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Doc. No.: 2 55-700-025 COMCODE: 300303021 PacketSta r ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide A PacketStar ™ PSAX Central Of fice Product Issue 1, Octob er 2000 System Software Releas e 6.
Copyri ght © 2 000 by L ucent T echnolo gies. A ll rights rese rved. For trad emark, regulator y compliance, and rela ted legal informa tion, see the " Copy righ t an d L egal Not ices" sect ion .
255-700-0 25 iii Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Copyright and Legal Notices Copyright Copyrigh t © 2000 b y Lucent T echnolog ies. All right s reserved . This material is protected by t he copyright laws of t he United States and other countries.
Copyright and Legal Notices W arranty Information iv 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 W arranty W ar nings ! CAUTION: Do not make elect rical or mechanical modifications to any of the components in the PSAX system.
255-700-0 25 v Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Copyright and Legal Notices Regulato ry Standar ds Complian ce ! CAUTION: If your system or location loses pow.
Copyright and Legal Notices Regulatory St atements vi 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 is base d upon confo rmity wit h the followi ng standa rd(s.
255-700-0 25 vii Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Copyright and Legal Notices Regulat ory Statements The user is cautioned that any chan ges or mo difications n ot expres sly approv ed by the party respo nsible for compl iance could v oid the user ’ s author ity to opera te the e quipment.
Copyright and Legal Notices Regulatory St atements viii 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Canadian Regulatory Statements Industry Canada Information Ringer Equival ence Num ber (REN) Notice. T he Industry Canada label identifies certifi ed equipment.
255-700-0 25 ix Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Copyright and Legal Notices Regulat ory Statements convenable. Da ns certains cas, il sera néces saire de prolo nger le câblage intérieu r de la ligne d’ab onné de la compagnie au moyen d’un co nnecteur homolo gué (ral longe de tél éphone) .
Copyright and Legal Notices Regulatory St atements x 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0.
255-700-0 25 xi Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Safety W ar nings and Information When installing and opera ting the Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60, follow th e safety g uidelines pr ovided below t o help prev ent serious i njury and/or damage t o the AC 60 equipment.
Safety Warnings and Information xii 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ! DANGER: The OC-3c Single Mode (SM) and the STM-1 Single Mode (SM) modules contain a laser -generating device, which emits a laser light beam from the transmit port.
255-700-0 25 xiii Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Safety W arnings and Information the port), and place said cap on the port immediately after removing the cable from an operational module.
Safety Warnings and Information xiv 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ! CAUTION: Install or remove modules one at a t ime.
255-700-0 25 xv Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Contents Copyright and L egal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ii Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents xvi 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Clothin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -11 Handlin g Chassis, Modu les, and Compo nents .
Contents 255-700-0 25 xvii Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Network Mana gement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9 In-band Management SVCs .
Contents xviii 255 -700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Switched Virtual Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 6 Functional De scription . .
Contents 255-700-0 25 xix Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Hardware Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5 5 Enhanced DS1 Modul e . . . .
Contents xx 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 DSP2 V oice Server Mo dule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 9 Software Featu r es. . . . .
Contents 255-700-0 25 xxi Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Adding an In- Band Management A TM SVC Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 -22 Preparing for an In-Ba nd Managem ent SVC Co nnection .
Contents xxii 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Monito ring OAM Functionali ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -24 Perform ing OAM T ests . . . . . .
Contents 255-700-0 25 xxiii Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Rebooting the AC System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32 Restor ing Datab ase Files Using XMod em/YModem Fi le T r ansfer .
Contents xxiv 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Appendix F: European Community Declarations of Conform ity . . . . . . . . . . . F-1 Overvie w of This A ppendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 255-700-0 25 1-1 1 Getting Started Purpose of This G uide The Pac ketSt ar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide provides info.
Chapter 1 Getting St arted Rela ted Read ing 1-2 255-700-025 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 Related Reading Lucent T echnologies Information Products Produc.
255-700-0 25 1-3 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Chapter 1 Getting St arted Rela ted Re ading Route Se rver Module Guide STM-1 Multi-M ode an d Single -Mode 1.
Chapter 1 Getting St arted Rela ted Read ing 1-4 255-700-025 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 Printed Documents For your convenience, the following documents from your Product Informati on Library CD-ROM are also available in printe d form.
255-700-0 25 1-5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Chapter 1 Getting St arted Rela ted Re ading DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Release 6.3 Issue 1 30030309 6 255-700-0 32 DS3 A TM Modul e User Gu ide, Release 6.3 Issue 1 30030310 4 255-700-0 33 DS3 Frame Relay Module User Guide, Rele ase 6.
Chapter 1 Getting St arted Rela ted Read ing 1-6 255-700-025 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 Other Publications Numerous book s are currently available on the subject of bas ic telecommunications technology and specific protocols.
255-700-0 25 1-7 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Chapter 1 Getting St arted Rela ted Re ading ~ User to Network Interf ace (UNI) Specification V ersion 3.1 ~ VTOA AA L1 T runking Ser vices, af-vtoa-0098 .000 • A TM Forum Impleme ntation Ag reements: ~ Inverse Multiplexin g over A TM V ersion 1.
Chapter 1 Getting St arted T ext Conve ntions 1-8 255-700-025 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 ~ I.356, B-ISDN A T M Layer Cell T ransfer Performance ~ I.361, B-ISDN A T M Layer Specification ~ I.363, B-IS DN A TM Adaptation L ayer (AAL ) Specifica tion ~ I.
255-700-0 25 1-9 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Chapter 1 Getting St arted Electrostat ic Dis charge (ESD) P r ecau tions Icons and Symbols Follow all safe ty guidelines in this document to help prev ent personal injury to you and damage to the Packet Star ™ Access Con centrato r 60 system equipment.
Chapter 1 Getting St arted Electrost atic Dis charge (ESD) Precauti ons 1-1 0 255-700-02 5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 Grounding W rist Straps Usin g a grounding wrist strap (s ee Figur e 1) is re commended when i nstallin g and opera ting the AC 60.
255-700-0 25 1-11 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Chapter 1 Getting St arted Before Y ou Begin constant atte ntion to carpeting maintenance is acceptable, but time- consuming. Humidity Maintaining the proper humidity i n the room whe re the AC 60 sy stem will be located helps control many static proble ms.
Chapter 1 Getting St arted About Lu cent T echnolo gies 1-1 2 255-700-02 5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 • Determine the numbering scheme for the in-band connections you will be using.
255-700-0 25 1-13 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Chapter 1 Getting St arted Y ou may also fax the co mment card to us at: 301-8 09-4540.
Chapter 1 Getting St arted 1-1 4 255-700-02 5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0.
Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 255-700-0 25 2-1 2 Har dwar e Description Overview o f This Chapter This chap ter prese nts a descr iption of t he variou s hardware components of the Pa cketStar ™ Access Concentr ator 60 sy stem.
Chapter 2 Hardware Description Chassis Architecture 2-2 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ~ Ethernet module ~ High-D ensity E 1 module ~ High-Spe ed.
255-700-0 25 2-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 2 Hardware Description Chassis Architectur e of the chassis faceplate has controls and indicators for the common equipm ent co mponent s (see F igure 2-1).
Chapter 2 Hardware Description AC 60 System Hardwar e Specifications 2-4 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 clock signal. The port is not intended to be directly connected to a network interface as outside plant.
