Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 15000 des Produzenten Janome
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Memor y Craft 15000 InstructIon Manual.
IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS When using an electrical appliance, basic saf ety precautions should alwa ys be follow ed, including the f ollowing: This sewing machine is designed and man ufactured f or household use only . Read all instructions before using this se wing machine.
IC (Industry Canada) Notice This de vice complies with Industr y Canada licence-ex empt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the f ollowing two conditions: (1) this de vice may not cause interf erence, and (2) this de vice must accept any interf erence, including interf erence that ma y cause undesired operation of the device .
T ABLE OF COTENTS GETTING READY TO SEW Names of Parts ....................................................................... 1-2 Standard Accessories ............................................................. 3-4 Thread Cutter Switch .............
Hand-look quilt stitches .......................................................91 Variable zigzag ...................................................................91 CUSTOMIZING MACHINE SETTINGS Mac hine Set t ing M ode ............................
GETTING READY TO SEW Names of P ar ts T op cov er Thread take-up le v er Spool pin Spool holder (large) F oot compar tment Hole f or additional spool pin Bobbin thread cutter A Bobbin winder stopper F.
Hand wheel T ouch panel stylus holder Dual f eed balancing dial USB por ts P ow er switch P ow er inlet F oot control jack Cov er Dual f eed dr ive Presser f oot lifter Carr ying handle Embroider y un.
Standard Accessories Zigzag f oot A (set on the machine) Overedge f oot M Satin stitch f oot F Blind hemming f oot G Zipper f oot E Concealed zipper f oot Z A utomatic buttonhole f oot R Stabilizer pl.
Embroider y hoop SQ14 (with template) Embroider y hoop SQ23 (with template) Embroider y hoop GR (with template) Embroider y hoop ASQ22 (with template) Embroider y hoop F A10 (with template) Magnetic c.
Thread Cutter Switch After s ewing, depre ss the thread c ut ter switch q on the right si de of the foot c ontrol to tr im the both nee dle and bob bin threads. Do not depre ss the thread cu t ter switch until the st ar t / stop but ton turns gre en w .
q w Adjusting the lateral position z Loosen the s etsc rews w under the sw itch. x Slide the sw itch to lef t or ri ght, and fix it at the desired p ositi on by tightening the set screw s using a Phillips head sc rewdriver . Adjustin g th e longitudinal position z Remove the setsc rews w and washer s q .
The e xtension table provides an e xtended sewing area and can be remov ed for free arm sewing. T o remove: Dra w the table to the left. T o attach: Slide the table on the base and push it to the right. Extension T able q Foot compar tment w Foot comp ar tment for P fo ot e Lid r Straigh t stitch n eedle p late (Place it up side d own as sh o w n.
If you wish to use the foot c ontrol, pull out the c ord fr om the foot c ontrol and ins er t the pin c onnec tor into the jac k on the machine (s ee page 6 ). z First make sure the p ower switch q i s o f f. x Inser t the machine plug w of the power sup ply co rd into the power inlet e .
Foot Control Pressing on the foot c ontrol c an var y sew ing spe ed. The harder you d epres s the foot co ntrol, the faster the machine runs. NOTE : The machine r uns at the ma ximum spee d set by the spe ed c ontrol slid er when the foot c ontro l is fully depressed.
NOTE : The thread cut ter bu t ton does n ot funct ion: - direc tly af ter turning on t he power . - when the pres ser foot is r aise d with the foot lif ter . - af ter being pre sse d 3 times in a row . u Needle threader bu t ton Press this but ton to thread the n eedle threa d through the need le eye (ref er to p age 1 6).
q Ho me key Press this key to enter the categ or y sele cti on of the ordinar y sew ing mo de or embr oider y m ode. w Mod e switch key Press this key to enter into embroid er y mo de or to return to ordinar y sew ing mo de. e Op en file key Press this key and the op en file wind ow will open.
If you use a slipp er y thread such a s monofilamen t transp arent thread, put the net on the s poo l of thread to prevent the thread from slipp ing of f the spo ol and jamming around t he spo ol pin. Set ting the Sp ool of Thread Op enthetopc over .
c Put the bob bin on the b obbin w inder sp indle. r Bo bbin t Bobbin winder spi ndle v Pass the thread to the b obb in. Hold the thread w ith both ha nds and w ind it aroun d the bob bin cl oc k wise s everal times. b Inser t the thread into one of the sli ts u of the flange pla te y and pull the thread to c ut.
z x c v Inse r ting th e bobb in z Press the loc kout key . Place a bo bbin in the b obbin h older w ith the thread running of f c ounterclo ck w ise as show n on the hook cover plate . q Lo c kou t key w End of thread e Bobbin holder r Hook cov er plat e x Hold the b ob bin with your finger tip so it do es not ro t a te.
z Threading the Machine Press the needle up/down b utton to raise the take-up le ver to the highest position. Press the lock out ke y to lockout the machine . The presser f oot will go down and the upper thread tension disks will open. q Lock out ke y P ass the thread in order from z to m .
v Pull the thread loop r to ta ke the thread end out through the ne edle eye to the rear . r Thread loop NOTE : • Theautomati cneedl ethreaderc annotbeus ed with the t win need le.
Drawing up the Bob bin Thread Af ter using auto thread cut t ing or threading the b ob bin holde r , you c an sta r t sewing w ithout d rawing up the bob bin thread. However , you nee d to draw up the b obb in thread when sewing gathering stitc hes etc.
Replacing Ne edle s CAU T I O N : Always make sure to press the lo ckout key to loc kout the machine or tur n the power switc h of f before replacing the nee dle. Raise the ne edle by pres sing the nee dle up /dow n but ton. Press the loc kout key . q Lo c kout key Loosen the n eedl e clamp s crew by turning it counterclo ck wis e.
Press the blac k lever on the back side of the foot hol der . The pres ser foot will sna p off. e Leve r CAU T I O N T o avoid damaging t he lever , do n ot push it dow n. Replacing the Pre sser Foot CAU T I O N : Always make sure to press the lo ckout key to loc k out the machine .
