Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ioLogik E1510-T des Produzenten Moxa
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ioLogik E1500 Seri es Users Ma nual Second Editio n, A ugust 2012 © 2012 Moxa Inc . All rights reserved..
ioLogik E1500 Seri es Users Ma nual The softw are described in this manual is furnished under a license agree ment and may b e used only in accordance with the terms of that agree ment. Copyri ght Notic e © 2012 Moxa Inc . All rights reserved. Trademarks The MOXA logo is a regis tered trademark of Moxa Inc.
Table of Content s 1. Introduction to the ioLogik E1500 ..................................................................................................... 1-1 Quick S tart Guide ......................................................................
5. Active O PC Server Ut ility ................................................................................................................... 5-1 Active OPC Serv er .................................................................................
1 1. Introduction to the ioLogik E1500 The ioLogik E1500 Ethernet I/O produc t is housed in a rugged aluminum case, and is compliant with the EN 50121 -3- 2, EN 50121 - 4 and essential s ections of EN 50155 standard s, all of which define s tandard s for electr onic equipment used in rolling stock applic ations.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Introduc tion to t he i oLogik E150 0 1-2 Quick S tart Guid e Overview 1. Prod uct Features 2. Prod uct Model I nformation Getting Started 1. Hardw are Installation 2. I/O Wiring D iagram 3. ioSearc h Installatio n Basic Config ur ation 1.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Introduc tion to t he i oLogik E150 0 1-3 Produc t Feat ures • Compliant with EN 50121 -3- 2, EN 50121 - 4 and essential sections of EN 50155 • Wide op erating temperature: -.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Introduc tion to t he i oLogik E150 0 1-4 Operati ng Tempera ture: - 40 t o 85° C ( - 4 0 to 18 5°F) Sto rage Temp erature: - 40 t o 85°C ( - 40 t o 185° F) Ambient Re lative.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Introduc tion to t he i oLogik E150 0 1-5 Wet Con tact (DI to G ND): • On: 0 to 3 VDC • Off: 10 to 3 0 V DC Common T ype: 2 points p er COM (Configurab le DIOs) Counter F req.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Introduc tion to t he i oLogik E150 0 1-6 Hardware R eference Panel G uide NOTE The reset b utton restar ts the server and resets all se ttings to factory defaults. Remove the two screws and the aluminum plate o n top of the aluminum housing, and the n pres s and hold the reset b utton for 8 second s.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Introduc tion to t he i oLogik E150 0 1-7 I/O Cir cuit D iagram Isolation D I ( DI channels) DI Ci rcu i t (DIO channe ls) DO Circui t (DIO channe ls).
2 2. Initial Setup This chapte r describes how to install the ioLo gik E1500. The follow ing topics are covered in this chapter: Hardw are Inst allat ion Connec ting the Power Ground ing t.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-2 Hard ware Installat ion Connecti ng the Power Connec t the 12 to 48 VDC power line to the termi nal block on the top panel of the ioLogik E150 0. If power is proper ly supplied, the Power LED will glo w a solid amber color.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-3 I/O Wiring Diagrams DI dry con tact mode DI wet contact mode (Ch - Ch isolation ) NOTE P ure DI is differ ential structure .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-4 DI wet contac t PNP /NPN mod e (No CH - CH isolation ) DIO_DI wet contact mode (no CH - CH isolation ) NOTE DIO is signal end str ucture .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-5 DIO_DO sink mode Softwar e Installa tion ioSearch is a s earch utility that he lps the user locate io Logik E1500 devices on the local network . Find the ioSearc h utility in the Documentation and Software CD under Software ioS ea rch , or download the latest version from Moxa’s websit e.