255-700-0 25 2-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 2 Hardware Description AC 60 System Envir onmen tal Sp ecificatio ns appear on surfa ces. The temperature and relative humidity must be kept within the specified tole rance limits as shown in T a ble 2-2.
Chapter 2 Hardware Description AC 60 System Envir onmen tal Sp ecificatio ns 2-6 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 2-7 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 2 Hardware Description AC 60 Physical Interface Specifi cations The hardware specifications for the AC 6 0 Stra tum 3–4 compone nt are given in T able 2 -5.
Chapter 2 Hardware Description I/O and Se rver Modu les Specif ication s 2-8 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 2-9 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 2 Hardware Description I/O and Server M odules Spec ifications Note: The I/O b uffers carry 1 6,384 .
Chapter 2 Hardware Description I/O and Se rver Modu les Specif ication s 2-1 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 255-700-0 25 3-1 3 System Featur es Overview o f This Chapter This chapt er pres ents a softw are overvi ew of the PacketSt ar ™ Access Concen trator 60 offered by Lucent T ech nologies.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features System Ca pabil ities 3-2 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 While voice, vide o, and data traffi c have traditionally bee.
255-700-0 25 3-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Interface Archite cture • PNNI, w hich computes paths through a netw ork by defini ng a method for distributing topolog y information between switches and clusters of switches.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features User Interfaces 3-4 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Circuit Emulation Servi ce Circuit emulation service transports traffic over a virtual channel-based connection.
255-700-0 25 3-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features User Interfaces Dynamic Bandwidth Cir cuit Emulation Ser vice The dynamic bandwidth circuit emulation service (DBCES) feature is used with voice PVC connections to bes t utilize the available network bandwidth.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features User Interfaces 3-6 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 HDLC Pass-through The high-level data link control (HDLC) pass-thro.
255-700-0 25 3-7 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features User Interfaces topology i nformation be tween switches and clusters of s witches. This information is used to comp ute paths through the network, whether it is local or worldwide.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features User Interfaces 3-8 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 PNNI allows hierarchies but doe s not require them. It is also possible to deploy PNNI with one peer group encompassing a ll switches within a network.
255-700-0 25 3-9 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Network Mana gement The user par t is the las t seven by tes, and is reserved for end-sys tem identificati on (insignificant to the PNNI).
Chapter 3 Syst em Features Network Mana gement 3-1 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 As the simplest optio n, the CPU module facep late provides .
255-700-0 25 3-11 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Network Mana gement c. H ybrid connection, which connects the main router Access Conc entra tor system directly to the end system Access Conce ntrato r system through A TM PVC co nnections.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features Network Mana gement 3-1 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 application or the AQueV iew ™ EMS Clie nt-only application on the sa me management workstation a s NavisCore ™ , the service management softwa re for the core switches.
255-700-0 25 3-13 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures PSAX 1 250, PSAX 2 0, AC 60 and AC 30, and Releas e 6.0 softwa re for all models bu t the PSAX 2300 syst em.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-1 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Operatio n As the DHP VC is established, both the primary and standby circuits are provisioned from the originating node to the terminating node, through the A T M network.
255-700-0 25 3-15 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures If zero errors are detecte d by the AC 60 system for a user -selectable interval of 10 seco nds, 30 seco nds, 1 minu te, or 5 m inutes (or not allowed) , the system restores the prima ry link.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-1 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 T able 3-1 det ails the Access Concent rator system su pport of defined A TM quality of s ervice (QoS) class es.
255-700-0 25 3-17 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures The following two tables il lustrate how A TM classes of service map to internal priority levels to structure the AQueM an™ alg orithm.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-1 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 AQueMa n™ classifies traffic based on s ervice-level .
255-700-0 25 3-19 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures buffers.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-2 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Ethernet LAN Bridging The Ethernet LAN bridging fe ature is provided on the Ethernet module .
255-700-0 25 3-21 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures The Ethernet LAN bridging feature incorporates the following functions: • Bridgi ng Ethernet MAC layer d ata is encaps ulated by using standards in the A TM Forum docum ent RFC 1 483.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-2 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 from ANSI Compo site clocks, ITU- T Composite clocks, T1 BITS a nd E1 BITS clock sources directly for chassis synchronization.
255-700-0 25 3-23 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures tolerant base connections. Each connection (A TM-to-A TM, VCC, PVC) is created between an A TM- enabled port on a Multi-Serial module and another A TM port (such as the OC -3c and the S TM-1 modules).
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-2 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Frame Relay-to-A TM Interworking Any port on the Channelized DS3, Channelized STS-1e, Enhanced DS1, Enhanced E1, DS3 Frame Relay , and Multi-Serial mod ules can be used to connect to a frame relay device .
255-700-0 25 3-25 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures prefixe s, registere d A TM addresse s, and re gistered services an d capabilities available at its A TM interfaces.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-2 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The LANET protocol is designed to be active in the upper end of the physical layer of the OSI seven-lay er model.
255-700-0 25 3-27 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures address with in the same 10-nibble header space of s tandard A TM cells. In addition, it avoids the ext ra delay (detr imental to CBR t raffic) requi red of multiple header -encoding sche mes.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-2 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 receivi ng, and intr epreting F4/F5 OAM flows. T his feat ure require s the u ser to run AQue Win ™ and the AQueV iew ™ syst em.
255-700-0 25 3-29 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures circuit level connections, where the circuit virtual channel (VC) flows are identifi ed by the payl oad type (P T) values.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-3 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 accepts the request, the specified sour ce point(s) st arts sending continuity checks periodically to the receiving point.
255-700-0 25 3-31 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures • LOP (Loss of Pointe r) alarm The LO P alarm indi cates the receiving equipment has lost th e pointer to the start cell in the payload.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-3 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ~ Intradomain loo pback: A segment lo opback is insert ed by a connection/segment end point or a connecting point, and looped back by a segment or a connecting point.
255-700-0 25 3-33 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures • The AIS a larm is sto pped by t he NE when it detects an averag e pulse density of at least 12.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-3 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 declares a Loss of S ignal (LOS) a fter a vio lating per iod (20 +/- 3 microseconds ) of consecutive all zero bytes, or zero optical power , is detected in the received signa l.
255-700-0 25 3-35 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures Modules: E1 IMA, En hanced E1, High-Density E1 A netwo.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-3 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 traffic manageme nt to t he OC-3c APS and the STIM-1 MSP modules . Phase 2 gives this capabili ty to the Channelized DS3, DS1 and E1 modules.
255-700-0 25 3-37 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures allows on-de mand allocation of bandwidth and conn ection resources .
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-3 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 port. Bo th user-side and networ k-side interfa ces undergo s imilar state transitions.
255-700-0 25 3-39 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures The following state transit ion messages are used for .
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-4 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 T raffic Shaping The traffic shaping feature is a method for controlling the flow of data traffic. It is impleme nted in firmware o n modules that ar e offered with traff ic- shaping variatio ns.
255-700-0 25 3-41 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Sof tware Fea tures MBS par ameter , end use rs whose traffic violat es their co ntractual MB S parameter experience high cell loss (and hence high pa cket loss).
Chapter 3 Syst em Features AC 60 Software Featur es 3-4 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The algorit hm processes traf fic moving out of the input cell selection buff er according to the SC R of the pa rticular VPC /VCC.
