Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Q173DCPU des Produzenten Mitsubishi Electronics
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Motion Controllers Programming Manual Common Q173DCPU Q172DCPU MITSUBI SHI ELECTRIC MITSUBI SHI ELECTRI C 01 01 2008 B(NA)-0300134 Version A INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
A - 1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Please read these instructions before using t his equipment.) Before using this product, please read this manual a nd the relevant manuals intr oduced in this manual carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly.
A - 2 For Safe Operat ion s 1. Prevention of electric shocks DANGER Never open the front case or terminal covers while t he power is ON or the unit is running, as this may lead to electr ic shocks. Never run the unit with the front case or term inal cover removed.
A - 3 3. For injury prevention CAU TIO N Do not apply a volt age other than that specified in the instruction manual on any terminal. Doing so may lead to dest ruction or damage. Do not mistake the terminal connections, as this ma y lead to destruction or damage.
A - 4 CAU TIO N The dynamic brakes must be used only on errors that cause the forced stop, em ergency stop, or servo OFF. These brakes must not be used for normal braking. The brakes (electromagnetic brakes) assembled into t he servomotor are for holding applications, and must not be used for normal braking.
A - 5 CAU TIO N Use the program commands for the program with the conditions specified in the inst ruction manual. Set the sequence function program capacity setti ng, device capacity, latch validity .
A - 6 CAU TIO N The Motion controller, servo amplifier and serv omotor are precision machines, so do not drop or apply strong impacts on t hem . Securely fix the Motion controller, servo amplifier and serv omotor to the machine according to the instruction manual.
A - 7 (4) W iring CAU TIO N Correctly and securely wire the wires. Reconfirm the connect ions for mistakes and the terminal screws for tightness after wiring. Failing to do so may lead to run away of the servomotor. After wiring, install the protectiv e covers such as the terminal cov ers to the original positions.
A - 8 (6) Us age methods CAU TIO N Immediately t urn OFF the power if smoke, abnormal sounds or odors are emitted from the Motion controller, servo amplifier or servomotor. Always execut e a test operation before star ting actual operations after the program or parameters have been changed or after maintenance and inspect ion.
A - 9 (7) Cor rective a ctions f or errors CAU TIO N If an error occurs in the self diagnosis o f the Motion controller or servo amplifier, confirm the check details according to the instruct ion manual, and restore the operation.
A - 10 CAU TIO N When replacing the Motion controller or servo amplifier, always set the new module settings correctly. When the Motion controller or absolute value motor has been replaced, carry out a home position return operation using one of the following methods, otherwise position displa cement could occur.
A - 11 REVI SIONS The manual number is g iven on the bottom left of the b ack cov er. Pri nt D ate Manual Num ber Revision Jan ., 200 8 I B( NA)-0300 134-A First editio n Japanese M anual Nu mber IB(N A)-0300126 This manual confer s no indust rial property rights or any right s of any oth er kind, nor d oes it conf er any paten t licenses.
A - 12 INTRODUCT ION Thank you for choos ing the Mits ubish i Motion con troller Q 173DCPU/Q1 72DCPU. Before us ing the e quipm ent, please rea d this manual c aref ully to deve lop f ull fam iliarit y with the funct ions and perf ormance of the Motion contro ller you h ave purc hased, so as to ensure c orrect use.
A - 13 3.1.3 In dividu al param eters .................................................................................................... .................... 3-10 3.2 I/O num ber assignm ent. .........................................................
A - 14 About Ma nuals The f ollowing m anuals ar e also re lated to th is prod uct. In necessar y, order them by q uoting the details in the t ables belo w.
A - 15 (2) PLC Manual N ame Manual N umber (Model C ode) QCPU User's Manual (H ardware Design, Maintenance and Ins pection) This manual expl ains the spec ific ations of the QCPU m odules, power supply m odules, bas e modules, extension c ables, mem ory card battery and ot hers.
A - 16 MEMO.
1 - 1 1 1 OVERVIE W 1. OVERVIEW 1.1 Overv iew This program m ing manua l des crib es the comm on item s of each oper atin g s ystem softwar e, suc h as th e Mult iple CPU s ystem of the operat ing s ystem soft ware pack ages "SW 8DNC-SV Q " for Motion CPU modu le (Q173D CPU/Q172DC PU).
1 - 2 1 OVERVIE W REMARK For inf orm ation ab out the each m odul e, des ign m ethod f or progr am an d param eter, refer to the f ollow ing m anuals releva nt to each m odule .
1 - 3 1 OVERVIE W 1.2 Features The M otion C PU and Mult iple C PU s ystem have th e foll owing f eatur es. 1.2.1 Features of Motio n CPU (1) Q series PL C Multip le CPU system (a) Lo ad d istribut io.
1 - 4 1 OVERVIE W (3) Connecti on between the Motion contr oller and serv o amplifier w ith high speed sy nchronous network by SSCN ET (a) Hig h spee d synchro nous netw ork by SSCNET connect b etwee n the Motion c ontr oller and ser vo amplif ier, and batc h co ntrol t he char ge of ser vo param eter, ser vo m onitor and tes t oper atio n, etc.
1 - 5 1 OVERVIE W 1.2.2 Basic specificatio ns of Q173DCPU/Q172D CPU (1) Modul e specifications Item Q173DCP U Q172DCPU Internal c urrent consum ption (5VDC) [ A] 1.25 1.14 Mass [k g] 0.33 0.33 Exterior dim ensions [mm(inch)] 98 (3.85)(H) 27.4 (1.08)(W ) 119.
1 - 6 1 OVERVIE W Motion control speci fications (continued) Item Q173 DCPU Q172DCPU Absolute position system Made compatible by settin g battery to serv o amplifier.
