Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung OMACS3000 des Produzenten Andrew
Zur Seite of 51
Users Guid e OMACS3000 – Rev E Andrew Corporat ion Telephone: 708-349-33 00 Customer Service, 24 hour s: 10500 West 153rd Street FAX (U.S.A.): 1-800-34 9-5444 U.S.A. • Canada • Mexico: 1-8 00-255-1479 Orland Park, IL U.S.A. 60462 Internet: http:// www.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 2 of 51 List o f Fi gures................................................................................................................................. 4 Sy stem Des cri ption ..............................................
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 3 of 51 Trac king S umma ry ................................................................................................................ 35 Satel lite Table Scr eens........................................................
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 4 of 51 List of Figures Figure 1: Sy stem D iagra m .............................................................................................................. 6 Figure 2: LM KVS -CPU Admin A ppli cati on .................
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 5 of 51 System Desc ription System De scription Overview The purpose of this User Guide is t o describe th e steps r equired to conf igure, initi alize, and o perate the ACS3000 A ntenna Con trol System with SmarT rack®.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 6 of 51 System Desc ription Beacon Receiver PC with browser Ether net hub Beacon Inte rface Box or Rack Mount ed ADU Motor Control Unit (MC-2) Single Board Computer (Linux Bo.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 7 of 51 System Desc ription Indicators Within the LMKVS-CP U The MC-2 an d the Lo w Tem perature Board conta in LED's tha t indicate c ertain fa ult and status c onditions. W ithin the LMKVS-CPU t he MC-2 is designated A1 and the Low Tem perature Bo ard is designate d A5.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 8 of 51 System Desc ription DS-5 ST OP Illum inates steady YELLO W when the Em ergency Stop S witch is depr essed. DS-6 MIC RO RESET Illuminates stead y RED when M PU-17 m icroproces sor is in a reset co ndition. Bl inks RED in a c ontinuous res et condition or buss f ailure.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 9 of 51 System Desc ription Antenna Display Unit (Optional) The Antenna Displa y Unit is a rac k m ountable (two rack height) antenn a control unit (ADU) that is designed to .
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 10 of 51 System Desc ription Dimens ions: 19" W x 1.75" H x 4" D W eight: 3 lbs Approvals: EN 60950 (C E), EN 613 26 Class A UL 60950, F CC Part 15 C lass A Power: 85-250 VAC, 0.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 11 of 51 System Setu p System Se tup Operator’s Computer Setup The ACS300 0 is control led f rom an operator's c omputer thr ough an Ether net connec tion to the LM KVS-CPU.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 12 of 51 System Setu p Figure 2: LM KVS-CPU Admin Application Follow the m enu options to set up the antenna c ontroller box I P address . In order f or the changes to be applied, the ' Save Ne w Values to Conf ig File' optio n must be executed an d the antenna c ontroller box m ust be rebooted ( option R).
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 13 of 51 System Screens System Sc reens ACS3000 Screens Now that the o perator's com puter is correctl y setup, and the L MKVS-CPU antenna contro ller has a valid IP, the operator can control the antenna via the AC S3000 GUI int erface and t he Java applet screens.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 14 of 51 System Screens On the left ha nd of the s creen, above t he control pa nel, is the s tatus panel. T he status pa nel contains f our lines of infor mation, thre e of which are a lways dis played. T he first line an nounces whether a SmarTr ack® model is a vailable or n ot (No Model or Model R eady).
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 15 of 51 System Screens Figure 5: Hom e Screen - Hand Held C ontroller Conn ected Set Time/IP If the s y stem comes up in the System Not Initiali zed state, the s ystem must be initialized before the a ntenna may be m oved.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 16 of 51 System Screens Figure 6: Set Time Scre en Initialization Screens The antenna s ystem controller m ust be initialize d in order f or the operat or to gain full control of the antenna.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 17 of 51 System Screens Figure 7: Initi alization Ent ry Screen Test Only Password Protection Screen The T est Only button br ings up Figure 8 , the Test O nly Pas sword protec tion screen. T he operator m ust enter the corr ect pass word in order to bring up th e factor y test screen.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 18 of 51 System Screens Figure 8: T est Only Pas sw ord Screen Pre-Initialization Antenna Setup The ACS300 0 defines m ovem ent in the Az axis as either East or W est.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 19 of 51 System Screens Figure 9: Pre-Initializatio n Antenna Setup Initialize Site Location Selecting th e Start Initia lization button f rom the Initialization E ntry Scree n will caus e a popup warning windo w to be displa yed as show n in Figure 10 .
