Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung QJ71C24N des Produzenten Mitsubishi Electronics
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MELSEC System Q Progr ammab le Logic Controllers User's Manual (Basic) Serial Comm unication Modules QJ71C24N/-R2/-R4, QJ71C24/-R2 GX Configurator -SC INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MIT SU BI S HI ELE C TRI C MI T SU BI S HI ELE C TRI C Art.
A - 1 A - 1 • SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • (Always read these instruct ions before using this equipment. ) Before using this product, please read t his manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this ma nual carefully and pay full attention t o safety to handle the product correctly.
A - 2 A - 2 [Design Instructions ] ! CAUTION • Do not bunch t he control wires or communication cables with the main circuit or power wires, or install them close to each ot her. They should be installed 10 0 mm(3.9inc h) or more from each other. Not doing so could result in n oise that may cause malfunction.
A - 3 A - 3 [Wiring Instructions] ! CAUTION • W hen turning on t he power and operating the module after installat ion and wiring are complet ed, always attach the terminal cov er that comes with the product. There is a risk of electric shock if the terminal cov er is not attached.
A - 4 A - 4 [Startup/Maint enance Instr uctions] ! CAUTION • Do not disassemble or modify each module. Doing so could cause failur e, malfunction injury or fire. • Swit ch all phases of the external pow er supply off when mounting or removing the module.
A - 5 A - 5 REVI SION S The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover. Pri nt Da te Manual Num ber Revision Dec., 1999 SH (NA)-0 80006- A Firs t Prin ting Oct.
A - 6 A - 6 The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover. Pri nt Da te Manual Num ber Revision Jan., 2003 SH (NA)-0 80006-F Addition SAFET Y PRECA UT IONS, About Manua ls, Abou t T he Gener ic T erms and Abbr eviations , Pro duct Conf igurat ion, Sec tion 1 .
A - 7 A - 7 INTRODUCT ION Thank you for purc hasing the M ELSEC-Q s eries PLC. Before us ing t he equipm ent, pl ease re ad this m anual caref ull y to develo p full fam iliarit y with th e functi ons and perf ormanc e of the Q s eries PLC you h ave pur chased, s o as to ensure cor rect us e.
A - 8 A - 8 4 SET T INGS A ND PRO C EDURE S PR IOR T O O PERAT ION 4- 1 to 33 4.1 Han dling Prec autio ns .............................................................................................................................. 4- 1 4.2 Se ttin gs and Proc edur es Pri or to O perat ion .
A - 9 A - 9 7 DATA COMMUNIC ATION US ING THE B IDIRECT IONAL PROT OCOL 7- 1 to 7- 28 7.1 Dat a Rec eptio n fr om the Ex tern al De vice ................................................................................... ........... 7- 2 7.1.1 R ecei ving m ethods .
A - 10 A - 10 8.6.5 N on proc ed ure m onitor /test .............................................................................................. ............... 8-41 8.6.6 Bidir ectio nal m onitor ....................................................
A - 11 A - 11 10.3. 13 T roubl eshoot ing when it is uncl ear whether th e com m unicatio n err or c ause is in the Q ser ies C24 or an extern al dev ice .................................................................................... 10- 40 10.3.
A - 12 A - 12 (Relat ed Man ual-1) … Q Corr espon ding Seria l Com munic ation Mod ule Us er's Manual (Ap plica tion) SH-0 80007-G 1 OVERV IEW 1.1 Overv iew 1.2 Functio ns A dded/Chang ed b y Function Versio n B 2 USING THE P LC CPU MONIT ORING FUNCTION 2.
A - 13 A - 13 (Relat ed Man ual-1) … Q Corr espon ding Seria l Com munic ation Mod ule Us er's Manual (Ap plica tion) SH-0 80007-G 13 COMMUNICAT ING W ITH ASCII CODE ( ASCII- BIN CONVERSION) 13.1 ASCII- BIN Con version 13.2 Setti ngs for ASCII-BIN Conver sion 13.
A - 14 A - 14 (Relat ed M anual- 2) … Q Cor resp ondin g ME LSEC C om m unication Protoc ol R efer ence Manu al SH-0 80008-F 1 OVERV IEW 1.1 Overv iew of the MELSE C Com m unication Protoco l 1.2 Features of the MELSE C Comm unicatio n Protoco l 2 DATA CO MMUNICAT ION USING T HE MELS EC COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL 2.
A - 15 A - 15 About Ma nuals The f ollowing t able lis ts th e manuals relat ing to t his prod uct. Pl ease or der the d esired m anua l(s) as needed. Related m anuals Manual N ame Manual N umber (Mod.
A - 16 A - 16 The M anual's Use and Structur e How to use thi s manual In th is m anual, det ails of th e ser ial c omm unicat ion m od ules ( QJ7 1C24N , QJ71C 24N-R2 , QJ7 1C24 N-R4, Q J71C 24 a nd QJ 71C2 4-R2) ar e or gan ized as shown be low, ac cord ing to the ir appl icat ions.
A - 17 A - 17 (3) To learn about d ata co mmuni cati on functi ons and d etail ed explanati ons (a) T o le arn a bout the com m unicat ion f uncti ons • Sect ion 3.
A - 18 A - 18 The structure of this manual The m odule's buf fer m em ory stor es d efau lt va lues t hat ar e use d as initi al se ttin gs to exec ute th e da ta sen d/r eceive f unc tions in ord er t o comm unicate wit h the exte r nal devi ces.
A - 19 A - 19 Abou t The G ener ic T erm s and Abbr eviat ions This manual uses the f ollowin g generic term s and abbr eviati ons to des cribe the ser ial com munic ation modules , unles s other wise sp ecif ied.
A - 20 A - 20 (2) Other g ener ic ter ms and abbrev iations This manua l us es the fol lowi ng gen er ic ter ms and ab breviat ions to expla in the data-c omm unica tion devic es f or t he ser ial c omm unic ation modu le. T he names /m odel nam es are pro vided wh en it is n ecessar y to explici tly ide ntif y the m odel being dis c ussed .
A - 21 A - 21 Definit ions and D escr iptio ns of T erm ino logy The f ollowing t able lists th e defin itions and des cript ions of term inolog y used in th is m anual a nd relat ed manuals for the Q series serial c omm unicatio n m odules.
A - 22 A - 22 Terms De scription QnA compat ible 4C fram e (Format 5) One of the mes sage form ats for the s erial communi cation m odule for perform ing comm unicat ion using the MC protoc ol and bi nary code dat a.
A - 23 A - 23 Produc t C onfi gurat ion The f ollowing lists th e produc t config urat ion of the Q seri es ser ial com m unication m odules. Model Item name Quantity QJ71C24N serial communicat ion mo.
1 - 1 1 - 1 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W 1 1 OVERVIEW This manua l des cri bes th e sp ecif icat ions f or the QJ 71C 24N, Q J71C 24N- R2, QJ71C 24N-R4 , QJ7 1C24 , QJ7 1C24-R 2 s erial c omm unica tion m odu.
1 - 2 1 - 2 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W 1 1.2 Features of the Ser i al C ommuni cation M odul e The f ollowi ng d escrib es t he f eatures of th e Q ser ies C2 4.
1 - 4 1 - 4 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W (d) It is necess ar y to cre ate a se quence progr am for comm unication con trol that confor ms to the exter nal dev ice. (e ) C omm unic ati on c an be per fo rm ed us ing an user fr am e by re gis teri ng t he f ixe d form at por tio n of the h ead and tail s ecti ons of a mes sag e as an us er fram e.
1 - 5 1 - 5 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W (4) Moni tori ng the PLC C PU (Detai ls are exp lai ned in the Us er's Ma nual (App licat ion).) (a) T he se lf-s tation's PL C CPU can b e m onitored at t im e intervals set b y the user witho ut us ing a sequ ence pr ogr am.
1 - 6 1 - 6 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W (7) Connecti ng the GX Developer and the GOT (a) Co nnec ting the G X D evelo per ( Deta ils ar e ex plai ned in t he GX Dev eloper Oper atin g Ma nu al .
1 - 7 1 - 7 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W (8) Functions suppor ting multiple CPU systems (D etails are ex plai ned in the Referenc e Manual .) (a) W hen acces sing Q CPUs in a mult ipl e CPU s ystem using the .
1 - 8 1 - 8 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W 3) It is p ossibl e to acces s the c ontro l P LC an d non- contr ol PL Cs us ing the MC protoc ol and thr ough GX De velop er from the exter nal dev ice. In addi tion, data c omm unic ation with the co ntrol PLC of the Q ser ies C2 4 can be perf orm ed usi ng th e non proce dur e/bid irect iona l pro toc ol.
1 - 9 1 - 9 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W (9) Remote passw or d check function (Detail s are explained in the User's Manual (Application) a nd the Re ference Manual.
1 - 10 1 - 10 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W 1.3 About Added/Cha ng ed Functi ons in Functi on Vers ion B The ta ble be lo w lists the f unct ions t hat h ave b een adde d or c hange d in the Q s eri es C24 of f unct ion v ersion B. See Sec ti on 2.6 f or the f uncti on ver sion , ser ial NO .
1 - 11 1 - 11 MELSEC-Q 1 OVERVIE W Func tion QJ7 1C2 4N (-R2/ R4) QJ7 1C24 (-R2 ) Outlin e of fun ction Refer ence s ec tion Mu lt ip l e sp ec i f ic at i o n of transp arent co des fo r transm issio.
2 - 1 2 - 1 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 2 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS This Chapter desc rib es t he s ystem conf igurat ion and avai labl e func tions . 2.1 Applicable Sy stems The f ollo wing d esc ribes ap plica ble s yst em s.
2 - 2 2 - 2 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 2 (4) Appli cabl e softwar e packag es (a) Soft ware/s ettin g & m on itor to ols ( 1) for th e P LC The f ollowi ng ta ble l ists t he s ystem s and sof tware pack ages app licab le for the Q ser ies C24.
2 - 3 2 - 3 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 2.2 Combinations o f PLC C PU and Ex ternal Device, and Avai l able Functi ons The f ollowi ng d escr ibes t he s ystem conf igur ations an d ava ila ble func tions wh en us ing the Q ser ies C24.
2 - 4 2 - 4 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS (c) Exter nal de vice and Q ser ies C2 4 wit h 1: n s ystem c onfi gurati on RS-485 QJ71E71 RUN INI T. OPEN SD ERR. COM.ERR RD 10BASE -T +12V 12G 10BASE RS-232 MODE RUN ERR. USER BAT.
2 - 5 2 - 5 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS (2) Corr espondence betw een the data communication functi ons and system configurations The f ollowi ng sho ws s ystem conf igura tio ns that ca n use t he d ata com m unicati on functi ons of the Q seri es C 24.
2 - 6 2 - 6 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 2.3 For Use in Multiple CPU S ystem This sect ion ex pla ins th e us e of th e Q s eri es C24 in a m ultip le CPU s ystem .
