Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung WS-55711 des Produzenten Mitsubishi Electronics
Zur Seite of 92
visit ou r webs ite a t w w w . m i t s u b i s h i - t v . c o m AD JU ST Pr ojection T ele vis ion Models WS-B5 5 W S -4 85 1 1 WS- 555 1 1 WS- 557 1 1 WS- 655 1 1 WS- 6 56 1 1 WS- 657 1 1 WS- 657 1.
2 3 The lightning ash with arrowhea d symbol within an equilateral triangle is int ended to aler t the user of the presence of uninsulat ed “dangerous voltage” within the product ’ s enclosure that ma y be suf cient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric sho ck.
2 3 45 Setup Menu: Advanced Convergence , T rans por t Menu and Language 46 Antenna, Memoriz e Channels, Channel , Memor y and Name 4 7 SuperQ uickView ™ (SQV™) 48 Auto o r Manual Clock Set ting 4.
4 5 IMPORT ANT S AF E GU ARDS Please re ad the following safeguards for your TV and re tain for future refere nce. Alwa ys follo w all warnings and instructions marked on the tel ev ision. 1 . R ead, Ret ain and Follo w All Instructions Read all safety a nd operating i nstruc tions b efore operating th e TV .
4 5 IMPORT ANT S AF E GU ARDS , con t’ d. 1 2 . Power Lines An outs ide antenna system shoul d not be located in t he vici nit y of ov erhead power lines or other e lectr ic light or power circui ts, or where it can fal l into such power lines or c ircuits.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . If y ou ha v e questi ons rega rding y our t ele vision , call Consumer Relatio ns at (80 0) 332-2 1 1 9 , or ema il us at T o order rep lacemen t or addition al remo te con trols or o wne r’ s guides call (80 0) 55 3- 72 78 or visit ou r webs ite a t w w w .
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 1 CHA PTER ONE 8 Our Than ks 9 Unpac king Y our New TV 9 Special Featu res.
8 9 Ou r Tha nk s... Thank you f or choosing Mitsubishi as your premier Home Enter tainment provider . This Owner’ s Guide descr ibes the f eatures and functions of y our Mitsubishi widescreen, high denition TV .
8 9 Special Fea tures Y our new High Denition bigscreen television has many special fea tures that mak e i t the perfec t center of y our home ent er tainment sy stem.
In Th i s Secti o n . . ..
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 2 CHA PTER T W O 1 2 F ron t Control P anel 1 3 Back P anel 1 5 Ex ternal De vices & NetCommand ™ 1 6 Supported D e vices 1 7 Anten na or W all Outlet Cable for Dig ita.
1 2 1 3 F ront Co ntro l Pane l The buttons on t he F ront Control Panel highlighted in gra y are duplic at ed on the remote control. The top row of labels show the control functions when there are no TV menus displayed on the screen.
1 2 1 3 Bac k Pa nel � Inputs 1 - 4 These inputs can be used for the connec tion of a V CR, Super VHS (S-VHS) V CR, DVD pla yer , standard satellit e receiver or o ther A / V device to the T V . Please no te that if y ou connec t to the S- VIDE O terminal, the VIDE O terminal is deactivated.
1 4 1 5 8 Ant enna DT V (ANT - DT V ) This input receives digital T V signals from a VHF/ UHF ant enna or unscrambled digi tal cable syst em. If the T V receives scrambled cable signals on this in put, it will not be able t o deco de them. In this case, y our cable com pan y must provide a decoding box.
1 4 1 5 Connecti ng External De vices & NetComm and ™ Setup .
1 6 1 7 NetCommand ™ Suppor ted De vices Follo wing is a list of devices, by s ev eral manufactur ers, tested and shown t o be compatible with the NetCommand™ control syst em. When y ou use these devices you will be able to control them without changing the sett ing of the remo te control from T V to ano ther product.
1 6 1 7 Additional connect ion cables ar e not provided with the T V . They are av ailable at most el ectronic store s. I M P O R T A N T Co nne cti n g A nt enna or W al l Ou tle t C abl e f or Di gi tal B ro adc as ts An tenna o r W all Outle t Cable fo r Digital B roadca sts For cab le or ante nna with co axia l lead ( Figure 1 ) 1 .
