Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung TDR6 des Produzenten JVC
Zur Seite of 102
7330 tRADE sTREET • S a n D i e g o, C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 12 1 • ph o n e : 85 8 . 805 . 7000 • f a x : 85 8 805 . 7001 • p a r t # : 0 1 -08 7 0- 4 01 B 0 1 / 03 TDR6 Modular Integrated Re.
Notice This publication and its contents are prop ri etary to Tiernan Radyne C omStream, Inc. (Tiernan) and are intended solely for the c ontractual use of its customers for no other purpose than t o install and operate the equipment described herein.
Contents 01-0870-401A 01/02 i Contents Preface Using This Guide .................... .................. ......... .................. ......... ......... .............. iii Customer Service .................... .................. ......................
ii 01-0870-401A 01/02 Contents Chap t e r 5 Confi guri n g the T D R6 ....... .... .. ... ...... ..... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ....... .... .. ... ...... ..... .. .. .. 47 Quick Star t Configur at ion .................... .................. ......... ...
Preface 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 iii Preface Using This Guide This guid e descri bes the in stall ation, op eration, a nd configu ration of the Tiernan TDR6 Modular Int egrated Receiver Dec oder (TDR6). An ove rview of sys tem and product level requireme nts, te chnical specific ation s, and trou bleshooti ng procedur es are al so pro vided.
iv 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Preface Issuing Commands Task s and exam ples a re pre sente d in a s erie s of st ep-by -st ep ins truct ions. Commands or i nformation that you enter i nto the s ystem ap pea.
Preface 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 v Product Shi pments Please veri fy that your company na me and address are corre ct on the packing sli p that i s included with your e quipment. Not ify Tier nan Customer Service i f any of the in form ation is incor rect.
vi 01-087 0-401B 0 1/03 Preface Pr ovide Adeq uate V entilati on Slots an d op enings on the TDR6 ar e pro vid e d f or ve nti l a tio n tha t is ne e ded to en sure reliable operation .
Preface 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 vii T urn the TDR6 Off When Changing Circuit Boards T urn the TDR6 off before installi ng or removing any circuit boards from chassis slots. Po ssible damag e may occur to mo dem, board s, or r elate d equi pment if powe r is le ft on du ring th is pro cedure.
viii 01-087 0-401B 0 1/03 Preface.
Overview 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 1 1 Overview The TDR6 is a high perf ormance, modular r eceiver/decode r providi ng a high degree of flexibi lity to m eet a variet y of Standa rd Defi nition (SDTV) and Hi gh Definitio n (HD TV) app licat ions.
2 01-087 0-401B 0 1/03 Overview The TDR6 suppor ts both s ingle-ch annel-per -carrier (SCPC) and multi-chann el-per-carrier (MCPC) operat ions and c an be deplo yed in eit her a point-t o-point or point- to-multipoint system.
Overview 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 3 Front Panel The TDR6 fron t panel i nterface allows you to scroll thr ough a standar d set of men us to easily se t your oper ating parameters. Al l configuration and monito ring functions can be eff icientl y performe d using the front panel.
4 01-087 0-401B 0 1/03 Overview.
Installing the TDR6 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 5 2 Installing the TDR6 This chap ter provides st ep-by-st ep procedu res for instal ling and cabli ng the TDR6. Do not remove the TDR6 top cove r! The TD R6 is power ed by an expo sed, switchi ng AC power supply which p resents an elect ric shock hazard when the top cove r is removed.
6 01-087 0-401B 0 1/03 Installing the TDR6 North American Applica tions One cord ha s an IE C- c ompatible female plug on o ne end and a North Americ an male plug on the other. This cord is UL and CSA appr oved up to 125 VAC at 10 A. This cor d is ready to use with no use r wiring r equired.
Installing the TDR6 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 7 Rear Pa nel Connections The rear panel consists of option m odules t hat have been sel ected an d installed accordi ng to the n eeds of your organ ization.
