Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 2006 C 280 4MATIC des Produzenten Mercedes-Benz
Zur Seite of 474
Sommer Corporat e Media A G Operator ’s Manu al C-Class Sedan Order No . 651 5 0160 1 3 Part No. 203 5 84 57 71 USA Editio n A 200 6 Ê4CtYg Ë 20358457 71 Operator’s Manual C-Class Sedan.
C2 3 0 C2 3 0S p o r t C2 8 0 C 280 4MATI C C3 5 0 C 350 4MATI C C3 5 0S p o r t.
Our comp any and st aff congratul ate you on the purchase of your new Merced es-Be nz. Your selection of our product is a demon- stration of your trust in our company name . Furtherm ore, it exempl ifies you r desire to own an automobi le that will be as easy a s possible to oper ate and provide years o f servic e.
Contents Introducti on .......... ......... ............ ........... 9 Product inf ormation ................. ............. .. 9 Operator’s M anual .. ............. ........ ........ 10 Serv ice and war ranty inf ormatio n .. 10 Important notic e for California retai l buye rs and le ssee s of Merce des-Benz autom obiles .
Contents Safety and Security ......... ........ .......... 61 Occupa nt safety .... ......... ............ .......... 62 Air bags ....... ........ ............. ............. . 63 Seat be lts ................. ............ ......... . 69 Active hea d restraint .
Contents Trip compu ter menu ........... .......... 155 TEL menu * ................. ............ ...... 157 Manual transmis sion ........... ........ ...... 160 Shifting into reve rse ... ............ ...... 161 Automatic transmiss ion* . ........ ..
Contents Loadin g . ............ ........ ............. ............ 250 Roof rack* ........... ............. ........ .... 2 50 Ski sac k* (Canad a only) ....... ........ 250 Split rear be nch seat* .......... ........ 253 Loading ins tructions .....
Contents Maxi mum tire l oad ......... ........ ...... 327 Maxi mum ti re infl ation pressure . . 328 Uni form Tire Qual ity Gr ading Standa rds (U.S . vehicl es) ............ . 328 Tire pl y material ............. ............. . 330 Tire and loa ding terminology .
Contents Techni cal d ata ..... ............. ........ ........ 4 25 Parts servi ce ..... ........ ............. ............ 426 Warrant y coverage ............. ............ .... 427 Loss of Service and W arranty Informa tion Booklet ...... ........
9 Produc t inf ormatio n 왔 Introduction Product in formation Plea se obse rve the foll owing i n your own bes t intere st: We rec ommend us ing Genu ine Merce des-Be nz part s as w ell as convers ion parts a nd accessori es explic itly approved by us for your ve hicle m odel.
10 Intro duction Operator’s Manual This Operator’s Manual contai ns a great deal of useful i nformati on. We ur ge you to read it carefull y and f amiliariz e you rself with the v ehicle b efore driv ing.
11 Introduction Operator’s Manual Import ant not ice for C aliforn ia re tail buyers and les sees of Mercede s-Benz automobiles Under Californi a law you may be entitled to a replacement of your veh.
12 Intro duction Operator’s Manual Maintenance The Maintenance Booklet describes al l the necessary maintenanc e work which should be performe d at regula r intervals. Always have the M aintenance B ooklet with you wh en you take the vehi cle to you r au- thoriz ed Mercedes -Benz Cent er for se r- vice.
13 Introduction Operator’s Manual Operating your vehic le outside the USA or Canada If you pl an to ope rate yo ur vehicl e in for- eign co untries , pleas e be aw are tha t 앫 servi ce faciliti es.
14 Intro duction Where to find it This Operator’s Manual is designed to pr o- vide compre hensiv e sup port inform ation for you, the vehicle operator. Each section has its own refe rence color. At a glance Here you will f ind an overview of all the controls that can be operated fr om the driver ’s seat .
15 Introduction Symbols 왔 Symbols Trade marks: 앫 ESP ® is a regi stered tradem ark of Daim lerCh rysl er. 앫 HomeLink ® is a re gister ed trad emark of Prince, a Johnson Control s Company. 앫 SIRIUS and relate d mark s are tr ade- marks of Sirius S atellite Radio Inc.
16 Intro duction Operating safety Proper use of t he vehicle Proper use of t he veh icle req uire s that yo u are fam iliar with the foll owing in formatio n and r ules: 앫 the safety prec autions in.
17 Introduction Probl ems wit h your vehic le 왔 Problems wit h your vehicle If you should experience a problem with your vehicle, particular ly one that you believe may affect its safe o peration, we urge you to imme diately co ntact an a uthorized M ercedes -Benz Cent er to have the proble m diagn osed and co rrecte d if requir ed.
18 Intro duction Reporting safety defects For the USA only: The following text is published as required of manufacturers under Title 49, Code of U.S. Federal Regulations, Part 57 5 pursu ant t o the “Nati onal Traffi c and M otor Ve hicle Sa fety Act of 1966” .
19 Introduction Vehicle data recording 왔 Vehicle data recording Inform ation re gardin g electron ic reco rding dev ices (Including notice pursuant to California Code § 9951) Plea se note th at you.
21 At a glance Cockpit Instru ment cl uster Multifunction steering wheel Center console Overhead control panel Door control panel.
22 At a glance Cockpit.
23 At a glance Cockpit Item Pag e 1 Cruise control lever 247 2 Multifunction s teering whe el 26, 131 3 Horn 4 Instru ment clus ter 24, 127 5 Lever f or voice control system *, see separa te operating.
24 At a glance Instrum ent cluster.
25 At a glance Instrument cluster Item Pag e 1 Speedometer wit h: v Electr onic S tabilit y Program (ES P ® ) warnin g lamp 89, 354 ; Brake warning lamp , USA only 50, 58, 351 3 Brake warning lamp , .
26 At a glance Multifuncti on steering wheel Item Page 1 Multifu nctio n display 130 Operating c ontrol s ystem 131 2 Selec ting the submenu o r setting the volume : Press button æ up/to in creas e �.
27 At a glance Cent er cons ole 왔 Center console Upper p art Item Page 1 Seat heat ing*, drive r’s side 113 2 Rear window sunshade switch* 174 3 ESP ® cont rol switch 89 4 Hazard warning flasher .
28 At a glance Cent er cons ole Lower pa rt Item Page 1 Ashtray 261 Cigarette li ghter 262 2 Gear s elector le ver for automatic transmissi on* 49, 164 Gears hift leve r for manua l tran smissi on 48,.
29 At a glance Overhead control panel 왔 Over head c ontrol panel Item Page 1 Rear interior lighting on/off 126 2 Power tilt/sliding sunroof* 244 3 Right read ing lamp on /off 126 4 Interior lighting.
30 At a glance Door co ntrol pane l Item Page 1 Door handle 102 2 Memory function* (for storing seat, ex terior mi rror and st eering wh eel set tings) 115 3 Switc hes for s eat adjustment* 35, 109 4 .
31 Getti ng sta rted Unlocking Adjusting Driving Parking and locking.
32 Getting sta rted The “Getting s tarted” se ction provides a n over view of th e vehicl e’s mos t basic func- tions. First-time M ercedes-Benz owners should pay spe cial attention to t he infor- mation given here.
33 Getti ng sta rted Unlocking Start er switc h posit ions Smar tKey Starter swi tch 0 For removi ng SmartKe y The st eering i s locked w hen the Smart Key is r emoved from the s tarter switch. 1 Powe r suppl y for som e electri cal consumers, such a s seat adjustment 2 Ignition (power supply for all electrical consumers) and driving position.
34 Getting sta rted Unlocking i When you switch on ignition, the indicator and wa rning lamps (e xcept low beam headl amp indic ator lamp , high be am hea dlamp ind icator lamp, and tur n sig nal i ndic ator lam ps un less activated) i n the instrument clus ter come on.
35 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting 왔 Adjusting Seats The se ats can be adjust ed either manuall y or electrically, depending on the vehicle’s equip ment .
36 Getting sta rted Adjusting Manual s eat adju stment 1 Sea t fore an d aft ad jus tment 2 Seat cushion tilt 3 Seat b ackre st ti lt 4 Sea t heig ht Seat for e and aft adjustme nt 왘 Lift han dle 1 .
37 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Seat cushion t ilt 왘 Turn handwhe el 2 forw ard or back- ward until your u pper legs a re lig htly suppo rted . Seat backrest tilt 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 33). 왘 Press s witch 3 in direction of a rrow until your arm s are slightly angled when hold ing th e stee ring wheel.
38 Getting sta rted Adjusting Head re straint til t Manually adjust t he angle of the hea d restrai nt. 왘 Push or pull on th e lower ed ge of the head rest raint cushi on. For more information, s ee “Seats” ( 컄 page 109) . Power s eat* adju stment The sea t adjus tment sw itches are located on the respective front door.
39 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Seat cushion t ilt 왘 Press switch up or down in direction of arrow 3 until you r upper leg s are lightly supp orted. Seat backrest tilt 왘 Press switch fo rward or backward in direction of arrow 5 until your ar ms are sli ghtly an gled w hen holdi ng the steer ing wh eel.
40 Getting sta rted Adjusting Steering wheel Steering wheel adjustment, manual The handle for steering wheel adjustment is loca ted on the lowe r left of the steering colu mn. 1 Handle 왘 To unlo ck the st eering c olumn, pu ll handle 1 out to its st op limit.
41 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting 왘 To loc k the stee ring co lumn, p ush handle 1 all the w ay in unt il it engages . The ste ering wheel is lo cked in to posi - tio n again . 왘 Mak e sure the ste ering wh eel is secur ely locked by trying to m ove it up and down, and in and out before dri ving off.
42 Getting sta rted Adjusting Easy-ent ry/exit fea ture* This fea ture al lows fo r easi er entry into and exit fro m the ve hicle. When entering and exitin g the vehi cle, the st eering wh eel is in its uppermost pos ition.
43 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Mirrors Adjust the inte rior and exterior rea r view mirrors b efore driving so that you have a good view of the road and traffi c condi- tions. Inte rior re ar view mirr or 왘 Manually adjust the interior rear view mirror.
44 Getting sta rted Adjusting The bu tton s are locat ed abov e the ext erio r lamp sw itch. 1 Adjustment button 2 Passenger-sid e exterior rear vie w mirror button 3 Driver’s si de exterior rear vie w mirror button 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33).
45 Getti ng sta rted Driving 왔 Driving Fastening the seat belt Wa rn i n g! G Do not lay any obje cts in the driver’s foot - well. Be careful t hat fl oor mats or carpet s in the d river ’s foo twell have sufficie nt c lear- ance for the pedals.
46 Getting sta rted Driving 1 Latch p late 2 Releas e butto n 3 Buckle 왘 With a smooth motion, pull the belt from the belt outlet. 왘 Place the shoulder portion of the belt across the top of your shoulde r and the lap portion acr oss your hips. 왘 Push la tch plate 1 into b uckle 3 until it engages .
47 Getti ng sta rted Driving Belt outlet height ad justment Adjust seat belt so that shoulde r portion is located a s close a s possibl e to the middl e of your shoulder (it should not touch the neck or p ass under the arm). Belt outlet , fro nt seat s 4 Relea se button Rais ing 왘 Slide belt o utl et upwa rd.
48 Getting sta rted Driving Starting th e engine Manual t ransmission Gearshift patte rn for manual transmissi on For more information, see “Manual trans- miss ion” ( 컄 page 160 ). War n i n g! G Do not pass belts over sh arp edges. They could tear .
49 Getti ng sta rted Driving Starti ng 왘 Depr ess brake pedal. 왘 Make sure the ge arsh ift lever i s in neutral position (no gear selected) . 왘 Fully depr ess c lutc h ped al. Otherwise the engine cannot be started due to the integrate d safety inte rlock .
50 Getting sta rted Driving Starting di fficu lties If the engine does not start as de scribed, carry out the following steps: 왘 Turn the SmartKe y in starter switc h to position 0 and repe at the st arting procedu re ( 컄 page 48) . Remem ber that ex tended starting attempts c an drain the vehicle batte ry.
51 Getti ng sta rted Driving Driving Manual transm ission 왘 Depress the brake ped al. 왘 Fully d epress th e clutc h pedal. 왘 Move gears hift lever to firs t gear to drive forward, or to rever se gear to driv e rearw ard. 왘 Simult aneo usly r eleas e the brake peda l and slowly the clutch pe dal.
52 Getting sta rted Driving Switching on head lamps Low b eam headl amps The ex terior lamp s witch i s loca ted on the dashboa rd to the left of the ste ering wh eel. Exterior la mp switch 1 Off 2 Low beam hea dlamps on 왘 Turn exte rior la mp switch to position B .
53 Getti ng sta rted Driving Turn signals The c ombina tion sw itch is l ocated o n the left of the steering colu mn. Combina tion swi tch 1 Turn si gnals, righ t 2 Turn si gnals, left 왘 Press c ombina tion s witc h in di recti on of arrow 1 or 2 .
54 Getting sta rted Driving Switching on windsh ield wipers 왘 Turn the combination switch to the desired position depending on the intens ity of the rain .
55 Getti ng sta rted Driving Single wi pe 왘 Press the comb ination switch bri efly in direction of arrow 1 to the resi stance poin t. The win dshie ld wipe rs wipe one time without washer flui d. Wiping wi th wind shield w asher flu id 왘 Press th e combi nation sw itch in di rec- tion of arrow 1 pas t the resista nce poin t.
56 Getting sta rted Driving Problems while drivi ng The engine r uns err atically a nd misfir es 앫 An ignition cable may be damaged. 앫 The engine electronics ma y not be op- erat ing proper ly. 앫 Unburn ed gas oline may have entere d the cataly tic converter and da maged it.
57 Getti ng sta rted Parking and loc king 왔 Park ing a nd lo ckin g You have now c omplet ed your fi rst dr ive. You have properly stoppe d and parked your vehi cle. End your d rive as f ollow s. Wa rn i n g! G Vehicles wi th manu al transm ission: Wait unti l the veh icle is sta tionary be fore removi ng the Sm artKey from the starter switch.
58 Getting sta rted Parking and l ocking Parking brake 1 Releas e hand le 2 Parking brake pedal 왘 Step firmly on pa rking brake peda l 2 . When the engine is running, the brake warning lamp ; ( USA only) or 3 (Canada only ) in the instrument cluster comes on.
59 Getti ng sta rted Parking and loc king Sw itch ing o ff he adla mps 왘 Turn exter ior lamp s witch to M ( 컄 page 52). For mo re inform ation, see “ Lighting ” ( 컄 page 118). Turning off engine 왘 Manual transmission: Move the gear- shift lev er into f irst or revers e gear.
