Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DI2510 des Produzenten Minolta
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2 Introduction Available Features Before Making Copies Basic Copy Operations Copy Paper Original Documents Specifying Copy Settings Touch Panel Messages Troubleshooting Di2010/Di2510/Di3010/Di3510 Use.
Contents Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 i Cont ents The follow ing ite ms are wri tten un der “Basic Operati ons”. Read “Advanced Opera- tions” for all other item s. 1 Introduct ion 1.1 Introduction .. ........... ................. ...........
Contents ii Di 2010/Di251 0/Di3010 /Di3510 To chan ge the auto panel reset tim e ( “ Confir ming Scree n ” functio n) .... ........... ................. ................. ...... 3 -7 To chan ge the display tim e for th e “ The job is acce pted. ” screen ( “ Notifica tion Screen ” function ) .
Contents Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 iii 5 Copy Paper 5.1 Paper Speci fications ................ ........... ................. ................. ........ 5-2 Paper Typ es .................... ................. ................. ................. ..
Contents iv Di 2010/Di251 0/Di3010 /Di3510 6.3 Positioning Do cuments on the Original Glass .................... ...... 6-7 To posi tion shee t docume nts ....... ................. ........... ................. ...... 6 -7 To posi tion trans parent or tra nslucent documen ts .
Contents Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 v Selecti ng the “ Tex t ” Setting .............. ................. ................. ........... 7-33 Selecti ng the “ Phot o ” Setting ..... ................. ................. .................7-34 Selecti ng the “ Tex t/Photo ” Setting .
Contents vi Di 2010/Di251 0/Di3010 /Di3510 Advanced Operations Read the U ser Manual : Adva nced Operati ons for the follow ing items. 1 Introduction 2 Safety I nformation 3 Precautions 4 Auxiliary Fu.
Introduc tion Chapter 1 1 1 Introduc tion.
1 1.1 In troduction 1-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Introduc tion Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Structure of the Manual This U ser Manu al is di vided int o two pa rts: the Adv anced O perations volume a nd the B asic Operation s volu me. The Advanced Operati ons vol ume of t his Us er Manua l contai ns pr ecautions on the use of this copi er.
1.2 Explan ation o f Manual Conventio ns 1 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 1-3 Introduc tion Chapter 1 1.2 Explanation of Manual Conventions The mark s and te xt formats used in this man ual are des cribed b elow. WAR NING Failure to observe ins tructions h ighlighted in this manne r may result in fatal or critical injuries.
1 1.3 Expl anation of Basic C oncepts and Symbo ls 1-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Introduc tion Chapter 1 1.3 Explanation of Basic Concepts and Symbols The use of words and sym bols in this man ual are ex plained below.
1.3 Explan ation o f Basic Con cepts an d Symbol s 1 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 1-5 Introduc tion Chapter 1 Portrait a nd Landscap e Portrait With the “ p ortrait ” orie ntatio n, the pape r is vertica l, like a portrait. Land scape With the “ landsca pe ” orientat ion, th e paper is horizonta l, like a land- scape.
1 1.4 Com ponents and Their F unctio ns 1-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Introduc tion Chapter 1 1.4 Components and Their Functions No. Part Name Description 1 Dupl exing Docu ment Feeder AFR-19 (op.
1.4 Compon ents a nd Their Fu nctions 1 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 1-7 Introduc tion Chapter 1 No. Part Na me Description 9 Pa per Fee d Cabin et PF-1 24 (opti onal) Equippe d with a paper dra wer tha t can supp ly 500 sh eets of pap er, f or uppe r pa per fe ed un it on ly.
1 1.4 Com ponents and Their F unctio ns 1-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Introduc tion Chapter 1 * The int ernal o ptions are n ot show n. How to use t he Job Separ ator (JS -203)? 16 Hard Disk Drive Kit HDD-6 (optio nal)* Allows m ore page s to be stor ed.
1.5 Part Na mes and Their Func tions 1 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 1-9 Introduc tion Chapter 1 1.5 Part Names and Thei r Functions Copier No. Part Na me Description 1 Rig ht-side door Opene d when cl earing pa per mis feeds. 2 Rig ht-side do or release lever Used to open the right-s ide door.
1 1.5 Part N ames and The ir Functio ns 1-10 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Introduc tion Chapter 1 * The int ernal o ptions are n ot show n. No. Part Name Description 12 Document pad Presses do wn on the docum ent positio ned on the or iginal glass.
1.5 Part Na mes and Their Func tions 1 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 1-11 Introduc tion Chapter 1 No. Part Na me Description 21 Duplex ing Do cument Fe eder connecto r Used fo r connectin g the dupl exing doc ument feeder ho okup cord. 22 Power switch Used to turn the copier on a nd off.
1 1.5 Part N ames and The ir Functio ns 1-12 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Introduc tion Chapter 1 Options Duple xing Docu ment Feed er Paper Fee d Cabinet (PF -124/PF-210)* * PF-2 10: Equip ped with a paper drawer that can su pply 500 she ets of p aper, for upper pa per feed unit only .
1.5 Part Na mes and Their Func tions 1 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 1-13 Introduc tion Chapter 1 Built in Finisher (FN-117) Mail Bin Ki t (MK-1) Precauti ons for us ing the fi nisher, s addle kit and m ail bin kit G Do not place ob jects on top of t he saddl e kit or m ail bin k it.
1 1.5 Part N ames and The ir Functio ns 1-14 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Introduc tion Chapter 1 Large Capa city C abin et (PF -122 ) Addition al Bin Kit (A K-1) Saddle Ki t (SK-1) No. Part Name Description 14 3rd pap er dra wer (LC C) Holds up to 2,500 sheets o f paper.
Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 2 2 Availabl e Features.
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 2.1 Useful Opera tions Inst alling th e optional access ories ex pands the funct ionality of this c opier.
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-3 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 3 For book-bin ding, touch [Stan dard Book] or [R ightBound ], and th en touch [Se paratio n]. Next, touch [Ente r]. 4 Touch [Do uble-Si ded], and t hen touch [Pa ge Order].
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 7 After the m essage shown at th e right ap pears, turn the pag e of the book or magaz ine, re-po sition the docum ent on the origi nal glas s, and then pres s the [Sta rt] key.
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-5 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 Copy in g to Fo rm a B ookl et A docum ent can b e copied like a bo ok so the pages can easil y be p ut together to form a b ooklet.
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 3 Touch [Book let Crea tion], and the n touch [En ter]. 4 Press the [St art] key. 5 After a ll copie s are prin ted, fol d the pages i n half to form a b ooklet.
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-7 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 Automatical ly Staplin g Pages Whil e Copying Each se t of co pies can easily be staple d toge ther. ✎ Note In order to perform th e following procedure , the opti onal dupl exing doc ument feeder, fi nisher must be ins talle d.
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 3 Touch [Sort ]. 4 Touch [2-Poi nt Staple ]. 5 Press the [St art] key.
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-9 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 Printing Mul tiple Copie s of Tickets Tic kets f or a co ncer t or s ome ot her ev ent can ea sily be made . As an ex ample, th e procedu re for reduc ing an 8 i n.
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-10 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 2 Open th e multip le bypas s tray and load it with pap er. ❍ A maximum of 50 she ets of thi ck paper can be lo aded. 3 Touch [Pape r]. 4 Touch t he butto n for the m ultiple bypass tray, and then t ouch [Mode Chang e].
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-11 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 6 Touch [Z oom]. 7 Touch [ × 0.5]. 8 Touch [Au xiliary] , and th en touch [Ima ge Repeat].
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-12 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 10 Touch [Cu stom Siz e]. 11 Touch . Then, touch and to sele ct the length of side X for the do cume nt. ❍ Touch so that the curso r moves below th e fraction that you wish t o change.
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-13 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 Copy ing W hil e Eras in g an A rea Ar ound the D oc ument When copying docume nts with unwanted m arkings, heade rs or punc h holes, t he pages c an be pri nted with a frame o r one side of the doc ument era sed.
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-14 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 3 Sele ct the desir ed pos iti on of t he erased area . (Exa mple: Erasin g a fr ame) 4 Touch and to speci fy the width of the eras ed area . 5 Touch [Enter ].
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-15 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 Reducing Pa per Usage Doubl e-sided c opying a nd 2in 1 copyi ng are u seful in economi zing on printed pages or red ucing the size of a thick d ocument.
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-16 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 2 Touch [Ori g. Ö Copy], an d then touch [4 in1/Bookl et].
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-17 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 Reducing Ele ctricity Usage The cop ier ca n be set to a low pow er mode t o conserv e energy.
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-18 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 5 Press th e [C] key to erase the current v alue, and then use the 10- Key Pad t o specify the des ired length of tim e until the co pier enter s Energy Sa ve mode.
2.1 Useful Op eration s 2 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 2-19 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2 9 Touch [En ter]..
2 2.1 Us eful Ope rations 2-20 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Availa ble Feat ures Chapter 2.
Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 3 3 Before Making Copies.
3 3.1 Nam es of Cont rol Pane l Parts and Their Func tions 3-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 3.1 Names of Control Panel Parts and Their Functions 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 16 15 14 13 No. Part Name Functi on 1 Tou ch panel Displays va rious screens a nd messag es.
3.1 Names of Contro l Panel Parts and Thei r Function s 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3-3 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 14 [Mode C heck] key • Press to display a list of all specified settin gs. From this list, the scree n to spec ify each sett ing can be displa yed and th e setting can be cha nged.
3 3.2 Ch ecking the Se ttings 3-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 3.2 Checking the Settings The currently selecte d setting s ca n be revi ewed. I n additio n, the specifi ed settin gs can be changed or stored fo r later use .
3.3 User Accessibil ity Oper ations 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3-5 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 3.3 User Accessibi lity Opera tions Various f unctio ns, such as the sc reen mode and the v olume of a larms, ca n be spec - ified, a llowing the copi er to be us ed mo re easily .
3 3.3 U ser Acces sibility Operatio ns 3-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 To ch ange the ke y settings ( “ Key Speed Settings ” fun ction) If the same key is held d own, ch aracters a nd numbe r can b e repeated ly entered .
3.3 User Accessibil ity Oper ations 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3-7 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 To change the auto panel reset time ( “ Confi rmi ng Sc ree n ” function) If no operation is perform ed for a sp ecified length of t ime, the t ouch p anel dis play returns to the Basi cs screen.
3 3.3 U ser Acces sibility Operatio ns 3-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 To cha ng e the d ispl ay ti me fo r the “ The job is a ccepted . ” screen ( “ Notificati on Screen ” fun ction) The len gth of t ime that the “ T he job is acce pted.
3.4 Enlargi ng the T ouch Pane l Screens 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3-9 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 3.4 Enlarging the Touch Panel Scr eens Press the [Enlarge Displ ay] ke y to enlarge th e screens that appe ar in the touc h pan- el. Press th e [Enlarge Di splay] ke y again to return the screens to the standard size.
3 3.5 Tu rning the Copier On a nd Of f 3-10 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 3.5 Turning the Copier On and Off To turn on the copier 1 Set the po wer switch t o “ I ” . 2 Make sure that th e sub powe r switc h has be en presse d in.