255-700-0 25 3-43 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features I/O, Optica l, and Server Modul es The DSP 2C module su pports A TM Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL-2) S VC connections and PVC multiplexing for reduced ca ll latency .
Chapter 3 Syst em Features I/O, Opti cal, and Server Mo dules 3-4 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 3-45 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Channeli zed DS3 Modul e Channelized DS3 Module The Cha nnelized DS3 module prov ides one p ort with a lin e rate of 44.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features Channel ized STS -1e (T1) M odule 3-4 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 • Private Network -Network Interface (PNN I), Specification V er sion 1.0 , af-pnni- 0055.000 • Integrated Local Mana gement Interface (ILMI) Specification V ersion 4.
255-700-0 25 3-47 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Channeli zed STS-1e (T1) Modul e emulation, the Channelized ST S-1e T1 module can adapt a maximum of 28 DS-1 channels per port to ATM virtual channels with i ndividual VPIs a nd VCIs.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features DS1 IMA M odule 3-4 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ~ Frame r elay UNI and NNI ( FRF .
255-700-0 25 3-49 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features DS3 A T M Mod ule DS3 A TM Module The DS3 A TM module pr ovides a networ k interface at D igital Signa l Level 3 (DS-3), with a line rate of 44.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features DS3 IMA M odule 3-5 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 • FRF .2 —Network- to-Net work Int erface (NNI) • FRF .5—Fr ame Rela y/A TM PVC Net work Inte rworking • FRF .
255-700-0 25 3-51 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features DS3 A T M Mod ule Module User Guide ) an d the DS 1 IMA module (see the PacketSta r ™ DS1 IMA Module User Guide ).
Chapter 3 Syst em Features DS3 Frame Relay Module 3-5 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Concen trator system to an ATM e dge switch . The DS3 A TM modu le has three types of L ED indicators: FAIL, ACTI VE, and LOS ( loss of sign al).
255-700-0 25 3-53 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features E1 IMA Module ~ Frame r elay UNI and NNI ( FRF .
Chapter 3 Syst em Features E3 A TM Module 3-5 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 E-1 lines. At the destination IMA module, the E-1 streams a re merged back together in correc t order a nd passed on to other modules a s directed by virtual circuit connections.
255-700-0 25 3-55 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features En hanced DS1 Mo dule • Integrated Local Managem ent Interface Specification V ersion 4.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features Enhance d DS1 Module 3-5 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Note: The Enhanced DS1 Circuit Emulation (CE only) module i.
255-700-0 25 3-57 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features En hanced E1 Modu le • Line rat e: 1.544 Mbps Enhanced E1 Mod ule The Enhanced E1 mo dule provides six p orts, each with a line rate of 2.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features Ethernet Module 3-5 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 A T M Forum T echnical Committee Specifications: • Circuit Emulation Service Interoperability Specification Version 2.
255-700-0 25 3-59 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features High-Densi ty E1 Modul e Softwar e Featur es The E thernet bridging feature incl.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features High-Spe ed Module 3-6 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 af-ilmi-0065.
255-700-0 25 3-61 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Medium-Densi ty DS1 Modul e The soft ware suppor ts the follo wing A TM Foru m T echnical Committe e Specifications : • Circuit Emulation Service Interoperability Specification Version 2.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features Medium-De nsity DS1 Modu le 3-6 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 integrated services digital net work with a primary rate interf ace (ISDN PRI) service, a nd A TM services.
255-700-0 25 3-63 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Multi -Seria l Modu le • HDLC pass throug h mode (N x 56 and N x 64) • Frame r elay UNI and NNI ( FRF . 1, FRF .2, FR F .5, and FRF .
Chapter 3 Syst em Features Mult i-Seri al Mo dule 3-6 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 asynchronous transfe r mode (A TM) (using limit less A TM network [LANET] protocol).
255-700-0 25 3-65 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Multi -Seria l Modu le Circuit Emulation Each port on the Multi-Serial module can be configured to perform adaptatio n for circui t emulati on.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features V oice 2-Wire Of fice Mod ule 3-6 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 • Interface s supporte d: EIA-2 32-D, EIA-530, EIA-449 v .
255-700-0 25 3-67 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Optical-T ype I/O Modul es voice device can be connected directly to this module in the Acces s Concentrator sys tem to communicate over an A T M network.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features OC-3c Mul ti-mode and Singl e-Mode Modu les 3-6 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 • One variat ion for bo th the Multi- Mode and Sing le-Mode types, wit h the names OC-3c MM AQ module and OC-3c S M AQ module, uses the AQueM an ™ algorithm for flo w control.
255-700-0 25 3-69 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features STM-1 M ulti-Mode and Sin gle-Mode Mo dules STM-1 Multi-Mode and Single-Mode Mod.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features STM-1 M ulti-Mode and Sin gle-Mode Mo dules 3-7 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 • Interim Inter-Switch Signaling Pr otocol, af-pnni-0026.000 • Private Network -Network Interface (PNN I), af-pnni-0055.
255-700-0 25 3-71 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Server Modu les Server Modules DSP2 V oic e Server Module The DSP 2C V oice S erver module pr ocesses vo ice and other dig ital da ta on a Packe tStar ™ Access C oncentrator system .
Chapter 3 Syst em Features DSP2 V oice S erver Module 3-7 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 • Soft perma nent virtual cir cuit (SPVC) s upport for circuit e mulation servi ce (CES ).
255-700-0 25 3-73 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features DSP2 V oice Ser ver Modu le T able 3-9. Matrix of Featur es and Standar ds Supported on the DSP2C Modes A , B and Echo Cancellation Releas e 6.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features DSP2 V oice S erver Module 3-7 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 DSP2C V oice Server F eatures Multiplexed or Nonmultiplexed AAL-2 The choice of multiplexed A TM Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL-2) has been added.
255-700-0 25 3-75 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features DSP2 V oice Ser ver Modu le on-hook t o off-hook , where the on- hook state last bet ween 300 m sec and 1000 ms ec.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features DSP2 V oice S erver Module 3-7 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 DSP2A and DSP2B Single-Mode V oice Server Modules (System Release 6.2.0) ! CAUTION: The DSP2A and DSP2B Single-Mode Modules a re not upgr adable to System Softwa re Release 6.
255-700-0 25 3-77 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features Route S erver Modul e • On the DSP2A a nd DSP2B si ngle-mode module s, the number of t ails supported in echo cancellation is 32 msec fe wer than in DSP2C mode i n Ta b l e 3 - 1 0 .
Chapter 3 Syst em Features T ones and Announ cements Se rver Module 3-7 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Y ou can assign an authenti cation password to an IP network inte rface for maximum security .
255-700-0 25 3-79 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 3 Syst em Features and edge devices s uch as the AC 60 and the PSAX 20, the module offers call routing information to a connection gateway without using an expensive circuit switch.
Chapter 3 Syst em Features 3-8 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0.
Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 255-700-0 25 4-1 4 Configuring the Basic System Overview o f This Chapter This ch apter des cribes ho w to configure the PacketStar ™ Access Concen trator 60 sys tem and set the syst em values for your site.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Loggi ng ont o the S ystem 4-2 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Loggi ng ont o the S ystem The Conso le Interf ace Main Menu window is dis played (see Figure 4-2).
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Loggi ng ont o the S ystem 4-4 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Begi n V iewin g the Hel p W indo ws 1 On the Conso le Inter face Ma in Menu window , press the ? ke y .
