Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung V3.5 des Produzenten Marathon Computer
Zur Seite of 211
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Description and Applications The Marathon Monitors Inc. UNIPRO Controller/Programmer represents the latest technology in microprocessor -based process control instrumentation.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Two (2) control output triacs for use in single or dual control mode. Two (2) fully isolated analog outputs, each separately configurable for voltage or current output. Two (2) configurable alarm triacs, assignable as process Alarms, deviation alarms, program alarms, or fault alarms.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Installation Installation Location The UNIPRO instrument is designed for 1 /8 inch panel mounting in a DIN standard opening of 5.43 inches square (adapter panels available by special order).
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 3. Repeat step 2 for the opposite side of the unit. 4. With 1/8 inch HEX KEY wrench, alternately tighten bolts on either side of the instrument to a torque of 4 in -lbs. (See warning below).
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 On subsequent removals and installations the rear panel can be removed (4 screws) and the wiring does not have to be disturbed. Warning All connections, rear panel installations and removals; plus triac board installations and removals must be done with power removed from TBA and TBB.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Three types of Proportional control are: 1. Time - Proportioning: Referring to the modulation of the duty cycle.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 more details). The output control is based on 0 to 99% of the output device's control range. For example, 50% control would equal 2.5 VDC out where 5 VDC equals maximum heat output of the drive.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Alarms Two user -programmable triac alarm contacts are available for connection in appropriately -engineered systems. Programmer The Programmer can run an entire process, depending on how thoroughly the capabilities are set up and used.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Electrical Connections Connections to the unit are made via four terminal blocks, on the rear panel, labeled TBA, TBB, TBC, and TBD. (Position 1 is at the top the position 10 (TBA and TBB) or 18 (TBC and TBD) is at the bottom of the terminal strip.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 UNIPRO Rear Panel UNIPRO Electrical connections AC Power The UNIPRO requires 100/120/200/240 VAC at 1 AMP, Communications Three communications busses are at TBC and use RS -422 full or half duplex protocol for all ports.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Analog Inputs The UNIPRO allows for three analog inputs with their individual functions determined by "daughter board" located on the analog input board inside the unit.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 UNIPRO Front Panel Removal Find the appropriate switches by referring to the figure below.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 UNIPRO Internal Layout DIP Switch Assignments Bank 0 Switch # Description 1 Unassigned 2 Unassigned 3 Slide wire Deadband (see the follow.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Slidewire Dead Band Offset offset Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 0.4% OFF OFF OFF 0.8% ON OFF OFF 1.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Each UNIPRO in a multiple instrument system must have a unique address for proper communications.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Thermocouple Burnout Jumper Selection The thermocouple jumper selects either a full upscale or a full down scale reaction to take place when a thermocouple fails or becomes open. The jumper can be found on the thermocouple board, and has two possible settings (see Figure).
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Setup And Configuration Front Panel The front panel of the UNIPRO consists of three main parts, two display windows and a keyboard. Refer to the figure shown below for a layout of the front panel.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 This 4 digit 14 -segment display provides the value of the process setpoint value during Auto and Program operation. In Manual mode the Time -Proport ioning % Output value is displayed. During operator input procedures this display shows the data being entered.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Fault indicates that an open circuit is detected at the signal input. Wait indicates that the Programmer is waiting for some condition to be satisfied before continuing. Setpt indicates that the Setpt Enter mode has been selected.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Keyboard The UNIPRO keyboard consists of ten keys for operating and programming the instrument.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 This key selects the Control Parameter Enter mode where the Proportional Band, Reset, Rate, Cycle Time and Percent Output values (if in solenoid mode) can be accessed and altered. When used in the dual -key operation Shift/ Cntrl Parm it selects the keyboard Lock Level change mode.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 usually used to select which digit is to be modified in a data entry mode. In Manual mode this key will cause the control output to go to the full reverse control direction while the value is displayed in the SET window.
