Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung X546DTN MFP des Produzenten Lexmark
Zur Seite of 103
C540n , C543d n, C544 n/dn/dw/ dtn, X546d tn MFP Technical R eference Novem ber 2010 www.lex Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond d esign are trademarks of Lexmark I n ternational, I n c., registered i n the United States an d /or o ther countries.
Edition not ic e November 2010 The follo wing para graph does not appl y to a ny countr y wh ere su ch pro visions are inc onsistent wi th loca l law : LEXMAR K INTERNAT IONAL, INC.
Cont ents Edit ion noti ce...... ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........... 2 Intro duction. ....... ........ ........ ......... ....... ......... ........ ........ ....... ......... ........ ..
App e ndi x B: PJL s uppor t............. .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... .......... .......32 Commo n va riable s f or bot h pri nter l angu ages.. .... .... ... .... ........ ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... .... ... .... ....
Introduction Overview This editio n of the Te chni cal Refe ren ce contains in format ion about the f ollowing pr inters or m ultifunctio n pri nters (MFP s): C540 n C543 dn C544 n C544 dn C544 dw C54.
Acro nym Me an i ng n network nl network light model ni network and Im ageQuick tn network and a dditional tray 1 Duplex pr inting (two-sided pri nting) accompli shed by m eans of an optional dup lex unit or an i nternal dupl ex un it based on the product.
Learning about the printer Find ing in forma tion a bout the pr inter Se tup inf ormation Desc ri ptio n Wh ere to find The Se tup infor m atio n gives yo u inst ructions for setti ng up the p rinte r. Fo llow t he set of i nstruc tion s for loca l, network, or wireless, depending on what you need .
Printer Control Language (PC L) page formatting Fo r more in for mati on on P CL, ref er to th e Prin ter Lan guage s and I nter f aces Technic al Refer ence . It co ntains a complet e listi ng with des cript ions of PCL com mands. To det ermi ne which PC L com mands your prin ter supp orts, s ee “Appe ndix A: PCL sup port” on pa ge 22.
Suppo rted p aper an d enve lope dim ensions The fol low ing ta ble lists t he pa ge sizes an d prin t are a dimen sions for all su pporte d pa per and en velope sizes. F or mo re inform ation ab out the prin table areas and logical pag es for P CL em ulation, s ee “Pri ntable area s” o n page 8.
Selec tion Pa per/e nve lop e dimension s Dimen sions by area (pels) 1 Page siz e para m eters 2 Na me mm inc hes A B C D E F G H I 91 C5 229 x 162 9.02 x 6.
Printer Job Lang uage (PJL) PJ L com ma nds in fo rmat io n Your pr inter s uppor ts comple te P JL co mmands, inc ludi ng cer tain c ommands t hat caus e th e prin ter to e nter PC L emul ation, Post Scr ipt emulatio n, and Personal Print er Data Stre am (P PDS) .
PostScript (PS) emulat io n Your pr inter s uppor ts c omplete P ostS cript emul ati on supple mental operato rs. F or full desc ription s in d etai l for the se oper ators , refer to the PostSc ri pt emulat ion c hapter in th e Printe r Lang uages and Inte rfac es Te chnica l Refer ence.
Post Script paper tra y supp ort When the printer receives one of the ope r ators listed in “Tray selected with tray operato r s” on page 13, it performs the ac tions l isted as f ollo ws. This paper tr ay selec tion pr ocess ends as s oon a s a suit able pap er so urce is c hos en and paper is f ed fr om thi s tray.
= Su pported X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter models Ope rat or Tray se le cted (c orre spo ndin g im age size is s et ) C54 0n , C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ dn / dw/ dt n X5 46dtn MFP f oliotray tr ay with fol io-size paper led g er t ray tray with 27 9. 4 x 431.
= Su pported X = No t su p po rte d Enve lop e si zes Prin ter models Si ze n am e Li ter a l na me Size ( mm ) Siz e ( i nc he s) Size ( po in ts) C 540n, C543d n , C 544n/d n/d w /dtn X 546dtn MFP otherenvelope Oth er 296.9 3 x 427 .4 8 11 .69 x 16.
The envelope tray the printer s elects when it receives an en vel ope tra y operator is listed in “Envelopetray operator selections” on page 16. These operators are equivalent to executing the fol.