255-700-0 25 4-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Loggi ng ont o the S ystem 2 T o display the second through fourth Main Menu Help windows (see Figure 4- 4 through Figure 4 -6), pres s the Down Ar row .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Loggi ng ont o the S ystem 4-6 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-7 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Changi ng th e System Pass word and Ot her User Option s ~ The informati on line displays a messa ge indicating an e rror or successful completion of the command.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Chan ging the S ystem Passwor d an d Other Use r Options 4-8 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The User Options win dow is displa yed (see Figure 4 -7). 2 Select the Change Password For < us ername > fi eld.
255-700-0 25 4-9 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Console Interface Main Men u 6 On the Console Interfa ce Main Menu window , select the Save Configuration command, and press Enter to store the values in the PSA X syst em dat abase .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the System for Y our Site 4-1 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The Site-Sp ecific Menu windo w is displayed (see Fig ure 4-8). 2 On the Site Specific Menu w indow , select t he Site-Specific Configuration command.
255-700-0 25 4-11 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g the System for Y our Site The Site-Sp ecific Configu ration windo w is displayed (see Figur e 4-9).
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the System for Y our Site 4-1 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 3. CPU IP a nd switch IP address es cannot be on the same subnet as the in-ban d IP addres s.
255-700-0 25 4-13 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g the System for Y our Site Begi n V iewin g OAM Pro perties 1 Select the values for the fields in the Master A TM Address and OAM related data pan el as descr ibed in T able 4 -1.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the System for Y our Site 4-1 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-15 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g the System for Y our Site 4 Select the Apply Site-Specific Configuration comma nd, and either press Ent er to save these values now , or after you have entered data in all the fields on this windo w .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the System for Y our Site 4-1 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 5 Select the Apply Site-Specific Configuration comma nd, and either press Enter to save these values now , or wait until you have ente red data in all the fields on this window .
255-700-0 25 4-17 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g the System for Y our Site Configuring the TCP Client/S.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the System for Y our Site 4-1 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Connection Gateway Application Programming Interfa ce API is a pro tocol that can be used inste ad of SNMP to mana ge the Lucent T echnologie s PSAX syst ems.
255-700-0 25 4-19 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g the System for Y our Site Figur e 4-12. TCP Server Configu ration Window (Client TCP T ype) Figur e 4-13.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the System for Y our Site 4-2 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: 3 Y ou ca n enter data into the fie lds on the TCP Serve r Configuration window as described in T able 4-4.
255-700-0 25 4-21 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g In-Band Mana gement Begi n Entering t he SNMP T rap D estinations 1 Select the NMS 1 field, and type the IP address value of the remo te management station to which you want to send SNMP trap s.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng In-Band Mana gement 4-2 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Concen trator s ystems ov er an Eth ernet network. See th e appe ndix “Configuring I n-Band Manage ment.
255-700-0 25 4-23 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g In-Band Mana gement Before cr eating an SVC connection, y ou need to set up the Unix workstation as the ARP server , and each of the Access Concentrator s ystems.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng In-Band Mana gement 4-2 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 7 Enter the Address Prefix . This i s the Addr ess Prefix of the node addres s of the OC-3 c module.
255-700-0 25 4-25 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g In-Band Mana gement 2 Select the In-Band Management option and pre ss Enter . The In-Band Ma nagement Configuration Window displays (see Figure 4-16) .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng In-Band Mana gement 4-2 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: 3 In the In-Band Manageme nt Configuration window , enter the IP addres s and IP Mask for the PSAX device.
255-700-0 25 4-27 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g In-Band Mana gement Field Descriptions 5 Select the values for the fields on this window from the va lues given in Ta b l e 4 - 6 .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng In-Band Mana gement 4-2 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 6 Select the Apply Configuration command and press Enter . End 7 Select the In-Band Mgmt Route Table command and press Enter .
255-700-0 25 4-29 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g In-Band Mana gement Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: 8 Select the Add a new route command and p ress Enter .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng In-Band Mana gement 4-3 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Note: At the time of initial setup, the In-B and Management T able window is empty . After you have set up routes, this window displays all the routes of this type in the system.
255-700-0 25 4-31 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g In-Band Mana gement The route is now adde d. 12 Select the Go Back to Route Table command and pr ess Enter The Inband Ma nagement Route T able window displays with the new route a dded (see Figure 4-20) .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng In-Band Mana gement 4-3 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-33 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configurin g In-Band Mana gement Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: Field Descriptions The statistics in this w indow are des cribed in T able 4-8.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Using the Equ ipment Config uration Window 4-3 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 En d Deleting an In-Band Management SV C Route Perform the step s in the follow ing procedure to delete an In-Band SVC route .
255-700-0 25 4-35 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Using the Eq uipment Configurati on Window The Equ ipment Co nfiguratio n window is display ed (see Fi gure 4-22 ).
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the Stratum 3–4 Cloc k T iming 4-3 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-37 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configuring the Stratum 3–4 Cloc k Timing The Stratu m Configurat ion window is display ed (see Figure 4-23 ).
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng the Stratum 3–4 Cloc k T iming 4-3 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 3 Select the Accuracy field, and press En ter to cycle throu gh the pred efined set of values ( Stratum3 or Stratum4 ).
255-700-0 25 4-39 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configuring the Stratum 3–4 Cloc k Timing Note: The fol lowing ste ps 5 and 6 in this proced ure apply only if you select the LineTiming value in the Synchronization Source field.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng I/O and Server Modu les 4-4 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 2 Press E nter . The value displa yed in the [Line Timing Status] field is changed.
255-700-0 25 4-41 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration PNNI System-Wide Conf iguration For an ov erview o f PNNI an d the PNNI fea tures sup ported on the AC 60 system, see the section abo ut PNNI in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-4 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Commands The commands in this window have the following functions: The other commands on this s creen provid e read-only informati on to assist in monitoring PNNI status.
255-700-0 25 4-43 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration 3 Select the PNNI Node Configuration command and press Enter . The PNNI Node T able window is displayed ( see Figure 4- 26).
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-4 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: 4 Select Add Node Entry and pres s Enter .
255-700-0 25 4-45 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: Field Descriptions 5 Select the values for the fields on this window from the values given in Ta b l e 4 - 1 3 .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-4 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-47 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration Node Lowe st T rue (defa ult), False Specifies the root node (true if the current node is ro ot).
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-4 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 6 Select the Create Node Entry command and press Enter . The Nod e entry is created an d the Node I d field is displayed t he node identifier o f your AC 6 0 system.
255-700-0 25 4-49 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration Configuration window .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-5 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 4 Select the Add Route Address Entry command. The PNNI Route Address Configuratio n window is displayed (see Figure 4-29) .
255-700-0 25 4-51 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration Field Descriptions 5 Select the values for the fiel ds in this window as described in T able 4-14 .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-5 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Address Inde x 1 (default) This number r eferences an entry in a table tha t keeps trac k of which nodes can access which prefixes.
255-700-0 25 4-53 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration 6 Press Ctrl+ A to Create Route Address Entry .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-5 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Commands The commands in this window have the following functions: 2 Select the Add Metrics Entry command.
255-700-0 25 4-55 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration Commands The commands in this window have the following functions: Field Descriptions 3 Select the values for the fiel ds in this window as described in T able 4-15 .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-5 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-57 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration 4 Select the Create Metrics Entry command. This ent ry is added t o the PNN I Metrics T able windo w .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-5 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Begi n Summary Ad dress Configu ration 1 On the Console Interface Main Menu, select the Site-Specific Configuration option, and pre ss Enter .