60 Getting sta rted Parking and l ocking Locking 왘 Exit the vehi cle a nd close al l door s. 왘 Press the lock b utton ‹ on the SmartK ey ( 컄 page 32). With the hood, trunk and all doors closed, all turn s ignal lamps flash three times. T he lockin g knobs i n the doo rs move down.
61 Safety and Security Occupant safety Panic alarm* Driv ing safety syste ms Anti-theft systems.
62 Safety and Security Occupan t safety In this section you will l earn the most im- portant fa cts about the restra int system components of the vehicl e.
63 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Air bags Wa rn i n g! G In the ev ent that the 1 indica tor lam p comes on during driving or does not come on at al l, th e SRS se lf-che ck has de tected a malfu nction.
64 Safety and Security Occupan t safety War n i n g! G To redu ce the risk of injury when th e front air bags inflate , it is very importa nt for the driver and front passenger to always be in a properly seated position and to wear their respective seat belts.
65 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Wa rn i n g! G Accident researc h shows t hat the saf est place f or child ren in an au tomobi le is in the rear se at.
66 Safety and Security Occupan t safety Safety guidel ines for the seat belt, emergen cy tensioni ng devic e and air ba g We caution you not to rely on the pres- ence of the air bags in order to avoid wear ing you r seat belt .
67 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety When y ou sell y our ve hicle we strong ly urge you t o give noti ce to the s ubs equent owner that it is equipped with an SRS by alerting them to the applicable s ection in the Operator’s Manual.
68 Safety and Security Occupan t safety The air bags will not deploy in impacts which do not exc eed the sy stem’s de ploy- ment thresholds. You will then be protect- ed by the fastened seat belts .
69 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Seat belts Alway s wear your seat belt. All v ehic le occupants always need to have their sea t belt s fastene d and wear th em prop erly. In addition, applicable motor vehicle safety laws requir e you to w ear seat belts.
70 Safety and Security Occupan t safety War n i n g! G Damaged seat belts or belts that were highly stressed in an accident must be replaced and th eir anch oring p oints must als o be checked. Only use se at b elts which have been approved by Mer cedes-Benz .
71 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Enhanced s eat belt re minder system When th e engine is started , the se at belt telltale < illumi nates for a max imum of 6 s econds and a warning c hime sounds to remind you and your pas senger s to fast en your se at belts.
72 Safety and Security Occupan t safety Emergen cy tensi oning dev ice (ETD), seat belt force li miter The se at belts f or the fron t and rea r outer seats a re equippe d with e mergenc y tensioning devices and belt force limiters.
73 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Active head restraint The active hea d restraint ar e intended to offer the dr iver and front pass enger in- creased protection from he ad and neck in- jury.
74 Safety and Security Occupan t safety Children in the vehicle If an inf ant or child is trav eling wit h you in the ve hicle: 앫 Secure the chil d using an in fant or child restrain t appropriate to the age and size of th e child. 앫 Make su re the infant o r chil d is pro per- ly secu red at al l times w hile the vehicle is in motion.
75 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety ! The use of infant or child restraints is requ ired by law in all 5 0 state s, th e Distric t of Colum bia, the U.
76 Safety and Security Occupan t safety 앫 Your vehicle is eq uipped with air bag techn ology d esigned to turn of f the fr ont passeng er fr ont air bag i n your v ehicle when the OC S sen ses th e .
77 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Occupa nt Classi fication System The Occupant Clas sification System (OCS) automatic ally turns the front pa ssenger front air bag on or off based on the cl assi- fied occupant weight category determined by weight sensor readings from the front passe nger seat.
78 Safety and Security Occupan t safety In the event o f a co llisi on, the air bag contr ol unit wi ll not allow fr ont pass enger fr ont ai r bag deployment when the OCS classified the fron t passen.
79 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Wa rn i n g! G According to a ccident stati stics, chi ldren are saf er whe n proper ly re straine d in th e rear se ating posit ions than in the front seat - ing posit ion. Th us, we s trongly re commen d that children be placed in t he rear seats when ever p ossib le.
80 Safety and Security Occupan t safety The 56 indi cator l amp is lo cated in the center consol e. 1 Front passenger front air bag off indic ator lamp The 56 indi cator l amp 1 will be illumina ted, exc ept with the S martKey removed or in st arter switc h position 0 .
81 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Self-test Occup ant Classificati on System After turnin g the SmartKey in the s tarter switch to posi tion 1 or 2 , the 56 indica tor lamp 1 located i n the center console illuminates.
82 Safety and Security Occupan t safety Installat ion of infant an d child r estraint system s This vehicle is eq uipped with tether anchorag es for a top tet her str ap at each of the rear seating positions. 1 Cover of top anchorage ring 왘 Make sur e the rea r backres t is locked in it s upr ight po siti on ( 컄 pag e 255) .
83 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Once the top tethe r anchorage hook is attac hed, the ch ild restrain t itself can be secured. Tighten the top tether stra p according to the child restrai nt manufacturer’s instructions. 왘 Rein stall c over 1 after re movin g the tether s trap.
84 Safety and Security Occupan t safety The LATC H-type anch ors are locate d be- tween th e seat cu shion an d the backre st. 1 Anchors 왘 Insta ll chil d seat acco rding to the manufacturer’s instructions. i The ch ild seat mu st be fir mly attac hed in the righ t and left s ide anch ors 1 .
85 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Blocking of rear doo r window operation You can block the rear door window operation (for instance whe n you have chil dren riding in the rea r passenge r compartm ent). The override swit ch is loca ted on the d oor control panel of the driver’s door.
86 Safety and Security Panic a larm* An audible alarm an d flashing ex terior lamps will opera te fo r app roxim ately 2 1 / 2 minute s. 1 Â button Activating 왘 Press a nd hold butto n 1 for at least 1 second. Deactiva ting 왘 Press button 1 again.
87 Safety and Security Driving safety systems 왔 Driving safety syste ms In this section you will find information on the foll owi ng driv ing saf ety syst ems: 앫 ABS (A ntilock B ra ke S ys tem) �.
88 Safety and Security Driving safety systems Braking At the instant one of the wheel s is about to lock u p, a slight pul sation c an be felt in t he brake ped al, indicati ng that the ABS is in the regu lating mode . 왘 Keep firm and steady pre ssure on the brake pe dal while ex perienc ing the pulsation.
89 Safety and Security Driving safety systems ESP ® The Elec tronic Stabilit y Progra m (ESP ® ) is operational as soon as the engine is run- ning and monitors the vehicle’ s traction (force of adhesive fri ction between the tires and the road surfac e) and handli ng.
90 Safety and Security Driving safety systems For more information, see “Practical hints” ( 컄 page 354) and ( 컄 page 360). Switching off t he ESP ® To improve the vehicle ’s traction, turn .
91 Safety and Security Driving safety systems When yo u switch off t he ESP ® 앫 the ESP ® does not sta biliz e the vehi cle 앫 the engine output is not limited, which allows the dr ive wh eels to.
92 Safety and Security Driving safety systems Four wheel electr onic tract ion system (4MATIC) with the ESP ® Mode ls wi th all- whee l-dri ve onl y. The 4MA TIC impro ves vehic le’s abi lity to use available traction, e.g. during winter operation in mountains under snowy conditions, by applying power to all four whee ls.
93 Safety and Security Anti-theft sys tems 왔 Anti-theft systems Immobilizer The imm obilizer pre vents un authorized persons from starting your vehicle. Acti va ting 왘 Remove the SmartKey from the starter switch. Deacti vating 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 33).
94 Safety and Security Anti-theft systems Arming th e alarm s ystem The indi cator lamp is in the switch for the tow-a way al arm* in th e cent er consol e. 1 Indicato r lamp 왘 Lock yo ur vehicl e wit h the Sm artKe y. The turn signal l amps flash three ti mes to ind icat e that the alar m sys tem is activated .
95 Safety and Security Anti-theft sys tems Tow-away alarm* Once the tow-away alar m is ar med, a v isual and audi ble alar m will be tri ggered when someone atte mpts to raise the vehicle . Arming tow -away al arm 왘 Lock yo ur vehicle wi th the Sm artKey.
96 Safety and Security Anti-theft systems 왘 Press tow- away alarm d eactivat ion switch 1 . Indicato r lamp 2 in tow-away al arm deactivation switch comes on briefly. 왘 Exit yo ur vehic le. 왘 Lock your vehi cle wi th the Sma rtKey. The to w-away al arm rem ains d isarm ed until y ou lock your veh icle a gain.
97 Controls in detail Locking and unlocking Seats Memor y func tion * Lighting Instru ment cl uster Control sy stem Manual tr ansmission Autom atic tran smissio n* Good visibility Climate control Auto.
98 Control s in detai l In the “Controls in detail” section you will find detailed information on how to oper- ate t he equi pme nt ins talle d on your v ehi- cle. I f you ar e alre ady fami liar with the basic functions of your vehicl e, this section will b e of par ticular inter est to yo u.
99 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Wa rn i n g! G When l eaving th e vehic le, alw ays remove the Smar tKey from the sta rter sw itch, ta ke it with you , and lock t he vehicle. Do not lea ve childr en unat tende d in th e vehi cle, o r with access to an u nlocked vehic le.
100 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Factory setting Global unlocking 왘 Press button Œ . All t urn si gnal lamps flas h once. The locking knobs in the doors move up.
101 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Global l ocking 왘 Press bu tton ‹ . With the trunk and all doors closed, all turn signa l lamps flash three tim es.
102 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Unlock ing and opening t he trunk You can unlo ck and open the tru nk separa tely. A minimum height cl earance of 5.71 ft (1.7 4 m) i s req uired to op en th e trun k li d. 왘 Press button Š until tr unk lid unlocks an d begins to open.
103 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Front door s 왘 Pull on door handle 2 on the respective front door to open door. If door was locked, locking knob 1 w ill move up. Rear do ors 왘 Pull u p lockin g kno b 1 on the respective rear door to unlock door.
104 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Opening t he trunk fr om the ins ide You can open the trunk from the inside if the ve hicle is st ation ary. A minimum height cl earance of 5.71 ft (1.7 4 m) i s req uired to op en th e trun k li d. The rem ote trunk op ening sw itch is locat- ed on the driver’s door.
105 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Trunk e mergency r elease With the emergency release button, the trunk can be opened from insi de the trunk. The em ergency r elease b utton is lo cated on the inside of the trunk lid. 1 Emerg ency rele ase butto n 왘 Briefl y pre ss em ergenc y rele ase button 1 .
106 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Illumination of the emergency release button: 앫 The button flashes 30 mi nutes after openi ng t he tru nk. 앫 The button flashes 60 mi nutes after closing t he trunk. Valet loc king The lock is located next to the hand le abov e the rear license plate re cess.
107 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking 왘 Pull th e mecha nical key out of the SmartK ey ( 컄 page 389). 왘 Insert th e mecha nical key in the trunk lid lo ck. 왘 Turn the mechan ical key c lockwise to posit io n 2 and remove the me chani- cal key in tha t position to lock the trunk.
108 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking The swi tches a re loca ted in the c enter console. 1 Cent ral locki ng switch 2 Centra l unlock ing swi tch Locking 왘 Press c entral lo cking s witch 1 . If all doors are cl osed, the vehicle locks . Unlocking 왘 Press centra l unl ocking s witch 2 .
109 Controls in detail Seats 왔 Seats For information on seat adjustme nt, see “Adjus ting” ( 컄 page 35) . Front seat active h ead restr aints You cannot remove the ac tive head re- straints on the driver’s and pass enger’s seat.
110 Control s in detai l Seats Head restra int height (rear outer seats) 1 Releas e button Raising 왘 Manually adjust the hei ght of the h ead restrai nt by pullin g it upward . If the head rest raint is fu lly retra cted, push re lease bu tton 1 and pu ll the head rest raint out.
111 Controls in detail Seats Folding head r estraints back w ith switch in the c enter con sole 1 Switch f or rear seat he ad restraints 왘 Start the engine ( 컄 pa ge 48) . 왘 Press s witch 1 . The re ar seat h ead restr aints wi ll fold back war d.
112 Control s in detai l Seats 1 Releas e butto n Removin g rear se at head r estrain ts 왘 Fold back h ead restraint ( 컄 page 110). 왘 Pull he ad res train t to its hig hest position.
113 Controls in detail Seats Mult icont our s eats* (Can ada on ly) This d river ’s mul ticonto ur seat has a mo v- able s eat cushi on and infl atable a ir cush- ions built into the backrest to pr ovide additional l umbar and sid e support.
114 Control s in detai l Seats The red indi cator lamps 2 in the swit ch show t he hea ting l evel select ed. 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33). Switching o n seat heatin g 왘 Press s witch 1 once. Thre e red indi cator lamp s 2 in the switch come on.
115 Controls in detail Memory functi on* 왔 Memory functi on* Prior to operati ng the vehi cle, the driver should check a nd adjus t the seat height, seat po sition for e and aft, and seat back- rest angle if ne cessa ry, to en sure ade quate control, reach and com fort.
116 Control s in detai l Memory function* The mem ory button and me mory position switc h are locat ed on the d oor. 1 Memory b utton 2 Memory position switch 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33).
117 Controls in detail Memory functi on* Storing exteri or rear v iew mirror parking posi tion For ea sier par king, yo u can adj ust the pass enge r-si de ext erior rea r vie w mirr or so that you can see the ri ght rear wheel as soon as you engage reverse gear R .
118 Control s in detai l Lightin g For information on how to s witch on the headlamps and use the turn signals, see “Switching on headlamps” ( 컄 page 52) and “Tu rn sig nals” ( 컄 page 53). Exterior lamp sw itch The ex terior lamp s witch i s loca ted on the dashboa rd to the left of the ste ering wh eel.
119 Controls in detail Lighting Manual h eadlamp m ode The low beam headl amps and the parki ng lamps can be s witched on and off wi th the exte rior l amp sw itch.
120 Control s in detai l Lightin g Daytime r unning lamp mod e 왘 Turn the exterior la mp switch to position M or U . When the engine is running, the low beam headla mps ar e switch ed on.
121 Controls in detail Lighting Locator ligh ting and night secu rity illuminatio n The loc ator lightin g an d the night se curity illum ination a re descri bed in the “C ontrol syst em” sect ion, see “Set locator lightin g” ( 컄 page 150 ) and “Sett ing night security illumination” ( 컄 page 151).
122 Control s in detai l Lightin g Rear fog lamp (drive r’s side only) 왘 Switch on the front fog lamps ( 컄 page 12 1). 왘 Pull out the exter ior lamp switc h to second stop. The rea r fog la mp is swit che d on. The ye llow in dicator la mp † in the exterior lamp switch comes on ( 컄 page 11 8).
123 Controls in detail Lighting Corner-il luminating fro nt fog lamps * (C 28 0, C 350 4 MATIC: with Bi -Xenon* headlamps) The co rner-i llumina ting front fog l amps i m- prove illumination of the road into which you are tu rning.