3.5 Turning the Cop ier On an d Off 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3-11 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 When the c opier is turned on ➜ A few sec onds after the copie r is turned on, the m essage “ Now warming-up. Ready t o scan. ” appea rs in the touch p anel an d the indic ator on the [Sta rt] lights up in gre en.
3 3.5 Tu rning the Copier On a nd Of f 3-12 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 Auto Panel Reset When a s pecifie d perio d has pas sed, thes e will reset to th e default s etting s.
3.6 Adjusti ng the Ang le of the C ontrol Pan el 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3-13 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 Sleep Mo de In order t o conserv e energy, the co pier ’ s he ater goes off and the copi er automat i- cally enters Slee p mode if no operat ion is pe rformed for a s pecified length of time.
3 3.7 Us ing the To uch Panel 3-14 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 3.7 Using the Touch Panel Description of the Touch Pa nel When the copie r is turned on , the screen shown b elow app ears in the to uch panel . This scree n i s th e Ba sics scree n.
3.7 Usin g the Touc h Pane l 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3-15 Befo re Ma king C opi es Chapter 3 Operating the Touch Pan el To acti vate a fun ction or to selec t a se tting, lig htly touch th e desired function or se t- ting sh own on t he touc h panel.
3 3.7 Us ing the To uch Panel 3-16 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Making Copi es Chapter 3 Description of the Screens Settings screen 1. Screen ta bs 2. Messa ge displ ay 3. Availab le functi ons and s ettings 4. Selected settings 5. Addit ional mes sage di splay No.
3.7 Usin g the Touc h Pane l 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3 -17 Befo re Making Copi es Chapter 3 Job List Sc reen The o perating s tatus of t he copier and th e printing order of queued jobs ca n be view ed from thi s screen . There are five tabs in th e Job List s creen.
3 3.7 Us ing the To uch Panel 3-18 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Making Copi es Chapter 3 To ch eck the stat us of a j ob 1 Touch [J ob List] . 2 Select th e job whose stat us you wish t o ch eck. ✎ Tip The sta tuses of up to four jobs are di splayed .
3.7 Usin g the Touc h Pane l 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3 -19 Befo re Making Copi es Chapter 3 To ch eck the printin g order 1 Touch [J ob List]. 2 Touch [Pr i nt Ord er]. 3 Check th e printing order. ❍ Touch [ ↓ ] and [ ↑ ] to v iew other parts of the lis t.
3 3.7 Us ing the To uch Panel 3-20 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Making Copi es Chapter 3 To ch eck/delete listed items from the Prin t screen 1 Touch [J ob List] . 2 Touch [P rint]. 3 Select th e job whose stat us you wish t o ch eck. ❍ Touch [ ↓ ] and [ ↑ ] to view other parts of the list.
3.7 Usin g the Touc h Pane l 3 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 3 -21 Befo re Making Copi es Chapter 3 Memory R ecall Afte r print ing of a copy job is fi nis hed, the imag e that was ju st copi ed can be pri nted again w ithout th e docume nt being loaded .
3 3.7 Us ing the To uch Panel 3-22 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Befo re Making Copi es Chapter 3 3 Touch [M emory Rec all] ❍ To delet e the job still s aved in the mem ory, touch [De lete]. ✎ Tip At this ti me, the Fi nishing set- ting and the number of copies can be change d.
Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4 4 4 Basic Copy Operations.
4 4.1 Mak ing Basic Copies 4-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4 4.1 Making Ba sic Copies The procedure for making ba sic copies i s described below. 1 Positio n the document(s ) to be co pied. ❍ For detai ls, refer to “ 6 Ori ginal Docu ments ” .
4.1 Maki ng Basic Copie s 4 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 4-3 Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4 ❍ To erase a margin in the copy, to i nsert inte rleave whi le copyi ng onto overhead projecto r transparen cies, or to perform a ny other s pecial operation , touch [Auxilia ry].
4 4.2 Stoppi ng Copying 4-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4 4.2 Stopping Copying Follow the proc edure des cribed bel ow to canc el a cop y job. To sto p/restart/de lete a copy job 1 Press th e [Stop] key while the jo b is bein g prin ted.
4.3 Interrup ting a Copy Jo b 4 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 4-5 Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4 4.3 Interrupting a Copy Job The current co py job can be paused so tha t a copy of a different document c an be made. This is convenient if you wish to q uickly make copies o f a short d ocument whil e a large jo b is being print ed.
4 4.4 Mak ing Cop ies Using Accounts 4-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4 4.4 Making Copies Using Accounts Using the “ Copy Track M ode ” Parame ter The num ber of copies a llowed for each reg istered a ccount can be rest ricted.
4.4 Maki ng Copies Usin g Accounts 4 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 4-7 Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4 3 Pres s the [A ccess] key. The Basi cs screen appe ars. 4 Make c opies usin g the desired copy s ettings. 5 When yo u are finishe d making copies , press th e [Access] key.
4 4.4 Mak ing Cop ies Using Accounts 4-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Basic C opy Op eration s Chapter 4.
Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5 5 Copy Paper.
5 5.1 Pape r Specifications 5-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5.1 Paper Specifica tions Use p aper that m eets the followi ng specif ications. Paper Type s * LCC: L arge capa city cabine t 2 : Avai lable — : Not av ailable Paper Type Plain Paper Special Medi a Recycled Paper Wei ght ( lbs.
5.1 Paper Specific ations 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5-3 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 Paper Sizes Non-s tandard-si zed paper * LCC: Large capacity ca binet — : Not avai labl e Standard-s ized pa per * LCC: Large capacity ca binet 2 : Avail able — : Not availabl e Paper S ource Paper Width Paper Len gth Multiple byp ass tray 3-1/2 in.
