Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung WD-52631 des Produzenten Mitsubishi
Zur Seite of 108
5. DLP ™ HIG H - DEF INITION TELE VISION MODEL S W D-5 263 1 W D-5 7 7 3 1 W D - 6 5 7 31 O WN E R ’ S G U I DE • Forquestio ns: - CallCons umerRe lationsat 8 0 0 - 33 2-21 1 9. - E-mailusa tMDE As er vi ce@mde a.
Thelightni ngflas hwithar rowheadsymb olwithinane quilatera ltrian gleisintende dtoaler ttheu serofthe pres enceofunin sulated“dange ro.
For Y o ur R eco rd s Rec ordthemo delnumbe r ,s eria lnumbe r ,an dpurcha sedateofyourT V .Themode landse rialnum ber sareonth e backoftheT V .Refertothispagew henreq uestinga ssi stanc ewiththisT V .
Contents Impor tant In forma tion About Y our T V Gen eralWarnin gsandCau tions,NotesonIn stall ationandO per ation ........................... 6 Clea ningRec ommen dations ...................................................
SetupMe nu ......................................................................... 46 InputNa meMenu .................................................................... 4 8 IconO rderM enu ............................................
6 Impor tan t Information About Y our T V W ARNING :Thispro ductc ontain schemi calsk nowntotheStateofCaliforniatocau secan cera nd/orbir thdefec tsor otherrep roduc tiveharm.
Impor tan t Information About Y our T V 7 T V Sof twa re Una utho rized Soft wa r e Donotat tempttoupdatethesof t wareofthisT Vwi th sof t wareorcar dsthataren otprovidedbyorauth orized byMitsubishiD igit alElec tronic sAme rica ,Inc.
8 Impor tan t Information About Y our T V 8 Impor tan t Information About Y our T V Impor tan t S afeguar ds Pleasere adthefollowingsafe guard sforyourT Va ndretai nforfuturerefe rence.A lwaysfollowallwarningsan dinstru c - tionsma rkedonthetelevision.
Impor tan t Information About Y our T V 9 Impor tan t Information About Y our T V 9 Impor tan t Safeg uards , con tin ued 1 2 . Power Lin es Anou tsidea ntennasystemshoul dnotbelo.
1 T el e visio n Ov er vi e w Package Content s .................................. 1 2 Sp ecia l Featur es of Y o ur T V ............................ 1 2 Gui del ines for S et t ing Up a nd Usi ng Y our New Wide scre en T V ... 1 3 T V Front Panel Cont rol Pane l .
12 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 12 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view Packa ge Co nt ents Pleaset akeamomenttoreviewthefollowinglistofitemstoens ure thatyouhavereceivedever y thing. 1 . Rem ote C ont r ol 2 .
Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 13 G u i d e li n e s f or Se tt i n g U p a n d U s i n g Y our New Widescreen T V Get t ing S ta r ted 1. Readthes ectio nentitle d “I mp or t a nt I nfo rm at io n Ab ou t Y ou r T V ” s tar tin gonpage5.
14 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 3. Ify ouhaveIEEE1 394A / Vdevices,s ee c ha pte r 7 , “U si ng IE E E 1 3 94 D evi ce s,” fordetailso noper ating suchdevic esan dusingtheT Vtocontrolrec ording.
Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 15 Lif t cover to us e the co ntrol p ane l and IN PUT 3 front A/ V jac ks. T V Front P anel A/ V Rese t IfyouwishtoresettheA / V(Audio/ Vide o)�.
16 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view F ro nt -Pan el Ind icator s POWER/ TIM ER Indicat or LED Color TV Condition Additional Information Non e T Visp ow e redof f. Normalop era tion. Gr ee n T Visp ow e redon. Nor malop erati on.
Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 17 Cabl eCARD ™ T ec hn ology (mod el s WD - 57731 an d WD - 6 5731 ) CableCAR Disanationwidesystems tanda rdthatallows yourloca lcableT Vprovidertosup plyyouwithanac ces s cardc ustomizedtoyouracco unt.
