Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung NPort 5450AI-M12 des Produzenten Moxa
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NPort 5000AI - M 12 Series User Manual First Editio n, June 2012 © 2012 Moxa I nc. All r ights rese rved. Reprod uction witho ut permis sion is p rohibited .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Series User Manual The softw are described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that agree ment. Copyri ght Notice Copyrig ht ©201 2 Moxa Inc. All r ights rese rved.
Table of Content s 1. Int rodu ct ion ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Ov erv iew ...............................................................
6. Configur ing NP ort Admi nistr ator ....................................................................................................... 6-1 Ov erv iew .............................................................................................
1 1. Introduction Welcome to the NPort 5000AI - M12 Series of industrial serial dev ice servers . There are a t ota l of nine models in this ser ies and they will be referred to co llectively as the “NPort 5000 AI - M12 S eri es ” in this manua l.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Introduc tion 1-2 Overvi ew NPort 50 00AI - M1 2 d evic e ser ve r is designed t o make s erial devices network - ready in an instant and is compl iant with EN 50155 and EN 50121 -4 stand ards, allowing them to perform reliably in rolling stock and way side applications where high le vel vibratio n is present.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Introduc tion 1-3 St op Bi ts: 1, 1. 5, 2 Parity : None, Ev en, Odd, Sp ace, Mark Flow Control : RTS/ CTS an d DT R/DSR ( RS - 232 only), XON/XO FF Baud rate: 50 t o 921.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Introduc tion 1-4 MTBF (mea n time between fai lures ): NPort 5150A I - M1 2: 789,3 41 hrs NPort 5250A I - M1 2: 639,6 22 hrs NPort 5450A I - M1 2: 467,7 77 hrs Warranty Warranty Period: 5 year s Det ails: See ww w.
2 2. Getting Started In this chapte r, we give instructions on installing NPo rt 5000AI - M12 device serve rs. Software installation is cover ed in subsequent chapters.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Getting Started 2-2 NPort 515 0AI - M12 Series Ap pearance NPort 5250AI - M12 Seri es Appeara nce.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Getting Started 2-3 NPort 5450AI - M12 Seri es Appeara nce Connecting the Hardware This secti on describes h ow to connect NP ort 5000 AI - M1 2 to serial dev ices for first time testing purposes.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Getting Started 2-4 You shoul d obs erve the fo llowing: • Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devic es. If power wiring and devic e wiring paths must cross, ma ke sure th e wires a re perpendic ular at the intersection point.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Getting Started 2-5 STEP 2: Position the NPort 5000 AI - M12 on the DI N - Rail, t ilting to hook clamp s over th e top edge of th e rail. STEP 3: Swing the device s erver down fully onto the DIN - Ra il u nt i l bo th c la mps co mp le te ly lat ch .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Getting Started 2-6 Connecti ng to a Serial Device Connec t the serial data cable between NPort 5000 AI - M12 a nd the serial dev ice. Serial data cables are optional accessorie s for NPort. LED Ind icators The to p panels of all N Po rt 5000AI - M12 ha ve f our LED indicato rs, as describ ed in the following table .
3 3. Initial IP Ad dress Con fig ura tio n When setting up your NPort 5000AI - M12 for the first time , the first thing you should do is c onfigure the IP addres s. This chapter introd uces the methods that can be used to confi gure the device s erver’s IP a ddress.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Initi al IP Address Conf igurati on 3-2 Initializin g the NPort’ s IP Addr ess 1. Determine whether your NPort 5000 AI - M1 2 needs to use a Static IP or Dynamic IP (either DHCP or BOOT P applica tion).