5 5.1 Pape r Specifications 5-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 Paper Capac ity * LCC: L arge capa city cabine t — : Not avai lable ✎ Note The 3r d paper dra wer (larg e capaci ty cabin et), the 3rd paper dr awer and the 4th paper draw er ar e opt ional .
5.2 Unsuita ble Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5-5 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5.2 Unsuitable Paper The f ollowing ty pes of paper sh ould not be use d, otherwise de creased p rint qu ality, paper m isfeeds o r damage to t he machi ne may o ccur.
5 5.3 Print Area 5-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5.3 Print Are a Any part of the image w ithin the a rea in dicated b elow is no t copied. G A mar gin 0.16 ± 0.08 in. (4 ± 2 mm) (at ful l size) from the le ading edge of the paper (A) G A mar gin 0.
5.4 Paper Storage 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5-7 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5.4 Paper Storage Observ e the foll owing precaut ions wh en storing the paper .
5 5.5 Auto matically Sele cting the Paper Sou rce 5-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5.5 Automatically Selecting the Paper Source If the selected paper draw er runs out of paper .
5.6 Loading Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5-9 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5.6 Loading Paper Whil e loading paper, be sure to observe the following precaution s.
5 5.6 Loadi ng Paper 5-10 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 ✎ Tip We recom mend repl enishing the paper o nly after all of the paper in the drawer has be en us ed.
5.6 Loading Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5 -11 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 4 Re-adj ust the pa per guides to fit the siz e of the pa per. 5 Close the paper draw er. Loading Pa per Into the Large Capaci ty Cabinet Load pa per into the large capacity cabi net as de scribed below.
5 5.6 Loadi ng Paper 5-12 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 3 Load the paper into the left s ide of the draw er so that the front side of the paper (th e side facing up w hen the pac k age wa s unwrap ped) face s up.
5.6 Loading Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5 -13 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 2 Adjust th e paper gu ides to fi t the size o f the paper, and then insert the paper a s much as possible into the feed slot. ✎ Note Do not load so muc h paper that t he top of th e stack is high- er than the M mark.
5 5.6 Loadi ng Paper 5-14 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 To load e nvelopes ➜ When loading envel opes, load them with the flap f acing up , as show n in th e illu strat ion.
5.6 Loading Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5 -15 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 To load ov erhead projector transparencie s ➜ When loa ding overhead p rojector transpare ncies, l oad them in the same ori entatio n as the docu ment. ✎ Note Do not loa d more than 50 trans - pare ncies.
5 5.6 Loadi ng Paper 5-16 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 To set a non-standard (custom) pa per size If no n-standard -sized pa per is loaded, i t will be nece ssary to enter the p aper size . Two n on-standa rd paper sizes can be s tored for easy selection.
5.6 Loading Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5 -17 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5 Touch an d pres s the [ C] ke y. Then, tou ch and t o select the length of si de Y for the paper tha t is loaded. ❍ Touch until th e cursor moves below the di git t hat you wish t o change .
5 5.6 Loadi ng Paper 5-18 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 To stor e a non-stand ard (custom) pa per size Two no n-standard paper sizes c an be sto red. Stori ng paper s izes that are used often en ables the paper size to be sel ected q uickly.
5.6 Loading Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5 -19 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 4 Touch an d pres s the [ C] ke y. Then, tou ch and t o select the length of si de X for the paper tha t is loaded. ❍ Touch until th e cursor moves below the di git t hat you wish t o change .
5 5.6 Loadi ng Paper 5-20 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 To selec t a stored non-stand ard (custom) p aper size Copie s can be made us ing the st ored custom pap er size. 1 Positio n the document(s ) to be copie d. 2 Touch [P aper].
5.6 Loading Paper 5 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 5 -21 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 6 Press the [Sta rt] key. The cop ies are pri nted..
5 5.7 Sele cting the Paper Sett ing 5-22 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Copy Pape r Chapter 5 5.7 Selecting the Paper Setting The pap er loaded into a p aper drawer or th e multipl e bypass tray can be selec ted for mak ing copi es. To selec t paper loaded into a paper drawer 1 Positio n the document(s ) to be copie d.
Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 6 6 Original Documents.
6 6.1 F eeding th e Documen t 6-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 6.1 Feeding the Document Using the Duplex ing Document F eeder The d uplexin g docume nt feeder au tomatically fe eds in, s cans, the n feeds o ut each page of a multi-page doc ument, o ne page at a time .
6.1 Feedin g the Documen t 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6-3 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Mixed W idth Document Si zes 2 : Copyi ng possible — : Copy ing not p ossible Precautions Concerning th.
6 6.2 Fe eding the Document Through the Duplexin g Document Feede r 6-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 6.2 Feeding the Document Through the Duplexing Doc- ument Fe eder Loading th e Document 1 Slid e the a djust able d ocume nt guides to fit the size of the docum ent.
6.2 Feedin g the Documen t Through t he Duplexing D ocument F eeder 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6-5 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 4 Touch [Ori ginal Directio n], and then sel ect the setti ng appropri ate for your d ocument.
6 6.2 Fe eding the Document Through the Duplexin g Document Feede r 6-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 2 Slid e the a djust able d ocume nt guides to fit the siz e of the large s t page. 3 Load the document so t hat all pages a re aligned al ong the docum ent guide toward the r ear of the cop ier.
6.3 Positio ning Do cuments on the O riginal Glass 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6-7 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 6.3 Positioning Documents on the Original Gl ass The p rocedure fo r position ing the documen t differ s dependi ng on the ty pe of docu - ment be ing copied, the refore be sure the documen t is posi tioned co rrectly.