1 8 1 9 Connecti ng an A nalo g Ant enna, W all Ou tlet Cable, or C able Bo x, cont’ d. Cable Bo x ( F igu r e 3 ) 1 . Co nnect the incoming c able to ANT -A on the T V back panel . Note : Connec t two coa xial cables as follows: 2 . One from L OOP-OUT on the T V back panel to IN on the cable box back panel.
1 8 1 9 Connecti ng an A nalo g V CR V CR to Anal og Anten nas or W all Outlet Cable (Figure 1 ) 1 . Co nnect the incoming c able to ANT -A on the T V back panel . Note : Connec t two coa xial cables as follows: 2 . One from L OOP-OUT on the T V back panel to ANTE NNA IN on the V CR back panel .
20 2 1 .
20 2 1 W ARN ING : Connecti ng a D VD P la yer D VD P la y er with Componen t Video ( F igu r e 1 ) 1 . Co nnect the Compo nent Video cables from Y/ Cr/ Cb or Y/ Pr/ Pb VID EO OUT on the back of the D VD pla ye r to COMPONENT - 1 o n the TV back panel, ma tching the correct c onnection : • Y to Y • Cr or Pr to P r • Cb or Pb to Pb 2 .
22 23 Connecti ng an External Di gital T V ( DT V or HDT V ) Receiv e r DT V Connect ors and A daptor s ( F igu r e 1 ) The T V back panel has 5 RC A-t ype connec tors for the Input-D T V . The back panel of y our external D T V receiver m ay use RC A-t ype connec tors or BNC-t ype co nnectors.
22 23 Connecti ng an External Di gital T V ( T V or HT V ) Receiv er , cont. Ex ternal D T V Receiver w ith RGB Video Connectio ns ( F igu r e 1 ) 1 . Co nnect the outside antenna, cable, or satellit e to ANT , or SA TELL ITE IN on the D T V receiver (see y our D T V receive r owner’ s g uide for instructions, and cable c ompatibility) .
24 25 Figur e 1 . Conne cting a c omp uter with a VG A monitor o utput. Connecti ng a Com puter w ith a V GA Moni t or Output Connectin g a Computer ( F igu r e 1 ) 1 . Co nnect V GA Monitor Out from the computer to V GA Input on the T V back panel using a V GA compatible monitor cable.
24 25 W ARN ING : When usin g the V GA input, do not leav e stationa r y , tool bar , or par tial ima ges on -scre en for e x tended p eri ods of time. Mix the types of pictures sh own. U nev e n pictu re tube agin g is NOT co v ered by y our warran ty .
26 27 NetCommand ™ S et up - Get ti ng Star ted In order to use y our TV ’ s NetC ommand™ f eatur e, you need t o provide some detailed informa tion during the setup of y our Mitsubishi T V . Y ou must dene the Manufacturer of the de vices that are connec ted t o the television.
26 27 Figur e 1 . P rogr amm ing the TV remote to control your NetCo mmand™ A/ V device s. T o Pr ogram the Remote t o Contr ol the T V and NetCommand ™ A / V Pr oducts : (S ee NetComm and™ Suppor ted D evices, for the list of A / V pro duct s suppor ted by the N etComma nd™ System.
28 29 NetCommand ™ S et up When you rst pow er On your ne w Mitsubishi T V , the initial setup screens will appear . Y ou will need to na vigate through these screens and properly set up the equipment connec ted t o the T V in order to use NetCommand™ .
28 29 NetCommand ™ S et up , cont’ d. A / V Rec eiv er Scre en Figur e 1 The A / V Receiver screen allows y ou to select the manufacturer o f the A / V Re ceiv er you a re currently using. When a compatible model is used, NetCommand™ will be able to change inputs and adjust volume on the A / V Receiver .
30 3 1 NetCommand ™ S et up , cont’ d. DBS Screen Figur e 1 The DBS ( Digital Broadcast Satellite) screen allo ws you t o select the manufacturer of the satell ite syst em you a re currently using.
