Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung HV-34LH21 des Produzenten JVC
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INSTRUCTIONS COLOUR TELEVISION HV-34LH21 HV-34LH51 HV-34LH71 HV-29VH21 HV-29WH21 HV-29WH51 HV-29WH71 Contents Setting up your TV TV buttons and functions Remote control buttons and functions Using the.
Thank you fo r buying t his JVC colour te levis ion. To make sure you underst and how t o use your new TV, please read thi s manual thorou ghly befor e you begin. 1 Operate only from th e power sou rce indicat ed on th e rear of the TV. 2 Avoid damagi ng t he power cord and mai ns plug.
3 HV-3 4L H21 /3 4L H51 /3 4L H71 /2 9W H21 / 29WH 51 /29 WH7 1/ 29 VH2 1 / GGT0 02 0-0 01 A-H / En gl is h Sett ing up you r TV CAUTION • Turn of f all the equi pment in clu ding t he TV be f or e co n ne c ti ng an y th i ng . 1 Connecting t he a erial and VCR • Ae rial c abl e is not s uppli ed.
4 HV-3 4L H21 /3 4L H51 /3 4L H71 /2 9W H21 / 29WH 51 /29 WH7 1/ 29 VH2 1 / GGT0 02 0-0 01 A-H / En gl is h Sett ing up yo ur TV 2 Connecting t he power c ord Connect the main s plug to the AC outle t. 3 P utti ng t h e bat teri es into the remote control Use t wo AA /R6 batte ries.
5 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Sett ing u p your TV 3 Press th e 6 buttons t o choose ENGLISH. Then press the MENU/ OK butt on. The AUTO PROGRAM funct ion sta rts. The TV channels you r eceive are automat icall y stor ed in t he PR (pr ogr amme numbe rs ) LIST.
6 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish TV buttons and funct ions Turn th e m ain p o wer o n Press the ma in power butto n 1 . The POWER lam p 2 lig hts red and your TV is i n the st andby mode.
7 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish TV butt ons and f unctions VIDEO -1 termin al 0 • Se e pages 3 and 35. VIDEO -2 termin al - • Se e page 35. VIDEO-3/COMPONENT te rmina l = • Se e pages 28 and 35.
8 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote c ontrol buttons and func tions Turn th e T V o n fro m standby mode Press the POWER button. The PO WER l amp li ghts red to green and your T V will be turned on.
9 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote contr ol butt ons and functi ons MUTIN G but ton Press the MUTING but ton to turn of f the volume. Pr essin g t he MUT I NG butto n again resum es the previous volume level.
10 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote cont rol butto ns and funct ions RETURN+ b utton The RETURN+ butto n has two functio ns ; the RETURN+ func tion and the RETURN funct ion. I f a channel ha s been register ed as t he “Retur n Ch annel” , the RETURN+ funct ion operate s.
11 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote contr ol butt ons and functi ons DISP LAY b utton You can displ ay the PR LIST, progr amm e number or VIDEO ter minal number on t he screen. Press the DISPLAY button.
12 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote cont rol butto ns and funct ions BROADCASTING SY STEMS For sound and colour systems i n your .
13 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote contr ol butt ons and functi ons • The pict ur e ef fect ded icated f or the colour button app l ies.
14 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote cont rol butto ns and funct ions (Hold) button You can hold a teletex t page on the scr een for as l ong as you want, even while sev eral other telet ext pa ges ar e be ing r eceived.
15 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote contr ol butt ons and functi ons Using the Li s t mode You can store t he number s of your favo rite telet ext pages i n memory and cal l them up quickl y using th e colo ur butto ns.
16 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote cont rol butto ns and funct ions • When you e xit th e Twin or PIP mod e, the sub pict ure las t ly displayed will be saved , and it will appear next time.
17 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote contr ol butt ons and functi ons Mult i-display fu nction [Except HV-34LH21/HV-29WH 21/ HV-29VH21] You can watch nin e different TV programm es at a time.
18 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Remote cont rol butto ns and funct ions Fre eze funct ion [Excep t HV-34LH21/ HV-29WH21/ HV-29VH21] While watching a pi cture, you can capture a sti l l pi cture you want .
19 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu This TV has a number of funct i ons you can oper ate u sing menus. To fully ut ilize all you r TV’s func t ions , you need to under stand the basi c menu oper ating tec hni q ues fu lly .