2 - 7 2 - 7 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 2.4 For Use wi th Q00J/Q00/Q01C PU This s ect ion des cribes th e use of the Q s eries C 24 with th e Q0 0J/Q0 0/Q01 CPU.
2 - 8 2 - 8 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 2.5 For Use at MELSECNET/H Remote I/O Station This sect ion des cri bes th e use of th e Q s eries C24 at a M ELS ECN ET/H r emote I/O stat ion. It is n ot n ecess ar y to rea d this sec tion if th e Q series C24 is us ed wi th th e QCP U.
2 - 9 2 - 9 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 1 The follo wing funct ions are a vaila ble whe n c omm unicat ing wi th th e MELSE CNET /H rem ote I/O sta tion us in g the M C pr otoco l.
2 - 10 2 - 10 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 3 The ded icate d instr ucti ons ar e u navai lable for t he M ELSECNET /H r em ote I/O stat ion. For t he func tio ns tha t us e the d edica ted ins truc tio ns to m ak e com m unication , perfor m pr ogram m ing b y the foll owin g m ethods.
2 - 11 2 - 11 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS (3) Setting from GX D evel oper The f ollowi ng p aram eters s houl d be s et thr ough G X De vel oper in or der to use the Q s eries C24 m ounte d to a ME LECNET /H r em ote I/O s tatio n.
2 - 12 2 - 12 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS 2.6 Checking the Functi on Ver si on, Seri al No., and Softw ar e Vers ion This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to c heck the t he fu nct ion ver sio n, s eria l No.
2 - 13 2 - 13 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS (b) Using the GX Developer to check The m ethod of ch eck ing the s erial No . an d funct ion versio n of the corres pon ding m odule with the GX Devel oper is shown . The s eria l No.
2 - 14 2 - 14 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONF IGU RATION AN D AVAILABLE FU NC TIONS REMARK The v ersion indic ation for the GX Co nfigur ator- SC has be en ch ange d as s how n below f rom the SW 0D5C-QSCU- E 40 E upgr ade product. Prev ious pr od uct Upgr ad e and s ubs equ ent vers ions SW 0D5C-QSC U-E 4 0E GX Confi gurat or-SC Ver sion 1.
3 - 1 3 - 1 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3 3 SPECIFICATIONS The f ollow ing s hows the Q ser ies C24 per form anc e spec if icatio ns. See t he User 's M anua l of the QC PU (Q m ode) for g enera l spec ific atio ns. 3.1 Performance S peci fications The f ollow ing s hows t he Q ser ies C2 4 perf orm ance s pecif ic atio ns.
3 - 2 3 - 2 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3 (Conti nued from prec edin g page) Spec ification s Item QJ71C2 4N QJ71C2 4 QJ71C 24N -R2 QJ71C2 4-R2 QJ71C 24N -R4 RS-232 R S-422/485 DTR/DSR (E R/DR) c ontrol.
3 - 3 3 - 3 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.2 RS-232 Inter face Speci ficati on The f ollo wing s hows the RS- 232 i nterf ace s pecif ic atio ns. 3.2.1 RS-232 connect or speci ficati ons The f ollowi ng s hows t he s pecif ica tions of th e RS-2 32 c onnec tor t hat c onn ects the Q series C24 to an ex tern al devic e.
3 - 4 3 - 4 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 4) DT R sign al (4) • W hen com munic ating data usin g th e non proc edure prot oco l, the Q seri es C24 turns on or off (on when da ta is rece ivabl e) depe ndin g on the am ount of un used m em or y in the OS are a al locat ed f or rec eiv e dat a stor age, if DTR/DS R control is being per form ed.
3 - 5 3 - 5 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS REMARK (1) Confirmati on o f RS-232 contr ol sig nal status The c ontro l sig nal st atus of DT R, DSR, R S, an d CD c an be conf irm ed dur ing data c omm unicat.
3 - 6 3 - 6 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.3 RS-422/485 Int er face Speci f ications The f ollo wing s hows the RS-4 22/48 5 i nterfac e s pecif ic atio n.
3 - 7 3 - 7 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.3.2 RS-422/485 cabl e speci fications The fo ll owin g sh ow s th e RS -42 2 /4 85 ca bl e spe ci fi cat io n. (1) Use a 1200 m ( 3937 f t.), or shor ter, c ab le that sat isfies the f oll owin g spec if ication for the RS-4 22/4 85 cab le (c able to c onnect the Q ser ies C 24 ter m inal bl ock ).
3 - 8 3 - 8 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.3.3 Precautions w hen tr ansferri ng data usi ng RS- 422/485 ci r cui t The f ollowi ng prec au tions mus t be obs er ved when tr ansfer rin g dat a with an ex tern al device thro ugh th e Q s eries C24 RS-4 22/485 interf ac e.
3 - 9 3 - 9 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS (2) RS-42 2/48 5 in terfac e op erat ion 1) RS- 422- 485 i nterf ace c onstr uct ion The f ollowi ng il lustr ation s hows the c onstr ucti on of t he Q series C2 4 RS- 422/485 int erfac e dri ver ( send)/r ece iver ( rec eive) .
3 - 10 3 - 10 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS POINT (1) W hen the exter nal de vice and the Q s eries C24 connec te d in n:1 an d m :n co nfig urati ons W hen the s end s igna l of each dev ice is conn ect .
3 - 11 3 - 11 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.4 Serial C ommunicati on M odule Functi on Li st The f ollowi ng ta ble l ists t he func tions of the Q s eri es C24 .
3 - 12 3 - 12 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.5 Dedicated Instruction Li st The f ollowi ng ta ble l ists dedic ated instr uctio ns tha t ca n be used in t he Q ser ies C24.
3 - 13 3 - 13 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.6 Utilit y Packa ge (G X Conf igurato r-SC) Fu nction List The fo ll owin g t abl e list s th e ut ili ty pa ckag e fu n cti on fo r th e Q ser ie s C2 4.
3 - 14 3 - 14 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.7 List of GX D evel oper Setti ng Items for Ser ial C ommunicati on M odules The f ollowi ng tab le l ists the param eter s th at are s et us ing the G X De velo per.
3 - 15 3 - 15 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.8 List of Input/Output Sig nals for the PLC CPU This sect ion d escri bes th e in put/ outpu t sig nals of the Q se ri es C24. For ass ignm ents of t he inp ut/o utput sign als s hown in the tab le be low, i t is ass umed that t he Q s eries C24 is m ounte d in s lot 0 of t he b asic base unit .
3 - 16 3 - 16 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Device numbe r Sign al d escri ption Reference se ction Device numbe r Sign al d escri ption Reference se ction X1A CH1 Gl obal sign al ON: Out put instruc ted Y1A X1B CH2 Gl obal sign al ON: Out put instruc ted Section 3.
3 - 17 3 - 17 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.9 List of Applicati ons and Assig nments of the Buffer Memory This sect ion d escr ibes the buff er m emor y. (1) Config ur ati on of the bu ffer memory A buf fer m em ory cons ists of a user area and a s ystem ar ea, as sh own be low.
3 - 18 3 - 18 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS POINT (1) Us e th e FRO M/TO instruc ti ons or other ap plic able c omm ands t o ac cess t he buff er m emor y shown i n this sect ion when a progr am for a Qn A s eries s eri al communi ca ti on modul e i s ut iliz ed fo r the Q serie s C24 (see Se ction 2 in Appe ndix) .
3 - 19 3 - 19 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Applicati on Name Initial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction Comm unic.
3 - 20 3 - 20 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Applicati on Name Initial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction Sw itch in g mod e no.
3 - 21 3 - 21 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Applicati on Name Initial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction Commu nic.
3 - 22 3 - 22 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Applicati on Name Initial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction User fram.
3 - 23 3 - 23 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Applicati on Name Initial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction Switc h s.
3 - 24 3 - 24 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Applicati on Name Initial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction Data regist ration status fo r initializatio n (for co nfirm ati on o f regi str atio n No.
3 - 25 3 - 25 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Applicati on Name Initial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction Tran s mi.
3 - 26 3 - 26 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Appl ica tion Name Init ial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction 7486 to 7526 (1D3E H to 1D66 H ) For reg istration No. 800F H 7527 to 7567 (1D67 H to 1D8F H ) For regist ratio n No.
3 - 27 3 - 27 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Appl ica tion Name Init ial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction 8206 (2.
3 - 28 3 - 28 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Appl ica tion Name Init ial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction Cyc le .
3 - 29 3 - 29 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Appl ica tion Name Init ial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction 8422 (2.
3 - 30 3 - 30 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS Address Decimal (He x) Appli cabl e prot ocol CH1 CH2 Appl ica tion Name Init ial value MC No n Bi Regist rati on allowed/not allowed Reference se ction 8944 (2.
3 - 31 3 - 31 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS [CH1 si de b uff er m emor y address : d ecim al ( hexad ecim al)] nth bl ock moni tori ng devi ce 123456789 1 0 Name 8272 (2050 H ) 8281 (2059 H ) 8290 (2062 H.
4 - 1 4 - 1 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4 4 SETTINGS AND PROCEDURES PRIOR TO OPERA TION This chapt er ex plains th e sett ings a nd pr oce dures requ ire d befor e star ting a s ystem that us es the Q ser ies C24.
4 - 2 4 - 2 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4 4.2 Settings and Procedur es Pr i or to Oper ati on The outl ine of the pr oced ure befor e op erati on is sho wn belo w.
4 - 3 4 - 3 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.3 Part Names and Functi ons Part n am es of Q ser ies C2 4 are s hown belo w. CH2 CH1 RS-422/485 RS-422/485 QJ71C24N-R4 (FG) SG RDB RDA SDB SG RDB RDA SDB SDA SDA (FG) QJ71C24N-R4 RUN RD NEU .
4 - 5 4 - 5 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.4 External W iring This sect ion ex pla ins wir ing b etwee n the Q ser ies C24 and ex terna l de vice.
4 - 6 4 - 6 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.4.1 Connecting the R S- 232 i nterf ace (f ull - duplex communications) The f ollowi ng sho ws t he con necti on pr ecau tions and c onnec tion exam ples when using the Q s eries C24 RS-23 2 in terfac e for ful l-dup lex com m unica tions .
4 - 7 4 - 7 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (2) Connecti on ex amples (a) Co nnec tion ex am ple wit h a n ex terna l dev ice c apable of t urnin g on and off the CD si gn al (No .
4 - 8 4 - 8 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.4.2 Connecting the R S- 422/485 i nt er face The f ollowi ng sho ws t he con necti on pr ecau tions and c onnec tion exam ples when using the Q se ri e s C24 RS -422 /4 85 int e rfa ce.
4 - 9 4 - 9 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (c) T erm inal r esis tor m ust b e set ( or co nnec ted) f or th e stat ion of both ends on the ci r cui t.
4 - 10 4 - 10 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (b) Ex ter nal d evic e and Q ser ies C24 wi th 1: n (m ultidr op) s ystem conf igura tion 1) Co nnect ion exam ple Terminal resi.