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Initi al IP Address Conf igurati on 3-3 Take the follo wing steps to use ARP to config ure the IP address : 1. Obtain a valid I P address f or your N Por t 5000AI - M12 from your network ad ministrator . 2. Obtain the N Por t 5000AI - M12 ’ s MAC address from the labe l on it s bottom panel.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Initi al IP Address Conf igurati on 3-4 4. Type 2 to select Netwo rk settings, and then pre ss Enter . 5. Typ e 1 t o s e lect IP addres s and then press Enter . 6. Use the Backsp ace key to erase the current IP address, typ e in the new IP ad dress , and then press Ent er .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Initi al IP Address Conf igurati on 3-5 7. Press any key to continue … 8. Typ e m and the n press E nt er to return to the main menu.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Initi al IP Address Conf igurati on 3-6 10. Typ e y and then press Ent er to s ave the new IP address and restart the NPort 5000 AI - M1 2 . Serial Cons ole (19200, n, 8, 1) You may use the RS - 232 console port to set up the I P address for NPort 5000AI - M12 .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Initi al IP Address Conf igurati on 3-7 7. The NPort 5000AI - M1 2 will automatically switch from data mod e to console mode as it receives a continuous string of “ ` ” characters.
4 4. Choosing the Proper Operati on Mode In this chapter , we describe the vari ous NPort 5000AI - M12 operatio n m od es. The options include an operation mo de that use s a driver insta lled on the host computer , and operation modes that rely on TCP/I P socket programm ing concep ts.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Choosin g the Pro per Op erati on Mode 4-2 Overvi ew NPort 5 000AI - M12 Serial De vice Serve rs network - enable traditional R S - 23 2/422/ 485 devi ces, in w hich a Seria.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Choosin g the Pro per Op erati on Mode 4-3 AT TENTION Real COM M ode allows se veral hosts to hav e access cont rol over the sam e NPort 5000AI - M12 . The drive r that comes with yo ur NPort 5000AI - M12 controls host acce ss to attached serial devices by check ing the host’s I P address.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Choosin g the Pro per Op erati on Mode 4-4 UDP Mode Compare d to TC P communication, U DP is faster and more effi cient. In UDP mode, you c an not only unicas t but also mul.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Choosin g the Pro per Op erati on Mode 4-5 Revers e Telnet Mo de Console management is commonly used by connec ting to Console/AU X or COM port s of routers, switch es, an d UPS units . Rtelnet work s the same as RAW mode in that only one TC P po r t i s listen ed to after booting up .
5 5. Web Console Con figuration The Web C onsole is th e most user - f ri endly of the method s available to configure the NPort 5000AI - M12 . In this chapter , we introduce the Web Console functio n groups and functio n definitions.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-2 Opening Your Browser 1. Make sure your brows er has cookies enabled . To enable cookies in Interne t Explorer, right clic k on the Inter ne.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-3 4. The NPort 5000AI - M1 2 homepage will open next. T here are tw o buttons on this p age: Quick setup and Export/Import .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-4 In Step 1/3, you must ass ign a valid IP address to the NPort 5000AI - M12 befor e it will work in your network enviro nment. Your network system administrator s hould provide you wi th an I P address and related setting s for your network .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-5 In the Step 3/3, yo u can modify the serial settings. Review your setting s at the F inish Se ttings page to confirm that they are correct, and then click the Save/Res tart butto n to restart the device with the new settings.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-6 Expor t/Imp ort Export/Import allows you to back up and re cover your settings. Click Ex po rt to s tore all co nfiguration data into a default f i le, <S ervername> .txt . Click the Impor t button to upload a configuration file to the NPor t 5000AI - M12 .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-7 Telnet co nsole Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity Enable or Disab le Enable Require d ATTENTI ON If you disab le both the “Web consol.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-8 IP ad dress Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity E .g ., 192. 168.1.1 (I P addresses of the form x .x.x.0 and x.x.x .255 are inv alid .) 192.1 68.12 7.254 Require d An IP address is a number assigned to a network device (su ch as a c omp uter ) as a perma nent address on the network .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5-9 DNS server 2 configuratio n items to configure the IP address of the DNS server . DNS S erve r 2 is included fo r use when DNS sever 1 is unavailab le.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 10 Auto repor t to TCP por t Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity E.g., 400 1 4002 Optional Auto repor t period Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 11 Port alias Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity 1 to 15 cha racte rs (E.g., PLC - No.1 ) None Optio nal “ Port alias ” is included to allow e asy identificatio n of the serial devices that are conne cted to the N Por t 5000AI - M12 ’ s s erial por t s.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 12 Fl ow con tr ol Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity None, R TS/CTS, DTR/ DSR, X on/Xo ff RTS/CTS Require d FIFO Sett ing Facto ry Defa .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 13 Real COM Mode TCP alive ch eck time Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity 0 to 99 min 7 min Optional 0 min: The TCP connec tion will not be closed due to an idle TCP connectio n .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 14 ATTENTI ON When “ Max connection ” is set gre ater than 1 , this means that the NPort 500 0AI - M12 will be using a “m ulti connec tion applicatio n” (i.e., Up to 8 hosts are allowed access to the port at the same time).
