Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 73key des Produzenten Korg
Zur Seite of 142
4 E Opera tion Guide.
ii About this manual The manuals and ho w to use them The KROME comes with the foll owing manuals. •V i d e o Manual (approximately 60 minutes) •Q u i c k .
iii T able of C on ten ts About this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Introduction to the KROME . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Front and rear panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Front panel . . . . . . .
Table of Contents iv Creating an RPPR pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Creating RPPR data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 RPPR playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Intr oduc tion to the KROME F ront and rear panels Fro nt p a n e l 1. V olume VOLUME knob This knob adjusts the vol um e of the AUDIO OUTP UT L/MONO, R outputs, as wel l as the vo lu m e of the headphone jack.
Introduction to the KROME 2 7. Display Display The To u c h V i e w display feat ures simple touch control and selection of numerous features and parameters.
Front and rear panels Rear panel 3 Rear panel 1. P ower supply Be sure to see “T urning the pow er on” on page 15 and follow the correct procedure described there.
Introduction to the KROME 4 Objects in the display The KROME uses Korg’ s To u c h V i e w graphical user interface. By pressing or dragging objects shown in the display , you can select programs or combinations, or ed it parameter val u e s .
Front and rear panels Ob jects in the display 5 i: Popup button (1) When this button is pressed, a popup menu will appear , showing the parameter va l ue s that are av ailable for selection.
Introduction to the KROME 6 conv enient when you wa n t to check the time during a liv e performance or rehearsal, or to determine the approximate playback time of a song.
Basic Information About the KROME’s modes 7 Basic Info rmation About the KR OME’ s modes The KROME has numerous functions that let you play and edit programs or comb inations, record and play back sequence data, and manage media.
Introduction to the KROME 8 Relational diagram of the KROME’s modes IFX 1 IFX 5 MFX 1 MFX 2 TFX Insert / Master / T otal Eect TRACK 1 TRACK 8 TRACK 2 TRACK 3 TRACK 4 TRACK 5 T.
Basic Information Basic operations 9 Basic opera tions After you ’ ve turned on the KROME, here’ s how to perform basic operations, such as selecting modes and pages.
Introduction to the KROME 10 When a dialog box is open, this button cancels the settings made in the dialog box and closes the di alog box, just like pressing the Cancel button.
Basic Information Basic operations 11 Compare function Program, Combination mode Use this when you wish to compare the edits you have made to a program or combination’ s sound with the un ‐ edited original (i.
Introduction to the KROME 12 Wr i t i n g / s av i n g After editing, you should write or sa ve your changes as necessary .
Basic Information Basic operations 13 In any page of Program or Combination mode, pressing EXIT a maximum of two time s will immediately allow you to use the numeric keys or INC/DEC buttons to select programs or combinations.
Introduction to the KROME 14.
15 Set up T urning the pow er on/off C onnec ting th e A C adapter 1. Make sure that the KROME is powered ‐ off. 2. Connect the DC plug of the included AC adapter to the power supply jack on the KROM E’ s rear panel.
Setup 16 3. Press the power switch on the KROME’ s rear panel to turn the power off. The KROME’ s internal data may be d.
Connections Turning the power off 17 C onnec tions Connecti ons must be made with the pow er turned off. Please be aware that careless usage may damage you r speaker sy stem or cause malfunctions.
Setup 18 Audio c onnec tions The KROME does not contain built ‐ in speakers. In order to hear the sound of yo u r performance, yo u’.
Connections Connecting a damper pedal, foot switch, or foot pedal 19 •A r p e g g i a t o r on/ off •S w i t c h the Drum Track on/off •U s e various KROME controls (real time control knobs, joystick, SW1/SW2, etc.
Setup 20 C onnec ting the KROME to ac o m p u t e r USB connection The KROME provides both MIDI and USB connectors as standard equipment.
21 Pla ying and editing Pr ogr ams About the KROME’s Programs Programs are the basic sounds of the KROME. Yo u can play them by themselv es, layer.
