Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Mini Plus des Produzenten Magimix
Zur Seite of 84
Mini Plus Mini Plus Mini Plus.
Impor tant safeguards ...............................2 Description ...............................................4 Control Panel ............................................5 Fitting the bowl .........................................6 Fitting the accessories .
IMPOR T ANT SAFEGUARDS ! W h e n us i n g el e c t r i c a l a p p li an ce s, b as ic s af et y p r ec au ti on s sh ou ld a lw a y s b e f o ll ow ed i nc lu di ng th e f ol lo wi ng : 0 1.
IMPOR T ANT SAFEGUARDS ! i ns tr uc ti on co nc er ni ng th e u se of th e a pp l ia nc e i n a sa fe wa y a nd if th ey un de r s t an d t he h az ar ds in vo lv ed 2 6. Th is a pp li an ce s ha ll n ot be u se d by ch il dr en . Ke ep th e ap pl ia nc e a nd it s c or d ou t of re ac h o f ch i l dr en .
DESCRIPTION Pusher Mini bowl mini blade* Main bowl Motor unit *to be used with the support Lid Stainless steel main blade Spatula Citrus press Support + 2mm slicing/grating disc Blender m ix Storage b.
CONTROL P ANEL STOP: press this button to switch the machine off. AUTO: press this button to process in continuous mode and achieve an even texture. Ideal for chopping, processing and blending finely , as well as for whisking, slicing and grating. PULSE: press this button for intermittent processing.
Place the bowl on the motor unit with the handle to the left hand side. Be for e usi ng yo ur a ppl ian ce f or the fir st tim e, wa sh al l t he pa rts tho rou ghl y ( ex cep t the m oto r uni t) Place the chosen attachment in the bowl (see details on following page).
FITTING THE ACCESSORIES T o s l ic e: p la ce t he d i sc w i th i t s s li c in g blade facing upwards. Low er the sup port, fit ted wit h a disc , onto the motor shaf t in the cen tre of the bowl . Put the lid o n and lock into posi tion. T o gr ate: P lace t he disc wi th its gr ating blades facing upwards.
8 8 Place the egg whisk directly in the main bow l on the m otor shaft . Pu t t he li d o n, lo ck i t i nto p osi tio n a nd rem ove t he pu sher . Egg whisk: make sure to assemble the 4 parts correctly . C he ck t ha t t h e m e ta l s h af t i s c or r ec t ly locked.
9 USING THE CITRUS PRESS Fit the citrus press basket onto the bowl and turn anticlockwise until it locks into position. Select the cone according to the size of your citrus fruit. The large cone should always be slotted onto the small one. Slide the cone onto the motor shaft.
REMOVING THE BOWLS AND THE ACCESSORIES S to p t he mo t or a nd r em ov e t he l id b y turning it clockwise. Careful ly rem ove t he min i-blade, befo re putting the mini bowl down. Next, remove the support by rotating it, re ta ini ng a fir m gr asp on th e di sc.
CLEANING Motor unit: wipe with a soft, damp cloth. T o cle an the ba ses of th e s tainless st eel bl ade an d th e e gg w hi sk, u se a b ott le brush.
Never us e your hand to push th e food down the feed tube. Never attempt to chop bones (even small one s). Th e mach ine is not i ntend ed for t his purpose. Y ou will irreparably damage your main blade. So l id s: N ev er f i ll t he b ow l mo re th a n two-thirds full.
Y ou can slice and grate in one operation w i t h o u t e m p t y i n g t h e b o w l . S i m p l y reverse the slicing/grating disc. F o r s m a l l q u a n t i t i e s y o u c a n i n o n e o p e r a t i o n s l i c e , g r a t e a n d m a k e a v i n a i g r e t t e o r m a y o n n a i s e w i t h o u t emptying your bowl.
SIMPLICITY • AUTO button: the motor adapts its speed to the task at hand. • PULSE button: for more control over the end result. This is the setting you need for precision chopping or blending.
• Soft doughs (brioche, choux pastr y , etc.): Magimix food processors work on the rapid kneading principle. Doughs are kneaded for 30 seconds to 1 minute - the exact time depends on the amount and type of dough. Follow the instructions carefully for each recipe.