1 - 7 1 OVERVIE W (b) Moti on SFC Performance Specifications Item Q173DCP U/Q172DCPU Code total (Motion SFC c hart + Operation con trol + Transition) 543k bytes Motion SFC prog ram capac ity Text tota l (Operation c ontrol + Transit ion) 484k bytes Number of Motion SFC program s 256 (No.
1 - 8 1 OVERVIE W 1.3 Hardw are Configuration This sectio n desc ribes the Q17 3DCPU /Q172 DCPU s ystem configur atio n, prec autions on use of s ystem, an d conf igure d equ ipments.
1 - 9 1 OVERVIE W (2) Per ipheral devi ce conf ig uration for the Q 173DCPU/Q172D CPU The fo llowin g (a)(b ) can be use d. (a) USB conf iguration PLC CPU module (QnUD(H)CPU) USB cable (b) RS-23 2 con.
1 - 10 1 OVERVIE W 1.3.2 Q173DCPU Sy stem overall configuration Manual pulse gen erator 3/m odule PLC CPU/ Motion CPU 100/ 200VAC Q173D CPU (Q3 DB) Qn UD(H) CPU d16 d1 MR-J3- B model Servo ampl ifier,.
1 - 11 1 OVERVIE W CAUTION Construct a safety circuit externally of the Motion controller or servo amplifier if the abnormal operation of the Motion controller or servo amplifie r differ from the safety direct ive operation in the system.
1 - 12 1 OVERVIE W 1.3.3 Q172DCPU Sy stem overall configuration d2 d1 MR-J3- B model Servo amplifier, Up to 8 a xes d3 E M E M E M E M SSCNET cable (MR-J3BUS M(-A/-B) ) SSCNET (CN1) d8 External i nput.
1 - 13 1 OVERVIE W CAUTION Construct a safety circuit externally of the Motion controller or servo amplifier if the abnormal operation of the Motion controller or servo amplifie r differ from the safety direct ive operation in the system.
1 - 14 1 OVERVIEW 1.3.4 Software packages (1) Software packages (a) Operating system software Software packag e Application Q173DCPU Q172DCPU For conve yor assembly SV13 SW8DNC-SV13QB SW8DNC-SV13QD Fo.
1 - 15 1 OVERVIE W (3) Operati ng system type/version (a) Confir mation meth od in the operati ng system (CD) 2) OS softw are ve rsion 1) 2) 3) 3) Serial number 1) OS soft ware t ype Exam ple) W hen using Q1 73DCPU, SV2 2 and ver sion 00A .
1 - 16 1 OVERVIEW POINTS (1) When the operation o f Windows is not unclear in the operation of this software, refer to the manual of Wind ows or guide-book from the other supplier. (2) The following func tions cannot be used when the computer is running under Windows R Vista, Windows R XP or Windows R 2000.
1 - 17 1 OVERVIE W 1.3.5 Restrictions on moti on systems (1) Comb ination o f Multiple CPU s ystem (a) Mo tion C PU m odule c annot be use d as st anda lone m odule. Be sur e to install the un ivers al m odel PLC CPU m odule (Q03UDC PU/ Q04UDHC PU/Q06U DHCPU) to CPU No .
1 - 18 1 OVERVIE W (2) Moti on modules (a) Insta llation posit ion of Q17 2DEX (Not e-1) is onl y the m ain bas e unit . It cann ot be us ed o n the ex tens ion base unit. (b) Q 172DLX /Q173 DPX c an be ins talle d on a ny of t he m ain base unit/ extens ion b ase unit .
1 - 19 1 OVERVIE W (3) Othe r restrictio ns (a) Mo tion C PU m odule c annot be set as th e contro l CPU of int elligen t funct ion module (exc ept som e m odules) or Gra phic O perat ion T erm inal(GOT ). (b) B e sure t o use the exte rnal b atter y.
1 - 20 1 OVERVIE W MEM O.
2 - 1 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2 2. MULTIPLE CPU SYSTEM 2.1 Multip le CPU Syste m 2.1.1 Overv iew (1) W hat is Multiple CPU system ? A Mult ipl e CPU s ystem is a s ystem in which m ore t han one PLC CP.
2 - 2 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.1.2 Installation posi tion of CPU modul e Up to fo ur PL C CPUs and Mot ion C PUs can be insta lled fr om the CPU slo t (the right side sl ot of t he po wer sup ply mo dule) to slots 2 of the m ain bas e uni t. The M otion C PU m odule c annot be insta lled in the CPU slot.
2 - 3 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.1.3 Precautions for using I/O modules and intelligent function modules (1) Modul es controllable by the Motion CPU Modul es controll able by the Motio n CP U are shown below.
2 - 4 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.1.4 Modules subject t o installation r estrictions (1) Mo dules s ubject to ins tall r estricti ons for the Mo tion CP U are s own be low.
2 - 5 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.1.5 Ho w to reset the Multiple CP U system The en tire Mu ltipl e CPU s ystem can be r eset b y reset ting C PU No .1. The C PU modu les of N o.2 t o No.4, I /O m odules and i ntellig ent func tion m odules will be reset when PLC CPU No.
2 - 6 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.1.6 Operation for CPU modul e stop error The en tire s ystem will be haves diff erentl y depend ing whet her a s top err or oc curs in CP U No.1 o r any of CPU No .2 to No.4 i n the Multi ple CP U sy stem. (1) W hen a stop err or occurs at CPU N o.
2 - 7 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (b) W hen a stop error oc cur s in the CPU m odule f or wh ich " All st atio n stop by stop er ror of CPU 'n' " has n ot been set, a "MULT I EXE. ERRO R (err or code: 70 10)" err or occurs in all other CPUs but oper atio ns will cont inue.
2 - 8 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (3) Operati on at a Motion CPU er ror Oper ation s at a Moti on CPU er ror are show n be low. Category Type of error Operation Remark System setting error Does not operate from the beginning (does not run). • All actual output PY points tu rn OFF.