P r in te r s pe c if i c a tio n s This c hapter lists pr inte r spe cificat ions and in for mation about ha rdwa re, envir onm ental c ondition s, and power requirements. Airfl ow req uirement The roo m sho uld mee t A SHRA E 62 — 1989 s ta ndards .
Electrical specificati o ns Prin ter model E lec tric al spe cif ica tio n C5 4x low vo ltage mo del s * 100–12 7 V at 4 7–63 Hz, n omi nal 90–137 V, extr eme C54x 100 v olt mod el 100 V at 47�.
Lexmark X546dtn M FP nominal average power requirem ents Prin ting s tat es X546dt n Printing continuous ly (simplex) 540 W Printing continuous ly (du plex) 370 W Copying continuously 510 W Scanning 6.
Clearance r equirements Lexmark C540n, C543dn, C544n/dn/dw/dtn Mode l Left si de Ri ght si de Fr ont Rea r Top C540 n, C54 3d n, C544n , C5 44d n, C544d w 76.2 mm (3 in.) 1 52 .4 m m (6 i n .) 50 8 mm (20 in. ) 101. 6 mm (4 in.) 254 m m (1 0 in .) C544d tn 76.
Atmospheric Pre ssure 74. 6 kPa Printer s pecifications 21.
Appendix A: PCL suppo rt PCL em ul at io n c omm an ds = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn Dec i m al 8 BS, Ba.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn ESC &b#M Monochrome Print Mode ESC &b#W[data] Confi guration Comma.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn ESC & l #M(b) Paper Type X X ESC & l #P Set P ag e Le ngt h ESC &a.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn ESC (s#V Prim ary Font Height (Poi nt Siz e) ESC (s#W[data] Lo ad Char act.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn ESC *c#P Fi ll R ec t an gu lar A re a ESC *c#Q Pattern C ontrol ESC *c#R .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn ESC *r#U Simp le Color ESC *rB End Raster Graphics (Ver sion B) ESC *rC En.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn ESC = Half L ine-Feed ESC %#A Ent er P CL Emu l ati on ESC %#B Enter G L/2 Languag e Note : The values of -1, 2, and 3 are not supported by any of t he pr inters included in th is document.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn DR Rel a ti v e Dir e c tio n DT Define Label Terminator DV Def in e V ar .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn PA Plo t A bsol u te PC Set P en C ol or PD Pen D ow n PE Po lyline Enco d.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command Fun ctio n C540n, C543d n, C5 44n , C544dn ,C544 dw, C544dt n X546 dtn TD Transparent Data TM Thr esho ld Mat r ix TR Transparency M ode UL User .
Ap pe ndi x B: P J L s upp or t Comm on var iab les fo r bo th prin ter lang uages = Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 n, C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X546dt n .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 n, C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X546dt n MFP INT RA Y1 SIZ E INT RA Y2 SIZ E INT RA Y3 SIZ E INT RA Y4 SIZ E INT RA Y5 SIZ E.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 n, C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X546dt n MFP RE SO LU T IO N RE SO U R CES AVE R ESO URC ESA VE SIZE X X RE T X X STRI NGCOD.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P LC AR DSTO CK T EXT UR E LC AR DSTO CK WE I GHT LC OL LA TI ON LCO LORCORREC.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P LC USTO MTY P E3O UTB IN X X L CUST OMT YPE3 TEXT URE LC USTO M TY PE3 W EIG.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P LE SCC H AR LFA XJO BWAI TFOR TON ER X X L FAXR EDI AL X L FAXR EDI AL FR EQ.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P LJ OBW A IT FO R SU P PLIE S X X LLA BEL SL O AD IN G X X LLA BEL SO U TBI N.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P LOV ER FL OW TI MER X X LOU TB I NCO N FI G X X LPA G ECOU NT LPA G EMO D E .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P LRO U GHE NV EL OP ELO AD I NG X X LRO U GHE N VEL OP E OUT B IN X X LRO U G.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P LT RA Y1R E NU M BER LT YPE1 F ON TS LUS DE F AU LT S LVI N YL LA BE L SLO A.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Va ri a bl e n a me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X5 46d tn MFP LAS SIGNMA NUALPAPER LASSI GNMP FEE DER LASSI GNTRA Y1 LASSI GNTRA Y2 LASSI .
