Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 3200 des Produzenten Lexmark
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www.lexma User’ s Guide Octob er 2002 3100 3200 3100, 3200 MFP options Clic k here f or Quic k Reference.
Edition: October 2002 The follo wing paragraph does not apply to an y country where such pro visions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMARK INTERNA TIONAL, INC .
Contents iii Contents Chapter 1: Making copies.... ........................ ........................ .......... 1 Quick co pies ...... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... ...... . 1 Exa mples of typic al jobs .
Contents iv Chapter 7: Customizing your MFP configuration . .................... 23 Cus tomi ze co py s et tings .. ..... .... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ...... . 23 Res tore facto ry defa ult s ett ings .
Contents v Sca n to e -m a i l st a tu s ...... .... ..... .. .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .. .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .. .... . 46 Sca n to F T P sta t u s .... ... .. .... ... .... .... ..... .. .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .
Making copie s 1 1 Making copies Quick copies 1 Make sur e the MFP (Multifuncti on Pr inter) control panel is in cop y mode and the Ready status message is displ a yed. If necessar y , press Stop/Clear to retur n to co py mod e. 2 Load all pages in the automati c document f eeder of t he scanner .
Exampl es of ty pical jobs 2 Job 2: mixed content Make ei ght copies of a two- page, let ter -siz e document containi ng one dr a wing wit hin the te xt. 1 Load all pages in the automati c document f eeder of t he scanner . Place the pages ac cording to the dra wing on t he scanner .
Exampl es of ty pical jobs 3 Job 5: enlar g e copies Enlarge a bl ack-an d-white dr awing so y ou can see it bet ter and mak e annotations . 1 Place the document on t he flatb ed of the scanner . 2 Press Enlar g e . Hold do wn the b utton t o rapidl y increase the scaling f actor .
Adjust cop y quality 4 Adjust copy quality Y ou can use the settings in the f ollow ing tab les to adjust the output quali ty of your copie s. Change the b rightness Set t he copy size Reduce or enlar ge Feature Description Lighter Produces lighter copies.
Select the conten t 5 Select the content Content define s what kind of original is being copied. One of the content f eature s is alwa y s selected. The curren t select ion is i ndicated b y one of the thr ee conten t lights b eing on.
Set the duple x option 6 Set the duplex option Note: If y ou press Duplex and no dupl e x lights come on, no duple x functio ns can be perf or med. This response occurs i f the pr inter does not hav e duple x capabilities . Set Collation/F inish ing features Collati on is t ur ned off b y def ault.
Select y our cop y media 7 There are fiv e choices av ailab le in the P aper Sav er menu. Press P aper Saver until your se lect ion appears in the cont rol panel displa y . Note: If y ou want to hav e each page surrounded by a border , select Solid Border f or P aper Sav er in the Copy men u.
Sendin g f axes 8 2 Sending fax e s There are three w a ys to send an outgoing f a x using the MFP control panel. Y ou can man ual ly enter the telephone n umber to the receiving f ax machine and then transmit y our fax. Creat e shor tcut numbers and then sel ect the shor tcut number and tr ansmit y our f ax.
Exampl es of typical f ax jobs 9 Select a Scan to F ax destinatio n 1 Load all pages in the automati c document f eeder of t he scanner . Place the pages ac cording to the dra wing on t he scanner . 2 Press F ax/Scan Mode repeatedly until y ou see SCAN → Fax o n the contr ol panel displa y .
Exampl es of typical f ax jobs 10 Job 2 : m ult iple p ages 1 Load all pages in the automati c document f eeder of t he scanner . Place the pages ac cording to the dra wing on t he scanner . 2 Press Fax/Scan Mode repeatedl y until Enter Phon e # appears on t he cont rol panel displa y .
Exampl es of typical f ax jobs 11 6 Press F ax Resolution , and t hen select fine. 7 Press Go/Send ..
Scan ning to PC 12 3 Scanning to PC Create a scan profile A scan profile incl udes al l the necessary inf or mation about y o u r originals and presets the MFP control panel to those sett in gs. Le xmark ™ ScanBack ™ Util ity is an easy w ay to create Scan to PC profile s .