18 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view T V Back Pan el 1 . ANT 1 / MAIN , ANT 2 / AUX ( Antenna) Ifyouareconne ctinga nantenna ,direc tcablew ithout acableb ox,orareusingc ablewithaCa bleCAR D ™ , conne ctthem ainantennao rcables ourceto ANT 1/MA IN .
Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 19 4. COMPON ENT 1 and 2 I npu ts (Au d io a nd V id eo) Y Pb Pr (4 8 0 i/48 0 p/ 72 0 p/1 0 8 0 i) Usethes ejackstoconne ctdevic eswithco mpone ntvide o outputs ,sucha sDVDplayers,ex ternalHDT Vreceiver s,or compa tiblevide ogamesystem s.
2 T V Conn ect ions Befor e Y ou B egin Choosi ng a La nguag e for Men us .......................... 2 2 Clea r Thought ® Easy Con nec t Auto Inp ut Se nsi ng ............... 22 Digi tal V id eo and H ome Reco rdi ng ........................ 23 Conn ect ion T yp es .
22 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections Bef ore Y o u Begin Choosi ng a La nguag e for Men us WhenyoupowerontheT Vforthefir sttime,youcan sele cteith erEnglisho rSpanis hforallme nus.Y ouca n latercha ngethelang uagethrou ghtheSetupme nu.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 23 Na me a ss ig ne d to t he d evi ce Figur e 3. Th e Cle ar Thoug ht Auto Inp ut Se nsi ng scr ee n for IEEE 1 394 d evice s incl ude s a che ck box fo r an as so ciate d an alog c onn ectio n.
24 Chapt er 2 . T V Connections Conn ect ion T yp es Video and Combin ed Audio /Video Conn ections The sedes cription sapplytoT Vv ideoon lyanddonotc ov ers ignalsf rompe rso nalcom puter s.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 25 H DT V Cabl e Bo x or S ate ll ite Receiv er wit h Compon ent Video Ifyourcableb oxorsatellitereceiverha sHDMIo rDVI outputs ,usetheco nnec tionsforHD MIorDVIvide o devicesd esc ribe dlaterinthischa pter .
26 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections W all Ou tle t Cabl e (n o cable bo x) (can b e u se d wit h a Ca bl eCAR D™ , mod el s WD - 57731 an d 6 5731 ) Itisver yimpo r ta nttoconnec ttheincom ingcabl eforyour prima r yviewings ourceto ANT 1/MA IN ,esp ecia llyfor Cable CARD ™use.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 27 A n t e n n a s w i t h Se p a ra t e U HF a n d VHF Leads Requir ed:UHF / VH Fcombin er Thisisnotin clude dwiththeT V ,butisavailableatm ost elec tronic sstores. 1 . C onnec ttheUHFan dVHFantenn aleadstotheUHF/ VHFco mbiner .
28 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections VC R to a n Anten na o r W all Out le t Cable Requir ed:T wo-wayRFsplitter ,3coa xia lcable s,rig htand lef tana logaudioc able s,eithe rS-vide oorvide ocab le.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 29 VC R to a Ca ble Bo x (Audio & Video ) Requir ed:T wo-wayRFsplitter ,4coa xia lcable s,righ tand lef taudioc able s,S-Vide o�.
30 Chapter 2 . T V Connections D V I V i d e o D e v i c e ( C a b l e B o x , Sat ellite R eceiver , D VD Pla y er , or Oth er Device ) Ana logstere oaudioca blesa ndaDVI-to-H DMIcab leor DVI/HD MIadapteran dHDMIca blearere quire d.
Chapter 2 . T V Connections 31 D VD Pla y er wit h Compon ent Video Compo nentvid eoca blesa ndanal ogaudioc ablesa re require d.