Marathon Monitors Inc . Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 usually used to select which digit is to be modified in a data entry mode. In Manual mode this key will cause the control output to go to the full Output 1 direction. In the Programmer Status Display mode it causes the display to move to a new page.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 [ C o n t r o l P a r a m e t e r ] S e t u p M e.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 n u MENU CON MENU INP MENU AOUT MENU COM MENU PROG pb xxxx in a xxxx ao 1 xxxx host xxxx auto xxx res xxxx cjca xxxx ao1o xxxx.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 q u e n c e o f “ I N A ” r e p e a t s f o r i n p u t s B.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 a n d C . : t h e s c r e e n r e p e a t s f o r n u.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 m b e r s 0 - 8 d e c i m a l a n d h e x a n d h e x n.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 u m b e r s 9 - f . T h i s i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 r e p e a t i n g s c r e e n s h a v e b e e n l e f t o u t.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 b e t w e e n t h e f i r s t a n d l a s t n u m b e r s ..
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Control Parameter Key Menu Selections The following shows the order of configuration options set from the [ Cntl Parm ] key and their range of values. Press [ENTER] to go forward to the next option, or [Shift] to back up to a previous option.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 e t d i s p l a y o p t i o n s D e s c r i p t i o n 0 to 9999 Propor.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 tional band 0 to 99.99 Reset 0 to 9.99 Rate 1 to 250 Cycle time in second s 0 to 100 High limit.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 on percent output -100 to 100 Low limit on percent output -100 to 100 Load Line.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 CON menu Continued... Process display Set display Descri ption xxx Contro l mode XXX= X__ = D or R for direct or reverse .
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 _XX = tp for time propor tioning . tc for time propor tioning with compli ment td for time propor tioning dual.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 ms for motor with slide wire feedba ck of for OFF / ON control oc for OFF / ON with compli ment.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 od for OFF / ON dual pp for positio n propor tioning LOC , IN C Setpoi nt source; local or input C.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 INP menu Input A, B, or C values and actions are programmed from this menu. Display choices shown are for input A. The other input choices follow through the same cycle. Exceptions are noted in the table.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 h o i c e s D e s c r i p t i o n L I N , T c , O f f ,.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 P r o g L i n e a r i z a t i o n f o r i n p u t A :.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 L I N f o r l i n e a r T c ? F o r t h e.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 r m o c o u p l e t y p e * O f f P.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 r o g f o r P r o g r a m m e d . I n p u t C h a s t h r e e.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 m o r e c h o i c e s L 3 0 , L 5 0 , a n d L 1 0 0 ..
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Y E S, NO Cold junctio n compe nsation active for input A -999 to 9999 Input A offset for progra m mode -999 to 999 Input A span value .
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 m mode 0 to 3 Input A display ed decima l point locatio n for progra m mode. de g F, deg C Tempe rature display units Notes: * thermocouple types are found in the specifications.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 AOUT menu P.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 P O , I N B , P 2 0 , P 2.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 1 , A n a l o g o u t p u t 1 s o u r c e * REFN, PROG, TEMP, AUX - 9.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9 A n a l o g o u t p u t 1 o f f s e t.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 0 t o 9 9 9 9 A n a l o g o u t p u t 1 r a n g e.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Analog out put 2 choices are the same menu items repeated. *Analog output source 1 menu items: PO = percent output IN B = input B P 20 & P 21 are specialized parameter settings.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 COM menu P r o c e s s d i s p l a y S e t d i s p l a y D e s c r i p.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 t i o n H or F, E or N Host commu nicatio ns setup and 0 to 3 TE M or UDC Aux commu nicatio ns port mode ; MMI 10Pro or Honey .
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 H or F, E or N Aux commu nicatio ns setup and 0 t o 3 NO, YES Slave setpoin t offset active -500 to 500 Slave temper ature.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 control ler setpoin t offset The UNIPR O can transfe r 7 slave temper atures and have an offset for each.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 2 = 9600 3 = 19.2k.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 PROG menu P r o c e s s d i s p l a y S e t d i s p l a y D e s c r i.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 p t i o n NO, YES Auto start- up NO, YES Auto progra m start NO, YES Asynch ronous event 0 to 3.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Lock level The most accessi ble level is 3, the least is 0. To set a passwo rd see below. Password Entry The password can be entered by pressing the Dual-key sequence [Shift] + [ Cntl.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 [ Cntl Parm], [Enter], [Enter ] ,[Enter] must be pressed..
