Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung S4000 des Produzenten Kyocera
Zur Seite of 80
82- K65 63- 1EN .boo k Pa ge i Mo nda y, M ar ch 1 7, 2 008 8: 33 PM.
ii S4000 MetroP CS User Guide This manual is based on t he production version o f the Kyocera S4000 phone. Sof tware changes may have occurred after this printing. Kyocera reserves the right to make changes in t ec hnical and product specifications witho ut prior notice.
User Guide iii Your wireless phon e is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured t o not exceed the em ission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) ene rgy set by t he Federal Communications Commission of t he U.S. Government.
iv Air bags If you hav e an air bag, DO NOT plac e installed or portable phone equipment or other objects over the air bag or in the air bag deployment area.
User Guide v Av oi di ng ma gne tic en vi r onm ent s Keep the pho ne away from m agnets which can cause improper functioning of the phone. Keeping ph one dry Keep the pho ne dry. Damage c an result if the phone gets w et. Water damage is not covered under warranty.
vi M-Ratings—Phones rat ed M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to generate les s interference to hearing dev ices than phones t h at are not labeled.
User Guide vii T ABL E OF C ONTENT S 1 Ge tting St arte d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Phone battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Phone overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Main menu .
viii 12 Cam era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Takin g a picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 Camera mode opt ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Camera indic ators and ic ons . . . . . . . .
User Guide 1 1G ETTI NG S T ARTED Phone batte ry Inst all ing th e battery T o install th e battery: 1. With th e back of the phone facing yo u, locate the side n otches at the t op of t he phon e. 2. Sl ide your f ingernail into on e of the n otches to unsnap t he back cover .
2 Phone batte ry Battery car e General safety guidelines • Do no t disassem ble or op en the ba ttery . • Do no t crush, b end, deform, p uncture, or shred the batter y . • Do no t attempt t o insert foreig n ob jects into the ba ttery . • Do no t immerse the b attery or expose it to wat er or ot her liquid s.
User Guide 3 Phone overv iew Gett ing t o k now your pho ne The fo llowing ill ustration show s the phone in open position . 1. Earpie ce speaker . 2. Home scree n. 3. Navig ation k ey scrolls through lists and t ext entry field s and ac cesses sh ortcuts fro m the ho me screen .
4 Phone ov erview The foll owing illust ration sho ws the phon e in closed po siti on. W i th the p hone close d, the keys are loc ked to pre vent accidental key press es. 1. Ja ck for ha nds-free h eadset only (s old separa tely) . 2. Indica tor li ght.
User Guide 5 Screen icon s These icons may app ear on your ph one’ s screen: The phone is ope rating in IS 95 digita l mode. The phone is operating in IS 2000 ( 1X) digital mode. The phone is receiving a signal. Y ou can make and r eceive calls. Fewe r bars indicate a weak er signal.
6 Main men u Main menu The co ntents of the m ain menu are as follows : Recen t Cal ls All Incomin g Ou tgo ing Missed Erase Cal l List Call T imer Cont acts Vi e w All Add New Vi e w Groups Spee d Di.
User Guide 7 Basic navigat ion Y ou press your pho ne k eys to acc ess the va rious menus and other f eature s of y our phone. So m e of th e basic fr equently-u sed keys are as fol lows: • Left softkey : Selects items th at appear on the lower left of the d isp lay .
8 Poweri ng up 2B ASIC F UN CTIONS This se ction exp lains basi c fu n ctionality of your phone . For mor e det ailed explanat ions o f your phone ’ s fea tures, refer to the later c h apt ers. Powering up T o tur n on your phone, p ress and h old the End key an d wait un til the phone d isplay ligh ts up.
User Guide 9 There are severa l ways yo u can answ er a phone cal l: Answer u sing th e Send key Press the Send key or any key wi th Any Key Answe r enabled . For more informat ion, see “Any key an swer” on page 46. Answer u sing speaker phone Press the Speak erphone key .
10 Volume contr ol 3C ALL F EAT URE S This c h apte r describ es call fea tures such as volum e, holding calls , sp e e d d ialing, an d ot her features. V olum e c ontr ol Y ou have several wa ys to con trol the vo lume of your p hone. Adjust volume during a call T o adjust the ea rpiece volum e during a ca ll, press the Vo lu m e key up or down .
User Guide 11 1-T ouch dialing This fe ature is th e fas test way t o speed d ial a contac t th a t has a spe e d d ial locatio n . See “1 -T ouch di aling” on page 44.