32 Chapt er 2 . T V Connections Older Cab le Bo x Requir ed:3coa xialc able s,onet wo-wayRFsplit ter . The searenotinc ludedw iththeT V .
T V O per at ion Remote Cont rol .................................... 3 4 Choos ing a Progr am Sou rce ........................... 3 6 Cha nnel V iew ™ Cha nne l List ing s ........................ 36 St atu s Dis pl ay .............................
34 Ch apter 3 . T V O peration Remo t e Cont rol Overview Figur e 1 , next p ag e 1 . S li de S wi tc h: Sel ect stheA / Vdevicetobec ontrolle d bytheremotecontrol.Setth eslideswitchto TV for oper ationoftheT VandIEEE1 3 94device s.
Chapter 3. T V Oper ation 35 22 28 10 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 24 23 26 27 25 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 5 6 18 19 20 21 Figur e 1 . Remote Co ntrol O ver vie w Bat te r y In st alla tio n Figur e 2 1 . Re movetheremotecontrol’ sbackcoverbygently pres singinthet abandlif tingof fth ecover .
36 Ch apter 3 . T V O peration Choo sing a Program So ur ce NOTE: Ifyouronlyviewingsourcesar econnectedtothe ANT 1 and ANT 2 antennajacks,youcanswitch inputswithouttheInputSelectionmenu.
Chapter 3. T V Oper ation 37 S t atu s D i s p l ay Theon -scre enst atusdisp layappea rswh enyouturnon theT V ,changeinp uts,cha ngecha nnels,o rpres sthe IN FO but tonontheremotecon trol.
38 Chapter 3 . T V O peration T V S ign als an d Displa y Form ats Thisisawi desc reenT V ,al soknownasa16 :9T V .T his shap erefle ctsthenewt ype sofimage savailablefrom HDT Vandm anyDVDs.
Chapter 3. T V Oper ation 39 03*(*/"-4*(/"- /POBOBNPSQIJDPS4% 03*(*/"-4*(/"- "OBNPSQIJD%7% 57%JTQMBZ 4UBOEBSE OPUSFDPNNFOEFEEJTUPS.
40 Ch apter 3 . T V O peration Split Scr een SplitSc ree nallowsyoutoviewpicturesfr omtwodif fere nt sourc esatthes ametime.
Chapter 3. T V Oper ation 41 T V In put s for Sp lit Sc ree n TheavailableS plitScre enpi cturesou rcesa relistedbe low . Avail ab le a s ei th er m ai n pi ct u re o r su b.
4 T V Me nu S et t i ngs 3D G ra ph ical M enu S yst em ..................... 4 4 Mai n Menu ........................................ 4 5 Set up Me nu ....................................... 4 6 Inp ut Na me Me nu ................................... 4 8 Icon O rde r Men u .
44 Chapter 4 . T V Menu Set tings Men u Scr eens Apicture( icon)ishighligh tedonthemenu scre enwhe nsele ctedwiththedire ctio nal arr ows .Y oumaythe nmake chang eswithintheme nuoracc es ssub- menus ,ifavailable.
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 45 Setup Sele ctEnglis horSpan ishforme nusand on-s cree ndisplays. Memo rizetheavailablecha nnelsforthe antennaorc ablese r vic econne ctedtothe ANT 1 and ANT 2 jacks.
46 Ch apter 4 . T V Menu Set tings chann elsfromm emor y ,namin gchann els,ands aving favoritechannelsi ncustommem or yba nks.
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 47 Time r (Setu p Men u) Figur e 4. Ti me r sub men u TheT imerfeatu reallowsyoutosetadayandtimeforthe T Vtoturnonau tomaticall yandthedevic eandcha nnelto displaywhe nitswitcheson.
48 Chapter 4 . T V Menu Set tings Inpu t Name Men u UsetheInpu tNameme nutoassig nusefull abelstothe T Vinpu tsthatapp earinth eInputSel ecti onmenu.Th e curr entviewingdevic eandanyunus edinpu tsappe ar grayedouta ndunse lec table.