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 15 Do nothing , Delimiter + 1 , Delimiter + 2 , Strip Delimiter Do Nothing Optio nal Delimiter + 1 or Delimiter + 2 : The data will be trans.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 16 RFC2217 Mode TCP alive ch eck time Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity 0 to 99 min 7 min Optional 0 min: TCP connectio n is not closed due to an idle TCP connectio n .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 17 Once the NPort 5 000AI - M12 receives both delim iters through its serial po rt, it immediately packs all data curre ntly in its buffer and sends it out the N Po rt 50 00AI - M12 ’ s Ethernet p ort.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 18 TCP Server Mode TCP alive ch eck t im e Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity 0 to 99 min 7 min Optional 0 min: The TCP connec tion will not be closed due to an idle TCP connectio n .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 19 ATTENTI ON T he Inacti vity ti me should b e c onfigured to be larg er than the F orce t r ansmit timeout setting .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 20 ATTENTI ON Delimiter 2 i s optional. If left blank, then De limiter 1 alone trips clearing of the buffer . If the size of the serial data receive d is gre ater than 1 KB, the NPort 5000AI - M12 will automatic ally pack the data and send it to the Ethernet.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 21 1 to 65535 966 Optio nal The Com mand p ort is a listen TCP port fo r IP - Serial Lib commands from the host. I n order to prevent a TC P port conf lict with other app lications, the user can set the Command port to another por t if need ed.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 22 1- 65535 m s : NPort 5 000AI - M1 2 automatically closes the TCP connectio n if there is no serial data ac tivity for the give n time. This par ameter defines the maintenance s tatus as Closed or Liste n for the TCP connection.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 23 Delimiter + 1 or D elim iter + 2 : The data will be transmitted w hen an additional byte (for Delimiter +1), or an additio nal 2 bytes (for Delimiter +2) of data is received after rece iving the Delimiter .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 24 Designated Local Port 1/2/3/4 Setting Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity TCP Port No . 5011 (Port 1) 5012 (Port 2) 5013 (Port 3) 5014 (Port 4) .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 25 UDP Mo de Packing le ngth Setting Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity 0 to 1024 0 Optio nal Defa ult = 0, The Delimiter Process will b e followed, regardless of the length of the data packet. If the data length (in bytes ) matches the configured value, the da ta will be forced out.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 26 Delimiter + 1 or D elim iter + 2 : The data will be transm itted when an additio nal byte (for Delimiter +1 ), or an additio nal 2 bytes (for Delimiter +2) of data is received after rece iving the Delimiter .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 27 Management Protocol (IGMP) is use d to communicate group membership information betw een hosts and routers on a LAN. The NPort 5000AI - M12 s upports IGMP version 2 . To add a network host to the multicast gr oup, input the host’s IP addre ss (e.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 28 TCP alive ch eck ti me Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity 0 to 99 min 7 min R equired 0 min: TCP connectio n is not closed due to an idle TCP connectio n . 1 to 99 min : The NPo rt 5000AI - M12 closes the TCP connection auto matically if there is no TCP ac tivity for the given tim e.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 29 Etherne t Modem Mode Dial - in The NPor t 5000AI - M12 listens for a TCP/IP connec tion request f rom the remote Ether net modem or host. The NPort 50 00AI - M12 ’ s response depends on the ATS0 v alue, as outlined b elow.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 30 AT Comm ands The NPort 500 0AI - M12 suppo rts the follow ing common AT commands used with a typical modem: No. AT command Descrip tion Remarks 1 ATA A nswer manually 2 ATD <IP> :<Port> Dial up the IP addres s: Port No.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 31 9 S8 Pause time for dial de lay (always=2, unit=s ec) no action applied 10 S9 Carrier detect res ponse time (always =6, unit 1/10 sec) no.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 32 1- 65535 m s : Th e NPor t 5000AI - M12 automatically close s the TCP conne ction if there is no seria l data ac tivity for the giv en time. Afte r the c onnection is closed, the NPort 5000AI - M12 st art s listening for another host ’ s TCP connec tion.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 33 Accessible IP S ettings The NPort 500 0AI - M12 uses an I P address based filtering method to control access to itself. Accessib le IP Settings allow s you to add or block remote host IP addresses to preve nt unauthorized acce ss.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 34 Auto Warning Setti ngs Auto warning: Email and SNMP trap Mail Serv er Mail s erver Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity IP Addr ess or D.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 35 ATTENTI ON Consult yo ur Network Administrator or IS P for the proper mail server settings. The Auto warning f unction may not work prop erly if it is not config ured corre ctly. the NPort 5000 AI - M12 SMTP AUTH supports LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM - MD5 (RFC 255 4).
