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Intel® S erver R AID Contro ller U3-1 (SRCU31) User’s Manual Rev 1.0 April 2000 Order Num ber: 2732 90-001.
Intel® Server RA ID Controller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 Informati on in this docume nt is provided in con nection with I ntel ® prod ucts. No lic ense, expr ess or impl ied, by es toppel o r otherw ise, to an y intell ectual property rights is gra nted by th is document .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 iii Contents 1 Quick Start Inst ructions 1.1 Summary o f Contents .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. .......... ...... 1-1 1.
iv Intel® Serv er RAID Contr oller U3-1 User’s M anual Rev 1.0 2.5.4 Setu p and I nstallation for Mi crosoft W indows NT* Server 4.0 .. ............. ................. 2-32 2.5.5 C onfiguring M icrosoft W indows I IS 4.0 ................. .........
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 v 5.2.5 Arrays ...... .................... ................... ............. ................... ............. .................... ...... ... 5-9 5.2.6 RAID Vol umes ...... ...............
vi Intel® Serv er RAID Contr oller U3-1 User’s M anual Rev 1.0 2-3 RAID Vo lume Alre ady Exists ................. ............. ................... ............. .................... ............. ...... 2-6 2-4 Create RA ID 0 Volum e .............
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 vii 4-6 RAID Volum e Lis t .................. ............. .................... ............ .................... ............. .............. ...... 4-1 5 4-7 Volum e Configur ation .....
viii Intel® Server RAI D Controll er U3-1 User’s Manu al Rev 1.0 4-7 Physical Disk Action s ............... ............. .................... ................... ............. ................... ...... ..... 4- 23 5-1 Summary o f RAID Leve ls ...
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-1 Quick S tart Instructions 1 1.1 Summary o f Contents • Product Check List • Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1 Hardware Setup • I.
1-2 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Quick S tart Inst ructions Changes or modifications not ex pressly a pproved b y the manu facturer could void the user 's authority t o operate th e equipment.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-3 Quick Start Instruc tions Y ou can also order manuals by phone by calling: 1 -800-548-4 725 1.2.6 O nline HTML Docum ent ation In addition t o the printed docu mentation, this kit also provides an onli ne/html version o f the printed manual.
1-4 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Quick S tart Inst ructions Content s of the Int el® Server RAID Controller U3-1 (SRCU31 ) CD-ROM (boot able) • SRCU3.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-5 Quick Start Instruc tions Figure 1-2. SRCU31 Adapter Card 1.3.1 Intel Server RAID Contr oller U3-1 Hardware Setup 1.
1-6 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Quick S tart Inst ructions • One available PCI sl ot (64bit, 33MHz recommen ded) • Monitor display resoluti on of 800 x 600 or higher (recommended) • Intel Server RAID Controller U 3-1 Adapter C ard • PCI 2.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-7 Quick Start Instruc tions volume. T o exclude a disk f rom the RAID volume, make it a pass t hrough dis k. T o create a p ass through dis k, see Section (local administration) or Section 2.
1-8 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Quick S tart Inst ructions Inst alling Microsoft Windows NT Server on a I ntel Integrated RAID Vo l u m e 1. Create a SRCU 31 Microsof t W indows NT SCSI Miniport Disk ette.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-9 Quick Start Instruc tions Figure 1-3. Intel® Int egrated RAID Inst aller Main Menu c. Click Next , Ye s ,t h e n Next again to continue. The components in the Select Components window below are preselected.
1-10 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Quick S tart Inst ructions Note: Refer to section Section 4.2, “I ntel® Integrated RAI D Software Compo nent Installation” on page 4-3 for information on HP Openv iew and RAID Monit or , SNMP , DMI components or remo te stora ge conso le.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-11 Quick Start Instruc tions 6. Once the server installation is finish ed, complete the installation o f the Intel Integrated RAID software sui te by follo wing the steps below . 7. Run LOAD INST ALL .
1-12 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Quick S tart Inst ructions 5. It will eventually load a W elcome screen, as king you to verify the startup directory (C:NWSER VER). Hit Alt F10 to exi t the installation. At the conso le, type Down .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-13 Quick Start Instruc tions 14. See Chapte r 4 , Section 4.3, “Configuring RAID V olumes Using the Intel® Integrated RAID St orage Cons ole” on page 4- 12 to customize your RAID volume s using S torage C onsole.