4 - 11 4 - 11 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (d) Ex ter nal d evic e and Q ser ies C24 wi th m :n (m ulti drop) s ystem conf igura tion 1) Connect ion exam ple 1 Termina l re.
4 - 12 4 - 12 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.5 Settings for GX D ev eloper This chapt er ex plains var ious s etti ngs v ia GX Dev eloper th at all ow th e Q s eries C 24 to perfor m data com munic ation wit h ex terna l dev ices.
4 - 13 4 - 13 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.5.2 Switch settings for I/O and intelligent functional module [Setting purpose] The s witch s ettin gs f or I/O modu le a nd in.
4 - 14 4 - 14 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (a) T ransm iss ion se ttin g (CH1 si de: s witch 1 (l ower l evel); CH2 s ide: s witc h 3 (low er lev el)) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 .
4 - 15 4 - 15 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4) E ven/ odd par it y sett ing This se t s whe t he r the pa rity bit (v e rti cal pa ri ty ) shou ld be odd pa ri ty or even par ity whe n adding the par ity bit (ver tic al pari ty), acc ordin g to the specif ic atio ns of t he ex ter nal d evic e.
4 - 16 4 - 16 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (b) Com m unica tion r ate s etti ng (CH 1 side : s witc h 1 (u pper le vel); CH2 s id e: switch 3 (upper level)) 1 2 3 Bit posit.
4 - 17 4 - 17 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (d) St atio n num ber s ett ing (s witc h 5 (c omm on f or bot h CH1 an d CH2 s ides) ) • This sett ing is for com m unication usin g the MC pr otoco l.
4 - 18 4 - 18 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (b) Do not use th e ab ove se ttin gs for the f oll owing c ases , becaus e li nked operat ion c anno t be perf orm ed. 1) W hen us ing th e QJ7 1C24N- R2 or QJ71 C24-R 2. 2) W hen an ext ernal devic e is n ot con nect ed t o either of t he i nterf aces.
4 - 19 4 - 19 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION In l inked oper ation, all data rec eived f rom one of the two int erfac es is transm itted from the other interf ace.
4 - 20 4 - 20 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.5.3 Th e Intelligent f unction m odule interru pt pointe r setting The f ollowi ng exp lains the inter rupt poin ter s etting with GX D evelo per i n order to receiv e data us ing an in terru pt progr am .
4 - 21 4 - 21 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (3) Start I/O No. on the in te llig ent mod ule (un it ) side Set the start I/O No.
4 - 22 4 - 22 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.6 Settings wi th the U ti lity Packag e (GX Configurator- SC) The sett ings defi ned with GX Conf igur ator-S C for oper atio n of t he Q series C24 are descr ibed i n Chap t e r 8.
4 - 23 4 - 23 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION [Settin g item s ] Setting item Buffer memory address Reference section Flash ROM access regist er/read/delete result 4 H CH1/CH2.
4 - 24 4 - 24 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (1) De vices (a) S et th e word device of th e P LC C PU whic h stor es err or and status inform ation in t he set ting item field when us ing t he au to ref resh f unc tion between the Q ser ies C2 4 and t he PLC CPU.
4 - 25 4 - 25 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.7 Indivi dual Station Test After in stall ing t he Q series C24 to t he ba se u nit of QCPU , pe rform a n i ndivi dual stati on test fir st to chec k the swit ch setting (see S ection 4.
4 - 26 4 - 26 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (2) Res tart the PLC C PU sta tio n or res et t he CPU. The t est starts autom at icall y in about one s econd . (3) F or the Q ser ies C24, the fo llo wing tes ts s hou ld be p erf orm ed once.
4 - 27 4 - 27 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (Proce dure 4) En ding a ROM /RA M/sw itch t est (1) P erf orm the fol lowin g proc edur es af ter c heck ing nor m al com plet ion/ab norm al completi on of the te st resul t s. Norm al com plet ion : Per form opera tion (2) to f in ish tests .
4 - 28 4 - 28 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.7.2 Indivi dual stati on l oopback test The i ndivi dua l stat ion loop back test c heck s th e oper atio n of the com m unic ation functi on of the Q ser ies C2 4. Foll ow th e pro ced u re bel ow to pe rfo rm an ind ivi du al sta ti on l oopba ck te st .
4 - 29 4 - 29 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (Proce dure 4) C heck ing the res ults of an ind ividual loo pback test (1) T his t est is pe rform ed r epe atedl y. W hen the ERR LED is off , the test is b eing exe cut ed no rmal ly .
4 - 30 4 - 30 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.8 Loopback Test A loop back test perf orm s a c omm unicat ion t est us ing th e loo pback tes t func tio n of the MC pro tocol.
4 - 31 4 - 31 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION (Proce dure 5) Ending the loo pback test Perfor m the fol lowing pr ocedure accor d ing t o the f unct ion us ed, and st art data communi cation. • Set t he s witch s ett ings with GX De velop er ac cordi ng to t he proc edure s pec ifie d in Secti on 4.
4 - 32 4 - 32 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.9 Maintenance and Inspecti on This sect ion ex pla ins th e m ainte nance and inspec ti on a nd ins talli ng a nd rem ov ing of the Q ser ies C24. 4.9.1 Maintenance and i nspecti on The Q s eries C2 4 has no spec ia l ins pecti on item s other th an belo w.
4 - 33 4 - 33 MELSEC-Q 4 SETTINGS AND PROCED UR ES PR IOR TO OPERATION 4.9.2 When mounting /dismounting the modul e Pleas e rea d 4.1 , "H andl ing Pr ecau tions " bef or e mount ing or dis m ounting the m odu le, and m ak e sure t o pa y atten tion to safet y an d hand le t he m odule proper l y during t he operat ion.
5 - 1 5 - 1 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA COMMUNICATION USING T HE MELSEC CO MMUNICAT ION PROTOCOL 5 5 DATA COMMUNICATI ON USING THE MELSEC COMMUNI CATI ON PROTOCOL This chapt er ex plains an overv iew of th e MEL SEC com m unicat ion pr otoc ol ( herei nafter abbre viated as the MC pro tocol).
5 - 2 5 - 2 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA COMMUNICATION USING T HE MELSEC CO MMUNICAT ION PROTOCOL 5 (4) Moni tori ng the PLC C PU This funct ion m onitors th e oper atin g stat us of the PLC CPU an d th e dat a in th e device memory.
5 - 3 5 - 3 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA COMMUNICATION USING T HE MELSEC CO MMUNICAT ION PROTOCOL (2) System setting s usi ng the GX C onfigur ator- SC W hen it is neces sar y to c han ge th e def ault valu es re gist ered in t he Q s eri es C24, perfor m the s ett ings as in dica ted in C hapter 8 a nd reg ister thes e to t he f lash ROM in the Q ser ies C2 4.
5 - 4 5 - 4 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA COMMUNICATION USING T HE MELSEC CO MMUNICAT ION PROTOCOL 5.1.5 Support for the QCPU r emote passw or d function This sect ion ex plains an overv ie w of th e rem ote pas s word func tion whe n a rem ote pass word is set f or the Q s eri es C24 m ounted to a Q CPU.
5 - 5 5 - 5 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA COMMUNICATION USING T HE MELSEC CO MMUNICAT ION PROTOCOL REMARK The rem ote pass word s hou ld be set t o a Q CPU usin g GX D eve loper in order to us e the rem ote pass word f unct ion of QCPU . • Un lock ing t he rem ote pass word is poss ib le onl y for the Q CPU of th e loc al s tati on with th e Q s eries C24.
5 - 6 5 - 6 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA COMMUNICATION USING T HE MELSEC CO MMUNICAT ION PROTOCOL (b) Mo dem func tion m oni tor/test b y GX Co nfig urator -SC It is p ossi ble to m on itor t he sett ing valu es f.
6 - 1 6 - 1 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6 6 DATA COMMUNICATI ON USING THE NON PROCE DURE PROTOCOL Data com m unicat ion us ing the non pr ocedur e pr otoc ol is a f.
6 - 2 6 - 2 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6 6.1 Data Reception from t he Ex ternal Device This sect ion ex pla ins da ta rec ept ion f rom the ex tern al d evic e.
6 - 3 6 - 3 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (1) Data r ecepti on by r eceive compl ete code ( for v ariable length reception) (a) T his m etho d is used to se nd da ta b y add ing t he rec eive com plete c od e set in the Q s eries C24 at the c om plete of the mes sage to be se nt fr om the ext erna l device.
6 - 4 6 - 4 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL • If th e nex t data (LF, e tc.) is n ot rece ived within the tim e set i n the n on recep tion m onit oring tim e (tim er.
6 - 5 6 - 5 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (2) Recepti on by receiv ed data count ( For fix ed l eng th r eception) (a) T his m etho d is us ed to rec eiv e mes sages of th e sam e lengt h (s ize) f rom the exter nal dev ice ever y tim e.
6 - 6 6 - 6 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.1.2 The receiv e area and the received data l i st The f ollowi ng sho ws t he l ist of the r ecei ve are a an d the r ecei ve dat a for perf orm ing data r ecept ion us ing the n on pr oce dure pr otoc ol.
6 - 7 6 - 7 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL POINT (1) Th e po siti on an d siz e o f th e re ceiv e area in th e buffe r me mory can be chang ed with th e GX Confi gurat or-SC in accor danc e with th e specif icat ions of the exter nal dev ice and th e receiv e data le ngth .
6 - 8 6 - 8 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (2) Receiv e data list The fo ll ow in g de scri be s th e da ta li st when data re cei ve d fr o m an e x te rnal dev i ce is st ored t o the rece ive ar ea. 1) The rec eive m es sage is stor ed to the Q seri es C 24 buf fer m em ory (rece ive data st ora ge ar ea).
6 - 9 6 - 9 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL REMARK (1) Data r eception w hen the r ecei v e data stor ag e ar ea i s larg er than the receiv e data l eng th The fo ll owin g co nt rol is per for med.
6 - 10 6 - 10 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 2) Rec epti on b y rece ived dat a coun t W hen the re cei ved dat a c ount is set lar ger th an th e rec eive d ata stor .
6 - 11 6 - 11 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.1.3 Sequence prog r am for data r eception This sect ion ex pla ins th e seq uenc e pr ogram f or data r ece ptio n. For det ails on th e IN PUT i nstruct ion f or da ta rec ept ion, see C hapt er 9.
6 - 12 6 - 12 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 4) Th e de vic e com plet ing the INPUT instr uctio n tur ns ON whe n th e read ing of r eceive data is com pl eted.
6 - 13 6 - 13 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL POINT (1) Rec eiv e dat a can also b e r ead us ing i nterr upt pr ogram s. For m ore det ails on rea din g recei ve dat a wi th inter rup t progr am s, see C hapt er 4 of th e U se r 's Ma nu al (App li cation).
6 - 14 6 - 14 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.1.4 Receiv e data clear For the data rece pti on b y a non proc edure prot ocol, if the tra nsm iss ion of d ata f rom a.
6 - 15 6 - 15 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL The f ollowi ng is a pr ogram ex ample of c lear ing th e rec ept ion d ata b y the dedic ated ins tru ctio n "CS ET.
