Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MFX-C2700 des Produzenten Muratec
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User Guide.
Preface > 2 P REFACE Every effort has been made to ensure that t h e information in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. T he manufacturer as sumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its control.
Emergency first aid > 3 E MERGENCY FIRST AID Take care with toner powder: If swallowed, give small amounts of cold water and seek medical attention. DO NOT attempt to induce vomiting. If inhaled, move the person to an op en ar ea for fresh air. Seek medical attention.
Contents > 4 C ONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Emergency first aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Manufacturer .
Contents > 5 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Multi-tasking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Loading document(s) .
Contents > 6 Adding new groups to the phone book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Importing and exporti ng fax numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Functions common to copy, fa x and scan operations . . . .
Notes, cautions and warnings > 7 N OTES , CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS For the protection of your product, and in or der to ensure that you be nefit from its full functionality, this model has b een designed to operate only with genuine original toner cartridges.
About this guide > 8 A BOUT THIS GUIDE D OCUMENTATION SUITE This guide is part of a suite of online and printed documentation provided to hel p you become familiar with your product and to make the best use of its many powerful features.
About this guide > 9 O N - LINE USAGE This guide is intended to be read on scr een using Adobe Reader. Use the navigation and viewing tools provided in Adobe Reader . There are many cross-references with in this book, each highlighted as blue text .
Introduction > 10 I NTRODUCTION Congratulations on choosin g this Multi Function Product (MFP). I t i s d e s i g n e d w i t h a d v a n c e d features, to give you clear, vi brant colo r pr ints and crisp black and white pages at high speed on a range of office print media.
Introduction > 11 > Automatic two-sided (d uplex) printi ng for economica l use of paper and c ompact printing of larger documents. Additionally, the following optional features are also availab.
Introduction > 12 O VERVIEW F RONT VIEW 1. ADF unit. 2. ADF paper tra y . 3. Operator panel. Menu driven oper ator controls and LCD panel a . 4. USB memory port. 5. Output stacker , face down. Standard printed copy deli very point. Holds up to 150 sheets at 80g/m².
Introduction > 13 R EAR VIEW When the rear paper stacker is folded do wn pa per exits the printer through the rear of the printer and is stacked here face up. This is mainly used for heavy pr int media. When used in conjunction with the multi purpose feed tray, the paper path th rough the printer is essentially straight.
Introduction > 14 C ONTROL PANEL REF. DESCRIPTION 1. Liquid crystal display (LCD) Displays ope rating instructions and status of your m achine. 2. Panel adjust recess The LCD panel c an be swivel led upwards fr om its base position for ease of use.
Introduction > 15 8. STOP: Pressing this button stops th e copying or scanning process. 9. BACK: Used to cancel selection s and go back to th e to p level of the sett ing.
Introduction > 16 K EYPAD - CHARACTER SWITCHING Numbers, upper and lower case letters and sy mbols can be entered using the keypad. Press the key multiple times to switc h between characters.
Introduction > 17 Q WERTY KEYBOARD You can also enter upper and lower case lett ers and symbols using the qwerty keyboard. You can switch the entry mode from normal mode, CAPS mode and CTRL mode. The mode change is reflected on th e screen keyboard dis play.
Getting started > 18 G ETTING STARTED S WITCHING ON 1. Check that the power switch is OFF . 2. Plug the power cable into the power socket of your machine. 3. Plug the power cable into the electric sock et. 4. Check that no documents are on the docume nt glass or ADF , and the ADF co ver is closed.
Getting started > 19 P OWER SAVING MODE If you do not use the machine for a while, it will enter power saving mode to control the power consumption of the device. To cancel or initiate power saving mode, pres s the Power Save button on the control panel.
Getting started > 20 I NSTALLING DRIVERS AND UTILITIES The installation instructions below refer to USB connection. For network connection details refer to the Configuration Guide.
Getting started > 21 W INDOWS - SCANNER AND PRINTER DRIVERS The scanner driver is used for “Pull Scan”, i.e. Initiating a scan from your PC via software. Compare this to “Push Scan” where you start the scan by pressing a button on the MFP's front panel.
Getting started > 22 M AC - PRINTER DRIVER The inform ation in this section is ba sed on Mac OS X Le opard (10.5 ). Other ve rsions may appear slightly different, but the principles are the s ame. 1. Insert the DVD-ROM and run the driver installer progr am.
Getting started > 23 F AX DRIVER The fax driver allows you to send faxes direct ly from your computer without printing the document first. Windows XP has built-in fax support - you ca n use your computer's modem to send faxes directly from yo ur computer.
Getting started > 24 C ONFIGURATION TOOL Installation of the Configuration Tool is option al and can be found on the DVD in the Utilities folder. Fo llow the on-scr een instru ctions to com plete the Configura tion Tool inst allation. The Configuration Tool can discover devi ces over USB or ne twork connections.
Getting started > 25 A CT K EY UTILITY The ActKey utility enables the MFP to receiv e one key touch commands from a connected computer. Installation of the ActKey utilit y is optional and c an be found on the DVD in the Utilities folder. Information on using the ActKey ut ility can be found in “Scan to remote PC” on page 58 .
Getting started > 26 7. T o use ActK ey in Local PC mode (i.e. push scanning) , it must be set as the progr am to handle scanner events: (a) Select Start > Contro l Panel . (b) Double-cli ck Scanner s and Camera s . (c) Right-click the MFP icon and cl ick Properties .