Create a s can pr ofile 13 3 On the control panel , pre ss Fax/Scan Mode r epeatedly u ntil y ou see SCAN → PROF ILE . 4 Press Me nu > repeat edly until y ou see your sca n profile name . 5 Press Go/Send to start scanning. Note: If y ou are using the flatbed of the scanner , wat ch the control panel f or messages.
Custom Scan t o PC settings 14 4 Press Me nu > repeat edly until y ou see your sca n profile name . 5 Press Go/Send to start scanning. Note: If y ou are using the flatbed of the scanner , wat ch the control panel f or messages. If prompted to Place Next Or Stop , place the ne x t page on the flat bed and then press Go/Send to conti nue scanning.
Custom Scan t o PC settings 15 Sav e to T ype i n the p ath or browse to the loc ation Locatio n path w here s canned f ile is to be locat ed. Profil e Name T ype i n a uni que na me Name t hat appe ars in the MFP contr ol pan el. Select this nam e in the MFP c ontrol pa nel to activate the sca n profil e.
Scan ning to e-m ail 16 4 Scanning to e-mail Create a scan to e-mail profile A scan profile incl udes al l the necessary inf or mation about y o u r originals and presets the MFP contro l panel to those sett in gs. Scan profi les are temporary destinatio ns.
Scan to pe r man ent e-mai l de sti nat ions 17 5 Press Go/Send to start scanning. Note: If y ou are using the flatbed of the scanner , wat ch the control panel f or messages. If prompted to Place Next Or Stop , place the ne x t page on the flat bed and then press Go/Send to conti nue scanning.
Scanni ng to FTP 18 5 Scanning to FTP Scan to an FTP destinati on Once an FTP destination has been configured b y y our systems person, the name of the destinat ion becomes a v ailab le as a network scanning choice in t he MFP control panel. 1 Locate the MFP y ou want to use .
Using t he MFP con trol p anel 19 6 Using the MFP contr ol panel Button and menu key Key Function in copy mode Function in fax mode Function in scan to netw ork mode 1 Control panel st atus displays for cop yi ng and a Read y messag e. Man ual fax: Control pane l status displays a prom pt to Enter Phone # .
Butt on an d menu key 20 5R e t u r n t a ke s yo u b a ck to previous menu choice. Redial sets the fax modem to redial the la st outgoi ng fax phone number . Return t ake s yo u ba ck t o previous menu choic e. 6O r i g i n a l S i z e define s the size of the or ig inal (letter , lega l, A4, othe r).
Butt on an d menu key 21 16 Copy Media spec ifies the type of medi a for your pri nted co pies (plain pa per , transparen cies, othe r). Fax Resolution specifi es the resoluti on of your fax (standard, fine, super fi ne, ultra fine). Standar d is the default (no lights ).
Function mo de s 22 Functi on mode s Contr ol panel mode When it a ppears on th e control pane l Messag e displ ayed Copy Default mode (you do not n eed to p ress Fax/Scan Mod e ) In copy mode, you can ma ke a copy b y pla cing the docume nt in th e scanne r and pr essing Go/Send on the MFP c on trol p anel.
Custom izing y our MF P config urat ion 23 7 Customizing y our MFP configuration Customiz e copy settings There are two w ays to set up the def ault settings f or making copies: Y ou can manuall y def ine def ault sett ings f or making copies at the control panel .
Manually set b asi c f ax inform atio n 24 T o restor e the def ault sett ing s through the resident W eb page: 1 T ype the IP addres s of the MFP in the URL field of your bro wser (f or ex ample , http:/ /192.168.236. 24), and t hen press Ent er . 2 Clic k Configuration .
Create pe r manent f ax destina tions 25 7 Press Ret urn after entering y our Station Number . SAV ED br iefly appe ars. Af ter the las t menu item has been entered, Setup Compl ete appears.
Adjust an alog send f ax options 26 Adjust analog send fa x option s Option Descript ion A uto Re dial Sets th e number of r edial a ttempts the modem makes if the ph one li ne is busy . This can be s et for 0 through 1 4 attemp ts. The default is 5 redials.
Adjust a nalog rec eiv e f ax options 27 Adjust analog receive fax options Adjust analog fax log option s Option Description F ax Storage Deter mine s whethe r or not th e inco ming faxes are stored if they cannot immediate ly be pr i nted. The setting s are ON or OF F .