1-14 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Quick S tart Inst ructions a. C reate a directory to m ount the file. For example, type mkdir cdfiles at the prompt. b. Mount th e CD-ROM t o the fold er by typi ng: mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /cdfi les 5.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 1-15 Quick Start Instruc tions 6. Press Enter to select all packages. After completing the installation of the components reboot the server . 7. Log on to the server as root or equival ent.
1-16 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Quick S tart Inst ructions PRC: +852-2 -844-4 456 Singapo re: +65-831-13 1 1 T aiwan : +886-2-718 -9915 Rest of the world: Call the North American Service C enter at +1-916- 377-7000 (M - F , 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, U.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-1 Advanced Installation S teps 2 2.1 Int roduc tion The advanced installatio n steps are detailed install ation procedures for installing th e Intel® Server RAID Control ler U3-1 (SRCU 31) into servers ru nning W indows NT* Server , Novell NetW are* and SCO UnixW ar e*.
2-2 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 2.2 RAID Con figur ation Ut ility 2.2.1 Introduction RAID Confi guration Utility is a BIOS based utility used to configure a RAID volume prior to OS installation .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-3 Advanc ed Installation Step s Example Expansion ROM load scr een: Intel (R) Integrated RAID - RAID Configuration Utility #.## Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1998-2000 All Rights Reserved Initialization in Progress.
2-4 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 2.3 Con figuring and Adm inistering RAID V olum es in the RAID Conf iguration U tility 2.3.1 K eyboard Navi gation See Ta b l e 2 - 2 for RAID Configuratio n Utility keyboard functio nality .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-5 Advanc ed Installation Step s Figure 2-1. RAID Configuration Utility - Main Menu Exiting RAID Configuration Utility There are two w ays to exit the R AID Configur ation Utility.
2-6 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-2. Three or More SCSI Disk RAID Configuration Selection 2.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-7 Advanc ed Installation Step s Naming the RAI D V olum e In Figu re 2-4 , RAID 0 volume is named Vo l u m e 1 . By default, the fir st RAID volume name w ill always appear as Vo l u m e 1 .
2-8 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-5. Create RAID 0 Confirmation Creat e a RAID 1 V olume RAID 1 vol umes can d iffer based upon the n umber of di sk drives that are instal led in yo ur system at the time of volume creati on.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-9 Advanc ed Installation Step s Figure 2-6. Create RAID 1 V olume Select Subm it . The RAID 1 confirmation screen appears. If you are sat isfied with the selections you have made for your RAID 1 volum e, select Ye s in the confirmation screen and the volume creation process begins.
2-10 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-7. C reate RAID 5 V olume with 3 Disks Highli ght Submit an d press Enter . The R AID 5 confirmation s creen appears. If you are satisfied with the selections you hav e made for your RAID 5 volume, select Ye s in the confirmation screen.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-11 Advanc ed Installation Step s Create a RAID 5 V olume (with more than 3 Disks ) The RAID 5 V olume Creation S creen with more than 3 SCS I disks available is s hown in Figur e 2-9 .
2-12 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps The RAID 5 V olume Creation Complete, Successful Initialization in Pr og r ess scre en is di spl ayed after a RAID 5 v olume has been successfully created.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-13 Advanc ed Installation Step s Define Pass Through Disks Figure 2-1 1. Custom Configuration - Define Pass Through Disks P a s .
2-14 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Format D isks Figure 2-12. Custom Configuration - Format Disks This feature allows the user to low-level format the selected disk(s). The user must double-confirm the request befo re the transa ct ion beg ins.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-15 Advanc ed Installation Step s Boot Device Sele ct Figure 2-13. Custom Configur ation - Boot Device Select The selectable boot device o ption allows the user to select either one RAID volume o r one Pass- through disk as a boot device.
2-16 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 5. Select Submit , press Enter to confirm the selection. Y ou may cancel your action at any time by selecting Ca ncel and pre ssing Enter , or hitti ng Esc.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-17 Advanc ed Installation Step s Figure 2-15. Select RAID V olume to Delete The V olume Deletion S uccessful screen indicates that a RAID volume was successfully deleted. This action takes approximately 10 seconds to co mplete.