Paper recommendations > 27 P APER RECOMMENDATIONS Your MFP will handle a variety of print media, includ ing a range of paper weights and size s. This section provides general advice on choice of media, and explains how to use eac h type.
Paper recommendations > 28 M ULTI PURPOSE TRAY The multi purpose tray can handle the same si zes as the cassette trays but in wei ghts up to 220 g/m² . For very heavy paper stock use the face up (rear) paper stacker. This ensures that the paper path through th e printer is almost strai ght.
Loading paper > 29 L OADING PAPER C ASSETTE TRAYS 1. Remo ve the paper tra y from the machine. 2. F an the paper to be loaded at the edges (1) and in the middle (2) to ensure that all sheets are properly separated, then tap th e edges of the stack on a flat surface to make it flush again (3).
Loading paper > 30 3. Load paper (letter headed paper face down and top edge tow ards the front of the printer), as shown. 4. Adjust the rear stopper (a) and paper guides (b) to the size of paper being used. 5. Close the paper tra y gently . 6. Set the correct paper size.
Loading paper > 31 > Do not pull the paper tr ay out duri ng prin ting (except as desc ribed below for the 2nd tra y). NOTE > If you have two trays and you are printing from the 1st (upper) tray, you can pull out the 2nd (lower) tray during printing to reload it.
Loading paper > 32 M ULTI PURPOSE TRAY 1. Open the multi purpose tr ay (a). 2. Fold out the paper supports (b). 3. Press gently down on the paper platf orm (c) to ensure it is latched down. 4. Load the paper and adjust the paper guides (d) to the size of paper being used.
Loading paper > 33 R EGISTERING CUSTOM SIZES To load custom size paper, you need to regi ster the width and length of the paper before printing. The range of the sizes you can set differs according to t he paper tray. 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel.
User authenticatio n an d access control > 34 U SER AUTHENTICATION AND ACCESS CONTROL If your Administrator has enabled access control o n y o u r m a c h i n e , i t w i l l a u t o m a t i c a l l y s t a r t up in access control mode. You will not be able to use it until you have provided vali d login information.
User authenticatio n an d access control > 35 O PERATION FROM THE COMPUTER Printing from W indows 1. Open the file you want to p rint. 2. From the File menu, select Print . 3. Choose the printer driver you want in Select Printer and click Preference s .
User authenticatio n an d access control > 36 Faxing (W indow s only) 1. Open the file you want to fax. 2. From the File menu, select Print . 3. Select your machine (fax driv er) in Select Printer and click Preferences . 4. On the Setup tab, click User Authentication.
Operation > 37 O PERATION With its intuit ive contr ol panel , this Multi Function Product (MFP ) is designed to be easy to use. After the machine has been configur ed, operating is quit e straight forward. The following sections describe how t o copy, fax, and scan your documents.
Operation > 38 M ULTI - TASKING Your machine can handle more than one task at a time. The table below details which combination of tasks can be performed.
Operation > 39 L OADING DOCUMENT ( S ) The MFP can scan/copy/send document(s) eith er from the ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) or on the glass. If you need to send multiple pages, load your papers in the ADF. The ADF can hold up to 50 pages at one time.
Operation > 40 P LACING DOCUMENT ( S ) IN THE ADF 1. If you have multiple pages, fan the pages to av oid paper jams. The ADF holds up to 50 pages at one time. 2. Place the document with the text face UP in the ADF : > If your document i s portrai t, load with the top edge of the document i n first.
Operation > 41 P LACING DOCUMENT ( S ) ON THE GLASS 1. Open the document cover . 2. Place your d ocument wi th the text face DOWN on th e glass: > If your document is portrai t, align its top edge to the upper-l eft corner of the glass. > If your document is lan dscape, align its right edge to the u pper-left corner of the glass.
Copying > 42 C OPYING B ASIC OPERATION 1. Place y our document(s) with text face UP in the ADF or face DOWN on the glass. 2. If required, press the Copy button (1) on the control panel to prompt the Copy screen. 3. Press Mono (2) to copy your document(s) in black and whi te, or Colo r (3) to copy your document(s) in color .
Copying > 43 A DVANCED OPERATION Using the options available you c an alter the copy output to suit your needs: 1. Press the Right arrow key . 2. Select required parameter wit h Down arrow key and press the OK button or the Right arrow k ey to displa y the av ailable options.
Copying > 44 Image Settings Density -3, -2, -1, 0 , +1, +2, +3 Adjust density Darker: K eep colo r intensit y and darker image. Lighter: Reduce co lor intensity and gives lighter image. Document T ype T ext, Text&Photo , Photo, Photo (Glossy) Allows you to specif y the type of images on the docum ent.
Copying > 45 4. Press the Left arrow k ey or Back button to return to the start menu. 5. If access control is enabled, logout once you are finished to av oid any unauthorised access. R ESETTING COPY SETTINGS A UTO RESET All settings you configured for your copy job re turn to their default values if no operation is made for a set period of time.
Scanning > 46 S CANNING 1. Place y our document(s) with text face UP in the ADF or face DOWN on the glass. 2. Press the Scan button (1) on the control panel to prompt the Scan Menu screen. 3. Select th e scan dest ination from the follow ing options : > E-mail > Network PC > USB Memory > Local PC > Re m o t e P C 4.
