Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 50XP10 des Produzenten NEC
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Pla smaS ync 4 2XP10 Pla smaS ync 50XP10 Pla smaS ync 60XP10 EXIT MUTE INPUT English Us er ’ s Manual.
Pac ka g e C o n t e n t s Pl a sm a Mon it or Remo te con t ro l a nd A A Bat ter ies Powe r c or d U ser s Man ua l ( CD- R O M ) S t ar t U p Gui de ( Pa per / CD- R O M ) Mai n P o w er S w i tch .
Impor t ant Safety Instructions ..............................................................................................................English- 1 Impor t ant Information ..........................................................................
English-1 Read Bef ore Opera ti ng Equip me nt. 1. Re a d t h e s e i n st r u c t i on s . 2. K ee p th ese ins tru cti o ns. 3. Heed a l l wa r ni ngs. 4. Fol low al l i nst r uct ions. 5. Do not use t h is appa rat us nea r water . 6. Clea n on ly w ith a d r y c loth .
English-3 Saf et y P r ecau tio ns an d Ma inte na nce Safety Precautions and Ma intena nce FOR O P TI MU M PERFOR M A NCE , PLE ASE NOTE TH E FOLLOWING W HE N SET TI NG UP A ND USING T HE MONI TOR: e plasma displa y's panel is made up of ne p icture elements (cells), o f which more than 99.
English English-4 CAUT I O N COR R EC T PLA CE M EN T A ND A DJUSTM E NT OF TH E MONITOR C AN R EDUCE EY E , SHOUL DER A ND NE CK F ATIGUE . CH ECK T H E FOLLOWI NG WH E N POSITIO NI NG THE M ONITOR: For optimu m per forma nce, a l low 20 mi nutes for war m- up.
English-5 T o av oid or mi nimize image retent ion : Like all phospho r-based displa y devices and all other gas plasma displa ys, plasma monito rs can be susceptible to image reten tion under certain circumstances.
English English-6 U sing Op tion a l Stand/ M oun ts An optio nal stand or moun ting a pparat us can be installed . When stand o r mountin g appara tus is to be installed while the unit is face-down (.
English-7 M oun ting o n Ce i lin g Ensu re t hat t he cei li ng is s tu rdy enough to suppor t t he weight of the u nit a nd t he mounti ng appa ratu s over t ime, a ga in st ea r t hqua ke s, u nex pec ted v i brations , a nd other e x terna l forces.
English English-8 U sing the Re mo te: Install the remo te con trol bat teries. e remot e contr ol is power ed by AA bat teries. T o install or replace ba tteries: A. Press and slide to o pen the cover . B. Align the bat teries according t o the (+) and (–) indica tions inside the case.
English-9 P ar t Names and F unc tions Contr ol Pa nel 1) POWER Sw itc hes th e pow er o n/sta ndb y . 2) MUTE Swi tches the audio m ute O N/OFF . 3) INPUT Swi tches between in put sour ces. A cts as SET but ton within the OSD men u. 4) PLUS (+) Incr eases the s etting ad justment wi thin OSD menu .
English-11 P ar t Na mes an d F un c ti on s - co nt in ued 1) POWER ON/ST ANDBY Swit ches the power on/standb y . *If the P ower In dicator o n the displa y is not glowing, then no con trols will wo rk. 2) VIDEO Swi tches the inp ut signal to the VIDEO so urce.
English English-12 PO W ER T o turn the unit O N and OFF: 1. Plug the power co rd in to an A C outlet. 2. Press the P ower bu tton (o n the unit). e monit or's ON/ST ANDBY indicat or turns r ed and the unit will be in ST ANDBY mode. 3. Press the PO WER ON bu tton o n the remote con t rol .
English-13 REMOTE CONTR OL ID e remot e contr ol included wi th the display can be used to con trol up t o 26 individual moni tors using wha t is called the REMOTE CONTR OL ID mode. e REMOTE CONTROL ID mode wo rks in conj unction with the Mo nitor ID , allowing con trol of u p to 26 individual mo nitor s.
