Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 4010 des Produzenten Magellan
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Magellan Navigation, SAS . ZAC de la Fleuriaye - BP 60433 44477 Carquefou Cedex - France Magellan ® Maestro ™ User Manual Maestro 4010 Maestro 4040 Maestro 4050.
i The Mage llan Maest ro is a vehicle -navigat ion aid desig ned to assist you i n arriving at yo ur selected destination s. When usin g the Magel lan Maestro, th ese safety rules must b e followed to.
IMPORT ANT SAFETY W ARNINGS ii About the AC Adapter • Do not use the adapter in a hi gh moisture en vironment. Never touch the ad apter when your h ands or feet are wet . • Allow ade quate venti lation ar ound the adap ter when using i t to operate the device or chargi ng the batte ry .
IMPORT ANT SAFETY W ARNINGS iii Federal Communication Commiss ion I nterference Statement This equi pment has been tested and foun d to comply with the l imits for class B di gital devic es, in accordance wi th part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
IMPORT ANT SAFETY W ARNINGS iv IC statement Operat ion is subjec t to the following tw o conditions: 1. This d evice may not ca use inte rference an d 2. This devic e must accept an y interferen ce, includ ing interfere nce that may cau se undesired operation of the device.
Mage llan Ma estr o 1 Magellan Maestr o The Magellan Maestro is a vehicle nav igation product that uses GPS signals from sa tellite s to calcu late your preci se location and c ompute detai led routes.
Mage llan Ma estr o 2 Front View Side Views Back View 4.3” Di splay A A Microphone E F A SD/MMC card slot B Power on/off C USB connector DR e s e t E Headphone Jack (3. 5mm mini jack) F Power input fr om cigarette l ighter adapter or AC p ower adapter (+5 VDC / 2A).
Installation 3 Installation Instructions Install ation of the Mag ellan Maestro i s simple and ea sy . The hardest part wi ll be picking t he best locatio n.
Installation 4 Attach the Adj ustable Mount Align the two tabs on the adj ustable mount wit h the holes on the back of the cradle. Once the adjustabl e mount is flush wit h the cradle, push the cradle and receiver a ssembly down unt il they lock into pla ce with the adj ustable mount.
Fund amental s 5 Fund am ent als Powering on the Magel lan Maestro The On/Off button is the silver button locate d on the left-hand side of the Magell an Maestro as shown in the Over view chapter . T urni ng the Magellan Maestro On 1. Press and hold the On/Of f button for 1- 2 seconds.
Fund amental s 6 Changing the V olume via User Options 1. Access the Main Menu . 2. T ap the Next arrow to access the Main Menu Page 2 . 3. T ap User Options . 4. T ap Sys tem Se tting s . 5. T ap Vo l u m e . 6. T ap on the Mute butt on to mute the v olume, or tap inside the volu me adjust b ar below the Mute button t o change the v olume levels .
Fund amental s 7 Main Menu - Page 1 Show Map: Displa ys the map with your current pos ition (if c omputing a posi tion from the GPS signals ) indicated by t he blue triangl e. See the Map Scr een chapter f or details. Enter Addre ss: Displays Enter Address menu.
Fund amental s 8 Main Menu - Page 2 T rip Planner: Ope ns the T rip Planner menu where you can creat e, edit, del ete, rename or act ivate a trip. POI Near Exi t: (Accessibl e only while on a mot orway .) Provides a l ist of rest aurants, petrol stations, auto repai r shops or hotels near approaching motorwa y exits.
Fund amental s 9 The Keypad Understandi ng the keypad whil e entering a n address is an i mportant part of using your Mag ellan Maestro. The keypad is th e most common method of ent ering data int o the Magella n Maestro, and with key f eatures like QuickSpell, data e ntry is qui ck and easy .
Fund amental s 10 Selecting From List After t apping “OK” to accept your input, you may be presented with a list of items found in t he database. The sample giv en here shows the result of tapping “OK” after en tering “LOND”. Us e the scroll ba r to move up and down the lis t and tap on the desi red item in the li st to conti nue.
Fund amental s 11 QuickSpell™ QuickSpell uses infor mation in th e database to li mit the keys that can be pr essed to present only those which correspond wi th informat ion in the d atabase. For example , if you are looking for LONDON. As you ‘type’ in the name London, only keys t hat can spell a town in th e data ba se ar e sho wn.