Scanning > 47 S CAN TO E - MAIL Using the options available, you can enter e-mail information and al ter the scan output to suit your needs: 1. Place y our document(s) with text face UP in the ADF or face DOWN on the glass. 2. Press the Scan button on the control panel to prompt the Scan Menu screen.
Scanning > 48 Scan S etting s (cont.) Image Settings Density -3, -2, -1, 0 , +1, +2, +3 Adjust density Darker: K eep colo r intensity and darker image. Lighter: Reduce color intensity and gives lighter image. Documen t Ty p e Te x t , Text&Photo , Photo, Photo (Glossy) Allows you to specify the type of images on the document.
Scanning > 49 Scan S etting s (cont.) Edit E-mail Subject Sel ect Subject Enter new or edit the default e-mail subject and text templates. For further detail s refer to “Creating e-mail t emplates” on page 63 .
Scanning > 50 5. Press the Mono button to scan your document(s) in black and white, or the Color button to scan y our document(s) in color . On completion the machine will beep and a confirmation message displays. 6. If access control is enabled, logout once you are finished to av oid any unauthorised access.
Scanning > 51 S CAN TO NETWORK PC Before sending your document to a file server , profiles should be set up first to speed up the process. A profile cont ains a list of fili ng parameters such as your filing protocol, directory, file name and other scanning parameters .
Scanning > 52 Image Settings Density -3, -2, -1, 0 , +1, +2, +3 Adjust density Darker: K eep colo r intensity and dark er image. Lighter: Reduce co lor intensity and gives lighter image. Document T ype T ext, Text&Photo , Photo, Photo ( Glossy) Allows you to specify the type of images on the document.
Scanning > 53 7. Press the Mono button to scan your document(s) in black and white, or the Color button to scan y our document(s) in color . On completion the machine will beep and a confirmation message displays. 8. If access control is enabled, logout once you are finished to av oid any unauthorised access.
Scanning > 54 S CAN TO USB MEMORY 1. Plug the USB memory into the USB port at the front of the machine. 2. Place y our document(s) with text face UP in the ADF or face DOWN on the glass. 3. Press the Scan button on the control panel to prompt the Scan Menu screen.
Scanning > 55 5. Press the Mono button to scan your document(s) in black and white, or the Color button to scan y our document(s) in color . On completion a confirmation message displ ays. 6. Re move the USB memory from the machine. 7. If access control is enabled, logout once you are finished to av oid any unauthorised access.
Scanning > 56 S CAN TO LOCAL PC You can save scanned data into your local computer. When you press the START button, the scan job starts and the ActKey utility an d the scanner driver start automatically. You can send the scanned document to a specified appl ication, save it int o a specified folder, or send it by fax.
Scanning > 57 (c) Fax When the PC -Fax function is select ed, the Actk ey Utility ex ecutes PC S can in accordance with your settings for “Scan to PC-Fax”. The scan ned image data is saved in the specified fol der and is re ady for the software to send as an attachment.
Scanning > 58 S CAN TO REMOTE PC The following example is based on your pri nter being connected via USB. 1. At the MFP: Place y our document(s) with te xt face UP in the ADF or face DOWN on the glass. 2. Press the Scan button on the control panel to prompt the Scan Menu screen.
Scanning > 59 8. Press the Scan button to dis play the scanning options. 9. Press the required scan button (1) to start scanning. 10. Press Quit to continue: (a) Press Scan More Pages (2) to continue scanning further documents. (b) Press Scan Other Side (3) to scan the reverse side of the original document.
Scanning > 60 M ANAGING PROFILES A DDING A NEW NETWORK PROFILE Register the informatio n you configured on the computer as a profile. It is necessary when you perform Scan To Network PC with the computer. 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel to prompt the Setting screen.
Scanning > 61 22. Press OK to register the settings and save the profile entry . The setup for Scan To Network PC is complete. D ELETING A NETWORK PROFILE To delete a network profile: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel to prompt the Setting screen.
Scanning > 62 M ANAGING THE ADDRESS BOOK S ETTING SENDER AND REPLY TO E - MAIL ADDRESSES ( FROM / REPLY TO ) You can set the e-mail address from whi ch e-mails are sent and the address to which responses are sent. 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel.
Scanning > 63 C REATING E - MAIL TEMPLATES You can c reate up to f ive e-mail t emplate s with various subject lines and b ody text. Registeri ng a subject 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Admin Setup and then press OK .
Scanning > 64 A DDING AN E - MAIL ADDRESS ENTRY TO THE ADDRESS BOOK The machine can hold up to 100 e-mai l addresses in the address book. To assig n a new e-mail address to the address book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Address Book and press OK .
Scanning > 65 8. Press the Left arrow key to exit the menu. M ODIFYING AN E - MAIL ADDRESS ENTRY FROM THE ADDRESS BOOK To edit an e-mail ad dress entry from the address book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Address Book and press OK .
Scanning > 66 D ELETING A GROUP ADDRESS ENTRY FROM THE ADDRESS BOOK To delete a group ad dress en try from the address book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Address Book and press OK . 3. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to E-mail Group and press OK .
Printing > 67 P RINTING This chapter details how to use the following print opti ons from the cont rol panel: > Job Lists > Print Job > Print from USB memory > Switch Online/Offl ine Fo.
Printing > 68 P RINT JOB This section gives a bri ef overview of how to select and print an en crypted job or a print job that has be en stored in t he machine. Fo r full details of how to access and use the security features, please refer to the Security Guide.