English English-14 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) U sing t he OS D U se t he Remote Con trol o r the contro l panel on the fron t of the unit t o enter the o n-screen displa y menu to adj ust settings. 1. Press the MENU b utto n on the remot e or the EXIT but ton on the Contro l Panel.
English-15 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) Main Menu Sub Menu Sub Menu2 Sub Menu3 Explanation Default Reset PICTURE CONTRAST Adjusts the image brightness in relationship t o the whit e leve l. Pr es s + or - t o adj us t. 50 YES BRIGHTNESS Adjusts the image brightness in relationship t o the ba ckg ro und .
English English-16 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) Main Menu Sub Menu Sub Menu2 Sub Menu3 Explanation Default Reset SC RE EN AS PECT M OD E Se le ct s as pe ct r at io o f the d is pl ayed i ma ge. P re ss + o r - to se le ct . V-P OS IT ION Co ntr o ls th e ver t ic al p os iti on o f the i ma ge w it hin t he Display area o f the PDP .
English-17 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) Main Menu Sub Menu Sub Menu2 Sub Menu3 Explanation Default Reset OPTION2 Available only when the Advanced OSD function is enabled. POWER SA VE Sets how long the monit or waits bef ore going into power save m od e af te r a si gn al i s los t .
English English-18 Main Menu Sub Menu Sub Menu2 Sub Menu3 Explanation Default Reset OPTION3 (continued) VIDEO WALL Sets the confi gu ra tio n of v id eo wa ll . DI VI DE R Se ts t he vi de o wa ll. OFF YE S POSITION Sets the position o f each displa y .
English-19 Operation Picture Size Us ing Vid eo Signa ls Select one of seven pict ure sizes man ually . While viewing videos o r digital video discs, per fo rm the follo wing actions: 1. Press the S IZE butt on on the remo te contr ol. 2. T o switch the scr een sizes, press the SIZE b utto n again within 3 seconds.
English English-20 Operation - co nt in ued Picture Size Us ing C om pu ter Sig na ls T o expand a 4:3 imag e to ll t he en tire screen, switc h to the widescreen mode. While viewing videos o r digital video discs, per fo rm the follo wing actions: 1.
English-21 Sp lit Scr een M ode T o displa y multi ple pictur es on the screen, perform the follo wing actions: 1. Press the desir ed SPLIT SCREEN function bu tton o n the remot e (PIP , S BY S, SINGLE). Onl y certain R GB signals a re s uppo r ted. Spli t Screen mode works accordin g to the table below .
English English-22 Picture-in- Pictu re M ode Press the + a nd - butt ons to cha nge the position of the sub- pic ture. Press the p and q bu tton s to chang e the size of the sub- pic ture. Press the S ELECT/FREEZE but ton to cha nge the active pic ture.
English-23 Operation - con tin ued Creating a V id eo W a ll Y ou can cr eate a video wall co nsisting o f up to 25 individ ual moni tors wi th the built-in ma trix display ca pability . Y our V ideo W all can have a ny o f the followin g con gurations: 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 5x1, 4x1, 3x1, 2x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, or 1x5.
English English-24 USIN G THE TIMER T urn the “ ADV ANCED OSD ” to “ ON” in the MAIN MENU to access the TIMER fea ture in OPTI ON3. T o user the TIMER featur e the rst set t he in ternal clock and the day o f the week.
English-25 Operation - con tin ued REPEA T TIMER e Repeat Timer allo ws t he displa y to alternat e between inp uts at user -determined intervals. Fo r examp le the display ca n be programmed to sho w the signal from "VID EO1" for 10 min utes and then swi tch to showing the signal fro m the DVI in put fo r 10 minu tes.
English English-26 i s monitor u se s R X D, TX D and GND lines for R S-23 2C control . e reve rse ty pe ca ble ( nu ll mode m cabl e ) should be u se d for RS - 232C control. is Plasma monit or can be con trolled via personal com puter usin g an RS-232C connection.