6 6.3 Positi oning D ocuments on the O rigina l Glass 6-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 2 Positio n the document s o that it aligns with the arro w in the up per- left corn er of the doc ument sc ales. 3 Carefu lly close t he original cov er, or th e duplexi ng documen t feeder if it is insta lled.
6.3 Positio ning Do cuments on the O riginal Glass 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6-9 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 To position books or magaz ines Foll ow the pr ocedure d escribed below when cop ying bou nd documents, s uch as books and magazi nes.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-10 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 6.4 Loading Documents for Specific Applications The mos t appropriate doc ument fe ed method and c opy setti ngs for spec ific appl i- cation s are described below.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -11 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Single-Sided Documents Single -Sided Do cument Ö S ingle-S ided C opy Desired Copy Copy Setting Fini shi ng Setting Margi n Setting (Orig.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-12 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Single - 2in1 Corner Staple ——— Single - 2in1 Corner Staple ——— Sing.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -13 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Single - 4in1 Corner Staple ——— Single - 4in1 Corner Staple ——— Sin.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-14 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Single -Sided Do cument Ö Double -Sided C opy Desired Copy Copy Setting Finishin g Setting Margin Setting (Orig.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -15 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Double- 2in1 Corn er St aple —— Double- 2in1 Corn er St aple ——— Doub.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-16 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Double- 4in1 Corn er St aple ——— Double- 4in1 Corn er St aple —— Doubl.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -17 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Left-Bound Dou ble-Sided Docum ents Left-Bo und Dou ble-Sided Docume nt Ö Si ngle-Side d Copy Desired Copy Cop y Setting Finis hing Setting Margi n Setti ng (Ori g.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-18 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Single - 2in1 Corn er Staple ——— Single - 2in1 Corn er Staple ——— Si.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -19 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Single - 4in1 Corner Staple ——— Single - 4in1 Corner Staple ——— Sin.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-20 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Left-Bo und Dou ble-Sided Docume nt Ö Double-Sided Copy Desired Copy Co py Setting Fin ishing Se tti ng Marg in Setting (Orig.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -21 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Double- 2in1 Corner Staple —— Double- 2in1 Corner Staple ——— Double- .
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-22 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Double - 4in1 Corner St aple ——— Double - 4in1 Corner St aple —— Doubl.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -23 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Top-Bound Dou ble-Sided Documents Top-B ound Doubl e-Side d Docum ent Ö Si ngle-Sid ed Copy Desired Copy Copy Setting Finishin g Setting Margin Setting (Orig.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-24 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Single- 2in1 Corn er St aple — Single- 2in1 Corn er St aple —— Single- 2in.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -25 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Sin gle- 4in1 Corn er St aple —— Sin gle- 4in1 Corn er St aple —— Sin g.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-26 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Top-Bo und Do uble-Side d Docum ent Ö Dou ble-Sided Copy Desired Copy Copy Setting Finis hing Setting Margi n Setting (Orig.
6.4 Loadin g Documents for S pecific Applic ations 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -27 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Double- 2in1 Corn er St aple — Double- 2in1 Corn er St aple —— Double- 2i.
6 6.4 Loadin g Docu ments for Specific Appl ications 6-28 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 Double- 4in1 Corner Staple — Double- 4in1 Corner Staple —— Double- 4in1 Ho.
6.5 Large Docum ents 6 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 6 -29 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6 6.5 Large Documents Precau tions for 11 × 17 L/Legal L Cop ies When making 11 × 17 L or Legal L copies , observe the follow ing prec autions con- cerning the orientatio n of the do cument and the positions of 2-point stap ling or h ole- punchi ng.
6 6.5 La rge Docume nts 6-30 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Original Doc uments Chapt er 6.
Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 7 7 Specifying Copy Settings.
7 7.1 Speci fying Finishing Se ttings 7-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 7.1 Specifying Finishing Settings Various finishing setti ngs for sorting or groupin g, stapling or punching holes in cop- ies are availab le.
7.1 Specify ing Fini shing Sett ings 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7-3 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 G Group The cop ies are au tomatica lly di- vided i nto stacks co ntaining cop - ies of t he same page.
7 7.1 Speci fying Finishing Se ttings 7-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 <Only when th e finishe r is insta lled> G 2-Point Sta ple Copie s printed with the “ Sort ” or “ Group ” setting are autom atically stapled together a t two poi nts on the left edge.
7.1 Specify ing Fini shing Sett ings 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7-5 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 <Only when the finishe r and the s addle ki t are insta lled> G Crease d and 2-Poi nt Staple Automati cally cre ase paper c opied in book let-prin ting mod e, and sta - pled tog ether at two points in the center.
7 7.1 Speci fying Finishing Se ttings 7-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Shift Sorting Each co py set is fed ou t shift ed to altern ating sides. Crisscro ss Sorting Each co py set is fed o ut in an a lternating criss cross pa ttern.
7.1 Specify ing Fini shing Sett ings 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7-7 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Crisscros s Grouping Each pa ge set is fed ou t in an alt ernating criss cross patt ern . To make copies using a s tapling setti ng 1 Position the document(s ) to be co pied.
7 7.1 Speci fying Finishing Se ttings 7-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 4 Touch th e button for the d esired stapling posit ion. 5 Touch [E nter]. 6 Press the [Sta rt] key. The cop ies are pri nted. ✎ Note A stapli ng setting cann ot be selected if another job has b een interru pted.
7.1 Specify ing Fini shing Sett ings 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7-9 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 To make copi es using the “ Hole Punch ” se tting 1 Position the document(s ) to be co pied. ❍ For detai ls, refer to “ 6 O rigi nal Document s ” .