255-700-0 25 4-59 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration 4 Select the Add Summary Address Entry command. The PNNI S ummary Addre ss Entry window is di splayed (s ee Figure 4-33) .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-6 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Field Descriptions 5 Select the values for the fiel ds in this window as described in T able 4-16 .
255-700-0 25 4-61 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration management to map port identifie rs from the nodes at both ends to the link between the m.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-6 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The Originating Node Identifier is the no de identif ier of the no de whose connectivity within itself or to o ther nodes is being de scribed.
255-700-0 25 4-63 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration Field Descriptions 5 The values for the fields in this window are describ ed in T able 4-17 .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-6 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 6 T o view the Me trics table, select View Metrics Tables and press Enter . The Met rics T able w indow is displayed ( see Figure 4-30).
255-700-0 25 4-65 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration The PNNI Sys tem-W ide Config uration window is di splayed (s ee Figure 4-25) . 3 Select the PNNI Link Information command.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-6 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 4 If a node has been created, select the node for which you want t o view information and press Enter .
255-700-0 25 4-67 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration [Link V e rsion] (display only ) V e.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-6 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 [Re mote Po rt Id] (display only ) (Numeri cal data) Indicates t he port ide ntifier of t he port at the remote end o f the l ink as assigned by the re mote node.
255-700-0 25 4-69 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration 6 T o return to the Link T able window , Go Back to Previo us Screen a nd press E nter .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-7 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-71 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration The PNNI Neighb or Peer T able window displays the node index and neighbor peer re mote node index for various n eighbo r peers.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-7 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Field Descriptions 5 The values for the fields in this window are describ ed in T able 4-19 .
255-700-0 25 4-73 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration 6 T o return to the Link T able window , Go Back to Previo us Screen a nd press E nter .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System PNNI Syste m-W ide Co nfigura tion 4-7 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Commands The commands in this window have the following functions: Field Descriptions The fie lds in this window are described in T able 4-20 .
255-700-0 25 4-75 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em PNNI System-Wide Configuration T able 4-20.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng Call Contro l Resourc e Allocation 4-7 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-77 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configuri ng Call Con trol Resour ce Allo cation Setting the Configuration V alues Begi n Alloca ting Call Resou rces 1 From the Cons ole Interface Ma in Menu, select Sit e-Specific Configu ration.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng Call Contro l Resourc e Allocation 4-7 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-79 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configuri ng Call Con trol Resour ce Allo cation Note: The va lue f.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng Call Contro l Resourc e Allocation 4-8 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 svcPointT oMulti PointPar ties Default: 002000 The tot al number o f parties on SVC point-to-multipoint calls to be supporte d by the P SAX syste m.
255-700-0 25 4-81 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configuri ng Call Con trol Resour ce Allo cation 4 T o a ppl y the v alues you have enter ed, s elec t the Apply Configuration command and pre ss Enter .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng Call Contro l Resourc e Allocation 4-8 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 4-83 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic Syst em Configuri ng Call Con trol Resour ce Allo cation The Remote Re boot Configura tion window is displayed (se e Figure 4-44) .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Basic System Configuri ng Call Contro l Resourc e Allocation 4-8 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 255-700-0 25 5-1 5 Using System Diagnostics Overview o f This Chapter The PSAX s ystem diagnostics functions gi ve you the ab.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Viewin g System Status 5-2 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The Diagno stics Men u window is dis played (s ee Figure 5 -2). Figur e 5-1. Console Interfac e Main Menu Window (Diagno stics Option Selected) Figur e 5-2.
255-700-0 25 5-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Viewi ng System Statu s 2 Select the System Information optio n and press En ter . The System Informati on window is displayed (see Figure 5-3 ).
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Viewin g System Status 5-4 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 T able 5-1. Field V alues for th e System Information Window Field Name Description [Softw are V ersion] (display only ) The ver sion of the system software currently running on the CPU.
255-700-0 25 5-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Runnin g Cell T est Diagnostics End Running Cell T est Diagnostics T o determine whethe r a port is operating correctly , perf orm the steps in the following procedure .
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Running Cell T est Diagnostics 5-6 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 5-7 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Runnin g Cell T est Diagnostics 4 Select the Apply Test Parameters command and press Enter .
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Running Cell T est Diagnostics 5-8 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The Cell T est Payload Configuration w indow is displa yed (see Figure 5-5). Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: Figur e 5-5.
255-700-0 25 5-9 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Runnin g Cell T est Diagnostics Field Descriptions 5 Select the values for the fields on this window from the va lues given in Ta b l e 5 - 3 .
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Rebooti ng PSAX Hardwa re Compo nents 5-1 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 7 Select the Refresh Transmit Payload command and press Enter . This comma nd applies the values for the test payload.
255-700-0 25 5-11 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Rebooting PSAX Hardwa re Comp onents The Rem ote Reboot Configurat ion windo w is displa yed (see Figure 5-6). 3 Select one o f the commands shown in the follow ing table as ne eded and press E nter .
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Removin g Configuration File s 5-1 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 End Removing Con figuration Files T o remove configuration files, use the steps in the follo wing procedure, starting a t the Conso le Interface Main Menu wind ow (see Figure 5-1).
255-700-0 25 5-13 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Unlock ing a T elnet Session Are you sure that you want to remove al l the configuration files? (y/n) 3 Answer y to remove the files or n to cancel.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-1 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 4 T ype the IP addr ess of the AC 60 syste m that is connecte d to the locked- up telnet session in the IP Address fie ld, and press Enter .
255-700-0 25 5-15 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) • The firs t port is ass igned to the near -end user . • The second port is assigned to the far -end user , using the same configuration as the first port.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-1 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 2 On the Connection Configuration window , select the Circuit Emulation-to-ATM VCC configuration and p ress Enter .
255-700-0 25 5-17 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) Note: At the time of initial insta llation, the Circuit Emulation-to-A TM VCC PV C T able window is empty .
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-1 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 5-19 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) Commands The commands.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-2 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 5-21 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) Vo i c e Compre ssion.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-2 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Conformance Ty p e The type of traffi c control option used for A TM cell s.
255-700-0 25 5-23 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) Servi ce T ype Ubr (d.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-2 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 5-25 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: Field Descriptions The values for the fields on this window are described in T a ble 5-5.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-2 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Slot V a riable depending on the chas sis type Enter the slot numb er containing the module for which you are creating a connection.
255-700-0 25 5-27 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) Note: T o vie w statist ics for the fa r end user , select Display Stats for Next Connection .
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-2 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Commands The commands on this window have the following functions: Field Desciptions 3 Se lect the val ues from the fields on this window from T able 5-6.
255-700-0 25 5-29 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) 4 Select the Apply Configuration command and press Enter .
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-3 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Activating and Deactivating O AM Begi n Activa ting or De activatin g OAM 1 On the Console Interfa ce Main Menu window , select the Diagnostics option and press Enter.
255-700-0 25 5-31 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 5 U sing System Diagnostics Operation s Administration and Mainte nance (OAM) T able 5-7.
Chapter 5 Using System Di agnostics Operation s Admin istration an d Maintenan ce (OAM) 5-3 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 4 T o begin the test , select the Activate command a nd press Enter . 5 T o terminate the test, select the Deactivate command and press Enter .
Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 255-700-0 25 6-1 6 Using VT100 T erminal Emulation Overview o f This Chapter VT100 terminal emula tion is used in configuring and managing the AC 60 sy s t em fr o m t he se r ia l in te r f ac e p o rt la be l e d CO N SO L E on t he fa c ep l at e .
Chapter 6 Using VT100 T erminal Emulati on Setting Up The Windows 3.1 T erminal Em ulator 6-2 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 8 Select OK . 9 Return to t he Settings Me nu. 10 From the Set tings Menu, sel ect the Communications option.
255-700-0 25 6-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 6 Using VT1 00 T e rminal Emulation Setting Up The W indows 95 H yperT erminal Emu lator Setting Up .
Chapter 6 Using VT100 T erminal Emulati on Setting Up a U.S. Robo tics-Compatible M odem 6-4 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Setting Up a U.S. Ro botics-C ompatible Modem T able 6 -5 shows the list of comma nds to confi gure the mode m on your computer to the AC 60 for interoperability .
255-700-0 25 6-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Chapter 6 Using VT1 00 T e rminal Emulation Setting Up a U.S. Rob otics-Compatib le Modem AtQ1 sets quiet mode, no re sult codes At&W0 writes current configuration to NV RAM 0 template T able 6-5.
Chapter 6 Using VT100 T erminal Emulati on Setting Up a U.S. Robo tics-Compatible M odem 6-6 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 255-700-0 25 7-1 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Softwar e and Firmwar e Overview o f This Chapter This chapter des cribes how to upg rade, back up, and r estore the Access Concentr ator syste m software an d firmware .
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Over view of This Chapter 7-2 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 7-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Overvi ew of This Cha pter .
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Over view of This Chapter 7-4 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 • Serv-U fr om http://www .ca • Wftpd23 4 from http://www .
255-700-0 25 7-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Overvi ew of This Cha pter .
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Over view of This Chapter 7-6 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 The Software V ersion Configuration window (see Figure 7-3) is displayed.
255-700-0 25 7-7 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Overvi ew of This Cha pter .
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Over view of This Chapter 7-8 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 7-9 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Using XMod em/YM.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Using XModem/YM odem File T ransfer Method 7-1 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 7-11 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Using XMod em/YModem File T ransfer Method The Softwa re V ersion Configur ation window (see Figure 7-5 ) is displayed.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Using XModem/YM odem File T ransfer Method 7-1 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 Note: For the upgrade softwa re proces s, use only the Receive Options panel.
255-700-0 25 7-13 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Using XMod em/YModem File T ransfer Method T able 7-2.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Using XModem/YM odem File T ransfer Method 7-1 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 Note: W e recommend that you use eith er the YMo dem or the YModem- G protocol .
255-700-0 25 7-15 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Using XMod em/YModem File T ransfer Method out of view . A message is displayed indicating that yo u can cancel the transfe r by pressing Ctrl+X seve ral times.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Firmwar e 7-1 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 Upgrading Firmw ar e Access Con centrato r I/O and server m odules re leased with Access Concen trator 6 .
255-700-0 25 7-17 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Upgrading Firmware The Access Co ncentrator syste m selects only th e default drive r when the I/O or server mod ule initializes for the first time.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Firmwar e 7-1 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 7-19 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Upgrading Firmware The Softwa re V ersion Configur ation window (see Figure 7-9 ) is displayed.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Upgradin g Firmwar e 7-2 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 The Firmwar e V ersio n Control windo w (see Fi gure 7-10) is displayed.
255-700-0 25 7-21 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Upgrading Firmware 3 Under the NextVersion field, select the driver that rep resents the version of the firmwar e you want to download onto the module, and press Enter .
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Falli ng Back to the Pr evio us Softwar e Rel ease 7-2 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 download time, you must select the Start Upgrade command on the Firmw are V ersion Co ntrol window .
255-700-0 25 7-23 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Fallin g Back to th e Pre vious So ftwar e Relea se The Softwa re V ersion Configur ation wind ow (see Figur e 7-11) is displayed.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Backin g Up Syst em Datab ase Files 7-2 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 7-25 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Backing Up Sys tem Databas.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Backin g Up Syst em Datab ase Files 7-2 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 18 Ty p e <bye> and press Ent er .
255-700-0 25 7-27 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Backing Up Sys tem Databas.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Backin g Up Syst em Datab ase Files 7-2 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 The XMODEM /YMODEM File T ransfer window (see Figure 7-1 3) is displayed.
255-700-0 25 7-29 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Backing Up Sys tem Database Files 5 Select the SendFiles command and press Enter .
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring S ystem D ataba se Files 7-3 0 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 7-31 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring System Data bas.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring S ystem D ataba se Files 7-3 2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 18 Ty p e <bye> and pr ess Enter .
255-700-0 25 7-33 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring System Data bas.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring S ystem D ataba se Files 7-3 4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 Note: For th e software upgrad e process, use only th e Receive Options panel.
255-700-0 25 7-35 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring System Data base Files Note: W e recommend that you use eith er the YMo dem or the YModem- G protocol .
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring S ystem D ataba se Files 7-3 6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.2.0 out of view . A message is displayed indicating that yo u can cancel the transf er by pre ssing Ctrl+X sever al times.
255-700-0 25 7-37 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.2.0 Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backi ng Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring System Data base Files This command reb oots (reinitializes) the C PU component, and the I /O and se rver mod ules.
Chapter 7 Upgrading, Restoring, and Backing Up System Software and Firmware Rest oring S ystem D ataba se Files 7-3 8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User’ s Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 A-1 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 A SNMP T rap Messages Overv iew of This Appe ndix This appendix d escribes the SNMP tra p and notification mes sages generated by the Access Concentrator Co nsole Inter face system SNMP agent.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The T rap Log D isplay window is displaye d (see Figu re A-2) . T o find a des criptio n of what a trap message means, follow the se steps.
255-700-0 25 A-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s cardType , cardProtectionStatus , and cardOperStatus , which are all enume rated -type objects .
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s 11 bridgeDomainNumberInvalidNotify 12 signal.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-7 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s 25 frFrPvc T ea rDownNoti fy 26 ci rEmCi rEm.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-9 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s T able A -2 on pa ge A-9 prov ides informa t.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-10 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 aal2T runkConfig T earDownNotify Connec- tion Respons e aal2T runkConfigI f aal2T runkConfigVpi aal2T runkConfigVci The PVC V CC AAL2 T runk has been deleted.
255-700-0 25 A-11 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s atmAtmSpvc- Modify FailNo- tify Inter face .
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-12 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-13 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s atmPvcVccSetup Notify Connec- tion Response.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-14 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 atmSpvcMo dify- FailNotify Interface Info atmSpvcVccIfA atmSpvcVccVpiA atmSpvcVccVciA spvcC onfig Failur eCode Notification that an attempt to mo dify a TE SPVC endpoint has failed.
255-700-0 25 A-15 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s bridgeAtmBk- PvcVccT ear- DownNotify Connec.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-16 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 bridgeDomain- Full Noti fy Interface Info bridgeDomainNumber The 15 ports avail- able for the bridge domain are being used, leaving no space for an ad di- tional p ort.