English-27 RS- 232C - con tin ued e fol lowi ng control s equence is us ed for a sing le monitor When using the f ollowing co ntro l commands, all o f the daisy-chained mo nitors can be con trolled at the same time from the p rimar y monito r .
English English-28 RS- 232C - con tin ued 3) C ontrol sequ enc e 1) e command fr om a com puter t o the Plasma monito r will take 400ms. 2) e Plasma monit or will send a return comma nd 400ms* a er it has r eceived an encode. If the comma nd is not receiv ed correctly , the Plasma monito r will not send the return comman d.
English-29 Structure o f the Read-command ASCII HEX Function Data Function Data POWER ON vP 1 76h 50h 31h POWER OFF vP 0 76h 50h 30h INPUT VIDEO1 vI v1 76h 49h 76h 31h INPUT VIDEO2 vI v4 76h 49h 76h 3.
English English-30 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g No pic t u re e sig na l c able s hould b e properly c onnec te d to t he di splay card/ co mp ute r . e d is play c ard s hould b e properly s eat ed i n its s lot. Front Po wer Sw itch a nd c omputer power sw it ch shou ld b e in th e O N po si ti o n.
English-31 Sp e c i fi ca ti on s P 4 2 XP1 0 PDP Mod ule Diagonal: 42 "/1058 mm Pixel Pi tch 0.900 mm (W)/0.676 mm (H) Resolutio n 1024 x 768 Frequency Ho rizontal ANALOG: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kH z - 108.5kHz DIGIT AL: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 91.
English English-32 Sp e c i fi ca ti on s P 50 XP10 PDP Mod ule Diagonal: 50"/1269 mm Pixel Pi tch 0.81 mm (W)/0.81 mm (H) Resolutio n 1365 x 768 Frequency Ho rizontal ANALOG: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kH z - 108.5kHz DIGIT AL: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.
English-33 Sp e c i fi ca ti on s P6 0 XP1 0 PDP Mod ule Diagonal: 60"/1514 mm Pixel Pi tch 0.966 mm (W)/0.966 mm (H) Resolutio n 1366 x 768 Frequency Ho rizontal ANALOG: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kH z - 108.5kHz DIGIT AL: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 91.
English English-34 Specification of the signal Sig. E U R T M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I E U R T M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I . q e r f H .
English-35 P 4 2 XP1 0 S up por ted Reso lu ti ons (Vid eo ) Specification of the signal Sig. t c e l e s D H R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I .
English English-36 Specification of the signal Sig. E U R T M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I E U R T M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I . q e r f H .
English-37 P 50 XP10 S up por ted Reso l ut io ns ( Vi deo ) Specification of the signal Sig. t c e l e s D H R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I .
English English-38 P6 0 XP1 0 Su ppor ted Reso lut ion s ( PC ) Specification of the signal Sig. E U R T M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I E U R T M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I . q e r f H . q e r f V n o i t u l o s e R no. m e t I . o N .
English-39 P6 0 XP1 0 S up por ted Reso lut ions (Vid eo ) Specification of the signal Sig. t c e l e s D H R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I .
English English-40 Pi n As si g n m e n t 1) Analog RGB I npu t (Mini D-SUB 15P) V GA Pin No. Name 1 Video Signal Red 2 Video Signal Green 3 Video Signal Blue 4 GND 5 DDC-GND 6 Red-GND 7 Green-GND 8 B.
DECLARA TIO N OF CO NFORMITY is device comp lies with P art 15 of FCC Rules. Opera tion is sub ject to the follo wing two condi tions. (1) is device may not ca us e harmful interfer ence, and (2) this device must accep t an y int erference receiv ed, includin g interfer ence that ma y cause undesir ed operation.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts NEC 50XP10 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie NEC 50XP10 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für NEC 50XP10 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von NEC 50XP10 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über NEC 50XP10 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon NEC 50XP10 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von NEC 50XP10 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit NEC 50XP10. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei NEC 50XP10 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.