124 Control s in detai l Lightin g Swit ching of f corne r-ill uminati ng fro nt fog lamps The c ombina tion switc h for the t urn signa l resets a utomatically after major stee ring wheel m ovement s. This w ill switc h off the corner -illum inating front f og lamps i f they were act ivated b y switchin g on the lef t or right turn signal.
125 Controls in detail Lighting Switc hing on hazard warning flasher 왘 Press haza rd warning flash er switch 1 . All turn signals a re flas hing. Switc hing off haza rd warni ng flashe r 왘 Press hazard warning flasher switch 1 again. Interi or lighting The co ntrol s are l ocate d in the ove rhea d control panel.
126 Control s in detai l Lightin g Deactiv ating 왘 Press th e = symbol on rocker switch 3 . The interior lighting remains swi tched off, ev en whe n you 앫 unloc k the veh icle 앫 open a door 앫 .
127 Controls in detail Instrument cluster 왔 Inst rume nt cl ust er For a full view illustration of the instrument cluster, se e “At a glance ” ( 컄 page 24).
128 Control s in detai l Instrum ent cluster Coolant t emperat ure gauge The coolant temperature gauge is on the left sid e in the instr ument clu ster ( 컄 page 24). During severe operating conditions, e.g. stop-and-go traffi c, the coolant tempera- ture may rise close to 24 8°F (120 °C).
129 Controls in detail Instrument cluster Tachometer The re d marking o n the tachom eter ( 컄 page 2 4) de notes ex cessi ve engi ne speed . To help pr otect the en gine, the f uel supply is inte rrupted if th e engine is operated within th e red mar king.
130 Control s in detai l Control system The control system is activated as soon as the Sm artKey in the star ter swit ch is tur ned to posi tio n 1 . The contro l syste m enabl es you to 앫 call up i.
131 Controls in detail Contro l system Multifunction s teering wheel The dis pla ys in th e mul tif unctio n disp lay and th e set tings in th e co ntrol s yst em are controlled by the buttons on the multifunc- tion steering wheel.
132 Control s in detai l Control system It is helpful to think of th e menus, and th e functions within each menu, as being arranged in a circular patte rn. 앫 If you pres s button è or ÿ repeate dly, you will pa ss through each menu one after the other.
133 Controls in detail Contro l system Menus This is what you will see when you scroll through the menus. The ta ble on the n ext pag e provi des an over view of th e individ ual menu s.
134 Control s in detai l Control system Menus, sub menus and fu nctions Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 Menu 4 Menu 5 Menu 6 Menu 7 Standard displ ay AUDIO NAV* Vehi cle st atus messa ge me mory Settings Tr ip c.
135 Controls in detail Contro l system Standard dis play menu In the standard display , the mai n odomet er and the tr ip odome ter are sh own in th e mult ifuncti on dis play. 1 Trip odometer 2 Main odometer If another display is s hown instead of the stan dard d ispla y: 왘 Press button è or ÿ repeat edly until you see the standard d isplay.
136 Control s in detai l Control system AUDIO menu The functions in the AUDI O menu operate the aud io equip ment whic h you cur rently have turned on. If no au dio equi pment is c urrently tu rned on, the message Aud io off appear s in the multif unction displa y.
137 Controls in detail Contro l system Select sate llite radio station* (USA only) The sa tellite radio is treated as a radio applica tion. 왘 Select sate llite radio with the corr esponding soft key (SAT) in the radio menu.
138 Control s in detai l Control system 왘 Press button k or j repeate dly until the desired tra ck is selec ted. NAV* men u The NAV menu contains the functi ons needed to operate your navigation system. 왘 Press button è or ÿ re peatedly until the mess age NAV appear s in th e mult ifunction displa y.
139 Controls in detail Contro l system 왘 Press button è or ÿ repe atedly until the ve hicl e status mes sage memory appear s in the m ultifunc tion disp lay. If the vehicle statu s messa ge memory menu does not appear, then there are no messages stored .
140 Control s in detai l Control system 왘 Press button k or j . The stor ed messa ges will n ow be displa yed in the o rder in which the y have occurred. For malfunction and warnin g mess ages , see “V ehicle status messa ges in the multifu nction d isplay” ( 컄 page 35 8).
141 Controls in detail Contro l system Submenus in the Setting s menu 왘 Press bu tton j . The c ollectio n of the submen us appear s in the m ultif uncti on di spla y. 왘 Press bu tton ç . The se lectio n marker m oves to the next submen u. The su bmenus are arra nged by hie rarc hy.
142 Control s in detai l Control system The tab le belo w shows wh at settin gs can be changed within the various menus. Detailed instructions on making individual settings can be found on the following pages.
143 Controls in detail Contro l system Instru ment clust er subme nu Access t he Instr .Cl. submenu via th e Se tting s menu. Us e the Instr .Cl. subme nu to change the instrument clus ter disp lay settin gs.
144 Control s in detai l Control system 왘 Press button æ or ç to select the language to be used for the mult ifunctio n disp lay mes sages. Availa ble langu ages: 앫 German ( Deuts ch ) 앫 Engli.
145 Controls in detail Contro l system Time/Date subm enu Access t he Time/ Date submenu via th e Sett ings menu. Us e the Time/ Date subme nu to change the instrument clus ter disp lay settin gs.
146 Control s in detai l Control system The selection marker is on th e hour setting. 왘 Press button æ or ç to set the hour. Set th e time (minute s) This function can be s een in vehicles with audi o system, or in ve hicles with COMAND* if the time synchronization with head u nit* fe ature was set t o Off .
147 Controls in detail Contro l system Select a utoma tic time c hange ( Dayligh t Saving Time (D ST) summe r/Sta ndard time wi nter) This function can be seen in vehicles with aud io syste m, or in vehic les with COMAND* if the time sync hronization with head u nit* fe ature was se t to Off .
148 Control s in detai l Control system Set th e date (da y) This function can be seen in vehicl es with audio system, or in vehicles with COMAND* if the ti me synchronization with head unit * featur e was set to Off . 왘 Move th e selectio n marker wi th button æ or ç to the Time /Date subme nu.
149 Controls in detail Contro l system The se lection marker i s on the ye ar setti ng. 왘 Press bu tton æ or ç to set the year. Lighting submenu Access the Ligh ting submen u via the Se tting s menu. Us e the Light ing submenu to chan ge the lamp and lighting settings on your vehicle.
150 Control s in detai l Control system The selection marker is on the current setting. 왘 Press button æ or ç to select manual operation ( Manu al ) or d aytim e running lamp mode ( Con stant ) activat ed.
151 Controls in detail Contro l system 왘 Press button j or k repe atedly until the messa ge Surr ound ligh ting appear s in the m ultif uncti on dis play. The se lection marker i s on the curr ent setti ng. 왘 Press bu tton æ or ç to switch the loc ator lig hting f unction On .
152 Control s in detai l Control system 왘 Press button æ or ç to switch the de layed shut-off featu re off or on . 왘 Turn the exterior la mp switch to position U before turning off the engi ne ( 컄 page 118). The headl amps dela yed shu t-off featur e is acti vated.
153 Controls in detail Contro l system 왘 Press button j or k repe atedly until the message Auto matic d oor lk. appear s in the m ultif uncti on dis play. The se lection marker i s on the curr ent setti ng. 왘 Press bu tton æ or ç to switch the automatic central locking On or Off .
154 Control s in detai l Control system 왘 Move th e selectio n marker wi th button æ or ç to the Co nveni ence submenu . 왘 Press button j or k repeate dly until th e message Easy -entry f eatur e appear s in the multifu nction display . The selection marker is on the current setting.
155 Controls in detail Contro l system Trip computer me nu Use the tr ip com puter menu t o ca ll up statistic al data on your vehicle. The f ollowin g inform ation is avail able: Fuel consum ptio n s.
156 Control s in detai l Control system Fuel co nsumpt ion sin ce last r eset 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeate dly until the first f unction of the trip computer menu ap pears in the mult ifunctio n disp lay. 왘 Press button j or k repeate dly until th e message Afte r reset appea rs in t he mult ifunc tion d isp lay.
157 Controls in detail Contro l system TEL menu* You can use the functions in the TEL menu to operate your telephone, provided it is connected to a hands-free syst em and switc hed on .
158 Control s in detai l Control system Answering a call When your te lephone is ready to receiv e calls, y ou can answe r a call at an y time. In the mu ltifun ction d ispla y you w ill the n see the message : 왘 Press button s . You hav e answ ered the ca ll.
159 Controls in detail Contro l system 왘 Press bu tton s . The sy stem dia ls the se lected phone number. 앫 If the connection is successful, the name of the pa rty you calle d and the duration of the call will appear in the m ultifun ction di splay.
160 Control s in detai l Manual tran smission Manual transmission is standard equi pment on se lect models an d not availab le on al l mode ls. For information on driving with a manual transmission, see “Manual trans mission” ( 컄 page 48).
161 Controls in detail Manual tran smission Gearshif t pattern for manu al tran smission Shifting into reverse 왘 Stop th e vehi cle com pletely. 왘 Fully de press clutc h pedal. 왘 Move th e gearshif t lever to ne utral position (no gear selected).
162 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission * Automatic trans mission is standard equipm ent on select models and avai lable as optional equipment on select other models . For more information on driving with an automatic transmissi on see “Automatic transmission*” ( 컄 page 49).
163 Controls in detail Automa tic transmis sion* 1 Current gear rang e/gear selector lever posit io n 2 Current program mode The curre nt gear range/ge ar selector lever posi tio n an d prog ram m ode ( C / S ) appea r in th e mul tifun ction disp lay.
164 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission * Gear se lector lev er pos ition Effec t ì Park positi on Gear se lect or lever po sition when the vehicle is parked. Place gear select or leve r in p ositi on P only when vehicle is stopped. The park position is not intended to serv e as a br ake when th e vehicl e is parked.
165 Controls in detail Automa tic transmis sion* Driving ti ps Accele rator po sition Your dr iving styl e infl uences th e transmission’s shifting behavior: Less throttle Earlie r upshifting More throttle Later upshifting Kickdown Use kick down when you want maximu m acce leratio n.
166 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission * Stopping When you stop briefl y, e.g. at traff ic light s: 왘 Leave th e trans mission in ge ar. 왘 Hold the vehic le with the b rake. When yo u stop l onger wi th the eng ine idling and/or on an hill: 왘 Set the parking br ake.
167 Controls in detail Automa tic transmis sion* Automatic s hift progr am The pr ogra m mode se lector swit ch is located on the lower part of the center console.
168 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission * 왘 Press pr ogram mod e select or switc h 1 repeated ly until the le tter of the des ired program m ode appears i n the mul tifuncti on displa y. Selec t C for co mfort driv ing: 앫 The vehicle st arts out in second gear (both for war d and rever se) for gentler s tarts.
169 Controls in detail Automa tic transmis sion* Downshif ting 왘 Briefl y pres s the g ear se lector leve r to the left in the D- direction. The transmis sion wi ll sh ift from the curren t gear to the nex t lower gear as per mitted by the shift prog ram.
170 Control s in detai l Good visibility For information on the windshield wipers, see “W indshiel d wipers ” ( 컄 page 53) . Headlamp cleani ng system * The button is located on the left side of the das hboa rd. 1 Headla mp washer b utton 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33).
171 Controls in detail Good visibility Auto -dimmi ng rear view m irrors * The reflection brightness of the exterior rear v iew mirro r on the dr iver’s si de and the interior re ar view mirror will.
172 Control s in detai l Good visibility Activ ating exteri or rear v iew mi rror parking positio n* Follow these ste ps to activate the mirror parking position s o that the passeng er-side exterior re ar view m irror will be turned downward during parking maneu vers t o the stored p osit ion.
173 Controls in detail Good visibility Sun visors The su n visor s protec t you from sun gla re whi le driving . 1 Moun tin g 2 Mirror cover 3 Mirror lamp 4 Sun viso r 왘 Swing sun vi sor 4 down when you experi ence glare. 왘 To u se illu minat ed mirror , lift up m irror cover 2 .
174 Control s in detai l Good visibility Rear w indow sun shade* The switch is located in the center console. 1 Rear window sunshade s witch 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33). Always raise or low er the s unshade fu lly for its support against the window frame.
175 Controls in detail Good visibility Rear wi ndow defrost er The rear window defroster uses a large amount of power. To keep the battery drain to a minimum, switch off the defroster as soon as the rear window is clear.
176 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol.
177 Controls in detail Climate con trol Clim ate contro l panel (U SA only) Clim ate contro l panel (C anada only ) Item 1 Left side defroster vent, fixed 2 Left side air vent, adjustable 3 Thumbwh ee.
178 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol The cl imate c ontrol i s opera tional w hen- ever the engine is running. You can oper- ate the cli mate cont rol syste m in either the automatic or ma nual mode. The system cools or heats the interior depending on the sel ected inte rior temper ature and th e curren t outsid e tempera ture.
179 Controls in detail Climate con trol Deactivati ng the cli mate control syst em Deactivati ng 왘 Set air vol ume control 1 ( 컄 page 17 7) to position 0 .
180 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Setting the temperature Use temp eratur e controls 2 and 3 ( 컄 page 177) to separat ely adjus t the air tempera ture on each side of the pass enger comp artment. Y ou shou ld raise or lower the tem perature setting in s mall incr e- ments , pref erably star ting a t 72° F (22° C).
181 Controls in detail Climate con trol Adjusting air volume Six blo wer spee ds are availab le. 왘 Press bu tton U ( 컄 page 177). The ind icator la mp in the bu tton goes out. The automatic air volume control is swi tched o ff. The air vo lume is adjusted acc ording to the currentl y selecte d setting.
182 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Air rec irculat ion mo de Switch to air recircu lation mode to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the vehicle from the outs ide (e.g. bef ore driving through a t unnel). This se tting cuts off the intake of outside a ir and reci rculate s the air i n the pas senger comp artment.
183 Controls in detail Climate con trol Deactivati ng 왘 Press bu tton , ( 컄 page 177). The ind icato r lamp on the button goes out. Air cond itioning The cooling function, only operational when the engine is running, cools the vehi- cle interior down to the selected tempe ra- ture.
184 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Deac tiv atin g It is possible to de activate the air condi- tioning (cooling) function of the climate contro l system . The air in th e vehic le will then no longer be cooled or dehumidifi ed. 왘 Press button 2 ( 컄 pag e 17 7).
185 Controls in detail Climate con trol The air vent s for the rear p assenger compartment a re located in the rear center console. 1 Left center air ve nt 2 Thumbwh eel for air volume control for cen.
186 Control s in detai l Automatic cl imate control* (Can ada only).
187 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control* (C anada only) Automa tic climate cont rol panel Item 1 Left side defroster vent, fixed 2 Left side air vent, adjustable 3 Thumbwh eel for air volum .