Playing and editing Programs 22 For example, to select bank B, press the PROG BANK B button. The B button will light up, and the name Bank B will appear on the left side of the displa y .
Playing Programs Selecting Programs 23 Fin d Here’ s how to se arch for a program by a portion of its name. 1. Access the Bank/Program Select menu or the Category/Program Select menu, etc.
Playing and editing Programs 24 Pr ogram inf ormation In the Prog P0: Play– Main page you can view the following information about the selected program. OSC Picture: This is a graphic that represents the program’ s oscillator .
Playing Programs Using Controllers 25 When you write a Program or Combination, the on/off status of the SW1 and SW2 buttons is saved. For details, please see page 82. Locking the Joystick 1.
Playing and editing Programs 26 tempo function (see page 18, and pages 202, 349 of the Pa r a m e t e r Guid e).
Easy Program editing Adjusting the EQ 27 Easy Pr ogram editing The fastest way to create the sound you need is to start from a preload program that’ s close to what you have in mind, and edit that program.
Playing and editing Programs 28 Using r ealtime con trols to edit the sound or effects Yo u can use the realtime controls (the SELECT button and knobs 1–4) to modify the sound and control the arpeggiator .
Easy Program editing Using Tone Adjust 29 USER controls In the USER section you can turn knobs 1–4 to control va r i o u s aspects of the .
Playing and editing Programs 30 Changing parameter assignments The factory Programs include de fault assignments of To n e Adjust parameters to th e sliders, and buttons in the display .
Detailed Editing with Programs Before you start editing 31 Detailed Editing with Pr ograms Yo u can create original sounds by editing a pre loaded program or by editing an i nitialized program.
Playing and editing Programs 32 An over vi ew o f th e edi t pa ges In order to do detailed editi ng, you ’l l ne ed to access the edit pages in the display .
Detailed Editing with Programs Basic oscillator settings 33 Oscillator image setting Yo u can specify the program oscillator image that’ s shown in the P0: Play– Main page.
Playing and editing Programs 34 4. Press the Multisample popup button for multisample1. This brings up a list of Multisamples, organized by category .
Detailed Editing with Programs Creating time-varying changes (LFO and EG) 35 Creating time-var ying changes (LFO and EG) Usi ng LF O s Yo u can use the cyclic change produced by the LFO (Low Frequency Os cillator) to modulate numerous aspects of the sound.
Playing and editing Programs 36 Diverse modula tion settings (A M S a n d A M S m i xe r ) Usi ng A MS AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) lets you modulate program parameters using controllers, EG, or LFO as the modulation source.
Detailed Editing with Programs Controlling Pitch 37 C ontrolling Pitch Pitch bend Pitch bend smoothly changes the pitch upward or downward, similar to how a guitarist can “bend” strings.
Playing and editing Programs 38 Usi n g Fil t e r s The filters allow you to dimi nish or emphasize specified frequency areas of the sound. The tone of the sound will depend significantly on the filter settings.
Detailed Editing with Prog rams Using Filters 39 Resona nce Resonance emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff frequ ency , as shown in the diagram below .
Playing and editing Programs 40 Using the A mp section The Amp section includes controls for vol um e , pan, and the driver ci rcuit.
Detailed Editing with Programs Making controller assignments 41 Amp EG The Amp EG lets you control how the vol um e changes over the cou rse of a note. Every instrument has its own characteristic volum e envelope.
Playing and editing Programs 42 Setting the functions of Realtime Con t ro l s U S E R k n o b s 1 – 4 When the Realtime controls is set to USER, the four knobs on the right function as Realtime knobs 1–4.
43 Pla ying and editing C ombinations About the KROME’s c ombinatio n s Combinations let you spl it and lay er up to 16 Programs at once. A Combination is made up of 16 Timbres (Note that you don’ t have to use all 16 Timbres).
Playing and editing Combinations 44 •U s e the INC or DEC buttons. •T u r n the VALUE dial. •U s e numeric keys 0–9 to enter the combination number, and press the ENTER button.