255-700-0 25 A-17 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s ceServiceT ype- Modify FailNo- tify Interfa ce Info p ortId interface FailureReasonC ode Indicates that config- uring unstructured CE failed.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-18 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 cirAtmSpvc- Modify FailNo- tify Inter face Info spv cAddrIfA cirAtmSpvcVccRemote- CePor tAddr spvcC onfig Failur eCode Notification that an attempt to mo dify a CE SPVC endpo int has failed.
255-700-0 25 A-19 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s cirEmAt- mPvcVccReq- FailNotify Connec- tio.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-20 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 cirEmSpvcCon- figFailN otify Interfa ce Info interfaceIndex spvcC onfig Failur eCode Notification that an attempt to configur e an endpoint as CE SPVC en dpoint ha s failed.
255-700-0 25 A-21 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s differ entSystem- Soft wareN otify Syst em .
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-22 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-23 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s frFrP vcT ear- DownNotify Connec- tion Respo nse frFrP vcIfA frFrPv cDlciA frFrPv cIfB frFrPv cDlciB The PVC connection between two frame- relay in terface s has been del eted.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-24 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 imaGrpChan- nelCle aredNo- tify Interfa ce Info imaGrpChanne lId imaGrpChanne lStatus The imaGrpChan- nelClearedNotify trap indicate s a fail- ure has been cleared in an IMA group.
255-700-0 25 A-25 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s interfaceC reat- edNot ify Interfa ce Info interfaceIndex interfaceT ype Notification that an interfa ce has be en created.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-26 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-27 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s isdnLapd UpNo- tify Interfa ce Info interfaceIndex isdnIntfDChanId This trap indicates that LAPD is func- tional o n the speci- fied ISDN interface .
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-28 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 lmiDlciStatus- Notify Connec- tion Respo nse interfaceI ndex d1ci Numbe r lmiDlciOperStatus Indicates the end-to- end s tatus of the PVC of which t his DLCI is a segme nt .
255-700-0 25 A-29 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s muxReady Con- firm Rec eive d- Notify Syste.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-30 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-31 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s pnniN odeMod- FailNotify Syst em Info swtchNodeI ndx pnniC ode Indicates that a PNNI Node Modifica tion has failed.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-32 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 pnni RtAd- drModFa ilNotify Syst em Info swtchNodeI ndx interfaceI ndex pnniC ode Indicates that a PNNI Route Ad dress Mod i- fication has faile d.
255-700-0 25 A-33 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s snmpCommuni- tyString- sChanged T oPubl icNotify System Crit ical < NO OBJECTS > An error h as been detected in the agt.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-34 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 tasC mprsAn n- ceNotify System Info tasCmprsAnnceRe asonCode Indicates the result of the requested compress announce- ment op eration.
255-700-0 25 A-35 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s vbrAtmPvcVc- cReqFailNotif y Connec- tion R.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-36 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.
255-700-0 25 A-37 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s vbrSpv cModify- FailNotify Interfa ce Info interfaceIndex spvcC onfig Failur eCode Notification that an attempt to mo dify a TE SPVC endpoint has failed.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-38 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 vi-Alr eady- Exists Connec- tion Info Notification that a virtua l interfa ce assoc iated wit h that numbe r ha s alrea dy been creat ed.
255-700-0 25 A-39 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s vi-Doe s- Not_Exist Connec- tion Response Notificati on that a virtual inte rface con - nection no longer exists.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-40 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 vi-OS- Cannot- Be-0 Indicates that the virtua l interfa ce oversubscript ion cannot be 0. Must be at least 1.
255-700-0 25 A-41 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es View ing S NMP T rap Message s vi-Vbr -Bw- Unavailable- Egrs Notification that the request ed amount of egre ss VBR band- width is unavailable for a duplex connec- tion.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Viewi ng SNM P T rap Message s A-42 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 viprSt atRtT rap I nterface Info vipr Slot$ viprRout erId$vi pr- Rout eId$st atRtSt atus Indicat es success/f ail of Stat ic Route oper- atio ns.
255-700-0 25 A-43 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps Definitions of MIB Objects Used for T raps The following list contains the de finitions of the M IB objects that are associa ted with the SNMP enterprise -specifi c trap names.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-44 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 T able A-5. ARP Status Codes atmImaIntfInd ex Interf ace index for the atm I ma interfa ce.
255-700-0 25 A-45 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps atmPvc VccVciA VCI value for side A of an A TM-to-A TM PVC VCC connection. V alid range is a number be tween 0 and 65 535.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-46 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 bridgeAtmPvcVccIfA Interface ind ex for side A, the bridge side, of a Bridge-to- A T M PVC VCC connection.
255-700-0 25 A-47 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps cardSlot Physical s lot location. V a lid range is a number between 1 and 4. cardType T y pe of module in a physical slot.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-48 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-49 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps cirEmAtmSpvcVccIfB Interfa ce index for side B, the A TM side, of a circuit emulat ion-to-A TM SPVC VCC connection.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-50 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 frAtmPvcVccDlciA DLCI value for side A, the frame relay side, of a frame relay-atm PVC VCC connectio n.
255-700-0 25 A-51 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps fwRele aseSlot Physical slot location. V a lid range is a number between 1 and 16.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-52 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ~ firmwareOutO fDate: The firmware for the I/O module does not wor k with this inte rface.
255-700-0 25 A-53 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps interfaceInd ex Interface inde x used for identifcation in tra ps.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-54 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ipAtmAppPvcVccIfB Interface index for s ide B, the ATM side, of an in-band m anagement A T M connection.
255-700-0 25 A-55 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps T able A-16. IP T ype Rea son Codes isdnIntfDChanId D-Channel Number - if the Dchannel number is 0 no LAPD will run on this PRI -ISD N int erfa ce.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-56 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 ~ The fo llowing bit m ap table shows line statuses for the DS1/T1 and Enhanced DS1 modules: ~ The following b it map table shows line statuses for the DS3 module: T able A-17.
255-700-0 25 A-57 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps ~ The following bit map table shows line sta tuses for the Enhanced E1 module: ~ The following bit map table shows line statuses fo r the E3 module: T able A-19.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-58 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-59 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps ~ The following bit map table sho ws line statuses fo r the V oice 2-Wire Station (2W Source) module: lmiDlciOperStatus The operational statu s of the LMI protocol.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-60 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-61 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps oc3A PSSel ecto rState W : active/standby P: standby/active V a lid range is either the number 1 or 2.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-62 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-63 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps portFailureRe asonCode Identification of cause for failure in chan ging the parameters of a port.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-64 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-65 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps 46 cnctnDataStructure sUnavail.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-66 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-67 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps 120 interfaceB-NotCir cuitEmul.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-68 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-69 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps remoteReboo tReason Code The result o f a remot e rebo ot request . V alid ra nge is a number between 1 and 46.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-70 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 A-71 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps removeCon figFiles Used t o indicate t he status of a remove configuration files request.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-72 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 saveConfigurati on ReasonC ode The result o f a save configuratio n request. V alid range is a numbe r betwee n 1 and 14.
255-700-0 25 A-73 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps stat RtSt atus Return cod es for Route S erver module sta tic route condititio ns.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-74 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 stratumMode Current st atus of the primary S tratum 3– 4 module. V alid rang e is a number betw een 1 and 4.
255-700-0 25 A-75 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps T able A-45. Timing Reason Codes upgradeSw CopyStatus Current status o f the ftp softw are upgrade downloa d.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-76 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 vbrAtmPvcVccIfA Interfa ce index for side A, the variable bit rate side, of a variable bit rate - to-A TM PVC VC C connection.