Printing > 69 P RINT FROM USB MEMORY B ASIC OPERATIO N 1. Plug the USB memory into the USB port at the front of the machine. 2. Press the Print button (1) on the control panel to prompt the Print Menu screen. 3. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Print From USB Memory and press OK .
Printing > 70 5. If your file is contained within a folder: (a) Using the arrow keys, scroll to the required folder and pres s OK . (b) Press OK to select Open Folde r . 6. Using the arrow keys scroll to the fi le y ou want to print and press the OK .
Printing > 71 S WITCHING ONLINE / OFFLINE If you wish to alter the print st atus of your mac hine: 1. Press the Print button (1) on the control panel to prompt the Print Menu screen. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Switch Online/Offline and press OK .
Faxing > 72 F AXING S ENDING A FAX FROM THE MFP This section details how to send a fax directly from your MFP. B ASIC OPERATIO N 1. Place y our document(s) with text face UP in the ADF or face DOWN on the glass. 2. Press the Fax button (1) on the control panel to prompt the Fax Mo de screen.
Faxing > 73 A DVANCED OPERATION Using the options avail able, you can alter the fax output to suit your needs: FEATURE OPTION DE SCRIPTION Fax Add Destination Speed Dial List Select the required speed dial number . Y ou can select multiple entri es.
Faxing > 74 Manual feed If you wish to send multiple sets of docu ments from the ADF or flatbed, enabl e the “continuous scan” feature. Refer t o “Continuous scan mode” on page 94 for full details. Fa x F u n c t i o n s (cont.) TTI ON , OFF Prints the sen der name on the header of the transmitted fax.
Faxing > 75 Broadcasti ng T h i s f u n c t i o n a l l o w s y o u t o s e n d a f a x t o m u l t iple recipients at the same time. By combining abbreviation dials, groups and enteri ng addresses usi ng the numeric keypad, you can specify up to 100 destinations at one time.
Faxing > 76 F Code communication F Code transmission is a function to commu ni cate, using sub addresses or passwords in accordance with the ITU-T standard. By crea t ing F code boxes/sub addresses/passwords, you can execute secure communication, bu lletin box communication and polling communication.
Faxing > 77 7. Press OK to sele ct Register . 8. Select a type of F code box: > Bulletin Box - refer to “Regist ering an F code Bulletin box” on page 77 > Confidential Bo x - refer to “R egistering an F code confidential box” on page 77 .
Faxing > 78 3. Using the Down a rrow , scroll to Sub-Address and press the Righ t arrow key . (a) Using the keypad enter the sub address. (b) Highlight Done and press OK . 4. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to I.D.Code and press the Right arrow key: (a) Register an ID Code number (4 dig its) using the numeric keypad.
Faxing > 79 Deleting an F code box 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Admin Setup and press OK . 3. Using the arrow keys and on-screen keypad, enter the Admi nistr ator password. Highlight Done and press OK .
Faxing > 80 Receiving using a sub address (F code polling) By entering a sub address and ID code, a document stored in the bulleti n box of a recipient machine can be taken out (polling). 1. Press the Fax button on the control panel to prompt the Fax Ready screen.
Faxing > 81 Printing stored documents Print secure received documents, documents recei ved in the bulletin box and documents stored in the bulletin box. 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel. 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Store Document Settings and press OK .
Faxing > 82 Fax job view/cancel If you no longer require a stored fa x job, you can cance l and remove it from you r MFP’s memory. 1. Press the Fax button on the control panel to prompt the Fax Mode screen. 2. Using the arrow key s, scroll to Fax and press OK .
Faxing > 83 Receiving faxes The machine automatically starts fax reception. Receiving calls The telephone starts ringin g when it receives calls. 1. Pick up the handset to ta lk when the machine rings. 2. If necessary , press the mono START button and then put down the handset to receive fax es.
Faxing > 84 DRD This mode allows the machi ne to detect a dist inctive ring if it has been enabled on the phone line. In this mode, t he machine dist inguishes the DRD typ e of the sender. The machine then answers only w hen it matches the registered DRD type.
Faxing > 85 M ANAGING THE PHONE BOOK The following section describes how to add/re move/modi fy speed and gr oup dial entries to/ from the Phone Book. A DDING A SPEED DIAL ENTRY TO THE PHONE BOOK The machine can hold up to 100 speed dial nu mbers in the phone book.
Faxing > 86 17. Press the Left arrow k e y to exit the menu. A DDING A GROUP ENTRY TO THE PHONE BOOK The machine can hold up to 20 group dial setti ngs. To add a new group dial number to the phone book: 1. Press the SETTING button on the cont rol panel.
Faxing > 87 5. Using the arrow key s, scroll to Delete and press OK . 6. At the prompt select Yes to continue or select No to cancel the oper ation. 7. Press OK . 8. Press the Left arrow key to exit the menu. M ODIFYING A SPEED DIAL ENTRY To modify a speed dial ent ry: 1.
Faxing > 88 I NTERNET FAX S ENDING A FAX FROM YOUR PC Basic opera tion 1. At the MFP: Place y our document(s) with te xt face UP in the ADF or face DOWN on the glass. 2. Press the Fax button on the control panel to prompt the Fax Mode screen. 3. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Internet Fax and press OK .