30 3 1 NetCommand ™ S et up , cont’ d. Re view Screen Figur e 1 Once you hav e nis hed the setup screens and selected the manufacturer f or each device, y ou will see the Revie w Screen. It is impor tant to re view the setting s. If necessar y , you can navigat e back through the NetCommand™ Setup screens to mak e changes.
32 33 Ed it NetComman d™ Edi t NetCommand ™ Screen Figur e 1 When you need t o make a change to y our current setup , the E dit NetCommand™ screen makes it easy . Possible choi ces, although not alw ay s av ailable , are Add, Change , Delete , Re view , or Initial.
32 33 Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Delete Figur e 1 When you select Delete f rom the Edit NetCommand™ Screen, y ou will see the Delete Screen. Y ou c an choose to delete just a single device by selecting the device you w ould lik e to delete , or you can delet e the entire NetCommand™ conguration.
34 35 Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Name Screen Figur e 1 The Name screen allows y ou to change the defau lt name for ea ch device to a custom name of up to eight characters (including a blank s pace), selecting from letters, numbers, and nine different characters.
34 35 Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Monit or Out t o A VR Screen Figur e 2 This screen is shown only if an A / V Receiver is the device being added or edited. The Monitor Out to A VR screen allow s you t o select t he input on the A / V Receiver that is connected to the Monitor Output of the T V .
In Th i s Secti o n . . . Ed it NetComman d™ , cont’ d. Figur e 1 . A VR to V CR C onnec tion s creen. A VR to V CR Connection Screen Figur e 1 This screen is display ed only when a VC R is the device being added or changed.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 3 CHA PTER TH REE 38 3D Graphical Vie wP oin t ® M enu Sy stem 39 Devi ce Sele ction Menu 40 PIP/ POP Sel ection Menu 4 1 Menu Screens ( Ov er vie w) 43 Setup Menu : Edi t N.
Y ou can change text box es using the ADJUST or buttons. Some text box es hav e prese t labels. Other box es allow y ou to select let te rs, numbers, or characters to customiz e names. When customizing na mes, use the ADJUST or buttons to select let ters, numbers, or characters.
38 39 Dev ice Selection Menu Video Section The T V icon is the destination for the currently selected device. This is shown in the Video Section. A udio Section When a NetCommand™ compatible legacy .
40 4 1 PIP/ POP Selection Menu Device Section Video Section PIP Dev ice Selection Menu Figur e 1 When you pr ess the PIP D EVICE button on the remote control, the P IP Selection menu displays.
40 4 1 Menu Screens ( Ov er v iew) Setup Menu ( F igu r e 1 ) Y ou can add, change, re view or delet e NetCommand™ settings and devices. Y ou can also change the order of icons d ispla yed on the De.
42 4 3 Menu Screens ( Ov er v iew) Timer Menu ( F igu r e 3 ) Set y our T V to tune t o a pre-sele cted device and channel and turn on if the T V is Of f. A udio / Video Menu ( F igu r e 4) A / V Memor y Reset allows y ou to ret urn A / V set tings to the original factory set tings for the selected device.
42 4 3 Se t u p Men u : E di t Ne tCo m ma n d ™ Ic on P os it i on Edi t NetCommand ™ Button ( F igu r e 1 ) The Edit Ne tCommand™ but ton display s the Edit NetCommand™ menu (ref er to E dit NetCommand™ section in Part 2 of this b ook.) E dit NetCommand™ provides the follo wing options : • ADD - Additio n of ne w devices.
4 4 4 5 Setup Men u : Con ver gence Con vergence Menu ( F igu r e 1 ) Y our Mitsubishi T V has three picture tubes which need to be aligned to properly conv erge the projected light beams on the screen. Each picture tube projects a single co lor of red, blu e or green.
4 4 4 5 Setup Men u : A dv anced Con vergence, T ransport M enu , and Langua ge A dv anced Con v ergence M enu (Figure 1 ) After adj usting the Re d Convergence an d Blue Convergence, you can n e-tune your T V by adjusti ng the Red and B lue convergence at 6 4 indiv idual poi nts.