188 Control s in detai l Automatic cl imate control* (Can ada only) The automatic climate c ontrol is operation- al whenever the engine is running. You can opera te the cli mate con trol sy stem in ei - ther the automatic or manual mode.
189 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control* (C anada only) Deactivati ng the autom atic clim ate contr ol sy stem Deactivati ng 왘 Press bu tton ´ ( 컄 page 187). The ind icator la mp on t he button comes on. The a utomatic clima te control s ystem is deactivated.
190 Control s in detai l Automatic cl imate control* (Can ada only) Deac tiv atin g 왘 Press button U ( 컄 pag e 18 7) aga in. The indic ator lamp on the button goe s out.
191 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control* (C anada only) 왘 Turn air distribution contr ol 1 or 8 ( 컄 page 187) to the d esired sy mbol. The ind icator lamp on the button U ( 컄 page 187) goe s out. The autom atic air distri bution is switch ed off.
192 Control s in detai l Automatic cl imate control* (Can ada only) The air conditioni ng switches automatically to the followi ng functions: 앫 cooling on to dehumidify 앫 maximum blowing a nd heat.
193 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control* (C anada only) Acti va ting 왘 Press bu tton , ( 컄 page 187). The ind icator la mp on t he button comes on. i The air rec irculati on mode is activa ted automatically at high outside tem pera- tures.
194 Control s in detai l Automatic cl imate control* (Can ada only) Deac tiv atin g 왘 Press button , ( 컄 pag e 18 7) aga in. The indic ator lamp on the button goe s out. Charcoal f ilter An activa ted charco al filter m arkedly redu ces bad odors an d rem oves pol lutan ts from air entering the passenger compart- ment.
195 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control* (C anada only) Acti va ting 왘 Press bu tton e ( 컄 page 187). The ind icator la mp on t he button comes on. Deactivat ing 왘 Press bu tton e ( 컄 page 187). The ind icato r lamp on the button g oes out.
196 Control s in detai l Automatic cl imate control* (Can ada only) Air cond itioning The cooling function, only operational when the engine is running, cools the vehi- cle interior down to the selected tempe ra- ture. The cooling function also dehum idifies the air in th e vehicl e interio r, thus preventing the windows from fogging up.
197 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control* (C anada only) Residu al heat a nd venti lation With the e ngine sw itched off , it is possi ble to continue to heat or ve ntilate the interi or for up to 30 minutes . This fe ature ma kes use o f the r esidu al heat produ ced by the engi ne.
198 Control s in detai l Automatic cl imate control* (Can ada only) The air vents for the rear pa ssenger compartme nt are located in the rear center console.
199 Controls in detail Audio system 왔 Audio system Audio and telephone, ope ration Thes e instru ctions are i ntended to help you become f amili ar with your Merce des-Be nz audio system. T hey con- tain useful tip s and a detailed d escription of the user functions.
200 Control s in detai l Audio system Operating a nd displa y elements.
201 Controls in detail Audio system Item Page 1 CD cha nger mode selector AUX mode se lector 216 207 2 Single CD mode sele ctor 220 3 Radio mode selector 4 Mute function (radio) 210 Pause (C D) 224 5 .
202 Control s in detai l Audio system Button a nd soft key operat ion In these instruc tions, th e alphanum eric keypad (righ t side of radio pa nel) and the function buttons (left side of radio panel) a r e r e f e r r e d t o a s “ b u t t o n s ” .
203 Controls in detail Audio system Switc hing of f 왘 Remove Sm artKey from starter swi tch. or 왘 Press M button. Adjusting the volume 왘 Turn rotary control of N button. The v olume w ill incr ease or de crease depending on the dir ection turned.
204 Control s in detai l Audio system Adjust ing treb le 왘 Press O button repeatedly until TRE BLE appear s in the displa y. 왘 Press + or – soft ke y to incr ease or decreas e tone level a ccordin gly. or 왘 Press RES soft key briefly to reset tr eble tones to their cente r level.
205 Controls in detail Audio system Retur ning sound fu nctio ns to fa ctory sett ings 왘 Press O button to call up se ttings men u in the disp lay. 왘 Press RES soft ke y briefl y; the resp ec- tive sound f unction is reset to it s center level . or 왘 Press and hol d RES soft key until RESE T appear s in th e disp lay.
206 Control s in detai l Audio system Adjusting balance 왘 Press P button repeatedly until BAL ANCE appear s in the display. 왘 Press X or Y sof t key. The volume is distr ibuted between the left a nd ri ght si des o f th e vehicl e. or 왘 Press RES soft key bri efly.
207 Controls in detail Audio system Conn ecti ng an ex tern al aud io sourc e (AUX) to the r adio* An optional dealer-installed ci nch-connec- tor* for connecting an external audio source may become a vaila ble for y our vehi cle mode l. Featur e descri ption is based on preliminary information at time of printing.
208 Control s in detai l Audio system Call ing u p wave band s for radios with SAT 왘 Press FM , AM , or WB soft key rep eatedly until des ired waveband h as been selec ted. The FM, AM, and WB wavebands are called up one after another. The wav eband c urrentl y select ed appear s in the upp er left-hand c orner of the display.
209 Controls in detail Audio system Man ual tu ning 왘 Select de sired waveba nd. 왘 Press S or T bu tton for approx. 3 seconds. 왘 Press but ton repeated ly until des ired frequen cy has b een re ached. Step-by-step station tu ning takes place in ascending or descending ord er.
210 Control s in detai l Audio system Autos tore – auto mati c station memory The Autostore memory function provides an additiona l memory level. The stat ion memory for manuall y stored stations is not overw ritten. 앫 Callin g up Autosto re memo ry level a nd storing stations 왘 Press AS soft key br iefly .
211 Controls in detail Audio system Searc h 왘 Press S or T button to tune in the nex t receiva ble weat her band station. Scan sear ch 앫 Starti ng scan search 왘 Press SC soft key . SC will appear in the dis play. The radi o brie fly tu nes i n all receiva ble weather band stations.
212 Control s in detai l Audio system Program categori es The channel s are categorize d. Categories allow you to tune to s tations broadcasting a certain type of program (category mode) ( 컄 page 214) . Calling up the SAT main menu 왘 Press SAT soft key .
213 Controls in detail Audio system 왘 Press ESN soft k ey. The twe lve-digi t electro nic seri al number (ESN) of the SAT tuner* instal led in your vehicl e is displ ayed. This i nforma tion is re quired to call th e SIRIUS Service Center for an activation reques t.
214 Control s in detai l Audio system Accessi ng via num ber keys 왘 Enter n umber of pr eset you w ish to selec t, e.g. 1 . The radio plays the station stored under this number and the PTY function changes to the category corres ponding to the station.
215 Controls in detail Audio system The sy stem w ill autom atical ly switch to a stat ion of the sele cted ca tegory if the currently selected station is not of the select ed cat egory.
216 Control s in detai l Audio system Storing st ations 왘 Tune in desired station. 왘 Press and hold desi red stat ion button 1 to R unti l a brief si gnal tone is heard. The freq uency is stor ed on the select ed station button. The radio saves th e current s tation a t the mem ory preset selec ted.
217 Controls in detail Audio system Gene ral no tes The sy stem may not be able to play a udio CDs with copy protection. Playing copied CD s may cause malfunc tions during play back.
218 Control s in detai l Audio system Tips on handli ng CDs 앫 Hand le CDs ca refully to preve nt interfer ence d uring playb ack. 앫 Avoid scratc hes, fingerprints and dust on the CDs. 앫 Do not write on CDs or apply any labe ls or other material to them.
219 Controls in detail Audio system Comp atible bit a nd s amplin g rat es Fixed and variabl e bit rates of up to 320 kB it/s ar e poss ible. The f ollowing table lists pos sible s ampling rates: Info.
220 Control s in detai l Audio system Operating t he single CD pla yer in the audio system un it Load ing a CD The s ingle CD play er in the au dio s ystem unit has capacity for one CD. The CD slot for load ing the drive is located un derneath the soft keys .
221 Controls in detail Audio system 1 CD 2 CD changer 3 CD tray 4 CD magazine 왘 Remove magazi ne 4 and pull CD tray 3 fully out. 왘 Place CD 1 in rec ess of tray, label side up. 왘 Push tray into magazine in direction of arrow. 왘 Push magazi ne into CD cha nger* 2 in direction of arrow and close sliding doo r.
222 Control s in detai l Audio system Playing tracks You ha ve th e foll owing optio ns: 앫 Audio syste m with CD change r*: selec ting CDs 앫 Direct tr ack entry 앫 Track skip forward/revers e 앫.
223 Controls in detail Audio system Skipping tr acks forward /backward 앫 Skippi ng trac ks forw ard 왘 Press S button briefly. The next tr ack will be play ed.
224 Control s in detai l Audio system Repeat The tr ack bei ng pl ayed is repea ted unt il th e repeat function is switched off . 앫 Switch ing on repe at 왘 Press RPT soft k ey. RPT appe ars in the display. 앫 Switch ing off repe at 왘 Press RPT soft k ey again.
225 Controls in detail Audio system GSM networ k phones Using y our Merced es-Ben z specifie d mobile telephone*, a number of functions and operat ing steps ca n be performed and disp layed in th e audio sy stem display .
226 Control s in detai l Audio system Adjusting the volume 왘 Turn rotary control of N button during a telephone call. The v olume w ill incr ease or de crea se depending on the direction turned. Adjusting sound 왘 Adjust sound d uring a tele phone call.
227 Controls in detail Audio system 앫 Searchin g and call ing up t elephone book entries by name You c an acce ss you r mobile telephone’s phone book using the audio system . You can ac cess bo th the main en tries a nd the su b-entrie s of your phone book.
228 Control s in detai l Audio system 왘 When y ou ha ve sele cted a n umber, pre ss s button. The call will b e made. 앫 Viewing the telephone number of a telephone book entry 왘 Search for desire d entry. 왘 Press NUM soft k ey. The telephone number of the phone book entry ap pears in th e displa y.
229 Controls in detail Audio system Redial If the nu mber yo u have di aled is busy, y ou can agai n place c alls to th e last t en teleph one num bers dia led usin g the redia l function. 앫 Manua l re dial 왘 Press s button. The te lephon e number last dia led will appear in the dis play.
230 Control s in detai l Audio system Muting a call It is possib le to mu te a ca ll; the call er is then no longer able to hear y ou. 앫 Mute on 왘 Press MUT soft k ey. 왘 MIC MUT E will ap pear in the display . 앫 Mute off 왘 Press MUT soft k ey again.
231 Controls in detail Audio system 앫 Termi natin g a call 왘 Press t button. The c urrent ca ll is termi nated. Yo u are again c onnected with the caller previ ously placed o n hold. 앫 Combi ning two ca lls 왘 Press 3 and s b uttons. The c alls ar e comb ined into one call.
232 Control s in detai l Audio system 왘 Press OK soft key af ter entering co rrect code. The te lephon e is un locked. I f you ha ve entered a n incorrect code , you must enter the corr ect code. Switch ing of f the t elephone 왘 Press h button for approx.
233 Controls in detail Audio system 앫 Searching and calling up phone book entrie s by nam e You c an acce ss you r mobile telephone’s phone book with the audio syste m. You can access both t he main entrie s and the su b-ent ries o f your phone book.
234 Control s in detai l Audio system 왘 When y ou ha ve sele cted a n umber, pre ss s button. The call will b e made. 앫 Viewing the telephone number of a phone book entry 왘 Search for desire d entry. 왘 Press NUM soft k ey. The telephone number of the phone book entry ap pears in th e displa y.
235 Controls in detail Audio system Redial If the nu mber yo u have di aled is busy, y ou can agai n place c alls to th e last t en teleph one num bers dia led usin g the redia l function. 앫 Manua l re dial 왘 Press s button. The te lephon e number last dia led will appear in the dis play.
236 Control s in detai l Audio system Muting a call It is possib le to mu te a ca ll; the call er is then no longer able to hear y ou. 앫 Mute on 왘 Press MUT soft k ey. 왘 MIC MUT E will ap pear in the display . 앫 Mute off 왘 Press MUT soft k ey again.
237 Controls in detail Audio system Placing a second ca ll If you w ish to place a nother c all during an alread y active call, you can p lace the secon d call and s witch be tween the c allers or com bine them into one ca ll. Note that this feature is dependent on avail ability from your mobile phone service provider.
238 Control s in detai l Audio system The following conditions mus t be met for a “911” em ergen cy call : 앫 Telephone must be switc hed on. 앫 The corr esponding mo bile communi ca- tions network must be available. If you ca nnot make an emergen cy call, you will ha ve to init iate rescue measur es yours elf.
239 Controls in detail Audio system TDMA/CDMA networ k phones Placing a “911” emerge ncy cal l using audio h ead unit w ith the phon e locked 왘 Press h button to switch to telephone operation. CODE? appear s in the aud io displ ay. 왘 Enter 91 1 using the numb er keyp ad on the au dio head unit.
240 Control s in detai l Power wi ndows Opening a nd clos ing the win dows The side windows are opened and closed electri cally . The switc hes for all the si de windows are on the driver’s door. The switc hes for the respecti ve windo ws are on the front passenger door and the rear doors.
241 Controls in detail Power wi ndows 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 33). Opening the windows 왘 Press swi tch 1 to 4 to th e re sistanc e poin t. The corresponding window will move down wards unt il you re lease the switch. Closing th e windows 왘 Pull swi tch 1 to 4 to th e resi stan ce poin t.
242 Control s in detai l Power wi ndows Stopping window s 왘 Press o r pull res pectiv e switch again. Synchron izing p ower win dows The power wi ndows must be resynchronized each time 앫 after the batte ry has been disconnected or discharged. 앫 if the power windows cannot be fully opened (Express-open) or closed (Expre ss-clo se).
243 Controls in detail Power wi ndows Summer opening feat ure If the weather i s warm, you can ventilate the v ehicle be fore driving off b y simul ta- neously: 앫 opening the side windows 앫 opening the tilt/sliding sunroof* 왘 Aim tra nsmitter e ye at the driv er’s do or handle .
244 Control s in detai l Power tilt/sli ding sunroof* Opening and closing the pow er tilt /slid ing s unroo f The tilt/sliding sunroof can be ope ned and closed e lectric ally. Th e swit ch for the tilt/sliding sunroof is on the overhead control panel.
245 Controls in detail Power t ilt/slidin g sunroof* 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33). Opening and closing the pow er tilt /slid ing s unroo f 왘 To open , clos e, raise, o r lower th e tilt/sliding sunroof, move the sunroof switch t o re sista nce poi nt in the required direction of arrows 1 to 4 .