Faxing > 89 (c) Enter comments if required. (d) If required select the Add an outside call number checkbox and enter the Outside call number as appropriate. 11. On the R ecipient tab: (a) Click the R ecipient... button. (b) Select a fax number from the Phone bo ok panel on the right hand side.
Faxing > 90 Adva nced o peration Using the options avail able, you can alter the fax output to suit your needs: FEATURE OPTION DESCRIPTION Internet Fax Add Destination To : Cc: Bcc: Address Book Select e-mail address from the address book. Input range: 001-1 00 Email Group List Select de stination group from the list.
Faxing > 91 R ECEIVING AN INTERNET FAX The machine automatic ally prints the internet fa xes it receives. If the document is larger than L etter size, the machine automa tically reduces it to the size of the paper in the s pecified paper tray. Scan Setting (cont.
Faxing > 92 A DDING FAX NUMBERS TO THE PHONE BOOK To add a fax destination number to the phone book: 1. From your application’ s File menu, select Print . 2. In the Select Printer window , highlight the fax driv er option. 3. Press the Preference s button to displa y the fax driver wi ndow .
Faxing > 93 8. Add recipients to the group list: (a) Select a fax number from the Phone book panel on the right hand side. (b) Press the Add-> button to add t his number to the group list. (c) Repeat steps (a) and (b) as required to create the group list.
Functions common to c opy, fax and scan operation s > 94 F UNCTIONS COMMON TO COPY , FAX AND SCAN OPERATIONS C ONTINUOUS SCAN MODE If you need to scan, copy or fax multiple sets of documents from the ADF or doc ument glass, enable the “Continue Scan” option.
Functions common to c opy, fax and scan operation s > 95 J OB MACROS If you have a routin e copy, fax or scan j ob that you p erform on a regular basis, you can program the steps into your MFP and create a “s hort cut” allowing you to perform the steps at the touch of a button.
Functions common to c opy, fax and scan operation s > 96 Using: To use a pre-programmed short cut: 1. Press the Job Macro button on the control panel to prompt the Job Macro screen. 2. Using the arrow keys, scroll to the macro you wish to use then press OK .
Maintenance > 97 M AINTENANCE R EPLACING CONSUMABLE ITEMS Only use genuine original consumables to ensure the best quality and performance from your hardware. Non origina l products may adversely affect your printer's performance an d invalidate your warranty.
Maintenance > 98 1. Gently r aise the scanner . 2. Press the cov er release (a) and open the top cover (b) fully . WARNING! If the MFP has been powered on, the fuser will be hot.
Maintenance > 99 3. Note the positions of the four cartridges. It is essential that they go back in the same order . (a) Slide the colo red release collar on th e cartridge to be replaced fully towards the right hand side of the printer.
Maintenance > 100 5. Clean the top of the ID unit with a clean, lint free cloth. 6. Remo ve the new cartridge from its box but leav e its wrappi ng material i n place for the moment. 7. Gently shake the new cart ridge from end to end sever al times to loosen and distribute the toner evenly inside the cartridge.
Maintenance > 101 12. Gently wipe the LED head surface with a clean, lint free cloth. 13. Close the top cove r and press down firm ly so that the cover latches closed.
Maintenance > 102 I MAGE DRUM REPLACEMENT The image drum assembly comes complete with its own installation detail s which give full instructions on rep lacement. You are advised to follow these instructions carefully. R EPLACING THE TRANS FER BELT UNIT The belt unit is located und er the image drum assembly.
Maintenance > 103 4. Place the assembly in a safe place away from direct sources of heat and light. 5. Pull the locking leve rs at each side of the transfer bel t up and towards the front of the machine. 6. Using the locking lev ers (a), lift the belt (b ) upwards and withdr aw from the machine.
Maintenance > 104 9. Holding th e image dru m assem bly by its hand les, lower it into place in the machine, locating the pegs at the sides into their sl ots in the sides of the printer cavit y . 10. Close the top cove r and press down firm ly so that the cover latches closed.
Maintenance > 105 F USER REPLACEMENT The fuser is located inside the printer just behind the toner cartri dges. Switch off the MF P and allow the fuser to c ool f or about 10 minutes before openi ng the cover. Refer to “S witching off” on page 18 for details.
Maintenance > 106 7. Holding the new fuser by its handle, make su re that it is the correct way round. The retaining levers (b) should be fully upright, and the two locating lugs (c) should be towards you. 8. Lower the fu ser into the printer , loca ting the tw o lugs (c) into their slots in the sides of the prin ter cavity .
Maintenance > 107 C LEANING ... THE UNIT CASING 1. Switch the printer off . Refer to “Switching off” on page 18 for details. 2. Wipe the unit surface with a soft cloth moistened sparingly with water or neutr al detergent. 3. Use a soft dry cloth to dry t he unit surface.
Maintenance > 108 3. Gently wipe the LED head surface with a clean, lint free cloth. 4. Close the top cov er and press down f irmly at both sides so t hat the cover latches closed. 5. Gently lower th e scanner . CAUTION! Do not use methyl alcohol or othe r solvents on the LED head as damage to the lens surface will occur.
Maintenance > 109 ... THE PAPER PATH IN THE ADF If marks are found on an image which has been read by the ADF, or the ADF does not feed documents smoothly, follow the cleaning proced ure below. 1. Switch the MFP OFF . Re fer to “S witching off” on page 18 for details .