1 PULSE = Press on the PULSE button for 1 to 2 seconds. In recipes, words marked with an asterisk * are explained in the glossar y on page 76. Abbreviations tsp = teaspoon tbsp = tablespoon g = gram p.
17 Basic preparations.
Preparation: 3 min. Cooking: none Mayonnaise In th e mi ni b owl fi tte d wi th t he mi ni bla de, pla ce t he egg yol ks, ha lf th e vi neg ar or l emo n ju ic e and the m ust ard . Bl end for 20 s eco nds and wit h the ma chi ne st ill ru nni ng po ur th e oil in vi a the fee d tub e.
Preparation: 10 min. Cooking: 5 min. Herb mayonnaise Chop the shallots and tarragon in the mini bowl (4-5 pulses). Put the resulting mixture in a small, thick-bottomed saucepan with the vinegar , salt and pepper . Reduce* to half its original volume over a low heat.
Preparation: 5 min. Cooking: none Whipped Cream 20 minutes beforehand, place the cream and main bowl in the fridge. T ake the bowl from the refrigerator and fit on machine. Fit the egg whisk. Pour the cold cream into the bowl. Close the lid and remove the pusher .
Preparation: 5 min. Equipment: conical sieve Raspberr y Coulis Place the raspberries and sugar in the main bowl, fitted with the main blade and the Bl end er m ix attachment. Blend for 2 minutes, gradually adding the water via the feed tube. Using the citrus press, extract the lemon juice and stir into the fruit mixture.
Preparation: 3 min. Resting: 2 hours Pancake Batter Place the flour , eggs, oil, beer and salt in the bowl with the main blade and the Ble nde r m ix attachment. Blend for 30 sec., then gradually add the milk via the feed tube and blend for a further 2 min.
23 BASIC PREP ARA TIONS Preparation: 5 min. Cooking: 20 min Equipment: 28 cm pie tin French Flan Pastr y Place the flour , sugar , butter cut into pieces and the egg yolk in the bo wl f itt ed wit h th e ma in bla de a nd swi tch the mac hin e on. Add the water gradually via the feed tube and switch of f as soon as the pastr y for ms a ball.
Preparation: 15 min Resting: 1h30 Cooking: 20 min B re ad Dissolve the yeast in the water thanks to a fork. Put aside for 1 min. In the bowl fitted with the main blade, pour the salt, flour , water and yeast. Put the machine on and switch of f as soon as the dough forms a ball (max 1 minute).
Plaited brioche Disso lve the yeast in th e milk. Set aside. In t he m ain b owl fitt ed with the main blade, p ut the f lour , salt, sugar and butte r . Switc h the mac hine on an d slowly a dd the mi lk an d the yeast via the feed tub e and swi tch off as soon as the dou gh forms a ball (max 1 mi nute) .
Preparation: 15 min. Cooking: 20-25 min. Equipment: piping bag with 2 cm (3/4 - inch) Cheese puf fs Preheat your oven to 180°C / 355°F (gas mark 4). In the main bowl, gr ate the cheese using the grating disc. Set aside. Pour the water into a pan, add the diced butter and sugar .
Appetisers and Star ters.
Preparation: 20 min. Cooking: 45 min. Equipment: ovenproof dish, large bowl Aubergine Caviar Pr e-h eat t he o ve n to 1 50° C / 300 °F (g as mar k 2) . Cut the aubergine s in half len gthways and m ake a cr oss -sh ape d in cis ion in the fle sh. Lay the m in an ove npr oof di sh an d ba ke in t he o ve n for 45 mi nut es.
Preparation: 10 min. Cooking: none Equipment: large plate Fennel Boats with Fresh Goat’ s Cheese Finely chop the hazelnuts in the mini bowl and set aside. Slice the fennel in half, from top to bottom. Remove the centres and place in the main bowl with a little lemon juice and blend.
Curried Courgette Soup Fit the main bowl with the main blade, chop the celer y and peeled shallot finely , using the pulse button. In a sauce pan, gen tly heat the oil , a dd t he c hopp ed v eget ables and fry them gently until they begin to change colour .
