4 Figure 5-4.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 5-10 Advan ced Configur ation of the Router Static Route Example As an exampl e of when a stati c route i s needed, consider the following c ase: • Y our primary Int ernet acces s is through a cable modem to an ISP .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Advanc ed Configur ation of the Router 5-11 In this case you must de fine a st atic route, te lling your rout er that should be acce ssed through the ISDN rout er at 192.168.1 00. The static route woul d look like Figure 5- 5 .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 5-12 Advan ced Configur ation of the Router.
Maintenan ce 6-1 Chap ter 6 Maintenance This chapte r describes how to use the maintena nce features of your Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router. T hese fea tures can be foun d by clicking on th e Maintenance headi ng in the Main Menu o f the br owse r inte rfac e.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 6-2 Main tenance This s cre en sh ows th e fo llow ing pa ram eter s: T able 6 -1. Menu 3 .2 - System Status F ields Field De scription System N ame This field di s plays the H ost Name assign ed to the ro uter .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Main tenance 6-3 Click on t he “Show Stati stics” button t o display ro uter u sage st atisti cs, as shown in Fig ure 6-2 belo w: Figure 6 -2. Ro uter Stat istics scr een This screen sho ws the following sta tistics:.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 6-4 Main tenance DHCP T able The DHCP T able shows all IP a ddress assignments t h at have b een made by the rout er’ s DHCP server . Fro m the Main Me nu of the browse r interfac e, click o n Mainte nance, then select DHCP T able to view the table, sho wn in Figure 6-3 Figure 6-3.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Main tenance 6-5 Note: When uploa ding software to the Mo del RP1 14 router, it is important n ot t o int errupt the W eb browser by clo sing the window , click ing a link, or loading a new page.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 6-6 Main tenance T o restor e the factory de fault con figuration set tings w ithout k nowing the login pa ssword o r IP address , you must use the Default Rese t button on the rear panel of the router .
Using the Man ager Interfa ce for Initi al Router Con figurati on 7-1 Chap ter 7 Using the Ma nager In terface fo r Initia l Router Configuration This chap ter contains i nformation about bas ic configurati on for your Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router us ing the inte rnal Man ager int erface.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 7-2 Using the Manager In terface for Ini tial Route r Configura tion OR • Add a route to the stati c routing table of the work station to indicate th at the router can be reached thr ough the local LAN port.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface fo r Initia l Router C onfigurat ion 7-3 Using the Mana ger Int erfa ce Login When po wer is firs t applie d to the ro uter, se veral in tern al tests a re perf ormed b y the rou ter .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 7-4 Using the Manager In terface for Ini tial Route r Configura tion Navigating the Manager The Mana ger is the interfac e that you us e to co nfigure y our router . Ta b l e 7 - 1 lists and desc ribes th e commands that enab le you to na vigate through t he Manager menus.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface fo r Initia l Router C onfigurat ion 7-5 4 In tern et Acc ess Set up Set up a basi c Int ernet c onne ctio n. 1 1 Remote Node Setu p Config ure additiona l param eters of the Inte rnet conne ction 12 Static Routi ng Setup Manual ly configure static ro utes.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 7-6 Using the Manager In terface for Ini tial Route r Configura tion General Setup Menu The Gene ral Setu p Menu cont ains administra tive and s ystem-related informati on, such as the router name.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface fo r Initia l Router C onfigurat ion 7-7 WA N S e t u p Menu 2 enabl es you to configu re the 10 Mbps Ethernet por t to a broadba nd modem device , such a s a cable or DSL modem.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 7-8 Using the Manager In terface for Ini tial Route r Configura tion LAN Setup Menu 3 enabl es you to configu re the Eth ernet LAN parameter s, including fil ters, DHCP , and IP address in f ormation.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface fo r Initia l Router C onfigurat ion 7-9 Ta b l e 7 - 4 list s an d desc ribes t he in terfa ce an d filt er ch oice s in t he LA N Po rt Filt er S etup m enu .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 7-10 Using the Man ager Interfac e for Initi al Router Configu ratio n . T able 7-5. Menu 3.2 - TCP/IP and DHCP S etup Fields Field De scription DHCP: If set to Server , the router acts as a DHCP server .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface fo r Initia l Router C onfigurat ion 7-11 Manager Password Setup For secur ity , you s hould chang e the Manager passwor d from the default value of 12 34. T o change the Manager pas sword: 1.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 7-12 Using the Man ager Interfac e for Initi al Router Configu ratio n 2. Enter your p revious syst em password, and press [Ente r]. 3. Enter your new sys tem password , and press [Ente r]. 4. Enter your n ew system passwor d again for confi rmation, a nd press [Enter] .