Maintenance > 110 ... THE DOCUMENT GLASS The document glass needs to be cleaned oc casi onally to ensure optimum image quality and performance. 1. Open the document cover . 2. Moisten a soft, clean, lint free clot h and remov e any marks, as shown.
Installing upgrades > 111 I NSTALLING UPGRADES This section explains how t o install optional equipment into your MFP. This includes: > additional RAM memory > SD card > additional paper tr ay M EMORY UPGRADE The basic models come equipped with 256MB of main memory.
Installing upgrades > 112 5. Notice that the memory board has a small cutout in the edge connector , which is closer to one end than the other . 6. Identify the RAM expansion sl ot in the printer . 7. If the RAM expansion slot al ready contains a memory upgrade board, that board will have to be remo ved before you can install the new one.
Installing upgrades > 113 11. Replace the access cov er and latch it closed. 12. Reconnect t he power cable and switch the MFP on. 13. When the machine is ready , print a menu map as follows: (a) Press the SETTING button. (b) Press the OK button to se lect Reports .
Installing upgrades > 114 SD CARD The SD card enables collating of printed pa ges and can be used to store overlays and macros, fonts, and secure or proof documents waiting to be printed. Your machine is fitted with a 4GB class 6 SD card as standard.
Installing upgrades > 115 5. Gently push the SD card into the slot as shown. 6. Replace t he inner access cov er (b) and turn locking screw (a) clockwise to secure it shut. 7. Replace the access co ver and latch it closed. 8. Re connect the power cable and swit ch the MFP on.
Installing upgrades > 116 A DDITIONAL PAPER TRAY 1. Switch the MFP off and disconnect the power cable. Ref er to “S witching off” on page 18 for details. 2. Place additi onal paper tr ay on desired loc ation. 3. Observing safety rules for lifting and, usin g locating guides, place machine on top of the additional paper tr ay .
Installing upgrades > 117 S ETTING THE DRIVER DEVI CE OPTIONS Once your new upgrade has been installed, yo u may need to update the printer dri ver so that the additional features are available to your applications. Accessor ies such as additional paper trays will only be usable if the printer driver on your computer knows they are there.
Installing upgrades > 118 Panther (Mac OS X 10.3) 1. Open the Mac OS X Print & F ax Preferences. 2. Click Printing . 3. Click Set Up Printers… . 4. Ensure your machine is selected and click Show Info… . 5. Click the menu and choose Installable Options… .
Troubleshooting > 119 T ROUBLESHOOTING C HECKING THE MACHINE ’ S STAT US From the STATUS key on the control panel, you can check the status of your machine. The STATUS key illuminate s or flashes when any trouble is occurring in your machin e. 1.
Troubleshooting > 120 C LEARING PAPER JAMS Provided that you follow the recommendations in thi s guide on the use of print media, and you keep the media in good condition prior to use, your MFP should give years of reliab le service. However, paper jams occasionally do o ccur, and this section explains how to clear them quickly and simply.
Troubleshooting > 121 I N THE PRINTER SECTION ... 1. If a sheet is well adv anced out of the top of the printer , simply grip it and pull gently to dra w it fully out. If it does not remo ve easily , do not use excessive force. It can be removed from the rear l ater .
Troubleshooting > 122 5. Put t he assembly down gently onto a piece of paper to prevent toner from marking your furniture and to a void damaging the green drum surface, and cov er . CAUTION! The green image drum surf ace at the base of the Image Drum is very delicate and light sensitive.
Troubleshooting > 123 6. Look into the printer to check whether any sheets of paper ar e visible on any part of the belt unit. (a) To remove a sheet with it s leading edge at the front of the belt .
Troubleshooting > 124 through the drum c avity area. Then allo w the pressure release lever to rise again. (d) To remove a sheet in the fuser, move the two retaining levers (e ) towards the front of the ma chine to release th e fuser. Withd raw the fuser un it using the handle (f).
Troubleshooting > 125 7. If you were duplex print ing when the ja m occurred, check the duplex paper path: (a) Pull the locking levers at each side of the transf er belt up and towards the front of the machine. (b) Using the locking levers ( a), lift the belt (b) upwards and wi thdraw from the machine.
Troubleshooting > 126 8. Holding th e image dru m assem bly by its hand les, lower it into place in the machine, locating the pegs at the sides into their sl ots in the sides of the printer cavit y . 9. Lower the top cover but do not press down to latch it closed yet.
Troubleshooting > 127 12. Pull out the paper tray and ensure that all paper is stacked properly , is undamaged, and that the paper guides are properly po sitioned against the edges of the paper stack. When satisfied, replace the tr ay . 13. Close the top cove r and press down firm ly so that the cover latches closed.
Troubleshooting > 128 D EALING WITH UNSATISFACTORY PRINTING SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSES STEPS TO TAKE V ertical white lines ca n be seen on the printed page. The LED head is dirty . Wipe the LED head with a soft, lint-free clo th. The toner is low. Open the top cover and tap the cartridge a few times to evenly distribute any remaining toner .
Troubleshooting > 129 D EALING WITH UNSATISFACTORY COPYING As well as the sug gestions p rovided in “Dealing with unsatisfactory printi ng” on page 128 , ensure that the scanner unit gl ass is clean at all ti mes. Refer to “Cleaning” on page 107 .
Troubleshooting > 130 F AX PROBLEM CHECKLIST If a problem occurs, read through the list of problems and solutions b efore calling for service. The machine will not dial a telephone number: Check the power cabl e and wall outlet.