3 3. Using the Web C onsole The ioLogik E1500 ’s main configuration and manage ment utility is the built - in web c onsole, w hich can be used to config ure a wide range of options.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-2 Introd uction to the Web C onsole The ioLo gik E1500 web cons ole is a browser - b ased config uration utility. Whe n the ioLogik E1500 is connec ted to your network , you may enter the server’s IP addre ss in your web browser to access the web console .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-3 Overvi ew The Overvie w page contains basic infor mation about the ioLogi k E1500, includ ing the model name, serial number , firmware version, MAC add ress, and current IP address .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-4 The Communicatio n Watchdo g activates Safe Mode after a specif ied amount of tim e has passed fo llowing a loss of netw ork connec tivity.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-5 Default Address On this setting s page, you can view the def ault Modbus address for all I/O device s. The page only displa ys the start addr ess of each item. For example, if the DI Value starts fr om 10001, then the 1 st DI channel’s Modbus addre ss is 1000 1 and the 2 nd DI is 10002 .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-6 1. Check the Enab le Active OPC checkbox and t hen sp ecify the IP address where the Act ive OPC Serve r is installed. 2. Select the I /O chann els that need to be created in the Active OPC Server . 3. Conf igure t he Heartb eat Interval, if ne cessary.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-7 I/O Se ttings DI Channe ls The status of each DI (dig ital input) channel ap pears on the I/O Setting : DI Channels page. You can also config ure each channel’s dig ital input mode and p arameters by clicking on the channe l.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-8 By selecting the Save S tatus on Power F ailur e field, the ioLogik E1 5 00 will automatically save the coun ter value whe n there is a power failure. To reset the Counter, you will select Reset Counter fi eld and then c lick the Sub mit button.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-9 You can also config ure each channel’s dig ital input mode and p arameters by clicking on the channe l. DI channels ca n operate in DI mode or Event Counter mod e. For Event Counter mode , configure Lo to Hi , Hi t o Lo , or Bo th to trigger the counte r.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 10 DO Channel s can oper ate in DO mo de and are either o n or off. In Pu lse O utput mod e , you can specif y the ON W idth and OFF width to generate a square w ave.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 11 The D igital Output ’ s A lias N ame and the logic definition can also be config ured on this page.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 12 Refer to the follow ing table for additio nal configur ation examples . Allowed Ho sts IP ad dress /Net ma sk Any h ost Disabl e 192.1 68.1.120 192.1 68.1.120 / 255. 255.255 .255 192.1 68.1.1 t o 192.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 13 Export Syste m Configuration Settings On the Expor t System Config page, you can save the ioLogik’s conf iguration into a file for backup or impor t into another ioLogik ser ver .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 14 Save/ Rest art If you change the conf iguration, don’ t forget to reboot the system..
4 4. Using ioSearch This chapte r describes ioSearch, whic h is used to search for and loca te ioLogik E1500 units. The follow ing topics are covered in this chapter: Introduction to ioSear ch .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-2 Introd uction to ioS earch ioSearc h is for locating or searching fo r an io Lo gik E1500 on the physical network . The following functio ns are suppor ted by the ioSearch utility. • Searc h for and locate ioLogik E1500 units.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-3 Main Item s System Severa l operations are possib le from the Syst em menu. Auto Scan Acti ve Ether net I/O Ser vers will search for io Logik ser vers on the network.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-4 Sort The S ort menu allows the serv er list in the navigatio n panel to be sorted by ioLogik co nnection and server (model ). Quick L inks Quick link s are provided to search for I /O servers on the network and sort the server lis t.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-5 Locate The locate f unction helps users f ind a dedicated ioLogik on the netw ork. When this function is triggered , the ready LED on the selec ted unit will blink. Firmware Upgrade The ioLogik E15 00 supports a remote firmwar e upgrade function.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-6 Import Select this command to reload a configuratio n that was exported to a text file. Importing one configur ation file to mul tiple ioLogik E150 0 units (same mode l) is allowed. To do this, press the Sh ift key, sele ct ioLo gik , and then right click.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-7 Change IP Address The Change IP Addr ess function can be used to direc tly modify the IP Address , especially for first time installatio n. Changing the IP address for multiple ioLog ik E1500’s is allowed .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-8 After the Advance button is clicked, a window will pop up to allow users to use ioSearch to set the IP address by MAC address. IoSea rch will automatic ally set sequential I P addresses on the selecte d devices, with the subnet mask a nd gateway set to the same value.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Using i oSearc h 4-9 Mass Dep loyment (Import) Users ca n import E1500 series module informatio n via ioSearch. Sele ct this command to reload a configur ation from an exported .CS V file. Mass Dep loyment (export) Users can expor t E1500 series module infor mation via ioSearch.