Using the Manage r Interface to Confi gure the Router for In ternet Acce ss 8-1 Chap ter 8 Using the Manag er Interface to Co nfigure the Router for Internet Acces s This chap ter descri bes how to configure you r Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router for Inte r net acce ss using th e internal Manager int erface.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-2 Using the Man ager I nterface to Co nfigure t he Route r for Inte rnet Ac cess Figure 8-1. Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup 2. Enter t he name of your ISP i n the ISP’ s Name fie ld (for example, m yISP).
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-3 a. Select Sta ndard. If your Servic e T ype is RoadRunner and your RoadRunne r region requir es t he login progr am: a.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-4 Using the Man ager I nterface to Co nfigure t he Route r for Inte rnet Ac cess Figure 8-2. Menu 1 1.1 - Remote Node Profile 2. Edit the rem ote node settin gs with the desired ch anges. 3. At the bot tom of Men u 11.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-5 Encapsula tion Choose from Ethe rnet, PPPoE, or PPTP . If your servic e provider does not requ ire a login program, le ave Encapsulation as Ethernet.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-6 Using the Man ager I nterface to Co nfigure t he Route r for Inte rnet Ac cess E d i t i n gI PO p t i o n s T o edit IP options: 1. Select Y es in the Edit IP Options field of Submenu 1 1.1 - Remote Node Prof ile.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-7 Ta b l e 8 - 2 lists and describes t he fields for Men u 1 1.3 - Remote Node Network Laye r Options. T able 8-2.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-8 Using the Man ager I nterface to Co nfigure t he Route r for Inte rnet Ac cess Edit ing F ilter Sets Y ou can app ly filter s to incoming or out going data in a Re m ote Node connection and also use filte rs to cause or p revent the placement o f outgoing ca lls to the Remot e Node.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-9 After de fining filte rs in Menu 21, apply the filter s to the Remote Node by entering th e filte r number in Menu 1 1.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-10 Using the Manage r Interface to Configur e the R outer for Inte rnet Ac cess Configur ation f or Loc al Server s Although NA T causes your en.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-11 Figure 8-6. Menu 15 - SUA Server Setup Local Web and F TP Server Example If a local PC, with a private add ress of 192.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-12 Using the Manage r Interface to Configur e the R outer for Inte rnet Ac cess Some consi derations fo r this applica tion are: • If your account’ s IP addr ess is assigne d dynamic ally by you r ISP , the IP a ddress m ay change periodi cally as the DHCP l ease expires.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-13 Figure 8-7. IP Static Rout ing T able Example In this exa mple, the fir st route shown is the local Ether net subnet co nnected to the LAN interf ace (enif0).
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-14 Using the Manage r Interface to Configur e the R outer for Inte rnet Ac cess Figure 8-8. Menu 12.1 - Edit IP Static Route 3. Ente r set tings for th e sta tic r oute e ntry . Ta b l e 8 - 5 lists and describes the f ields f or Menu 12.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-15 4. Press [Ente r] at the Press ENTER to Confirm... prompt to save your sel ections, or press [Esc] at any t ime to cancel your sele ctions.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-16 Using the Manage r Interface to Configur e the R outer for Inte rnet Ac cess Figure 8-9. Static Rout e E xample In thi s ex ampl e: • The Des tinatio n IP Address and IP Subnet M ask fiel ds specify that this static route applies t o all 134.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Manager Int erface to C onfigur e the Router fo r Interne t Access 8-17 Dynamic DNS Y ou can configure yo ur router to registe r its dynamical ly assigne d IP addr ess with a dynami c DNS servic e by configuring Men u 1.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 8-18 Using the Manage r Interface to Configur e the R outer for Inte rnet Ac cess.