Replacing the Foot Hold er Replac e the foot hold er , if you use the dual feed feet, darni ng foot or embroidery foot. CAU T I O N : Press the loc kout key to loc kout the machine before replac ing the foot hol der . Removing th e pre sse r foot hold er Raise the ne edle by pres sing the nee dle up /dow n but ton.
w De taching a nd at taching t he du al fee d foot Pull the foot toward you to remove it . Inser t the pins of the fo ot into the slits of the foot ho lder and gent ly push the foot until i t snaps into plac e.
Push down on the mar k of the need le plate until it lo cks in p la c e. Make sure the warning me ssage d isap pear s and the straight stitch is a utomatically selected. T urn the han d wheel slow ly and make sure that the need le does n ot hit the nee dle plate.
Kne e Lifte r The kne e lif ter is extremely he lpful when sew ing patchwor k, quilting etc., since it allows you to handle t he fabr ic while your kne e cont rols the pres ser foot. Atta ching th e kne e lif ter Match the r ibs on the k nee lif ter wi th the notches in the kne e lif ter soc ket and inser t the k nee lif ter .
Optic Magnifie r Use the magnifier to get a lar ger view of the ne edle area. Atta ching th e magnifi er Hold the k nob w ith your finger s and inser t the p in into the hole in the bot tom of the fac e plate. Push the magnifier up until it sna ps to fit.
Mod e Sele ction When you turn the p ower switch on, the visual tou ch scre en will show the ord inar y sewing m ode af ter a few se c on ds. The machine is s et for straigh t stitch s ewing. NOTE : Af ter turning on the power , it ta kes several sec onds to display the op ening wind ow .
ORDINAR Y SE WING MODE Ordinar y Stitch Patte rns In the ordinar y sew ing mo de, there are 5 categor ies available. P re ss the home key q to enter the categor y selec tion.
t Monogramming Y ouc anpro gramlet teringa swellasac ombinati onof charac tersan dsymbolpa t terns. t y y Sewing applications Y ou c an sele c t the ap propr iate stitch fo r a spe cific s ewing projec tandfa bri cty pefromthed esignateda ppli cati ons in this categor y .
F unc tion Ke ys in Ordinar y Sewing Mode q Dro p fee d key This key is available only with the u tilit y stitc h group. Press this key to drop or rais e the feed d og.
!4 Font sel ect ion key Y ou can select one of 5 f onts. Select the desired f ont b y pressing the corresponding k ey . !5 Let te r case key Press this key to selec t upp er ca se or lower c ase for monograms. !6 Let te r size key Press this key to selec t the full size (L) or small siz e ( S).
Sta r ting to sew Place the fabr ic next to the sea m guide line on the ne edle plate. Low er th e need le to the point w here you want to st ar t. Pull the needle thread towar ds the rear and l ower the foo t. Press the sta r t / stop but ton or fo ot contr ol to star t s ewing.
Cut ting thr ead s T o cu t the threads af ter finishing sew ing, press the thread cut ter bu tton. The ne edle ba r and pres ser foot will automatic ally go up af ter tr imming the threads. w Thread cut ter bu t ton NOTE : The thread cut ter bu t ton does n ot funct ion when the press er foot is up.
V ariet y of Straight Stitche s U1 Straight s titch in c enter n ee dle po sition Use this sti tch for seaming, rolle d hemming etc. U2 Lock-a- matic stitch Use this sti tch to sec ure the be ginning and the en d of a seam with backstitching . When you reach the en d of the seam, press the reverse but ton once.
Sewing with the Du al Feed D evice Patterns U 1 to U4 and Q1 to Q 7 can b e sewn w ith the dual feed d evic e. The dual fee d devic e is extremel y effe ct ive when sewing hard to fee d materials such a s PV C coated fa bri c or leather . It also eliminates layer slippage.
U8 Bas ting See pag e 84 for sewin g instruc tion s. Zigzag Stitche s U9, U1 0 Zig zag st itche s Zigzag st itches are us ed for vario us sewing ne eds includ ing overcast ing. These stitc hes can b e use d on most woven fabri cs. A dense zigz ag stitch c an als o be use d for ap plique.
V ariet y of Overcasting Stitches U1 1 , U1 2 Mult iple z igz ag stitch : Zigzag fo ot A This stitc h is use d to finish a raw ed ge of synthetic s and other stretch fa bric s that tend to puc ker . Sew along t he fabri c ed ge leaving an ad equate seam allowanc e.
Manual St itch Set tings Y ou c an alter the st itch wi dth (or ne edle dr op po sition of the straight stit ches) and stitch length. Press the “+ ” or “–” key besid e the set ting you wish to chang e. P res s default key e to recover the orig inal stitch se t t in g.
Foot up fo r pivoting If this opti on is turne d on, the presser fo ot will automatic ally go up w hen the machine sto ps. This feature is ver y useful whe n turning c orner s.
Fa vorite Stitch Adj ust ment Y ou can save custo mized stitch settings (stitch length, stitch w idt h, thread tension and press er foot pres sure , dep ending on the s elec ted sti tch pat terns) a s Fa vori te Stitch Adjustme nt.
T o sele ct t he favorite stitch set tin gs, press the o pen favor ite key q . q w e The sele cted s et of favorite stitch set t ings is indi cated in red w . Selec t the de sired set of cu stomized stitc h set tings by pressin g FS 1 w or F S2 e . r T o dele te fav orite stitch set t ings, press t he delete key r .
The visual touc h sc reen will show a warnin g mess age. Press the OK key . The cloth g uide adjus tment wind ow will op en. Press the or key to move the cloth guide to the desire d posit ion. The cloth g uide will move the dist anc e indic ated on the k e y.
U21 Visible hem ming Selec t pat tern U2 1 . Fold and pres s a single hem. Place the fabr ic with t he right si de up. Sew along t he fold at the de sired dep th. T rim the excess on the w rong sid e. Oth er Utility St itches U1 8, U1 9 Blind he mming Refer to page 76 for sewing instruc tion s.
U25 Hemstitch Use this stitch f or fagoting or decorativ e stitch. U23, 24 Fagotting Use these stitches to join two pieces of f abric to create an open work appearance and add stitch interest. U26, U27 Back ward stitches U26 and U27 are back ward st itches.