255-700-0 25 A-77 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix A SNM P T rap Messag es Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps vbrVbrPvcIfB Interfa ce index f or side B of a varia ble bit r ate-to- variable bit rate PVC connection.
Appendix A SNMP T rap Messages Definitions o f MIB Objects Used for T raps A-78 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 vpnTrapStatus Return codes for R oute Server module virtual pr ivate network (VPN) level operations.
255-700-0 25 B-1 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 B Pin Configurations Overv iew of This Appe ndix This appendix describes the pinout configurations for the connectors on t he AC 60 common equipment compo nents.
Appendix B Pin Configurations Configura tion for the CPU Connector s B-2 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Configuration for the CPU Co nnectors T wo diff erent interfaces are avai lable fo r dire ct access to the CPU component .
255-700-0 25 B-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix B Pin Configurations Configurati on for the Stratum 3– 4 Connector Ether net 10Base-T Interf ace The AC 6 0 chassis faceplate also acco mmodates the Ethernet i nterfac e using standard R J-45 pin assig nments.
Appendix B Pin Configurations Configura tion for the Stratum 3 –4 Connector B-4 255-700-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 The composite clock signal is a balanced s ignal, which is transmitte d over a shielded twisted p air cable.
255-700-0 25 C-1 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 C Configuring In-Band Management Setting Up In-B and Management C onfiguration Three types of in-band manage.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Direct Con nection Confi guration C-2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 C-3 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Dir ect Connecti on Configuration ifconfig fa0 <forec.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Rou ted Connection C onfiguration C-4 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 C-5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Rou ted Connecti on Configuration Perform t he step s in the fol lowing pr ocedure to con figure th e routed connection.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Rou ted Connection C onfiguration C-6 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 C-7 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Rou ted Connecti on Configuration Setting PVC Connections for Routed Connection Configuration Assume that t he VPI:VCI for the conne ction between node A and B is VPIab: VCIab, et c.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Rou ted Connection C onfiguration C-8 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 C-9 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Rou ted Connecti on Configuration For setting up an in-band connection from the DS3 card to the CPU module, configure the DS3 card and put it into service.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Hybr id Connection Confi guration C-10 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Slot <Slo t> VP I: VPIcfIP Addr ess: 020.001. 001.004 Port1 VC I: VCIcfI P Mask: 255.
255-700-0 25 C-11 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Hybr id Connection Confi guration Perform t he step s in the fol lowing proced ure to confi gure a h ybrid connection.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Hybr id Connection Confi guration C-12 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 C-13 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Hybr id Connection Confi guration Primar y IP Ma sk: 255.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Hybr id Connection Confi guration C-14 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Port1 VCI: VCIa bIP Mask : 255.000.0 00.000 Channel 1 Slot<Slot> VPI: VPIa cIP Add ress: 020 .
255-700-0 25 C-15 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Hybr id Connection Confi guration Channel 1 8 V erify that a routing table entry from the SUN machine’ s network to network 20.
Appendix C Configuring In-Band Management Using the Hybr id Connection Confi guration C-16 255-70 0-025 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 D-1 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6. 3.0 D A TM T raf fic Descriptors Overv iew of This Appe ndix This appendix d escribes how each traffic desc riptor affects t he A T M cell streams under different traffic conditions.
Appendix D A TM T ra ff ic Descriptors T raffic Descriptor s Supported D-2 255-700-02 5 Packet Star ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.
255-700-0 25 E-1 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 E Refer ence Information Overv iew of This Appe ndix This appendix co ntains reference tables that are helpful while confi guring your PSAX Access Concentrator system.
Appendix E Reference Information QoS Information T ables E-2 255-700-02 5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 T able E-2 illustra tes the attributes of the classes of service suppor ted by the Access Concentrat or system so ftware .
255-700-0 25 E-3 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Appendix E Reference Information QoS In formation T ables system. The flexibility of t he Access Concentrator systems allow s the user to tailor the system based on the required se rvice applications and the selection of the a ppropriate priority lev els.
Appendix E Reference Information Complia nce Matrix E-4 255-700-02 5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 Compliance Matrix The following table contains compliance specifications for the Access Concentr ator syste ms, and the I/O an d server modules as descr ibed in Ta b l e E - 5 .
255-700-0 25 E-5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Appendix E Reference Information Complia nce Matrix ITU-T G.
Appendix E Reference Information Complia nce Matrix E-6 255-700-02 5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 ITU-T I.12 1 Inte grated Services Digital Network (ISDN) General Structure and Service Capa bili- ties: Broa dband Aspects of ISDN ITU-T I.
255-700-0 25 E-7 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Appendix E Reference Information Complia nce Matrix ITU-T I .610 B-ISDN op eration and mainte nance pr inci- ples and functions OAM F4/F5 process ing (remote def ect indicat ion [RDI] and alarm indic ation sig- nal [AIS]) ITU-T Q .
Appendix E Reference Information Complia nce Matrix E-8 255-700-02 5 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 af-phy- 0086.000 Inverse M ultiplexing over ATM (IMA) Up t o 3 groups, wi th up to six circuits per group af-pnni- 0026.
255-700-0 25 E-9 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Appendix E Reference Information Module Alarm Status T able Module Alarm Status T able The Alarm Status field.
Appendix E Reference Information Connect ion T ype by Interface T ype T able E-10 255-700-025 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 Connection T ype by In terface T ype T able 3 LineFailed All The line has failed. 4 CardRemoved All A module has been configured and th en remo ved.
255-700-0 25 E-11 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Appendix E Reference Information Connec tion T ype by Interface T ype T able AT M - t o - AT M virtual p ath.
Appendix E Reference Information Interface T ype by Mod ule T able E-12 255-700-025 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.3.0 Interface T ype by Modu le T able T able E-8 sho ws the available interfac e types for eac h Packe tStar ™ I/O module in the Access Concentrator system.
255-700-0 25 E-13 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 Appendix E Reference Information Interface T ype by Mo dule T able module, the DSP2A/B /C V oice Serv er modules, the Route Serv er module, and the T ones and Announcements Server module.
Appendix E Reference Information Interface T ype by Mod ule T able E-14 255-700-025 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Rele ase 6.
255-700-0 25 F-1 Packe tStar ™ Access Concentrator 60 User Guide , Issue 1 Release 6.3.0 F Eur opean Community Declarations of Conformity Overv iew of This Appe ndix This appendix contains t he Euro.
EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, Lucent T echnologies Access T echnology Divi sion 8301 Profes sional Plac e Landover , Maryland 207 85 USA declar e, und er our sole res ponsibility , that the produc .
EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, Lucent T echnologies Access T echnology Divi sion 8301 Profes sional Plac e Landover , Maryland 207 85 USA declar e, und er our sole res ponsibility , that the produc .
Copyrig ht © 2000 Lucen t T echnologi es All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Part No.: 60M0A6301 A1 Printed on paper with 100% total recycled content.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Lucent Technologies AC 60 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Lucent Technologies AC 60 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Lucent Technologies AC 60 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Lucent Technologies AC 60 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Lucent Technologies AC 60 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Lucent Technologies AC 60 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Lucent Technologies AC 60 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Lucent Technologies AC 60. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Lucent Technologies AC 60 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.