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 36 Authentic ation failur e The user input s a wron g pass word from the Console or Administra tor . When authenticatio n failure o ccur s , the NPort will imme diately send an e - mail or send a n S NM P tr ap.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 37 Trap Sett ing Facto ry Defa ult Nece ssity Enable, Di sable Disabl e Optio nal This featur e helps the administrator mana ge how the NPor.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 38 Monitor Async Click Asyn c under Moni tor to s how the current status of t he s erial port. Monitor Async - Settings Click Async S ett ing under Monitor to s how the run - time setting s for the serial por t.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 39 Change Password Input the “ Old pass word ” and “ New p asswo rd ” to chang e the password. Leave the passwo rd boxes blank to erase the pa ssword. I f the pas sw ord is erased, then the NPort 5000 AI - M12 will not have password protectio n.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Web Cons ole Conf igur ati on 5- 40 Save/ Restart Click Sav e/Restart will save the current c onfigured settings and res tart the NPort 5000A I - M12 t o take effect.
6 6. Configuring NP ort Administrat or The follow ing topics are covered in this chapter: Over view Installi ng NP ort Administr ator Configur ation Broadcast Search Unlock Pass wo.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-2 Overvi ew NPort Ad ministrator lets you install and config ure your NPo rt 5000 AI - M12 Series produ cts easily over the network .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-3 3. Click N ext to install the program using the default progra m name , or sel ect a different nam e. 4. Click Install to proceed with the installation. 5. The Installing window reports the progress of the installati on.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-4 6. Click N ext to pro ceed with the installation. 7. Click Finish to complete the installation of NPo r t Adminis tration Suite. Configu ration The Administr ator - Conf iguration windo w is divided into four parts .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-5 Broadcast Search The Bro adcast Se arch function is used to locate all NPort 5000AI - M12 s that are connected to the same LAN as your compu ter.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-6 3. When the searc h is complete, the Broadcast Sear ch window will close, and the NPort 5 000AI - M12 s that were locate d will be displayed in the right p ane of the Administrator wind ow.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-7 3. The “ Lock ” status w ill change to “ Unlo ck, ” and the Administrator utility will k eep this NPo rt 5000 AI - M12 in the Unlock s tatus throughout this Adm inistrator sess ion.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-8 2. Unlock the NPor t 5000AI - M12 you wish to config ure if it is password protecte d.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-9 Upgrading the Firmware Follow the se steps to upgrade the firm ware of an NPort 5000AI - M12 . 1. To s tart NPort Ad ministrator , click S tart NP ort Admini stra tion Suite NPor t Adminis trator .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 10 ATTENTI ON You c an simultaneous ly upgrade the firmware of multiple NPort 5000AI - M12 s that are of the same model.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 11 ATTENTI ON You c an simultaneous ly import the same configuratio n file into multip le NPort 500 0AI - M12 s that are of the same mod el.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6-12 3. The NPort 5000AI - M1 2 list will appear on the Monitor screen. 4. Right clic k the panel and select Sett ing s . 5. Select or de - select Monitor Item s . Use the sing le arrowhead butto ns to move highlighted items from one box to the other .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 13 7. On the Adv anced Set tin gs page, select Displa y warni ng mess age for ne w event and/or Pl ay warnin g music fo r new e vent . In the second case, you must e nter the pa th to the WAV file that yo u want to be played .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 14 10. When one of the N Po rt 5000AI - M12 s lo s e s connec tion with the Monito r program, a warning alert will display automatically . The warning music will be played at the same time.