Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung PCI-1428 des Produzenten National Instruments
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IMAQ ™ IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual High-Quality Camera Link Image Acqui sitio n Device f or PCI IMAQ PCI- 1428 User Manual Januar y 2002 Edi tion Part Numb er 32286 2B-01.
Supp ort Worl dwide Techni cal Support an d Product Inform ation Nati onal In strum ents Corp orate Head quarter s 11500 Nor th Mopac E xpressway Austin, T exas 78759 -3504 USA Tel: 512 683 01 .
Important Information Warrant y The IMAQ PC I-1428 is war ranted agains t defects in mate rials and workm anship for a period of one ye ar from the date o f shipment, as evidence d by receipts o r other docu mentation. Natio nal Instrume nts will, at it s option, repair or repla ce equipment that proves to be defecti ve during the warranty pe riod.
Compliance FCC/Canad a Radio Freque ncy Interference Complianc e* Determining FCC Class The Fed eral Commu nications Co mmission ( FCC) has ru les to pro tect wire less commun ications f rom interfe rence. Th e FCC places digi tal electronic s into two classes.
Canadia n Departm ent of Commun ications This Class B di gital appara tus meets all req uireme nts of the Canadi an Interfere nce-Causin g Equipm ent Regula tions. Cet appare il numérique de la classe B respect e toutes les exige nces du Règlem ent sur le matéri el brouilleur du Canada.
Conventions This manual uses the follo wing con ventions: < > Angle brackets that contain numbers separated by an ellipsis represent a range of v alues associated with a bit or signal name—for examp le, DBIO<3..0>. » The » symbol leads yo u through nested menu items and dialog box options to a f inal action.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion vii IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual Contents Chapter 1 Introdu ctio n About the IMAQ PCI-1 428 ...... ................ ....................... ................. ................. ............ 1-1 Camera Link ...... .
Contents IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual viii Start Conditions........ ...................... ................. ................. ....................... ........ 3-5 Acquisition Window Control ..................... ...................... ...........
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 1-1 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual 1 Introduction This chapter prov ides an overview of the PCI-1 428 image acquisitio n device, the Camera Link standard, Camer a Link/PCI-14 28 interfacing guidelines , and your so ftware progr amming choices.
Chapter 1 Introduction IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 1-2 Easily synchronizin g sev eral functions to a commo n trigger or timing ev ent is a common challeng e with image acquisition de vices. The PCI -1428 uses the Real-T ime System Inte gration (R TSI) bus to s olve this problem.
Chap ter 1 Int roduc tion © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 1-3 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual These v ariable parameters are def ined on a per-camera ba sis in a camera file ( came ra_model.
Chapter 1 Introduction IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 1-4 Figur e 1-1. Th e Relation ship bet ween the Pro gramming Environmen t, NI-IMAQ, a nd Hardware Vision Software IMAQ Vision Gauging and Meas.
Chap ter 1 Int roduc tion © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 1-5 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual NI-IMAQ Driver Software The NI-IMAQ d river softwa re is included wit h your IMAQ device. NI-IMAQ has an extensive li brary of functions you can call fro m your application prog ramming environment.
Chapter 1 Introduction IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 1-6 National Instr uments IMAQ Vision IMAQ Vision is an image acquisitio n, processing, and analysis library of more than 20 0 functions for grayscale, co lor, and binary image display, image process ing, pattern matching, shape matching, blo b analysis, gauging , and measurement.
Chap ter 1 Int roduc tion © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 1-7 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual Figu re 1-3. IM AQ Vision Builde r and App lication Develop ment T ools Integ ration w ith DAQ Any plat.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 2-1 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual 2 Installation This chapter contains a list of n ecessary and optional items f or getting started acquiring images with your IMAQ device. This chapter also explains how to unpack, configure, and install your IMAQ device.
Chapte r 2 Installation IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 2-2 Optional Equipment National Instrument s offers a variety of p roducts fo r use with the PCI-14 28, including the followi ng: • MDR 26-p.