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 EVTS menu P r o c e s s d i s p l a y S e t d i s p l a y o p t i o n s.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 D e s c r i p t i o n NO, YES Extern al event boards active 1200 , 4800 Events commu nicatio ns baud rate.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 0 to 4 Eve nts partitio n internal 0 to 16 Extern al analog board partitio n ? Where ? is 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 throug h 15 respect ively. XXX Extern al analog board module lineariz ation. Where XXX = lin, prog, n/a or thermo couple type and value.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 All thermocouple displays have TC X format where X = thermocouple type. See the list below Thermocouple list: Display T/c Type.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 [Alarm Set] key The [Alarm Set] key also sets some parameters. Its menu is limited to alarm functions. Again [Enter] and [Shift] move forward or back through the selections while setting up, [arrow] keys change values and [Alarm Set] exits.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 a y o p t i o n s D e s c r i p t i o n See not es Alarm 1 mode. Selects which variabl e , type.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 of alarm, and whethe r direct or reverse acting. See notes below. -999 to 9999 Alarm 1 value.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 Alarm 1 turn on delay time in second s. 0 to 250 Alarm 1 turn off delay time in second s. At this point , if there is no need for ALARM 2 to be set, press [Alarm Set] to exit alarm parameters.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 D This is DIRECT operation for alarm actuation (i.e . the contact is normally open until it reaches the trigger limit specified in the ALARM VALUE then the contact closes). Notes: continued Variable Description R REVERSE operation (opposite of NORMAL) for ALARM actuation (i.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 programmed setpoint is at 0.80, the alarm will trigger at 0.90 and 0.70.) DEV Alarm actuation uses DEVIATION control above or below the programmed setpoint. The + and - symbols determine if the deviation is allowed or if it is above (+) the programmed setpoint or below ( -) it.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 [SETPT] key Parameter entry under the [ Setpt] key is the same procedure as under the other two keys controlling parameters. [Enter] moves forward [Shift] moves back and [arrow] keys change the values in a parameter.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 a y o p t i o n s D e s c r i p t i o n -999 to 9999 Contr ol loop setpoi nt. The locatio n of.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 the setpoi nt will be autom aticall y set based on the contro l loop proces s variab le.
Setup and Configuration Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 access ed by the host compu ter system ..
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997.
Operation UNIPRO 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30,1995 OPERATION Once installation and setup and configuration are complete, the day to day operation needs of the UNIPRO depend upon the application. The basics are found in the Quick Reference Guide. TO RESPOND TO ALARM MESSAGES: Note th e alarm and determine what caused the alarm.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Correct the problem or do what the programmed alarm indicates: see “Maintenance and Troubleshooting”: the alarm messages for complete information on programmed alarms. Then press [Enter] to continue the program.
Operation UNIPRO 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30,1995 SETPOINT PARAMETERS Display Parameters Description Stpt Setpoint The SET display window line represents the basic parameter for the Control Loop that the process needs. REF Reference Number Assign s a number to a program for future reference.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 PROG/AUTO/MAN The Operation Mode for control of programs is selected by the [ Prog /Auto/Man] key. Pressing this key allows access to the operation mode selection controls. The first selection, after pressing [ Prog/Auto/Man], allows for control of the program to be entered.
Operation UNIPRO 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30,1995 Either the percent ON time (time -propor tion) or valve position (position proportion) is displayed in the SET window.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 PROGRAM OPERATIONS Running a Program 1. Press [PROG/AUTO/MAN] until the instrument's Prog LED lights. 2. The Program Number is displayed in the SET display, select the program to be run using the arrow keys.
Operation UNIPRO 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30,1995 Press the [PROG/AUTO/ MAN] key until the Auto or Man LED is flashing, indicating a program is in HOLD. Return to the program mode by pressing [PROG/AUTO/MAN] and the PROCESS window will display the word HOLd.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Restarting a Program From HOLD 1. Press [PROG/AUTO/MAN] UNTIL the instrument is in Programmer mode as indicated by the Prog LED. The LED should be flashing signifying a program is in HOLD.