Preparation: 20 min. Cooking: 30 min. Equipment: frying pan, cake tin Chicken Liver T errine Pre-heat the oven to 150°C / 300°F (gas mark 2). Re mov e al l the me mbr ane s fro m the ch ick en li ver s and ma rin ate them for 10 minutes in the port, along with 3 bay leaves and the crushed sprigs of thyme.
32 Main Courses.
MAIN COURSES Preparation: 20 min. Cooking: 20 min. Equipment: frying pan, ser ving dish Cod Fishcakes with a T omato & Olive Coulis Dissolve the contents of the cour t bouillon sachet as per instructions on pack. Bring to the boil, add the fish and simmer for 10 minutes.
MAIN COURSES Leek tar t For the shor tcrust pastr y , refer to page 21. W ash the leeks and cut off the green part and the roots. Sta nd th em upr ight i n the fee d tub e (tak ing c are not t o overf ill feedtube) and slice them using the slicer disc.
Preparation: 20 min. Cooking: 50 min. Equipment: fr ying pan, earthenware dish Stuf fed Aubergines Pre-heat the oven to 190°C / 375°F (gas mark 5). Halve the aubergines lengthways and sprinkle with lemon juice to stop them browning.
37 Pr ehe at ov en t o 180 °C / 3 55° F (ga s ma rk 4) . W ash t he to mat oes . Cut t he to p off th e tom ato es an d set as ide . Re mov e th e fl esh and see ds of the tom ato es us in g a sma ll spo on.
Preparation: 40 min. Cooking: 50 min. Equipment: saucepan (or pressure cooker), fr ying pan, gratin dish Shepherds Pie Peel the onion and carrot and chop into pieces. Cut th e meat into pieces. Fit the main blade, and process the carrot until coarsely chopped, add the onion and process until coarsely chopped.
Desser ts.
Preparation: 5 min. Cooking: 20 min. Equipment: sandwich* tin Y oghur t Cake Pre-heat the oven to 180°C / 355°F (gas mark 4). In the main bowl, fitted with the main blade and the Blender m ix attachment, place the butter , eggs, yoghur t and sugar (use the empty yoghurt pot to measure out the dr y ingredients).
Preparation: 10 min. Cooking: 20 min. Equipment: (saucepan), tart ring or quiche tin, greaseproof or silicone paper Fresh Fig T ar t Pre-heat the oven to 200°C / 390°F (gas mark 6). Butter the tin and line it with the puf f pastr y . Prick the base with a fork.
42 42 DESSERTS Preparation: 15 min. Cooking: 55 min. Equipment: rectangular cake tin 20 cm (8-inch) long, wire cooling tray Spice Cake Butter a cake tin and dust with flour .
43 Preparation: 20 min Cooking: 2h30 Material: piping bag* Pavlova For the French meringue Break the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. In the bowl fitted with the whisk, beat the eggs until stiff for 5 minutes, taking care to remove the pusher .
Dauphinois Menu Parmesan Souf flé Grate the cheese using the 2-mm grater disc and set aside. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat, add the flour and stir in using a wooden spoon. Continue to cook the mixture over a low heat, stirring constantly , in order to cook the flour .
46 Stuf fed chicken breasts Main Course Carefully peel back the skin of the chicken breasts in order to remove all the fat from under neath and set aside. Slice the carrot using the slicer disc and cook the carrot and beans in salted boiling water for about 5 minutes.
47 Preparation: 30 min. Cooking: 30 min. Equipment: tart ring or quiche tin Chocolate Pie Pre-heat the oven to 180°C / 355°F (gas mark 4). Make the French flan pastr y (see p. 23). Butter the dish and line it with the pastr y . Bake blind* for 20 minutes.
Provençal Menu T omato flan Star ter Im mer se th e tom ato es in bo ili ng wa ter f or a fe w se con ds, sk in , de -se ed an d ch op ro ugh ly . Po ur th e oi l in to a pa n ad d th e c ho ppe d to mat o, cov er and co ok ov er a l ow he at f or 2 0 min ute s, s tir rin g fro m ti me t o ti me .