6 - 16 6 - 16 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL Q series C24 Buffer mem ory address A 8 H PLC CPU (Progra m) TO instr uction (Write "1" to addres s A8H) "0.
6 - 17 6 - 17 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.1.5 How to detect r ecepti on err or s This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to de tect errors tha t m ay occur whe n rec eivin g da ta fr om the exter nal dev ice.
6 - 18 6 - 18 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (2) Confir mation usi ng the modul e a nd GX Configurator-SC 1) Confirm ation us ing the displ ay LED W hen the Q series C24 detec ts an error , inc ludi ng a tr ansm is sion err or, t he ERR L ED li ghts u p.
6 - 19 6 - 19 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL Reception abnormal det ecti on Receive area (bu ffer m emory ) Receive dat a count stor age area STX D (02 H ) (44 H ) B (.
6 - 20 6 - 20 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.1.6 Receiv ed data count an d r eceiv e complete code settings The f ollowi ng def ault values hav e been set for th e rec eive d data c oun t and r ecei ve com plete co de th at are us ed for data r ecept ion with th e no n proc edur e prot ocol.
6 - 21 6 - 21 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (2) Setting val ues that can be chang ed Of the ini tial s ettings f rom GX Conf igur ator-S C st ored in t he buf fer m em ory, on ly the fo ll ow in g se ttin g val ue s can be ch an ge d a fte r data co mmun i cat ion ha s starte d.
6 - 22 6 - 22 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.2 Sending Data to the Ex ternal Device This sect ion ex pla ins da ta tra nsm iss ion fr om the PLC CP U t o the exter nal d evic e. 6.2.1 Transmission methods The f ollowi ng sho ws h ow to send data in an y form at us ing the no n pr oce dure pr otoc ol.
6 - 23 6 - 23 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.2.2 Arrang ement an d contents o f the tr ansmi ssion ar ea an d the tr ans mission data This sect ion ex pla ins th e a.
6 - 24 6 - 24 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL POINT (1) Th e posit io n an d siz e o f th e tr an smissi o n a rea in th e buffe r memory can be change d wi th GX Config ura tor-SC in acc ord ance with t he s pecif ica tions of t he exter nal dev ice and th e receiv ed data len gth.
6 - 25 6 - 25 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (2) Transmissi on data ar r ang ement The f ollowi ng exam pl e shows an ar ran gem ent of th e tr ansm ission data to b e sent to th e exter nal d evic e wh en stor in g it i n the trans m ission ar ea.
6 - 26 6 - 26 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL Q series C24 ready signal Transmission i n str uction OUTPU T in s tru ct i on OUTPUT instruction complete device OUTPUT i.
6 - 27 6 - 27 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (Progr am exam ple) W hen Q ser ies C2 4 I/O s igna ls are f rom X/ Y00 to X /Y1F : The transmission com mand is converted into pulse. The t ransmiss ion data st ored in t he designat ed device is se nt.
6 - 28 6 - 28 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.2.4 How to detect tr ansmi ssion er r or s This s ect ion ex plains how t o de tect er rors that m ay occur whe n send ing da ta to the exter nal dev ice.
6 - 29 6 - 29 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (2) Confir mation usi ng the modul e a nd GX Configurator-SC 1) Confirm ation us ing the displ ay LED W hen the Q series C24 detec ts an error , inc ludi ng a tr ansm is sion err or, t he ERR L ED li ghts u p.
6 - 30 6 - 30 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL 6.3 Data Communications Pr ecauti ons The f ollowi ng d escr ibes t he pr ecau tions to b e tak en dur ing no n proce dure p rot ocol data c omm unic ations .
6 - 31 6 - 31 MELSEC-Q 6 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE NON P ROCEDURE PROTOCOL (4) Retry processing for data recepti on err or s The data when rec epti on error occurr ed is dis card ed and onl y the dat a for the norm al rec epti on is taken into the Q ser ies C24.
7 - 1 7 - 1 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE BIDIRE CTIONAL PROT OCOL 7 7 DATA COMMUNICATI ON USING THE BIDI RECTIONAL PROTO COL Data com m unic ation us i ng the b idir ect iona l pro toco l i.
7 - 2 7 - 2 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATION USING THE BIDIRE CTIONAL PROT OCOL 7 7.1 Data Reception from t he Ex ternal Device This sect ion ex pla ins th e dat a rec ept ion f rom the exter nal dev ice. 7.1.1 Receiv i ng methods The f ollowi ng sho ws h ow to r ecei ve dat a se nt fr om the exter nal device using the bidir ectio nal prot ocol.
7 - 3 7 - 3 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 1) W hen the co ntrol c ode E NQ is r ecei ved, th e Q s eries C24 star ts dat a rec eption process ing. W hen the da ta spec if ied by the data lengt h is rec eived , the Q ser ies C24 en ds t he recep tion pr oces sing of that dat a.
7 - 4 7 - 4 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.1.2 Arrang ement an d contents o f the r ecei v e ar ea and the r eceiv e data This sect ion sh ows the arran gement and con tents of th e rec eive are a and t he r ecei ve data f or perf orm ing data r ecept ion using the b id irecti onal p rotoc o l.
7 - 5 7 - 5 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL POINT (1) Th e po siti on an d siz e o f th e re ceiv e area in th e buffe r me mory can be chang ed with GX Co nfig urator- SC in acc orda nce with t he s pecif icat ions of th e exter nal device and t he rec ei ved da ta len gth.
7 - 6 7 - 6 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (2) Arr angement o f receiv e data The f ollowi ng exam pl e ill ustrat es th e arr angem ent of data rec eived f rom the exter nal dev ice when it is stored in the rec eive area .
7 - 7 7 - 7 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (b) Da ta len gth This i ndicat es t he num ber of bytes or words f or th e da ta por tion of t he mes sage. The unit of data le ngth (words/b ytes) is in accor danc e with the word/b yte units desig nati on in G X Co nfigur ator- SC.
7 - 8 7 - 8 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (d) S um check code The sum c heck code ex pres ses the num eric val ue f or the lo wer two b ytes (16 bi ts) of the r esults (s um) from the addi tion of the data l engt h an d the data porti on in t he m ess age as bi nar y code data.
7 - 9 7 - 9 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (e) Error code The err or c ode ind icates the d efinit ion of th e error dur ing N AK r esp onse.
7 - 10 7 - 10 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.1.3 Sequence prog r am for data r eception This sect ion ex pla ins th e seq uenc e pr ogram f or data r ece ptio n. For de ta il s on t he BIDI N in st ru ctio n fo r da ta r e cept ion, see Ch ap te r 9.
7 - 11 7 - 11 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (Progr am exam ple) W hen Q ser ies C2 4 I/O s igna ls are f rom X/ Y00 to X /Y1F : Clear the receive data count st orage device to 0. Designate the allowable receive data count.
7 - 12 7 - 12 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL POINT (1) Rec eiv e dat a can also b e r ead us ing i nterr upt pr ogram s. For m ore d etails on r eadin g rec eive data with interr upt pro gram s , see Ch apter 4 of th e U se r 's Ma nu al (App li cation).
7 - 13 7 - 13 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.1.4 How to detect r ecepti on err or s This sect ion ex plains ho w to de tect errors that m ay occur whe n rec eivin g da ta from the exter nal dev ice.
7 - 14 7 - 14 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (2) Confir mation usi ng the modul e a nd GX Configurator-SC 1) Confirm ation us ing the displ ay LED W hen the Q series C24 detec ts an error , inc ludi ng a tr ansm is sion err or, t he ERR L ED li ghts u p.
7 - 15 7 - 15 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.2 Sending Data to the Ex ternal Device This sect ion ex pla ins da ta tra nsm iss ion fr om the PLC CP U t o the exter nal d evic e.
7 - 16 7 - 16 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.2.2 Arrang ement an d contents o f the tr ansmi ssion ar ea an d the tr ans mission data This sect ion ex pla ins th e arra.
7 - 17 7 - 17 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL POINT (1) Th e posit io n an d siz e o f th e tr an smissi o n a rea in th e buffe r memory can be change d wi th GX Config ura tor-SC in acc ord ance with t he s pecif ica tions of t he exter nal dev ice and th e transm issio n data le ngth .
7 - 18 7 - 18 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (2) Transmissi on data ar r ang ement The f ollowi ng exam pl e shows an ar ran gem ent of th e tr ansm ission data to b e sent to th e exter nal d evic e wh en stor in g it i n the trans m ission ar ea.
7 - 19 7 - 19 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.2.3 Sequence prog r am for data tr ans mi ssi on A sequenc e pro gram for data trans m ission is expla ined below. For det ails on th e BIDO UT ins truc tion f or da ta tr ansm iss ion, se e Ch apter 9.
7 - 20 7 - 20 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 1) St arts the local sta tion PL C. The sett ing valu es for GX De velo per ar e stor ed in th e Q s eries C 24. 2) In puts t he us er d ata tra nsm ission instr uction sign al.
7 - 21 7 - 21 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL Interface number Transmission result Transmission data count Transmission data (0001 H ) (0000 H ) (0005 H ) D 0 D 1 D 2 D11 .
7 - 22 7 - 22 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.2.4 How to detect tr ansmi ssion er r or s This s ect ion ex plains how t o de tect er rors that m ay occur whe n send ing da ta to the exter nal dev ice.
7 - 23 7 - 23 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (2) Confir mation usi ng the modul e a nd GX Configurator-SC 1) Confirm ation us ing the displ ay LED W hen the Q series C2 4 detec ts an error , inc lu ding a rece ptio n err or, th e ER R LED li ghts u p.
7 - 24 7 - 24 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.3 Processing when Si mul taneous Trans mission Performed Dur i ng Full - Dupl ex Communications This sectio n expla ins the pr ocess ing whe n sim ultane ous tra nsm iss ions occur in fu ll- duplex comm unic atio n.
7 - 25 7 - 25 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.3.2 Communication dat a pr ocessi ng when si mul taneous transmi ssi ons occur Exam ples of the Q ser ies C24 com m unicat .
7 - 26 7 - 26 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL (4) Transmissi on: inv alid, reception: invali d Q se ri e s C2 4 External device E N Q E N Q 2)-1 1)-1 Ignores the receive data of 1)-1. Generates a simultaneous tran smission er ror.
7 - 27 7 - 27 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL 7.4 Data Communications Pr ecauti ons The f ollowi ng sho ws t he pr ecau tions when perf orm ing dat a com m unicat ions using the bidir ect ional pr otoc ol.
7 - 28 7 - 28 MELSEC-Q 7 DATA COMMUNICATIONS USING BIDI RECTIONAL PROTOCOL POINT (1) P erf orm error pr oces sing accor ding to th e err or c ode r eceiv ed im m ediatel y after t he N AK m essage at the devic e th at rece ived N AK a s t he resp ons e mes sage af ter d ata tra nsm ission.