20 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu 4 Pre ss the 5 butto ns to choose the setti ng of that functi on. • If you want t o operate a function whi ch appear s only with its name, follo w the descr iptions of tha t fu nction on the fol lowin g pages.
21 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu COLOUR You can adjust the pict ure colou r. 2 : lig hter 3 : deeper TINT You can adjust the pict ure tin t. 2 : reddi sh 3 : greeni sh • You can change the TINT set ting (pic ture tint ) only when the colour syste m is NTSC 3.
22 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu DigiPure The Di gipure f unc tion uses t he lates t i n digi tal te chnolog y to give you a nat ural looki ng pict ure. The Digipure functi on incl udes the fo l lowi ng two funct ions.
23 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu COLOUR SYSTEM The colour system is chosen aut omatical ly. However, i f the pictur e is not cl ear or no colour appears, cho ose the colour sy st e m manually .
24 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu FAVORITE CH SETTING You ca n set a dedicat ed pict ur e ef fect f or the favorit e channe ls regi stered t o the colou r buttons (Red, Green, Yellow and Blue) .
25 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu 3 Se t the picture eff ect. Press the 6 butt on to c hoose an ite m li sted i n the foll owing tabl e a nd press t h e 5 but ton to c hoose o ne o f opt ions.
26 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu BALANCE You ca n adju st t he volum e b alance between the left a nd right speaker s. 2 : t u rn t h e le ft s pe ake r’ s v olu me le ve l up .
27 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu BLUE BACK You can set th e TV t o automati ca lly chang e to a blue screen and m ute the sound if the signal is weak or absent , or wh en there i s no input from an externa l devic e.
28 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu 2 Press t he DISPL AY butto n to disp l ay “ID NO.” (ID number input scre en). 3 Press the number buttons to ent e r the ID number.
29 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu IN S TAL L m enu LANGUAGE You can choose the langu age you want to use fo r the on -screen di splay f r o m the language l ist i n a menu.
30 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu EDIT/MANUAL The EDIT/MANUAL f uncti ons ar e divi ded int o two types: ed.
31 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu ID 1 Press t he 6 buttons t o choose a TV channel . 2 Press th e red button to st art the ID funct i on. 3 Enter a channel name (ID).
32 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu INSERT Prep arati on: • Find the CH/CC number corr esponding to the channel number of th e TV channel fr om page 33. 1 Pre ss the 6 buttons to choose a programme num ber fo r which yo u wi ll regist er a new TV channel.
33 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using the TV’s menu CH/CC number When you want to use the INSERT func tion on page 32, fi nd the CH/CC number corres ponding to the Channe l number of the TV channel fr om this tab le.
34 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Using t he TV’s menu TELETEXT LANGUAGE [Excep t HV-34LH51/ HV-29WH51] There ar e five ty pes of tel etext l angua ge groups .
35 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Additional preparation Connecting t he exter na l de vice s Connect the devi ces to the TV, paying atte nt ion t o the followi ng connectio n diagr am.
36 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Addit ional preparat ion Connecting methods 1 Connect the TV’s VIDEO j ack and the device’ s VI DEO OUT (video outpu t) jack wit h a video cable.
37 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Troubles hooting If a pro blem aris es while you are using th e TV, please re ad this “Troub leshooti ng” well befor e you r eq uest havi ng the TV repai red.
38 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Troubl eshooting • When a white and bri ght s till imag e (suc h as a white dres s) is di splaye d on the sc reen, the white part may look as if it were col oured.
39 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Troubl eshooting phenom ena, use the magne tic- shiel ded spe aker ins t ead. • A pictur e ma y be ti lted due to t he infl uence of t he earth’ s magnet ism.
40 HV-3 4LH21 /34L H51 /34L H71 / 2 9WH 21 /29W H51/ 29WH7 1/29V H 21 / GGT002 0-001 A-H / Engl ish Specific ations Design and spec i fica t ions subj ect to change without notice.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts JVC HV-34LH21 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie JVC HV-34LH21 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für JVC HV-34LH21 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von JVC HV-34LH21 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über JVC HV-34LH21 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon JVC HV-34LH21 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von JVC HV-34LH21 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit JVC HV-34LH21. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei JVC HV-34LH21 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.