B1 3 W elted but tonhole This is a template pat tern for the ha nd sewn welte d (bo und) but tonho le. NOTE : B3- B 1 3 are sensor bu t tonholes and the s ewing pro ce dure is the sa me as for B1.
z Pull open the button hol der of the automatic but tonhole fo ot R, and plac e the but ton in the but ton holde r . P ush it t ightly aga inst the but ton. q Button hol der NOTE : Use the blue ne edle for sew ing but tonho les on fine to medium fa bric s.
Double layer buttonhole T o make a stur dy but tonhole, sew another layer of buttonhole stitches ov er the pre vious stitches. Af ter the but tonhole is finishe d, simply sta r t the machine ag ai n.
Manual settings When you press th e set ting bar , the manual set ting window expan ds to show more o ptions. q Set ting bar w NOTE : The op ening wid th can b e adjus ted from 0.2 to 2.0 . The but tonhole w idth c an b e adjusted f rom 2.6 t o 9.0. The stitc h densit y c an be adj usted from 0.
c Place the fabr ic bet we en the but tonhole fo ot and sta bilizer plate . Lower the ne edle into the s tar tin g point by tur ning the hand whe el. Lower the foot and but tonh ole lever . Star t the mac hine while pulling th e needl e thread lightly to the lef t.
B2 Aut om atic (squ are ) buttonhole Pull the but ton holde r all the way out. Mark the b ut tonhole p osition on the fa bric. Place the fabr ic under the fo ot, and lower the nee dle at the starting point. Lower the foot and st ar t sew ing while pulling the ne edle thread lightly to the lef t.
Step- 3 Star t s ewing aga in, and the machine sews the fro nt bar t ack an d right sid e of the but tonhole. Stop the machine when you reach the ending point. Then pres s the reverse but ton q . Step- 4 Star t s ewing aga in, and machine sews the bac k bar tack and lock ing stitches t hen stops automatically with t he nee dle in the up posi tion.
Other Button holes B3, B 4 Round e nd and fin e fabric b ut tonhole s The sewin g proc edure is th e same as that of B1 square (senso r) buttonhole ( refer to page 44). NOTE : The op ening wid th can b e adjus ted from 0.2 to 2.0 . The but tonhole w idth c an b e adjusted f rom 2.
B 13 W elted But tonhole ( Bound buttonhole ) A welted but tonh ole is made by stitc hing a str ip or patch of fabri c to the but tonhole. Welted but tonholes are p ar tic ularly suita ble for t ailored garment s, but are not rec ommende d for sheer or d elicate fabr ics w here the patch mi ght show through or a dd bulk.
m Fold over the length of the garmen t fabri c, sew back and for th b eside the o riginal seam to s ecure fla ps of the patch. r W ron g side of gar ment fabr ic t Sew back an d for th r m t q , r w e . r t y ⁄0 t ⁄1 y t ⁄2 y y ⁄3 , Fold over the end of fabric a nd sew bac k and for th three times over the triang ular end.
Cut the filler co rd at both en ds as c lose to the b ut tonhole as p ossib le. NOTE : Do not adjus t the openin g wid th wid er than 0.8. Set the stitch wid th in accor dance w ith the thickne ss of the cor d used. T o cu t the but tonhole o pening, refer to the instruc tion s on page 4 5.
B1 5 Darning z Att ach the automat ic but tonhole fo ot R and pull the but ton hol der all the way out. z x c q 0.9 cm x Star t the machine and sew to the re quired len gth, then press the revers e but ton. This sets the d arning len gth. Cont inue sewing unt il the machine sto ps automati cally .
Fly Stitc hes (B17 to B20) The fly stitch is a triangle tacking stitch f or use on a zipper fly bottom and on the side pock ets of men's pants. Attach the satin stitch f oot F . T o sew: Place the gar ment under the f oot and lower the needle at the star ting point.
De corative Stitches The pat terns in this s ec tion are c lassifie d into 1 0 group s. These pat ter ns are progr ammable an d you can make a pat tern combination. Appliq ue sti tches (A ) : 2 pag es Stitch es in this group are for a ppli que. (Refer to page 87 .
Quilting s titch es ( Q ) : 6 p age s Stitche s in this group are for p atchwork a nd quilting. (Refer to pages 8 9- 9 1 . ) Sat in stitch es ( S ) : 2 pages The stitc hes in this group c an be e longated u p to 5 times their original length while the stitch densit y remains the same.
De corat ive stitch es ( D ) : 9 pages 1 40 a tt ract ive pat terns are available in this gro up. Long st itches ( L ) : 2 pages Patterns in this gro up are idea l for dec oratin g garment s and for ad ding bor der tr ims.
Pictogra ph sti tches ( P ) : 4 pa ges Play stitche s ( PL) : 2 page There are many cute desi gns, fancy moti fs and calli graphy available in thes e groups. Created stitches ( CS ) In this sec tion, you can s elec t orig inal stitch p at terns created with Stitch Co mp oser .
Q1 - Q3 Patchwork pie cing Patterns Q1 to Q3 are spec ial stitc hes for seaming patchwo rk pie ce s. Patterns Q2 an d Q3 are for patc hwork pie cing w ith 1/4˝ and 7 mm seam a llowance s respe ct ively . Use the 1/4˝ seam foot O o r dual feed q uilt piec ing foot O D.
S1 - S31 Decorative satin stitches Elongation rat io P atter ns S1 to S31 are decorativ e satin stitches for which the patter n length can be elongated without changing the stitch density . Press the setting bar q to e xpand the manual setting window .
T o dele te the pat tern, press the del ete ke y an d sele ct the pat tern to delete . A confir mation mes sage w ill app ear . Press the OK key to delete the pattern. w Del ete key NOTE : • Upto30pat ter nscanb esavedinthisgroup.
T win Ne edl e Sewing Some of t he utility stitches and dec orativ e stitches can be sew n with a t win ne edle. Replac e the nee dle with the t w in need le supplie d with the standard ac ce ssories. CAU T I O N : T urn the p ower switch of f or pre ss the lo ckout key before chan ging the nee dle.
