Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 310 des Produzenten Lowrance
Zur Seite of 65
Cop yright © 1997 Lowr ance Electronics, Inc. All rights reser v ed. GlobalNav 310 ™ is a tr ademark of Lowrance Electronics , Inc. Lowrance ® is a registered tr ademar k of Lo wrance Electronics , Inc. W ARNING! USE THIS UNIT ONL Y AS A N AID T O N A VIGA TION.
INTR ODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 INST ALLA TION .............................................................................................................. 2 BRA CKET INST ALLA TION .
NA VIGA TION ................................................................................................................. 3 5 NA VIGA T E T O A W A YPOINT ................................................................................... 3 5 NA VIGA T E T O A CURSOR LOCA TION .
1 Congratulations! Y ou ha ve purchased one of the finest 12-channel GPS receiv ers Low- r ance ® has ev er made . With its large LCD screen, easy to use menus , and outstanding perf o rmance , w e think y ou’ll be happ y with y our GlobalNa v 310™ for man y years.
2 Even with S/A on, and without a DGPS receiv er , y our GlobalNa v 310 gi v es you outstanding position and na vigation info rmation. Please sit down with the unit and this manual and f amiliari ze yourself with them bef ore using the GlobalNav 310 in the “real w or ld”.
3 Gimbal Bracket Washer Gimbal Knob GlobalNav 310 Attach the GlobalNav 310 to the gimbal bracket using the supplied gimbal knobs and washers as shown below.
4 WHITE TO GLOBALNA V 310 2-AMP FUSE GREEN BLA CK RED 12-VO L T B A TTER Y GLOB ALNA V 3 10 TRANSMIT (NMEA) GLOB ALNA V 3 10 RECEIVE (NMEA) PO WER The GlobalNa v 310 will operate from a 12-volt DC system.
5 ANTENNA The GlobalNa v 310’ s antenna can be mounted on any flat surf ace, pro- vided you ha v e access behind the surface for the mounting scre w s. A magnet is also supplied that can be epo xied to the bottom of the an- tenna, allowing it to be used on off-road v ehicles.
6 After drilling the holes, pass the o-r ing o ver the antenna cab le and press it into the g roov e on the bottom of the antenna housing. Now attach the antenna to the mounting surf ace, using 4mm screws and the supplied lo c k washers . Route the cab le to the GlobalNav 310 and the antenna installation is finished.
7 KEYBO AR D The k eyboard has tw elv e ke ys. The arrow ke ys are tied to most of the f eatures , letting you easily mo ve the plotter’ s cursor , na vigate through the men us, make selections from men us, and other tasks. The WPT ke y lets you create , sav e, and recall wa ypoints and routes.
8 OPERA TION T urning P o wer On T o tur n the GlobalNa v 310 on, simply press the PWR k ey . A screen similar to the one at r ight appears . Read the mes- sage on the screen, then press the EXIT k ey to er ase it. The GlobalNa v 310 is now ready for use .
9 Once it loc ks on to the satellites and finds your position, it stores the satellite data in its memor y . The ne xt time you use the unit, it should take m uch less time to lock on.
10 Using the down arrow k ey , highlight the “Initialize GPS Receiv er” men u, then press the r ight arrow k ey . The screen shown belo w appears. This is the GPS initialization screen. T he position, altitude , time, and date the GlobalNav 310 is currently using to find the satellites is sho wn at the bottom of this screen.
11 N o w change the local time and date if the y ’ re incorrect on this screen. (Don’t w o rry about altitude.) When e verything is acceptab le, press the EXIT ke y repeat- edly to retur n to a mode screen. The GlobalNav 310 will instantly use the data y ou entered to find the satellites in the sky .
12 as "GRP" (groups). F or e xample, Group A is the first windows group on the MODE men u.) Press the r ight arro w ke y to see more screens on each mode . When the desired screen appears, press the EXIT k ey to clear the menu. Note: F or a list of ab bre viations used on the displa ys, see the bac k of this manual.
13 348°. The line e xtending behind the ar- ro w in the center shows y our track his- to r y , or path y ou’v e tra velled. Y our speed ov er ground or Ground Speed (GS) shows in the digital bo x to the right of the circle. The screen looks lik e this when yo u’ r e not na vigating to a w aypoint.
14 N a v Screen #2 The na vigation screen shows na vigation inf o r mation in large digital n umbers. T o vi e w this screen, press the MODE k ey , then press the up arrow ke y until the bla c k bo x surrounds the “NA V 1” label. N o w press the r ight arro w k e y .
15 ro w ke y to mov e the blac k box to the "PLO T" label. No w press the r ight arro w or left arrow k e y to select plot 2. This screen (as shown at the bottom of the pre vious page) has navigation data displa y ed on the right side of the screen in digital numbers .
16 Recor d T rail On / Off The line e xtending from the present po- sition diamond on the plotter is call the plot trail. As each dot on the tr ail is placed on the screen, it’ s also sa ved in memor y . The plot trail recording can be tur ned off, if desired.
