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PT800DB / PT800DBP PT800DBZ User's Manual Intel Socket 478 Pr ocessor Motherboard VIA PT800 + VIA 8237 Revision 1.0 P / N: G03 –PT800DB.
i T a b l e o f C o n t e n t Manual Revisi on History........................................................................................................ ............... ii Copyright An nou ncement ................................................
ii M a n u a l R e v i s i o n H i s t o r y Revision Manual Revision Histor y D a t e of Release Rev 1.0 First edition cop y of Mother 11/24/2003 B o a r d s a d o p t s V I A C h i p s e t s : V I A PT800 and VIA 8237 C o p y r i g h t A n n o u n c e m e n t COPYRIGHT OF THIS MANUAL BE LONGS TO THE MANUF ACTURER.
iii or trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. PS/2 and OS®/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. PCMCIA and CardBus are registered tr ademarks of the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
iv 5 PT800DB/PT800DBP/PT800DBZ Motherboard 5 Cable for IDE/Floppy 5 Cable for Serial ATA IDE Port 5 CD for motherboard utilities □ Cable for USB Port 3/ 4 (Option) 5 PT800DB/PT800DBP/PT800DBZ User.
1 Chapter 1 Intr oduction of PT800DB/PT8 00DBP/PT800DBZ Motherboard Thank you for purchasing the PT800 series which provide extremely performance and meet future specification demand. PT800 series motherboards are adopt ed with advanced technologies to deliver the extremely performance for Intel Pentium 4 socket 478 processors.
2 1-2 Specification Spec Description Design ∗ ATX form factor 4 laye rs PCB size: 30.5x21.0cm Chipset ∗ VIA PT800 North Bridge Chipset ∗ VIA VT8237 South Bridge CPU Socket ∗ Support Intel Pentium 4 478-Pin package utilizes Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array (FC-PGA2 ) package processor ∗ Support 1.
3 1-3 Performance List The following performance data list is the test ing result of some popular benchm ark testing programs. These data are just referred by users, a nd there is no responsib ility f.
4 1-4 Layout Diagram & Jumper Setting PS/2 Keyboard COM1 COM2 USB LINE-OUT LINE-IN MIC PRINT GAME/MIDI POR T PS/2 Mouse (for PT800DBP/ PT800DBZ) LAN Front Panel Audio PC99 Back Panel CD Audio PCI Slot AGP Slot VIA PT800 Chip A TX Power Connecto r CPU F AN CPU Socket DDR SDRAM DIMM x3 System FAN W ake On LAN A TX 12V Power Conn.
5 Jumpers Jumper Name Description Page JBAT CMOS RAM Clear 3-pin Block P.6 JP1 Keyboard Power On Enable/Disabled 3-pin Block P.7 JP2, JP4 CPU Front Side Bus Frequency Select 6-pin Block P.7 Connectors Connector Name Description Page ATXPWR ATX Power Connector 20-pin Block P.
6 Chapter 2 Hardwar e installation 2 - 1 P r e - H a r d w a r e i n s t a l l a t i o n Before starting to use the computer with the motherboard installed th e com ponents on it, please make sure complete the f o llowing steps: 1. To verify the jumper set tings of your motherboard 2.
7 (2) Keyboard Power On function Enabled/Disabled: JP1 When setting Enabled you can using keyboard by key in password to power on system. JP1 1 3 JP1 1 3 Keyboard Power On Setting 2-3 closed K/B Pow e.
8 2 - 3 T o i n s t a l l t h e C P U 2 - 3-1 Glossary Chipset (or cor e logic) - two or more integrated circuits which control the interfaces between the system processor , RAM, I/O devises, and adapter cards. Processor socket - the socket used to mount the sy stem processor on the motherboard.
9 2-3-2 About INTEL PENTIUM 4 478-PIN CPU This motherboard provides a 478-pin surface mount , Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket, referred to as the mPGA478B socket supports Intel Pentiu m 4 processor in the 47 8 Pin package utilizes Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array (F C-PGA2) package technology.
10 Generally speaking, installing DDR SDRAM modules to your motherboard is very easy, you can refer to figure 2-4 to see what a 184- Pin PC2100/PC2700/PC3200 DDR SDRAM module looks like.
11 2-5-2 Assigning IRQs For Expansion Card Some expansion cards need to as sign an IRQ address to op erate. Generally speaking, an IRQ address must exclusively assign to one use only. With standard factory design, there are 16 IRQs available, but most of them are already in use.
12 This motherboard provides an AGP Slot, support the 4X/8X AGP VGA card. AGP SLOT 2-6 Connectors and pin headers 2-6-1 Connectors (1) Power Connector (20-pin block) : ATXPWR ATX Power Supply connector. This is a new defined 20-pins connector that usually comes with ATX case.
13 Pin 1 (3) ATX P9 Power Connector (6-pin block) : ATXP1 This is a new defined 6-pins connector that usually comes with ATX Power Supply. The ATX Power Supply which fully support Pentium 4 processor must including this connector for support extra 3.3V and 5V vo ltage to maintain system powe r consumption.