Adjust an alog f ax log opti ons 28 Log P aper S ize Selects an outp ut paper s ize (Letter, Legal, and so o n) for the log. Log P aper Si ze is only used if th e setting for Log P aper T ype is not av ai lable. The choic es var y from p rin ter to prin ter .
Adjust f ax ser ve r options 29 Adjust fax serve r options Scan to E-mail General Setup In addition t o identifying y our SMTP gate wa y , y ou can also enter a gen eric subject and message th at will be included on al l scanned e-mail. 1 T ype the IP addres s of the MFP in the URL field of y our browser , and then press Enter .
Create permanent e-m ail desti nation s 30 5 Enter a subject (descriptiv e name) and a generic message. This inf or mation appears on all e-mail scanned t o permanent e-mail desti nat ions. 6 T o store sc anned documents on a W eb si te and send only a W eb link in the e-mail, complete the W eb link section.
Creat e FTP desti nations 31 number . I f y ou attempt to assig n a shor tcut number t hat is a lready in use , you are promp ted to make anot her selection.
Create an e xternal destinations file 32 Create an external destinations file Instead o f creati ng indivi dual e-mail, FTP , or f ax desti nations , y ou can create m ultiple desti nations and store t hem in an e xternal ASCII te xt file .
Disab le scan funct ions 33 • Res= Resoluti on val ues can equal 75, 150, 200, 300, 400, or 600 dpi. Specify the e xternal file 1 T ype the IP addres s of the MFP in the URL field of y our browser , and then press Enter . 2 Clic k Configuration . 3 Clic k Manage Destinations .
Config ure Job A ccounting 34 Disab ling t he Scan to F TP confirmation page sto ps the conf irm ation page from being printed. 1 T ype the IP addres s of the MFP in the URL field of y our browser , and then press Enter . 2 Clic k Configuration . 3 Under the MFP heading, clic k Sc an to N etwork Gen era l Se tup .
Config ure Job A ccounting 35 Pr otect the Job Acc ount list T o pr ev ent the J ob Account li st from bei ng modified b y unauthoriz ed individual s, s et a pass word to protect the inf orm ation stored o n the print ser ver . 1 T ype the IP addres s of the MFP in the URL field of y our browser , and then press Enter .
Config ure Job A ccounting 36 List of trac king modes Mode Description Job Ac ntg. Off This is t he default mode. Cour tesy I Enter an acco unt number on the keypad bef ore the control panel accepts th e job in f or mati on. The number is not c heck ed ag ainst the maste r Job Acc ount li st.
Use V alid atio n mode to lim it usa ge 37 Use V alidatio n mode to limit usage V alidation mo de, when use d with MarkT rack, collects stati stical da ta about c op y jobs , netw ork scans, and outgoing f ax es. How e v er , e v en if yo u do not use MarkT rac k, V alidation mode can be used to limi t MFP usage to authorized indiv iduals .
Solving co py problems 38 8 Solving cop y pr oblems Common p r oblems and solut ions F or addi tional help sol ving printer prob lems , ref er to the documentati on that shi pped with y our printer .
Cop y status messages 39 Copy status messages Copy err or messag es Unwanted black lines pr in t on my copy Clean th e entir e top cover and th e docu ment flatbe d. Also clean the aut omatic docu ment feeder . P a per d oes not feed throu gh the a utomatic docu ment feeder Make sure the pap er suppo r t i s open .
Cop y error message s 40 Close Do or Message appears in the top line o f the co ntrol panel di splay . T oner car tridg e door is op en. Thi s mess age do es no t displ a y for all scanne r an d prin ter comb ina tions.
Solving fax prob lems 41 9 Solving fax pr oblems Common fax questio ns Solve prob l ems sendin g fax es Pr oblem So lution Can I create a fax distr ibution list? Group f axing is su ppor ted. Wh en you create a per manent f ax destina tion, s eparate multi ple ent ries with a c omma.
Solve problems receiving fax es 42 Solve prob l ems receiving faxes Data was mis sing Receiv ing fax unit may not have automatic redu ction tur ned on. T r y r esending fe wer pages at once. When se nding a large fax, scanni ng sta lls in t he middle of the sca n MFP first s cans al l the fax pages to memor y .