2 - 9 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.2 Starting Up the Multiple C PU System This sectio n desc ribes a stand ard pr ocedur e to s tart up the Mul tiple CPU s ystem . 2.2.1 Startup Flow of the Multiple C PU System Refer t o th e "QCPU User's M anual" (Functi on Expla nation/Pro gram Fundamen tals)".
2 - 10 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM Refer t o the Programmin g Manual of e ach operat in g s y stem soft ware for det ails of pro g ram. 1) Refer to Section 3.1 for system settings. Sta rt- up MT D eve loper . Start-up of MT Deve loper Refer t o the help for op eration of MT Developer.
2 - 11 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.3 Communicati on betw een the PLC CPU and the M otion CPU in the M ultiple C PU System 2.3.1 CPU shared M emory (1) Str ucture of CPU shared me mory The C PU shar ed mem or y is mem ory prov ided f or each CPU m odu le b y which data is writ ten or read b etwe en CPU m odules of a Multip le C PU syst em.
2 - 12 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (a) Self C PU oper atio n info rm ation are a (0H to 1FFH) 1) The fol lowin g inform atio n of se lf CPU is st ored as th e Mult iple C PU sy st em Table 2.
2 - 13 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (d) Mu ltipl e CPU h igh spe ed tr ansm ission ar ea The are a cor respon ding t o the Mu ltiple CPU hi gh spe ed m ain base unit (Q3 DB) a nd Mul tiple C PU high s peed transm iss ion that uses t he dr ive system controll ers inc luding QnUD( H)C PU and Motion C PU.
2 - 14 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.3.2 Multipl e CPU high speed transmi ssion (1) Mul tiple CPU high speed transmission Mult iple C PU hig h spe ed tra nsm ission is a func tion for f ixed c ycle da ta transm ission between Multipl e CPUs ( Multip le CPU hi gh spee d transm issio n cycle is 0.
2 - 15 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 1) Acce ss to Mult iple C PU high speed transmissi on a rea a) Descript ion of Multi ple CPU ar ea devic e : U G CPU shared me mory address (decimal) (10000 to up t o 24335) CPU shared me mory address (decimal) (10000 to up t o 24335) First I/O number of CPU module Bit specification (0 to F : Hexadecimal) : U G .
2 - 16 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (b) Ex ampl e of us ing a utom atic refr esh meth od INC SM400 SM400 PLC progr am CPU No.1 (PLC CPU) CPU shared memor y (Autom atic refresh a rea (Not e-1) ) D0 Y0 INC D1 Y0 END D0 1) 2) 3) CPU No.
2 - 17 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (3) Memory configuration of Multi ple CPU hi gh speed transmission area Memor y confi gurat ion of Multi ple CPU high s peed tr ansm ission area is sho wn belo w. Us er s ett ing ar ea Multiple CPU h igh speed transmission area [Varia ble in 0 to 14k[points] (Note- 1) ] Automatic refresh area 7) 6) CPU No.
2 - 18 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (4) Para meter se tting The par ameter sett ing lis t fo r use wi th the Multi ple CPU high s peed tr ansm ission is sh own in T abl e 2.
2 - 19 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM Table 2.7 Parame ter setting i tems of Multiple CPU hig h speed transmission area setti ng Item Setti ng descript ion Setti ng/display val ue Restric tion Consi stency check CPU CPU No. corres ponding to di splayed param eters.
2 - 20 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM POINT Selec ting "A dvanced setting " enables th e abili ty to change th e number of points from 1k to 2k in t he syst em area used f or M otion dedic ated PLC instr uctions .
2 - 21 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (b) Aut omati c refre sh sett ing Settin g for use of the automat ic refres h funct ion in the M ultiple CP U high speed tr ansmis sion are a. Up to 32 setti ng rang es ca n be set f or eac h CPU m odu le. Autom atic r efresh s ettin g sc reen and setti ng ra nge ar e show n belo w.
2 - 22 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM POINT The proc ess ing perf orm ance of autom atic r efr esh im proves when d evic es are transm itted i n 2 wor d sets. T heref ore, it is recomm ended to set the st art dev ice as 2 word un it by inputting an even devi ce number .
2 - 23 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM POINT Set th e foll owing ope ration for auto matic r efres h settin g using GX Develo per. 1) Sele ct tab "Mul tiple CPU high speed commun ication area sett ing" . 2) S et "Us e Mult iple C PU hi gh spe ed comm unica tion " .
2 - 24 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (5) Precauti ons (a) As suranc e of data s ent bet ween C PUs Due to t he t iming of data s ent fr om the s elf CPU and autom atic r efresh in any of the oth er CPUs, ol d data and ne w data ma y becom e mixed (data separ ation) .
2 - 25 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.3.3 Multiple C PU high speed refresh function This f unctio n is us ed to update the da ta bet ween in tern al devic es of Motio n CPU and the Mul tiple CPU hi gh sp eed trans mis sion area . This occ urs ever y oper ation cycle as define d in th e dev ice sett ing of autom atic r efresh in the self CPU.
2 - 26 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (2) Oper ation example o f Multiple CP U high speed refresh functi on (a) Parameter setting The a utomat ic refr esh setting o f Multi ple CPU hi gh speed refre sh is sh own belo w. • CPU No.1 (P LC CPU) (GX Devel oper) Set the devi ce transm itted to CPU No.
2 - 27 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM POINT Set th e foll owing ope ration for auto matic r efres h settin g using GX Develo per. 1) Sele ct tab "Mul tiple CPU high speed commun ication area sett ing" . 2) S et "Us e Mult iple C PU hi gh spe ed comm unica tion " .
2 - 28 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM (b) O perat ion ex ample The exam ple of op erating Multi ple CPU high s peed r efres h funct ion is shown be low. U3E1G10000 U3E0G10000 D640 Motion CPU (CPU No.