Print er-u nique LRE SOURCE va riable s = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Va ri a bl e n a me C540n , C54 3dn , C544n /dn/dw/dtn X 546 dt n MF P LDES C RIP T IO N LRW LO CK LW LOC K Sta t.
PJL messages for au to-con tinua ble co ndition s = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Me ssage St at us co de Return s tring C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X5 4 6dt n MFP Interventio.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Me ssage St at us co de Return s tring C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X5 4 6dt n MFP Intervention Required - Configuration C hange 30016 57 Config.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Me ssage St at us co de Return s tring C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X5 4 6dt n MFP Intervention Required - Standard S erial Disabl ed 30018 56 S.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Me ssage St at us co de Return s tring C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X5 4 6dt n MFP Intervention Required - Unformatted Flash 30036 53 Unform att.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Me ssage St at us co de Return s tring C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X5 4 6dt n MFP Intervention Required - Ins e rt B ox M 30107 Inser t Box M X.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Me ssage St at us co de Return s tring C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X5 4 6dt n MFP Intervention Required - Flash F ull 32002 52 N ot eno ugh fre.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Me ssage St at us co de Return s tring C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X5 4 6dt n MFP Intervention Required - Scheduled Maintenance 35075 80 Schedu.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Remove Defec tive Disk 32056 61 Remo.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Close To ner Box Cov er 40021 Clo se.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Pri n te r U pp er D o or O pe n 400.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Unsupported CMYK* Cart ridg e 40021 .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Install Tray <x> or Cancel Job.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Too M any Disk s In stal led 40030 5.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Cart ridg e L ow 40038 88 Cartr idge.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Cartridge Empty 40039 89 Cartr idge Empty <C MYK> X X Intervention Required - Load Staples 40040 Loa d Sta ples X X Intervention Required - Prim ing Fa iled.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Inc om p at ib le E n ve lo p e Feed.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Wa ste Ton er Nearly F ull 40141 82 Waste toner box nearl y ful l Intervention Required - Tra nsfe r Mod ul e M issi ng 40143 83.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Unsupported PC Unit 40204 84 unsu pported [color] p c uni t X X Intervention Required - Co lor PC Unit s Life Warn ing 40204 84.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Replace Toner 40303 88 Repla ce yell.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Replace unsupported c artridg e 40311 32.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Insert Photoconductor 40404 84 Inser t photocond uctor X X Intervention Required - 40404 84 Photocond uctor abnormal X X Intervention Required - <Color> PC Unit Miss ing 40405 84.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage S tatus c ode Return st ring C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Def e c tiv e C ar t ri dg e 40410 31. yy D efectiv e cyan ca rtridge X X Intervention Required - M i ssing or Defe ctive Cart ridg e 40410 31.
PJL messages f or paper handli ng = Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Me ssage S tatus code Retu rn strin g C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ dn/ dw /dt n X5 46 dt n MF P Intervention Required -.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Me ssage S tatus code Retu rn strin g C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ dn/ dw /dt n X5 46 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Photoconducto r Ex posure Warn in.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Me ssage S tatus code Retu rn strin g C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ dn/ dw /dt n X5 46 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Change Request 41xyy C hange <.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Me ssage S tatus code Retu rn strin g C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ dn/ dw /dt n X5 46 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Inc or re ct Me di a 41xyy 3 4 Inc orrect Media X X Intervention Required - I nser t Du ple x Pag es & Pre ss Go .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inter model Me ssage St atus co de C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4204x X X Intervention Required - Pa.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inter model Me ssage St atus co de C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4232x X X Intervention Required - Pa.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inter model Me ssage St atus co de C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4247w y X X Intervention Required - .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inter model Me ssage St atus co de C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4259w y X X Intervention Required - .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inter model Me ssage St atus co de C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4280z X X Intervention Required - Pa.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inter model Me ssage St atus co de C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X 546 dt n MF P Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4286w X X Intervention Required - Pa.
Servi ce er rors = Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Me ssage Error code C540n , C54 3dn , C544n /dn/dw/dtn X 546 dt n MF P ALL SERV I CE MES SAG ES 50000 X X Device atten dance messages = .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P LFA X PH ON ENU MB ER X LFO RM AT LINITIALIZ EPRINT ER LOP EN FI L E LPO RT R OT A T E LPR.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Command C 540n, C543d n, C 544n/d n/d w/d tn X546dtn MFP LQUE R YSE ED Appendi x B: P JL suppor t 78.