Bridge stitches Bridge stitches are used for i nser ting straight stitches af ter a stitch p at tern. If you want more spac e bet ween French k nots ( D6), for ex am ple, i nser t pattern BR 1 0 after pat tern D6. Four counts of s traight st itches are a dde d to pat tern D6.
Editing a Pattern Combination De leting a p at tern The pat tern b efore the curs or or shown in red i s deleted by pressing the d elete key . q Curs or w Del ete key q t T o dele te a pat tern in the middl e of a comb ination, press the curs or key to selec t the pat tern you wish to de lete.
First pa tte rn sta rtover If you wish to star t sewing from the b eginning of the fir st pat tern of the c ombination, pres s the star tov er key t wic e and st ar t the machine. e Star tover key (first pat ter n) r First p at tern NOTE : If auto thread cut t ing is done, the machine will star tover from the fir st pat tern.
Checking Pat tern Combination Le ngth Y ou c an chec k the total length of the pat tern combination by pressing on th e stitch image in dica ted in the lef t w i n d o w. The readou t of the total leng th is a theoreti cal value and the ac tual leng th may vary d epen ding on sewin g conditions.
F unc tion ke ys u Cursor key Press the cur sor key to move the cursor up or d own. i Let te r size key Press this key to selec t the full size (L) or small siz e ( S). o Let te r case key Press this key to selec t the up per c ase or lower c ase. !0 Delete key Press this key to delete the sele cted c harac ter or symbol (refer to page 65) .
Redu cing th e size of l ett ers T o red uce the he ight of a charac ter to ap proximately 2/ 3 of its or iginal size , s elec t the charac ter and p ress the let ter cas e key “S” q . Spac ing T o enter a sp ace in mon ogramming, pres s one of the three spac e keys on the lower right c orner of the monogram sele ct ion.
Press the let ter ca se key and sele ct lower c ase let ter s. Enter “a ” an d “ f ” . Press the next pa ge key to go to page 4 of 5. E n t e r “ é ”. NOTE : Use a blue tip n eedle fo r sewing a mo nogram. App ly a sheet of st abilizer to fine fabr ic s or stretch fa br ic s.
Saving a P at tern Comb ination The pat tern c ombinatio n and mono gram c an be saved as a file in the mac hine’ s internal memor y or a USB flash dr i v e. The machine ha s t wo USB por ts fo r USB flash drives. Press the save file key after pro gramming a pat tern com bination, and the save file wind ow will op en.
Selec t the memor y loc ation; either the machine’ s int er nal memor y or a USB flash dr ive. The “O rdf ” fold er will ap pear . NOTE : • Ifyoucreatedanyfold ersb efore,thosefolder swill also appear .
Sewin g Applicatio n Sewing a ppli catio n is a unique feature that provi des you with 1 2 useful sew ing ap plic ations. Press the sewin g app licati on key and the sewing ap plicat ion menu will o pen.
Sea ming There are 4 types of stitches f or seaming in this group . q w e r q W o ven (Seaming 1) Straight stitches f or seaming regular wov en fabrics. w Stretch/Knit (Seaming 2) Narrow stretch stitches f or seaming stretch or knit f abr ics. e Curve (Seaming 3) Shor t straight stitches f or seaming cur ved line.
Ov eredge q e w r q Wov e n Overca sting st itch for re gular woven fabric s. w Stretch / K nit Knit sti tch for finishing raw e dges of s tretch or kn it fa br ic s. For bet ter results, use the zigza g foot A and sew leavin g an adequat e seam allowa nc e.
To s e w : Att ach the blind h em foot G. Fold the fabr ic to form a hem leaving a 0.5 cm (1 /4 ˝ ) allowan ce a s shown. e 0.5 cm ( 1/4 ˝ ) (A) M edium to heav y fabr ic s: The raw ed ge should b e overc a ste d. (B ) Fine fabric s: Fold the raw e dge 1 c m ( 1/2 ˝).
Shell T uc k Select “ Shell T uc k” . The following 3 o ptions a re available. Altering b lind hem st itch wid th Press the “+ ” key in the row w to increase the s titch w idth e . Press the “– ” key in the row w to decreas e the stitc h wid th e .
Rolled He m q Straight Stitch Rolled hemming with straigh t stitch w Zigzag Stitch Rolled hemmin g with nar row zigzag stitc h e 4 mm & 6 mm Rolled hemmin g using opti onal rolle d hemming feet D 1 an d D2 0.6 cm 0.6 cm 5 cm 0.3 cm w q e To s e w : Att ach the rolle d hem foot D.
Lock-a- M atic Place the righ t sides of the fa bric to gether and s ew to the end of the op ening leaving a 2 c m (3 / 4˝ ) allowan ce. t 2 cm ( 3 /4 ˝ ) Basting Baste the zipper op ening. La ppe d zipp er s ewing Press the lap pe d zipper i con an d the zippe r sewing wind ow will o pen.
q w e Opening size Sew lef t side Att ach the zip per foot E. Fold back th e lef t seam allowanc e. T ur n the right s eam allowanc e under to form a 0.2 to 0.3 cm ( 1/ 8 ˝ ) fold. Place the zipp er teeth next to the fol d and pin in plac e. q 0. 2- 0.
q w q 1 cm Basting Replac e the foot with the zi gzag foot A . Baste the op ene d fabri c and zipp er ta pe toge ther . q Basting Sew rig ht sid e Replac e the foot with the zip per fo ot E. Back stitch a cros s the end of op ening to 1 cm ( 3 / 8 ˝).
Lock-a-Matic Basting w q t y u i Conc eal ed zip per s ewing Press the co nceal ed zipp er ic on and the win dow will show the step -by-step icon keys. Lock-a- M atic Att ach the zigza g foot A. Place the r ight sid es of the fabr ic together a nd sew to the end of the o pening w ith a 2 cm ( 3 /4 ˝ ) seam allowanc e.
Lef t of te eth Raise the foot an d replac e it with the c onc eale d zipper foot Z. Remov e the basting stitches . Op en zipp er and inser t the p ull tab b et ween fab ric and zipp er tap e to allow the slide r to reach the stop per . q Pull ta b Stitching t ap e T urn an d fold the bo dic e to the lef t.