2 - 29 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.3.4 Clock sy nchronization between Mult iple CPU The cloc k of each CP U is s ynchr onized with t he cl ock of CPU N o. 1. The c lock da ta us ed for s ynchr onizati on in a Mult iple C PU s ystem c an be ed ited. (1) Setting of clock data Set the cloc k of CPU No.
2 - 30 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.3.5 Multiple C PU synchronous startup Multip le C PU s ynchron ous star tup fu nction s ynchr onizes the star tups of CP U No.
2 - 31 2 MULTIPLE CPU SY STEM 2.3.6 Control Instr uction from PLC CPU to M otion CPU Contro l can be instruc ted f rom the PLC C PU to th e Moti on CPU using th e Moti on dedic ated PLC ins truct ions l isted in t he table belo w.
3 - 1 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3 3. COMMON PARAMETERS 3.1 System Setting s In the M ult iple C PU s ystem, th e com mon s ystem parameter s and ind ividual param eters are set f or each CPU and writ ten to eac h CPU. (1) T he bas e setti ngs, M ultip le CPU s ettings and Motio n slot s ettings are s et in t he comm on s y stem par ameter settin g.
3 - 2 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3.1.1 System data setti ngs The ta ble be low lis ts the s ys tem dat a item s to be set. Item Setting range Init ial value Remark Main bas e 8/ 12 slots Main base: 8 slo ts Base sett ing Extensi on base None/2/ 3/5/8/ 10/12 slots None Set th e numb er of sl ots i n the ma in base or exten sion ba se.
3 - 3 3 COMMON PARAMETERS Item Setting range Init ial value Remark Q173DCPU : Up to 2 s ystems, 32 axes Q172DCP U: Up to 1 s ystem, 8 ax es None Set the mod el name, axis No .
3 - 4 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3.1.2 Common system parameters (1) Para mete rs for ope rating th e Multiple CPU s ystem In the M ult iple C PU s ystem, th e com mon s ystem parameter s and ind ividual param eter f or each CP U ar e set and writt en int o each CPU.
3 - 5 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (2) Parameter s common throug hout the Multiple C PU system In th e Motio n CPU, during init ializat ion th e param eters in the t able b elow are verif ied agains t the param eters in the PLC CPU of CPU No.
3 - 6 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (a) Multiple CPU settings Set t he fol lowing item s id entica lly in Multip le C PU Sett in gs (Mot ion C PU) i n MT De veloper and in Mult iple C PU S ettings ( PLC CPU) in GX De veloper .
3 - 7 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (b) Mo tion s lot sett ings Set the m odules co ntrolle d by t he self CPU b y the Motion Slot Settin gs (Moti on CPU) in MT Develo per. In GX D evelo per, set the s lot f or Mot ion CPU co ntrol as the CPU nu mber of Moti on CPU in I/O Assi gnment Settin gs (PLC CPU) .
3 - 8 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (c) Base setting s Set t he tota l num ber of bases a nd num ber of slots in e ach bas e ident ical ly between Base Setti ngs (Mo tion C PU) in MT De velop er and I/O As signm ent Settin gs (P LC CPU) in GX Develo per.
3 - 9 3 COMMON PARAMETERS POINT GOT is reco gnize d as an intell igent f unctio n modu les "1 6 points 10 sl ots" on t he base (n umber of extens ion bases and slot N o.
3 - 10 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3.1.3 Indivi dual paramet ers (1) System basic setting The f ollowi ng expla ins e ach it em to b e set in s yst em bas ic se tting. (a) O perat ion c ycle 1) S et the of m otion oper atio n c ycle (c y c les at which a pos ition c omm and is com puted and s ent t o the serv o am plifier) .
3 - 11 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3) If the dur ation of m otion oper ation has exc eeded the op erati on cyc le, the operat ion c ycle o ver flag (M20 54) tur ns ON. E ven when "Au tomatic settin g" is select ed, t he dura tion of m otion oper atio n may ex ceed the operat ion c ycle depend ing o n the contro l co nditi ons.
3 - 12 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (d) La tch r ange Set th e foll owing la tching ranges for M, B, F, D an d W , r espe ctively . • Latc h (1) : It is possib le clear using the r emote o perat ion (La tch cle ar(1), Latch clear (1)(2)). • Latc h (2) : It is possib le clear using the r emote o perat ion (La tch cle ar (1)(2)).
3 - 13 3 COMMON PARAMETERS Setting i tems for each module (C ontinued) Number of usable modules Module nam e Item Setti ng range I nitial value Q173DCPU Q172DCPU First I /O No.
3 - 14 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (3) External signal input Servo exter nal signal (Upper st roke li mit/Lowe r stro ke limit/ Stop signal /Proxi mity dog) c an be s electe d for ever y axis f rom the foll owing t wo m ethods.
3 - 15 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3.2 I/O number assig nment In the M ult iple C PU s ystem, I/O num bers ar e used f or in teracti ve trans mis sion between the Motion C PU and I/ O m odules and in telli gent f unction m odules , or between PLC CPU and Mot ion CPU.
3 - 16 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (2) I/O number assig nment of Motion CPU control module Mitsub ishi r ecomm ends tha t I/O No. ass ignm ent be s et as c omm on consec utive No.
3 - 17 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3.2.2 I/O number o f each CPU modules In the M ult iple C PU s ystem, I/O num bers ar e assi gned t o each CPU m odule t o spec if y instal led CP U modules. The I/O num ber for each C PU mod ule is f ixed t o the co rrespo nding s lot and cann ot be change d.
3 - 18 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3.2.3 I/O number settin g Set the m odules ins tall ed in the each s lot of the m ain ba se or ex tens ion bas e and assign the co ntrol CPU of applic able slot as the s elf CP U in th e system sett ing for Motion C PU. The f ollowing m odul es mus t be set t he I/O No.