46 4 7 Ant enna Menu ( F igu r e 1 ) Select Ant-A, Ant-B, or Ant-D T V for use with the rest of the option on the Antenna Menu. Y ou can memoriz e channels, add or delete channels, and add channels to an SQ V (Super Quic k Vie w ™) list. For Ant -A and Ant -B, you can name channels.
46 4 7 SQ V ( Supe rQuickV iew ™ ) Using The Remote Contr ol Viewi ng and chan ging SQ V banks usi ng the remote contro l : 1 . Press the SQ V button. 2 . T o change memor y banks, press a number button within 5 sec onds of pressing the SQ V button.
48 49 C l oc k Me n u : A ut o or M an ua l Cl oc k S ett i n g Cloc k Set tin g ( M an ual) ( F igu r e 2) For the manu al cloc k setting, select the c urrent time , including AM or PM and the da y . Set Day ( F igu r e 2) When Manual has been selected for the Clock Setting, you need to select the current da y of the week.
48 49 Capti ons Men u : Anal og and Di gital C aptio ns Captio ns Menu Figur e 1 On analog channels (Ant-A or Ant -B ), broadcasters can send either Standard or T ext close d captioning. Standard Closed Captions follow the dialogue of the characters on- screen and display in a smal l section of the s creen.
50 5 1 Capti ons Men u : Digi tal Capti ons Settin gs Back ground T o make the digital close d captions easier to read, y ou can choose the background color . The av ailable back ground colors are as follows: • White • Y ellow • Black • Green • Magenta • C y an • Red • Blue Figur e 1 .
50 5 1 Pa sscode Screen ( F igu r e 2) T o view a V - Chip blocked program or to w atch the program during a scheduled loc k time , you must enter y our 4- digit passcod e or change the channel to an unlocked program .
52 53 IM PORT AN T: V - Chi p is ef fec tive fo r prog ram s viewed o n Ant- A and An t-B, fo r devi ces c onn ec ted to In puts 1- 5 for pro gram s viewe d on An t-DT V and IEEE 1394 d evic es. It i s not ap pli ca ble for d evic es c onne cte d to Co mpo nent 1 a nd 2, an d Inp -DT V .
52 53 Lock By Ti me ( F igu r e 1 ) L OCK B Y TIME will allo w you to lock the entire TV during speci c hours. Use ADJUS T or to select ON or OFF then use ADJUST to mov e to the “Loc k Time” option box. Lock b y Time, L ock Time, a nd Unl ock Time ( F igu r e 1 ) Lock by Time locks the entire TV based up on the Lock Time and Unlock Time.
54 55 Timer Menu : Set ti ng The Ti mer Timer On / O f f ( F igu r e 1 ) The timer can be turned On or Of f. When On, y ou need to select the time to turn On, the day t o turn On, the device and the channel to display .
54 55 Video Mute ( F igu r e 1 ) Video Mute lets yo u display a blue back ground when no signal is being received on Inputs 1 - 5. Blac k Enhancemen t ( F igu r e 1 ) The contrast in dark scenes is enhance d for be t te r picture quality . Brighter scenes will not be a f fected.
56 5 7 A / V Set tin gs Menu : T V Sp eak ers Figur e 1 . Audio / V ide o Setting s menu T V Spe ak ers (Fi gure 1 ) This selection will turn on or of f the T V’ s internal speake rs. Y ou may select Of f when sending the sound through a separat e stereo sy stem or surround sound A / V receiver .
56 5 7 A udio Settings Bass enhances or reduces low- pitch sound. T r eble enhances or reduc es high-pitch sound. Balance adjusts the level of sound be t ween the left and rig ht speak ers. Surround creates sim ulated ste reo and surround effects t hrough the TV s peak ers.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 58 A / V Set tin g Descri ptio ns : Video Video Settings • Contrast provides a slider to adjust the white-to- black lev el. Lo w contrast shows a v ariety of shades in darke r images, while high contrast shows dark er images mor e uniformly black and mak es color s appear more vibran t.