Operation UNIPRO 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30,1995 the data in the SET display is invalid for the OPCODE shown. Use the [arrow keys] to enter the correct data and then press [ENTER]. To Insert A Step 1. Go to the step of the desired insertion, using either the [ENTER] or [Shift] keys 2.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 To Exit the Editor Without Saving the Program 1. Press [ Setpt ]at any time, the edited program is lost (the copy in non -volatile memory is unchanged) To Exit the Editor Saving the Program 1.
Operation UNIPRO 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30,1995 After all characters are as wanted, press the [ALARM SET] key to place the value in memory and exit, or press [ENTER] to save the value and continue (forward) editing other parameters, or [SHIFT] to save the value and continue (back) editing other parameters.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 Programmer Operations Introduction to Programming Techniques The UNIPRO Programmer uses a step/OPCODE approach rather than a segment approach.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Description of OPCODEs The following "alphabet" lists all of the available OPCODEs for the UNIPRO Programmer.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 A A L A R M 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 7 9 8 0 - 8 3 * M E S S A G E.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 # S o u n d a n d d i s p l a y a l a r m t o s u m m o n.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 o p e r a t o r a n d c o n v e y a m e s s a g e . b BRAN 0000 -0 019.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Specifi es an "if true" and "if false" step numbe r to jump to based upon the previo us conditi on (b TT.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 Programmer Alphabet Continued... OPCODE C AUXC N.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 0 -4000 Set Alarm 2 Setpoi nt value if Switch 7, Bank 1 is ON. If Switch 7, Bank 1 is OFF, interp reted as NOP.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 E EVEN T 1.0 -15. 1 Turns an output ON/O FF or waits for an input conditi on. The Progra mmer waits for an ackno wledg ment that the change has occur.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 next step. (.0 for OFF; .1 for ON) G GOSU B 0 -201 Allows one progra m to execut e anothe r progra m and then contin ue.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 call anothe r subrou tine. When a subrou tine ends, the calling progra m is reload ed and restart ed at the step followi ng the G OPCO DE.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 r is equal to the refere nce no. H TEMP S 0 -4000 Set the tempe rature Setpoi nt. h TEMP I 0 -4000 Check to see if the tempe rature is above specifi ed value.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 DELA Y 2 -250 sec Insert a short delay in second s. J J U M P 0 - 2 0 1 J u m p t o.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 a n o t h e r p r o g r a m a n d c o n t i n u e e x e c u t i n.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 g a t t h e n e w p r o g r a m . T h e P r o g r a m m e r.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 n e v e r r e t u r n s t o t h e p r o g r a m w i t h t h.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 e J O P C O D E u n l e s s c a l l e d w i t h t h e G.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 O P C O D E . A J U M P 0 0 0 0 w i l l r e l o a d a n d e.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 x e c u t e t h e c u r r e n t l y r u n n i n g p r o g r a.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 m ..
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 Programmer Alphabet Continued... OPCODE L LIMI T.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 .05 -40. 00 hrs Limit the amoun t of time the Progra mmer should wait for somet hing to happe n before soundi ng an alarm.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 used with anothe r OPCO DE. The data in a LIMI T statem ent may also be interp reted as Tempe rature.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 nce numbe r. O OUTP UT 0000 to 0255 Set a value to be used for the selecte d Analo g Outpu t (XXX X).
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 P PID 0 -999 Allows the Propor tional Band to be altered by the Progra mmer. It is used in conjun ction with = OPCO DE .
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 numbe r is above the specifi ed value. r RAMP .05 -40. 00 hrs Specifi es the time(.0 5 -40 hours) to ramp from the curren t tempe rature Setpoi nt to the new tempe rature Setpoi nt.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 followe d by an H OPCO DE. S S O A K . 0 5 - 4 0 . 0 0 h r s . S o a k f o r.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 a s p e c i f i e d p e r i o d o f t i m e ..
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 T TIME S 0 -40.0 0 hrs Set the master timer to the specifi ed value for count down. If the set value is 0, the timer will count up to a maxim um of 99.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Programmer Alphabet Continued... OPCODE t T I M.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 E I 0 - 4 0 . 0 0 h r s C h e c k t o s e e i f t h e.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 t i m e r i s a b o v e t h e s p e c i f i e d v a l u e ..