Map Scr een 11 Map Scr een The most commonly used screen wi ll be the Map screen. Whet her you are fol lowing a rou te or just travel ling around to wn, the chances are that th e Map screen will be displ ayed. There are two unique modes that t he Map screen can be displayed in; normal and rout ing.
Map Scr een 12 In rou ting mod e add ition al i nform atio n is d isp laye d pro vidin g det ail ed inf orm atio n ab out th e rou te you’ ve s ele cted . Map Screen - Ro uting Mode A Street na me currently on. B Directi on indicator . T a p to view t he Current Loc ation screen wher e you can save your positio n into your Address Book.
Map Scr een 13 Accessing the Map Screen 1. On the Main Menu , tap Show Map . 2D Mode The map is nor mally displaye d in 3D mode but you can set t he map to 2D mode if so desir ed. Choose the mo de th at i s most s uita ble fo r yo u. In 2D mode, you can pan acros s the map lo oking for a locati on to route to or save in y our address bo ok.
Map Scr een 14 7. If you want to now rout e to this address tap Route o r if you have finished tap Cancel. 8. T ap ESC to exit panni ng and return the i con to your current positi on. Routing to a Panned Position 1. Pan the map until the i con crosshairs are over th e location you want to ro ute to.
Map Scr een 15 List of Directions Screen This scre en is accessed f rom the Map scree n and only when followin g a route. (No te: The List of Directi ons screen is not available unt il you begin movi ng on t he ro ute .
Map Scr een 16 GPS Status Screen 1. The GPS Status sc reen is also ac cessed from the Map screen and disp lays the status o f the GPS satell ites in a graphical format. (More technical informat ion on the GPS status c an be found in the Use r Options menu: Main Menu Pag e 2 > User Options > GPS Opt ions > GPS Status.
Home Address 17 Home Address Y our home address c an be ent ered and save d in the Magellan Maestro for quick an d easy ac cess when you need to c reate a rou te home. Creating a Home Address These inst ructions o nly apply if y ou have never enter ed a home address or if it has been deleted.
Home Address 18 Changing the Home Address 1. T ap the Home Address i con on the Main Menu screen. 2. T ap Change . 3. Confirm “Do you want to r eplace the HOME addres s with a new address ?” T ap Ye s . 4. Follow the prompts to ente r the addres s to be used as your new HOME address.
Enter Address 19 Enter Addr ess The Enter Addr ess functi on is used to cr eate a route to a newly entered add ress or to an address stored i n your address boo k.
Enter Address 20 Note: Remember to Ent er the full n ame of the town INCL UDING any prefix or article. T ap o n the desi red to wn i n th e list . Enter Post Code : Use the keyp ad to enter t he post code f or the desti nation address. T ap OK when the post code i s complete.
Enter Address 21 Examples for the city of Paris , France. Y ou can search for Boulevar d du Général de Gaulle by e ntering ei ther ‘Gaull e’ to display a list of streets co ntaining ‘Ga ulle’.....: or ‘Général ’ to displ ay a list of streets containi ng ‘Général’ .
Enter Address 22 My Addresses My Addresses is where you s tore addresses that you want to keep as futur e destination s, as well as access addr esses that you have visited r ecently th at may not be in your address book. The a ddress book can hol d up to 200 addres ses (50 of t hose being marke d as Favouri tes).
Enter Address 23 Saving a Previous Destination to Y o ur Address Book 1. From the Main Menu , ta p the Enter Address icon. 2. T ap on the My addr esses icon. 3. T a p on Previ ous Destinat ions . 4. Select the destina tion from t he list of pre vious desti nations.
Enter Address 24 Address Book Accessing an Address in Y our Address Book 1. From the Main Menu , ta p the Enter Address icon. 2. T ap on the My addr esses icon. 3. T a p on List addresses 4. T ap List Al l to vi ew the enti re contents of your addre ss book, or tap on Se arch Address Book to sea rch f or e ntrie s by n ame .
Enter Address 25 Favourites Favourit e addresses work just like other addres ses in your address book. Addresses in your address book can be mar ked as favour ites to speed up the search f or frequently used addresse s. Accessing an Address from Favourites 1.