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 15 Port Mon itor The process des crib ed h ere is the s ame as in the previo us “ Monitor ” section. The only diff erence is that y ou ca n select more ite ms under Port Mo nitor than under Monitor .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 16 On - line COM Mapping 1. Broadca st Searc h for NPort 5 000AI - M12 s on the network . 2. Select the COM Ma pping functio n group . 3. Add the target to which you would like to map COM port s.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 17 6. Select the COM N u mber . COM ports that are “ In use ” or “ Assigned ” w ill also be indicated in this drop - down list.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 18 8. The Serial Parame ter setting s sho wn here are the default setting s whe n the NPort 5 000AI - M12 is power ed on. Howeve r, the program can redefine the serial param eters to different v alues after the program opens the por t via W in32 API .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 19 10. Select Di scard C hange to tell Administr ator NOT to save the COM Mapping information to the host.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 20 2. Modify the por t settings as needed . 3. Right clic k in the NPort list section and select Ap ply Ch ange . COM Grouping The “COM Gro uping” function is desig ned to simulate the multi - drop be havior of serial communicatio n over an Ethernet ne twork.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 21 2. Select a COM number for this COM group. You may select one of the ports already assigned to a member of the CO M Group. However, once the COM Group is conf igured, all of the or iginal COM number (s) within the group will b e released simultaneo usly.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 22 4. On the COM Group ing page, you can set “Read” and “Write” permissio ns for every serial port. It is necessary to set Si gnal S tatus in order to contro l the data transmission with specif ied control signals (e.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 23 2. Select a COM number for this COM group and check the Auto enumerating COM nu mber for sel ected ports to use the COM number you select as the first starting COM number, and then click OK.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 24 4. Finally, c lick Yes to confirm. Addi ng a Port to a COM Group Follow the ste ps below to add a serial port into an exis ting COM Group: 1. Select the serial port that you are adding and right - click to select CO M Setting s .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 25 3. You will be able to view the serial po rts that were assigned to and remov ed from the Group. Click Apply to apply the setting s. 4. Finally, c lick Yes to confirm. Removing a Port from a COM Group Follow the ste ps below to remove a serial port from a COM Group: 1.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 26 2. Select a COM number that is not in use or assigned to a Group and click OK. 3. You will be able to view the serial po rts that were assigned to and remov ed from the Group. Click Apply to apply the setting s.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 27 Modify P orts in a COM Group In the f ollowing s ubsections we examine thre e ways in which the serial ports in a COM Group can be modif ied: Changing the COM Number of a COM Group 1.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 28 3. Select the Grouping sele cted por t(s) toget her checkbox and the n click OK . 4. You will be able to view the serial po rts that were assigned to and remov ed from the Group. Click Apply to apply the setting s.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 29 Changing Advanced Setting s and Serial Parame ters of the COM Group 1. Check the port specified on the COM Gro uping page as the signal port. 2. Select the ”S ignal Status” contro lled port and then right - click and sele ct COM Setti ngs .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 30 3. The Advanced Set tings and Seria l Parameters p ages will be availab le for modificatio n.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 31 Changing the Serial Port Specified as Signal Port for the C OM Group 1. Select a serial por t in the Group and then right - click and selec t COM S ettin gs . 2. Check the Gro uping selecte d port(s) togethe r ch eck box.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 32 3. On COM Group ing page, you can spec ify one serial port whose signa ls will be taken into account b y the COM Group and change the R ead /Write status for e ach serial port.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Configu ring N Port Admi ni strator 6- 33 2. Select the I P Address Repo rt , and click the right mouse button to select Setting s. 3. Conf igure the Loc al Listen Port to be the s ame as the NPort 5000 AI - M12 ’ s “ Auto report to UDP por t ” s etting.