In Th i s Secti o n . . . 4 58 CHA PTER F OUR 60 Remote Contr ol F unctio ns : Overview 61 Care and Operation 62 Remote Contr ol F unctio ns : Channel Selection and Sleep Timer 63 Ope ratio n PIP/ POP.
60 6 1 Remot e Contr ol F uncti ons : Ov er vie w 1 . S lide Switch : Select A / V product to be controlled by the remot e control. 2 . Numbers : Individually selec t channels or enter in formation into men us. 3. POWER : T urns p ow er on and off for T V and other A / V product s.
60 6 1 Operation Installing the Bat teries : ( Figure 2) 1 . Remove the remo te control’ s back cov er b y gently pressing the ribbe d tab in the direction of the arrow and sliding off the cove r . 2 . Loa d the batteries, making sure the polarities (+ ) and (-) are correct.
62 63 Re m o te C o n tr ol F un ct io n s : C ha nne l Se l ect io n an d S lee p T i me r Channel Selection For Ant-A or Ant-B Channels : Y ou have three options. .. • Ent er three numbers (for channel 2, press 002) . • Pr ess the channel number and ENT er (for channel 2, press 2, then ENT er).
62 63 Remot e Contr ol F uncti ons : Operation o f PIP and P OP Chan ging P IP / POP Dev ice Pr ess PIP D EVICE to change the P IP or POP picture source device.
6 4 65 Remot e Contr ol F uncti ons : Note : Not all formats ar e a vailable for PIP / POP . • Stand ard : This is the full screen format. HD T V signals will automa tically use this format. This format is also use ful to display Anamorphic D VDs that ha ve 1 .
6 4 65.
66 67 Figur e 1 . P rogr amm ing the TV remote to control your NetCo mmand™ A/ V device s. NetCommand™ CODE t o ENTER T V Control and N etCommand™ 9 35 Devices : P r o g r a m m i n g t h e R e .
66 67 Figur e 1 . P rogr amm ing the remote to co ntr ol your ca ble box. Figur e 3. Pr ogrammi ng the remote to control your VCR. Figur e 2. Pr ogramming t he r emote to c ontrol your satell ite receiver .
68 69 Figur e 4. Pr ogrammi ng the remote to control your D VD / L DP . P r o g r a m m i n g t h e R e m o t e C o n t r o l t o C o n t r o l N o n -N e t C o m m a n d ™ A/ V P r o d u c t s Afte.
68 69 .
7 0 7 1 The normal use of a TV s hould include a mix ture o f T V picture typ es. The most fr equently used pic ture t ypes should ll the screen with constantly moving images rather than stationa r y images or patterns.
7 0 7 1 Appendi x A : Bypas si ng the V - Chip L ock Bypass ing the V - Chip Loc k After you se t the lock , yo u need your passcode to view a V - Chip locked program, vie w the locked T V , c ancel the lock, or enter the V - Chip Lock menus. If you f orget you r passco de , you can view the locked T V without ente ring your passcode.
72 73.
72 73 Appendi x B : Input Con nection Compa tibi li t y These inputs are compatible with comp onent video signals from standard D VD play er s and other equipment sending a standard NTS C component vid eo signal (480i) . These inputs are also compatible with newer D VD play er s sending a progressive NT SC component video signal (48 0p) .
7 4 7 5 Mit sub ish i . .. .. .. . 01 0, 01 1, 0 1 2, 01 3, 01 4, . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 01 5 Adm iral . .. .. .. .. . 220 Aiwa . .. .. .. .. .. . 225, 22 6, 24 1 Den on . .. .. .. .. . 23 4, 23 5, 236 Fis her . .. .. .. .. . 20 4 Ger rard . .. .. .. .
7 4 7 5 I M P O R T A N T F o r f u r t h e r a s s i s t a n c e , c a l l (8 00 ) 3 3 2 - 2 1 1 9 . Appendi x D : Cleani ng an d Ser vice Clean in g Normal ly , light dustin g with a dry , non- scrat ching dust er wi ll k eep y our TV clean.