Troubleshooting > 131 Machine is connected to a PBX but it is not possible to dial out: Be certai n that the dial prefix is entered before th e telephon e number for each number dialled or programmed into the machine.
Specifications > 132 S PECIFICATIONS M F XC2700 ITEM SPECIFICATION M FX - C2700 Dimensions 427 x 509 x 445mm (W x D x H) W eight 2 9 Kg approx. Powe r supply 220 to 240V AC (range 198 to 264 V AC) Pow e r co n s um p t io n Slee p: <1.5 W Power sa ving: < 20 W Stand-by: 100 W Operating (A verage): 570 W Operating (Max.
Appendix A - menu system > 133 A PPENDIX A - MENU SYSTEM The top-level function menus are: > Rep o r t s > Paper Setup > Address Book > Phone Book > Profile > Network Scan Destina.
Appendix A - menu system > 134 R EPORTS ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Configuration Yes , No Prints out a report of the machine’ s configur ation Sys te m Fil e L is t Yes , No Prints out a file.
Appendix A - menu system > 135 P APER SETUP ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION T ray 1 P aper Size A4 /A5/A6/B5/ Letter /Legal13/ Legal13.5/Legal14/ Executive/ 16K(184x260mm)/ 16K(195x270mm)/ 16K(197x273mm)/ Custom Sets paper in T ray 1. Custom Width: 105~ 210 ~216mm Length: 148~ 297 ~356mm Enter paper width and length.
Appendix A - menu system > 136 MP T ray Paper Si ze A4 /A5/A6/B 5/ Letter /Legal13/ Legal13.5/Legal14/ Executive/ 16K(184x260mm)/ 16K(195x270mm)/ 16K(197x273mm)/ Custom/C OM-9 Envelope /COM-10 Envelope/Monarch Envelope/DL Envelope/C5 Envelope/Index Card Select the siz e of pape r to be fed from the multi purpos e tray .
Appendix A - menu system > 137 A DDRESS BOOK ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION E-mail Address Select an address nu mber . Max. 100 entries. Reg i s t er N a m e user defined Enter a name for the e-mail address entry . Max. 16 characters. E-mail Address user defined Enter the e-mail address.
Appendix A - menu system > 138 P HONE BOOK ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Speed Dial Select a spee d dial number . Max. 100 speed dial entr ies. Reg i s t er N a m e user defined Enter a name for the speed dial entry . Max. 24 characters. Fa x N u m b e r user defined Enter the fax number for the speed dial entry .
Appendix A - menu system > 139 P ROFILE ITEM OPTION VALUE/DES CRIPTION No. Select a profile number . Regis ter Profil e Name user defined Sets a profile name. Max. 16 characters. Protocol CIFS , FTP , HT TP Selects a protocol to use for storing files.
Appendix A - menu system > 140 Reg is t er (cont.) File F ormat Color PDF , TIFF , JPE G, XPS Sets a file format for scanning. Mono (Greyscale) PDF , TIF F , J PEG, XPS Mono (Binary) PDF , TIFF , XPS Encrypted PDF Not Encrypt Encryption disabled. Encrypt Low, Medium , High Set encryption leve l.
Appendix A - menu system > 141 N ETWORK SCAN DESTINATIO N S TORE DOCUMENT SETTINGS ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION No. Select a de stination number . Reg i s t er D e s t i na t i o n user defined Sets a de stination name . Max. 16 characters. Destination Address user defined Sets a destinat ion sddress.
Appendix A - menu system > 142 V IEW INFORMATION S HUTDOWN ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Sys te m Information Serial No. Asset No. Lot No. CU V ersion PU V ersion Scanner V ersion To t a l M e m o.
Appendix A - menu system > 143 E ASY SETUP NOTE The Easy Setup menu is blocked by the Admin password. ITEM OPTION OPTION/DESCRIPTION Date/Time Setting user defined Using the arrow ke ys, select your ti me zone, in relation to GMT , from the list. Press OK to continue.
Appendix A - menu system > 144 A DMIN SETUP E-mail Setting Set IP Address of Mail Server user defined Enter the IP address of the mail server . From user defined Enter the sen der’s address No Authenti cation Set the authenti cation method.
Appendix A - menu system > 145 Fa x S e t u p a De fault Settings Resolution Normal R efer to “ Advanced operation” on page 73 for further details. Density 0 Scan Size A4 Continue Scan OFF TTI ON T ransmit Confirma tion Rep or t OFF Memory Tx ON Fcode Box Register Confidential Box Box Name Sub-Address Hold Time I.
Appendix A - menu system > 146 Fa x S e t u p a (cont.) Other Settings R edial T ries 2 time(s) Set the number of redial attempts. Range: 0 - 10 time(s) Redial Interv al 1 minute(s) Set the time between redial attempts. Range: 0 - 5 minute(s) Forced Memo ry Rx Setting I.
Appendix A - menu system > 147 Fa x S e t u p a (cont.) Fa x S e t t i n g S e r v i c e B i t OFF Country Code International Select the country in which the MFP is situated. H/Modem Rate (F or Tx) 33.6 Kbps Specify modem rate. H/Modem Rate (F or Rx) 33.
Appendix A - menu system > 148 Scanner Setup (cont.) Default Settings (cont.) Encrypted PDF Setting Document Open Pas s w or d : Permissions Password: Display Default Pas s w or d : user defined user defined Disable Set the encryption passwords and display option.