Appendix C: Po stScript support Supplemen tal operators = Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Ope rat or na me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X5 46d tn MFP appletalktype buildtime.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Ope rat or na me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X5 46d tn MFP dostartpage dosysstart duplexer duplexmode en gi n e sy n c f ile f ilename for.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Ope rat or na me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X5 46d tn MFP PS 3f on ts quiet ram si ze rea l fo rm at ren am e f ile res o lut i on rev i .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Ope rat or na me C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X5 46d tn MFP setmanualduplexmode setpapertray setprintername setquiet setr e solu ti on set .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Printer mo del Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P • Colo rCo rrec tio n • Colo rSa ver • D efaultPol iciesPag eSize X X • Edg eToE d g.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Printer mo del Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Imagi ngBBox InputAttribut es • 0 - Tray 1 • 1 - Tray 2 • 2 - Envelope Feeder • 3 - .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Printer mo del Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P Nup NupDetails • Bor d e r • Col umns • LandscapeOverr i de • Or de r • Or ie n ta.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Printer mo del Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P ProcessCol orModel X X Punch X X SlipS heet X X SlipShee t Details • SlipSh eetS ource •.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key Def aul t C540n , C54 3dn , C54 4n/d n/dw/d tn X546dt n M FP Ma x O pS t ac k 10 0000 MaxPatternItem 20 000 MaxScr eenItem 48 000 MaxSuperScreen 1024.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P CurScr eenStorage Cu rSourc eList Cur UPath Ca che Di s ab le F as tP ro cs Do Pr i n tEr ro r.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter model Key C540n , C543dn , C54 4n / dn /dw /dt n X 546 dt n MF P MaxPatternCache MaxPermanentVM Ma x R as te r M em o r y MaxScr eenStorage Ma x So u r c eL i .
Devices supported = Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Devi ce C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X546dt n MFP %AppSocketA% %AppSocketB% %AppSocketC% %AppSocketD% %EthernetPhysicalA%.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Devi ce C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X546dt n MFP %LocalTalkB% %LocalTalkC% %LocalTalkD% %LPR_A% %LPR_B % %LPR_C% %LPR_D % %ParallelA% X X .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Pr inte r mo del Devi ce C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw/ dt n X546dt n MFP %TokenTalkB% X X %TokenTalkC% X X %TokenTalkD% X X %USB_ A % %USB_ B% %USB_ C % %USB_ D% .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP DataBits X X DelayedOutputClose X X Enab le d X X Filter in g X X FlowCont rol X X HasNames X .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP Type Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmunica tion D evice % EtherTalk%, %EtherTalk A%, %Et herT.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmunica tion Device %USB%, %US B_A %, %USB _B%, %USB _C%, %USB_.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP Device P arameters fo r the Commun icatio n Device % AppSo cket%, %A ppS oc ke tA% , %A pp Soc.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP In terpret er On Por t Lo c at ion Type Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmunica tion Dev ice %L.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP On Phy s i cal Por t Lo c at ion Type Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmunica tion Dev ice %Et .
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP Device Parameters for t he Para meters Device %C alendar%, %C alenda rA%, %C alend arB%, %C al.
= Su pported X = N ot supported Prin ter mode l Key C54 0n, C54 3 dn , C54 4n/ d n /dw /dt n X546dt n MFP Free HasNames In itial izeActi on Lo gicalS ize Mounted Phy s i cal Si ze Rem o v ab l e Searc.
Post Script mess age keys c ommands = Su pported X = N ot supported Pri nter mo de l Key C 540n, C543d n, C 544n/d n/d w/d tn X5 46dtn MF P job statu s sour ce Appendix C : P ostScri pt supp ort 101.
Index A air temperature ranges 20 airflo w require me nt 17 altitude s peci fications 20 atmo spheri c p ressure 21 C clearan ce r equir ements 2 0 comm ands PJL, file and dev ice pro tection 7 7 PJL,.
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Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Lexmark X546DTN MFP (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Lexmark X546DTN MFP noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Lexmark X546DTN MFP - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Lexmark X546DTN MFP reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Lexmark X546DTN MFP erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Lexmark X546DTN MFP besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Lexmark X546DTN MFP verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Lexmark X546DTN MFP. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Lexmark X546DTN MFP gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.