Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung X-TYPE 2001.5 des Produzenten Jaguar
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X-TYPE 2001.5 MY VOICE ACTIVATION HANDBOOK North Americ an Markets Onl y Go t o Fore wo rd >> Go to Co nten ts > > Go to Index >>.
Fo r e w o r d Jaguar X-TY PE V oice Activation Handbook Pub lishe d May 2001 by P arts and Se rvic e Com munic at ions Jagu ar Cars Limited Pub lication P art No.
Conten ts General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Using th e syste m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 How to say numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Voice activation 1 Gener al inform ation This Handbook describes every opt ion and model variant avai la ble and t her efo re, som e of th e it ems cov ered may not apply t o your pa rticular vehic le.
2 Voice activati on General inf ormat ion (conti nued) Key to illustration Vehicle s fitted with naviga tion system : 1. Message c entre dis play. 2. Microphon e.
Voice activation 3 Gene ral inform ation (conti nue d) Key to illustration Vehicl es NOT f itted with navig ation s ystem: 1. Messag e centre display. 2. Microphone. 3. Voice bu tton. 4. Mode button, on radio. 5. S eek/ tuni ng c ont rol, on ra di o. (Used t o commenc e voice tr aining ).
4 Voice activati on Using the s ystem Initialisation When t he igni tion sw itch is turn ed to po sitio n ‘ll’ (ig niti on on), the sys tem is enab led. A fter ini tialisa tion , which tak es abou t ten seconds , the syst em is ready t o accept voice co mmands.
Voice activation 5 Usin g the syste m (c ontin ued ) Comma nd confi rmation and pro mpts After a command ha s been given, the system will give feedb ack of what it understood. The verba l feedb ack giv en can b e switched on or off by using t he VOICE FEEDBACK ON or VOICE FEEDBACK OFF comm ands.
6 Voice activati on Using the sy stem (conti nued) 2. If the u ser trie s to stor e a namet ag, which sounds phonetic ally s imilar to a nametag already stored, or to the word DIRECTORY, t he system will advis e the user that thi s nametag cannot be stored.
Voice activation 7 How to say numb ers Numbers in voice commands m ust be g iven as shown below. Ei th er ‘z e ro ’ o r ‘oh ’ ca n b e u s ed f or ‘ 0’ , mos t us er s w i ll fi nd th at ‘zero’ giv es bett er resul ts. For informati on about sp ecific commands, s ee Voice command descriptions on page 15.
8 Voice activati on How to say number s (continu ed) Phone numbers All ph one numbers are said a s singl e digits, as in the f ollowing example. St ar ( ∗ ) and Pound (# ) are acc eptable as the fir st digit of a number. • ‘Dial one two zero one eight one eight eight one zero zero’ (1-201-818-8100 ).
Voice activation 9 Voice co mmand list All the commands recognized by the system are shown in the list below. Opti onal words t hat can be omitted a re shown in square b rackets. Phrase s shown in r ound brac kets are optional ways of giving the command; one of the options separate d by the fo rward slas hes, must be give n.
10 Voice activat ion Voice command list (c ontinued ) Cassette tap e player co mmands • TAPE PLAY •[ T A P E ] R E V E R S E •[ T A P E ] R E W I N D • [TA PE] FAS T FORW ARD • TAPE SEEK [UP.
Voice activatio n 11 Voice com mand list (conti nue d) Automatic climat e control commands ( where fitted) • CLIMATE CONTROL ON • CLIMATE CONTROL OFF • [CLIMATE CONTROL] AUTOMATIC [ON] • (CLIM.
12 Voice activat ion Voice command list (c ontinued ) Navigation commands (continued ) • [NAVIGATION] ZOOM OUT zoom increm ent le vel 1 -12 • NAVIGATION STORE NAME • [NAVIGATION] [SELECT] DESTIN.
Voice activatio n 13 Voice co mmand syn onyms If prefe rred, th e synonym s describe d in the f ollowing tab le can b e used in p lace of t he primar y or pref erred word in t he voic e commands de scribe d on the p revious page.
14 Voice activat ion Voice comma nd synonyms (c ontin ued) Chan ger Ch anger Play Changer On Play Select (for disc and trac k comman ds only) Mix Shuffle /Ran dom Changer CD Changer Disc CD Phone Redi.
Voice activatio n 15 Voice comm and descript ions In the c ommand descr iptions, optiona l words are sh own in square b rackets. Data it ems that you nee d to ent er, suc h as phone numbers, are shown in italics . For i nform ation on enterin g numbers in commands , see How to sa y numbers on page 7.
16 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Radio commands (con tinued) • RADIO TUNE nametag Select s the stored st ation wi th the n ametag given in the command. • [RADIO] [TUNE] PRESET pre set nu mber (1 –9) Select s the stored station cor responding to th e preset number (1 to 9) given in the command.
Voice activatio n 17 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Radio comm ands (cont inued) • RADIO [PLAY] DIRECTORY Gives a spoken l ist of stat ion name tags and f requencies currently stored i n the voice system m emory. • RADIO HELP Gives spoken information a bout the radi o voice commands.
18 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) CD changer com mands (where fitted) • CHANGER PLAY or CHANGER ON Selects the au tocha nger, p lays the CD and tra ck whic h were selec te d the l ast time th at th e au tocha nge r sto ppe d play in g.
Voice activatio n 19 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Phone c omm ands (wh ere fitte d) • PHONE (ON/OFF) Turns the phone on or off . Note : On vehicles without navigati on, turning the phone on will switch the sound system to phone m ode. • [PHONE] ENTER phone dig its (2-16 digits) Allows entry of a phone numb er in groups of digits.