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 49 Ch ann el Men u Settings for the Channel Number Shown F A V Memory Banks Signal-Strength (digital channels only) Figur e 7 .
50 Ch apter 4 . T V Menu Set tings F A V (Cha nne l Menu) TheF A Vfeaturele tsyoustoregroupsoffavoritechan nels inuptoninedif ferentFA Vme mor yba nks.
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 51 Cap tion s Menu Foranalo gchanne ls,broa dcas tersc ansen deithers tan - dardcl osedc aptionso rtextser v ice.
52 Chapt er 4 . T V Menu Settings Cap tion s Menu, con t inued Size Sele ctthede sire dfontsize.Lar geistherec omme nded fontsize. Color Theavailablefon tcolor sarelis tedbelow .T extan dback - groundc annotb esettothesamec olor .
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 53 Paren tal Lock Men u ThePare ntalLo ckmenugivesyouco ntroloverthreedif - ferentt yp esofpare ntalc ontrols.Y o umustus eapas s codetoope nthismenutoena ble/disabletheloc koptions.
54 Ch apter 4 . T V Menu Set tings gram sratedT V -PG / PGorloweruntilyouchangeth e ratinglevel. Af terchang ingthechann elordevice,the remaybeadelay ofuptofivesecond sbeforether atingrestr ictio nstake ef fe ct .
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 55 Paren tal Lock Men u, cont inu ed Figur e 1 2. The Othe r Rati ngs m enu i s availa ble o nly if th e T V r ece ives br oad ca st sig nal s ca rr y ing an a lter nate r atin g system.
56 Ch apter 4 . T V Menu Set tings IMP ORT ANT If you e na bl e b loc ki ng wi t h th e Pr ogr a ms Not R ate d op t ion , you m ay bl ock n ews or em er ge ncy b ul le ti ns c a rr yi ng t he “ No ne” o r “N R” No t Rat ed V-C hi p ra t in g.
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 57 Audio /Video Menu Figur e 1 3. Audio/V ide o Men u A / V Me mor y Re set A / VMe mor yRe setallowsyoutoresetasp ecif icinput ’ s A / Vset ting stotheoriginalfa ctor yset ting s.
58 Chapter 4 . T V Menu Set tings Audio /Video Menu, con tin ued Audio S et t ings Analog a nd Digital Au dio Settings Entertheaudioadju stmentm odeus ingeithe rtheAudio/ Vide omenuo rthe AU DI O key .Use tochang eset tings.
Chapter 4. T V Menu Settings 59 Audio /Video Menu, con tin ued Vi deo S et ti ngs Enterthevide oadjustm entmod eusingei thertheAudio/ Vide omenuo rthe VIDEO key .Pressthe VIDEO keyrepeatedly tocyclethroughthevide ooptionstotheoneyouwantto chang e.
60 Chapter 4 . T V Menu Settings.
5 Op era t ing O t her D e vices wit h th e Remo te Control F unc t ions Availabl e for Ot he r A / V Devices .................. 6 2 Progra mmi ng th e Remote Cont rol .
62 Chapt er 5 . O perating Other Devices with the Remote Con trol F u n c t i o n s A v a i l a bl e f o r O t h e r A/ V Devi ce s TheT V’ sremotecontro lcanbep rogr amme dtooperate othert ype sandb rand sofA / Vprodu cts.
Chapter 5. O perating Other Devices with the Remote Con trol 63 IMP ORT ANT Y ou m ay n ee d to re p rog ra m t he r em ote co nt ro l af t er c ha ng ing t h e ba t te ri es .
64 Ch apter 5 . Op erating Other Devices with the Remo te Control Audio Amplifiers Brand Code Acuru s 30 7 65 Adcom 3 1 1 0 0, 30577 AltecL an sing 3 174 2 Aragon 307 65 BelCantoDe sign 3 15.