8 01-087 0-401B 0 1/03 Installing the TDR6 TMA C-6125 Th e TMA C-61 25 is th e ma ster co ntro ller m odul e. TMAC-6125 Ports The TMAC-612 5 provides the foll owing port s: ■ ASI I N – ac cepts th.
Installing the TDR6 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 9 3. Press t he ente r key on t he remote un it several ti mes until a prompt app ears on the dis play of th e remote unit. Typicall y the prompt is the > c haracter. Once the p rompt appear s, succes sful commu nication s have been establi shed between t he TDR6 and the remo te unit.
10 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Installing the TDR6 TDEC-6161 The TDEC-6161 s upports de coding of HDTV signal s in eith er 1080i or 720p format. Vi deo is out put at 1.5 Gb ps using t he SDI inte rface. The TDEC-6161 h a s two SDI ports, la beled SDI OUT 1 and SDI OUT 2.
Installing the TDR6 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 1 1 To cable t he Analog Aud io term inal block co nnectors: 1. Press t he detent using a scr ew driver with a maximum wi dth of .15 i nch to open the clamp bel ow it. 2. Insert audio cabl e wire in to the clamp.
12 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Installing the TDR6.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 1 3 3 Fr ont P anel This chap ter describes the following TDR6 f r ont pa nel info rmation: ■ Components ■ Navigati ng through menus ■ Descript ion of menus , paramete rs, and options Front P anel Components The front panel ena bles you to easi ly and eff icientl y configu re and monitor the TDR6.
14 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel TDR6 Menu The following me nu structur e shows th e standard TDR6 menu s. Your fr ont panel menus may vary depend ing upon th e option modules in stalled in the unit.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 1 5 Navigating Through the Menus The front pa nel LCD displ ay and butt ons were de signed to help you nav i gate through t he TDR6 menu structur e quickly and effi ciently.
16 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel Parameter Options All para meter optio ns are displayed in th e following format. ■ The firs t line i dentifies the current menu level, in this exampl e, the Data A menu. ■ The second line displays the parameter, Baud , and its c urrent setti ng of 38400 bp s.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 1 7 ■ In a pa rame ter lis t, the Nex t butto n scr olls fo rwar d, one p aram eter a t a tim e, through a ll parame ters. Whe n the las t paramete r is rea ched, th e TDR6 scroll s through t he list again . Parameter lists can only be scrolle d through i n a forw ard motion.
18 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel Enter Butt on The Enter button is used to i ssue a command, such as the clea r histor y log comma nd, or to set a parameter option, su ch as a video dela y. The Enter but ton perf orms the fo llowing tasks: ■ When the re quired command is displaye d, the Ente r button execute s the comm and .
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 1 9 A space ca n be enter ed by eith er a single pres s of the “ 0” key. For e xample, to enter t he words LA Default the foll owing key s would be pr essed: ■ 5.
20 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel Leaving a Parameter If you have not pressed t he Enter bu tton, you can leav e a parame ter witho ut modif ying it b y pressin g either the: ■ Previous button whi.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 2 1 6. The Mode par ameter and i ts curr ent sett ing display. 7. Press t he Select button under the PAL option. The paramet er begins to flash . 8. Scroll to the NTSC par ameter using the Up, Down, or Se lect button. 9.
22 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel LO Freq Sets the frequency to match your LNB downconverter local oscillator frequency. Note : The IF f requency is the absolute v alue of the difference between the RF frequency and the LO frequency. T he demodulator has a valid IF frequency in the range of 2150 MHz and 950 MHz.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 2 3 Raw BER Query-on ly; displays the raw bit error rate; this rate is the error rate of the signal as it is received from the satellite, before error correction is applied.
24 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel Detail s >Vi deo Menu: used to configur e th e TDR6 video. To configure the video, you must first select the video slot that corresponds to the video option card you want to configure. Once you have select the slot, you can set the video parameters for your site requirements.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 2 5 Detail s>Audio: u sed to configure the TDR6 audio. To configu re the audi o, you must first sele c t the audio slot a nd por t that corre s p onds to the audio opti on c a r d yo u wa nt to confi gure .