8 - 1 8 - 1 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8 8 UTILITY PACKAGE (GX Configurator-SC) The GX Conf igura tor- SC is a too l that s up ports t he pr oduc tion of nec essar y PLC pro g rams wi th ini ti al se t ti ng, moni to r in g an d t est in g, an d da ta co mmun i cati on process ing of th e Q ser ies C 24.
8 - 2 8 - 2 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8 8.1 Functions Avai labl e with U tility Packag e The f ollowi ng ta ble l ists t he u tilit y pack age f unct ion. ( : indic ates that the s ett ing is va lid with t he a pplic abl e prot oco l.
8 - 3 8 - 3 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.2 Installing and Uninstalling Utility Package See "M etho d of ins talli ng the M ELSOFT Ser ies" attac hed with t he u tilit y pack age regar ding t he i nsta ll an d un insta ll o perat ion f or t he ut ilit y pack age.
8 - 4 8 - 4 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) (6) About the number o f par ameter s that ca n be set i n GX Configurator -SC The num ber of p aram eters th at ca n be s et b y the GX C .
8 - 5 8 - 5 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.2.2 Operating env i r onment The op erati ng e nvir onment of t he per son al com puter wher e t he GX Conf igura tor-SC is used is exp laine d.
8 - 6 8 - 6 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.3 Explanation of Utility Package Operation 8.3.1 Operation ov er view GX Developer screen POINT The fol lowing settings m ust be pe rform.
8 - 7 8 - 7 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) Aut o re fresh scr een Enter "Start I/O No.," then select "Module type" and "Module model n ame." Auto refres h See Screen 4.6 Select monitor/ test module sc ree n Select [Online] – [Monitor/test ] from the menu bar.
8 - 8 8 - 8 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) REMARK The fol lowing diagram illus trates the ov ervi ew of a proc edure i n which th e GX Configur at or-SC is us ed to chan ge th e s ystem s ettin g val ues of the Q ser ies C24 and sa ve the ne w values to a fil e or writ e them to th e Q s eries C24's f lash ROM.
8 - 9 8 - 9 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) Start the [Mo nitor/test] screen. Set the flash ROM write al low/prohibit designation to "allowed". Select in the [M o nitor] screen. See Section 8.4.12. Select in the [Monitor] screen.
8 - 10 8 - 10 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.3.2 S tarting the inte lligent f unction module utility (displa ying the [select pa rameter se tting module] screen) [Purpose] Start th.
8 - 11 8 - 11 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) (2) Command but tons Init ial set tings : Cannot be sel ecte d . Auto r efres h : Star ts the auto ref resh s etti ng scr een. Delete : Deletes the in itia l settin gs an d auto re fres h settin gs.
8 - 12 8 - 12 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) POINT (1) Saving the inte llige nt fun ctio n m odule param eter f iles Since files cann ot b e sav ed usi ng t he GX Devel oper projec t sa ve o perat ion, save t he f iles on the m odu le s elect ion sc ree n for param eter set ting des cr ibed above.
8 - 13 8 - 13 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.3.3 Performing common utility operations This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to perfor m the com mon op erat ions in t he dat a se ttin g, aut o refr esh se ttin g and m onit or/tes t scr ee ns.
8 - 14 8 - 14 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) File save : Saves all s y stem sett ing da ta for the Q ser ies C 24 to the d esign ated file ( exte nsion : UMD). File read : Reads all s yst em s etting d ata f or the Q ser ies C24 from the des igna ted f ile ( extens ion: UMD).
8 - 15 8 - 15 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) <Flash ROM data> (a) T he dat a se t in [Flash RO M sett ing] c an b e sav ed in the des ired direct ory separ atel y from the G X De veloper pr oject. (b) O perat ions 4) a nd 5) s ho wn in F igur e 8.
8 - 16 8 - 16 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4 System Reg i stration to Flash R OM [Purpose] Displ ay the m en u scr een for fl ash RO M re gistr ation, whic h is us ed to c han ge the init ial v alues set in t he Q seri es C 24's buff er m emor y.
8 - 17 8 - 17 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Setting Items] The f ollowi ng ta ble s hows the s elect ion m enus f or syst em s etting/r egis trat ion to be disp la yed: Function Secti on Remarks User fram e regist ration Secti on 8.
8 - 18 8 - 18 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.1 User frame r eg i str ation [Purpose] Regist er the user fram e us ed in t he f ollo wing f uncti ons: • On-dem an d func tion using the MC pr otoc ol. • Dat a trans mis sion/r ece ive fu nction usin g the non proce dure p rot ocol.
8 - 19 8 - 19 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.2 Data for modem ini ti aliz ati on regi stration [Purpose] Regist er the dat a for init ial izing the m odem con nect ed to t he Q ser ies C2 4.
8 - 20 8 - 20 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.3 Data for modem connection r eg i strati on [Purpose] For dat a com m unicat ion a nd n otific ation usin g the m odem functio n, r egist er the data f or con nect ion wi th exte rn al de vices .
8 - 21 8 - 21 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.4 Modem function sy stem setting /registration [Purpose] For dat a com m unicat ion us ing the m odem func tion, r egis ter sys tem setti ng values .
8 - 22 8 - 22 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.5 Transmission contr ol and others sy stem setting [Purpose] For data co mmunica tion wit h exte rnal device s, regi ste r sy stem settin g value s for the tra nsm ission contr ol m ethod , m onitor ing tim e, a nd buf fer m em or y assignm ent.
8 - 23 8 - 23 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Setting items] Setting item Setting v alue storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation DTR/DSR (ER/D.
8 - 24 8 - 24 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.6 MC protocol system setting [Purpose] For dat a tr ansm ission using t he MC pro toc ol, re gister s ystem setting v alu es.
8 - 25 8 - 25 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.7 Non procedure sy stem setting [Purpose] For dat a tr ansm issio n usi ng the n on proce dure prot ocol, regis ter s ystem sett ing values .
8 - 26 8 - 26 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.8 Bidirectional system setting [Purpose] For dat a tr ansm issio n usi ng th e bid irect iona l pro toco l, reg ister s yst em setting values .
8 - 27 8 - 27 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.9 PLC CPU moni tori ng sy stem setti ng [Purpose] Regist er s ystem settin g val ues to use the P LC C PU moni torin g fu nctio n.
8 - 28 8 - 28 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Setting items] Setting item Setting v alue storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation Cycle time un.
8 - 29 8 - 29 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.10 Transmission user fra me No. desi g nation sy stem setting [Purpose] Regist er the out put f ram e num ber to tr ansm it dat a wit h th e non pr oce dure protoc ol using the user fr am e.
8 - 30 8 - 30 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.4.11 Resetting the buffer m emory /flash ROM setting values to the defaul t v alues This s ect ion ex plains how t o r eset t he v alues set i n the buffer m emor y/flash ROM t o their def aul t values .
8 - 31 8 - 31 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.5 Auto Refresh Setting The Aut o Refres h Sett ings ar e used t o autom atica ll y store the err or infor m ation and status infor m ation curr en tly stor ed in the Q ser ies C24's b uff er m emor y in th e dev ice specif ied b y the PLC CPU .
8 - 32 8 - 32 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6 Monitor/Test [Purpose] The d ispla yed m enu scree n is used to p erf orm vario us op erat ions , inc lud ing the monitor ing of th e Q s eries C2 4's opera ting s tatus and s ett ing v alues and th e testin g of its ou tput s igna ls.
8 - 33 8 - 33 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.1 X · Y moni tor /test [Purpose] Perfor m the m onitori ng of I/O s ignals a nd test ing of o utput s ign als.
8 - 34 8 - 34 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.2 Modem function moni tor/test [Purpose for monitor /test] Monitor /test the opera ting status an d sett ing values of the m odem funct ion.
8 - 35 8 - 35 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) Monitor/test items Setting v alue storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation Y11: Connection request.
8 - 36 8 - 36 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Test Items] The f ollow ing ac cum ulate d cou nt of tim es co unter val ues c an b e clear ed to "0" b y the sel e ct test fu n ction.
8 - 37 8 - 37 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.3 Transmission contr ol and other s mo nitor /test [Purpose] Monitor the R S-23 2 sign al st atus and th e v arious s ett ing va lues for d ata communi cation.
8 - 38 8 - 38 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) Monitor/test items Setting v alue storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation Transmission status Transmission sp eed 253 H /263 H … b8 to b11 Section 4.
8 - 39 8 - 39 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.4 MC protocol moni tor [Purpose] Monitor the s tat us and set ting valu es of t he d ata c omm unica tion usin g th e MC protoc ol.
8 - 40 8 - 40 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Monitor i tems] Monitor items Setting value storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation Transmission.
8 - 41 8 - 41 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.5 Non procedure moni tor /test [Purpose] Monitor the s tat us and set ting v alu es of t he d ata tr ansm iss ion us ing the non proce dure protoc ol. The t est op era tion f or t he rec eive data clear is expla ine d in Secti on 8.
8 - 42 8 - 42 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Monitor/test items] Monitor/test items Setting v alue storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation Da.
8 - 43 8 - 43 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.6 Bidirecti onal moni tor [Purpose] Monitor the s tat us and set ting v alu es of t he d ata tr ansm iss ion us ing the bidir ect ional pr otoc ol.
8 - 44 8 - 44 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.7 PLC CPU moni tor i ng moni tor [Purpose] Monitor the op erati ng status and sett ing va lues of the PLC CPU m onitori ng functi on.
8 - 45 8 - 45 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Monitor i tems] Monitor items Setting value storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation Operation st.
8 - 46 8 - 46 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.8 Transmissi on user fram e No. desi g nati on moni tor [Purpose] Monitor the s ett ing value of o utput fram e num ber us ed wh en tr ansm itting dat a with the non pr ocedure pr otoco l usin g th e user fram e.
8 - 47 8 - 47 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.9 Monitor/test other s [Purpose] Monitor the r esu lt of acces s to t he f lash RO M, th e da ta com m unicati on st atus of each i nterf ace, and th e res ult of th e inte lli gent fu ncti on m odule s witc h s ettings using GX De veloper .
8 - 48 8 - 48 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) [Monitor/test items] Monitor/test items Setting v alue storage buffer memory address Reference section containing detailed explanation Flash ROM access regist er/read/delete result 4 H Station No.
8 - 49 8 - 49 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.6.10 Display LED off and commu nication error i nformation/err or code i niti al iz ation This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to turn of f th e dis pla y LEDs of the Q ser ies C24 and in itia lize its com m unicatio n error inform ati on and err or cod es.
8 - 50 8 - 50 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) (2) Communi cation er r or clear req uest for CH and to tur n LED o ff on Monitor/test others scr een Thi s i s used to tu r n o ff t he C H LED of the Q se rie s C24 and to init ializ e (clear) the com m unicati on err or i nform atio n.
8 - 51 8 - 51 MELSEC-Q 8 UTILITY PACKAGE ( GX Configurator-SC) 8.7 Non Procedure Pr otocol Recei v e Data Clear This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to c lear t he r ecei ved da ta us ing t he no n pr oced ure pr otoc ol.