3 - 19 3 COMMON PARAMETERS 3.3 Serv o Parameters The s ervo par ameter s contr ol th e data f ixed b y the s pec ificat ions of the ser vo am plifi er and ser vomotor con trolle d in t he param eter s et for each ax is and the contro l of th e servom otor.
3 - 20 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (2) Gain/filter parameters No. Symbol Name Initial value Un it PB01 FILT Adapti ve tuning mode (Adapt ive filter ) 0000h — PB02 VRFT Vibrat ion suppressi on control tunin .
3 - 21 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (3) Extension setti ng parameters No. Symbol Name Initial value Un it PC01 ER Z E rror excessive al arm level 3 rev PC02 MBR Electromagneti c brake sequenc e output 0 m s PC.
3 - 22 3 COMMON PARAMETERS (4) I/O Setting Par ameters No. Symbol Name Initial value Un it PD01 0000h PD02 0000h PD03 0000h PD04 0000h PD05 0000h PD06 — For m anufacturer set ting 0000h — PD07 DO1.
4 - 1 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4 4. AUXILI ARY AND APPLIED FUNCTIONS 4.1 Limit Sw itch Output Function This funct ion is us ed to output t he ON /OFF s ignal c orres pondin g to the dat a range of the wa tch dat a set per ou tput devi ce. Motion c ontr ol dat a or opt ional word d ata can b e use d as watch d ata.
4 - 2 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 3) (ON Va lue) = ( OFF Valu e) Output device ON region setting Watc h data value ON Value OFF Value OFF i n whol e regi on (b) Th e limit swi tch ou tputs a re controll ed ba sed on the ea ch watch data duri ng the PCP U ready stat us (SM500 : ON) by the PLC r eady fla g (M20 00) fro m OFF to ON.
4 - 3 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (4) W hen the multi ple wa tch dat a, ON r egion, outp ut ena ble/dis able b it and f orce d output bit ar e set t o the sam e o utput d evice, the lo gical add of outpu t res ults of t he settin gs is output .
4 - 4 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.1.2 Limit out put setting data Limit out put data l ist are sho wn below. Up to 32 points of o utput d evic es can be set .
4 - 5 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (2) W atch data (a) T his d ata is used to per form the lim it switc h outp ut func tion. This d ata is com parison d ata t o outpu t the O N/OFF signal . The output devic e is ON/OFF -contr olled acco rding to the ON regi on set ting.
4 - 6 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (3) ON region setting (a) T he dat a range which mak es the outp ut dev ice tur n ON/OFF towar d the watch d ata. (b) T he fol lowing devic es c an be us ed as t he ON Valu e and O FF Va lue of the data r ange.
4 - 7 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (5) Forced output bi t (a) S et the "forc ed outp ut bit " when you want to f orcibl y prov ide the limit s witc h outputs duri ng oper ation.
4 - 8 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.2 Absolute Position S ystem The pos itio ning c ontr ol for a bso lute pos itio n s ystem can be perf orm ed usin g the absol ute-pos itio n-com patib le ser vomotor s an d serv o am plifier s.
4 - 9 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS POINT (1) T he addr ess s etting ran ge of a bsolut e pos ition s ystem is 21 474836 48 to 214748 3647. It is n ot pos sible t o rest ore pos ition c omm ands that exce ed this lim it, or c urrent values after a po wer inter rupt ion.
4 - 10 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.2.1 Current v alue control The curre nt value when usi ng the ABS enc oder is co ntrolle d by follo wing funct ions. (1) T he va lidit y of an enco der data duri ng oper ation is chec ked. (a) Ch eck s that th e am ount of c hange of the encod er in a 3.
4 - 11 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.3 Hig h-Speed Reading of Specified Data This funct ion is us ed to stor e the s pecif ied pos itio ning d ata in the sp ecified devic e ( D, W, U G). T he sig nal fr om in put m odule contr oll ed in t he Mot ion C PU is used as a trigger .
4 - 12 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.4 ROM Operati on Function This funct ion is us ed to operate base d on th e dat a in th e FLAS H ROM built- in Mot ion CPU m odule that th e user pr ograms and parameter s have been store d. 4.4.1 Specifications o f 7-segment LED/Sw itches No.
4 - 13 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (b) O perat ion m ode over vie w Operation mode 7-segment LED Operation overv iew Mode operated by RAM • " . " remains flashing in t he first digit of 7-segment LED. • It operates based on the user programs and parameters stor ed in the SRAM built-in Motion C PU module.
4 - 14 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.4.2 Outline o f ROM operati on W hen the ROM writ ing is reques ted to the Mot ion CP U m odule us ing the MT Develo per, t he pr ograms and par ameters st.
4 - 15 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (1) W rite t he pr ograms and par am eters writt en in the SRAM built-i n Moti on CPU module to t he FLA SH ROM bu ilt-in Motion CPU m odule for the ROM op eratio n. Motio n CPU modu le Programs Parameters , etc.
4 - 16 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS <Opera ting pr oced ure for ROM writin g> W rite the data of SRA M buil t-in Mot ion C PU m odule to the RO M.
4 - 17 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (2) W rite t he pr ograms and par am eters of t he MT Develo per to the SR AM bu ilt-in Motion CPU m odule, and th en wri te them to the FLASH ROM b uilt-in Motio n CPU module for t he ROM operat ion. Mot ion CP U modu le Progr ams Pa ram ete rs , e tc.
4 - 18 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS <Ope ratin g proce dure fo r ROM w riting> Write the dat a of MT Dev eloper to the R OM. The op erati ng proc edure for RO M wr iting us ing the MT Deve loper is sho wn bel ow. POINT Be s ure to write the all data beforehand to SRAM built-in Motion CPU m odule at the ROM writing.