Chap ter 2 Ins tal latio n © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 2-3 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual Figur e 2-1. How to Set up Y our IM AQ System Measurement Studio (LabWindows/CVI, Visual C++, Borland C++) LabVIEW What application software are you using? Configure your hardw are using Measurement & Automation Explorer and online help .
Chapte r 2 Installation IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 2-4 Unpacking The PCI-1428 s hips in an antistatic package to pr event electrostatic dischar ge from damaging bo ard component s.
Chap ter 2 Ins tal latio n © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 2-5 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual instructions. All cov ers and filler panels must be installed while operating the device. Do no t operate the de vice in an ex plosi ve atmosphere or where flammabl e gases or fu mes may be present.
Chapte r 2 Installation IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 2-6 measurements on househol d appliances, p ortable tools , and other similar equipment. • Installation C ategory I—for measur ements performed on circuits not directly connected to mains 1 .
Chap ter 2 Ins tal latio n © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 2-7 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual 3. Follo w the electro static discharge guidelines in the Unpacking section of this chapter . 4. Remov e the computer co ver . 5. Make sure there are no lit LEDs o n the motherboard.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 3-1 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual 3 Hardware Over view This chapt er provides an overview of PCI-1428 har dware func tionality and explains the operation s of the device’s functional units.
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 3-2 Figu re 3-1. PCI -1428 Blo ck Diagr am Camera Link and PCI-14 28 The PCI-1428 suppo rts the Camera Link Base configuration, as well as the 8-bit × 4 mod e of t he Cam era Link Medi um con fig urati on.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware O ver view © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 3-3 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual conf igured in the camera f ile to generate pr ecise timing signals for controlling digital camera acquisitio n.
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 3-4 Multipl e-T ap D ata Format ter Many digital cameras transfer multiple taps, or channels, of data simultaneously to in crease the frame rate of the camera. However, the data in each tap may not be transferred in the traditional top-left to bottom-righ t direction.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware O ver view © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 3-5 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual duration of thes e signals in easy-to-use units. See th e In terfacing with the PCI- 1428 section in Chapter 1, In troduction , for information on camera f iles.
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 3-6 • Delayed acquisition—Use either softw are or triggers to start acquisitions instantaneously or after skippin g a specif ic number of frames. Y ou can u se delayed acquisition for post -trigger applications.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware O ver view © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 3-7 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual Interactively: • MAX—Use MAX with a camera f ile containing preprogr ammed commands. When an acqu isition is initiated, the commands are sent to the camera.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 4-1 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual 4 Signal Connections This chapter descr ibes the MDR 26-pin connector and the 68-pin VHDCI connector on the PCI-14 28 device. Connectors Figure 4-1 shows the connectors on the PCI-142 8 device.
Chapter 4 Signal Connect ions IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 4-2 MDR 26-Pi n Connector The MDR 26-pi n connector pr ovides reliab le high-freq uency transfer ra tes between the camera and the acquisition device. To access this connector, use a 3M Camera Link cable.
Chapter 4 Signal Conne ctions © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion 4-3 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual Figu re 4-3. 68-Pin V HDCI Conne ctor Pin Assignme nts Connector Signal Connection Descript ions Table 4-1 des cribes the MDR-26 and 68-pin VHDC I signal connection s.
Chapter 4 Signal Connect ions IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manual 4-4 Y<3..0>± L VDS Medium configuration data and enable signals from the acquisition device to the camera XCL K± T ransmission c.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion A-1 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual A Specifications This appendix lists the specif ications of the PCI-1428. These specif ications are typical at 25 °C, unless other wise stated. External Co nnect ions Trigger sense .
Appendix A Spec ifications IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual A-2 Target decode speed .................... ...........Medium (1 clock) Target fast back-to-back cap ability .. ...... Supported PCI master per formance Ideal ..................... .........
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion B-1 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual B Cabling This append ix contains cabl ing requirements for the PCI-14 28, including Camera Lin k cable ordering information.