12 Emerge ncy services Emergency services Call emerg ency service Y ou can c all an eme rgency co de, even if your phone is locked or y our accou nt is rest ricted . When you call, your phone en ters Emer gency mode. This enab les the em ergency service excl usive acc ess to your phone t o call you back, if necess ary .
User Guide 13 4T EXT E NTR Y Y ou can e nter letters, nu mbers, an d symbols in contac ts, text messag es, and yo ur banne r . T ext entry modes The cu rren t text entr y m o de (and c apitalizati on setting , w he n applica ble) are indica ted by ico ns.
14 Text entry modes Enter words q uickly (ezi) When you press a ser ies of key s using ra pid mode, your pho ne checks its dictio nary and guesse s at the word y ou are try ing to spe ll. 1. For ea ch le tter of the word you want, pr ess the key once.
User Guide 15 T ext entry quick ref erence This ta ble gives instructions fo r entering letters, n u mb ers, and s ymbols. T o .. Do this... Enter a l etter Use n ormal alpha mode and press a key until y ou see your des ired lett er . For more options, s ee “T ext en try modes” on page 13.
16 Ca ll lists 5R ECENT C A LLS Call lists Details on the calls you m ad e, re ceive d, o r mi ssed are sto red in the Recent C alls l ist and ar e identif ied b y the follo wing icons: Vi ew recent calls 1. Select Me nu > Rec ent Cal ls and on e of the fol lowing: – Al l di splays all calls made or received.
User Guide 17 Erase call list Y ou can e rase your phone’ s call list s. 1. Select Me nu > Rece nt C all s > Er ase Call List > Al l , Incoming , Ou tgoi ng , or Missed .
18 Viewi ng Contact s list 6C ONTAC TS Use yo ur phone ’ s Contact s list to store inform ation about a person or company . Each cont act ent ry can hav e up t o six ph one numbers, tw o email a ddresses, two W eb addres ses, two st reet addr esses, and a space f o r no tes.
User Guide 19 Add co ntact fr om contact s menu T o add a co ntact to y our Conta cts list: 1. Select Me nu > C ontact s > A dd Ne w . 2. Enter a n am e for the contact. W hen you are done, scroll dow n to move to t he next fi eld. For mo re inform ation, see “T ext Entry” o n page 1 3.
20 Working w ith contacts Conta ct number T o wor k on the number o f an existing co ntact: 1. Select Me nu > C ontact s > View All . 2. At the Cont acts list, select a contact . 3. At the co nta ct’ s detai l screen, s croll to a cont act num ber .
User Guide 21 Conta c t Web address T o wor k on the Web addres s of an existin g n u mber . 1. Select Me nu > C ontact s > View All . 2. At the Cont acts list, select a contact . 3. At the co nta ct’ s detail screen, s croll to a cont act W eb address.
22 Working w ith contacts Assign r inger T o ass ign a ring er to a cont act: 1. Select Me nu > C ontact s > View All . 2. At the Cont acts list, select a contact . 3. At the co nta ct’ s detai l screen, s croll to th e contac t name. 4. Select Opti ons > Ring er > Assign Rin ger and a rin ge r from the list.
User Guide 23 Contact gr oups Y ou can a ssign you r cont acts to g roups. Y our pho ne comes with two defau lt gro ups, Busine ss and Person al. Y ou can a lso c reate your o wn group s. 1. Select Me nu > C ontact s > V iew G roups . 2. Select New .
24 Contacts count Frequen t list With F requent List en abled, you can see 15 of your m ost f requently called co ntacts. Fo r more inform ation, see “Frequen t list” on page 45. Fast find Wit h Fast Fi nd enable d, yo u can pre ss one or t wo keys to view close ma tches of t he number .
User Guide 25 7M ESSAG ING This c hapter des cribes ho w to send , receive, an d erase message s from your p hone. For information on voi cem a il message s, see “V oicemail” on page 1 1. Not e: The featur es an d menus desc ribed in t his chapte r m a y var y dependi ng on services available in your area.
26 Multi media me ssages – Sett ings > Call back Number sets you r ca llback nu mber . Ente r a number and select OK . – Sett ings > Se n d Lat er > Imm e diate or Set T ime sp ecifi es the tim e to send the me ssage. – Sett ings > Validity P er iod > Se t T i me sets a defined expirat ion t ime limit for a message.