5 5. Active OPC Server Utili ty Active OPC Server is a software package prov ided by Moxa t ha t operates as an OPC driver for an HMI o r SCADA system. It offers seaml ess co nnection from M oxa's ioLogik series p roducts to SCAD A systems, such as Wonderw are, Citect, and iFix .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Active OPC S erver Uti li ty 5-2 Act ive OPC Serv er Moxa Active OPC Server is a software package operated as a n OPC d riv er of a n HMI or SCADA syste m. It offers seamless connection from M oxa ioL ogik series produc ts to SCADA systems, including the most popular : Wonderw are, Citect, and iFix .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Active OPC S erver Uti li ty 5-3 OPC Clien t/Serv er create s a co mmon int erfa ce t o c onne ct to differ ent de vices Active OPC Ser ve r— From Pull to Push When looking up an I /O d e vic e ’ s Modbus table, 19 or more steps are require d to create a single tag.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Active OPC S erver Uti li ty 5-4 The “ p ush ” technolo gy also includes the update for the tags. When the I/O status changes , the ioLogik w ill send updates to the Active OPC Server .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Active OPC S erver Uti li ty 5-5 Features of A ctiv e OPC Serve r One Si mple Click Crea tes Active Ta gs Moxa’s RTUs, remote I/O devices, and Activ e OPC Servers supp ort auto.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Active OPC S erver Uti li ty 5-6 Act ive OPC Serv er Over view Install ing Acti ve O PC Ser ver Ac tive O PC Ser ver c an be ins talled from the Doc ument ati on and Software CD or d ownload ed f ro m the Moxa w ebsite . The following instr uctions explain how to insta ll the software from the CD: 1.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Active OPC S erver Uti li ty 5-7 The file will have an .mdb or .xls extensio n, a nd can be open ed us ing Microsoft Office Access or Microsof t Excel. The server list inc ludes the curre nt tag informatio n of the m a pped ioLog ik.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Active OPC S erver Uti li ty 5-8 Auto - save Update d Confi gu ration: O nce you activ ate auto - s ave, the Active OPC will auto matically save the co nfiguratio n when access synch ronizes. System Log Set t ings: Enable or disable the Active OPC Server system log function.
A A. Modbus/TCP Default Address Mappings The follow ing topics are covered in this appendix: E1510 Us er Defined Modbus E1512 User - Defi ned Modbus.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-2 NOTE The Modbus/T CP ID of the ioLogik E1500 is set to “1” by default. E1510 User Defined Modbus Fixed & Dynamic Default ad dr.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-3 Reference Address Data T ype Descriptio n 00277 0x0114 1 bit CH4 DI Clear Count Va lue Read Always re turn:0 Write: 1 : Clear counter .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-4 3xxxx Read only Registers (Suppo rt functio n 4) Dynamic M odbus 3xxxx R ead Re gisters (Suppor t functio n 4) Reference Address Data .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-5 Reference Address Dat a Type Description DI Channel 40257 0x0100 1 bit CH0 DI Counter Oper ate Status 0: Stop 1: Start(R/W) 40258 0x01.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-6 Read Always re turn:0 Write: 1 : Clear counter v alue 0 : Return illega l data value(0x03) Reference Ad dre ss Data Type Descrip tion .
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-7 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip t ion 00262 0x0105 1 bit CH5 DI Counter Operate Status 0: S top 1: Star t(R/W) 00263 0x0106 1 bit.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-8 3xxxx Read o nly Registers (Support function 4) Dynamic M odbus 3xxxx R ead Re gisters (Suppor t functio n 4) Reference Address Data T.
ioLogik E15 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De fault Addres s Mappin gs A-9 Bit3 = Ch3 DO Value (0=OFF , 1=ON) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion DI Cha nnel 40257 0x0100 1 word CH0 DI Counter Operate St.
B B. Network Port N umbers ioLogik E1500 Network Po rt Usage Port Type Usage 80 TCP Web console ser vice 502 TCP Modbus /TCP communication 68 UDP BOOTP/D HCP 4800 UDP Auto search 69 UDP Export/im port.
C C. Factory Defaults ioLog ik E1500 series products are conf igured with the following factory defaults: Defaul t IP addres s 192.1 68.127. 254 Defaul t Netma sk 255.
D D. Pinouts Pin assignment of Ter minal Blocks ioLogik E1 510 (Bottom) (TOP) 1 N.C. 1 N.C. 2 N.C. 2 N.C. 3 +12 (Out) 3 +12 (Out) 4 +0 (Out) 4 +0 (Out) 5 DI0 + 5 DI6 + 6 DI0 - 6 DI6 - 7 DI1 + 7 DI7 + .
E E. F CC Int erfer ence St atement Federal Commu nication C ommission W arning! This equip ment has been te sted and found to comply with the limi ts for a Class A digital de vice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
F F. European Community (CE) This is a Class A prod uct. In a domestic env ironment, this prod uct may cause radio interf erence in w hich case the user may b e requ ired to take a dequate mea sures.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Moxa ioLogik E1510-T (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Moxa ioLogik E1510-T noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Moxa ioLogik E1510-T - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Moxa ioLogik E1510-T reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Moxa ioLogik E1510-T erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Moxa ioLogik E1510-T besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Moxa ioLogik E1510-T verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Moxa ioLogik E1510-T. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Moxa ioLogik E1510-T gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.