246 Control s in detai l Power tilt/sli ding sunroof* Stopping the p ower til t/sliding su nroof during E xpress-o peration 왘 Move th e sunro of swit ch in an y direction.
247 Controls in detail Driving systems 왔 Driving systems The dri ving sys tem of yo ur vehi cle is describe d on the followin g pages: 앫 Cruise control, with which the vehicle can ma intain a preset sp eed. For information on the BAS, ABS, and ESP ® drivin g syste ms, see “Drivi ng safe ty sys- tems” ( 컄 page 87) .
248 Control s in detai l Driving systems 1 Sets current or higher speed 2 Sets current or lowe r speed 3 Cancels cruise control 4 Resume s at la st set speed Setting current speed 왘 Accelera te or decelerate to the de sired speed . 왘 Briefl y lift 1 or depress 2 the cruise contr ol lever .
249 Controls in detail Driving systems Setting a hi gher speed 왘 Lift cruise control lever to position 1 and hold it up unti l the des ired spee d is reac hed. 왘 Relea se crui se control lever. The new sp eed is set. Setting a lower speed 왘 Depr ess crui se contro l leve r to posit io n 2 and hold it down until the desire d speed is reached.
250 Control s in detai l Loading Roof rack * 왘 Mount the roof rack only between the fasteni ng point s (see arr ows). 왘 Secure the roof rack according to manufacturer’s instructions for insta llation. Ski sac k* (Canad a only) 1 Handle 2 Cover 3 Armrest Unfolding and loading 왘 Fold a rmres t 3 down (arrow).
251 Controls in detail Loading 4 Hook and loop fastener 왘 Unfasten hook and loop fas tener 4 . 왘 Pull s ki sack into passen ger compa rt- ment and unfold. 5 Button 왘 Open tru nk lid. 왘 Press bu tton 5 . The flap opens downward. 왘 From trunk, slid e skis i nto ski sack.
252 Control s in detai l Loading 6 Strap 왘 Tighten s trap 6 by pulling at the loose end (arro w) until th e skis in the ski sack are tightly secured. 7 Hook 8 Eye 왘 Connect hook 7 to eye 8 . Tighten strap by pulling at the loose end (arrow) . Unloading a nd foldi ng 왘 Loosen the straps.
253 Controls in detail Loading Removing the ski sack You can remov e the ski sa ck for cleanin g or drying. 1 Button 2 Ski sa ck frame 3 Flap 왘 Open trunk lid. 왘 Press bu tton 1 . The flap 3 opens downward. 왘 Press bu tton 1 firmly un til ski sa ck frame 2 is re leased .
254 Control s in detai l Loading Folding the bac krest forward The re leas e handle 1 is locate d in the trunk. 왘 Pull re lease h andle 1 . 왘 Fully re tract and fold rearward he ad restrai nts ( 컄 page 11 1). 왘 Pull re lease han dle 2 . 왘 Fold s eat cu shion 3 forw ard.
255 Controls in detail Loading If the backrest is not lo cked into position, a red i ndic ator 3 will be visible. 왘 Check for secure locking by pushing and pull ing on the ba ckrest.
256 Control s in detai l Loading Always pl ace item s being ca rried against front or rear seat backr ests, and fa sten them a s secure ly as poss ible. The heaviest portion of the cargo should al- wa y s be ke p t a s lo w as po s s ib l e s i nc e it i n- fluences the handling characteristics of the ve hicle.
257 Controls in detail Useful features 왔 Useful features Storage compa rtments Glove box 1 Glove box li d rele ase 2 Glove box Openin g glove bo x 왘 Pull gl ove box li d release 1 . The gl ove box lid opens 2 downward . Closing gl ove box 왘 Push glove b ox li d 2 u p to close.
258 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Armrest stor age compartme nts 1 Handle 2 Button, passenger side 3 Button, driver’s side Openi ng storage c ompar tment 왘 Pull ha ndle 1 and lif t armres t. Closing storage compa rtment 왘 Press ar mrest down until it engag es into place.
259 Controls in detail Useful features Cup holders Cup hol ders in fr ont of s eat armr est Underne ath the sw iveling cup holder is another stationary cup holder. You can only use this wh en the swi veling cup hold er is pulle d out and co mpletel y turned outward.
260 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Turning swivel ing cup h older ou tward 왘 Turn the cup holder in direction of arrow 2 until it e ngages. You can now use both cup holders. Turnin g swive ling cup hold er inwa rd and slidi ng it in 왘 Turn the c up holder in direc tion of arrow 3 until it en gages.
261 Controls in detail Useful features Ashtrays Center console a shtray 1 Cover plate 2 Sliding b utton 3 Ashtra y insert 왘 Briefl y press the bot tom of cove r plate 1 . The co ver plate o pens auto matica lly. Removi ng ashtra y inser t 왘 Secure vehic le from movement by setting the park ing brake.
262 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Removi ng ashtra y insert 왘 Push button 1 to disengage ashtray inse rt 2 and remo ve it. Reinsta lling as htray ins ert 왘 Push th e ashtray i nsert 2 down into the retainer unti l it engages . 왘 Push at top of c over 3 to close ashtray.
263 Controls in detail Useful features 왘 Push down cover plate 1 to close ashtra y. The c over plat e engages. Power outlet The po wer outlet is located i n the rea r pas- seng er compa rtm ent. 1 Power outlet 2 Cover 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33).
264 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Telephone * Radio trans mitters, such as a portable tele- phone or a citizens band unit, should onl y be used in side th e vehic le if the y are con- nected t o an antenna t hat is ins talled on the ou tside of th e vehicl e.
265 Controls in detail Useful features Tele Aid* Shortly afte r the completion of your Tele Aid acqu aintance call, y ou will re ceive a user ID a nd password. By visiting www. mbusa.c om and selec ting “Tel e Aid” (USA only), you will have access to account information, remote door unlock and more.
266 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures System s elf-check Initially, after switching on ignition, ma l- functions are detected and indicated (the indicator lamps in the SOS button, the Roads ide Assi stance bu tton • and the Information button ¡ stay on l onger than 10 seconds or do not come on) .
267 Controls in detail Useful features Emergency calls An em ergency call is initiated automa tica l- ly fo llowing an ac cident i n whic h the em er- gency tensioning devices (ETDs) or air bag s deploy.
268 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Init iating an emergen cy call m anually 1 Cover 2 SOS but ton 왘 Briefly press on cove r 1 . The co ver wi ll open . 왘 Press SO S button 2 bri efly . The indic ator lamp in SOS b utton 2 will fla sh unt il the emerg ency cal l is concluded.
269 Controls in detail Useful features A voice connection between the Roadside Assistance dispatche r and the occupants of the v ehicl e will be es tablish ed.
270 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Inform ation b utton ¡ The Information button ¡ is locat ed below th e center ar mrest cove r. 왘 Open the st orage c ompartment u nder the cent er armres t ( 컄 page 258) . 왘 Press and hold button (for longer than 2 seconds).
271 Controls in detail Useful features Call prio rity If othe r se rvice ca lls such as a Roadsid e Assistanc e call or Informati on call ar e active, an E mergen cy ca ll is stil l possib le. In this c ase, the Em ergenc y call wi ll take priori ty and overr ide al l other ac tive call s.
272 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Remote door unlock In case you have l ocked your vehicle unin- tention ally (e .g. SmartKey inside v ehicle), and th e reserve S martKey is not ha ndy: 왘 Contact the Mercedes-Benz Response Cen ter at 1-80 0-756- 9018 (in t he U SA) or 1-888-9 23-8367 (in Ca nada).
273 Controls in detail Useful features Stolen Vehi cle Recovery servic es In th e event y our v ehicle wa s stole n: 왘 Report the incide nt to the police.
274 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Prog rammi ng or reprog ramm ing the integrated remot e control Step 1 : 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33). Step 2: 왘 If you have prev iously pr ogramm ed an signal transm itter button a nd wish to retain its programming, proce ed to step 3.
275 Controls in detail Useful features Step 3 : 왘 Hold th e end of the h and-hel d remote control 5 of the device you wish to train approximately 2 to 5 in (5 to12 cm) away from the signal trans- mitter button ( 2 , 3 or 4 ) to be pro- gram med, wh ile k eeping the indicato r lamp 1 in view.
276 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Step 7: 왘 To program the remainin g two signal transmitte r buttons, repea t the steps above star ting with step 3 .
277 Controls in detail Useful features Step 12: 왘 Confirm the garage door operation by pres sing the pr ogramme d signal trans- mitter button ( 2 , 3 or 4 ). Step 13: 왘 To progra m the r emaining t wo signal transm itter buttons, repea t the steps above star ting with step 3.
278 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures 왘 Proceed wi th program ming step 5 and step 6 to compl ete. Reprogr amming a s ingle s ignal trans - mitter b utton To prog ram a devi ce using a signal t rans- mitter button pre viously tra ined, follow these s teps: 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 33).
279 Controls in detail Useful features Erasing t he integrat ed remote c ontrol memor y 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 33). 왘 Simul taneous ly press and hold dow n the outer s ignal transm itter butt ons 2 and 4 , for approximately 20 seconds, until the indi cator lamp 1 fla shes rap- idly.
280 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures i USA only: This de vice co mplies w ith Part 1 5 of the FCC Rul es. Oper ation is s ubject t o the following two conditions: (1) This d evice may not c ause .
281 Operation The first 1 0 00 miles (1 500 km) Driving instructions At the gas station Engine com partment Tires and wheels Winter driving Mainte nance Vehicle care.
282 Operation In the “Operation” section you will find detailed information on operating, main- taining and caring for your veh icle. The first 1 000 miles (1 500 km) The m ore cauti ously you trea t your v ehicle during the break-in period, the more satis- fied yo u will be w ith its pe rformanc e later on.
283 Operation Driving inst ructions 왔 Driving inst ructions Drive sensib ly – save fuel Fuel consumption, to a great extent, depends on driving habits and ope rating conditions. To sa ve fuel yo u shou ld: 앫 Keep t ires at the recomm ende d tir e inflation press ures.
284 Operation Driving instruc tions Brakes To help pr event b rake disk corrosio n after driving on wet r oad s urfac es (pa rticula rly salted ro ads), it is adv isable to brake th e vehicl e with co nside rable forc e prior to parking. Th e heat genera ted serves to dry the brakes.
285 Operation Driving inst ructions After hard braking, it is advisa ble to drive on for some ti me, rather than i mmediat ely park, so that the air st ream wil l cool down the b rakes fast er. Driving off Apply the brakes to tes t them briefly after drivin g off .
286 Operation Driving instruc tions Tires Treadw ear ind icators (T WI) ar e required by law. T hese indi cator s are loc ated in six plac es on t he tr ead cir cumf eren ce and become visi ble at a tread depth of approx imatel y 1 / 16 in (1.6 m m), at which point the tire is conside red worn and should be replace d.
287 Operation Driving inst ructions Hydr opl aning Depending on the depth of the water lay er on the road, hydroplaning may occur, e ven at low speeds and with new tires. Reduce vehicl e speed , avoid track grooves in t he road and appl y brakes cau tiously in the rain.
288 Operation Driving instruc tions Tire speed r ating Regard less of th e tire spee d rating, lo cal spee d limits s hould b e obeyed. U se pruden t driving spee ds appropri ate to preva iling co nditions.
289 Operation Driving inst ructions Winter driv ing instructio ns The mo st imp ortant rule for sli ppery or icy roads is to driv e sensib ly and to avoid abrupt acceleration, braking and steering maneuvers. Do not use the cruise control syste m unde r such conditi ons.
290 Operation Driving instruc tions Standing water Passenger co mpartment Dr iving abro ad Abroad, th ere is an e xtens ive Mercede s-Benz servi ce networ k at your disposal .
291 Operation Driving inst ructions Control a nd operat ion of radio transmitter s COMAND*, r adio and t elephone* Telephones* and two-way radio s Radio t ransmitt ers, s uch as a p ortable telephone .
292 Operation Driving instruc tions Emissi on contr ol Cert ain s ystem s of t he engin e ser ve to keep the toxic com ponents of the exhaust gases wi thin perm issible l imits re quired b y law. These systems, of course, will function properl y only w hen mai ntained strict ly according to factor y specifi cations.
293 Operation Driving inst ructions Coolant tem perature During severe operating conditions and stop-and-go city traffic, the cool ant tempera ture may rise close to approxi mately 248°F (1 20°C). The engine should not be operated with the coolant tem perature over 24 8°F (120° C).
294 Operation At the gas st ati on Refueling The fu el fille r fla p is locate d on the right-hand side of the vehicle towards the rear. Lo cking /unlockin g the veh icle with the Smar tKey automatic ally locks /unlocks the fue l filler flap.
295 Operation At the gas stati on 왘 Replac e fuel cap by turning it c lockwise until it a udibly enga ges. 왘 Close f uel fi ller f lap. Chec k regula rly an d befo re a long trip 1 Coolant 2 Brake.
296 Operation At the gas st ati on Win dshi eld wa sher and hea dlam p cleani ng syst em* For more information on fill ing up the washer reservoi r, see “ Windshiel d washer syst em and headla mp cl eaning s ystem *” ( 컄 page 303) . Engine oil l evel For more information on engine oi l level, see “E ngine oil” ( 컄 pag e 298).
297 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment 왔 Engi ne co mpart ment Hood Opening The ho od lock re lease le ver is loca ted to the le ft of the s teeri ng w heel u nder the dash board . 1 Hood loc k release le ver 왘 Pull leve r 1 downwards. The h ood is unlocke d and ha ndle 2 will extend out of the radiator grille.
298 Operation Engine compart ment Closing 왘 Let the hood drop from a hei ght of approximat ely 1 ft (30 cm). The ho od will lock au dibly . 왘 Check to make sure the hood is fully closed. If you can rais e the hood a t a poin t above th e head lamps, then it is n ot proper ly clos ed.
299 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment Checking engine oil level wi th the oil dipst ick When c hecking the oil l evel 앫 the vehi cle m ust be p arked o n lev el ground 앫 with th e engine at operatin.
300 Operation Engine compart ment Adding en gine oil 1 Filler c ap 왘 Unscre w fill er cap 1 from filler neck. 왘 Add engi ne oil as requir ed. Be ca reful not to overfill with oil. Be care ful no t to spill an y oil wh en addin g. Avoid en vironme ntal damag e caused b y oil entering the ground or water.
301 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment Coolant lev el The eng ine coo lant is a m ixture of water and anticor rosion/a ntifre eze. To c heck the coolant level, the vehic le must be parked on level ground and the engine must be cool. The coolant expansion tank is located on the pa ssenger s ide o f th e eng ine comp art- ment.
302 Operation Engine compart ment Battery Your veh icle’s battery is locate d in the engine compartment on the right hand side ( 컄 p age 412). The ba ttery shou ld always be suffic iently charg ed in order to achie ve its rated servic e lif e. Refe r to Ma intena nce Boo klet for batter y maintenance int ervals.