Playing combinations Using controllers to modify the sound 45 Selecting by Category/C ombination Select menu Yo u can select Combinations arranged by category , such as keyboard, organ, bass, and drums.
Playing and editing Combinations 46 Easy C ombination editing Yo u can edit any of the Combinations shipped with KROME.
Detailed Editing with Combinations Simple editing using the knobs 47 Simple editing using the kno bs Yo u can use the Control Surface to perform a var ie t y of edits.
Playing and editing Combinations 48 A suggested approach for editing First, select a Program fo r each Timbre, on the P0: Play– Program T01–08 or T09–16 page.
Detailed Editing with Combinations Layers, Splits, and Velocity Switches 49 Crea ting K ey Splits and La yers Splits and Layers Let’ s create a Combinatio n that combines bot h splits and layers, like the diagram below: 1.
Playing and editing Combinations 50 MIDI settings Timbre Param ete rs MI DI pa ge Status This controls the status of MIDI and the internal tone generator for each Timbre.
Detailed Editing with Combinations Alte ring Programs to fit within a Combination 51 Altering P rograms t o fit within a C ombination Yo u can make var i o u s changes to Progr.
Playing and editing Combinations 52 Delay Yo u can set some Timbres so that they don’ t sound immediately at note ‐ on. This can create cool effects, and more dramatic layers.
53 Crea ting songs (Sequencer mode) Ov erv ie w About the KROME’ s S equencer The sequencer brings together the KROME’ s numerous functions such as its .
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 54 Recording and editing a pattern Yo u can record a patte rn in either of two way s : realtime recording or step recording.
Playing Songs Playback 55 Pla ying S ongs Playback In order to play back song data in the sequencer , you must first record, load or dump song data into the KROME. Let’ s start by loading and playing the demo song data.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 56 Exclusive Solo Exclusiv e Solo is a function that limits the Solo function (described above) to a single track at a time.
Recording Preparati ons for recording 57 Recor ding Prepar ations for r ecording Before you begin recording, make sur e that the memory protect setting in Global mode is turned off. For details, please see “Protecting the memory ” on page 110.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 58 contro llers, you will be playing and controlling the track selected by T rack Select .
Recording Preparati ons for recording 59 This dialog box is the same as the one that appears for the Copy To T rack (P1 0: Pa t t e r n / R P P R – Pa t t e r n Edit) menu command.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 60 Recor ding MIDI in real time When you ’ ve finished with “Preparations for recording,” you can start recording.
Recording Step recording 61 An example of r ealtime recording In this example, we ’ l l assign a drum program to track 01 and create the following one ‐ measure drum phrase.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 62 3. Set “From Measure” to 001. Wi t h this setting, step recording will begin from measure 1. 4. Press the menu button , and press menu command “Step Recording.
Recording Recording multiple trac ks from an external sequencer 63 Recor ding multiple tracks from an e xternal sequencer The playback from an external MIDI sequencer connected to the KROME can be recorded simultaneously using multi ‐ recording.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 64 Recor ding Sy stem Ex clusive events Exclusiv e messages received from an external MID I device or the parameter changes .
Recording Recording pa tterns 65 Exclusive messages that will be recorded dur- ing realtime recording The following exclusive messages will be recorded. (See page 191 of the Par a m e t e r Gu ide) •E x c l u s i v e messages received from an external MIDI device.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 66 A dialog box will appea r . 6. Set the number of measures in the pattern to a “Length” of 04 (four measures), and set “M eter ” to a time signature of 4/4.
Song editing Song 67 Song editing Yo u can apply a var i et y of editing procedures to a song. The available types of editing procedures are listed below .
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 68 Pat te r n Step Recording (Loop Ty p e ) : He re yo u can perform step recording into a pattern. Event Edit: Here you can edit individual events of the musical data in a pattern.
Song editing Track view edit 69 5. In this example, an event exists in the move ‐ destination measure, so the Drag Move dialog box will appear .