14 (9) Serial Port COM1 , COM2 : COM1, COM2 COM1, COM2 are the 9-pin D-Subminiature mail connector. The On-board serial port can be d isabled through BIOS SETUP. Please refe r to Chapter 3 “IN TEGRATED PERIPHERALS SETUP” se c t ion for mo r e detail information.
15 Primary IDE Connector Pin 1 IDE1 (12) Secondary IDE Connector (40-pin block): IDE2 This connector connects to the next set of Ma ster and Slave hard disks.
16 2-6-2 Pin headers (1) IEEE 1394A Port Header (9-pin) : 1394A/1394B (For PT800DBZ only) Note: Orient the read marking on the 1394 ribbon cable to pin 1 IEE1394 A Port Header 1394A Pin 1 2 9 10 1394B Pin 1 2 9 10 (2) Line-Out, MIC Header (9-pin): AUDIO This header connect to Front Pa nel Line-out, MIC connector with cable.
17 (5) Reset switch lead: RESET This 2-pin connector connects to the case-mount ed reset switch for reb ooting your computer without having to turn off your power switch. This is a preferred me thod of rebooting in order to prolong the lift of the system’s power supply.
18 (10) FAN Speed Headers (3-pin) : SFAN1, SYSFAN, CPUFAN These connectors support cooling fans of 350mA (4.2 Watts) or less, depending on the fan manufacturer, the wire and plug may be different. The red wire should be positive, while the black should be ground.
19 2 - 7 S t a r t i n g u p y o u r c o m p u t e r 1. After all connection are ready, close your computer case cover. 2. Be sure all the switches are off, and check that the power supply input vo ltage is set to proper position, usually in-p ut voltage is 220V ∼ 240V or 110V ∼ 120V depending on your country’s voltage used.
20 Chapter 3 Intr oducing BIOS Settings The BIOS is a program located on a Flash Memory of the motherboard. Us ing this program as a bridge between motherboard and operating system .
21 3 - 2 G e t t i n g H e l p Main Menu The on-line description of the highlighted setup function is displa yed at the bottom of the screen. Status Page Setup Menu/Option Page Setup Menu Press F1 to pop up a small help window that descri bes the appropriate keys to use and the possible selections for the highlighted item.
22 Standard CMOS Features Use this Menu for basic system configurations. Advanced BIOS Features Use this menu to set the Advanced Features available on your system. Advanced Chipset Features Use this menu to change the values in the chipset registers and optimize your system ’s performance.
23 3-4 S t a n d a r d C M O S F e a t u r e s The items in Standard CMOS Setup Menu are divi ded into several categories. Each category includes no, one or more than one setup items. Use the arrow keys to highlight the item and then use the <PgUp> or <PgDn> keys to select the value you want in each item.
24 Access Mode The settings are Auto Normal, Large, and LBA. Cylinder number of cylinders Head number of heads Precomp write precomp Landing Zone landing zone Sector number of sectors 3-5 Advanced BIO.
25 CPU Internal Cache The default value is Enabled. Enabled (default) Enable cache Disabled Disable cache Note: The internal cache is built in the processor. External Cache Choose Enabled or Disabled. This op tion enables the Level 2 cache memory. CPU L2 Cache Choose Enabled or Disabled.
26 Typematic Delay (Msec) Sets the delay time after the key is held down be fore is begins to repeat the keystroke. The settings are 250, 500, 750, and 1000. Security Option This category allows you to limit acc ess to the system and Setup, or just to Setup.
27 System BIOS Cacheable Selecting Enabled allows caching of the sy stem BIOS ROM at F0000h-FFFFFh, resulting in better system performance. However, if any progr am writes to this memory area, a system error may result. The settings are: Enabled and Disabled.
28 CAS Latency When synchronous DRAM is insta lled, the number of clock cycles of CAS latency depends on the DRAM timing. The settings are: 2T and 2.5T.
29 3 - 7 I n t e g r a t e d P e r i p h e r a l s CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright(C) 1984-2003 Award Software Integrated Peripherals Item Help > OnChip IDE Function Press Enter > OnChip Device.
30 3-7-1 OnChip IDE Function CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright(C) 1984-2003 Award Software OnChip IDE Function Item Help OnChip IDE Channel0 Enabled OnChip IDE Channel1 Enabled Primary Master PIO Auto .
31 3-7-2 OnChip Device Function CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright(C) 1984-2003 Award Software OnChip Device Function Item Help VIA 1394 Function Enabled → (for PT800DBZ) V I A S A T A F u n c t i o n.
32 3-7-3 Onboard Super IO Function CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright(C) 1984-2003 Award Software Onboard Super IO Function Item Help Onboard FDD Controller Enabled Onboard Serial Port 1 3F8/IRQ4 Onboar.