303 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment Wind shield wash er syst em and head lamp cle aning system* The wi ndshi eld wash er reservo ir is loc ated in the engine co mpartm ent. 1 Washer fluid res ervoir Fluid for the w indsh ield wash er system and the he adlamp cleanin g system * is su pplied from the windsh ield wa sher re servoir.
304 Operation Tires and wheels See an au thoriz ed Merced es-Ben z Center for information on tested and recommend ed rims and tire s for sum mer and winter operation.
305 Operation Tires and wheels Tire car e and main tenance Regula rly ch eck yo ur tire infl ation pr essure at least once a month. For m ore informa- tion on checking tire inflation pressure see “Recomm ended tire infla tion pres sure” ( 컄 page 314).
306 Operation Tires and wheels Tread d epth Do not allow your tires to wear down too far. Adhesion properties on wet roads are sharply re duced at trea d depths unde r 1 / 8 in (3 mm) .
307 Operation Tires and wheels Direct ion o f rotati on Unidirectional tires offer added advan- tages, such as better hydroplaning perfor- mance. To benefit, however, you must make sure the tires rotate in the d irection specif ied. An arrow on the sidewa ll indica tes the intended direction of rotation (spinning) of the tire.
308 Operation Tires and wheels 1 Driver ’s door B- pillar Following is a discussion on how to work with the information contained on the two placards with regar ds to loading you r vehicle.
309 Operation Tires and wheels The p lacard showing the lo ad limi t inform a- tion is loc ated on the driver’s door B-pillar. If you r vehicle is equ ipped with the Tire and Loading Informat ion plac ard (Ex ample A) , locat e the s tatem ent “ The com bined weight of occupants and cargo should never exce ed XXX kilogra ms or XXX lbs.
310 Operation Tires and wheels Placard (E xample A) 1 Seati ng capac ity Placard (Example B) 1 Seati ng capac ity Steps f or determ ining corr ect load limit The fo llowing steps h ave be en develop ed as req uired of al l manu facture rs unde r Title 49, Code of U.
311 Operation Tires and wheels Step 6 (if applic able) 왘 If yo ur vehic le will be towin g a trailer , load f rom yo ur trai ler wil l be t rans- ferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to deter mine how this reduces the ava ilable c argo an d luggage l oad capacity of your ve hicle ( 컄 page 31 3).
312 Operation Tires and wheels The hi gher t he weight of all occu pants , the less ca rgo and lu ggage loa d capac ity is availab le. For more information, see “T railer tongue load ” ( 컄 page 31 3).
313 Operation Tires and wheels Certifi cation la bel Even after c areful det ermination of the combined weight of al l occupants, cargo and the tr ailer to ngue loa d (if appl icable ) ( 컄 page 313 .
314 Operation Tires and wheels Recomm ended ti re infla tion pr essure Your veh icle is eq uippe d with either th e Tire and Loadin g Inform ation pl acard (Examp le A) or t he Veh icle Tire Inform ation placard (Exampl e B ) located on t he driver ’s door B-pillar ( 컄 page 308) .
315 Operation Tires and wheels Placard ( Example B) 1 Vehicl e Tire Inform ation placar d with recom mended c old ti re i nflat ion pre ssure s Placard (Examp le B) li sts the recomme nd- ed cold ti re inflation pre ssures for ma xi- mum load ed vehi cle weight .
316 Operation Tires and wheels Checking tir e inflatio n pressure Regula rly check you r tire inflati on pressure at least once a month. Check and adjus t the tire inflation pressur e when the tir es are cold . The tires can be co nsidered cold if the vehicl e has been parke d for at lea st three ho urs or driven less than one mi le (1.
317 Operation Tires and wheels 왘 Install the valv e cap. 왘 Repeat th is procedure for each tir e. Run F lat In dicat or* (C anada only) While the vehi cle is be ing driven, the Run Flat Indic ator monitors the set tire i nflation pressur es b y evalua ting eac h wheel ’s rota - tiona l sp eed.
318 Operation Tires and wheels Reacti vating th e Run Fla t Indi cator* The tire i nflation pressure monitor mus t be reactiva ted in the f ollowing s ituation s: 앫 If you have changed the tire i nf.
319 Operation Tires and wheels 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 33). The st andard dis play menu a ppears in the m ultif uncti on di spla y ( 컄 page 135).
320 Operation Tires and wheels Overinfla ted tire inflatio n pressure Overi nflat ed tires can : 앫 advers ely affect hand ling char acte ristics 앫 cause u neven tire w ear 앫 be more prone to da .
321 Operation Tires and wheels Tire labeli ng Beside s ti re name (sales desig natio n) and manufactur er n ame, a number of markings can be found on a tire.
322 Operation Tires and wheels General: Depending on the design stand ards used, the tire size molde d into the sidewall may have no letter or a letter p receding the tire size designation. No lett er preced ing the size des ignati on (as illust rated above ): Passenge r car tire bas ed on E uro pean desig n sta ndard s.
323 Operation Tires and wheels For additional information on tire load rating, see “Load identification” ( 컄 page 32 5). Tire speed ra ting The tire sp eed rating 6 ( 컄 pag e 321) indi cate s the app rov ed ma ximu m spe ed for the tire.
324 Operation Tires and wheels Summer tire s 앫 At the t ire manufacturer’s option, any tire with a sp eed capabili ty above 149 mph ( 240 km/ h) can in clude a “ZR” in the size designa tion (fo r exam - ple: 245/ 40 ZR1 8).
325 Operation Tires and wheels All-season and winter tires Load i dentificatio n 1 Load ide ntification In addition to tire load rating, special load inform ation may be molded i nto the tir e sidew all followi ng the lette r designat ing the tire speed ra ting 1 ( 컄 page 32 5).
326 Operation Tires and wheels DOT, Tire Iden tification N umber (TIN) U.S. tir e regulati ons requi re each ne w tire manufactur er or tire retread er to mold a TIN into or onto a sidewall of e ach tire produced .
327 Operation Tires and wheels Tire type cod e The code 4 ( 컄 page 32 6) may, at the option of the manufacturer, be used as a descr iptive code for identi fying signif icant characte ristics of the tire. Date of m anufactu re The date of manufacture 5 ( 컄 pag e 32 6) ident ifies th e week a nd year of manufa c- ture.
328 Operation Tires and wheels Maximu m tire in flatio n press ure 1 Maximum permis sible tire inflatio n pressur e This is the maxi mum perm issible tire inflati on pres sure f or the tire. Always follow the recommended tire inflat ion pressu re ( 컄 page 31 4) for prope r tire inflation.
329 Operation Tires and wheels Quality gr ades ca n be found, where a ppli- cable, on the tire sidewall between t read shou lder an d ma ximu m sec tion width . For example : All pass enger car tires m ust conform to federal s afety require ments in additi on to thes e grade s.
330 Operation Tires and wheels Temperature The te mperat ure gr ades are A (th e high- est), B , and C, re presenting the tire’s res is- tance to the generation of heat a nd its ability to dissipat e heat when tested unde r controlled conditions on a specified indoor labor atory t est whee l.
331 Operation Tires and wheels Tire and l oading termino logy Accessory w eight The combined weight ( in excess of thos e sta ndard ite ms whic h may be replac ed) of automatic transmission, power ste.
332 Operation Tires and wheels GVW (G ros s V eh ic le W eight) The G VW comp rises the we ight of the vehi cle incl uding fu el, tool s, spa re wheel, insta lled acce ssorie s, pass engers and cargo and, if appl icable , trailer ton gue load.
333 Operation Tires and wheels Product ion option s wei ght The c ombine d weigh t of those instal led regular prod uction options weighing over 5 lbs (2.
334 Operation Tires and wheels Tractio n Forc e exerte d by the vehi cle on the ro ad via the tires. The amount of grip provided. Tread The portion of a tire that come s into contact with the road. Treadwear i ndicator s Narrow bands, sometimes called “wear bar s” that show acros s the tread of a tire when onl y 1 / 16 in (1.
335 Operation Tires and wheels Rotating tires Tire rotation can be performed on vehicles with tires of the same dimension all around. If your vehicle is equipped with tires of the same dimension all a.
336 Operation Winter driving Before the onset o f winter, have your vehi cle wint erized at an au thorized Merce des- Benz Ce nter. This servic e include s: 앫 Check of anticorrosion and antifreeze concentration. 앫 Addition of cleaning concentrate to the water of the windshiel d and headlamp cleaning system.
337 Operation Winter dri ving Block heater (Canada only) The eng ine is equipped with a block heater . The el ectrica l cable may be ins talle d at an authori zed Mer cedes-Ben z Center . Snow chains Snow chains should only be driven on snow-covered roads at speeds not to exc eed 30 mph ( 50 km/ h).
338 Operation Mainte nance We strongl y recommend that you have your v ehicle se rvice d by an auth orized Merced es-Be nz Cente r, in ac cordan ce wit h the Maintenanc e Booklet at the times call ed for by the mai ntena nce service indi cator disp lay.
339 Operation Maint enance Clearing the m aintenance s ervice indicato r message The m aintenan ce servic e indica tor is automa ticall y cleared 앫 after appro xima tely 1 0 secon ds wh en you switc.
340 Operation Mainte nance Resetting th e maintenanc e servic e indicat or In the event that the maintena nce service on your vehicle is not carri ed out by an author ized Merc edes- Benz Cente r, you can have th e maintenanc e service in dicat or reset.
341 Operation Vehicle care 왔 Vehicle care Cle aning and c are o f the vehic le While in operation, even while parked, your vehicle i s subjected to varyi ng external influences which, if gone unchecked, can attack the pa intwork as well as the und er- body an d cause lasti ng damage .
342 Operation Vehicle care We have s elected car-care product s and comp iled rec ommend ation s which a re specia lly ma tched to o ur vehi cles and which always reflect t he latest technology. You can obtain Mercedes-Benz approved car-care prod ucts at an authorized Merced es-Be nz Cente r.
343 Operation Vehicle care Engine c leaning Prior to cleaning the engine compartment, make su re to prot ect el ectr ical co mpo- nents and connectors from the intrusion of water and cleaning agents. Corrosion protection, such as MB Anticor- rosion Wax, should be applied to the e n- gine co mpartme nt af ter ev ery engine cleaning.
344 Operation Vehicle care Ornament al moldings For regular cleaning and care of ornam en- tal moldi ngs, u se a damp cloth. Headl amps, tail la mps, s ide ma rkers , turn signal lense s 왘 Use a m ild car wash det ergent, s uch as Mercede s-Benz app roved Ca r Sh am- poo, with plenty of water.
345 Operation Vehicle care Cleaning the windows and th e wiper blades 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 33). 왘 Tur n comb inatio n swit ch to wip er setti ng II ( 컄 page 53) . 왘 With wiper arms in vertical position, switch off the igni tion ( 컄 page 3 3).
346 Operation Vehicle care Light alloy wh eels If possible, clean wheels once a week. 왘 Use Merced es-Be nz app roved W heel Care, a soft bri stle brush an d a strong spray of wate r for cleaning the light al- loy wh eels.
347 Operation Vehicle care Hard pla stic tri m items 왘 Use M ercedes -Benz appro ved Inte rior Care, a soft, lint-free cloth and apply with light p ressure . Steering wheel a nd gear selector lever 왘 Wipe with a damp cloth and d ry thor- ough ly or clea n with Me rcedes-B enz approve d Leather Care.
348 Operation Vehicle care Upholstery Using af termarket se at covers or we aring clothing that have the tendency to give off coloring ( e.g. when wet, etc. ) may cau se the upholste ry to become permanentl y dis- colored. By lining the seats with a proper intermediate cover, contact- discoloration will be prev ented.
349 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Where will I find ...? Unlocking/locking in an emergency Opening/clos ing in an emergency Resetting acti vated head restraints Replacing SmartKey batteries Repl.
350 Practi cal hints What to do if … Lamps in ins trument c luster General information: If any of the fol lowing lam ps in the i nstru- ment cluster fails to come on during the bulb s elf-ch eck when s witch ing on the ignition, have the respective bulb checked and repl aced i f nec essar y.
351 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Problem Poss ible cause/consequen ce Suggested solutio n ; (USA only) 3 (Canada onl y) The red bra ke warning lam p com es on wh ile driv ing and you hear a wa rning sound . You are dr iving wit h the parki ng b rake s et.
352 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Pos sible ca use/ conseq uence Suggested solution ú (USA only) ± (Canada o nly) The yellow e ngine malfunction indica tor lamp comes on whil e driving.
353 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Problem Possible c ause/consequence Suggested solution ú (USA only) ± (Canada onl y) The ye llow eng ine malfu nctio n indica tor la mp com es on while drivin g. Your fuel tank is empty. 왘 After refuelling star t, turn off and restart the engine three or four times in suc ces- sion.
354 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Possible c ause/consequence Suggested solution v The ye llow ESP ® warnin g lamp com es on whi le drivin g. The ESP ® is deactiva ted. Risk of acc ident! Adap t your speed and drivi ng to the prevai ling ro ad, weather and traffic conditions.
355 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Problem Possibl e cause/ consequen ce Suggested solu tion < The red sea t be lt tell tale comes on after starting the engine with all doors closed. The se at bel t telltale remind s you and your passe ngers to fa sten you r seat belts be fore drivin g off .
356 Practi cal hints What to do if … Lamp in cent er console Problem Pos sible cause /cons e- quence Suggested soluti on 56 The front passenger front air bag off ind icator la mp ill uminate s and remains illumina ted with the weight of a typica l adult or some- one lar ger than a sm all ind ividual on the front passenger seat.
357 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Problem Possib le cause/c onse- quence Suggested soluti on 56 The front passenger front air bag off in dicator lamp does not illuminate and/or does not remain illumina ted with the weight of a typic al 12-month-old child in a standar d child rest raint or less on the front passen- ger sea t.
358 Practi cal hints What to do if … Vehicle status messages in the multifun ction dis play Warn ing and ma lfun ction me ssag es appear in the mult ifunction display located in the instrument clu ster. Certain wa rning and ma lfunc tion messag- es are a ccompa nied by an audible signal .
359 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … On the pages that follow, you will f ind a compil ation o f the mo st impor tant w arning and malf unction m essages tha t may appear in the mu ltifunc tion disp lay.
360 Practi cal hints What to do if … Text messages Disp lay me ssage Possi ble caus e/co nseque nce Poss ibl e so luti on ABS malf unction Visi t worksho p The ABS has det ected a malfun ction an d has switch ed off. The ESP ® , BAS and the Run Flat Indic ator* are also de activat ed.