49 Preparation: 10 min. Cooking: 25 min. Equipment: saucepan, deep serving dish Confit of Figs in a Citr us Sauce W ash the figs thoroughly . Using the citrus press, squeeze the oranges, lemon and grapefruit. Measure the juice obtained and if there is less than half a litre, top up with water .
Italian Menu Ar tichoke & Par mesan Carpaccio Cook the artichokes for a few minutes in salted water with a few drops of lemon juice. Remove and leave cool for 10 minutes. During this time, slice the Parmesan and set aside. Next, slice the ar tichoke hear ts.
51 Fry th e c hop ped oni on i n a p an wit h a d ash o f ol ive oil . Sp rea d th e dou gh a nd pr ick a f ew t ime s wit h a fo rk Cover the dough with the tomato coulis, tomatoes onion, courgette an d m ozz are lla . Se aso n ea ch la yer (sa lt an d pe ppe r).
Preparation: 15 min. Resting: 6 to 24h Equipment: rectangular tin, bowl Tiramisu Remove the mascarpone from the refrigerator 1 hour in advance. Separate the eggs. Whisk the egg whites until stiff (see p. 20) and set aside in a large bowl. In t he bow l, fit ted wit h egg wh isk , ble nd th e yol ks an d su gar un til pal e.
54 Mexican Menu Guacamole In the mini bowl, chop the coriander and garlic, set aside, then chop the onion. Peel, remove the stone and chop the avocado into pieces. Add the a vocados, T abasco , spice s, may onnaise, salt, coria nder and garlic. Use the pulse button a few times, then leave the machine running for 10 seconds.
55 Preparation: 30 min. Cooking: 2 min. Equipment: saucepan Next, add the kidney beans and simmer for 15 minutes. Whilst the Chilli is simmering grate the cheese using the grating disc. Check the seasoning, when ready to ser ve scatter with the grated cheese.
56 English Menu Minted Pea Soup Place the chicken stock in a pan and add the roughly chopped shallot, peas, sugar and a pinch of salt. Br ing to the boil and cook for about 10 minutes.
57 Preparation: 15 min. Cooking: 30 min. Equipment: gratin dish Check the seasoning, add the pine nuts and mix, using the pulse button a few times. Stuff the chicken, place on the roasting tray , lightly season with salt and pepper , add a little water and roast in the oven for one hour , basting frequently .
Parisian Menu Salmon T ar tare Peel the onions. Chop the chives. In the bowl fitted with the metal blade, put the onions and pulse 3 times. Cut the peppers, remove the seeds and white filaments. Cut into pieces, add the peppers to the bowl and pulse 4 times.
59 Preparation: 10 min. Cooking: none Equipment: bowl, stemmed glasses Iced Raspberr y Mousse In the main bowl, fitted with the whisk, whisk the egg whites until stiff and set aside in a bowl. Extract the lemon juice. Remove the citrus press and attach the main blade.
American Menu W aldor f Salad Peel and dice the apples. Cut the celer y into slices using the slicer disc. Make the mayonnaise in the main bowl (see p.18). Stir the apple and celer y into the mayonnaise, adding the walnuts. Ser ve on a bed of lettuce leaves.
61 Preparation: 10 min. Cooking: 45 min. Equipment: cake tin Sprinkle the breadcrumbs onto a plate and roll the cakes in them. Put the butter in the fr ying pan and fr y the crab cakes until golden, for about 4 minutes on each side. Ser ve with slices of lemon and French beans.
Normandy Menu Mushroom Soup Blend the mushrooms in the main bowl, fitted with the main blade and the Bl end er m ix attachment, for 2 minutes to obtain a smooth purée. Ti p into a pan. Next, blend the water , potato flour and salt. Add to the mushrooms and simmer over a moderate heat for 15 to 20 minutes.
63 Preparation: 25 min. Resting: 1 hour . Cooking: 40 min. Equipment: mixing bowl, 25 cm (10-inch) tart ring or quiche tin Chop the sorrel using the main blade and add it to the conte nts of th e fr ying pan. Leave to melt into the sauce, then add the cream and a littl e salt a nd peppe r .