7 6 77 Appendi x D : Cleani ng an d Ser vice Ser vice If y ou ar e unable t o correct a pr oblem with y our T V , consult y our Mi tsubishi de aler o r a Mitsubishi Auth oriz ed Wa rran t y Service Cent er . • DO NO T adjust an y contro ls othe r than those described in thi s Owner’ s Guide .
7 6 77 Appendix E : Diamond Shield Instr uctions Appendi x E : Diamo nd Shiel d Instr uction s Diamo nd Shield ™ Install atio n The instructio ns below will le ad you through the Diamond Shield installation process. Included in the Diamond S hield package a re the following it ems: For model W S- 6 55 1 1 and WS- 6561 1 only .
78 79 Appendi x E : Diamo nd Shiel d™ In stal latio n Appendix E : Diamond Shield Instr uctions The instructio ns below will le ad you through the Diamond Shield installation process. Included in the Diamond S hield package a re the following it ems: F or models W S- 657 1 1 , WS- 657 1 2 and W S- 737 1 1 only .
78 79 Appendi x F: Cabi net Separati on Appendix F: Cabinet Separation Cabi net Separatio n for Model W S - 65 5 1 1 .
80 8 1 Appendix F: Cabinet Separation Cabi net Separatio n for Model W S - 65 6 1 1 , WS - 6571 1 and WS - 7371 1 F or Mits ubi shi Dealers and Ser vice P erson nel Onl y The Mitsubishi T V models WS- 65 6 1 1 , WS- 657 1 1 and WS- 737 1 1 cabinets are assembled in t wo pieces.
80 8 1 Cabi net Separatio n for Model W S - 6571 2 .
82 83 P roblem P ossi ble Sol utio n • The T V remote contr ol does not work . • Chec k that the bat teries are instal led corre ctly . • Chec k that the sele cted switch i s set to “T V ” .
82 83 P roblem P ossi ble Sol utio n • The T V will not turn o n after being p lugged i n. • If green lig ht on front panel is b linking, pl ease wait for at least one m inute for light to turn of f, then tr y to power on again. • T V funct ions do not res pond to th e remote control • Use t he System Reset but ton as explain ed below .
84 85 D VHS HD Standard English TV -PG DLSV Play 01:20:15 D VHS Monday 11:00 AM Sleep Timer: 30 Special Message Line Ant-DTV 42.01 WBA T -DT HD Standard English TV -PG DLSV SQV2 Monday 11:00 AM Sleep .
Inde x A- R 84 85 A accessories, 9 add channels, 46 add ing an d d ele tin g d ev ices , 3 2, 33 adaptors (BN C to RC A), 2 2 adjust button, 26, 38, 60 - 61 adjusting (conve rgence ), 44 - 45 adjustin.
86 87 Inde x S -W © Copyright 2002 Mitsubishi Digital Electr onics America, Inc ., All rights reserved. S safegua rds, 4 -5 screen information displa y , 84 ser vicing, 2, 5, 7 6 side -by-side, 62 - .
88 89 MIT SUBISHI T V SOF T W ARE END-USER LICENSE A GREEMENT FOR EMBEDDED SOFTW ARE IM PO RT AN T – RE AD CARE FU LL Y: This L ice nse Agr eem ent is a l egal a gree ment b etwe en you ( eit her an in div idu al or an e ntit y) a nd Mit sub ish i Dig ital El ec tron ic s Amer ic a, Inc .
88 89 Notes.
90 9 1 Notes.
90 9 1 Connecti on : H elp fu l Hin ts Q My VCR (or other device) does not have tw o sets of stereo audio outputs; ho w can I connect this device’ s audio to both the TV and the A/V Receiver? A. T here are two solu tions : 1 . Connect the sing le set of st ereo audio outputs to the TV only .
92 If y ou ha v e questi ons rega rding y our t ele vision , call Consum er Rela tions a t (8 00 ) 332- 2 1 1 9, o r email u s at MDEAser T o order rep lacemen t or addition al remo te con trols or o wne r’ s guides call (80 0) 55 3- 72 78 or visit ou r webs ite a t w w w .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55711 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.