Gatheri ng In addit ion to the regular gathe ring sti tch, this sec tion of fers you a spe cial sti tch for easin g sleeve tops. Bastin g (Auto) This stitc h is use d for bast ing zipp er tap e or fit ting of gar me nt s. Sew in the same way as that for str aight sti tch sewin g.
e r t w But ton Sewing When at tac hing a but ton to thic k fab ric, you need to make a shank by using the but ton shan k plate. The feed d og lower s automatic ally when se lec ting the but ton sew ing sec tion. Att aching th e but ton sewing foot T Make sure to press the l oc kout key to lock the mac hine.
Manu al tac king Star t t he machine and sew to th e required l ength e , then press the revers e but ton w . This set s the tac k lengt h r . Continue se w ing unti l the machine st o ps autom atic ally . e Required leng th NOTE : The ma ximum length of t ack ing is 1 .
App liqu e There are 6 t yp es of app lique sti tches available in this section. Y ou c an sele ct th e needl e stop po sition eith er up or down by pressing the n eedl e stop po sition key . q Needle stop position ke y The let ter ab ove the stitch image denotes the b aseline of the needle drop position .
Patch work Patch work piecing There are 3 stitc hes for seamin g patchwor k piec es in this section. The default st itch leng th is set at 1 .8 mm, ideal for patchwor k piec ing, but you can fine t une the stitch l ength by pressing the “+ ” or “ –” key .
Quil ting In this sec tion, 6 t yp es of useful sti tches for quilt ing are available. q Straight stitches ( with dual feed) w Clasp stitches e F ree motion quilting stitches r Sculpture stitches (wit.
Foot hei ght for fre e moti on quilting When stra ight stitc h 2 or zigzag sti tch 2 is sele c ted, the height of dow n posit ion of the free moti on quilting feet ( QC, QO , Q V ) is optimi zed automatically . However , you ca n fine tune the foot heigh t acc ord ing to the quilt thickn ess.
V ariab le zigz ag This unique feature all ows you to contro l zigzag wi dth with the k nee lif ter . Select q - M or q -L, using the d arning foot PD-H for sewing q uilt lay er s. The feed d og dro ps automati cally . Guide the fa bric w ith your hands w hile sewing.
CUST OM IZING MA CHINE SET TINGS Machine Se tting Mo de Press the set mo de key to enter the machine set ting m o de. Y ou c an sele ct var ious opt ions and c ustomize the machine set tin gs to suit your pers onal preferenc e. q Set mod e key Press one of the 5 keys to selec t the mod e to customize.
Common Set ting Mo de q Scre en Contrast Y ou c an adjus t the con trast of the v isual touch s creen by pressin g the “ +” or “–” key . w Sound V olume The signal soun d can b e adjusted by pres sing the “+ ” or “–” k e y. Set the value to “OFF” by pressing th e “–” key several times to mute the signal s ounds.
o Quie t Mod e If you prefer the machine to run more quie tly , t urn on this option s o the signal soun d, star t-up sewin g spee d and ma ximum embroi der y sp eed w ill be set at the l owest leve ls. The quiet mo de set ting overrule s any previous set tin gs for these parameters.
!2 Background C olor Y ou c an sele ct f rom the co lor ful wallpa per s for the backgr ound of the visual touc h sc reen by pressin g the relevant icon. !3 Color ed Light S et ting s If you wish to chang e the col or of the glow light, pres s the Y es key and op en the c olor sele ct ion wind ow .
!5 Format ting t he me mor y If the internal memor y of the mac hine or USB flash dri ve does n ot func tion due to damag e to the memor y ban k, you need to re -enab le it by format ting the mem or y . T o format the mac hine’ s internal memor y , press the machine ic on key and a confir mation mes sage w ill ap pear .
Ord inar y S ewing S et ting Mo de q Auto thread tension Y ou c an adjus t the auto thread tension level by pressin g the “+ ” or “–” key . w Low bob bin thr ead warning Y ou c an adjus t the low bo bbin thread war ning level by pressin g the “ +” or “–” key .
o Cloth G uide Calibra tion of t he de fault pos ition The default p osition of the c loth guid e is 1 5 mm (5 / 8 ˝ ) from the c enter need le drop p osition. However , you c an fine tune the default p ositio n of the cloth guid e. Press the Y e s key and a warning mess age will a ppea r .
!1 Fa vorite Stitch A djustment If you wish to save the change s to manual stitch s et tings, turn on this o ption by pres sing the ON /OFF key . If this opti on if turne d off, the manual stitch s et ting will b e cleare d when turn the p ower switc h off.
Wireles s LAN S et ting Mode Connec ting a Wireless N et work A wireles s router devic e that c omplies w ith the IE EE802 . 1 1 b / g / n wireles s stand ard is re quired for conne c ting your machine with a w ireless n et work. Sta r ting wire les s LA N conne ct ion T o st ar t the wireles s L AN set tings, pres s “ON ” q .
e Se arch for ac ces s point Pre ss “ Se ar ch” e . The machine w ill search for any wirel ess L AN ac ces s point within the ran ge, and the names of net work w ill be liste d. The loc k ic on t ap pear s on the right si de of the list if the conne c tion req uires an encr y ption key to get co nnec ted.
q e q IP A ddress Set tings ( network se t tings) T urn the DHCP option O N to use DHCP to assign a n IP address. If you want to config ure the net work set t ings manually , press the DHCP opti on OFF w , and press the Y es key e for the Manual op tion.
Stitc h balan ce of th e str etch but tonhol e ( B1 0 ) The stitc h balanc e of the right a nd lef t rows of the stretc h but tonhole may var y dep ending on s ewing c ondit ions. If the stitch es are not balan ce d, corre ct the unevennes s with the fee d balanc ing dial.
104 w Att aching th e embr oide r y unit z T urn the p ower switch of f. Remov e the c over from the mac hine . q Power switc h w Cove r NOTE : Always at tach the ex tension ta ble ex c ept w hen using the free-ar m hoop.