Chapter 5. O perating Other Devices with the Remote Con trol 65 A/V Receivers Brand Code Audiotron ic 3 11 8 9 Au di ovox 3 1 62 7 ,3 1 39 0 B&K 308 40,308 20,30 70 1 BelCanto.
66 Chapter 5 . Ope rating Other Devices with the Remo te Control Cable Boxes Brand Code ABC 1 001 7 ,1 0 01 4,1 0 01 3,1 001 1 , 1 00 08, 1 0 0 07 , 1 00 03, 1 0 001 All egro 1 0 3 1 5, 1 .
Chapter 5. O perating Other Devices with the Remote Con trol 67 DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code Adcom 210 9 4 Ai wa 2 0 6 41 Akai 21 0 89, 20 770 Alco 2 079 0 All egro 208 6 9 Amp hionMe diaWor.
68 Chapter 5 . Ope rating Other Devices with the R emote Control DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code McInt osh 21 533, 21 27 3 Memorex 2 1 27 0,20831 ,2069 5 Microso f t 20 522 Mintek 20839, 20 7 1.
Chapter 5. O perating Other Devices with the Remote Con trol 69 Laser Disc Players Brand Code Ai wa 2020 3 Ca r ve r 20323,201 94,200 64 Denon 202 43,202 4 1 ,20 1 72,2 0 059 Disc oV.
70 Chapter 5 . Ope rating Other Devices with the R emote Control VCRs and DVRs Brand Code Harl eyDavidson 20000 Harman /Kardon 200 8 1 , 2007 5, 2 0 038 Har wood 2 0 07 2,2 0 06 8 Headquar ter 2.
Chapter 5. O perating Other Devices with the Remote Con trol 71 VCRs and DVRs Brand Code Optimu s 2 1 262 ,21 1 62,2 1 062,2 1 048, 20593,20432,20 1 62 ,201 04, 2004 8,20037.
Using t he T V wit h a Persona l Compute r Setup ........................................... 7 4 Vi deo Adju st ment s .................................. 7 4 Conn ect ing a Com put er to th e T V ....................... 7 5 Adjus ti ng Image Re solut ion .
74 Chapter 6 . Using the T V with a Pers onal Computer S etu p 1 . S eetheT Vspeci ficati onsinAp pendi xBtoconfirm thatyourcomp utervide osigna liscompa tiblewiththe T V. 2. Notewhethertheco mputersup pliesadigi talor analo gvide osignal.
Chapter 6. Us ing the TV with a Per sonal Computer 75 Compu ter wi th HD MI Moni tor Out pu t Requir ed:HDMI-to- DVIcableo ranHDMIc ablewi than HDMI /DVIadapter ,st.
76 Chapter 6 . Using the T V with a Per sonal Computer Compu ter wi th VGA 1 5 -Pin Mo nitor Ou tp ut (A nalog V id eo) Requir ed:1 5 -p incompu terVGA-to-DVI/ VGA-to-DVI- D cableo raVGAcompu tercablea ndaDVI/ V G Aadapter , stereoau diocab le.
Chapter 6. Us ing the TV with a Per sonal Computer 77 Adjus tin g Imag e Resolu tion Y ourMits ubishiT Vcandisp layresolu tionsfroms tand ard VGA(640x48 0)through1 920x1 080s ignalsatare fresh rateof60Hz.
78 Chapter 6 . Using the T V with a Personal Computer 78 Chapter 6 . Using the T V with a Personal Computer Computer Signal As Displayed on TV Screen Format 16 X 9 Standard 4 X 3 Standard VGA 640X�.
7 Using IEE E 1 3 9 4 Devices Overview ......................................... 8 0 Recor ding to IE EE 1 39 4 Reco rd abl e Devices ................ 82 The T V Remote Cont rol a nd IEE E 1 39 4 Devices .............. 8 4 A / V Discs ................