Using the Manage r Interface for Adv anced System Mai ntenance 9-1 Chap ter 9 Using the Manager I nterface for Adv anced System Maintenance The Model RP1 14 W eb Saf e Router provides tools fo r maintenance and diagnostics .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 9-2 Using th e Mana ger Interf ace for Ad vance d Syste m Maintena nce Figure 9-1. Menu 24 - System Maintenance 2. Enter 1 to display M enu 24.1 - System Maintena nce - Status menu ( Fi gure 9 -2 ).
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Mana ger Interfac e for Adv anced S ystem Ma intena nce 9-3 Ta b l e 9 - 1 lists the comma nds used in the System Maint enance - Status menu. Ta b l e 9 - 2 lists the fie lds for Menu 24.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 9-4 Using th e Mana ger Interf ace for Ad vance d Syste m Maintena nce Log and T r ace Log and trac e tools allow the user t o view the e rror log in or der to troublesho ot any errors that m ay occur .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Mana ger Interfac e for Adv anced S ystem Ma intena nce 9-5 Syslog Syslog ca n be configured i n Menu 24.3.2 - System Maintenanc e - UNIX Sys log. Menu 24.3.2 configu res the router to send UNIX system logs to anot her machine.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 9-6 Using th e Mana ger Interf ace for Ad vance d Syste m Maintena nce • Fil ter ev ent lo g • PPP event log 6. Save this menu. T o configur e the syslogd pr ogram on t he local host PC: 1. Edit th e /etc/s yslog .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Mana ger Interfac e for Adv anced S ystem Ma intena nce 9-7 Figure 9-3. Menu 24.4 - System Maintenance - Diagnos tic From the M ain Men u, ente r 24 to display Menu 24 - Syste m M ainten ance.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 9-8 Using th e Mana ger Interf ace for Ad vance d Syste m Maintena nce Back U p and Res tore Con figur atio n Y ou can sa ve the rout er configuration setting s to a disk as a binary f ile. Y ou can als o restore the setti ngs from the fil e at a later ti me.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Using th e Mana ger Interfac e for Adv anced S ystem Ma intena nce 9-9 Softwa re Upda te Y ou can update the router so ftware through the brows er or by using an F TP program. The browser procedur e i s descr ibed in “Software Upgr ade“ on page 6-4 .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 9-10 Using th e Mana ger Interfac e for Ad vance d System Ma intena nce Remote Management Although t he router is nor mally co nfigured b y a PC on the local network, it can also be configur ed and managed ove r the Internet if remote manag ement is enabled.
Configu ring Fil ters 10-1 Chapter 10 Config uring Fil ters This chap ter provides i nformation about conf iguri ng a nd using fil ters for your M odel RP1 14 W eb Safe Router. Filter s are used to bl ock certain pack ets, reduce t raf fic, and prev ent security br eaches .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 10-2 Confi guring Fi lters When im plem entin g these fi lter se ts, you c an link up to fo ur of the fil ter set s to scre en the dat a packet. Ther efore, with each filter s et having up to six ru les, you can hav e a maximum of 24 rules active for a sin gle filterin g applica tion.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Configur ing Filte rs 10-3 3. When yo u ha ve fin ishe d filli ng in t he Edi t Com men ts fie ld, press [E nter ] at th e Press ENTER to Confirm... pr ompt to confirm your selections, or pr ess [Esc] at any time to canc el your se lec tions .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 10-4 Confi guring Fi lters For mo re infor mati on ab out fil ter rule s, refer to “Configurin g a Filte r Rule ,” on page 10-6 . If the f ilte r ty pe is IP ( TC P/IP) , the a bbre via tions lis ted in Ta b l e 1 0 - 2 ar e us ed.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Configur ing Filte rs 10-5 Figure 10-3. Menu 21.1.1 - T CP/IP Filter R ule Menu 21.1.1 - TCP/IP Filter Rule Filter #: 1,1 Filter Type= TCP/IP Filter Rule Active= Yes IP Protocol= 17 IP Source Route= No Destination: IP Addr= 0.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 10-6 Confi guring Fi lters Configuring a Filter Rule Y ou can confi gure two types of filter rules . Some of the paramet e rs dif fer depending on the type of rule . W hen y ou first enter th e filte r rule menu, Menu 21 .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Configur ing Filte rs 10-7 T able 10-4. TCP/IP Filter Rule Fields Field Desc riptions Active Make the filter ru le active (Y es) or inactiv e (No). IP Proto col Protocol ref ers to the IP-spec ific num ber of th e protocol.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 10-8 Confi guring Fi lters TCP Esta b This field is depe ndent upon the IP Protocol fie ld. This field is inacti ve (N/A) unless th e value in that fie ld is 6 (TCP protocol).