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 20 of 51 System Screens The pol m otor type is s elected from a pull do wn menu. T he valid pol m otor types a re: no pol m otor installe d, single speed ( 1:1 ratio) p ol m otor, and dual speed ( 2:1 ratio) p ol motor. R efer to T able 1 to determ ine the appropriate po l motor r atio.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 21 of 51 System Screens Figure 12: Visible Satel lites Computed Screen Figure 13: Satellite Tab le Dow nloaded to PC Popup W indow Verify Jog Direction Before starti ng this .
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 22 of 51 System Screens The operator m ust selec t the buttons t o move in eac h of the directions al lowed b y the screen. If the pol drive is not install ed, only East, W est, Up and Do wn jog directions will be dis played.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 23 of 51 System Screens up or down. All four direc tions m ust be jogged t o their lim it and all four c heck boxes must be disp layed before the op erator can go on to the nex t step in th e Initialization W izard.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 24 of 51 System Screens Figure 16: Single Speed Pol Hardw are Limits Scre en Dual Speed Pol Drive Hardware Limits If a dual spee d (2:1 ratio) pol drive is installed, t he operator f irst moves to t he cou nter-clock wise limit as directed b y the screen.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 25 of 51 System Screens Figure 17: Dual Speed Pol Hardw are Limits S creen Select Base Satellite This step in t he initiali zation proces s selects th e satellite tha t will be used t o peak the beacon, c ompute the look angles, a nd calibr ate the azim uth and elevat ion resol vers.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 26 of 51 System Screens Figure 18: Select Base Satellite Scr een Peak on Base Satellite Once the sa tellite base is c hosen, the antenna c ontroller opera tor m ust peak up o n that satellite. If the beacon rec eiver is conn ected, the rea dings from the beacon level m ay be used to peak.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 27 of 51 System Screens The spec ific procedure t o acquire the s atellite is: 1. Connect the Spectrum Analyzer to the LNA output or conven ient downlink monitor por t. 2. Set the Sp ectrum Analyzer center fr equency to the correct f requency for th e satellite to be acquired.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 28 of 51 System Screens Figure 19: Peak on Base Satellit e Screen First Scan Third Scan Antenna Sc ans for Sate llite Acquisit ion Start Locat ion Point First Scan Second Third Scan Start Point ± 2 ° in Azim uth Elevation Incr ements - 0.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 29 of 51 System Screens Automated Set Software Limits This step in t he Initializa tion W izard is an autom ated step that gets activ ated as soon as the obser ver box is check ed. The antenna c ontroller oper ator is not re quired to ent er anything f or this step b ut ma y interr upt the process w ith an em ergency stop.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 30 of 51 System Screens Direction Minimum Maxiu m Az East 5 deg 175 deg Az W est 185 deg 355 deg El Down 0 deg 40 deg El Up 50 deg 90 deg Pol CCW 0 deg 89.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 31 of 51 System Screens Figure 22: Enter Tracking Paramete rs Screen Review Parameters The review par am eter screen (see F igure 23) is displayed ei ther when the Initializa.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 32 of 51 System Screens Figure 23: Review Par ameters Sc reen Initialization Complete This sc reen (see Figure 24) com es up when all steps of the initialization wizard ha ve been com pleted and the revie w parameter s screen has bee n cancele d.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 33 of 51 System Screens Figure 24: Initialization C omplete S creen Normal Operational Screens The res t of the screens displayed an d discuss ed in this section are a vailable onl y after all the setup and initialization pr ocesses h ave been com pleted cor rectly.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 34 of 51 System Screens error, axis tim eout error, cu rrent overl oad fault, reso lver f ault, and VFD f ault. If the c leared error is persistent, the next MCU s tatus m essage will res et the f ault.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 35 of 51 System Screens Figure 26 sh ows the base s atellite as 26498 / G ALAXY 4R. If the operator wishes t o track a dif ferent satellite, he m ust s elect that satellite in the satel lite table sc reen.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 36 of 51 System Screens mess age for low signa l will be issue d but does not suspend ant enna m ovement if the model is v alid.