7 7.1 Speci fying Finishing Se ttings 7-10 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Creasin g and Fo lding When the option al finish er or sa ddle kits are insta lled, you can set a crease to fold paper in two. Additiona lly, you can add tw o stapl es in the middle o f the pape r (center s tapling).
7.1 Specify ing Fini shing Sett ings 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -11 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Notes o n the Staple Po sition The lo cation tha t can be stap led differs depend ing on the paper siz e and the pap er orie ntati on. Refer t o the follo wing ta ble when se lecting the pap er for copying.
7 7.1 Speci fying Finishing Se ttings 7-12 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 <Whe n the “ 2-Point Sta ple ” setti ng is se lected> When the fin isher is inst.
7.1 Specify ing Fini shing Sett ings 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -13 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Notes o n the Number of Possible Stapled Sets Whil e copying w ith a st apling setting, pages may bec ome mis aligned or fall. We recomm end that n o more than the n umber of sets list ed below be st apled.
7 7.2 Speci fying a Zo om Setting 7-14 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 7.2 Specifying a Zoom Set ting Copi es of do cum ents ca n be en larg ed o r reduc ed. In the touc h panel, touch [Bas ics], and then touch [Z oom].
7.2 Specify ing a Zoo m Setting 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -15 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 G Zooming Any zo om rat io (b etwe en × 0.250 an d × 4.00 0) can be sp ecifi ed. ❍ Touch and to select the desired z oom ratio. Eac h time or is touch ed, the zo om ratio is increas ed or decreased by an in crement of 0.
7 7.2 Speci fying a Zo om Setting 7-16 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 To sto re Custom Zoom and Minimal zoom ratios 1 Touch [Z oom]. A screen appears, show ing the a vailable Zoom set tings. 2 Touch [C ustomZ oom]. 3 Touch [M emorize Zoom].
7.2 Specify ing a Zoo m Setting 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -17 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 To specif y different vertical and horizontal scaling propo rtions ( “ X/ Y Zoom ” setting) 1 Touch [Z oom]. A screen appears, showing the av ailable Zoom set tings.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-18 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 7.3 Selecting the Orig. > Copy Settings In the to uch panel, touc h [Orig. Ö Copy]. A s creen appe ars, showi ng the av ailable docum ent and co py settings.
7.3 Selecti ng the Orig. > C opy Setti ngs 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -19 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 G Double-Sid ed Ö Doubl e-Sided <Only if the d uplexin g docu ment feed er, d uplex unit and sw itch back unit (for D i2010) i s installed > A double -sided copy is produced from a do uble-sid ed document.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-20 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 G Single-Si ded Ö Booklet Creation <For t he Di2010, the duplex unit and s witc hback unit a re re quir ed> A double -sided copy is produc ed from four singl e-sided docum ents.
7.3 Selecti ng the Orig. > C opy Setti ngs 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -21 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 G Book (Spre adsheet) Ö Dou ble -Si d- ed <For the D i2010, t he duplex unit and sw itch back un it ar e requ ired > A double -sided copy is produced from a bo und docume nt.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-22 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 4 Select th e setting for the desired type of copy.
7.3 Selecti ng the Orig. > C opy Setti ngs 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -23 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 6 Select th e appropri ate docum ent orie ntat ion s ett ing. 7 Touch [En ter]. 8 Press the [Sta rt] key. The cop ies are pri nted.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-24 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Copying a Bo und Document The scanning positio n for bound documents ca n be adjus ted.
7.3 Selecti ng the Orig. > C opy Setti ngs 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -25 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 4 Select th e appropri ate bindin g margin p osition. ❍ There are two loca tions for the binding position, as s hown in the illu strations at the right.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-26 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 ✎ Tip If the setti ng for the left bi nding positio n is selected for double - sided cop ying, the front and back s ides of th e page will be printe d with the s ame orie nta- tion.
7.3 Selecti ng the Orig. > C opy Setti ngs 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -27 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Copy in g a Boo k 1 Position the document(s ) to be co pied. ❍ For detai ls, refer to “ 6 Or igina l Doc umen ts ” . 2 Touch [O rig.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-28 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 7 Sele ct the desi red Bo ok Er ase setti ng. ✎ Tip The pages can be co pied with a blan k area fram ing the te xt. The pages can be co pied with a blank area along the bin ding.
7.3 Selecti ng the Orig. > C opy Setti ngs 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -29 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 8 Touch and to specif y the wi dth of the e rased area . ✎ Tip The er ased area can be s et betwee n 1/4 in. a nd 3/4 in., in 1/16 in.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-30 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Copying Book Pages onto Separate Dou ble-Sided Page s 1 In the Basic s screen, touch [O rig.
7.3 Selecti ng the Orig. > C opy Setti ngs 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -31 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 6 Select th e setting for the des ired page ord er, and then touch [Enter]. ✎ Tip Book page order. Both the le ft and the right side s are doubl e-sided.
7 7.3 S electing the Orig. > Copy Settings 7-32 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Quickly Sel ecting Default Settings The defa ult Orig.
7.4 Specify ing a Copy Density 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -33 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 7.4 Specifying a Copy Density Selecting a Density Settin g In the to uch panel, touc h [Density ]. A screen appears, showing the avai lable Den- sity setti ngs.
7 7.4 Speci fying a C opy Dens ity 7-34 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 Selecting the “ Phot o ” Setting Select t he “ Photo ” setting when co pying do cuments with halfto nes such as ph oto- grap hs. 1 Positio n the document(s ) to be co pied.
7.4 Specify ing a Copy Density 7 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 7 -35 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7 ✎ Tip If the “ Auto ” Densit y setting is selected, t he densi ty of the copy i s adju sted as nece ssary. H owever, th e density can be made l ighter or da rker usin g a function on the U ser ’ s Choi ce screen.