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 70 The copy will be executed. 5. If desired, you can press another co py ‐ destination to copy the data repeatedly .
Creating an RPPR pattern Creating RPPR data 71 Creating an RPPR pa ttern RPPR stands for Realtime Pat t e r n Play/Recording, and is a function that lets .
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 72 RPPR playback Let’ s us e the RPPR pattern that you created to perform in the P0: Play/REC– Program T01–08 page. 1. Access the P0: Play/REC– Program T01–08 page.
Creating an RPPR pattern Realtime-recording an RPPR performance 73 5. Since you want the track s you play via RPPR and the track you play from the keyboard to be recorded at the same time, check the Multi REC check box.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 74 Creating and pla ying a C ue List A cue list allows you to play multiple songs in succession.
Saving your song Converting a cue list to a song 75 program that’s specified for the song that’s currently playing will play. C onv er ting a cue list to a song The Convert to Song menu command lets you convert a cue list to a single song.
Creating songs (Sequencer mode) 76.
77 Us i n g E f fe c t s An o verview of the KROME’ s effects Yo u can choose from 19 3 different types of high ‐ quality digital effects.
Using Effects 78 Eff ec ts in each mode Program mode For programs, you can use insert effects to process the final sound in the same wa y .
Routing effect settings Program Eff ects settings 79 Routing effect settings The insert effects, master effects, and total effect hav e the same struc ture .
Using Effects 80 10. Access the P8: Routing/IFX– Insert FX Setup page, and edit the parameters of the insert effect you selected. Press the IFX 1–5 tabs and edit the para meters.
Routing effect settings Us ing effects in Combinations and Songs 81 20. Press the On/Off button to turn the total effect on. The total effect will to ggle on/of f each time yo u press the button.
Using Effects 82 Dynamic modulation, C ommon FX LFO Dynamic modulation (Dmod) Dynamic modulation (Dmod) lets you us e MIDI messages or the KROME ’ s controlle rs to modulate specific effect parameters in real ‐ time.
Dynamic modulation, Common FX LFO Common FX LFO 83 Co m m o n F X L F O Tw o Common FX LFOs are available for modulation effects, such as choruses, filters, phasers, etc.
Using Effects 84.
85 Arpeggia tor func tion U sing the arp eggiat or while you pla y The arpeggiator is a function that automatically generates arpeggios (patterns of individual notes derived from a chord).
Arpeggiator function 86 Using knobs 1–4 to con trol the arpeggiat or •Y o u can control the arpeggiator by pressing the SELECT butto n to select ARP and then turning knobs 1–4.
Using the arpeggiator while you play Using the arpeggiator in Program mode 87 P1: DOWN P2: ALT1 P3: ALT2 P4: RANDOM Changing the note value of the arpeggiated notes The Resolution param eter lets you set the note va l u e of the arpeggiated notes, over a range from 3 – .
Arpeggiator function 88 Unchecked: Only the arpeggiated notes will sound. Changing the duration of the arpe ggiated notes The P7: ARP/DT– ARP Setup Gate parameter specifies the duration of the arpeggiated notes.
Using the arpeggiator while you play Arpeggiato r settings in Combination and Sequencer modes 89 Arpeggiator-A, Arpeggiator-B For each arpeggiator A and B, you can adju.
Arpeggiator function 90 Arpeggiator settings 1. Select Combi P0: Play– Program T01–08 page. Select programs for the timbres that you wish to use. For this example, select any desired program for timbres 1–4.
Using the arpeggiator while you play Linking th e arpeggiator to p rograms or combinations 91 •N o t e s from any MIDI channel that is assigned to a timbre will trigger the arpeggiat or.
Arpeggiator function 92 4. “ Arpeggiator Select” will a utomatically be set to A when you navi gate to this page from Program mode. 5. In “Pattern,” select the arpeggio pattern that yo u wish to edit.
Using the arpeggiator while you play Creating a user arpeggio pattern 93 3. When you play the keyboard as shown in the illustration, the arpe ggiator will begin playing.