33 SPP/EPP/ECP/ECP+EPP To operate the onboard pa rallel port as Standard Parallel Port only, choose “SPP.” To operate the onboard parallel port in the E PP modes simultaneously, choose “EPP.” By choosing “ECP”, the onboard parallel port w ill operate in ECP mode only.
34 Video Off Method This determines the m anner in which the monitor is blanked. DPMS (default) Initial display power management signaling. Blank Screen This option only writes bl anks to the video buffer.
35 W a ke-Up on R TC Alarm This function is for setting date and time for your computer to boot up. During Disabled, you cannot use this function. During Enable d, choose the Date and T ime Alarm: Date(of month) Alarm Y ou can choose which month the system will boot up.
36 CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright(C) 1984-2003 Award Software PnP/PCI Configurations Item Help PnP OS Installed No Reset Configuration Data Disabled Resources Controlled By Manual x I R Q R e s o u .
37 3-9-1 IRQ Resources CMOS Setup Utility – Copyright(C) 1984-2003 Award Software IRQ Resources Item Help IRQ3 assigned to PCI Device IRQ4 assigned to PCI Device IRQ5 assigned to PCI Device IRQ7 ass.
38 Current CPU T emperature/Curr ent System T emp/Current F AN1, F AN2 Speed/Vcore/ Vdd/ 3.3V/+5V/+12V/-12V/VBA T(V)/5VSB(V) This will show the CPU/FAN/System voltage chart and FAN Speed. Detect CPUF AN in Post During Enabled, system will warn the user if CPU Fan is not functioning.
39 3-12 Load Standard/Optimized Defaults Load S tandard Defaults When you press <Enter> on this item, you get confirmation dialog box with a m essage similar to: Load Standard Defaults (Y/N)? N Pressing <Y> loads the BIOS default values for the m ost stable, minimal-performance system operations.
40 Chapter 4 DRIVER & FREE PROGRAM INST ALLA TION Check your package and th ere is A MAGIC INSTALL CD include d. This CD consists of all DRIVERS you need and some free application programs and utility programs.
42 5. Click NEXT to Install ATAPI Vender Support Driver 6. Click NEXT to choose enabled DMA Mode 7. Click NEXT to Install VIA AGP VXD Driver 8. Click NEXT to Install VIA IRQ Routing Mini port Driver 9.
43 4-2 SOUND inst all ALC AC97’ Codec Audio Driver 1. Click SOUND when MAGIC INSTALL MENU appears 2. Then auto detect operation system language edition, click OK, start to install DRIVER 3. Click Finish and Restart Windows 4. Click Start → Program → Avance Sound Manager → AvRack.
44 7. 2/4/6 channel speaker conf iguration setting 8. 6 channel speaker place test Note: The path of the file For WIN98/NT4.0/WIN2K/XP is X:CODECALCSETUP.EXE Note: In Win2K/WinME users have to click Control PanelSystemDevi ce Manager DVDCD-ROM drives to Enabled d igital CD Audio for the CD-ROM Device when use the SPDIF-Out digital signal.
45 4-4 PC-HEAL TH Winbond Hardware Doctor Monitoring Software The path of the file is X : V IA H E A L TH - W S E T U P .E X E ( O n l y s u pp o r t WINDOWS 95/98/98SE/ME) In Windows 95/98 Winbond Hardware Doctor Monito ring Software needs som e system files to copy in Utility that’s why it needs instal l PC-HEALTH twice to complete setup.
46 4-5 MAGIC BIOS Inst all BIOS Live Up date Utility 1. Click Magic BIOS when Magic Install MENU appears 2. Click Next to install the Magic BIOS in Destination Folder 3.
47 9. When choose From Local Driver to up date BIOS, you must have the correct BIOS file in your Local Driver 10. Choose the correct BIOS file to update BIOS 4-6 PC-CILLIN Inst all PC-CILLIN 2002 Anti-virus program 1. Click PC-CILLIN when MAGIC INSTALL MENU appear 2.
48 5. Click INSTALL, Start to install the software 6. Setup Complete and click FINISH 7. After PC-CILLIN 2002 complete, Please register your information and get LICENSE KEY from TREND MICRO web site, enter your license key and click FINISH 8.
49 3. Select Install USB Driver and Click NEXT 4. Select FINISH and Restart your Computer 5. Check device working pro perly in Device Manager The Path of the file is X:VIAVIAUSB20SETUP .EXE 4 - 8 S A T A I n s t a l l V I A S e r i a l A T A 1. Click SATA when MAGIC INSTALL MENU appears 2.
50 5. Review install driver and utility component, then click NEXT 6. Click FINISH and restart your comp uter 4-9 HOW TO DISABLE ON-BOARD SOUND Enter BIOS SETUP choos e INTEGRATE PERIPHERALS choose ON.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Intel VIA PT800 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Intel VIA PT800 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Intel VIA PT800 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Intel VIA PT800 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Intel VIA PT800 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Intel VIA PT800 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Intel VIA PT800 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intel VIA PT800. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intel VIA PT800 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.