4 - 19 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.4.3 Operating procedure of the ROM operation function The ou tline proced ure of R OM oper atio n func tion is sho wn belo w. 1) Tur n on or res et the p ower su ppl y of Mult iple CP U s y stem in t he "Mo de oper ated by RAM" .
4 - 20 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (2) Operati on at the "Mode operated by ROM" NO YES Mode oper ated by ROM start Is the data wr ite to the FLASH ROM b uilt-in Motion CPU module ? Normal o peration s tart Read the followings of the FLASH ROM built-in Motio n CPU module to the SR AM built-in Motion CP U module.
4 - 21 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.5 Security Function This f unctio n is us ed to protec t the us er d ata of Motion CPU b y regis tering a pass word. The illeg al read ing or writ ing of the user data are pr event ed by settin g a pass word.
4 - 22 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (b) E nter n ew pass word i n pass word c olum n, and s elect r egistr ation c ondit ion (W rite Prot ection, R ead/W rite Protect ion). It lea ves in b lank f or the us er dat a that does no t change a passwo rd.
4 - 23 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.5.2 Passwor d delete Selec t m enu [Onl ine] [R egister Pass word] [Delet e] to dele te a passw ord. (1) Procedur e for passwor d delete (a) Status of pas sword r egister ed in the Mo tion CPU ar e displa yed.
4 - 24 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.5.3 Password check W hen operat ing the user d ata t hat sets pass word, the chec k pass word s creen is displ ayed a utom atica lly. (1) Procedur e for password check (a) E nter o ld pass word in pas sword c olum n, and c lick on [Exec ute] button.
4 - 25 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.5.4 Password sav e Regi stered /cha nged/d elet ed passw ord or passwo rd read wi th use r data fr om "Read from CPU" sc reen d ispla yed b y menu [Onlin e] [Rea d fro m CPU] ca n be saved in a project data.
4 - 26 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.6 All clear function This funct ion is us ed to clear the al l user data, p ass word sett ing, b ack up area an d us er data ar ea of F LASH RO M in the Mot ion C PU modu le.
4 - 27 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.7 Communication v ia Network The co mmunica tion between the per sonal compute r and th e Motion CPU i s possible via Q s eries Network m odule (ME LSECN ET/10(H), Ether net, CC- Link and etc. ) in t he Motion C PU (Q173DC PU/Q 172DCPU) .
4 - 28 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.7.2 Access range of the com munications via netw ork (1) Netw ork configuration vi a the MELSECNET/10(H) or the Ethernet (a) It c an ac cess the oth er CPU via t he net work from th e progr amm ing soft ware pack ages (GX Devel oper, MT Deve loper , etc.
4 - 29 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (2) Netw ork configuration vi a the CC-Link (a) It c an ac cess the oth er CPU via t he CC-l ink f rom the pr ogram ming s oftwar e pack ages (GX Devel oper, MT Deve loper , etc.) of the pers onal com puter connect ed with the CP U or serial com munic ation m odule in USB /RS-232.
4 - 30 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (3) Netw ork configuration vi a the RS-422/485 (a) It c an ac cess the oth er CPU via t he RS- 422/4 85 from the pr ogram ming softwar e pac kages (G X De velop er, MT Develop er, etc .) of the pers onal com puter conn ected with th e CPU or seri al comm unica tion m odule in USB/RS-23 2.
4 - 31 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (4) Netw ork configuration w hich MELSECNET/10(H), Ethernet, C C- Link, RS-422/485 w ere mix ed (a) W hen the MELS ECNET /10(H) or Eth ernet is defi ned as &.
4 - 32 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS RS-232 USB/ RS-232 C24 MNET Ether : Seri al commu nication mo dule : MELSECNET/10(H) : Ether net <Exam ple 2> RS-422/ 485 Q173D CPU C24 CC-Link QnUD(H) CPU Persona l co mpute r Personal computer Network No.
4 - 33 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.8 Monitor Functi on of the Main Cy cle (1) Inf orm ation for m ain c ycle of the Motion C PU (proc ess c ycle exec uted at fr ee tim e excep t for m otion c ontro l) is store d to t he spec ial re gister .
4 - 34 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.9 Servo Par ameter Reading Function (1) W hen the ser vo param eters are ch ange d, the M otion CPU will be aut omatic ally read t he ser vo par ameters and ref lecte d them to the s er vo param eter st orage area i n the Motion CPU.
4 - 35 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.10 Optional Data Mo nitor Function This funct ion is us ed to store t he data (ref er to fo llowin g ta ble) up to thr ee points per axis to the s pecifi ed de vices ( D, W , #, U G) and monit or them . It can be set by th e system sett ing of MT Deve loper .
4 - 36 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.11 Connect/Disconne ct Function This funct ion is us ed to tempor aril y suspe nd SSC NET c omm unicat ion wh ile ser vo amplif iers and/or SSCN ET cables after Axis 1 are ex cha nged wi th the power s uppl y ON in a Mu ltiple CPU syste m.
4 - 37 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS POINT (1) Af ter c omplet ion of SSCNET comm unica tion d isconn ect proc essin g, be s ure to check the L ED disp lay of the ser vo am plifier for "AA" b efor e turnin g OFF its the pow er sup ply.
4 - 38 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (b) O perat ion proc edur e to con nect 1) Tur n ON t he power supp ly of the ser vo am plifier . 2) Set "-10 : Connec t com mand" in SD 803. 3) Chec k tha t "-1 : Connec t ex ecute waitin g" is s et in SD508.
4 - 39 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS <Progr am ex ample > (1) Self C PU pr ogram whic h conn ects/dis conn ects s ervo am plifier s fr om Axis 5 on Disco nnect procedur e: T urn OF F the p ower s uppl y of serv o ampl ifier after check ing it s LED displa y for "AA ".