7 7.4 Speci fying a C opy Dens ity 7-36 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Speci fying Copy Settings Chapter 7.
Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8 8 Touch Panel Messages.
8 8.1 Wh en the Me ssage “ Rea dy to copy Plea se add ton er. ” Appe ars 8-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8.1 When t he Me ssage “ Ready to copy Please add ton- er. ” Appears When th e toner is ne arly emp ty, the “ Please add toner ” message i s disp layed .
8.2 When th e Message “ Please add toner. ” App ears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8-3 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8.2 When the Me ssage “ Plea se add toner. ” Appears When the toner is empty , the mes sage sho wn below appears an d prin ting can n o longer b e performed.
8 8.2 When th e Message “ Plea se add ton er. ” Appears 8-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 3 Flip up the toner bottle h older. 4 Carefu lly pull out the em pty toner bottle. ❍ Do not throw away the emp ty toner bottle .
8.2 When th e Message “ Please add toner. ” App ears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8-5 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 6 Shake the ne w toner bottle up and down about 5 time s. 7 With the seal on the t oner bottle facing upward, insert t he bottle.
8 8.2 When th e Message “ Plea se add ton er. ” Appears 8-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 9 Fold dow n the ton er bottle ho lder, and then pus h in the tone r hopper. 10 Close the front d oor. ✎ Note When the front door is clo sed, the t oner autom atically begins refilling.
8.3 When th e Message “ Stapler emp ty. ” Appears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8-7 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8.3 When the Me ssage “ Sta pler empt y. ” Appears When the stapl e cartridg e is emp ty, the message shown bel ow appears an d sta- pling can no longer be performed.
8 8.3 W hen the M essage “ St apler emp ty. ” Appears 8-8 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 2 Pull th e staple cartridge holder out toward yo u. 3 Pres s in th e are a mar ked “ PUSH ” to unloc k the staple ho lder.
8.3 When th e Message “ Stapler emp ty. ” Appears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8-9 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 5 Insert the new staple cartridg e into the stap le cartridge hol der, and then carefu lly remove the stopp er. 6 Insert th e refilled staple cartridge holder u ntil it locks i nto place.
8 8.3 W hen the M essage “ St apler emp ty. ” Appears 8-10 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To re plac e the s tapl e ca rtri dge f or the sad dle ki t 1 While ho lding up the paper out put tray, remove the s taple cartridge.
8.3 When th e Message “ Stapler emp ty. ” Appears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -11 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 4 Insert the new staple cartridg e into the stap le cartridge hol der. 5 Carefu lly re move th e stopp er. 6 Insert th e refilled staple cartridge holder u ntil it locks i nto place.
8 8.3 W hen the M essage “ St apler emp ty. ” Appears 8-12 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8 Open th en shut th e misfee d- clear ing do or.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -13 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8.4 When a Pape r Misfee d Occurs Locat ions of Paper Misfe eds Message Description M essage D.
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-14 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To clear a paper misfeed in the duplexing do cument feeder Follow the instruc tions th at appear in the touch panel to open the docum ent guide and remov e any misfed pape r.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -15 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 5 While supp orting the docum ent feed tray with your r ight hand, care fully pul l out any mi sfed paper. 6 Return the docum ent guide to its ori ginal pos ition , and then close th e misfeed- clear ing co ver.
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-16 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 CAUTION Decreas ed copy qua lity may r esult if the surface o f the ima ge transfer roller is touc hed. ➜ Be carefu l not to touch the surf ace of the ima ge tr ansfe r roller.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -17 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 4 Careful ly pull out any mis fed paper. ❍ Only wh en the duplex un it or switc hback un it are ins talled . 5 Open th e switchi ng guide, and then careful ly pull out any misfed paper in the switchbac k unit.
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-18 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 7 Carefu lly pull out any misfed paper aroun d the ima ge transfe r roller. 8 Carefu lly pull out any m isfed paper. 9 Close the right-s ide door. To clear a paper misfeed in the duplex unit 1 Open th e duplex unit door.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -19 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To clear a paper mi sfeed in the multi ple bypass tray 1 Pull out any misfed paper from the multi ple by pass tray .
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-20 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To cl ear a paper misfeed in the 1st or 2nd paper dr awer 1 Open t he mult iple bypass tray . 2 Pull up the lower-righ t door rele ase l ever t o open the lo wer - right doo r of the paper feed unit indica ted in the touch panel messa ge.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -21 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To clear a paper misfee d in the 3rd or 4 th paper drawer 1 Pull up t he lower-right do or release lever to o pen the lo wer- right doo r of the paper feed unit indica ted in the touch panel messa ge.
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-22 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To cl ear a paper misfeed in the large capacity c abinet 1 Pull up the lower-righ t door rele ase l ever t o open the lo wer - right doo r of the paper feed unit indica ted in the touch panel messa ge.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -23 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To clear a paper misfee d in the built in finisher 1 Open the fro nt door. 2 Lower lever “ FN1 ” , and then pull out an y mis fed pa per. 3 Turn kno b “ FN2 ” .
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-24 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 4 <If the p unch kit is inst alled> Pull out the punch box. 5 Lower lever “ FN3 ” , and then pull out any misfed paper. 6 Return lev er “ FN1 ” and lev er “ FN3 ” to their original positio n.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -25 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 9 Turn dial “ FN5 ” or di al “ FN6 ” , and then pul l out any misfe d paper. 10 Return lever “ FN4 ” to it s original pos ition . 11 Clos e the f ront doo r.