17 In the track-up vie w at right, the present position mo ve s str aight tow ards the top of the displa y . As y ou can see , the an- chor icon is no w shown in its proper ori- entation - to our right. A "N" sho ws to help you see which direction is nor th when the trac k-up mode is on.
18 Grid Lines The GlobalNav 310 can place grid lines on the plotter to help you see y our posi- tion, or the position of wa ypoints and icons . T o do this, highlight the “Grid Lines” la- bel on the “Plotter Opts” menu, then press the r ight arro w ke y to turn them on.
19 press the ENT k ey . The plotter screen reappears with the icon at the cursor's location. Press the EXIT key to er ase the cursor . On the screen shown at right, the large fish icon w as selected and placed at the cursor location.
20 k e y to erase the icon. If you wish to delete another icon, mo ve the cursor ov er it and press the ENT ke y . When y ou’ re finished, press the EXIT k ey to erase the cursor . WINDO W S This f eature giv es you 15 diff erent g roups of windo ws so you can use the best na vigation displa y for y our situation.
21 COURSE DEVIA TION INDICA T OR (CDI) The CDI shows your distance to the left or right of the desired course . Y ou m ust recall a wa ypoint or run a route to use the CDI. The arrow in the center of the bo x sho ws the direction to the destina- tion.
22 CLOCK Whenev er a cloc k, timer , or alarm is showing on a display , new items appear in the list when you press the MENU k ey . These items let y ou set the cloc k’s time , alarm s , or the timers. Clock Set If the time sho wn on the clock displa y is not your local time, change it using the “Cloc k Set” function.
23 Timer s The GlobalNav 310 has tw o timers built in. One is a countdo wn timer and the other is a count-up timer . The countdown timer counts do wn from the time you put in to z ero . The count-up timer starts at zero and counts up to the time you entered.
24 This is the plot-2 edit screen. The “BRG” bo x in the upper r ight cor ner flashes, which means it’ s ready f or change. If y ou don’t want to change this box, simply press the up or down arrow k ey to mov e to the box that y ou do w ant to change.
25 S a ving The Cursor P osition as a W aypoint When the cursor is sho wing on the plotter and you press the WPT k ey twice , the GlobalNav 310 puts the cursor’ s position into the first av ailable w a ypoint number . A message appears on the display telling you the w a y- point n umber it just used.
26 Highlight the “Sa ve P osition As” label as sho wn below left and press the right arro w ke y when you ’ re at the location y ou wish to sa ve .
27 W A YPOINT NAMES The GlobalNa v 310 automatically as- signs the w aypoint number as a name when the wa ypoint position is sav ed . Y ou can find a w aypoint b y highlighting the “Name” label on the wa ypoint menu a s shown at right. No w press the right or left arro w ke ys to scroll through the sav ed wa ypoints.
28 the up arrow ke y , then the right arrow ke y . This highlights the “T O ” label, as shown at right. Press the down arrow k ey , then press the right arro w k ey until the desired wa ypoint number sho ws in the bo x . When e v er ything on this page is correct, press the ENT k ey .
29 Delete a W a ypoint T o erase all of the inf or mation in a w aypoint, simply press the WPT key , then select the wa ypoint you w ant to delete. No w highlight the “ Wpt - Options” label and press the right arrow k e y . Finally , highlight the “Delete WPT” label and press the right arrow key .
30 R OUTES Y ou can connect sev eral user wa ypoints together to f o rm a route. When you recall the route , the GlobalNav 310 will show you na vigation inform a- tion to the first waypoint in the route , then when you reach that w aypoint, it switches to the ne xt wa ypoint, and so on until you reach the last w ay - point in the route.
31 This men u lets you go to the waypoint selection menu, delete a wa ypoint from the route, or see details about any wa y- point in the route . Since we w ant to add a w aypoint to the route, press the right arro w ke y o n the “Inser t F rom W PTS” label.
32 Finishing the Route When you’v e selected all of the wa ypoints f or the route, simply press the EXIT ke y until you return to the navigation, plotter , or windo ws screen.
33 The bla c k bo x is on the “Route # 1” label. If this isn’t the route yo u want to use, press the right or left arrow keys to s witch to another one.
34 Skip W a ypoint The GlobalNa v 310 lets you skip a w a y- point in a route without stopping the route . T o do this, first press the MENU k ey , then highlight the “Routes” menu and press the right arrow k ey , then highlight the “Skip WPT” label and press the r ight arro w k ey .
35 N avigating to a cur sor location The GlobalNav 310 lets y ou na vigation to a location without storing it in the wa y - point database by using the plotter and cursor . T o do this , first switch to the plot- ter screen. Now mov e the cursor to the location that you want to na vigate to.
36 N a vigating to a W a ypoint using the Plotter The unique “birds-e ye” view used b y the plotter giv es you an easy wa y to na vi- gate to a w aypoint. On the screen sho wn at right, the diamond with a cross in it is y our present position. The box with the “S ” in it was y our star ting location when y ou recalled the waypoint.
37 SYSTEM SETUP The GlobalNav 310 has se v eral men us and commands listed under the “Sys- tem Setup” label on the main men u. These commands aff ect the basic op- eration of the unit. T o use them, press the MENU k ey , then highlight the “Sys- tem Setup” label.