20 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Phone command s (continued) • [PHONE] REDIAL The last phone number to be called is redialle d. If phone confir mation is on , the user will be as ked to co nfirm the n u m b e r b e f o r e t h e c a ll i s m a d e .
Voice activatio n 21 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Phone command s (continued) • PHONE DELETE DIRECTORY Deletes all currently stored phone nametags from the voice system me mory. Th e system will reque st con firmation fr om the use r before deletin g the nam etags.
22 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Automatic climate control comm ands (where fitted) •C L I M A T E C O N T R O L O N Turns t he climate control system on in the pr evious mode. •C L I M A T E C O N T R O L O F F Turns t he climat e control system off.
Voice activatio n 23 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Navigation command s (where fitted) • [NAVIGATION] SHOW DESTINATION This s hows the de stination of the r oute cur rentl y set in the navigat ion system. The destinat ion address is display ed at the top of the screen .
24 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Navigation commands (continued) • [NAVIGATION] (VOICE GUIDANCE ON/MUTE OFF) Turns on the sp oken gu idance fr om the na vigati on system. • [NAVIGATION] (VOICE GUIDANCE OFF/MUTE ON) Turns off the spok en guidan ce from t he navigat ion syste m.
Voice activatio n 25 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Navigation commands (cont inued) • [NAVIGATION] [SELECT] DESTINATION nameta g This allows a prev iously stor ed nametag to be given as the required route de stination. The user will be asked to c onfirm the command bef ore the rout e is set.
26 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) Navigation commands (continued) • [NAVIGATION] PREFER FERRIES Sets the na vigati on syst em rout e pref erence s to u se fer ries where possible. • [NAVIGATION] AVOID FERRIES Sets the navigation s ystem ro ute prefere nces to av oid ferries where possible.
Voice activatio n 27 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Navigation nametag features within the navigation system To list navigation memory poi nts with nametags: 1. Pre ss th e NAV ke y next to th e scre en to s elec t the navigat ion system, if requ ired pr ess again to sele ct the ma p view.
28 Voice activat ion Voice command desc riptions (conti nued) To play the nametag associated with a memory point: 1. Follow st eps 1-4 abov e to list all memory points then s elect the desired memor y point. 2. Pr ess th e talki ng he ad butt on (s ee ill ustra tion abo ve) to pla y the na metag.
Voice activatio n 29 Voice com mand d escriptions (contin ued) Display comm ands (where fitted) • DISPLAY ON Turns on t he display in th e mode previous ly sel ected.
30 Voice activat ion Voice trai ning The voic e acti vation system is a ble to in terpr et mos t English speakers wit hout difficult y. If, however, i t is found t hat comman ds ar e som etimes n ot be ing rec ogniz ed, the voice syste m can be train ed to improve its recogniti on of the us er.
Voice activatio n 31 Voice trai ning (c ontinued) 6. You will b e promp ted to rea d from th e list of phras es, see Training command list on page 3 3, on e phr ase at a time. After each prompt, press and relea se the voice bu tton, wait for the end of the bee p then sa y the phra se.
32 Voice activat ion Voice trai ning (continu ed) 7. You will be promp ted to re ad from the l ist of phrases, see Training com mand list on page 33, one phrase at a time. After each prompt , press and release the voic e button, wait for the end of the beep then say the phra se.
Voice activatio n 33 Trai ning com man d lis t 1. climate temp erature eight een point oh degree s 2. teleph one enter s tar ze ro seven zero f our 3. navigation s how turn list 4. map zoom out maximum 5. telephone en ter one seven hu ndred five six two four 6.
34 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error mess ages In addition to th e voice c ommand prom pts giv en by t he system, the fol lowing erro r messag es may be displaye d on the inst rument cluste r displa y. Most of these mess ages are accom panied by an advisory dou ble beep .
Voice activati on 35 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Gene ral (c ont ’d) COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED The voice system has failed to recognize y our command. 1 . E n s u r e t h a t t h e c o m m a n d f o r m a t i s va li d , s e e Voi ce comm and list on page 9.
36 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Gene ral (c ont ’d) NO SPEECH DETECTED The voice system h as not heard any sp eech. 1. Ensure that th e command is given after the en d of the beep. 2. Ensure th at the co mmand is giv en within a maximum of f ive seconds fro m t he en d o f th e be ep.
Voice activati on 37 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Namet ags RADIO NOT IN TUNER MODE Displayed when the user tries to store a radio nametag and the radio has not bee n place d in tun er mode, for exam ple playi ng a ta pe or CD. NAMES TOO M UCH ALIKE 1.
38 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Nametags (co nt’d) NAMETAG TOO S HORT The nametag g iven is t oo short ( so as not t o mistak e the na metag for inadvertent n oise). If you experience this error please provide a lon ger namet ag.
Voice activati on 39 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Phone CONNECT PHONE TRY AGAIN If the G SM phone i s in its c radle bu t voic e system k eeps sayin g "dial not accept ed, pl ease c onnect p hone and try a gain", then t he ph one hands et may not be cor rectl y attach ed to its stor age cr adle.
40 Voice activat ion Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Navigation (cont’ d) UNABLE TO F IND NAME Displayed b y the voic e system when the NAVIGATION SELECT DESTINATION nametag command is giv en and the naviga tion syste m cannot locate th e tagged me mory point int ernal in its memory.
Voice activati on 41 Trouble s hooting error messages (cont inued) Voice Training SET HANDBRAKE TO CONTINUE T h i s t e x t m es s a g e i s d i s p l a y e d w i t h i t s as so c i a t e d v e r b a l f e e d b a c k w h e n t h e handbrak e is lifted during Voice Trai ning.
Index General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – introduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – langu age and ac cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JJM 18 09 20/1 5.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Jaguar X-TYPE 2001.5 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.