User Guide 27 Create a multimedia message 1. Select Me nu > Me ssaging > New Pi c Msg . 2. At the To, C C (to sen d a copy o f the messag e), and B CC (t o send a blind copy) fi elds, do one o f the follo wing to en ter the reci pient ’ s phone nu mber or email addr ess.
28 Multi media me ssages 2. After s ettin g options, press the Back key to return to the me ssage win dow if necessa ry . 3. Compl ete your m essage. 4. Select Send . Retrieve a multimedia message There are two modes for recei ving a mu ltimedia messag e on you r phone: Auto Retrieve ( d efau lt) and Pr ompt.
User Guide 29 – Save Picture sa ves the pi cture emb edded in the m ess age. – Sa ve Sound saves the so und embedd ed in the me ssage. – Save Address ex tracts ema il address e s, phone numbers , and/or U RLs from the sender informat ion a nd messa ge bo dy .
30 Wor king with me ssages Unable to send messages Y ou m ay n ot be abl e to send or receive message s if your phone’ s memory is nearly fu ll, or if d igital service is not availab le at the time. T o fre e up memo ry , eras e old mes sages. See “Er ase messag es” on page 29.
User Guide 31 Vi ew fai led or pending messages Fai led or p ending me ssages ar e stored in your Outbo x folder . T o view mess ages in th e Outbox folder , select Men u > Messagi ng > Ou tbox . Your li st of failed or pending me ssages appe ars with the follow ing symbols.
32 Mess age settings A u to r etr i e ve T o set your phone to automatically retrieve multim edia mes sages, sele ct Select Me nu > Messaging > Msg S etting s > Auto r etriev e and one of the follow ing: • Disab le turns off auto re trieve.
User Guide 33 T ext message r eceipt Y ou can r equest a n otifi cation when a recipient has re ceived your tex t m e ssage. Select Me nu > Me ssaging > Msg Se ttings > T ext Msg Receipt > Re quest . Picture message receipt Y ou can r equest a n otifi cation when a recipient has re ceived your pic ture mess age.
34 Appl ications shop ping and d ownloadin g 8@ METRO Downl oad ringto nes, gam es, gr aphics, a nd more from @me tro . For inform ation on airtim e charge s, contact your Wir eless Carr ier . Applications shopping and downloading 1. From t he home scree n, select @metr o > Mo bile Shop .
User Guide 35 9M ETRO WEB Y ou can u se your p hone to b rowse t he Int ernet if you ha ve obtain ed phone Internet s ervices fr om your s ervice pro vider and if over -the-air I nternet access is availab le in your area. For mo re inform ation abo ut how ai rtime is charge d, contac t your ser vice provi der .
36 Check Web alerts Check Web aler ts Al erts recei ved from a W eb site are se nt to your W eb Ale rts folder . T o check t hem, do the fol lowing: 1. Select Me nu > Me ssaging > W eb Aler ts . This a ction laun ches the b rowser in box. 2. Select OK to accept bro wser fees .
User Guide 37 10 S E TTINGS Menu options The co ntents of th e S e ttin gs menu a re as follo ws: Bluet ooth On/ Off My Dev ices Settings Soun ds Ringer s Roam Ringer Activa tion Ringer Mode Vol um e .
38 Blue tooth® Bluetoot h ® The Bl uetooth ® wire less technolog y on your phone enables w irele ss connec tivity wit h access ories such as p o rta b le o r ins talled hands -free car k its, headsets, h andsets, compu ters, PC cards and adap ters, PDA s, an d speake rs.
User Guide 39 Y our pho ne wait s for t he dev ice’ s resp onse. With th e pa ssword ac cept ed, the de vice shows in My Devi c es . Using Bl uetooth Before you can u se th e Bluetoo th wirele ss te chnology functions of your p hone, you must get your p hone read y to com muni cate wit h a dev ice.
40 Sounds Sounds Y o ur phone has sev eral settings th at control the sound . You ca n sel ect from a vari ety of ring ers and co ntrol the volu m e. Ringers Y ou can c hange the ringer fo r you r phone. You can als o assign ringers fo r diff erent task s.
User Guide 41 Vo l u m e Y o u can contr ol the volu me of yo ur phone ’ s fea tures . V o lum e c o n tr o ls T o con trol the volum e of the p hone’ s rin ger, speake rphone, e arpiece, a nd keypa d: 1. Select Me nu > Settin g s > Sou nds > Vo l u m e > Ringer V olume , Spkr phon e V olume , Ea rpie ce Volum e , or Ke y Vol ume .