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 U U N T I L - 9 9 t o 9 9 C a u s e s t h e P r o g r.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 a m m e r t o w a i t u n t i l t h e p e r c e n t o u t p u.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 t r e a c h e s t h e s p e c i f i e d v a l u e . T h i s.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 O P C O D E i s u s e d w h e n i t i s d e s i r e d t o.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 k n o w w h e n a l o a d i s u p t o t e m p e r a t u r.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 e . S i n c e t h e p e r c e n t o u t p u t n e e d e d t o.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 m a i n t a i n t h e f u r n a c e a t a g i v e n t e m.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 p e r a t u r e c a n b e d e t e r m i n e d , t h e l o a d.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 w i l l b e u p t o t e m p e r a t u r e w h e n t h e p.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 e r c e n t o u t p u t r e t u r n s t o t h a t v a l u e ..
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 Y A U X I 0 0 0 0 t o 4 0 0 0 C h e c k t o s e e.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 i f t h e a u x i l i a r y i n p u t i s a b o v e t h e s.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 p e c i f i e d v a l u e . = P I D E Q 0 - 9 9 . 9 9 A l l.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 o w s t h e R e s e t , R a t e , L O P O a n d H I P O p a.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 r a m e t e r s t o b e c h a n g e d b y t h e P r o g r a.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 m m e r . * O n l y i f p r e c e d e d b y P.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 O P C O D E . - N O P 0 0 0 0 N o o p e r a t i o n ..
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 ( D a t a i s f o r c e d t o 0 ) * Refer to NOTE at the end of this section for further information. Note: The P and = OPCODEs are used together as shown in the following example which enters values for the Pb=150, Reset= .
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 * When altering the above parameters, note that no decimal point appears..
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Note: The execution of a JUMP or a GOSUB statement always loads the program into working memory whereas an unconditional BRANCH statement does not reload the program.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 h -TEMPI I -DELAY J -JUMP L -LIMIT.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Symbol Table of OPCODEs Continued.... DISPLAY SYMBOL PROGRAM MER OPCODE n -REF #S O- OUTPUT o- OXINQ P -PID q -REF #I r -RAMP S -SOAK T.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 = -PIDEQ - -NOP.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Limit Statements There are various ways to force a program to wait for something to happen. Although it may seem that the specified condition should be easily satisfied, it is still wise to put realistic time limits on how long the wait should be.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 o Sets the maximum time to wait for a condition to be met.* P No Effect* q No Effect* r ILLEGAL! An r OPCODE must always be followed by an H OPCODE. S No Effect* T No Effect* t Sets maximum time to wait for a condition to be met.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 The operation of a limit statement after the following OPCODEs is described in more detail below: E (EVENT) (INPUT) - A limit statement.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 H (TEMPS) A limit statement here will cause the program to wait for the measured temperature to come to within +10 F (or +10 C) of the specified Setpoint. If this does not occur within the specified limit time, a limit time -out alarm will occur.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 A limit statement between an inquiry and a branch just sets a definite time to wait for the inquiry to become true. It has no effect on the outcome of the inquiry or where the program branches to.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 To get the unit into the editor mode, perform the dual -key operation [Shift][ Setpt.] The PROCESS window will have the message EDIT displayed and the SET window will have a XXXX displayed signifying the program number to be edited.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 If at any point [Enter] or [Shift] is pressed and the SET display starts flashing, the data is not valid for the OPCODE shown. Use the arrow keys to alter the data as required and press [Enter] or [Shift] to continue entering or editing the program.
Programming Unipro3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 Explanation of Programmer Messages DISPLAY MESSAGE EDIT SAVE RUN HOLD Effect of Start -up Sequence on Programmer The two start -up options des cribed in "Start -Up Procedures" affect the Programmer significantly.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 Alarm Messages Programmer alarms interrupt Manual display, as discussed in "Keyboard Operations". This prevents important error messages from being lost while the Manual display is activated.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Used, in conjunction with the Programmer, for the following purpose: 81 TURN ON A TEMPERATURE DEVIATION BAND ALARM (COMMUNICATING TEMPE.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 b. The jumpers on the events board are improperly set. Should be configured for: -2 pass format -1200 baud -Address #1 - Multidrop Mode c.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Message #97: Indicates that a subroutine is calling a subroutine which is illegal with the MMI Programmer. Message #98: Indicates that a jump from one program to another was attempted but not implemented due to memory disruption or a J201 to reference number too large.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 Status Display Page The status display is broken into “pages” and “paragraphs” the “pages” are represented here by columns and the” paragraphs”, by the individual cells.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 EA 15 ???? LDLN ???? ---- ST A X ?? SW ???? HST 8 NOTES: ---- The item displayed in the box above this repeats through the full cycle of options. For example : Exterior Analog has 16 displays and Slave Instrument has 8.