9 - 1 9 - 1 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9 9 DEDICATED INST RUCTIO NS Dedica ted inst ruc tions are use d to sim plif y program m ing when using in tel ligent fu nct ion module func tio ns.
9 - 2 9 - 2 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9 9.2 ONDEMA ND Instruct ion The OND EAM AND instr uct ion tr ansm issio n data usi ng the on-dem a nd func tion of the MC protoc ol.
9 - 3 9 - 3 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Function (1 ) Dat a stor ed i n the devic e des ig nate d in ( S2) an d succ e eding dev ices ar e se nt accordin g to th e cont r ol dat a o f th e devi ce designated i n ( S1 ) an d su cceeding devic es, via th e on-d em and fu nct ion of the M C prot oco l of the m odul e des ignat ed in Un.
9 - 4 9 - 4 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Error (1) W hen a d edica ted instru ct ion is com plete d ab norm all y, the a bnor mal c om plet ion signa l, (D)+ 1, tur ns on an d the er ror code is s tored in t he trans mis sion r esul t (S1)+1.
9 - 5 9 - 5 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9.3 OUTPUT Instruction This instr ucti on tra nsm iss ion data in an y mess age f orm at spec ifie d b y the us er us in g the non proc edur e pr otocol .
9 - 6 9 - 6 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Function (1) Da ta st ored in t he dev ice d esign ated in ( S2) an d suc ceed ing d evic es ar e sent accord ing t o th e contr ol d ata of the devic e des ignat ed in ( S1) a nd suc ceed ing devices , v ia the non proc edure protoc ol of the m odu le spec ified in Un.
9 - 7 9 - 7 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Error (1) W hen a d edica ted instru ct ion is com plete d ab norm all y, the a bnor mal c om plet ion signa l, (D)+ 1, tur ns on an d the er ror code is s tored in t he trans mis sion r esul t (S1)+1.
9 - 8 9 - 8 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9.4 INPUT Instruction This instr ucti on rec eives da ta in an y mess age f orm at spec ifie d b y the us er us in g the non pr ocedur e pr otoc ol.
9 - 9 9 - 9 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 1 For er ror c odes rela ting to abn orm al com plet ion, s ee Chap ter 10 of the User's Manual (Bas ic).
9 - 10 9 - 10 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Error (1) W hen a d edica ted instru ct ion is com plete d ab norm all y, the a bnor mal c om plet ion signa l (D2) +1, t urns on a nd th e err or c ode is stor ed in t he tr ansm issio n res ult (S1)+1.
9 - 11 9 - 11 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9.5 BIDOUT Instruction This instruc ti on tra nsm iss ion data us ing t he bid irec tiona l pr otoco l.
9 - 12 9 - 12 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Function (1) T he func tio n sen ds data st ored in th e de vice desig nate d in ( S2) and suc ce eding devic es ac cord ing to the c ontr ol d ata of t he d evic e des ignated in ( S1) a nd succ eeding dev ices, via the b idir ectio nal prot ocol of th e modul e des ignat ed i n Un.
9 - 13 9 - 13 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Progr am ex ampl e The f ollow ing ex ampl e shows a program tha t sends a ny dat a stor ed in D11 t o D1 5 using th e bidir ect ional pr otoc ol. W hen the i nput/ou tput s ignal s of the Q seri es C 24 ar e from X /Y00 to X /Y1F : Transmi ssion data is stor ed.
9 - 14 9 - 14 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9.6 BIDIN In struction This instruc ti on rec eives data us ing t he bid irec tiona l protoc o l. Applicable device Internal device (System, user) MEL.
9 - 15 9 - 15 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 1 W hen se ttin g "W ord/b yte un its des ign atio n" b y GX Conf igur ator-SC , s et th e number of bytes when b ytes ar e des igna ted a nd se t the num ber of words when words are d esign ated as the u nit t ypes.
9 - 16 9 - 16 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Error (1) In c ase of oper at ion erro rs, the er ror f lag ( SM0) tur ns on and t he err or c ode is store d in SD0. See on e of t he f ollo wing m anu als ac cor ding to the error cod e, a nd chec k an d correct t h e error.
9 - 17 9 - 17 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9.7 SPBUSY Instructi on This instruc tion r ea ds the sta tus of data trans mis sion a nd rec ept ion exec uted wi th dedic ated ins truc tio ns.
9 - 18 9 - 18 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Error (1) In c ase of oper at ion erro rs, the er ror f lag ( SM0) tur ns on and t he err or c ode is store d in SD0. See on e of t he f ollo wing m anu als ac cor ding to the error cod e, a nd chec k an d correct t h e error.
9 - 19 9 - 19 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 9.8 CSET (Receiv e data cl ear ) Applicable device Internal device (System, user) MELSECNE T/H, MELSECNET/10 Direct J Set data Bit Word File register Bit Word Special module U G Index register Zn Constant Others (S1) — —K , H — (S2) — — (D1) — — (D2) — (D2) ZP.
9 - 20 9 - 20 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Function (1) Th is f unctio n cle ars rec epti on d ata in the O S area . It does n ot c lear the us er data rece ptio n a re a in th e bu ffe r me mory .
9 - 21 9 - 21 MELSEC-Q 9 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS Progr am ex ampl e This is an exam ple of a progr am that cl ears rece ptio n dat a on t he Q ser ies C2 4 sid e. It is as sum ed th at th e inpu t/out put s igna ls of t he Q ser ies C 24 are X/ Y00 t o X/Y1F .
10 - 1 10 - 1 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10 10 TROUBLESHOOTING This c hapt er ex plains the d efi nitions of er rors that m a y occur duri ng dat a communi ca ti on be tw ee n t he Q se rie s C24 an d e xte r nal dev i ce s, and th e co r re ctive actions .
10 - 2 10 - 2 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10 [Displays] • Modu le The f ollo wing info rm ation is disp la yed: Module nam e : The n am e of th e m odule insta lled I/O Ad dress : The s tart inp ut/.
10 - 3 10 - 3 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING [Displays] 1) H/W LED Infor matio n Rig ht s ide (L eft s ide: C H1 i nform ation / Right s ide: C H2 i nform atio n) Displ ays th e tra nsm iss ion stat us an d the com munic ations err or s tatus of the Q ser ies C 24.
10 - 4 10 - 4 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING (3) Checking by GX C onfigur ator -SC Displ ay the "Mo nitor /test othe rs" screen. For det ails on d ispla y scr eens, s ee Secti on 8. 6.9 of the Us er's Manu al (B asic) . (4) Descripti on of LED ON status and co mm unic ations er r or status Related prot ocol No.
10 - 5 10 - 5 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING (a) W hen a comm unic ation err or occ urs, t ak e correc tive act ion accor ding to Secti on 10.3 . (b) T he i nit ial s tat us of t he L ED O N an d com m unicat ions error indic at es t he status when the Q s eries C24 star ts u p b y turnin g on the power or res etti ng the PL C CP U.
10 - 6 10 - 6 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.1.2 Initiali zi ng err or information o f the serial com municati on mo dul e This sect ion ex pla ins th e ER R. LE D ON fact ors and th e err or co de i nit iali zat ion (c lear ) for the Q ser ies C 24. (1) ERR.
10 - 7 10 - 7 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING (b) Init ial izing com munic atio n er ror inf orm ation by wr it ing Comm unicat ion error inf orm ation ca n be initi ali zed b y wr iting " 1" to t he corres pondi ng b it in t he b uffer mem ory addres ses 0 H to 1 H .
10 - 8 10 - 8 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING (c) Ex am ples of pr ogram s that init ial ize d isp layed LED an d com m unicat ion error inform ati on The f ollowi ng sho ws ex am ples of a pro gram that .
10 - 9 10 - 9 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.1.3 Reading the R S- 232 contr ol si g nal status This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to r ead t he c ontro l s ignal s tat us st ored in th e buf fer m em ory durin g com m unicat ion us ing RS-2 32 interf ace .
10 - 1 0 10 - 10 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.1.4 Reading the data com municati on status ( Trans mi ssi on seq uence status) This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to r ead t he cur rent sta tus of the data c omm unic ation usi ng the MC prot ocol s tore d in the buff er m emor y.
10 - 1 1 10 - 11 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.1.5 Reading the sw itch setting status This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to r ead t he s witch setti ng s tatus of th e Q s eries C24 . W hen GX Conf ig urat or- SC is us ed , check th e stat us in the "M onit or/ test ot her s" scr e en (see Sect ion 8.
10 - 1 2 10 - 12 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING (2) Example of a pr og r am that r eads from t he setti ng status stor ag e area The f ollowi ng s hows a n ex ample of a pr ogram that reads the s etti ng of var ious switc hes of the Q ser ies C 24 f rom the sett ing s tat us stora ge area.
10 - 1 3 10 - 13 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.1.6 How to r ead the cur r ent oper ation status This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to r ead t he cur rent oper atio n st atus of the Q ser ies C24. W hen GX Conf igur ator- SC is use d, c heck the st atus in th e "T ransm iss ion con tro l and others moni tor/ test" s cre en (s ee Sec ti on 8.
10 - 1 4 10 - 14 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING (2) Exampl e of a prog ram that reads from the cur r ent setting status storage ar ea The f ollowi ng sho ws a n exam ple of a progr am that rea ds f rom the s witch s etti ng status stor age area f or curr en t oper atio n of th e Q s eries C24 .
10 - 1 5 10 - 15 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2 Error C ode Tables The f ollowi ng sho ws t he error co des, error conte nts, and c orrect ive ac tion f or errors that are ge nerat ed dur ing com munic ati on betw een the Q ser ies C24 an d an ext ernal device.
10 - 1 6 10 - 16 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Prot ocol Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Correctiv e ac tion MC Non Proce- dure Bidire- cti onal 7148 H E xtensi on R block No. error • A nonex i st en t exte ns i on file reg i st er bl ock No .
10 - 1 7 10 - 17 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Prot ocol Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Correctiv e ac tion MC Non Proce- dure Bidire- cti onal 716F H Devi ce e rror • A nonex i st ent de v ice wa s desig na ted . • Device that c ann ot be s pecifi ed by the corres pon ding com man d was desi gnat ed.
10 - 1 8 10 - 18 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Prot ocol Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Correctiv e ac tion MC Non Proce- dure Bidire- cti onal 7E52 H Use r frame over write err or • A writt en f rame N o. ov er writ e requ est wa s i ssu ed.
10 - 1 9 10 - 19 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Prot ocol Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Correctiv e ac tion MC Non Proce- dure Bidire- cti onal 7E6A H Monit orin g devi ce rea d poin t ra nge error • R ead po int of m onito ring devi ce is out o f ra nge.
10 - 2 0 10 - 20 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Prot ocol Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Correctiv e ac tion MC Non Proce- dure Bidire- cti onal 7F24 H Sum chec k er ro r • The s um ch eck c alcul ated by t he Q seri es C 24 a nd the recei ved sum check are not th e same .
10 - 2 1 10 - 21 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Prot ocol Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Correctiv e ac tion MC Non Proce- dure Bidire- cti onal 7F69 H Parity error • Data doe s no t ma tc h th e pa r ity bit setti ng .