80 Chapter 7 . Usi ng IEEE 139 4 Devices O ve r v i ew Compa ti ble IE EE 1 39 4 Devic es Compatib leA / Vdevice sinclud esome,butn otall,cable box es,D -VHSVCRs,A / Vdis cs,an dfuturepr oduct s.
Chapter 7 . Using IEE E 1 3 9 4 D evices 81 IEE E 1 39 4 Devices a nd t he In put S elec tio n Menu Sele ctanIEEE1 394devic etowat chfro mtheInputSe lec - tionmenuju stasyouwouldanyotherd evice.Seef igure 3,InputSe lec tionmenu.
82 Chap ter 7 . Using IEE E 1 3 9 4 Devices Recording t o IEEE 1 3 9 4 Recordable Devi ce s Y oucanu setheT Vtocontrolrec ordingtoIEEE1 3 94 devices .Whilerec ording,youca nviewaprogr amona dif ferenti nputorpowerof ftheT V .
Chapter 7 . Using IEE E 1 3 9 4 D evices 83 Recor ding f rom t he Cha nne lV iew ™ Ch ann el Guide Channe lVi ewprovidespro gramli stings,a ssentbythe broadc aster s,forme morize dchann elson ANT 1 and ANT 2 .
84 Chapter 7 . Usi ng IEEE 139 4 Devices T h e TV R e m o t e C o n t ro l a n d IE E E 1 3 9 4 Devices • Forsatelliterece iversa ndcabl ebox es,youmay alsob eabletousethenum ber sorothe radditiona l buttons.
Chapter 7 . Using IEE E 1 3 9 4 D evices 85 Copying A / V Disc Rec ord ings T rac ksyourecordtodiscm ayhav ecopyres tric tions ass ignedtothe m.T ole arnatr ack’ scopystatu s,high - lightthetrac kintheT rac kLista ndpres s IN FO .
86 Ch apter 7 . Usi ng IEEE 139 4 Devices S w i t c h i n g B e tw e e n A n a l o g a n d Digita l IEE E 1 3 9 4 Outpu ts T oenab leswitchingbet weena naloga nddigita loutput s,�.
Ap pendice s Ap pen dix A : By pas sing t he Par ent al Lock .................. 8 9 Ap pen dix B: S pe cif icat ion s ............................ 91 Ap pen dix C: L amp Ca r t ri dge Rep lacem ent ................. 9 3 Ap pen dix D : T roub les hooti ng .
Appendices 89 Byp ass ing t he Pare nta l Lock Af teryousetthelock ,youmustus eyourpassc odeto viewalockedpro gra m,viewthelockedT V ,canc elthe lock,o renterthePare ntalLo ckmenus .
90 Appe ndices 90 Appe ndices This p age in t ent iona lly left blank.
Appendices 91 A ppendices 91 Appendix B: S pecifications Picture T echnology Proj ec t ion S ys te m DLP ,0.65 ”c hip ,1 920x1 080pixelswithSmoothPicture ™ Lamp 1 50 -wa.
92 Appendices 92 Appendices Appendix B: S pecifica tion s, contin ued IE EE 139 4 S ys tem C om pat i bi li t y • Thistelevisio nisdes ignedtoconfo rmtoIEEE1 39 4A V / CSof t warest andar dsinef fec tatthetimeofdevelopme nt.
Appendices 93 Appendices 93 CAUTION BURN DANGER! During normal operation, the surfaces inside the TV near the lamp are extr emely hot. TOUCH THE LAMP CARTRIDGE BY THE HANDLE ONL Y Do not touch the glass parts of the lamp cartridge. CA UTION: If t he tel evision i s on, p ress POWER to t urn it of f .