42 Display Screensaver Screen savers ap pear on th e ho me screen , act ivat ed 10 sec onds after the last keypr ess. In coming c alls a nd a lerts override t he screen savers. Select Menu > Se tt in gs > Displa y > Screensaver and one of the follow ing options: • Scroll to select a screensa ver .
User Guide 43 Set backl i ght duration T o set the le n gth of time th at backli ghting remains on, se lect Menu > Se ttings > Disp lay > Back lightin g > Dura tion and one of the follow ing: • 7 se conds , 15 s ec onds , or 3 0 seconds (defau lt) turns backl ighting on for a set tim e af ter your l ast keypress.
44 Conveni ence Aut o-h yphen Auto-h yphenation, w hen enabl ed, automatica lly in serts hyp hens into your pho ne numbers t o be consis tent with t h e U .S. dialing p lan , such as 1- 222-333- 4444. Sel ect Menu > Settings > Conv eni ence > Aut o-H yphe n > Enabl ed .
User Guide 45 Change the hold message 1. Select Me nu > Settin g s > Conv enien ce > Hold Call > Re-R ecor d M sg . 2. Record the message t wice, as promp ted. 3. Select Save to save the mess age or O pti ons and on e of the f ollowing. – Pl ay to re play your mes sage.
46 Voic e Features Any key answer T o set the phone to answe r cal ls wh en you pr ess any ke y , selec t Men u > Se ttings > Conv eni ence > Any Key Answer > Enabl ed (t o answer calls with any key e xcept the End , Bac k , or Navi gation key ).
User Guide 47 T o wak e up the phone: 1. Say “W ake Up” an d listen fo r a tone. 2. Say “W ake Up” again unt il you he ar t wo tones . If the phone doe s not rec o gniz e your W ake Up comm and, see “Voi ce trainin g” on pag e 46. V oice answ er Y ou can u se your v oice to answer a cal l when using a hands-free ac cessory .
48 Network TTY devi ce Y ou can c onnect the pho ne to a te letyp e (T TY) device fo r t h e he aring imp aired. Not e: Enable TTY on ly when u sing the phone w ith a TTY devic e. 1. Conne ct the TTY device to the phone. 2. Ent er ##889 with y our keypa d and sel ect TTY or sel ect Men u > Settings > Accessories > TTY Device .
User Guide 49 Set phone li ne Y our pho ne can ha ve two service accounts, or phone lines, ass ociated w ith it . Eac h phone l ine has i ts own pho ne nu mber . Sel ect Menu > Sett ings > Ne twor k > Set Ph one L i n e an d one of the tw o l ines.
50 Sec urity Lock phon e When your phon e is l ocked, yo u ca n call only emerg ency numbers or your servi ce pro vider ’ s custom er s ervice num ber . Y ou can still receiv e incom ing calls. 1. Select Me nu > Settin g s > Securi ty . 2. Enter your four -digit lock code.
User Guide 51 New lock code The lo ck code i s ty p ical ly 0000 or the las t 4 di gits of your phon e numb er . T o chang e your lock co de fr om the defaul t provid ed by the service provid er: 1. Select Me nu > Settin g s > Securi ty . 2. Enter y our four -digit lo ck code.
52 Accessing f olders 11 M EDIA G ALLE RY Y our pho ne stores images an d sounds , and displa ys th o se fi les on the phone’ s scree n. Acces sing folder s T o acc ess the fo lders whe re your ph o.
User Guide 53 12 C AMER A The fo llowing ar e some tip s for you to opera te your p hone’ s camera : • Y ou can n ot activate th e c amera wh ile on an acti ve call or whil e browsin g files in t h e media galle ry . • Once t h e ca mera is a c tive, the external o r home screen act s as the v iewfinder .
54 Camera i ndicator s and icons – Shut ter Sound se ts the sou nd used when the cam era takes a pi cture. – White Balance ad justs the c amera fo r differe n t lig hting. – Col or T o ne sets th e color ton e of the pic ture. – Pi ctu re Q ual ity set s the pictu re compr ession.
User Guide 55 13 T OO LS & G AME S Y our phon e comes wit h tools and games. S om e of the ga mes or t ool s d esc ri bed her e ma y no t be av ailabl e on you r ph one. If you recei ve an incoming call whil e you are pl aying a ga me, the g ame is pau sed and exited.
56 Schedul er – Deta ils displays the details of the fil e. – Er ase All deletes al l m e mos store d. Schedul er The Sched uler enables you to schedule eve nts and set rem inde r alerts. Create an event 1. Select Me nu > T ools & G ames > Sch edule r > Add N ew E vent .