Enter Address 26 Creating a New Entry This is us ed to create a ne w address and sa ve it in your a ddress book. Y ou can create an ent ry by selecti ng it on the map , entering t he address, selecting an ad dress from t he list of POIs or choosing a street intersectio n.
Enter Address 27 Creating a New Entry in Y our Address Book fr om a POI 1. From the Main Menu , ta p the Enter Address icon. 2. T ap on the My addr esses icon. 3. T a p on Creat e New Entry . 4. T a p on Points o f Inte res t. 5. Select the categor y from the list of POI cate gories.
Enter Address 28 Creating a New Entry in Y our Address Book from a T own Centre 1. From the Main Menu , ta p the Enter Address icon. 2. T ap on the My addr esses icon. 3. T a p on Creat e New Entry . 4. T a p on To w n C e n t r e . 5. Select search cri teria: Near Current Position Displ ays T own centres neares t to your cu rrent positi on.
Points of Interest 27 Points of Interest (POI) The Magellan Maestro has pr eloaded POIs t hat can be used as a destinati on for a rou te. Selecting a restaur ant or finding a petrol st ation nearby i s as simple a s tapping the screen!.
Points of Interest 28 Creating a Route to a POI by Name 1. From the Main Menu , ta p the P oint s of I ntere st icon. 2. Select Search by Name . 3. Spell the name of the POI to be u sed as the destinat ion.
Points of Interest 29 NOTE: by de fault all POI fi les are tr ans ferre d to a fold er ca lle d CPO I in t he M aes tro. I f yo u are trans fer ring a spee dt rap fi le dow nlo aded fro m the in te rnet i t is i mpo rtant that t he f ile i s cop ied to the subfol der named SPEEDTRAPS.
Points of Interest 30 Setting Alarms A PO I file m ust b e loa ded (see Loading a POI File ) for this f unction to opera te. An enhanced POI can h ave an al arm tha t wi ll ale rt yo u wh en y ou ar e in the range se t in “ Alert Pa rame ters. ” No te th at all POIs in the selec ted categorie s will have their ala rms set to on.
Points of Interest 31 Routing to an Enhanced POI A PO I file m ust b e loa ded (see Loading a POI File ) fo r th is fun ctio n to oper ate . 1. From the Main Menu , ta p the P oint s of I ntere st icon. 2. Select Enhanced . 3. Select Select Category .
Trave llin g on a Ro ute 32 T ravelling on a Route Map Screen When a rout e has been c alculated it will be displayed on the Map screen in green with blue arrows indicati ng the directi on of travel . The top of th e screen di splays the n ame of the str eet you are on.
Trave llin g on a Ro ute 33 Y ou Have Arrived Finally , the Magellan Mae stro will pro vide a visu al alert whe n you have arriv ed at your desti nation. Ta p t h e Back a rro w to r eturn to th e Ma p screen. (The Mage llan Maestr o will automa tically ret urn to the Map scree n aft er a fixed time if yo u do not ta p the Back arrow .
Trave llin g on a Ro ute 34 Special Routing Functions When a route i s active, the Main Menu functio ns are changed to s upport speci al routing func tions. Routing to a POI Near an Approachi ng Motorway Exit Note : Th is fun cti on is a vai labl e on ly wh ile on a mo tor way .
Trave llin g on a Ro ute 35 Changing the Route Method If you t ravel off the computed route, the Magellan Mae stro will automat ically re-ca lculate the routing i nformation to get you to y our origin al destinati on using the r outing method you s elected when creati ng the route.
Road side Assi stan ce 36 Roadside As sistance Overview T o uch ing t he tow t ruck ico n di splay s t he lis t of all the P oint s of In teres t li sted in t he A uto S ervi ce and Maintenance c ategory t hat are clos e to your curr ent positi on. Accessing Roadside Assistance 1 From the Main Men u, tap on the to w tru ck icon.
Trip Pla nner 37 Tr i p P l a n n e r The T rip Planner i s used to creat e a route with mult iple dest inations. I n this document we wi ll refer to a ro ute w ith mul tiple des tinat ion s as a “T rip ”. Creating a T rip 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap the T r ip Planner icon.