94 Appendices Ap pe n d i x C : L a m p C a rt r i d g e R e p l a ce m e n t, co n t in u e d Figur e 1 . W ARNING THECOVERISPROVIDEDWITHANINTER LOCKT O REDUCETH ERISKOFE XCESSIVEUL T R A VIOLE T R ADI A TIO N.
Appendices 95 Appendix D: T r oubleshoo tin g Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action De mo M od e Tu r n - O f f T otur nof fther etai ldem o mod eslides how . 1 . Whilevi ewingth eT V ,pres s MENU to disp laytheT VMainme nuwi ththe Setup ic onhig hlig hted.
96 Ap pendices Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action Par e nt al L oc k Pas s Co de T och ang eyourPare nta l Loc kPassC ode T hisinfo rm ationi sliste donthec utoutp agein Ap pen dixA .Ple aser efertotha tpage.
Appendices 97 A ppendices 97 Appendix D: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont inu ed T V C ha nn el s Sy mptom R ema rks 1. TheT Vtakesseveralse con dstorespon dto chann elchan ges. • Itisnor malfordigit alcha nnelstotakelonge rtotunein.
98 Appendices 98 A ppendices Picture Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Picturedoe snotlooklikeahigh- def inition picture. Notallsig nalsarehi gh- definitio nsignal s.
Appendices 99 Appendices 99 Sound Sy mptom R ema rks 1. The reisnosoun devenwhenthe volumeisturne dup. • Checki ftheMUTEbu ttoniso n. • TheT V’ s“Lis tento : ”set tingmaybes ettoSAP .
10 0 A ppendices 10 0 A ppendices IE EE 139 4 Dev ic es Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Exces sivedigita lar tifac tsapp earwh en viewinganIEEE1 394device. • TheIEEE1 394cab leistoolong;1 5feetbet weendevic esis thema ximum.
Appendices 10 1 Appendices 10 1 Appendix D: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont inu ed IE EE 139 4 Dev ic es Sy mptom R ema rks 3. The reisnoaudioa ndvide ofromtheIEEE 1 3 94device. • Thedevic eisnotturne don.T ur nthedevicepoweron.
10 2 T r ademark and License Information 10 2 T r ademark and License Information LICENSOR’SSUPPLIERSDONOTMA KEORP ASSONTOENDUSERORAN YOTHERTHIRDP ART Y .
T rademark and Lic ense Information 10 3 T r ademark and License I nformation 10 3 Mit su bis hi T V Sof t war e EN D- US ER LI CEN SE AGRE E MEN T FOR EM BED DE D SOF T WARE IM PO RT AN T – RE A D .
10 4 10 4 Mit su bis hi DLP ™ Pro jec t ion T e levision Lim ited W ar ra nt y MITSUBIS HIDIGIT ALELECTRONICSA MERICA ,INC.(“MDE A ”)warr antsasfoll owst otheor .
10 5 10 5 d.T oo btainarep lacem entlam p,orderthelampdir ectlyf romtheMDE APar tsDepa r tme ntat(80 0)553 - 7 27 8.
10 6 I ndex I n d ex A A / VDi scs 85 A / VMe mor yRe set. See Re set A / VRe ceiver Conne cting 31 A / VRe set. See Res et AdjustKeys(Up/Down /Le f t /Ri .
Ind ex 10 7 Setup 7 4 PictureQu alit y andCo nnec tionT ype s 2 4 andFilmMod e 57 T roubl esho oting 98 Pow erCo nsumption4 7 , 92 Pow erO n/Of f�.
©200 6Mi tsub ishiD igi talEl ec troni csA me ric a,Inc. Wri t tenandPr inte dinU.S. A . 853 B542B1 0 v 2 V33 We b s i t e : w w w .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi WD-52631 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Mitsubishi WD-52631 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Mitsubishi WD-52631 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Mitsubishi WD-52631 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Mitsubishi WD-52631 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Mitsubishi WD-52631 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mitsubishi WD-52631 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi WD-52631. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi WD-52631 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.