361 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Displa y message Possible cause/conseq uence Po ssibl e solu tion ESP unava ilable See O perator ’s M anual The ESP ® was deacti vated becau se of a malf unction or interrupted power suppl y. The BAS and t he Run F lat Ind icator* are als o deac- tivated.
362 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possi ble caus e/co nseque nce Possib le solu tion ESP unav ailable See Op erator’ s Manua l The c harging voltag e has fa llen b elow 10 volts . The batt ery migh t not be char ged suffic iently.
363 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Displa y message Possible cause/conseq uence Possible solutio n SRS Restr aint sy stem malfun ction Drive to wor ksho p The sy stem is m alfunc tioni ng. 왘 Drive with added caut ion to the nearest authoriz ed Merce des-Benz Cen ter.
364 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possib le cause/ conseq uence Possibl e solut ion Fron t-pas s. airb ag acti vated See Op erat or’s M anual Front passenger front air bag is .
365 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Displa y message P oss ible cause / conse quence Possibl e solution Fron t-pass. airb ag acti vated See O perator’ s M anual Monitor the 56 indicator lamp on .
366 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possible cause/consequence Possib le so lutio n Fron t-pas s. airb ag deac tivat ed See Op erat or’s M anual Front passenger front air bag i s deac- tivated w hile driving even though an adult or someone larger than a small individual is occupying the front pas- senger seat.
367 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Displa y message P oss ible cause / conse quence Possibl e solution Fron t-pass. airb ag deac tivated See O perator’ s M anual Monitor the 56 indicator lamp o.
368 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possib le cause/ conse quence Poss ible soluti on Run Flat I ndica tor ina ctive The R un Flat Indicato r* is ma lfunc- tioning. 왘 Have the Run Fla t Indicator* checked by an authori zed Mer cedes-Ben z Center .
369 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Symbol messages Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Poss ible ca use/cons equence Possible soluti on # Batt ery Alter nato r Visi t worksho p The battery is no longer charging.
370 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay message Possible cause/co nsequ ence Possible so lution ; (USA only) ! (Canada only ) Rele ase Par king brak e You ar e driving wi th the parkin g brake set. 왘 Relea se the parking brak e ( 컄 page 50).
371 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Disp lay symb ol Displa y message Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible so lution B Cool ant Che ck level The coolant level is too low. 왘 Add coolant ( 컄 page 301 ). 왘 If you have t o add coolant freque ntly, have the cooli ng system c hecked by an au thorized Me rcedes -Benz C enter.
372 Practi cal hints What to do if … During severe operating conditions and stop-and-go city traffic, the coolant tem - perature may rise close to 248 °F (120 °C). Displ ay sym bol Display m essage Possib le cause/consequen ce Possible so lution • Coola nt Stop, engine off ! The coolant is too hot.
373 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Disp lay symb ol Displa y message Possib le cause/consequence Possible solution • Cool ant Sto p, engine off! The poly -V-belt coul d be broken. 왘 Stop th e vehi cle i n a safe loc ation and immediatel y turn off the engine .
374 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Display m essage Possib le cause/consequen ce Possible so lution Ñ Cruis e contr. Dr ive to wo rksh op Cruise control is malfunctioning. 왘 Visit an aut horized Me rcedes-B enz Center. G Displ ay malf unct ion Visit worksh op The instru ment cluste r display is malfunctioning.
375 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … When th e message Che ck oil level at next gas stati on appear s while the e n- gine is running and at operating tempera- ture, the engine oil level has dropped to approxima tely t he mini mum level.
376 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Display m essage Possib le cause/consequen ce Possible so lution 4 Check gas ca p. See O perator ’s M anual A loss of pres sure has been de tected in the fu el syst em. The fue l cap may no t be clos ed prop erly o r the fuel system may be leaky.
377 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Disp lay symb ol Displa y message Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible solution . 3rd brake lamp The hi gh moun ted brak e lamp is malfunctioning. Thi s message will only appe ar if al l lig ht emit ting di odes have stopped working.
378 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Display m essage Possib le cause/consequen ce Possible so lution . High be am left The lef t high beam lamp is malfunctioning. 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as possible. High be am right The right h igh beam la mp is malfunctioning.
379 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Disp lay symb ol Displa y message Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible so lution . Low b eam righ t The ri ght low be am lamp is malfunctioning. Halogen headl amp: 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as possib le. Bi-Xenon* headlamp: 왘 Visit a n authorize d Merced es-Be nz Center as soon as possib le.
380 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Display m essage Possib le cause/consequen ce Possible so lution . Turn si gnal left fr ont The lef t front turn signal la mp is malfunctioning. 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as possible. Turn si gnal right front The right front turn signal lamp i s malfunctioning.
381 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Disp lay symb ol Displa y message Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible so lution < Belt system Dri ve to worksh op The sea t belt sys tem is malfunc tioning . 왘 Visit a n authorize d Merced es-Be nz Center as soon as possib le.
382 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Display m essage Possib le cause/consequen ce Possible so lution K Close slid./ pop- up sunro of You have opene d the driv er’s do or with the SmartK ey removed from the starter switch and the sl iding por tion of the tilt/s liding sun roof* o pen.
383 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fi nd ...? 왔 Where will I fi nd ...? First aid kit The firs t aid kit is lo cated in the trunk on the left side secured by a hook and l oop fastener . 1 First aid k it 2 Hook and loop fastener 왘 Unfasten hook and loop fas tener 2 .
384 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? 3 Arrow 4 Mini spare wheel w ith sp are wh eel bo lts in container on wheel rim 5 Vehicle tool kit storage well ca sing 6 Vehicle tool kit 왘 Remove vehicle tool kit 6 . Storing th e vehicle to ol kit 왘 Place vehicle tool kit 6 in vehicle tool kit storage w ell c asing 5 .
385 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fi nd ...? Vehicl e jack The veh icle jac k is loc ated in the storag e compartment und erneath the trunk floor. Storag e position 왘 Turn crank handle in direction of arrow as far a s it w ill g o. 왘 Push crank hand le up.
386 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? Setting up the co llapsible wheel chock The col lapsibl e whee l chock serves to additio nally se cure the v ehicle, e.g . while changi ng the wh eel. 1 Tilt the p late u pwar d 2 Fold the lo wer pla te ou tward 3 Insert the plate 왘 Tilt bo th plates upw ard 1 .
387 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fi nd ...? 1 Vehicle tool kit 2 Arrow 3 Mini spare wh eel with spare wh eel bolt s in container on wheel rim 4 Vehi cle tool kit stor age well c asin g 왘 Remove vehicle tool kit storage we ll casing 4 . 왘 Remove Mi nisp are whee l 3 .
388 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? In case of a flat tire, you may temporarily use t he Mi nispar e whee l when obse rving the foll owing rest rictions : 앫 Do not exceed a vehicl e spee d of 50 mp h (80 k m/h ). 앫 Drive to the neares t tire repair facil ity to have the flat tire rep aired or replac ed as appropr iate.
389 Practi cal hi nts Unlocking/locki ng in an emergency 왔 Unlock ing/locking in an emergency Unlocki ng the v ehicl e If you are unable to unloc k the vehi cle with the SmartKey, open the driver’s door and the trunk using the m echanical key.
390 Practi cal hints Unlocking/l ocking in an emergency Unlock ing and opening t he trunk A minimum height cl earance of 5.71 ft (1.7 4 m) i s req uired to op en th e trun k li d. The tr unk lid lo ck is locat ed next to th e handl e abov e the r ear l icens e plat e rece ss.
391 Practi cal hi nts Unlocking/locki ng in an emergency 1 Locking 왘 Inse rt the mecha nical key into the driver’s door lock until it stops. 왘 Turn the mechan ical key c lockwise to posit io n 1 .
392 Practi cal hints Unlocking/l ocking in an emergency Manually unlo cking the tra nsmission gear selector lever In case of powe r failur e, the transm issio n gear selector lever can be manual ly un- locke d, e.g. to to w the vehi cle. 왘 Slide o ut the sw ivelin g cup hold er ( 컄 page 25 9).
393 Practi cal hi nts Opening/closing in an emergenc y 왔 Opening/c losing in an emergency Power tilt/slid ing sunroof* You can open or close the tilt/sliding sunroof manually should an electrical malfuncti on occur. The til t/slidi ng sunro of drive i s located behind the lens 1 of the interior overhead light .
394 Practi cal hints Reset ting activ ated head restra ints Resetting ac tivated he ad restrain ts If the active head restraints has b een trig- gered in a rear-end collision, the active head restraints must be reset. Otherwise, the active head restraint cannot offer any additional protection in the event of anoth- er rea r-end co llisio n.
395 Practi cal hi nts Replac ing Smar tKey ba tteri es 왔 Replacing SmartKey batteries If the b atteries in the SmartK ey ar e discharged, the vehicle ca n no longer be locke d or unlo cked. It is rec ommended to have the batteri es replaced at an authori zed Mer cedes-Ben z Center .
396 Practi cal hints Replacing SmartKey batteries SmartKey Replaceme nt batteries: Lithium, type CR 2025 or e quivalent. 왘 Remove th e mechani cal key ( 컄 page 38 9). 1 Mechani cal key 2 Slid e 3 Batt ery c ompa rtment 왘 Inser t the mech anical ke y 1 in direc- tion of arrow in side opening.
397 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs 왔 Replacing bulbs Safe vehicle operation depends on proper exteri or lighting a nd signa ling. It is th ere- fore es sent ial tha t all b ulbs and la mp assemblies are in good working order at all times. Correc t headla mp adju stment is extremel y impo rtant.
398 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs Bulbs Front lam ps Lamp Type 1 Additional turn s ignal lamp LED 2 Halo gen he adlamp : Turn si gnal l amp Bi-Xenon* headlamp: Turn si gnal l amp 1156 A 2357 A 3 Ha.
399 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs Rear lamps Notes on bulb replacem ent 앫 Only u se 12 v olt b ulbs of the s ame type and with the specified watt rating. 앫 Switch lights off bef ore cha nging a bulb to prevent sh ort circuits. 앫 Alway s use a cle an lint-f ree cloth when handling bulbs.
400 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs Have the LEDs and bulbs for the fol lowing lamps replac ed by an authoriz ed Merced es-Be nz Cente r: 앫 Additional turn s ignals in the exterior rear view m irro.
401 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs Low bea m bulb 왘 Press the clamp on housing cover 1 and remove it . 왘 Pull the electrical connector off . 왘 Tur n bulb so cket 4 cou nter clo ckwise and take out the bulb. 왘 Inse rt the new bul b so that its socket locates in the recess of the lamp housing.
402 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs Bi-Xenon* he adlamp 1 Housing cover for Bi-Xenon headlamp 2 Housing co ver for high beam fla sher, parking an d standing lamp 3 Bulb so cket for tu rn sign al lamp.
403 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs Front turn signa l lamp bulb 왘 Tur n bulb soc ket 3 with the bulb counterclockwis e and remove it . 왘 Press gently onto the bulb and turn it counterclockwis e out of bulb socket 3 . 왘 Press new bulb gen tly into bu lb socket 3 and turn clockwis e until it engages .
404 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs 왘 Fold the correspon ding trim pan el to the side. 왘 Turn l atch 1 to vertical position and remove th e bulb carrie r.
405 Practi cal hi nts Replacing wiper blades 왔 Replacing wiper blades Removing wiper blades 왘 Remove Sm artKey from starter swi tch. 왘 Fold wiper arm fo rward. 1 Unlock 2 Lock 왘 Pull the tab in direction of a rrow 1 and remove wip er blade. Installin g wiper blades 왘 Slide the wipe r blade into the c utout on the wipe r arm (see a rrows).
406 Practi cal hints Flat tire Preparing the vehicle 왘 Park th e vehicl e in a safe di stance from moving traff ic on a h ard, flat s urface when pos sible. 왘 Turn on the hazard warning flasher ( 컄 page 124) . 왘 Turn the s teering wheel so that t he front wheels are in a s traight a head position.
407 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire Lifting the vehicle 왘 Preven t the vehicle f rom ro lling away by blo cking whee ls with wh eel chocks or other sizable objects.
408 Practi cal hints Flat tire The jack take-u p brackets are loca ted directly behind the front wheel housings and in f ront of the rear wheel h ousings .
409 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire Mounting the spare wheel 1 Wheel b olt f or lig ht allo y rim s 2 Whee l bolt for Minispa re whe el (locat- ed in tr unk with sp are wheel) 왘 Clean contact surfaces of wheel and wheel hub. 왘 Guide s pare wh eel onto th e align ment bolt and push it on.
410 Practi cal hints Flat tire 왘 Unsc rew the align ment b olt, in stal l last wheel bo lt and tighten sl ightly. Lowering the vehicle 왘 Lower veh icle by turning cr ank countercl ockwise unt il vehicl e is resting fully on its own weight. 왘 Remove the jack.
411 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire MO Extend ed syste m* The MO Extended syst em allo w s y ou to contin ue dri ving yo ur ve hicle e ven if there is a total loss of pressure in one or more tires. You may only use the MO Exte nde d system in conjunction with the Run Flat Ind icator*.
412 Practi cal hints Batter y The ba ttery is loc ated in the engine compartment on the ri ght hand side. 1 Clamps Removing fi lter box : 왘 Releas e cla mps 1 . 왘 Remove fi lter box . Insta lling filt er box: 왘 Insert fi lter box prop erly. 왘 Secure i t with clamps 1 .
413 Practi cal hi nts Batter y 1 Negative te rminal 2 Positive terminal cover Disconnect ing the batt ery 왘 Turn off the engine ( 컄 page 59). 왘 Turn of f all ele ctrica l consu mers. 왘 Remove Smar tKey from starter sw itch. 왘 Open the hood ( 컄 page 297).
414 Practi cal hints Batter y Charging a nd rei nstalling the bat tery 왘 Charge ba ttery in accord ance with the instructions of the battery charger manufact urer. 왘 Reins tall the c harged batt ery. F ollo w the previ ously descri bed steps in reverse ord er.
415 Practi cal hi nts Jump star ting 왔 Jump start ing If the batter y is discharg ed, the engi ne can be started wit h jumper cab les and the battery of another vehicle. Observe the follo wing: 앫 Jump starting should only be performed when the engine and catalytic con- verter are cold.
416 Practi cal hints Jump starting The ba ttery is loc ated in the engine compartment on the ri ght hand side. The terminals f or jump starting a re located in front of the battery. 왘 Make sur e the two ve hicles do not touch. 왘 Turn o ff all electr ical co nsum ers.
417 Practi cal hi nts Towin g the vehicle 왔 Towing the v ehicle Merced es-Ben z rec ommend s that the vehi cle be tra nsporte d with all wh eels off the ground using flatbed or appropriate wheel lift/ dolly eq uipmen t. Thi s method is prefer able to o ther typ es of towi ng.