38 T o change a unit of measure, first select the “Set Units” from the “System Setup” menu. The screen shown at r ight ap- pears. Highlight the desired selection, then press the left or r ight arro w k ey . Y ou can change one or all of the settings on this page.
39 NMEA / DGPS The GlobalNav 310 tr ansmits data through the data por t in the bac k of the unit using NMEA 0183 f ormat, v ersion 1.5 or 2.0. This data is used by other electronic devices such as marine autopilots f or position and steer- ing inf o r mation.
40 All wiring connections to the GlobalNav 310 are made to it’ s po wer cable . See the sample wiring diagrams on the ne xt page f or general wiring pro- cedures.
42 DGPS receiver connected, the GlobalNa v 310 can’t send NMEA data.) With the e xception of serial communications , typically no other setup needs to be made with these receiv ers . If you ha v e any other Magna v o x or Starlink compatib le DGPS receiv er con- nected to the GlobalNav 310, y o u ma y need to change the settings .
43 If y ou restore the unit to the f actor y settings, all options such as contr ast, alar ms , and other system choices are retur ned to their def ault v alues .
44 tializing the receiv er . For e xample, if you entered east longitude instead of west. Or if y ou’v e moved a long distance with the unit tur ned off . T o send a cold star t message to the re- ceiv er , highlight the “Ex ecute GPS Cold Star t” label, then press the right arrow k ey .
45 PCF (P osition Correction F actor) Another method used to mak e your displa y match a char t or map is called “PCF” o r P osition Correction F actor . This unit giv es y ou the capa- bility to mov e or offset the position shown on the displa y to match one on the char t.
46 After you’v e entered the latitude/longitude correction, press the ENT k ey to accept it. The GlobalNa v 310 erases the PCF entry screen and returns to the na vigation or mapping screens with the correction f actor applied.
47 the MENU k ey , then select the “ALARMS/CDI” menu. A screen similar to the one shown at right appears. Press the up or do wn arrow key to mov e the bla c k bo x to the desired alar m, then press the r ight arro w k e y to t urn it on.
48 REPROGRAM W INDO W GROUPS You can customize the window groups to meet your own needs. The GlobalNav 310 gives you 35 different windows that can be rearranged into many combinations. To reprogram a group, first go to the modes menu and select the group that you wish to change.
49 RESET GR OUPS T o restore all windows groups to their f actor y settings, first press the MENU k ey , then highlight the “System Setup” label and press the right arro w ke y . N ow highlight the “Reset Groups” label on this menu. Press the right arrow k ey .
50 SIMULA TOR A simulator is b uilt into the GlobalNav 310 that has se ver al options. Y ou can use nearly all of the unit’ s f eatures - e v en save and recall w a ypoints.
51 k eys to increase or decrease the speed. Use the right and left arro w k eys to change the trac k . Press the EXIT k ey to erase these men us. When y o u’ re finished changing the tr ack and speed, press the EXIT k ey to e rase the men us.
52 WINDO W S The f ollowing is a listing of windo ws groups A through O . GROUP “A ” GR OUP “B” GROUP “C” GR OUP “D” GROUP “E ” GR OUP “F ” GROUP “G” GR OUP “H”.
54 Lowrance's UPS Return Service - U .S.A. Only Lowrance Electronics and United P arcel Ser vice (UPS) are proud to of- f er all of our customers free shipping for all units sent to us f or repair or service.
55 KEEP THIS LABEL! Y OU WILL NEED IT IF Y OU EVER NEED T O RETURN Y OUR UNIT T O THE F A CT OR Y FOR REP AIR. Accessory Ordering Inf ormation T o order accessories such as pow er cab le s , please contact: 1) Y our local mar ine dealer . Most quality dealers that handle marine elec- tronic equipment should be ab le to assist you with these items .
56 LO WRANCE ELECTRONICS FULL ONE-YEAR W ARRANTY “W e", “our”, or “us” refers to LO WRANCE ELECTRONICS ,INC ., the manufacturer of this product. “Y ou” or “ y our” refers to the first person who purchases this product as a consumer item f or personal, f amily , or household use .
58 ANTENNA MODULE TEMPLA TE 25MM (1”) (If Necessary) 4.75MM (3/16”) 4 PLACE S.
59 Ho w to Obtain Service (Canadian Customer s Only) W e back your in v estment in quality products with quick, e xper t service and genuine Low- rance replacement part s. If y ou need service or repairs, contact the Lowrance F actory Customer Service Depar tment at the toll-free number listed below .
62 Ho w to Obtain Ser vice - U .S.A. Onl y W e back y our inv estment in quality products with quick, e xper t service and genuine Lo wrance ® replacement par t s . If y ou're in the United States and y ou hav e questions, please contact the F actory Customer Ser vice Depar tment using our toll-free number listed belo w .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Lowrance 310 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Lowrance 310 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Lowrance 310 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Lowrance 310 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Lowrance 310 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Lowrance 310 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Lowrance 310 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Lowrance 310. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Lowrance 310 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.