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 37 of 51 System Screens The Satellite T able scr een has two tabs , which det ermine ho w the table is displa yed. The Satell ite Table tab displays the f ull satellit e table whi le the W orking T able tab displa ys only the sat ellites s elected b y the operator f or the work ing table.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 38 of 51 System Screens Figure 28: Satellite Tab le Screen Working Satellite Table Screen The W orking Satellite T able Screen d isplays all the satel lites that have been adde d to the work ing table.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 39 of 51 System Screens Figure 29: Working Sat ellite Tab le Screen Satellite Entry Edit If the operator chooses to edit a working table e ntry, the Sa tellite Tabl e Edit Scree n will pop up (s ee Figure 30 ). He can then modif y any or all param eters in the s atellite t able entr y as listed.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 40 of 51 System Screens Figure 30: Satellite Tab le Entry Edit Screen Logs/Alarms Events and a larms are tabulated in a c ircular file th at conta ins the tim e of the eve nt/alarm , the description of the event/a larm, and an y pertinent d ata.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 41 of 51 System Screens Figure 31: Log/Alarms Bu tton Right Click Disp lay Log Screen W hen the operator f irst selects the Logs /Alarm s button, the s ystem r eads the com plete event log an d orders the events f rom the m ost current to the oldest.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 42 of 51 System Screens Figure 32: Logs Screen Alarm Screen The Alarm s screen is a su bset of the Logs scr een. Selec ting the Alarm s scr een will clear the a larm s tatus line in the S tatus Box if the alarm condition has c eased .
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 43 of 51 System Screens "Invalid sate llite data en tered for satID=nnnnn" Operator m ade error in ed iting or ad ding satellit e data to sate llite with the Norad ID of nnnnn. T he operator must cor rect the satellite entr y.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 44 of 51 System Screens "MCU error O N (or OFF ) - Pol Direct ion". Pol Direction . Axis is m oving in the op posite d irection of the comm anded position. "MCU error O N (or OFF ) - MCU error O n (or Off ) - Az Current o verload".
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 45 of 51 System Screens "Track mode = cccc cccccc" New track mode selecte d. "Satellite tab le contains nnn visible sat ellites" Satellite tab le contains n nn visible sate llites. " W orking Satel lite table con tains nnn sa tellites" W orking Satellite table co ntains nnn s atellites.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 46 of 51 System Screens "Invalid MCU move: snd <aaa.aaae ee.eeeppp.ppp > rsp<a eppp.ppp >" Invalid m ove request w here the snd v alues are the requested az, el, a nd pol and t he rsp values are the MCU az, el and po l.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 47 of 51 System Screens Figure 34: Celestrack W eb Site.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 48 of 51 System Screens Figure 35: NOR A D Data Set Save the dis played out put as a file in director y C:ACS3000 ant ennaID and name the f ile geo.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 49 of 51 System Screens If the operator selects the Update T able button when no g eo.txt file h as been loa ded into the l ocal director y (C:ACS30 00 antennaID) will genera te a diff erent popup window as displa y by Figure 37 .
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 50 of 51 System Screens Figure 38: Update Sof tware Button Figure 39: Update Sof tware Confirm ation Figure 40: Update Sof tware Request Denied.
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000 51 of 51 System Screens If the operator accepts the update sof tware conf irmation, another popup window will n otify the opera tor that the update h as been com pleted and tha t the bro wser m ust be closed, as th e ACU s ystem will ha ve to reboo t for the update to com plete.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Andrew OMACS3000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Andrew OMACS3000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Andrew OMACS3000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Andrew OMACS3000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Andrew OMACS3000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Andrew OMACS3000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Andrew OMACS3000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Andrew OMACS3000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Andrew OMACS3000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.