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Configur ing Filte rs 10-9 Gen eric Fil ter R ule This sec tion provides i nformatio n about configuri ng the protocol -independent par ameters f or a generic fil ter rule for your ro uter . T able 10-5 lists t he fiel ds in the menu.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 10-10 Confi guring Fi lters Applying a Filter Set After c onfiguring a fi lter set in Menu 21, you m ust speci fy how the filte r will be used. Filter s are applied at the LAN interf ace in Me nu 3.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Configur ing Filte rs 10-1 1 Default Fi lters The Model RP1 14 router is preconfi gured with the fi lters s hown in Figur e 10-1 on page 10-2 and in thi s sec tion.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 10-12 Confi guring Fi lters.
Troubles hooting 11-1 Chap ter 1 1 T rou bleshooting This chapte r gives informat ion about troubl eshooting your Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router. After each prob lem descri ption, inst ructions are provided to hel p you diagnose and solve the prob lem.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 11-2 Troubl eshootin g T est LED Never Blinks or LED Stays On When the router is tur ned on, the T est LED blinks fo r about 30 seconds at a rate of approx i mately 0.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Troub lesh ooting 11-3 Note: Recent version s of Wi ndows and M acOS will genera te and assign an IP address if the computer cann ot reach a DHCP server . These auto-gen erated addre sses are in the range of 169.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 11-4 Troubl eshootin g T o check the W A N IP address from th e Manager interf ace: 1. If your s ystem uses a l ogin s cript suc h as PPPoE or Ro adRunner , go to Manager inter fac e Menu 2 4.4 - Syste m M ainte nan ce - Di agno stic a nd se lec t Inte rnet S etup T es t.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Troub lesh ooting 11-5 If your router ca n obtain a n IP address, b ut your PC is unable to load a ny web pag es from the Inter net: • Y our PC may not recogniz e any DNS server addr esses.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 11-6 Troubl eshootin g If the path is not wo rkin g, you see this me ssa ge: Request timed out If the path is not funct ioning corr ectly , you could have one of the following pro blems: • W rong physical conn ections — Make sure the LAN LNK /ACT LED is on.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Troub lesh ooting 11-7 T esting the Path f rom Y our PC to a Remote D evice After veri fying tha t the LAN path works correctl y , test the pat.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 11-8 Troubl eshootin g • If your router’ s IP address has been changed a nd you don’ t know the c urrent IP addre ss, clear the rout er ’ s config urati on to fact ory defaults. This wil l set the router ’ s IP addr ess t o 192.
Techni cal Spec ificati ons A-1 Append ix A T echnical Specifications This appe ndix provides te chnical s pecifications f or the Model RP1 14 W eb Safe Router.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router A-2 Techn ical Spec ificati ons Phys ical Spec ificat ions Dimensions : 159 by 102 by 32 mm 6.25 by 4 b y 1.
Network a nd Routi ng Basi cs B-1 Append ix B Network and Routing Basic s This chap ter provides an overview of IP networks an d routing. Basic Ro uter Con cept s Lar ge amounts of bandwidth can be prov ided easily and relat ively inexpensivel y in a local area network (LAN).