Send f ax status 43 Send fax status Receive fax status Messag e Description Enter ph one # xxx-xxx Prompt to use the numeri c ke ypad to e nter th e fax recipient phone numbe r . Scanning to M em Busy ¨ Origina l docume nts are b eing sc anned to memor y .
Send fa x errors 44 Send fax error s Receive fax error s W ork with destinat ion lists Y ou can vi ew or print lists of the per manent fa x destinations t hat ha v e been co nfigured f or an MFP . This is a useful wa y to chec k f or f ax recipients that y ou send inf or mation to on a regular basis .
W o rk wi th de stination lists 45 Prin t t he des t in at i on lis t s 1 Locate th e MFP . Th is must be the same MFP with th e IP address where the destination l ists were cr eated and s tored. 2 Press Me nu > r epeatedly unt il y ou see Desti nations , and then press Select .
Solvi ng ne t work scan pr oblems 46 10 Solving netw ork scan pr oblems Common p r oblems and solut ions Scan to e-mail status Pr oblem Solu tion Scan prof ile na me does not appea r on the c ontrol p anel display . 1 Make sure you are loo king at the cor rect c ontrol pa nel menu.
Scan to FTP status 47 Scan to FTP status Shortcut #xx EML Destinat ion N ame E-ma il shortcut h as bee n init iated by pres sing # , and th en enter ing the shor tcut numbe r on t he numer ic keypad. Destin ation Na me is the name assig ned to th e e-mail desti natio n.
Job Ac counting sta tus 48 Job Accounting status Scan to e-mail err ors Messag e Description <Date Ti me> Select A ccoun t Appear s in th e Idle /Ready sta te wh en Cour tesy II or Cour tesy III modes are acti ve . <Date Ti me> Enter Ac count # Appear s in th e Idle /Ready state wh en Cour tesy I or V alidat ion modes ar e active.
Scan to e- mail er ror s 49 Mail ser ver r efused to accept m ail f rom us • Mail ser ver refused to star t the e-ma il se nding pr ocess. • Mail s er ver could no t be se t up to a ccept e-mail from the MFP IP ad dress. • Mail s er ver is down.
Scan to FTP errors 50 Scan to FTP err or s W ork with destinat ion lists Y ou can view or print lists of the perm anent desti nations that ha v e been configu red f or MFP . This is a useful w a y to check f or destinations that you send i nf or mation to on a regular basis .
W o rk wi th de stination lists 51 Prin t t he des t in at i on lis t s 1 Locate th e MFP . Th is must be the same MFP with th e IP address where the destination l ists were cr eated and s tored. 2 Press Me nu > r epeatedly unt il y ou see Desti nations , and then press Select .
Solving s cann ing pr oblems 52 11 Solving scanning pr oblems Preventing paper j ams Y our automatic document f eeder is desi gned to handle most paper types . How e v er , if you are uns ure if y our document will cause a jam in the automatic doc ument f eeder , we recommend that you scan it using the flatbed.
Solv e scanner prob lems 53 Solve scanner problems Pr oblem Solution P a per jams dur ing s canning 1 O pen the auto matic docum ent feeder . 2 Pull out the jam med pa per c arefully . 3 Close the automat ic do cument f eede r . More tha n one she et of pap er was fed into the scan ner 1 Open the automati c docum ent feeder .
Inde x 54 Inde x C collat ing copy jobs 6 control panel adding scan modes 22 keypad 19 tracking usage 3 4 control panel modes Copy 22 Fax 22 Scan (e-mail) 22 Scan (FTP) 22 Scan (Profil e ) 22 copy con.
Inde x 55 destinat ions 30 profile 16 setup 16 Scan to PC customizing set tings 14 profile 13 setup 13 scanning control panel modes 22 selec ting copy content 5 copy media 7 setting a password f or jo.
www.lexma Lexmark and Lexmark w ith diamond design ar e trademarks of Lexmark Inter national, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countr ies.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Lexmark 3200 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Lexmark 3200 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Lexmark 3200 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Lexmark 3200 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Lexmark 3200 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Lexmark 3200 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Lexmark 3200 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Lexmark 3200. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Lexmark 3200 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.