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-26 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To cl ear a paper misfeed in the mail bin kit 1 Open th e front doo r. 2 Turn dial “ FN5 ” or dia l “ FN6 ” , and then pul l out any misf ed paper.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -27 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 4 Pull handle “ FN8 ” to open th e misfee d-clearing door. 5 Pull out any misfed pap er in the mail bi n. 6 Close the misfeed -clearing do or.
8 8.4 When a Paper Misfeed Occurs 8-28 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 To cl ear a paper misfeed in the saddle kit 1 Open th e front doo r. 2 Turn dial “ FN5 ” or dia l “ FN6 ” , and then pul l out any misf ed paper.
8.4 When a Paper Mis feed Occurs 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -29 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 4 Open th e misfeed-c learing do or, and t hen pull out any m isfed paper.
8 8.5 When t he Message “ C annot Staple. ” Appears 8-30 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8.5 When the M essage “ Cannot Staple. ” Appears To cl ear jammed s taples When a finisher is installe d and the staples are jamme d, the mess age shown below appears .
8.5 When th e Message “ Cann ot Staple. ” Ap pears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -31 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 2 Open the fro nt door.
8 8.5 When t he Message “ C annot Staple. ” Appears 8-32 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 5 <If the p unch kit is inst alled> Pull out the punch box. 6 Lower lever “ FN3 ” , and then pull out any misfed paper.
8.5 When th e Message “ Cann ot Staple. ” Ap pears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -33 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 10 Turn dial “ FN5 ” or di al “ FN6 ” , and then pul l out any misfe d paper. 11 Return lever “ FN4 ” to it s original pos ition .
8 8.5 When t he Message “ C annot Staple. ” Appears 8-34 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 14 Push the staple holder g uide up, and then pull out one sheet of stapl es. 15 Return the guide to i ts origin al posit ion.
8.6 When th e Message “ Hole Punch co llection box is full. ” App ears 8 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 8 -35 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 8.6 When the Me ssage “ Hole Punch collect ion box is full. ” Appears If the pun ch kit is attach ed to the finisher, the foll owing message wi ll appear when the punc h box is full.
8 8.6 W hen the M essage “ Ho le Punch c ollecti on box is full. ” Appe ars 8-36 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Touc h Panel Me ssages Chapte r 8 2 Pull out the punch box. 3 Empty th e punch b ox. 4 Insert th e punch box in to its orig inal position.
Troubles hooting Chap ter 9 9 9 Troubleshoot- ing.
9 9.1 Mai n Messages and T heir Remedies 9-2 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Troubles hooting Chap ter 9 9.1 Main Messages and Their Remedies Message Cause Re medy A malfun ction was detected. Please ca ll your techn ical repres entative an d pro vide the code listed below: The copi er malfun ctioned a nd is unabl e to print.
9.2 When In correct Cop ies Are Prin ted 9 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 9-3 Troubles hooting Chap ter 9 9.2 When Incorrect C opies Are Print ed Symptom Possible Cause Remedy The pri nted outp ut is too light. The “ Auto ” Density se tting is set too lig ht.
9 9.2 When I ncorrect Copies Ar e Printed 9-4 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Troubles hooting Chap ter 9 There a re dark spe cks or spots througho ut the printed ou tput. There a re streaks i n the pr inted output . The ori gin al gl ass is dirt y. Wipe t he gl ass wi th a dr y so ft cloth.
9.2 When In correct Cop ies Are Prin ted 9 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 9-5 Troubles hooting Chap ter 9 * If the prob lem is no t correcte d even after the o perations describe d above ar e perfor med, co ntact your service r epresenta tive. The edge of the printe d output is dirty.
9 9.3 W hen the Cop ier Is No t Operatin g Correctly 9-6 Di 2010/Di 2510/Di3010 /Di3510 Troubles hooting Chap ter 9 9.3 When the Copier Is Not Operating Correctly * If the p roblem is not corre cted e.
Index Chapt er 10 10 10 Index.
10 10. 1 Inde x 10-2 Di 2010/Di251 0/Di3010/Di3510 Index Chapt er 10 10.1 In dex Numerics 1st paper draw er ............. ................. ............................ ..................... 1-10 1st pap er output tra y ............. .................
10.1 Index 10 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 10-3 Index Chapt er 10 Enla rge Di splay k ey .................. ............................ ......................... 3-3 Extra Scan key ......... ................. ............................ ..........
10 10. 1 Inde x 10-4 Di 2010/Di251 0/Di3010/Di3510 Index Chapt er 10 F Feed ing the do cument .......... ................. ................ ............................. 6 -2 duplex ing document fe eder ........ ............................ ..........
10.1 Index 10 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 10-5 Index Chapt er 10 Memory .......................... ............................ ............................. ............. 1-7 Memor y recall ................ ............................ ...........
10 10. 1 Inde x 10-6 Di 2010/Di251 0/Di3010/Di3510 Index Chapt er 10 Paper settin g ........ ................. ................. ................ ........................... 5-2 2 Paper speci fications ........ ................. ......................
10.1 Index 10 Di2010/Di 2510/Di 3010/Di351 0 10-7 Index Chapt er 10 Switch back unit ... ............................ ............................ ....................... 1-10 T Touch p anel ........ ............................ ......................
10 10. 1 Inde x 10-8 Di 2010/Di251 0/Di3010/Di3510 Index Chapt er 10.
2003. 06 4030770502 Copyright 2003 MINOLTA CO., LTD. Printed in Japan MINOLTA CO., LTD. 3-13, 2-chome, Azuchi-Machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka. 541-8556, Japan The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice to incorporate improvements made on the product or products the manual covers.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Minolta DI2510 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Minolta DI2510 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Minolta DI2510 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Minolta DI2510 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Minolta DI2510 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Minolta DI2510 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Minolta DI2510 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Minolta DI2510. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Minolta DI2510 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.