105 x Swing o ut the car riage ar m until it lo cks in the f ully extended position. Ex te nding the c arriag e arm z Press down the c arr iage arm relea se lever to extend the carriage arm. q Carriage arm re lease lever w Carriage arm w q C AU T I O N : Do not push on the c arr iage arm whe n it is extende d.
106 Det aching t he em broid er y unit NOTE : • Besuretoremovetheembroi der yunitwhen carr y ing or storing the machine . • Ifthenee dleisindow npositi on,makesureto raise the n eedle by pre ssing the ne edle up /d own k e y.
107 Attaching the Embroid er y Foot Use the embr oider y fo ot P for embroi der y . z T urn the p ower switch on. Raise the nee dle by pres sing the nee dle up /down bu t t on. Press the loc kout key and raise th e presse r foot with the press er foot lif ter .
108 c Push down on the mar k of the need le plate until it loc ks in plac e. Make sure the warning mes sage d isap pear s and the straight stitch is a utomatically selected. T urn the hand w heel slowl y and make sure that the need le does n ot hit the nee dle plate.
109 x Inser tthesp ec ialbob binhol derintothehoo krace. Make sure to match the kn ob of the bo bbin ho lder with the stopp er on the machine .
110 Embroidery Hoops There are 5 embroider y hoops included in the standard accessories. q Embroidery hoop SQ14 An ov al embroider y hoop with a 14 cm (5.5”) square embroider y area. w Embroidery hoop SQ23 A square embroider y hoop with a 23 cm (9.1”) square embroider y area.
111 St ab ilize rs T o create the b est qualit y em broid er y , i t is impor tant to use sta bilizers. How to u se : Att ach the st abilizer to the wron g side of the fa bric. Y ou may nee d to use more than one layer . For firm fabri cs, you may place a thin sheet of pa per under the fa bric.
112 b Clamp the fabr ic to the hoo p with the sho r t magnetic clamp s when using h oop SQ23 or ho op GR. Use the long magn etic clam ps when usin g hoop ASQ 22. i Magnetic clamp (short) NOTE : Thic k lay er s of fabr ic and st abilizer may cause ski ppe d stitc hes, or broken threads a nd nee dles.
113 Attaching the Embroid er y Hoop to the M achine z T urn the p ower switch on a nd op en the car riage arm. Press the mod e switc h key and a warning mess age wil l appear . Press the OK key and the ca rriage w ill move to the star ting position. The visual touc h sc reen will dis play the embroid er y m o d e w i n d o w.
114 Sele cting Built-in Embroide r y Designs Press the built-in design key and the fir st page of the design lis t of World of Embroider y Desi gns will op en. q Built-in design key Press the desi gn categ or y key to browse the design li st by design c ategor y , or press the h oop sel ec tion key to browse the d esigns by hoo p size .
115 Page 1 of 3 •Gothicfont •Scr iptfont •Cheltenhamfont •Bauhausfont •Galantfont •T ypi stfont Page 2 of 3 •Brushfont •Firstgrad efo.
116 F unc tion ke ys q Font sel ect ion key Press this key to open the font s elec tion w indow . w Let te ring ori ent ati on key Press this key to selec t the horizont al or ver tic al orientation. e Let te r size key Y ou c an sele ct t he following 3 let ter sizes by pressin g this k e y.
117 e Right Justify Press the key to sew from the right e nd reference line on the template. w Cent er Justify Press the key to sew in the center of the hoo p. q Left Just if y Press the key to star t sew ing from the lef t end reference line on the temp late .
118 c Ent er “ A ” and “ B ”. Press the OK key and a warning mes sage w ill ap pear . Press the OK key and the ca rriage moves to the star ting position. The hoop c onfirmat ion wind ow will ap pear . Press the OK key . The scre en chang es to the ready to sew w indow .
119 Editing a mo nogram z Deleting a c harac ter: D e leting “ R ” from “ MART ” Press the cur sor key to move the cursor unde r “ R ”. x Press the delete key and let ter “ R ” i s deleted. c Inser tingac harac ter:Insert ing“ E ” in to “ M AT ” Press the cur sor key to move the cursor unde r “ A ”.
120 P attern information The visual touch screen displa ys the follo wing details: q Hoop size w Presser f oot type e V er tical dimension of the design r Horizontal dimension of the design t Number o.
121 Stitch back /for ward ke ys Press the “– ” key q to mov e the ho op bac k to a previous sewing p oint. Press the “+ ” key w t o m ove the hoop ahead. The hoo p will move one stitch eac h time the key is press ed. Hold d own the key to travel faster and jump 1 0, 1 00 or 500 s titches at a t ime.
122 Tr a c e k e y Y ou c an che ck the size of the emb roider y area by tracing the pattern outlin e without stitching or with basting stitches. Press the trac e key and the trace o ption win dow will op e n. q Tr a c e k e y q w The following 3 o ptions are availab le: 1 .
123 • Emb roid er yfoothe ight Press one of the fabr ic ic on keys to selec t the rec ommende d height or p ress the “+ ” or “– ” key to fine tune the foot hei ght. w Plain fabric key e Qu ilt in g key Press the OK key to acti vate the new sett ings.
124 c Press the sta r t / stop but ton an d sew 5 to 6 stitc hes. Press the star t /stop b ut ton again to stop the mac hine. The press er foot will be r aise d automatic ally . Cut the loos e thread clos e to the beg inning of the star ting point. w Lo ose thread Press the star t /stop b ut ton to star t sewing again.
125 Fr ing e desig ns F r inge desi gns are sp ecial p at terns for creat ing fringe d flower or bord er design s. The embro ider y d esign easily t urns into an at trac tive fringed flower . Example : F r inge desig n F A 1 0 - 66 Selec t fr inge desig n F A 1 0 - 66 and sew th e pat tern as you would sew a nor mal embro ider y de sign.
126 SQ23- 1 1 2 Example : Cutting lines Cut the bo bbin thread s on the wrong si de of the fabr ic alon g the broken line a s shown. Pull the needle thread s up and b ring the lo op ends to the r ight sid e of the fabr ic to make fringe.