26 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel Handshake Sets the handshaking parameter for the user data port. ■ On: Enables handshaking for the specified user data port ■ Off: Disables handshaking for the specified user data port Config Mode Setting determines how the user data parameters are set.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 2 7 EKey Sets the key value for B ISS E mode. The E key value is also referred to as the encrypted session word . Important Consi derations when en tering BISS EKEY : ■ This comm and must be set before BISS ModeE is s et.
28 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel Control>EIA-232: used to configure the remote port Baud Sets the baud rate for the remote port 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 Data Bi ts Sets the number of.
Front Panel 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 2 9 TDR6 Pr ocedures This sec tion provide s detailed ste ps for per forming var ious TDR6 ta sks. Restoring a Default Conf iguration To re stor e a def aul t conf igura tion s et: 1. From the DTV Rec eiver/Dec oder menu, se lect Conf ig.
30 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Front Panel Unlocking t he Front Panel To unlock t he front panel: 1. From the DTV Rec eiver/Dec oder menu, se lect Cont rol. The Cont rol menu display s. 2. Select FP_ Lock. The Front Panel Acce ss menu displ ays showing t he status of the fr ont pa nel: Password = 0.
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 3 1 4 Using a Remote Unit In addit ion to th e front panel, a remote unit can be use d to configure a nd monitor the T DR6.
32 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit ❒ Verify t hat the b aud rate and pari ty of the remote unit co mmunicat ions package m atch the factory default setti ng of the TDR 6 re mote inter f ac.
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 3 3 Execute c ommands consi sts of a c ommand mnemonic, whi ch is fol lowed by a spac e, the comm and in struc tio n, a spa ce, an d the param eter . ■ Quer y com mand s direc t the T DR6 to dis play th e curr ent settin g of a s pecif ic parame ter or t o display current s t atus inform ation.
34 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit ■ MC – enable y ou to displ ay or set various mas ter cont roller functions includi ng the remot e contro l interf ace, nonvol atile configu ration memor y, date and time settings, a nd network s e tup.
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 3 5 TDR6 HD/SD Back Pan el with Remo te Designat ors For exampl e: All a udio decode r commands b egin with the command mnemonic AD, a nd they contain the < por t > designat ors, A through F, which all ow you to sel ect which audio por t to conf igure or mon i tor.
36 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit Error Messag es If the TDR6 is not a ble to ex ecute a comm and, an e rror mess age w ill b e re turn ed, indicat ing the command was not comple ted. T DR6 error messages, along with t he acti on re quire d to re solve the er ror, ar e expl ain ed in the follo wing table .
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 3 7 TDR6 Remote Command Listing Mnemonics Parame ters/ Respo nse Val u es DVB Defaults Description AD x where x = A, B, C, D, E , or F — The TDR6 can be configured with up to six separate audio channels based on the installed option cards.
38 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit AD x SAMPLE R ATE n/a, 0, 32, 44.1, 48 — Query-only; displays the audio samp le rate. Only available in MPEG audio mode. AD x SOURCE MPEG-2, ATSC MPEG2 Query-only; displays the s ource for the specified audio output.
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 3 9 BISS MODE none, mode1, modee none Sets the BISS mode used to descramble the incoming transport stream. Note : Before setting this command to mode1 or modeE, the appropriate KE Y and ID values m ust first be entered.
40 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit DMD . x Where x is A, B, C, or D and designates the demodulator to be configured or queried. — Combined with addit ional mnemonics, specif ies the demodulator that is the object of the command. For examp le, if RF output B is currently active, t he DMD.
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 4 1 DMD . x RF 0 to 15000 MHz 11210 S ets an internal representation of the frequency of the modulated signal before external down conversion. This will generally be the frequency of the signal coming f rom the satellite.
42 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit MC — — When MC is entered, the TDR6 returns the following master controller information: ■ Ethernet: IP address, IP mask, IP gateway, and MAC ■ RS2.
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 4 3 MC DEFAULT RESTORE < strin g> where < strin g> = DVB, Default1, Default2, and Default3 — Resets the TDR6 with the specified factory-default operating configuration. For more information on configurations, refer to the configuration cha pter.