Maintence and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 Calibration Procedures The UNIPRO instrument is shipped completely precalibrated. The drift characteristics of the input circuits are excellent but from time to time adjustment may be necessary in order to maintain high accuracy.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 described following the key descriptions. The SET display shows which input is being calibrated and whether the zero value or the span value is being modified.
Maintence and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 The SET display messages are shown below: Message Description Z-A Zero input A Z-B Zero input B Z-C Zero input C Z-SW Zero slide w.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 the [Up Arrow] or [Down Arrow] key will change the calibration value by a thousand units. The middle digits will show sensitivities of a hundred and ten units respectively. It is not important to know the relative worth of one calibration unit.
Maintence and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 Preparing For Calibration Before placing the UNIPRO into calibration mode, check to be sure that for each input: The proper thermocouple type has been selected, and Cold Junction compensation has been selected, if required.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Using the [Display] key, select the proper input to be calibrated (input A, if standard configuration). Using the [Enter] key, select the zero mode (IE: if for input A, Z -A). Set the calibrator output to the recommended zero value for the thermocouple type selected.
Maintence and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 K 32 (0) 2300 (1200) N 32 (0) 2300 (1200) NNM 32 (0) 2000 (1100) R 300 (150) 3000 (1800) S 300 (150) 3000 (1800) T 32 (0) 700 (350) The usable ranges of the thermocouple types are shown in The table above.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 To Zero the board calibration Turn off the power at the simulator. Short the input by putting a banana plug shorting block into the simulator. Short the jumper ( switch) wired into 17 and 18 to calibration mode.
Maintence and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 time. Wait 5 to 10 seconds to allow the reading to record, then take it out of calibration mode by throwing the switch. Remove the banana plugs fr om the simulator (remove the load from the line) and wait for the instrument to "max out" at 3500.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Press the [Display] key to change the SET window to Z -B or Z -C and repeat steps 4 and 5 for inputs B and C. After all the values are stored, press the [Di splay] key to return the SET window to Z -A and press the [Enter] key to change it to S -A (span).
Maintence and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Digital Interfaces Host Communications The Host communications are able to be set from the front panel : see “Setup and Configuration”. The UNIPRO is suitable for connection to a host computer for intelligent overall process monitoring or supervision.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 communications, and is always in receive mode unless responding to a question. "X" Protocol The "X" protocol software involves a Parameter Table, a Program Run Buffer, a Program Edit Buffer, and a Serial I/O Program Buffer.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Parameter Table (0H -2FH) & (72H -79H) CHSTAT (0) -Status Word SETPT (1) -Setpoint of Process Variable SETPTOS (2) -Setpoint Offset.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 (Numb er and Step) PRGMT (0FH) -Master Timer Bit 15 is DIR Flag PRGRTIM (10H) -Programmer Course Remaining Time EVSETPT (11H) -Ev.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 DACV2 (74H) -DAC2 Data ALRMQ (75H) -Programmer Alarm HPOUT (76H) -Temperature Percent Output PROGRAM RUN BUFFER (30H -45H) PRUNPRG Prog.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 Software ever has the chance to "see" them. Therefore, the alarms had to be passed on to the Host Software even if they were already acknowledged and/or corrected. The Alarm Queue was created to meet this need.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Message Protocol Format AlCddddDLE End of Transmission (EOT) HEX(04). L RC is the result of an XOF function performed on all previous characters in the message. Delimiter marks the end of DATA and signals the upcoming EOT character.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 Command character from the command set table Instrument prefix Address of unit based, on SIO setup Possible inputs are ASCII 0 6 .