Trip Pla nner 38 9. The list of t rip destinati ons will be displaye d. 10. T ap on the destinatio n name to bring up th e menu. 11. Repeat steps 5 to 9 until the t rip is com plete with all yo ur de sired dest ina tion s.
Trip Pla nner 39 Starting a T r ip 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap the T r ip Planner icon. 2. Select Guid e Me from the T rip Planne r Menu. 3. S elec t the trip to be used fro m the store d tr ips li st. 4. T ap on the destination in the l ist to be used as the fi rst desti nation in t he trip.
Trip Pla nner 40 Deleting a T rip 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap the T r ip Planner icon. 2. Select Dele te, Re nam e from the T rip Planner Menu . 3. T ap Delete . 4. S elec t the trip to be del eted from the st ore d trip s list . 5. C onfi rm th at yo u wan t to dele te the trip.
Trip Pla nner 41 Renaming a T rip 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap the T r ip Planner icon. 2. Select Dele te, Re nam e from the T rip Planner Menu . 3. T ap Rename . 4. Select the trip t o be renamed fr om the stored trips li st. 5. Use the keypad to edit the name of the trip.
POI Near Ex it 41 POI Near Exit The POI Near Exit function pr ovides a way of access ing commonly used POIs that are near an exit you are approa ching while t ravelling on a motorway . POI Near Exi t include res taurants, pe trol stati ons, auto repai r shops and ho tels.
Blue tooth 42 Bluetooth Introduct i on The Bluetoot h function of t he Magellan Maes tro allows you to use the Magel lan Maestro as a hands- free devi ce for a Blueto oth enabled mobi le phone. Y ou can answer and dial yo ur phone by usi ng the Magellan Maes tro touchsc reen.
Blue tooth 43 5. A passkey inpu t window will pop up on your Magellan Maes tro. In this po pup window , you will need to in put the sam e numbers as you enter ed into your mobil e phone.
Blue tooth 44 Placing a Call Using the Address Book 1. Access the Bluetooth Main Menu . 2. T ap the Call icon. 3. Select the search cr iteria; List All or Search Address Bo ok . 4. After searching or list ing your e ntire addr ess book, s elect the address f rom the disp layed list.
Blue tooth 45 Call Connected If a cal l connects, the “C onnected” window will pop up: • T ap to display a keyp ad to enter th e extension a fter you have been c onnected. • T ap to transfer th e call to your mobile phone. • T ap to turn off th e micropho ne in the Magellan Ma estro.
Traffic 46 T raffic T o receive traff ic informatio n on your Magell an Maestro you wil l need an enhanc ed traffic cr adle. This cradl e comes as st andard with the Maes tro 4050 and is included wit h the optiona l Magellan T rafficKit for Maestro 4010 and 4040 .
Traffic 47 Glossary of T erms RDS : Radio Data Sy stem. Infrastr ucture that br oadcasts digit al informa tion on the FM band. The T rafficKit module c an only receive and decode the f ree-access ser vice. Tr a f f i c : T raffic Message Cha nnel, one of t he types of inf ormation tha t a Radio Data Syst em can broadcast.
Traffic 48 Severe W eather Severe W eather V ehicle Related Re striction Alert Mode : T raffic events are received f or informat ional purpos es. Re-routi ng Mode : This mode wi ll reroute t he vehicle i f a T raffic event i mpacts the ro ute, and a faster al ternati ve route is ava ilable.
Traffic 49 RDS-T r affic Operating M odes T raffic events t hat have an impa ct on your ro ute can be proc essed in one of t he following two modes: Re-routi ng Mode . (Default ) T raffi c events aff ecting your route will tri gger the rece iver to aut omatically calculat e a new route, i f a faste r alternati ve route is ava ilable.
Traffic 50 T ravelling with the Re-routing Mode On The foll owing will oc cur whenever a T raffic event that aff ects your route is recei ved: • The receiv er will an alyse the imp act this event will have on your route.
Traffic 51 Reminder at 20 mi : Same as a bove but the dist ance from the e vent is onl y 20 miles Reminder at 10 mi : Same as ab ove but the dist ance from the event is only10 miles 6. Select Sa ve to vali date your cho ices and then ret urn to your usual guidanc e screen.