4 - 40 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS (2) P LC CPU program whic h conn ects/dis connec ts se rvo am plifiers from Axis 5 on which is co nnected to the Mot ion CPU (CPU No.
4 - 41 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.12 Remote oper ation This funct ion is us ed to cont rol th e foll owin g operat ion of Motion CPU usin g MT De veloper . • Rem ote RUN/ST OP • Rem ote latc h clear POINT Latch c lear c an be execute d on ly using the r emote c ontrol of MT Deve loper.
4 - 42 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS POINT (1) Rem ote RU N cannot be ex ecute d if RUN /STOP s wit ch sets to STO P. Operat ion af ter rem ote op eratio n b y RU N/ST OP switc h is shown below.
4 - 43 4 AUXILIA RY AND AP PLIED FUNCTIONS 4.12.2 Remote latch clear Devic e data of Moti on CPU that latche d are clear ed b y MT Developer at PLC read y flag (M 2000) OFF ( PCPU R EADY c ompl ete fla g (SM50 0) OFF ). Operat ion f or rem ote latch cle ar is c ombin ed wit h rem ote RUN/ STOP.
APP - 1 A PPENDICES APP. APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 Special r elays /Special regi sters APPENDIX 1.1 S pe ci al rel ay s Speci al rela ys are inter nal rel ays whose app licat ions are fixe d in th e Moti on CPU. For this re ason, the y c annot be used in the sam e way as the norm al inter nal rela ys b y the Motion SF C progr ams .
APP - 2 A PPENDICES Table 1.1 Special r elay list No. Name Meaning Details Set by (W hen set) Remark SM0 Diagn ostic error OFF : No error ON : Err or • Turn ON if an error occurs as a result of di agnosis. • Re main s ON even if the co nd ition is res tor ed t o norm al therea fter.
APP - 3 A PPENDICES Table 1.1 Special relay lis t (Continued) No. Name Meaning De tails Set by (W hen set) Remark SM243 No.4 CPU rese tting OFF : CPU No. 4 reset c ancel ON : CPU N o.4 re setting • G oes OFF wh en re set of th e CP U No.4 is c ance lled.
APP - 4 A PPENDICES Table 1.1 Special relay lis t (Continued) No. Name Meaning De tails Set by (W hen set) Remark SM528 No.1 CPU MULTR complet e OFF to ON : CPU No.1 read comp letion • Turn ON when th e data r ead from C PU No.1 i s nor mal by MULTR ins truction.
APP - 5 A PPENDICES APPENDIX 1.2 Special registe rs Special r egister s are inter nal regis ters wh ose applic ations are f ixed in t he Motion CPU. For this reason, it is not p ossible to use thes e registers in Motio n SFC progr ams in the same wa y that norm al register s are us ed.
APP - 6 A PPENDICES Table 1.2 Special register l ist No. Name Meanin g Details Set by (W hen set) Remark SD0 Dia gnostic errors Diagn ostic err or code • Err or cod es for erro rs foun d by di agnos is are s tor ed as B IN da ta. • Refer to "APPEND IX 3" for details o f the error code.
APP - 7 A PPENDICES Table 1.2 Special register list (Conti nued) No. Name Meanin g Details Set by (W hen set) Remark SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 • Indivi dual in format ion co rrespo nding to the dia gnostic erro r (SD0) is st ored. • The error ind ividual infor mation ty pe can be j udged by SD4 (ind ividua l info rmat ion ca tego ry code) .
APP - 8 A PPENDICES Table 1.2 Special register list (Conti nued) No. Name Meanin g Details Set by (W hen set) Remark SD210 Clock data (Yea r, Mont h) • The year ( last two digits ) and m onth are s tored as BCD cod e.
APP - 9 A PPENDICES Table 1.2 Special register list (Conti nued) No. Name Meanin g Details Set by (W hen set) Remark SD3 95 Mult ipl e CPU No . Mu ltip le C PU No.
APP - 10 A PPENDICES Table 1.2 Special register list (Conti nued) No. Name Meanin g Details Set by (W hen set) Remark SD522 Mot ion op eratio n cyc le Moti on oper ation cyc le • The time re quired for mot ion opera tion cy cle is st ored in th e [ µ s] unit.
APP - 11 A PPENDICES APPENDIX 1.3 Replacement of special r elays/special regi sters W hen a projec t for Q 173HCPU(- T)/Q17 2HCPU( -T)/Q17 3CPUN(-T )/Q172C PUN(-T )/ Q173C PU/Q17 2CPU is c onver ted i.
APP - 12 A PPENDICES Table 1.4 Replaceme nt of special registers Device No. Special re lays for Q173HCPU(-T)/ Q172HCPU (-T)/ Q173CPUN(-T)/Q17 2CPUN(-T) Q173CPU/Q172 CPU Automatica lly converted t o special relay s Special re lays for Q173DCPU/ Q172DCPU Name Rem ark D9000 S D2000 S D60 Fus e b lo wn No.
APP - 13 A PPENDICES APPENDIX 2 System Setting Err ors Motion CPUs genera te a s ystem configur atio n error under the fo llowi ng con ditions . Table 2.
APP - 15 A PPENDICES APPENDIX 3 Self-diagnosis error code Mult iple C PU re lated er rors are st ored in the CPU sh ared m em ory "self CPU op eration inform ation area ( 1H to 1C H) " of eac h m odule an d self diagn ostic er ror i nform ation (SD0 t o SD26) of th e spec ial re gister (SD) as the s elf d iagnost ic err ors.
APP - 16 A PPENDICES (1) Mult iple CPU re lated errors which occurs in Motion CPU Each d igit of error code h as be en desc ribed as fo llows. Digit Thousa nds digit Tens digit Hund reds di git Detail.