44 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit PGCA TIMEOUT Time in second s — Query-only; displays the amount of time that the service originator allows the T DR6 to remain authorized to receive the selected serv ice in the event that the TDR6 stops receiving periodic ser vice authorization messages.
Using a Remote Unit 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 4 5 VBI — — When VBI is entered, the decoder returns the following information: ■ PID: PID # ■ Mode: <on or off> ■ lines: <active lines> .
46 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Using a Remot e Unit VD MODE PAL, NTSC, AUT O PAL Sets the standard-definition video mode. Front panel equivalent: D etails>Video>Slot_ x >Std Vid>Mode VD PID <available PIDs> or O ff — Selects the standard-definition video PID y ou want.
Configuring the TDR6 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 4 7 5 Configuring the TDR6 This chap ter provides in format ion on conf iguring t he TDR6 for initia l oper ation includi ng: ■ Quick start configurat ion .
48 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Configuring the TDR6 The Defaul t Configur atio n menu displa ys. The c onfigura tion opti on that appe ars on the LC D, i n this ex amp le De fault1 , is th e cur rent T DR6 configur ation. If th e LC D i nitia lly d isplay s Config = DVB , the TDR6 was init ialized to the defa ult DVB-compl iant conf igurati on.
Configuring the TDR6 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 4 9 Setting Local Date and Time To set t he date and time using the fr ont panel: 1. From the Conf ig menu sel ect Contr ol>Clock>Da te. 2. Use the ke ypad to type in t he correct date in mm .dd.yy yy format and press Ente r.
50 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Configuring the TDR6 Configuring the L-Band Carrier Frequenc y The LNB downconv erter outputs a DVB-co m pliant , modulated L-band c arrier at an IF f r equenc y which is input to the demodulator .
Configuring the TDR6 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 5 1 Step 2 : By compar ing your s ystem requi rements t o the DVB-complia nt setti ngs, you deter mine the foll owing para meters mu st be chan ged: ■ Input.
52 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Configuring the TDR6 Step 6 : Save t he config uration. Step 7 : Ens ure tha t the d ecod er is co rrect ly con figu red to operate . As p art of this process verify t hat the pa ramete rs you jus t entere d are corr ect. To verify yo ur entri es issu e the remo te comm and DMD.
Troubleshooting 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 5 3 6 T r oubleshooting This chap ter provides in format ion on tro ubleshoot ing, includin g: ■ Fault r eporting and monitori ng ■ Initi alization sel f -te s.
54 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Troubleshooting Fault History Descriptions Fault hi story des criptions are in the History func tion of t he Faults menu and a re display ed as ASCII strings wi th the followin.
Troubleshooting 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 5 5 The Fault Descriptors ar e defined in the followin g table. DMD.A QP SK Demod ulator A TDEM-6110 DMD.B QP SK Demod ulator B TDEM-6110 DMD.
56 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Troubleshooting Viewing Current Fault s Current faults c an be viewed from the f ront panel or from a remot e device. To view current faults us ing th e front pa nel: 1. From the Fa ults Menu se lect Current. ❒ If no c urren t faul ts exi st, th e LCD d ispla ys No Faults .
Troubleshooting 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 5 7 To clear the f ault hist ory log f rom a remote unit issue the FAUL TLOGCLEAR comm and . Initialization Self-T est Function The TDR6 has s e veral built- in-self -tests. many of thes e tests are per formed automa ticall y when the uni t is power ed up or reset.
58 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Troubleshooting Rece ive C arrier O ffse t The O ffset value displa ys the diffe rence , in MHz , bet ween the actual re ceive carrie r frequency and t he freque ncy de term ined by subtract ing th e LO Freq parame ter from the RF Freq parameter ( ), which have been ent ered by the user.
Technical Specifications 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 5 9 A T echnical Specifications The speci f ica tions for your TDR6 depe nd upon the s pecific option modules insta lled.