10 - 2 2 10 - 22 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Prot ocol Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Correctiv e ac tion MC Non Proce- dure Bidire- cti onal 7FC9 H to 7FC F H Sy s te m err o r • The OS of the Q se ries C 24 dete cted some err or.
10 - 2 3 10 - 23 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 1 Take co rre ctiv e action in the fo ll ow in g p roce du re. 1) Chec k whether the Q ser ies C 24, power s uppl y modu le and C PU m odule are mounted corr ectl y on t he b ase un it.
10 - 2 4 10 - 24 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2.2 A compatible 1C frame co m munications er r or code table The f ollowi ng tab le l ists the err or co de, err or co nten ts, an d corr ecti ve ac tion f or err ors genera ted durin g A c om patibl e 1C f ram e com m unica tions.
10 - 2 5 10 - 25 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.2.3 Error code l i st w hil e modem function i s used The f ollowi ng d escr ibes t he err or c odes, co ntents and c orrec ti ve act ions f or er rors (inclu ding error s at t he ab norm al c om pletion) that m a y occur whi le the Q ser ies C24 modem f unction is used.
10 - 2 6 10 - 26 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Erro r code (Hex a- decimal ) Error Error Cont en ts Signal name Cor rective a ction Refere nce sec tion There is an erro r in the d esign atio n of the us er fram e numbe r. • Reche ck th e us er f ram e num ber.
10 - 2 7 10 - 27 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3 Troubleshooti ng by S ymptom This follo wing shows trou blesh ooti ng of trou ble gener ated durin g com m unicat ions between the Q ser ies C24 and ext erna l devic e ac cord ing to the tr oub le s ymptom .
10 - 2 8 10 - 28 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING REMARK The fol lowing are preca utio nar y notes when ex chan ging dat a with an ex tern al devic e via on e of the Q s eries C24 inter faces .
10 - 2 9 10 - 29 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.1 Troubleshooting w hen "RUN" LED is turned OFF Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidirectio nal Non procedure • A transmission setting switch is set to an unusable position. • Set the switch by GX Developer correctly and after writing to the CPU reset the CPU.
10 - 3 0 10 - 30 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.2 Troubleshooti ng w hen "RD" LED does not blink ev en thoug h an ex ternal device is transmitting a messag e Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidirectio nal Non procedure • Signal lines are not connected correctly.
10 - 3 1 10 - 31 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.3 Troubleshooting when the Q series C24 does not r etur n a response message even though an ex ter nal devi ce tr ansmi tted a messag e and th e "RD" LED blinked Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidirectio nal Non procedure • Communication prot ocol is set incorrectly .
10 - 3 2 10 - 32 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.4 Troubleshooti ng w hen an external devi ce tr ansmitted a messag e and "RD" LED blinked, but the Read R equest signal was not tur ned ON Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidirectio na Non procedure • Communication prot ocol is set incorrect.
10 - 3 3 10 - 33 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.5 Troubleshooti ng w hen communication error "N AK" g ener ates Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidirectio nal Non procedure • See sect.
10 - 3 4 10 - 34 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidir ectional Non procedure • An error was generated on the MELSECNET / H, MELSECNET/10. • The local station C PU on the MELSECNET /H, MELSECNET/10 generated an error.
10 - 3 5 10 - 35 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.8 Troubleshooti ng w hen communication error "PR O." g ener ates Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidir ectional Non procedure • Communication s w ere performed with a control procedure different from the Q series C24 communication protocol setting.
10 - 3 6 10 - 36 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.9 Troubleshooti ng w hen communication error "SIO" g ener ates Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidir ectional Non procedure • Data does not match the stop bit setting. • Check if the Q series C24 and ex ternal device settings are the same.
10 - 3 7 10 - 37 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.10 Troubleshooti ng w hen communication error "C H 1 ER R.", "C H 2 ER R. " g ener ate Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidir ectional Non procedure • There is an error in the communication protocol or transmission setting.
10 - 3 8 10 - 38 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.11 Troubleshooting when communications is inter mittentl y establ i shed and l ost Sympt om Cause Correc tive act ion MC Bidir ectio nal Non procedure • Wit h a multidrop link , two or more devic es transm itted data at the s ame tim e.
10 - 3 9 10 - 39 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.12 Troubleshooti ng w hen data that cannot be decoded i s tr ansmi tted and recei v ed Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidir ectional Non procedure • With a multidrop link, two or more dev ices transmitted data at the same time.
10 - 4 0 10 - 40 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.13 Troubleshooti ng w hen it is unclear whether the communi cati on err or cause i s i n the Q series C24 or an ex ter nal device Symptom Cause Corrective action MC Bidir ectional Non procedure • Whether the communication s erro r cause is in the Q series C24 or an ex ternal device is unclear.
10 - 4 1 10 - 41 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.14 Troubleshooti ng w hen data cannot be communicated v ia modem Sy mpto m Cause C o rre cti ve ac t ion MC Non procedure protocol Bidirec tion al protocol • A m odem ini tiali zation er ror occu rs.
10 - 4 2 10 - 42 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.15 Troubleshooti ng w hen data cannot be communicated w ith the ISDN sub-address Cir cu mstan ce Caus e C o rrec ti ve ac t ion MC Non procedure protocol Bidirec tion al protocol • Su b-add ress i s inc orrect .
10 - 4 3 10 - 43 MELSEC-Q 10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.3.20 Troubleshooti ng w hen the "ERR" LED is li t Cir cu mstan ce Caus e C o rrec ti ve ac t ion MC Non procedure protocol Bidirec tion al protocol • A c omm unic ation erro r ha s occ urred .
App. - 1 A pp. - 1 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX APPENDIX Appendix 1 Functi onal Improv ements of the Q Series C24 The Q series C2 4 of f uncti on ver sio n B h as s evera l fu nctio ns t hat h ave be en a dded or change d fr om the con venti ona l prod uct (f uncti on vers ion A) .
App. - 2 A pp. - 2 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Q series C24 (funct ion version) QJ71C2 4N (-R2/ R4) QJ7 1C24 (-R2 ) Function BB A Communi cation us ing bidirec tional protoc ol Data trans miss ion/recept ion in.
App. - 3 Ap p. - 3 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX 1 Ther e is a lim itati on i n the pr od uctio n date of th e Q s eries C 24 th at con tains functi ons that ar e usab le.
App. - 4 Ap p. - 4 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) List of added setti ng items for GX C onfigur ator - SC The f ollowi ng tab le l ists the set ting i tem s adde d to t he GX Confi gurator -SC due to a soft ware versi on u pgrad e. GX Configurat or-SC Software versi on SW 0D5C-QS CU -E Screen (Syst em sett ing/monit or) Additional sett ing item Ver sion 2.
App. - 5 Ap p. - 5 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 1.2 Pr ecauti ons w hen Updating the Module from Functi on Ver si on A to B This sect ion ex pla ins ho w to ut ili ze pr ogram s c reated f or t he Q s e.
App. - 6 Ap p. - 6 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2 QnA/A Ser i es M odule This sect ion ex pla ins a c om paris on of the f unct ions of the Q s eries C24 and QnA/A series m odules, and expla ins h ow to utili ze pro gram s c reated f or A s eri es m odules as well as ho w to ins ta ll the Q ser ies C24 int o th e exis tin g syst em .
App. - 7 Ap p. - 7 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Function Q s eries C24 QC24N QC24 UC24 C24-S8 Acc essing other s tations with li nk dedicat ed inst ructions (via QC24 (N)) Non procedure p rotocol Interrupt proc .
App. - 8 Ap p. - 8 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2.2 Using Programs Designed for the QC24 (N) and Installing the Q Series C24 into Existing Syste ms This sec tio n ex pla ins how to us e progr am s des ig ned f or se r ial c omm unic ati on m odu les in the QnA se ries an d the in stall ati on o f the Q s eri es C24 into an e xisti ng sy ste m.
App. - 9 Ap p. - 9 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2.2.2 Installing on existing systems The f ollowi ng exp lai ns the Insta llat ion of the Q seri es C 24 on an ex isti ng s ystem .
App. - 10 A pp. - 10 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2.3 Using Programs Designed for the Computer Link Module and Installing the Q Series C24 into Exi sti ng Systems This sect ion des cri bes ho w to use pr ogram s c reated for A ser ies c om puter l ink modules and i nstal ling the Q series C2 4 into an existi ng s ystem .
App. - 11 A pp. - 11 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (b) Com m and m essage a nd res po nse m essage 1) T he message format use d in the dat a communi cation using th e A com pat ib le 1C fr am e is th e sam e as t he m ess ag e form at of U C24 /C 24- S8.
App. - 12 A pp. - 12 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX 3) W hen data is rec eived by a r ece ptio n end code, the e xt ernal devic e si de mus t send the en d co de data (th e defa ult is CR +LF (c ode: 0D H and 0A H ) at the e nd of the data s ent to the PLC C PU s ide.
App. - 13 A pp. - 13 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 2.3.2 Installing the Q series C24 into existing systems This sect ion sh ows the notes when ins talli ng the Q se ries C 24 into an ex isti ng s ystem that uses UC24/C 24-S 8.
App. - 14 A pp. - 14 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 3 Pr ocessi ng Time (1) Time req ui red to pr ocess communi cati on using the non pr oced ur e protocol (g uideline) The proc ess ing tim e f or t he Out put and Inp ut i nstruct ions can be est im ated b y the fol lowing for mula.
App. - 15 A pp. - 15 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (b) In put instr uction Tp = Sr + 0. 09 Dr + T2 Tp ( 1) : Time f rom the star t of ex ecut ion of th e Input inst ructi on to the End pr ocess ing of th e seque .
App. - 16 A pp. - 16 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX 2) Pr oces sing tim e of d edica ted instr uct ions The f ollowi ng ta ble s hows t he op erati on pr ocess ing t im e (rou gh standar d) of eac h ded ica ted ins tru ctio n. The op erati on pr oces sing tim e diff ers s lig htl y depe nding o n th e s ystem config ura tion a nd c omm unicat ion protoc ol .
App. - 17 A pp. - 17 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 4 ASC II- C ode Table The A SCII-c ode ta ble is s hown belo w. (7-b it c ode) The code s 00 H to 1F H indic ated b y the are us ed as Q ser ies C2 4 con tro l codes . (DC codes 11 H to 14 H can be c hanged b y the us er.
App. - 18 A pp. - 18 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 5 Ex ternal Dimensions (1) QJ71C24N , QJ71C24 The fo ll owin g di ag r a m show s the QJ71C2 4 an d QJ7 1C 24N . The di men si ons of the QJ 71C24 are th e sam e as QJ71C24 N ( exce pt for m odel nam e).
App. - 19 A pp. - 19 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) QJ71C24N -R 2, QJ71C 24-R 2 The f ollowi ng dia gram shows the QJ 71C 24-R2 and QJ 71C2 4N-R2 . The dimens ions of t he QJ 71C24- R2 ar e the sam e as QJ 71C24 N-R2 (exce pt f or model nam e) . R2 98 (3.86) 4.