APP - 17 A PPENDICES Erro r code (SD 0) Error content s and caus e Correct ive acti on 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 Runaw ay or fa ilure of C PU module. (1) Mal functi onin g due to nois e or oth er reaso n (2) H ardwa re faul t 1105 The C PU sha red mem or y in the CPU m odul e is faul ty.
APP - 18 A PPENDICES Table 3.1 Mul tiple CPU r elated errors which occurs in M otion CPU (1000 to 9999) (Continued) Item Error co de (SD 0) Er ror message Comm on inf ormati on (SD5 t o SD1 5) Indivi .
APP - 19 A PPENDICES Erro r code (SD 0) Error con tents an d cause Cor rectiv e action 1430 The err or of s elf CP U is detec ted in the Mul tiple CPU high s peed bus. Reset the CPU modul e and RUN it aga in. If the same error is displayed again, t his suggest s a CP U module hard ware fault.
APP - 20 A PPENDICES Table 3.1 Mul tiple CPU r elated errors which occurs in M otion CPU (1000 to 9999) (Continued) Item Error co de (SD 0) Er ror message Comm on inf ormati on (SD5 t o SD1 5) Indivi .
APP - 21 A PPENDICES Erro r code (SD 0) Error content s and caus e Correct ive acti on 3001 The param eter s etti ngs ar e corr upted. (1) Check th e paramet er ite m correspo ndi ng the nu merical value (param eter N o.
APP - 22 A PPENDICES (2) Motio n CPU-spe cific erro rs Each d igit of error code h as be en desc ribed as fo llows. Refer t o pro gramm ing manu als for error detai ls.
APP - 23 A PPENDICES Erro r code (SD 0) Error content s and caus e Correct ive acti on 1 0003 Minor/maj or er rors had oc curred. 10004 Minor /major errors had occurre d in vir tual s ervomot or axis. (SV22) 10005 Minor /major errors had occurre d in sy nchro nous enc oder axi s.
APP - 24 A PPENDICES (3) Self -diagn ostic er ror inf orma tion No. Name Meanin g Details SD0 Dia gnostic err ors Diagn ostic err or code • Err or cod es for erro rs foun d by di agnos is are s tor ed as B IN da ta. SD1 • The year ( last two digi ts) and m onth t hat S D0 dat a was u pdate d is s tored as B CD 2-dig it co de.
APP - 25 A PPENDICES (4) Releas e of Mu ltiple CPU relate d error The re lease operat ion of errors that c ontinu es op eration for C PU can be execu ted. Releas e the er rors i n the f ollo wing proc edur e. 1) Rem ove t he error cause . 2) Tur n off the Mot ion er ror de tection f lag ( M2039).
APP - 26 A PPENDICES APPENDIX 4 Differences Betw een Q173DCPU/Q172D CPU and Q173HCPU /Q172HCPU APPENDIX 4.1 Differences Between Q173DC PU/Q172DCPU and Q173H CPU/Q172HCPU Comm on diff erences t o eac h mode are s hown in T able 4.1. Refer t o "AP PENDIX 4.
APP - 27 A PPENDICES Table 4.1 Di fferences Between Q173D CPU/Q172DC PU and Q173HC PU/Q172HCPU (Continued) Item Q173DCP U/Q172DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU Medium of operat ing system software CD- ROM ( 1 disk) FD (2 disks) Model of operat ing system software SW 8DNC-SV Q SW 6RN-SV Q CPU modul e No.
APP - 28 A PPENDICES APPENDIX 4.2 Comparison of dev ices (1) Motio n registe rs (a) Moni to r device s Table 4.2 Motion r egisters (M onitor devices) list Device No.
APP - 29 A PPENDICES Table 4.3 Moni tor devi ces list Device No. Q173DCPU/Q17 2DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU Name Rem ark #8000 + 20n #8064 + 4n Servo ampl ifier type #8001 + 20n #8065 + 4n Motor current #8.
APP - 30 A PPENDICES (2) Spe cial rela ys Table 4.6 Special r elay list Device No. Q173DCPU/Q17 2DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU Name Rem ark SM60 M9000/M2320 Fuse blown detect ion SM53 M9005/M2321 AC/DC DOW .
APP - 31 A PPENDICES (3) Spe cial regist ers Table 4.7 Special r egisters li st Device No. Q173DCPU/Q17 2DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU Name Rem ark SD60 D9000 Fu se blo wn No .
APP - 32 A PPENDICES Table 4.7 Special r egisters li st (Continued) Device No. Q173DCPU/Q17 2DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU Name Rem ark SD512 D9184 Motion CP U WDT error caus e SD513 D9185 SD514 D9186 SD515 D9187 Manual pulse gener ator axis s etting error SD522 D9188 Motion ope ration cyc le SD516 D9189 Error pr ogram No.
APP - 33 A PPENDICES (4) Other devi ces Table 4.8 Other dev ices lis t Item Q173DCP U/Q172DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU M2320 to M2399 Unusabl e Special rel ay allocated devi ces (St atus) M2400 to M3039 Device are a of 9 axes or m ore is usable as user devices i n Q172DCPU.
APP - 34 A PPENDICES Table 4.8 Other dev ices l ist (Continued) Item Q173DCP U/Q172DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU X0 to X1 FFF X0 to X1FFF Y0 to Y1FFF Y0 to Y1FFF M0 to M8191 M 0 to M 8191 — L0 to L8191 B0 to B1FFF B0 to B1FFF Output devic e U G10000.0 t o U G(10000 + p –1).
APP - 35 A PPENDICES APPENDIX 4.3 Differences of each mode (1) Motio n SFC Table 4.9 Dif ferences in Motion SFC mode Item Q173DCP U/Q172DCPU Q173HCPU/Q17 2HCPU Motion SFC prog ram executing f lag X, Y.
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Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi Electronics Q173DCPU (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi Electronics Q173DCPU. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi Electronics Q173DCPU gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.