60 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Technical Specifications STANDARD FEATURES DATA PROCESSING TMAC-6125 M odule ■ DVB ® ASI transp ort input and out put, BNC connect or ■ Two i ndependen tly progra mmable a.
Default Configurations 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 6 1 B Default Configurations This appe ndix provi des th e settin gs for the TDR6 default factory configurations . All pa ram eter se tting s are th e sam e for all fac tory d efaul ts, ex cept where n oted .
62 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Default Configurations Video De lay 0 Audio Decoder A - F Audio P ID Defaults t o the first E nglish audio channe l detected in the selecte d servic e. If none of the aud io channe ls are in E nglish, the audio de coder s elect s the first au dio chann el detec ted in the sele cted s ervic e.
Default Configurations 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 6 3 Hard Flow Control On Front Panel Access Access U nlock ed Password 738 4 Ether net IP Addres s 192.200.
64 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Default Configurations.
Port Pinouts 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 6 5 C P or t Pinouts Remote Port Pin Assignments Pin Signal Direction Signal Definition 1 Unused — — 2 TXD i nput Receive Dat a 3 RX D output Transm it Data 4 Unu.
66 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Port Pinouts Ethernet Port Pin Assignments Pin Signal S ignal Definition 1 TD + Transmit Data positiv e 2 TD – Transmit Dat a negativ e 3 RD + Receive Data positive 4 NC No c.
Port Specifications 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 6 7 D P or t Specifications TMA C-6125 Specifications ASI In and ASI Out Port Specif ications Signal a mplit ude 800mV pp minim um Data codi ng 8B/10B per DVB .
68 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Port Specifications TDEC-6100 Specifications TDEC-6161 Specifications T A UD-61 00 Specifications Composite Port Speci fications Port ty pe BNC fema le Impedanc e 75 Ω Signal.
Port Specifications 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 6 9 TDEM-6110 Specifications LNB Port Specifica tions Port type female F-type Impedanc e 75 Ω Frequenc y range L-ba nd, 950 to 21 50 MHz Step siz e 125 kHz Power l evel - 65 dBm to -25 dBm Data rate 1 M sps to 30 Ms ps VSWR 1.
70 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Port Specifications.
Tiernan VBI Data Trans mission 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 7 1 E Tiernan VBI Data T ransmission Overvie w The latest ser ies of Ti ernan enc oders and de coders ca n be configured t o transmit vario us typ es of Verti cal Bl anki ng Int erval (VBI) d ata w hen it is pres ent in the input vi deo.
72 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Tiernan VBI Data Transmission MPEG and VBI Original ly, the MPEG video compression scheme discarded all VBI in formation and incl uded only t he compress ed, active video por tion of t he pictur e for transmi ssion.
Tiernan VBI Data Trans mission 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 7 3 Configuring Y our System Thi s secti on descri bes how to co nfigure your sys tem for suc cessful e nd-to-en d process ing of VBI da ta for each VBI sch eme.
74 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Tiernan VBI Data Transmission 3. Enable t he encoder for Tiernan clos ed capti ons. Issue the front panel comm and Config>Service #>VBI>Tiernan CC=On or the rem ote VE TCC ON command. Decoder 4. S et the decode r VBI format contr ol to a utom atica lly dete ct the type o f VBI data to decode.
Tiernan VBI Data Trans mission 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 7 5 DVB 4:2:2 Expande d Windows is suppor ted on a composi t e anal og or component digita l (SDI) fo rmat video signal .
76 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Tiernan VBI Data Transmission Decoder 5. S et the decode r VBI fo rmat contr ol to a utoma ticall y dete ct the ty pe of VBI data to decode. Issue the front pan e l command VBI>Format>VBI Format Cntrl=Auto or th e remote VBI CONTROL AUTO command.
Tiernan VBI Data Trans mission 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 7 7 Remote Commands for Encoder Configuratio n Tiernan Closed Captions Remote Commands Expanded Windows Remote Commands Remo te Comm and P arameter Range Description VE TCC On, Off Configures the enco der to transmit T iernan closed captioning informatio n.
78 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Tiernan VBI Data Transmission.