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Host Software 10PRO Emulation Mode The UNIPRO will emulate the 10PRO temperature controller command set.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 K k Event Outputs L l Program Number M m Mode N n Progr am Step Number P p Proportional Band Q q Memory Update R r Remote Program.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 The Events Buss allows the Controller to receive and/or transmit discrete events in time. The XMT and REC LEDs indicate whether the OPTOMUX is transmitting or receiving data. (These LEDs should never be on at the same time.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Unipro 3.5 Rev. 8.00 November 30, 1995 Passwords In “Setup and Configuration” the Password is introduced. Password protection for certain operator functions is provided for security. We do not preset passwords at the factory.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 panel. The new password is in effect. See “Setup and Configuration” for more details.
Specifications Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 SPECIFICATION S Alarm Outputs Ambient Temperature Analog Outputs Auxiliary Input Impedance Auxiliary Input Range Control Outputs Serial Interface.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Programs PID Constants Proportional Band Reset Rate Cycle Time Relays Setpoint Signal Input Impedance Signal Input Range Signal Display.
Specifications Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 S: T: Weight Two solid state relay contacts for the process alarms -300 to 4000. Programmer alarm provided by optional OPTOMUX interface.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 mode 5.63 in. wide by 5.63 in. high by 8.38 in. deep 0 to 85% 85 to 140 VAC, 50/60 Hz 5.
Specifications Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11.00 December 30, 1995 (+4) Linear Chromel -Const antan Iron - Constanta n Chromel -Alum el Tungsten 5% Rhenium vs. Tungsten 26% Rhenium Platinum vs.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Glossary Load Line Load line ( LdLn) is a manual offset to the control output (manual reset). The load line can be set from 0 to 100%. Load line must be set to zero when using ON/OFF control.
Glossary Unipro 3.5 Rev. 11. 00 December 30, 1995 This mode is used with slidewire feedback. Output l is used to drive for more feedback and Output 2 is used to drive for a smaller feedback. The percent output is used as a setpoint for the slidewire feedback.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 The proportional band is based upon a range of l000. Therefore, if the proportional band is set at 10% and the error is 100 (10% of range) then the output would be 100% (presuming reset=0).
Appendix Unipro 3.5 Rev. 0. 00 November 30, 1995 Appendix A Hexadecimal Code Hexadecimal code is a functional, compact method of representing certain parameters within the binary computer framework. Hexadecimal code uses four binary bits to make one hexadecimal digit .
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 To convert a binary number to the equivalent hexadecimal number, follow the procedure listed below: 1.
Appendix Unipro 3.5 Rev. 0. 00 November 30, 1995 Hexadecimal code is an extremely helpful number representation when coding computer systems. Recall that most addressing systems for microprocessors involve 16 binary bits which convert to four HEX digits and 8 binary data bits that convert to two HEX digits.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 Version 3.5 UNIPRO setup sheet Furnace #_________________.
Appendix Unipro 3.5 Rev. 0. 00 November 30, 1995 [Ctrl Parm] PB RES RAT CYC LOPO HIPO LDLN [Alarm set] A1__ A1XX A2__ A2xx TON1 TOF1 TON2 TOF2 [ Setpt] STPT REF TCO [ ShiftAlarmset] AO1 AO2 AO1O AO1R .
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 AXMD [ Shift Ctrlparm] LL degC STRT APS ASEV CJCA CJCB UNIT #1 ____________________________________ __________________________________ .
Appendix Unipro 3.5 Rev. 0. 00 November 30, 1995 ____________________ __________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 ____________________________________ __________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________.
Appendix Unipro 3.5 Rev. 0. 00 November 30, 1995 EALE EALF DIP switch settings circle ON UNIT #1 UNIT #2 UNIT #3 UNIT #4.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________.
Appendix Unipro 3.5 Rev. 0. 00 November 30, 1995 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ___.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________.
Appendix Unipro 3.5 Rev. 0. 00 November 30, 1995 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________.
MMI Product Documentation Unipro 3.5 Process Control 1 Aug. 1997.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Marathon Computer V3.5 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Marathon Computer V3.5 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Marathon Computer V3.5 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Marathon Computer V3.5 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Marathon Computer V3.5 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Marathon Computer V3.5 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Marathon Computer V3.5 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Marathon Computer V3.5. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Marathon Computer V3.5 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.