App. - 20 A pp. - 20 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 6 Ex ample of Connection w hen a C onv er ter i s U sed The fo ll ow in g show s an exa mpl e o f a con ne ct io n wh e re t he RS -2 32 t o RS -4 22/ 4.
App. - 21 A pp. - 21 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Connecti on ex ample (Connec tion exam ple 1) CD RD SD DTR SG DSR RS CS RI FG TXD RXD RTS CTS DTR DSR CD SG RS232 signal SW1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OFF ON OFF ON OF.
App. - 22 A pp. - 22 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (Connec tion exam ple 3) CD RD SD DTR SG DSR RS CS RI FG RD SD CS ER SG DR TC CNT RS232 signal SW1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON RS485 signal FG Ext.
App. - 23 A pp. - 23 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 7 C ommuni cation Su pport Tool (MX C omponent) MX Co mpone nt is an Ac ti veX c ontro l l ibrar y that sup ports an y types of c omm unicat ion paths bet ween IBM PC/ AT com patible per sona l com puters and PLC s.
App. - 24 A pp. - 24 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (3) Support for w i de choi ce of basic operati ng sy stems MX Co mpone nt c an run on IB M PC /AT com patib le p erso nal com put ers r unn ing the fo ll ow ing.
App. - 25 A pp. - 25 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Funct ion nam e Function ReadBuffer Reads from buffer memory. WriteBuffer Writes to buffer me mory . GetClockData Reads clock data from PLC C PU. SetClockData W rites cloc k data to PLC CP U. GetCpuType Reads a PLC CPU ty pe.
App. - 26 A pp. - 26 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 7.2 U s ag e Pr ocedure of MX Component This sect ion ex pla ins th e proc edur e for crea ting progr am s and s am ple pr ogram s us ing MX Com pone nt. (1) Procedur e for creati ng pr ogr ams The proc ed ure f or cr eating progr am s is outlin ed b elow.
App. - 27 A pp. - 27 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Sam ple p rogram The f ollowi ng s ample pro gram reads D0 t o D4 (f iv e poin ts) of the tar get PLC using th e logic al sta tion num ber . (a) W hen Visu al Bas ic ® is used 1) Scre en exam pl e (Form 1) Command1 ' Connect to the co mmunication line.
App. - 28 A pp. - 28 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Priv ate Su b Comm and3 _Click ( ) ' ' D isconn ectio n ' Dim rt n As Lo ng ' Dis con nect ion rt n = ActEas yIF1.
App. - 29 A pp. - 29 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX // // Re ad // void CVCDlg :: O n Re ad ( ) { long lRet ; s hort s Dat a[5]; C Str ing s zMess age; // D0-D 4 are r ead lRet = m _act Eas yIf. Re adDe vice Block 2 ( "D 0", 5, sDa ta ) ; if ( lRet == 0) { s zMess age.
App. - 30 A pp. - 30 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 8 Ex ample of Clear Process Prog r am for Recei v e Data W hen perf orm ing dat a com m unicat ions with n on pr ocedur e p rotoc ol, us e t he rec eive data c lear r equ est s hown in 6.1 .4. a nd d ispla y th e seq uenc e pro gram exam ple if cleari ng th e rec eive data f rom exter nal de vice .
App. - 31 A pp. - 31 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX POINT W hen a func tio n vers io n A for th e Q S eries C24 is used, a dd the p artia l c ircu it (shown with 1) sh own in th e progr am example i n Secti on 6.1. 4 (3). (Comm unic ations are pos sibl e when M19 is ON.
App. - 32 A pp. - 32 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9 Pr og r am Ex amples for Using Q Series C 24 at M ELSECN ET/H R emote I/O Station Appendix 9.1 Sy stem configuration and prog r am condi tions (1) System configur ati on The s ystem conf igur ation use d in the pr ogram ex am ples of this sec tion is s hown below.
App. - 33 A pp. - 33 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample for interlocking the r emote master stati on and remote I/O station Interl ock s shou ld b e appl ied t o the pr ogr am s acc ording to the link sta tus of the rem ote m aster sta tion (hos t stat ion) and r emote I/O statio n (ot her stati on).
App. - 34 A pp. - 34 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.2 W hen accessing buffer me mor y using sequence program In the f oll owing pr ogr am exam ple, d ata ar e read fr om or writte n to the b uff er m emor y of the Q s eries C24 using the R EMFR /REMT O instruc tio n.
App. - 35 A pp. - 35 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.3 W hen sending on- demand data The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple s ends on-d emand dat a us ing th e RE MFR/R EMTO inst ructi on and I / O signal s. For t he on- dem and func ti on, ref er to Sect ion 3 .
App. - 36 A pp. - 36 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample <Transmis s ion comma nd> <Setting o f transmi s sion data> <Se t ting of buf fer memory head address and data length> &l.
App. - 37 A pp. - 37 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.4 W hen receiv ing data usi ng nonpr ocedur al or bidir ecti onal pr otocol The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple rec eives dat a under th e nonpr oced ura l pro tocol ( or bidir ectio nal protoc ol) using the REMFR inst ruc tion a nd I/O si gnals.
App. - 38 A pp. - 38 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample <Recei v e read request> <Read of received data c ount> <Read of received data> <Recei ve error detection> <When r eceive error detecte d: Read of data re c eption result> Change s the rece ive read request signa l into puls es.
App. - 39 A pp. - 39 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.5 W hen sending data usi ng nonpr ocedur al or bi di r ectional pr otocol The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple sends data und er the nonpr oce dura l prot oco l (or bidir ectio nal pr otoco l) usi ng the REMF R/R EMTO instr uction and I/O si gnals .
App. - 40 A pp. - 40 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample <Transmis s ion comma nd> <Setting of transmission data > <Transmis s ion re quest> <Processing for normal comp l etio.
App. - 41 A pp. - 41 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.6 W hen clearing r eceiv ed data The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple uses the r ecei ve dat a cle ar re ques t are a of t he b uffer me mory . Refe r to Se ct io n 6 .1 .4 fo r re c ei ve d da ta c lea r .
App. - 42 A pp. - 42 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample <Recei ve clear co mmand> <Re ceiv e c l ear pro ces si ng exe cu tio n> <Read of receive clear sta tus> Change s the recei ve clear command i nto pul ses. Sets the r eceive c lear acc eptance flag.
App. - 43 A pp. - 43 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.7 W hen sending data usi ng user frames The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple s ends data b y the us er fr ames using the REMFR/ REMT O instruct ion and I/O signa ls. Refe r to S ect ion 11 . 4 o f th e U se r' s Manu al (A pp li cat ion ) fo r th e t r ansmi ssi o n u sing th e user f ram es.
App. - 44 A pp. - 44 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (c) B uff er m emor y setti ngs us ed in th is ex am ple Address Decimal (He xadecim al) CH1 Name Setting value 150 (96 H ) W ord/byt e units desi gnation Byt e .
App. - 45 A pp. - 45 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample The user f ram es No. 3F 2 H , 3F3 H , 41B H a nd 8001 H ar e ass um ed to ha ve b een regis tered in advanc e.
App. - 46 A pp. - 46 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.8 W hen performing initial setting The f ollo wing pr ogram ex am ple p erfor m s initi al set ting us ing t he R EMTO instr ucti on. Exe cut e t hi s pr og ra m wh en chan gi ng the de fa ul t val ue s o f th e Q se ri e s C24 buffe r me mory .
App. - 47 A pp. - 47 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample Chan ges the in itial setting comman d into pu lses. Sets th e word/byte u nits designat ion to byte . Transfers th e setting value to the word/byte un its de signation area of the buff er memo ry.
App. - 48 A pp. - 48 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.9 W hen register i ng user frame The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple regis ters a us er fr ame to the f lash ROM of t he Q series C24 using the REMFR /RE MTO ins truc tio n and I/O si gnals . Refer t o Sec tion 9.
App. - 49 A pp. - 49 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample Resets the registra tion flag. <Re gistra tion command> <Setting of user frame > <Registra tion co mm and 2> <Flash ROM wr ite request> <Read of r e gistration r esult> Chan ges the registrat ion comman d into pu lses.
App. - 50 A pp. - 50 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.10 W hen reading user frame The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple reads a us er fr ame r egist ere d to th e flas h RO M of the Q seri es C 24 us ing t he R EMFR/R EMT O ins truc tio n and I /O s igna ls. Refer t o Sec tion 9.
App. - 51 A pp. - 51 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex ample Sets the r ead flag. <Read co mmand> <Se tti ng o f re ad in str uc tio n> <Flash ROM read request> <Read of read result> <Read of the number of data b ytes regi stered > <Read of user frame> Change s the read command i nto pul ses.
App. - 52 A pp. - 52 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.11 W hen deleting user frame The f ollowi ng pro gram exam ple delet es a user f ram e regi ster ed to t he f lash RO M of the Q s eries C24 using the R EMFR /REMT O instr uctio n and I/O si gnals . Refer t o Sec tion 9.
App. - 53 A pp. - 53 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex amples Sets the de lete fl ag. <Dele te command> <Setting of d elete instruction> <Flash ROM write request> <Read of delete re sult> Chan ges the de lete co mmand into pulses.
App. - 54 A pp. - 54 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 9.12 W hen changing the communi cati on protocol a nd tr ansmi ssion setti ng This sect ion pr ovides a progr am ex am ple t hat ch anges th e com m unicatio n prot oco l and tr ansm issio n sett ing us ing the R EMFR/ REMT O i nstruct ions and I/O s ignals .
App. - 55 A pp. - 55 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (2) Progr am ex amples <Change c ommand> <Change p rocessing of CH1> <Change p rocessing of CH2> Sets the ch anging flag. Starts th e change processing of CH1. Sets the swit ching mode No. desi gn ati on.
App. - 56 A pp. - 56 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Resets th e changing flag. Sets the ch ange completion flag. Reexamin es the modificatio ns. REMFR instruction abnormally completed.
App. - 57 A pp. - 57 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX Appendix 10 Setti ng Val ue R ecordi ng Sheet The f ollowi ng she et is for r ecor ding param eter sett ing values set b y GX De velop er.
App. - 58 A pp. - 58 MELSEC-Q APPENDIX (GX Devel oper "Intelligen t functio n module swit ch setting" se tting values recording che ck sheet) (1) Transmissi on setting (Enter "0" o.
Index - 1 I ndex - 1 INDEX [A] Applica ble m odules ..................................... 2-1 ASCII-c ode tab le ................................... App-1 7 Auto r efres h .............................................. 4- 22 [B] BIDIN.................
Index - 2 I ndex - 2 Ind [M] m:n ............................................................... 2-4 Monitor/ test ................................................ 8-32 Multip le C PU s ystem ............................ 1-7, 5- 3 [N] n:1 ............
WARRANT Y Please confirm the follow ing product w arranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis W arranty Term and Grati s W arranty Rang e If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Fail ure&.
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Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi Electronics QJ71C24N gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.