Appendix A - menu system > 149 Scanner Setup (cont.) USB Memory Setup File Name user defined Max. 64 characters. #n:Assigns a consecutive num ber as the file name. #d:Assigns a created date and time (YYMMDDHHMMSS format) as the file name. TWAIN Setup Network TWAIN ON Por t N o.
Appendix A - menu system > 150 Print Setup (cont.) Print Menu (cont.) Print Setup Copies: Duplex: Binding: Res ol ut io n : T oner Save Mode: Mono-Print Speed: Orienta tion: Lines Per Page: Edit Size: Width: Length: 1 OFF Long Edge Bind 600x1200dpi OFF Auto Portrai t 64 Line(s) Cassette Size 210 mm 297 mm Adjust print setup .
Appendix A - menu system > 151 Print Setup (cont.) Color Menu Density Control Auto If set to Auto , image density will be automatically adjusted at power on, when a new image drum or toner cartridge is installed, and at intervals of 100, 300 and 500 drum counts.
Appendix A - menu system > 152 Print Setup (cont.) Color Menu (cont.) Adjust Registr ation Execute Performs automatic colo r registration adjustment. Normally this is done on po wer on and when the top cover is opened and then closed. This process accurately aligns the cyan, magenta and yellow images to the black image.
Appendix A - menu system > 153 Print Setup (cont.) Syst em Configuration Menu (cont. ) Alarm Release Manual When Manual, n on- critical warnings, su ch as requests for a different paper size, can be cleared by pressing the RESET button. When s et to Auto, they are clea red when the print job resumes.
Appendix A - menu system > 154 Print Setup (cont.) PCL Setup (cont.) CR Function CR Selects whether a received carriage return character (0Dh) also causes a line feed. LF Function LF Selects whether a received line feed character (0Ah) also causes a carriage return.
Appendix A - menu system > 155 Print Setup (cont.) SIDM Setup (cont.) SIDM T ray1 ID# 1 Set up Pn specified TRA Y 1by T ray 1 ID No.FX/ PPR Emu in CSF control command(ESC EM Pn). SIDM T ray2 ID# 5 Set up Pn specified TRA Y 2 by T ray 2 ID No.FX/ PPR Emu in CSF control command (ESC EM Pn).
Appendix A - menu system > 156 Print Setup (cont.) IBM PPR Setup (cont.) Fit T o Letter Disable Sets the printi ng mode that can fit print data, equivalent to 11 inches (66 l ines), in the LETTER -size printable area. Te x t H e i g h t Same Sets the heigh t of a character .
Appendix A - menu system > 157 Print Setup (cont.) EPSON FX Setup (cont.) Te x t H e i g h t Same Sets the heigh t of a character . SAME: Regardless of CPI, same height DIFF : As CPI, character heights var y . Network Menu Network Setup TCP/IP Enable Enables or disables this network protocol.
Appendix A - menu system > 158 Network Menu (cont.) Network Setup (cont.) Gateway Address Current assigned gateway address. T o change, proceed as above. Display con dition: TCP/IP pr otocol must be enabled. DNS Server (Primary) user defined The IP address of your DNS server (primary).
Appendix A - menu system > 159 Network Menu (cont.) Network Setup (cont.) Network Scale Normal Normal: Can work effectively even when connected to a HU B that has a spanning tree feature. However , printer start up time gets longer when compute rs are connected to two o r three small LANs.
Appendix A - menu system > 160 Network Menu (cont.) LDAP Server Setting Server Setting LDAP Server: Port N o.: Timeout: Max. Entrie s: Search Root: user defined 389 30 second(s) 100 Entries user defined Edit the LDAP server settings.
Appendix A - menu system > 161 Manageme nt (cont.) Syst em Se tu p (cont.) Status In Near Life Enable Ena ble: Display a near-life w arning. Disable: Do not display a near-life warning . Address Information Lock Time Out 3 minute(s) Enter time -out duration.
Appendix A - menu system > 162 Manageme nt (cont.) Encryption Setup Job Limitation Disable Enable/disable limitation setting. Language Maint Setup Initialize Execute Making ch anges will automatically rest art the syst em. Ad m i n Pa s s wo r d New Pa s sw o r d user defined Enter new password.
Appendix A - menu system > 163 User Install (cont.) Reception Mode Fax Ready Mode Specify the rece ption mode. DRD T ype Type 1 Allows the mac hine to detect a distinctive ring if it has been enabled on the phone line. Refer to “DRD” on page 84 .
Index > 164 I NDEX A Address book adding a group entry .... .... 65 adding an email entry ....... 64 deleting a group entry ..... . 66 deleting an email entry . .... 64 editing a group entry ........ 66 editing an email entry ...... 65 B Belt how to replace .
C o ntact details > 165 C ONTACT DETAILS M uratec America, Inc. 3 301 East Plano Parkway, Suite 100 Plano, TX 75074 P hone: 4694293300 http://www.
M uratec America Inc. 3 301 East Plano Parkway, S u ite 100 Plano, TX 75074 Phone: 4694293300 www. m
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Muratec MFX-C2700 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Muratec MFX-C2700 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Muratec MFX-C2700 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Muratec MFX-C2700 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Muratec MFX-C2700 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Muratec MFX-C2700 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Muratec MFX-C2700 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Muratec MFX-C2700. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Muratec MFX-C2700 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.