127 Att ach the ho op to the ca rriage a nd press t he trace key . Press the key to selec t trac e and ba ste (single) (refer to page 1 22). Star t t he machine to mark a round embr oider y d esign with basting stitches. Cut the ap plique fa bric the s ame size as the mar ked area.
128 Alter native method Prepare ap plique fa bric la rger than hoo p size . Set the ap plique fa bric to the h oop. Sew the first s ec tion (c olor) only . q Remove the hoop and unho op the ap pliq ue fabr ic. Cut the ap plique fa bric al ong the sti tching line to make an applique piece.
129 Frame Designs F r inge desi gns SQ 1 4-265 and SQ 1 4-266 can als o be used a s the frame d esigns. Example : F r inge desig n SQ 1 4-265 for framing a pic ture Prepare heat-awa y st abilizer . Selec t frin ge desig n SQ 1 4-265 . Set the fabr ic to the hoo p.
130 Lac e De signs Y ou c an make a free s tandin g lace by sewin g the lace designs o n organdy . Att ach a heat-away stabilizer to organd y , t wo or m ore lay er s may be require d. Use the same thread fo r the bob bin as the n eedle t hread. Use a fully wound b obb in.
131 q Editing Mo de Intheedit ingmod e,y ouc aned itandc ombinepa tter ns to create orig inal embroi der y desi gns. Press the ed iting mo de key q and the edi ting wind ow for the hoop SQ 23 will open.
132 Sel ec ting a pat te rn T o sele ct t he pat tern to edi t, press on the pa tter n image in the e ditin g win dow . The green fram e app ears a round the sele cte d pat tern.
133 Resi zing a pat te rn z Press the resize ke y to op en the resize option w indow . q Resize ke y x Y ou c an chan ge the embr oider y p at tern size from 80 % to 1 20% of the ori ginal size . Press the “+ ” ke y w to enlar ge the pat tern size.
134 Rotat ing a pat tern z Press the rotate key to open the rot ation o ption w i n d o w. q Rotate ke y x Press the key w to rotate the selec ted p at tern 1 degre e clo ck w ise. Press the key e to rotate the selec ted pa tter n 1 degre e counterc loc k wis e.
135 Flipping a pa tt ern z Press the ver tic al or horizont al mirror image key . q V ertical mirror image k ey w Horizontal mirror image key x Press the key q to create the vert ical mir ror image of a selec ted pa t tern. q z w q x w c c Press the key w to create the h orizontal mirror image of a sele cted p at tern.
136 Cre ating a squ are fr ame z Selec t pat tern B order De sign SQ 1 4- 1 7 0. Move the design dow n and to the ri ght. x Press the dupli cate key . Press the ver tic al mirror image key . Move the duplic ate to the lef t. q Duplicate key w V ertical mirror image k ey c Press the dupli cate key .
137 Group ing pat terns z Y ou c an group pat terns together . Press the down a rrow key q to show the next set of editing tools. Press the group key w and the grou ping opt ion wind ow will o pen. q Down ar row key w Gro up k ey z q w x Press the group all key e and pre ss the OK key to group all the p at terns in the edi ting wind ow .
138 Color g rouping When c ombining du plicate d pat terns, you can re duc e the number of c olor se ct ions wi th colo r grouping. Sewing or der Y ou c an chan ge the sewin g order of a pa tter n comb ination. Press the sewin g order key q and pres s on the images of the pattern one by one.
139 x Ifyouwishtochang ethecol orofthedesignpa tter n, press the d esign c olor key . Press the sc roll keys until the desired se ct ion is displayed in the preview w indow . w Design col or key e Scroll ke ys T o sele ct the hu e , p ress one of the 1 4 color t iles.
140 Mono gramming in a n arc Intheedit ingmod e,y ouc anmakeamono graminan upper or lower arc. z Enter the charac ters and pre ss the OK key . w q e r t x The entered c harac ters are dis play e d in the edi ting w i n d o w.
141 F r ee Arm Embroid er y The free arm h oop F A 1 0 is sp eciall y designe d for embroi derin g tubular garme nts suc h as sleeves, pant leg s etc. Check th e openin g size of the tubular por ti on of the garment. The o pening w idth mus t be 20 cm ( 8” ) or w ider .
142 b Remove the hoop from the c arr iage and remove the fabr ic from the ho op. Place the template sheet on the fa bric. Align the mar king p oints of the s ewn pat tern an d temp late she et.
143 m Set the fabr ic in the hoo p and adjust t he fabric p osition to match the centerlines for the second pat tern and temp late. Att ach the ho op to the ca rriage an d press th e star t / stop b ut ton. Press the OK key when the mes sage ap pear s.
144 AcuFi l Q uilting with Hoop ASQ22 AcuFil hoop ASQ 22 Hoop ASQ22 is ver y useful for fillin g a large size quilt with AcuFil de sign pat terns c reated with Ac uFil T ool. q Outer hoop w At ta ch ing k n ob e AcuF il tem pla te r Magnetic c lamps CAU T I O N : The magnetic c lamp c an damage items suc h as c redit car ds, floppy di sks etc.
145 12 cm (5˝) 12 cm (5˝) Printing the t empl ate she et Click Application > Print and pr int the template sheet s and desi gn layout. Cut the template sheet alo ng the cut t ing line. Cutting line Mark ing the c ente rlines Prepare a quilt top, base fa bri c and bat ting.
146 NOTE : • Use the same thread for the bo bbin a s the need le thread. • Adjustthefo otheight w if nec essar y . • Setthel owbob binthreadwarninglevel e to 3 or 4. • AcuFildesign scannotb eope nedintheEditing mo de.
147 Adjusting th e size of t he las t pat tern Iftheoutered gesofeachs ec tiondon otalignwithe ach other due to fab ric shrink age, adjust the pat tern size of the out er -most sec tions. Measure the ac tual size (W: wid th, H: hei ght) of blank section to be stitched.
148 On Home t ab, in Step group, click a nd the layout wind ow will o pen. On Home t ab, in Edit group, click “ Design” and sele c t the desired p at tern to impor t. Cre ating origin al AcuFil desi gns Y ou c an create your own AcuFil desi gn pat terns by com bining element p at terns from the Desi gn Collec tion f o l d e r.