64 64.
V egetarian Menu Lentil Soup Tip the lentils directly into a cooking pot with the bay leaf and the onion, peeled and cut into quar ters. Add the cold stock.
Preparation: 15 min. Cooking: 40 min. Equipment: pudding dish Po ur ov er the egg mix tur e. Co ver wit h th e re st of th e pu ff pa stry , s eal ing t he ed ges o f th e pa stry s he ets f irm ly to get her . Bru sh th e pi e li d wi th the egg yol k, t hen mak e a s mal l ho le in th e cen tre to le t th e st eam esc ape .
67 Southwestern Menu Cut the m onkfish fille ts into 100g (4 oz) pieces. W a sh the le e ks. Cut of f the green par t and the roots. Slice the m using the 2- mm slicer disc, standing them upright in the fe ed tube. Se t aside . Clean the mushrooms. Slice and set aside.
Preparation: 30 min. Cooking: 15 min. Equipment: pan, sieve, stemmed glasses. Sauce: in a pan, fry the shallots, leeks and mushrooms in the oil for 10 minutes. Use the main blade to chop the garlic and add to the contents of the pan, along with the bay leaf, thyme and cloves.
69 Cocktails / Milkshakes.
COCKT AILS / MILKSHAKES Preparation: 5 min. Strawberr y milkshake W ash and drain the strawberries. Hull* them. Put the strawberries in the bowl with the main blade and the Bl end er m ix attachment. Pulse 3/4 times. Add the sugar and ice cream and blend.
71 Preparation: 5 min. Mango lassi (yoghur t drink) Peel the mango. Put it in the bowl fitted with the main blade and the Blender m ix attachment the yoghurt, honey and lemon juice. Bl end for 30 s ec ., gra dua lly add ing th e wa ter via th e fe ed t ube .
COCKT AILS / MILKSHAKES Preparation: 5 min. Melon, raspberr y and strawberr y cocktail W ash the raspberries and strawberries. Deseed the melon and scoop out the flesh. Put all the fruit in the bowl with the main blade and the Blendermix attachment and blend for 20 sec.
74 74 BABY FOOD Preparation : 5 min. Cooking : 15 min. Carrot Parmentier W ash the potato and carrot, peel them and cut into pieces. Steam the vegetables and the beef for approximately 15 min. Place all the ingredients in the mini bowl and pulse 4/5 times, then blend to obtain a smooth purée.
BABY FOOD 75 Preparation : 5 min. Cooking : 15 min. Pear and vanilla desser t Peel and core the pear and cut it into large pieces. Place it in a saucepan with 3 tablespoons water and simmer for approximately 15 min. over a low heat. Place the cooked pear in the mini bowl with the sugar and pulse 5/6 times.
Glossar y 76 B ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bain marie T o melt ch ocola te or hea t a sauce ge ntly , the ingredients can be placed in a bowl over a pan containing very hot (but never boiling) water .
Menu Index 77 Dauphinois 45 Parmesan Soufflé Stuffed Chicken Breasts Potato & T urnip Gratin Chocolate Pecan Pie Provençal 48 T omato Flan Stuffed Courgettes Confit of Figs in a Citrus Sauce Ita.
78 Recipe Index BASIC PREP ARA TIONS Mayonnaise ...........................................................18 Aïoli .....................................................................18 Herb Mayonnaise ..............................................
Potato & T urnip Gratin............................................46 Stuffed Courgettes ..................................................48 Pizza with vegetables .............................................50 Chilli con Carne ..................
W e r ese r v e the rig ht t o a lter at a ny ti me w ith out n oti ce t he tec hn ica l spe cif ica tio ns of thi s app lia nce . No ne o f t he in for mati on c ont ain ed in th is d ocu ment is o f a co ntr act ual n atu re. M odi fic ati ons m ay b e mad e at a ny t ime .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Magimix Mini Plus (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Magimix Mini Plus noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Magimix Mini Plus - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Magimix Mini Plus reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Magimix Mini Plus erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Magimix Mini Plus besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Magimix Mini Plus verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Magimix Mini Plus. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Magimix Mini Plus gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.