Appendix B Cabling IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual B-2 Figure B-1 illust rates the Camera Link cable. Figure B -1. Came ra Link C able Orde ring Info rmation Camera Link cables are manuf actured by 3M corpo ration and are av ailable from bot h National Ins truments and 3M.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion C-1 IMAQ PCI -1428 Use r Manual C T echnical Support Resources W eb Support National Instrumen ts W eb supp ort is your f irst stop for h elp in so lving install ation, conf iguration, and applicati on problem s and questions .
Appendix C T echnical Supp ort Resources IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual C-2 W orldwide Support National Instruments h as of fices located around t he world to help address your suppo rt needs. Y ou can acces s our branch o ff ice W eb sites fro m the W orldwide Of fices s ection of ni.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion G-1 IMA Q PCI-1428 Us er Manual Glossar y Pref ix Meaning V alue k- kilo- 10 3 M- meg a- 10 6 Numbers/Sy mbols % Perce nt. + Positive of, or pl us. /P e r . Ω Ohm. ± Plus or minus. – Nega tive of, o r minus .
Gloss ar y IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual G-2 AP I Application progr amming interface. ar ea A rectangul ar portion o f an acquisition wi ndow or frame that is controlled and def ined b y software. ar ra y Ordered, inde xed set of data elements of the same type.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion G-3 IMA Q PCI-1428 Us er Manual D DA Q Data acquisition. (1) Collecting an d measuring electrical signals fr om sensors, tran sducers, and test pro bes or fixt ures and inputting them to a computer for processing.
Gloss ar y IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual G-4 F FIFO First-in first-out memory bu ffer . The first data stored is the first data sent to the acceptor; FIFOs are us ed on IMA Q devices to tempor arily store incoming data until that data can be retriev ed.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion G-5 IMA Q PCI-1428 Us er Manual K k Kilo. The standard metric prefix for 1,000, or 10 3 , used with units of measure such as volts, h ertz, and meters. K Kilo. The pr efix fo r 1,024, or 2 10 , used with B in quantifyin g data or computer memory .
Gloss ar y IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual G-6 MS B M ost significant bit. MT B F Mean time between f ailure. mu x Multiplexer . A switching d evice with multiple inputs that selectiv ely connects one of its inputs to its output. N NI -I MA Q Dri v er software for National In struments IMA Q hardware .
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion G-7 IMA Q PCI-1428 Us er Manual R RAM Random-access memor y . re al t im e A property of an event o r system in which data is processed as it is acquired instead of b eing accumulated and proces sed at a later time.
Gloss ar y IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual G-8 SRAM St a tic RA M. sy nc T ells the display where to pu t a video picture. The horizontal sync ind icates the picture’ s left-to-right placement an d the vertical sync indicates top-to-bottom placement.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion I-1 IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manu al Index Numbers 68-pin VHDCI connector, 4 -2 to 4-3 cable specifications, B-1 over view , 4- 2 pin assi gnments (fig ure), 4-3 A ac.
Index IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual I-2 H hardware overview, 3- 1 to 3-7 acquisition, scaling, ROI, 3-5 acquisition window control, 3-6 bloc k dia gr am ( figur e), 3-2 bus master PCI interface, 3-.
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion I-3 IMAQ PCI-1428 Us er Manu al O optional equipment, 2- 2 P PCI interface specifications , A-1 to A-2 physical specifications, A-2 power r equirements, A-.
Index IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual I-4 W Web supp ort from N ational Instru ments, C-1 Worldwide technical supp ort, C-2 X X<3..0> ± signal (table), 4-3 XCLK ± <1..0> ± sign al (table), 4-4 Y Y<3..0> ± signal (table), 4-4 YCLK ± <1.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts National Instruments PCI-1428 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie National Instruments PCI-1428 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für National Instruments PCI-1428 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von National Instruments PCI-1428 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über National Instruments PCI-1428 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon National Instruments PCI-1428 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von National Instruments PCI-1428 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit National Instruments PCI-1428. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei National Instruments PCI-1428 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.