Arpeggiator function 94 Then return to the Global P6: Arpeggio P attern– Setup page. For odd ‐ numbered steps, set Flam to a positiv e (+) val u e . For even ‐ numbered steps, set Flam to a negative (–) valu e .
Using the arpeggiator while you play Creating a user arpeggio pattern 95 11. Set the parameters for each step. Use Ve l o c i t y etc.
Arpeggiator function 96 Regarding arpeggia tor synchroniza tion “Key S ync. ” parameter The timing of the arpeggiator notes depends on the state of the arpeggiator Key Sync. check box.
97 Drum T r ack func tion P er forming with the Drum T r ack func tion The Drum T rack function makes it eas y to play the KROME’ s high ‐ quality drum programs using a wide va r i e t y of Drum T rack patterns.
Drum Track function 98 If the Global P1: MIDI– MIDI Basic page MIDI Clock parameter is set to External MID I, External USB, or.
Performing with the Drum Track function Using the Drum Track function in Com bination mode 99 In the following illustration, we’ ve selected timbre 5 for use by the drum track. 2. Specify the MIDI channel of the drum track timbre.
Drum Track function 100 Drum T r ack func tion settings Drum T rack func tion settings in Pr ogram mode Starting/stopping the drum trac k 1. Access the Prog P7: ARP/DT– Drum T rack Pattern page. 2. “T rigger Mode” specifies how the Drum T rack pattern will be triggered.
Drum Track function settings Drum Track function settings in Combination mode 101 MIDI transmission and r eception for the drum track In Program mode, the Drum T rack function transmits and receives on the following MIDI channels.
Drum Track function 102 Sy nchronizing the Drum T rack function The T rigger “S ync ” parameter The trigger timing of a drum track will depend on the setting of its Tr i g g e r Sync parameter .
Drum Track function settings Creating a Drum Track pattern 103 Master oper atio n If yo u wa n t an external MIDI dev ice or computer to synchronize to .
Drum Track function 104.
105 Us i n g D r u m K i t s Drum Kit Over view What ’ s a D rum Ki t? A drum kit is a collection of drumsamples (drum set sounds such as bass .
Using Drum Kits 106 Editing a Drum Kit Basic Editing 1. Select the Program that you wish to use while editing the Drum Kit.
Editing a Drum Kit 107 5. Select a Drumsample by touching its name in the list. 6. Press the OK button to confirm your selection. 7. Switch the slot to 2, and make settings for Drumsample 2 in the same way .
Using Drum Kits 108 Sustaining the sound even after the key is re- leased (Hold) Use the Hold functi on for instruments that should continue sustaining ev en after the key is released, such as a crash cymbal.
109 A djusting Global KROME setings How Global mode is structured In Global mode you can adjus t overall settings for the entire KROME. These consist mainly of the following settings.
Adjusting Global KROME setings 110 Curve 9 is designed specifically for playing piano sounds from the wei gh te d NH keyboar ds in the 73 ‐ note and 88 ‐ note models.
Global settings MIDI Settings 111 Other screen display settings (E dit pad function and animation) Yo u can keep the edit pad (see page 4) or realtime control .
Adjusting Global KROME setings 112 Crea ting user scales The Global P3: Scales page lets yo u create yo ur own original scales.
113 Loading & sa ving da ta Sa vin g da ta Saving da ta on the KROME Yo u can save the KROME’ s var i o us types of da ta in the following way s .
Loading & saving data 114 Supported file types Undened DOS le All user arpeggio patterns 1 user arpeggiopattern bank INT, USER .PCG le DOS les All programs 1 program bank A...F 1 program All combinations 1 combination bank A...
Saving data Writing to internal memory 115 W riting to internal memory W riting a P rogra m or Combina tion About the Program and Combination edit buffer When you selec t a program .
Loading & saving data 116 To cancel without executing press the Cancel button or EXIT button. About the Tone Adjust settings that are saved There are three types of To n e Adjust parameters, as listed below .