Option Module Overview 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 7 9 F Option Module Overvie w Tiernan’ s powerful and highl y sophist icated products integra te a prove n modular design whi ch provid es flexible, hi ghly-rel iable, cu stomized so lutions to met yo ur requir ements.
80 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Option Module Over view Installation Procedure To install an option mo dule: 1. B efore insta lling opt ion mo dules , ens ure th at all c onf igura tion p aram eters specif ic to y our site are recor ded. 2. Remove powe r from the unit.
Demodulator Application Notes 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 8 1 G Demodulator Application Notes This appe ndix conta i ns add itional technica l informa t ion f or the TDEM-611 0 Demodula tor op tion modu le, .
82 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Demodulator Application Notes Data Inversion / Spect ral Inversion In QPSK modulat ions, eve ry symbol con sists of two bits of da ta. These t wo bits are commonl y referr ed two as t he I and Q samples. Dat a inversi on occurs when both I an d Q are inverted.
Demodulator Application Notes 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 8 3 Information Rates The minimum and maximum inf ormation r ates are provided in the fol lowing table . Output Spectrum Width To prevent intersymbol in terfere nce, the out going symbol s are filter ed by a DVB-complian t transmi t filter.
84 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Demodulator Application Notes E b /N 0 Est ima tion Algo rith m Within t he FEC decoder IC, the Vit erbi d ecoder out put is re -encoded a nd compared t o a delaye d version of the ori ginal encoder i nput. Inco ming bit er rors that ar e correc ted will result in a dif ference between original input and the encoded ou tput.
Demodulator Application Notes 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 8 5 ■ Measure C/ N to estimat e E b /N 0 where ❒ C is ca rrier powe r ❒ N is n oise fl oor ■ Calc ulate the es timat ed E b /N 0 Refer to the equation fo r estimating E b /N 0 using a spec trum analyz er in a previous section of this appendix .
86 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Demodulator Application Notes ■ Viterbi Bit Error – This reg i ste r display s the number of channel bit e rrors durin g the la st mea sur ement peri od. Thi s regi ster is used to estim ate E b /N 0 . If this r egister is zero, t he E b /N 0 is 16.
Table Top and Rack Mount Installation Instructions 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 8 7 H T able T op and Rac k Mount Installation Instructions This appen dix pr esen ts step -by st ep inst ructi ons for the in stal latio n of Ti ernan 1U, 2U, and 4U products.
88 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Table Top and Rac k Mount Installation Inst ructions 2. Attach t he bracket s to both sides of the uni t: a. Li ne up the s m all hol es on the bracket with the unit’s mou nting ho les, which are located towards the front of each s ide panel .
Table Top and Rack Mount Installation Instructions 01-0870 -401B 01/0 3 8 9 Rear Ra ck Brac ket Mounting Instructions To install a Ti ernan unit in a standard 19- inch equipment rack usi ng rear mounting br ackets, p erform the foll owing steps : 1. Attach t he mounting plates to both side s of the u nit: a.
90 01-0870-40 1B 01/ 03 Table Top and Rac k Mount Installation Inst ructions Saf ety Precautions If ra ck-mo unted unit s are in stall ed in a close d or m ulti-u nit ra ck, co nside r the followi ng items; f urther e valuati on by a Cert ifying Agen cy may be requ ired.
Index 01-0870-401 B 01/03 91 Inde x A AC power , maximu m output 5 AC, power cords 5 ASI in/out p orts 8 audio pro cessing, ov erview 2 auxil iary data , overv iew 2 B butto ns down 17 enter 18 next 1.
92 01-087 0-401 B 01/03 Index offset 58 performance problems 58 using spe ctrum anal yzer 84 troubl eshootin g commands qd g 3 85 qd g 4 85 qd of fset 86 tuner SAW f ilter 81 R receive carrier offset .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts JVC TDR6 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie JVC TDR6 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für JVC TDR6 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von JVC TDR6 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über JVC TDR6 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon JVC TDR6 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von JVC TDR6 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit JVC TDR6. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei JVC TDR6 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.