User Guide 57 Vi ew by date 1. Select Menu > To o l s & G a m e s > Sch edu ler and on e of the f ollowing: – Vie w Mon th displays th e cu r rent mont h. Days w ith events are highlighte d. Scroll the cal endar . Pres s the OK ke y to select a date.
58 Al arm cl ock Scheduler sett in gs Y o u can chang e the defa ult settings of your s cheduler . Select Menu > T ools & G ames > Sch eduler > Sett ings and one the followi ng: • Sc hed uler Hour s changes the work day . • Auto Dele te deletes events automatic ally .
User Guide 59 2. Enter t h e am ount of your bill a nd select Next . 3. Select t he percen tage am ou nt to t ip. The new bill am ount is shown . 4. Select Don e to retu rn to menu or Split to split th e b il l. To sp lit th e b ill enter n umber of gue sts and se lect Next .
60 Worl d cloc k 2. T o work th e stopwatch, se lect the follow ing options: – Start begins cou nting. – Sto p pauses counting. – Res et clears t he stopwa tch. Press the Bac k key to retu rn to the m enu. Wor ld clock The wo rld clock ena bles you t o check ti m es in citie s around the world in relatio n to your local t ime.
User Guide 61 14 V OICE C OMM ANDS Y ou can c all a cont act, di al a phon e number , access m en us, or fin d contact informatio n from your v oice dial list u sing voice commands. Not e: You can n ot u se voice r ecognition to end a call; you must press th e End key when the flip is ope n.
62 Voi ce commands 2. From t he home scree n, pr ess and h old the Sen d key . The phone p rompts, “Say a command”. 3. Say “C ontact” an d the nam e of the p erson you wa nt to call . The p hone pro mpts, “P lease rep eat” or “Say a nam e” if it does not recog nize the name.
User Guide 63 15 G ETTI NG H ELP Customer suppor t Y our serv ice provi der’ s customer supp ort depart me nt m ay be a ccessible directly fr om your phone when you dial a numbe r , such as *611 (check with your ser vice provi der).
64 Qualified serv ice Bef ore requ estin g suppor t, please t ry to reprod uce and i solat e the problem . When yo u cont act the Customer Care Cen ter , be read y to provid e the follo wing informat ion: • The na m e o f you r service provider . • The ac tual error message or proble m yo u are exp eriencing .
User Guide 65 16 C ONSUM ER L IMITED W A RRANTY Kyocer a Wi reless Corp . ( “KYOCER A”) offe rs you a li mited warranty that the e nclosed p roduct or produ cts (the “P roduct”) will be fr ee .
User Guide 67 I NDE X Sym bols @me tro , 34 Nu mer ics 1-to uch diali ng , 44 A accessories , 6 4 headsets , 47 se ttin gs , 47 T-coil hearing ai d , 48 TTY devi ce , 48 adding contacts , 1 8 extensio.
68 assign picture , 19, 22 assign ringer , 19, 22 cal ling numbers , 20 cu stomiz ing , 19 dire ctory , 18 ed iting , 18, 19 email addresses , 20 erase , 19 erasing , 20, 50 fast fin d , 45 fre quent .
User Guide 69 I ico ns , 5, 51 text message , 2 6 IM , 29 images browsing , 52 saved , 52 incoming calls , 16 indicat ors and ico ns camera , 5 4 instant messages , 29 In ter net , 35 K key navig atio.
70 saving , 29 picture messages request receipt , 33 power on a nd o f f sounds , 41 prepend , 2 0 prim ary nu m b er , 20 prior ity text m essage , 25 privacy alert , 48 pro mpt mode mult imed ia me .
User Guide 71 numbers , 13 quick r eference , 15 rapid entry , 1 4 text messages creating , 25 erasing , 2 9 forwar ding , 26 ico n , 26 lo ckin g , 26 no tifica tio n , 26 optio ns , 25 quicktext , 2.
Kyocera Wireless Corp. www.kyocera-w m 82-K656 3-1EN, R ev . 0 01 82- K65 63- 1EN .boo k Pa ge 72 Mon day , Mar ch 1 7, 200 8 8 :33 P M.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Kyocera S4000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Kyocera S4000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Kyocera S4000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Kyocera S4000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Kyocera S4000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Kyocera S4000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Kyocera S4000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Kyocera S4000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Kyocera S4000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.