Sav ing da ta Edit ing na mes 117 Write Drum Kits dialog box (P5) Write Arpeggio Patterns dialog bo x (P6) 3. T o execute the W rite command, press the WRITE button. Alternatively , press the OK button in the Wr i t e dialog box.
Loading & saving data 118 Saving to SD card (Media– Sa v e) For details on the data that can be saved on sto rage media. For details, please see “Saving data” on page 113.
Saving data Using the KROME as a data filer 119 6. Press the text edit button and input a filename for the file you want to save.
Loading & saving data 120 Load in g dat a Data tha t can be loaded Loadi ng f rom m ed ia Yo u can load the following data from media. • .PCG file : Programs, Combinations, Drum Kits, Global settings, User Arpeggio Patterns, and User Drum Track patterns • .
Loading data Loading data fr om SD card (Media–Load) 121 “A p p e n d ” will load the song into the song number that follows the song(s) currently existing in inte rnal memory , without leaving a vac an t num ber .
Loading & saving data 122 4. Press the OK button to execute loading. Never remov e the media while data is being loaded.
Media utility Formatting media 123 Media utility F ormatting media Newly purchased media or media that has been used by another device cannot be used “as is;” you must format the media be fore yo u can use it with the KROME.
Loading & saving data 124.
125 Ap pe ndices Restoring the fac tor y settings Loading the pr eloaded data The original preload data is backed up in the KROME, so yo u can resto.
Appendices 126 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g If you experience problems, please see the relevant item and take the appropriate measures. Pow e r s u p p l y Power does no t turn on Is the AC adapter connected to an outlet? → p.
Troubleshooting Programs and Combinations 127 Alternatively , are all Solo button settings turned off ? → p.46 If a specific track doesn’ t soun.
Appendices 128 Song s Song does not play correctly after being loaded In the dialog box when you saved the data, did you check all of the items that you wa n te d to sav e? → PG p.
Troubleshooting Effects 129 Effects Effects are not audible Have yo u selected effect program 000 (No Effect)? •S e l e c t an effect other than 000: No Ef fect for “IFX1– 5,” “MFX 1, 2” or “TFX.
Appendices 130 Error messages Error and c onfirmation messages A Are you sure ? Meaning: This message asks you to confirm execution. To exec ute press the OK button. To can cel, press the Cancel button.
Error messages Error and confirmation messages 131 File unavailable Meaning: Yo u attempted to load or open a file whose format was incorrect.
Appendices 132 N No data Meaning: When loading a St andard MIDI File, the file contained no ev ents. No media Meaning: When executing a comm and in Media mode, no media wa s inserted in the drive.
Error messages Error and confirmation messages 133 R Root directory is full Meaning: When attempting to create a file or directory at the root level .
Appendices 134 Specifications Operating tem perature 0 – +40 °C Keyboard 61-note Semi-Weighted K eyboard (velocity sensitive, no aftertouch) Normally C2–C7 (adj ustable in the range [ C1...C6]–[C3...C8]) 73-note Semi-Weighted K eyboard (velocity sensitive, no aftertouch) Normally C1–C7 (adj ustable in the range [ C0.
Specifications Operating requirements 135 Opera ting requirements KORG USB-MIDI Driver Windows Operating syst em: Microsoft Windows XP Home/Profess ional SP3, Windows V ista SP2 (including 64-bit), Wi.
MIDI Implementa tion Char t Consult you r local Korg distributor for more informa tion on MIDI IMPLEMENT A TION. MIDI Implementation Chart Date : 2011. 10. 04 Ver.: 1.00 KROME *C *E, *4 When cue list is selected, corresponds to cue list.
40 15-2 Y anok u chi, Inagi-city , T okyo 206-081 2 J apan © 2012 KORG INC. IMPORT ANT NO TICE T O CONSUMERS This product has been manufactured according to strict spe.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Korg 73key (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Korg 73key noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Korg 73key - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Korg 73key reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Korg 73key erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Korg 73key besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Korg 73key verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Korg 73key. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Korg 73key gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.