7 7. IP Serial Library The follow ing topics are covered in this chapter: Over view IP Serial Libr ary Function G r oups Example Pr ogram.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es IP Seria l Library 7-2 Overvi ew What is IP Seri al Lib rary ? IP Seria l Libr ary is a Windows library with freque ntly used serial command se ts and subroutines. IP Ser ial Library is designed to reduce the complexity and poor efficiency of ser ial communication ov er TCP/IP.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es IP Seria l Library 7-3 IP Seria l Library Fu nction Groups Server Control Port Control In put/O utput Dat a Port S tatus Inquir y Misce llaneous nsio_i nit nsio_e nd nsio_re.
A A. Pinouts and C able Wiring The follow ing topics are covered in this appendix: P in Assi gnmen ts and C able Wiri ng Ethernet M12 Powe r M12 RS - 232/422/485 (male DB9 ) Pinouts .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Pinout s and Cabl e Wi ring A-2 P in Assign men ts and Cab le Wiring Etherne t M12 Housing: s hield Power M12 PIN Descrip tion 1 Input V + 2 Not assi gned 3 Input V - 4 Not .
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Pinout s and Cabl e Wi ring A-3 Serial C able Wir ing Dia gram s Female DB9 to Male DB9.
B B. Well Known Port N umbers In this appe ndix, which is inc luded for your refere nce, we provide a lis t of Well Known port numbers that may cause netwo rk problems if you set the NPort 500 0AI - M12 to o ne of the se ports . Refer to RFC 1700 f or Wel l Known por t numbers, or refer to the follow ing introduction fro m the IANA.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Wel l Known Port N umbe rs B-2 UDP Socket Applic ation Service 0 r eserved 2 Manag ement Utility 7 Ec ho 9 Discard 11 Active Us ers (systat) 13 Daytime 35 Any pr ivate pri n.
C C. SNMP Agents with MIB II & RS-232 Like Grou p s NPort 50 00AI - M12 has built - in SNMP (Simple Network Management Pro tocol) agent sof tware. It supports SNMP Tr ap, RFC131 7 RS - 232 lik e gr oup a nd RFC 1213 MIB - II.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es SNMP A gents with M IB II & RS - 232 Like G roups C-2 I pNetToMediaType I pRoutingDisc ards UDP M IB T CP MIB SNMP M IB UdpInD atagrams tcp RtoAlgor ithm snmpInPkts UdpN.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es SNMP A gents with M IB II & RS - 232 Like G roups C-3 rs232Por tInSpeed rs232Por tOutSpeed The Input Sig nal Table The Outpu t Signal T able rs232I nSig Table rs232O utS.
D D. Au to IP Report Protocol NPort devi ce servers provid e several ways to configur e Ethernet IP addresses. One of them is DHCP Client. When you set up the NPort to use D HCP Client to co nfigure Ethernet I P addresses, it w ill automatically send a DHCP req uest over the Ethernet to find the DHCP Serve r.
NPort 5000AI - M12 Seri es Auto IP R eport Pr otocol D-2 ID List ID Value Descrip tion Leng th Note 1 Se rve r N ame Variab le ASCII char 2 Hardwa re ID 2 L ittle - end ian 3 MAC Addre ss 6 6 by tes MAC a ddress. If the MAC a ddress is “00 - 90 - E8 - 01 - 02 - 03” , the MAC [0] is 0, MAC[1] is 0x90(hex ), MAC[2] is 0xE8(hex ), and so on.
E E. Compliance Notice CE Warning This is a Clas s A produc t. In a domestic environme nt, this produc t may cause radio interference i n which case the user may be required to take a ppropriate mea sures. Federal Communic ations Commission Stat ement FCC - This device complie s with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Moxa NPort 5450AI-M12 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.