Traffic 52 T ap on one of the listed event s to receive addit ional details about the t raffic e vent. (Detail ed informati on can also b e displayed b y tapping on an event i con displayed on t he map.
Traffic 53 Viewing T raffic Signal St atus 1. Access the Main Menu and select User Options. 2. Scroll down the list an d select T raffic Options 3. Select T raffic Selection. 4. Deselect the T raffic Active box 5. Click Save to confirm you r choice. When the RDS function i s off all incomi ng T raffic messages are ignor ed.
Setting User Options 54 Setting User O ptions Use User Opti ons to cust omize the Magel lan Maestro t o better s uit your needs. T apping the Back arrow from an y of the User Option scree ns will canc el the changes .
Setting User Options 55 Checking Battery Life 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options . 2. T ap Sys tem Se tting s . 3. The battery life indicator is found at the bottom of the screen. All green indic ates a full b att ery lif e. Adjusting th e V olume V olume can also be adj usted by tap ping on the spe aker icon on the Map scree n.
Setting User Options 56 Adjustin g the Displa y Brightn ess 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options . 2. T ap Sys tem Se tting s . 3. T ap Brightn ess . 4. T ap along the adj ustment bar to increas e or decrease t he display brightness. 5. T ap On-battery dimming (75%) to set it on or off .
Setting User Options 57 Selecting Language The Magellan Maestro can be o perated using Engl ish, French, German, Spa nish, Dutch, Finnis h, Italian, Por tuguese, Swedi sh, Danish or Norwegian as the language for displ ayed text and voi ce commands. 1.
Setting User Options 58 Displaying Contact Us Information 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options . 2. T ap Sys tem Se tting s . 3. T ap . 4. T ap Contact Us . 5. T ap Back arrow . Display ing Product Inf ormation 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options .
Setting User Options 59 Performing Diagnostics 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options . 2. T ap Sys tem Se tting s . 3. T ap Next . 4. T ap Diagnost ics . 5. T ap Audio T est , T ouchscreen T est or Video T est . 6. When done, tap the Back arrow to exit.
Setting User Options 60 Selecting POIs to be Displayed on the Map In some area s the map can be clut tered with POIs, maki ng it difficul t to find what y ou are looking for . Use POI Selection to s et which cate gories of icons will be s hown and which will be h idden.
Setting User Options 61 Setting the speedtrap alerts Y our Magell an Maestro is pr eloaded with the l ocation of speed cameras, so yo u can be alert ed when approachin g a speed co ntrol area.
Setting User Options 62 Setting Split Screen (T rueView™) Options As you appro ach a segment, t he display will change to the spl it screen mod e. Under Map Options you c an tu rn off the split scr een o r set i t to be jus t the T rueV iew p ortio n of th e s plit s creen .
Setting User Options 63 Setting Detour O ptions Use this o ption to sel ect the defaul t for the d istance to be used to deto ur around tr affic problem s whil e rou ting. 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options . 2. T ap Detour Option s . 3.
Setting User Options 64 Setting T one Op tions Provides a way of sele cting the tone us ed to announce a rrival at a s egment or destin ation. 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options . 2. T ap To n e O p t i o n s . 3. Select Bell, Chime or Be ep .
Setting User Options 65 Setting the GPS Position Setting a GPS position is useful if you are not obtai ning satel lite informat ion quickly bec ause the Magellan Maes tro has tr avelled over 500 miles / 800 ki lometres while turned off.
Setting User Options 66 Restoring Data 1. From page 2 of t he Main Menu, tap User Options . 2. Insert a SD or MMC card with av ailable sp ace into the SD sl ot on the Magel lan Maestro. Note that backing up data will overwri te any back up fil es on the SD or MMC ca rd.
Setting User Options 67 Premium POI Subscription Y our Magell an Maestro is pr eloaded with point s of interes t from Marco Polo tra vel guides. The Sightseei ng category can be accessed fre e of charge fo r capital cities, but a subs cription is r equired to access the other ca tegories of Marco Polo P OIs.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Magellan 4010 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Magellan 4010 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Magellan 4010 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Magellan 4010 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Magellan 4010 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Magellan 4010 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Magellan 4010 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Magellan 4010. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Magellan 4010 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.