418 Practi cal hints Towing th e vehicle ! To be cert ain to avoid a p ossibility of dam age to th e drivetr ain, ho wever , we recommend the drive shaft be discon- nected at the rear a xle drive f lange (vehicles with 4MATIC: disconnected at the front and rear axle drive flan ges) for any towing beyond a short tow to a nearby garage.
419 Practi cal hi nts Towin g the vehicle Wa rn i n g! G With the engine no t runni ng, there is no power assi stance for t he brake an d steering systems. In t his case, it is impor tant to ke ep in mind th at a con siderab ly higher d egree o f effort is nece ssary to brak e and st eer the v e- hicl e.
420 Practi cal hints Towing th e vehicle Installin g towing eye bolt 1 Cover on right side of front bumper 2 Cover on right side of rear bumper Removing co ver 왘 Press mark on cover 1 or 2 in direction of arrows . 왘 Lift cover off to reveal the thread ed hole fo r towing ey e bolt.
421 Practi cal hi nts Fuses 왔 Fuses Fuses are designed to pr otect the electri- cal ci rcuits in your vehicle f rom a short ci r- cuit. If a fuse is blown, the component(s) and sy stems s ecured by th at fuse wi ll sto p opera ting.
422 Practi cal hints Fuses Main fuse box in passe nger compa rtment The m ain fus e box is loc ated in t he pas sen- ger compartment on the driver’s side of the cockpit. 1 Main fuse box cover Opening fuse box 왘 Open the dr iver ’s door . 왘 Pull fu se box co ver 1 open with a screw driver or similar tool (see arrow).
423 Practi cal hi nts Fuses Closing fuse bo x 왘 Make su re that the sealing rubber is properly positioned. 왘 Press fuse box cove r 4 down and secure wi th clamps 5 . Installin g cover 왘 Insert cover 1 sideways into reta iner 3 . 왘 Twist s crews 2 90° clockwis e.
425 Technical data Parts ser vice Warranty coverag e Identification labels Layout of poly-V-belt drive Engine Rims and Tires Electrical system Main dimensions Weig hts Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc.
426 Technical data The “T echnica l data” se ction pro vides th e necessar y technical data for your veh icle. Parts service All auth orized Me rcedes -Benz Cen ters maintain a stoc k of Genuine Mercede s-Benz parts requi red for mainte- nance and repair wor k .
427 Technical data Warr anty co ver age 왔 Warr anty co ver age Your veh icle is cove red under the terms of the warranti es printed in the Service and Warranty Information booklet.
428 Technical data Identificat ion labels 1 Certific ation l abel (inc ludes Pa intw ork code) 2 Vehic le Iden tifica tion Num ber (VI N) 3 Vacuum li ne rou ting di agram l abel 4 Engine number (engra.
429 Technical data Layout of poly-V-belt drive 왔 Layout of poly-V-belt drive All models 1 Idler pu lley 2 Idler pu lley 3 Automatic belt tensioner 4 Power stee ring pump 5 Air conditioning compresso.
430 Technical data Engine Model C 230 ( 203. 052) 1 C 230 Sport (2 03.052) 1 1 Th e qu o te d d a ta a pp ly o nl y to th e st a nd ar d ve h ic l e. Se e an a ut h orized Mercedes-Benz Cente r for the correspon ding data of al l sp ecial bodi es and sp ecia l equ ipm ent.
431 Technical data Engine Model C 350 (203.056 ) 1 C 350 Spor t (20 3.0 56) 1 C 350 4MAT IC (203.087) 1 Engine 27 2 Mode of operation 4-str oke engin e, gasolin e injecti on No. of cylinder s 6 Bore 3.65 in (92.9 0 mm) Stroke 3.38 in (86. 00 mm) Total piston displacemen t 213.
432 Technical data Rims and Tires ! Only u se tires w hich ha ve been te sted and appro ved fo r your vehic le by Merc edes -Benz. Ti res appr oved by Merc edes-Be nz are devel oped t o pro- vide best possible performance in con- junction with the driving safety systems on your v ehicl e such as ABS or ESP ® .
433 Technical data Rims and Tire s i The f ollo win g pa ges als o list t he ap - proved w heel rim a nd tire s izes for equippi ng your vehic les with winter tires. Winter tires are no t avai lable as standard or optional factory equip- ment, but can be purchased from an authori zed Mercedes -Benz Cent er.
434 Technical data Rims and Tires Same size tires Model C2 3 0 1 C2 8 0 C2 8 04 M A T I C C3 5 0 C3 5 04 M A T I C 1 Canada only C2 3 0 S p o r t C3 5 0 S p o r t Rims ( ligh t allo y) 7 J x 16 H2 7.
435 Technical data Rims and Tire s Mixed size tires Model C2 3 0 S p o r t C3 5 0 S p o r t Front axle: Rims (light allo y) 7.5 J x 17 H2 Wheel offset 1.42 in (3 6 mm) Summer tires 1 1 Radial-ply ti res 225/45 R 17 91W or 225/45 R 17 91W MO Extended 2 2 Must be used in conj unction with Run Flat Ind icator* only.
436 Technical data Rims and Tires Minispare w heel Model C2 3 0 1 C2 8 0 C2 8 04 M A T I C C3 5 0 C3 5 04 M A T I C 1 Canada only C2 3 0S p o r t C3 5 0 S p o r t Rim (steel) 3.5 B x 16 H2 3.5 B x 17 H2 Wheel offset 0.67 in ( 17 m m) 0.67 i n (17 m m) Tire T 125/90 R16 98 M 2 2 Must not be used with snow ch ains.
437 Technical data Electrical system 왔 Electrical system Model all mod els Generat or (alternat or) 14 V/150 A Starter motor 12 V/1.4 k W Battery 12 V/100 Ah Spark pl ugs Bosch Platin Y 7 MPP 33 NGK PL KR 6A Electrode gap 0.
438 Technical data Main dimension s Model C2 3 0 C2 3 0S p o r t C 280 C 350 C2 8 04 M A T I C C3 5 04 M A T I C C 350 Sport Overall v ehicle len gth 178.4 in (4 53 2 mm) 178.4 in (4 532 mm ) 178.4 in (4 532 mm ) 178.4 i n (4 532 mm) Overall vehi cle width (exte - rior re ar view mirror s fold- ed out) 77.
439 Technical data Weights 왔 Weig hts Roof load max. 220 lb (100 kg) Trunk l oad max. 22 0 lb (100 kg).
440 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Capaciti es Vehicle components and their respective lubrica nts must m atch. Th erefor e only us e products te sted and approve d by Mercede s-Benz . Pleas e refer to the F actory Appr oved Servic e Produc ts pamph let, or in quire a t your Merc edes-Be nz Cen ter.
441 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Model Capac ity Fuels, coolan ts, lubrica nts, etc. Power steer ing approx. 1 .1 US qt (1.0 l ) MB Power Stee ring Fluid (Pentosi n CHF 11S) Front wheel hub s a p p r o x . 2 . 1o z ( 6 0g ) each High tem peratur e roller bearing grease Brake syst em 0.
442 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Engine oils Engine oils ar e spec ifically tested f or the ir suitabi lity in o ur engines an d durabili ty for our ser vice inte rvals . Theref ore, onl y use approved engine oils and oil filters requ ired f or vehi cles wi th Ma inten ance System (U.
443 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Premium unleaded gaso line Gasoline ad ditives A major concern amon g engine manufa ctur ers is carbo n build- up cause d by gasoli ne. Merce des-Benz recom mends only the use of quality gasoline containing additives that prevent the buil d-up of carbon deposits.
444 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. In ar eas wh ere car bon d eposit s may be encou ntered du e to lack of a vailabi lity of gasolines which contai n these additives, Merce des- Benz re commen ds th e use of additives a pproved by us for us e on Merced es-Be nz vehicle s.
445 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. The coolant solution must be used year-round to pr ovide the necessary corro- sion protection and increase boil-over protection. Refer to Maintenance Booklet for repla cement interval . Coolant system design and coolant used determ ine the rep lacement in terval.
446 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Anticorros ion/antifr eeze Your vehicle contains a number of alumi num parts. The use of aluminum components in motor vehicl e engines necessitates that anticorrosion/antifreeze coola nt used in such engin es be spec ifi- cally formul ated to protect the aluminum parts.
447 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Antico rrosion/an tifreeze qua ntity Model Approx . freeze protec tion –35°F (–3 7°C) –49°F (– 45°C ) all model s 3.
448 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Win dshi eld wa sher and hea dlam p cleani ng syst em* Both th e wind shield washe r and headla mp cleaning system* are supplied from the windshie ld washer f luid reservoir. The wash er fluid re servoir has a capacity of approx.
449 Technical terms ABS (A ntilock B rake S yst em) Prev ents the wh eels from lockin g up during brak ing s o tha t the ve hicl e can continue to be steered. Accessory w eight ( 컄 page 331) Air pre ssure ( 컄 page 331) Alignment bol t Metal pin with thre ad.
450 Technic al terms Contr ol syste m The c ontrol sys tem is use d to call up vehicle inf ormation and to change component settings. Information and messa ges appe ar in th e multif unction displa y. The driver use s the buttons on the mult ifunctio n steering wheel to navigate thro ugh the system and to adjust settings.
451 Technical terms GPS (G lobal P ositioning S ystem) Satel lite-ba sed syst em for re laying geographic location information to and from ve hicles equipp ed with specia l recei vers.
452 Technic al terms MON (M otor O cta ne N umbe r) The M otor O cta ne Num ber for g asol ine as dete rmine d by a s tandard ized method. It is an indication of a gasoli ne’s abilit y to re sist u ndesir ed detonation (knocking).
453 Technical terms PSI (P ounds per s qu are i nch) ( 컄 page 3 33) Recomm ended ti re inflat ion pressure ( 컄 page 333) Rest raint syst ems Seat belts , child restrai nts, lower anchors and tethers for chil dren (LATC H). As ind ependen t syst ems, their protective functions complement one another.
454 Technic al terms Telematics* A comb ination o f the terms “tele- communications ” and “informatics ”. Tightening torque Force tim es lev er arm (e.
455 Index A ABS 25, 87, 449 Indicat or la mp 350 Messa ges in di splay 3 60 Accelerator position, automatic transmis sion* 165 Access ory we ight 331 Accident In case of 56 Active head re straints see.
456 Index Opera ting and di splay elem ents 2 00 Operati ng audi o syst em 202 Operati ng sa fety 199 Radio operation 207 Telephone* operation 225 Auto-di mming mir ror* 171 Automatic central loc king.
457 Index Brake la mps Cleaning lenses 344 Messa ges in di splay 3 77 Repla cing bulbs 4 03 Brake pads Messag e in disp lay 370 Brake s 284 Warni ng lamp 25, 351 Break-in p eriod 282 Bulbs , replacing.
458 Index Control syste m submenus 132, 134 Convenience 153 Instrume nt clust er 143 Light ing 149 Time/ Date 145 Vehicle 152 Contr oller Area Netwo rk see C AN sy stem Coolant 3 01, 444 Anticorrosion.
459 Index DOT 331 Downhi ll drivi ng Cruise control 248 Drin king and dri ving 283 Driving Abroad 290 Hydroplaning 287 In winter 289 Instructions 45, 283 Problems 56 Safety syste ms 87 Syste ms 247 Th.
460 Index Number 4 28 Start ing 49 Tachomet er 25 Technica l data 430 Turning 59 Engine coolant see coolant Engine number 450 Engine oil 298, 442 Adding 300 Additives 44 2 Changing 440 Checki ng level.
461 Index Fuel 294, 443 Additives 4 43 Capacities , Fuel tank 4 41 Fillin g the tank 294 Fue l filler flap and c ap, Mul tifunc tion displ ay me ssages 352, 353, 376 Fuel g auge 25 Fuel rese rve warni.
462 Index Head u nit Time synchronization * with 145 Headlamp cleaning system* 170, 303, 441 Headl amp shu t-off de lay see D elay ed shut-o ff, Exteri or lamp s Headla mps Automatic headlamp mode 119.
463 Index J Jack 383 Jack ing up the veh icle 4 07 Jump starti ng 41 5 K Key, mech anical 389 Key, Sma rtKey Batter ies 101 Batter y check lam p 101 Changing batteries 396 Factor y setti ng 100 Lockin.
464 Index Light allo y whee ls Cleaning 346 Technic al data 43 4, 435 Light sensor see Lamp sensor Lighte r see Cigar ette light er Lighting Parkin g lamps 118 Lighting, Exterior and i nterior 1 18 Li.
465 Index Mult ifunctio n disp lay messa ges ABS 360 Brake fl uid 370 Brake la mps 3 77 Brake pa ds 370 Coolant 37 1, 372, 373 Cruise control 374 Disp lay 374 Door 374 Engine coola nt 371, 372, 37 3 E.
466 Index Opera ting sa fety 199 Ornamental moldings, Cleaning 344 Outsid e tempera ture se e Displa ys Overhead control panel 29 Over speed range, engin e 452 P Paintwork, Cleaning 342 Panic alar m* .
467 Index R Radio Operation 202, 207 Selecting stations (Control syste m) 136 Radio tr ansmitters 291 Range ( distance to empty) 1 56 Reading lamp 125 Rear b ench seat, f oldabl e* 253 Rear door windo.
468 Index S Safet y Driving s afety sy stems 87 Occupant 62 Repor tin g defect s 18 Safet y belt s see S eat belts Satell ite rad io* 211 Seat b elt f orce l imite r 72 Seat b elts 69 Childre n in the.
469 Index Side wall 3 33 Ski sack * (Canad a only) 250 , 252, 253 Smart Key se e Key, Sm artKey Snow chains 337 Sound syste m* 204 Spare fuses 421 Spare wheel 436 Bolts 388 Moun ting 40 6 Speed setti .
470 Index Wind shield wa sher 4 41 Wind shield w ashe r and he adla mp clea ning* syste m 441, 448 Tel e Aid* 265, 271, 453 Emergency calls 267 Hands-free microphone 29 Informa tion 270 Initia ting a .
471 Index Tools 383 Top te ther, see Ch ildren in the vehi cle Tow-away al arm* 95 Towin g eye bo lt 420 Towing th e vehicl e 417 Traction 168, 3 34 Tra nsmissi on gea r sele ctor le ver see Gear sele.
472 Index Vehicle tool kit 383 VIN 428, 454 Voice c ontrol system* , Hands-free microphone 29 see se parate op erat ing i nstruc tions W Warnin g lamp s see L amps , indi cator a nd warning Warnin g s.
Servic e and Li teratu re Your a uthorized M ercedes -Benz C enter ha s trained te chnici ans and ori ginal Mercedes -Benz pa rts to serv ice your veh icle pr operly. For expe rt advic e and qual ity servic e, see an au thoriz ed Merce des-Benz C enter.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mercedes-Benz 2006 C 280 4MATIC gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.