149 Editing desig ns Y ou c an ed it the layout of the pat tern com bination and adjust the d esign size. Example : Sewing leaf d esign bor der alo ng the quilt e dge Click “ Edit Designs” . Enter the hoop size (220 x 220 ) and clic k “O K” . On Home t ab, in Edit group, click “ Design” .
150 Go to the Sta r t Page . Click “ Multi ple Set ting” an d open t he design saved in the previous ste p. Duplic ate the design, flip it over and plac e it op posite to the first one. Repeat the a bove steps an d line up 4 element p at terns. Adjust the wi dth of the wor king area by dr agging the anchor point.
151 Sewing t he bor der d esig n Print the template sheet and p lace it at the c enter of the upp er ed ge of the quilt. Mark the en d point s of the center lines. Draw the center lines on the quilt. The hor izontal line shoul d be as long a s the overall quilt wid th.
152 CUST OMIZING EMBR OIDER Y MODE SETTINGS Embroidery Mode Settings Press the embroidery setting mode key (refer to page 92). q A uto thread tension The auto thread tension le vel can be adjusted with the “+”or “–” ke y . Increasethev aluewhenusingthesame threads on the bobbin and needle.
153 Thre ad cut ting There are 3 thread cu t ting opti ons for embro ider y . !0 Jump thread cutting length When this option is turne d on, the machine trims the jump threads if the jump threa d length is th e same or more than the set value .
154 !1 Thread s elect ion There are 8 t yp es of embroi der y thread to c hoose fr om. Press the key of the thread you wish to use. The color co de of the sele cte d brand is sh own on the c olor/ par t key along with the name of the color .
155 Saving and Opening a File Saving a file Y ou c an save original em broid er y design s created in embroi der y mo de as fil es in the built-in memor y and /or USB flas h dri ve.
156 Op ening a file T o op en saved files, pres s the open file key to op en the open fil e window . q Op en file key Selec t the folder loc ation, either the built -in memor y or USB flas h dri ve. Op en the folder t hat cont ains the desire d file by pressin g the folder icon.
157 Direct PC-Link Y ou c an c onnec t the MC1 500 0 to a PC with the USB ca ble inclu ded in the st andar d acc es sories. Y ou ne ed to inst all Horizon Link Suite an d the USB driver for the MC 1 500 0 on your comp uter .
158 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Cleaning the Hook Area Clean the hook area at least once a month. Remov e the needle plate (refer to page 22). T ur n the pow er switch off and unplug the machine . Remov e the needle and presser foot. NOTE : Do not dismant le the machine in any way other than as explaine d in this sec tion.
159 Cleaning the Inside of the Thread Guide Clean the inside of the thread guide plate under the top cov er at least once a month. Remov e the needle thread and remov e the thread guide plate by pulling it up . q Thread guide plate Remov e lint and dust from the brush on the underside of the thread guide plate using a lint brush.
160 T roub leshooting Prob lem The machine is noisy . The needle thread breaks. The bobbin thread breaks. The needle breaks. Visual T ouch Screen is not clear . Skipped stitches Seam puck ering Slipping la yers The cloth is not f eeding smoothly . Cause 1.
161 Prob lem The machine does not run. Crunching sound occurs when running the machine. P atter ns are distor ted. The automatic buttonhole stitches are not balanced. P atter n selection ke ys do not work. Threads frequently bunch up on the underside of the stippling design patter n.
162 T roub leshooting (automatic needle threader) Iftheautomaticne edlethread erstuc kandwillnotret urn to the up posi tion automati cally , corre ct i t as follows: Carefully turn the hand whee l away from you or tow ar d you to move the needle up a lit tl e.
163 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 6.
164 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 6.
165 STITCH CHAR T Ordinary Se wing Bloc k Script Symbol Br oadway Bloc k (9 mm).
166 DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery W orld of Embroidery Designs (SQ14) (SQ23) (GR) P atter n images are not to scale..
167 (F A10) (GR) (SQ23) (SQ14) (SQ23) (SQ23) (SQ23) (SQ14) (GR) DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery W orld of Embroidery Designs • Sublime Stitching b y Jenny Hart Designers Designs • Leah Day • Lonni Rossi • Stitchique b y Tira Schulteis • Noriko Noza wa P atter n images are not to scale.
168 DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery Redw ork Designs by Y .GANAHA Sashiko Designs Home Decor Designs Everyday & Holida y Designs P atter n images are not to scale.
169 (SQ23) (SQ14) (SQ14) (SQ14) (SQ23) (F A10) (F A10) DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery Abstract Designs Monochr ome Designs Bor der Designs P atter n images are not to scale.
170 DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery Quilting Designs Cr oss Stitch Alphabet Designs Bor der Designs P atter n images are not to scale. (SQ14) (SQ23) (F A10) (F A10).
171 (SQ14) (F A10) (SQ23) (GR) (SQ14) (F A10) (F A10) (SQ14) DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery F av orite Designs Lace Designs P atter n images are not to scale.
172 DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery Fringe Designs Calibration P attern P atter n images are not to scale. (F A10) (SQ23) (SQ14).
173 DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery Gothic Script Cheltenham Bauhaus Galant T ypist.
174 DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery Brush First Grade 2-letters / 3-letter s Bor der Normal Sew Hollowb lock J upiter.
175 DESIGN CHAR T Embroidery Micr o Gothic.
176 A Acc es sor y Ca se ..................................................................... 2, 7 Access ory Storage .....................................................................7 AcuFil Q uilt ing ...........................................
177 INDEX F ree arm sewi ng .........................................................................7 Free quilting ............................................................................. 90 F ringe designs .....................................
178 INDEX Cr eatin g a new fol der ......................................................... 71 Savin g and O pe ning a Fil e ........................................... 15 5 -157 Changing a name of the file or f older ...............................
862-801-005 (EN).
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Janome 15000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Janome 15000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Janome 15000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Janome 15000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Janome 15000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Janome 15000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Janome 15000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Janome 15000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Janome 15000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.