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router B-2 Netw ork an d Routing Basics Routers vary in performanc e and scale, n umber of routing pr otoco ls supp orted, and types of physica l W AN connection they support .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Network and Rou ting B asics B-3 There are five st andard classes of IP address es. These address class es have dif ferent ways of determi ning the network a nd host sections of the add ress, allowing f or differ ent numbers of hosts on a networ k.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router B-4 Netw ork an d Routing Basics •C l a s s D Class D ad dresses ar e used for multicast s ( messag es sent to many hos ts). Class D address es are in thi s rang e: to •C l a s s E Class E addre sses are for exper imental use.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Network and Rou ting B asics B-5 Subnet Addressing By looking at the addre ssing struc tures, you can see that even with a Class C address, ther e are a lar ge number of hosts pe r networ k.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router B-6 Netw ork an d Routing Basics The foll owing table lis ts the additio nal sub net mask bits in d otted-de cimal notation. T o use the table , write d ow n the orig inal clas s netm ask a nd repl ace the 0 va lue o ctets w ith th e dotte d-d ecim al value of the ad ditional su bnet bits.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Network and Rou ting B asics B-7 NETGEAR strongl y recommends that yo u configure all hosts on a LAN segment to use the same netmask for the fo.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router B-8 Netw ork an d Routing Basics Single IP Address Operation Using NA T In the pas t, if mult iple PC s on a LAN nee ded to ac cess th e Inter net sim ultan eous ly , y ou had to obtain a range of IP addr esses from the ISP .
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Network and Rou ting B asics B-9 This s chem e offers the ad dit ional be nef it of fi rewa ll-l ike pr otect ion b ecau se the int ernal L AN addre sse s are n ot a vaila ble t o the I nte rnet th roug h th e tran sla ted co nnec tion .
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router B-10 Network a nd Routi ng Basi cs IP Config uration by DHCP When an IP- based loc al area net work is ins talled, each PC must be configu red with an IP address.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Network and Rou ting B asics B-11 Uplink Switches, Crossover Cables , and MDI/MDIX Switchi ng In the wir ing tab le above , the con cept of tra nsm it and rece ive ar e from th e perspe ctive o f the PC, which is wi r ed as M edia De pendant In terface (MDI).
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router B-12 Network a nd Routi ng Basi cs.
Glossary 1 Glossary 10BASE-T IEEE 80 2.3 specifi cation for 1 0 Mbps Ethernet over twisted pai r wiring . 100BASE-Tx IE EE 802.3 speci fication for 100 Mbps Ether net over twisted pair wiring.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 2 Glossar y Internet Protoc ol The main internetworking pro t ocol used in the Intern et . Used in conjunction with the T ransfer Control Pro t ocol (T CP) to form TCP/IP . LAN See local area network.
Referen ce Guide fo r the Mode l RP114 W eb Safe R outer Glossa ry 3 Point-to-Point Protocol PPP . A protocol al lowing a computer us ing TCP/IP to co nnect direct ly to th e Internet.
Referenc e Guide for the Model RP114 Web Sa fe Router 4 Glossar y.
Index 1 A Action Matc hed/Not Matc hed field Generic Filte r Rule menu 10-10 TCP/IP Filter Rule men u 10-8 Active field Edit IP Static Route menu 5-9, 8-14 Generic Filte r Rule menu 10-9 Remote Node P.
2 Index Ethe rnet cabl e B-10 Ether net fie ld, Syste m Maintenance me nu 9-3 F factory se ttings, re storing 6-5 features 1- 1 Filter Rule s Summary menu 10-3, 10-9 filter type, Generic IP 1 0-4 filt.
Index 3 Obtaini ng ISP Configur a tion Inform ation 3-9 Manage r interface commands 7-4 menus 7-4 troublesho oting 1 1-7 using f or confi gurin g 1-2 Manag er interf ace menu s Diag nostic 9-6, 9-7 Ed.
4 Index RAS S/W V ersion, System Maintenanc e menu 9-3 rear panel 2-4 R e mN o d eN a m ef i e l d ,R e m o t eN o d eP r o f i l em e n u 8-4 Rem S ubnet Mask f ield, Rem ote Nod e Netw ork La yer Op.
Index 5 V V alue field, Generic Filte r Rule menu 10-9 version 1-1 W warranty 1-3, 1-5 W indows, co nfiguring for IP ro uting 3-2 winipcfg utili ty 3-4 Wo r l d W i d e W e b i i i.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts NETGEAR RP114 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie NETGEAR RP114 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für NETGEAR RP114 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von NETGEAR RP114 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über NETGEAR RP114 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon NETGEAR RP114 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von NETGEAR RP114 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit NETGEAR RP114. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei NETGEAR RP114 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.