2-18 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-16. R eset Entire RAID Configura tion Select Ye s to reset the entire configuration. The Configuration Reset in Progress screen appears. This screen indicates that the configuration is being reset.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-19 Advanc ed Installation Step s 2.4 Advanced RAI D Config uration Utilit y 2.4.1 Introduction Advanced RAID Configur ation Utility (RCU) is a pre-OS DOS based utility used to create multiple volum es.
2-20 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 5. Figure 2- 18 shows the main menu confi guration screen.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-21 Advanc ed Installation Step s 2.5 Int el ® Server RAID Contro ller U3-1 Setup and Inst all ation Note: The Intel Server RAID Contr oller U3-1 may not come with a memory module (DIMM).
2-22 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps • Install Intel® Server RAID Controller U3-1 on an Existing NT 4.0 Server RAID Requirements f or Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Note: This document, when referring NT Server 4.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-23 Advanc ed Installation Step s SRCU31 Hardware I nst allation The SRCU31 comes with the Intel In tegrated RAID firmware already p rogrammed into the flas h memory .
2-24 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Inst alling Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 on a Intel ® Integr ated RAID V olume This procedur e installs Microsof t W indows N T Server 4.0 on an Intel Integrat ed RAID volume.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-25 Advanc ed Installation Step s b. During W in dows NT installation install the following component: —T C P / I P c. After the NT inst allation is comp lete, install the follo wing component s and software: — Microso ft W i ndows NT 4.
2-26 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps The three comp onents in the window in F igure 2-21 are p reselected. Click Next and follow the on screen pr ompts to complete th e installation. Not e: Th e DMI and SNMP components are not selected by default .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-27 Advanc ed Installation Step s Inst alling Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 on a Pass-through Disk or other S torage Device This procedure install s Microsoft W indows NT Server 4.
2-28 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps c. A fter the NT in stallati on is complete, inst all the followin g components and so ftware: — Microsoft W indows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 or g reater — Microsof t Internet Explo rer 4.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-29 Advanc ed Installation Step s Instal l Intel ® S e r v e rR A I DC o n t r o l l e rU 3 - 1o na nE x i s t i n gN T4 . 0 Server This procedure in stalls SRCU31 into a sy stem with an exist ing operating s ystem installed.
2-30 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Not e: S RCU31 will work in a 32bit slot , however , a 64bit, 33 MHz PCI slot is recommended. Co nsult the s ystem guide f or the tar get server b oard to det ermine an appropriat e 64bit, 33 MHz PCI slot.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-31 Advanc ed Installation Step s 2.5.3 Overview of Setup and In st allation for Remote Administration for NT Server This chapter describes the installation procedures for SRCU31.
2-32 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 2.5.4 Setup and Inst allation for Microsoft Windows NT* Server 4.0 2.5. 4.1 In this Sec tion • RAID Requireme nts for Microsoft W indows NT Server 4.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-33 Advanc ed Installation Step s Note: Microsof t Internet Exp lorer can be downlo aded from the Micro soft websi te ( www .microso ) and is also included in the Microsoft W indows NT 4.
2-34 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Inst alling Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 on a Intel ® Integr ated RAID V olume This procedur e installs Microsof t W indows N T Server on an Intel Integrat ed RAID volume.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-35 Advanc ed Installation Step s b. During W in dows NT installation install the following component s: —T C P / I P — Microsoft Internet In formation Serv er 2.
2-36 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-24. WWW Service Properties Window d. Select OK and close Internet Service Mana ger . 8. If Nets cape is used as t he default b rowser , follow the pro cedure in Sect ion 2.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-37 Advanc ed Installation Step s b. Click on the Setup button. See Figure 2- 25 . Figure 2-25. Intel ® Integrated RAID Software Inst al ler Main Menu The three components in th e window in F igure 2-26 are preselected.
2-38 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-26. Selecting Component s Screen after user select s Remote Storage Console.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-39 Advanc ed Installation Step s Inst alling Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 on a Pass-through Disk or another Storage Device Thi s proc edur e inst all s Micr osoft Window s NT Se rver 4 .
2-40 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps —T C P / I P — Microsoft Internet In formation Server 2.0. c. A fter the NT in stallati on is complete, inst all the followin g components and so ftware: — Microsoft W indows NT 4.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-41 Advanc ed Installation Step s Figure 2-27. WWW Service Properties W indow d. Sel ect OK and close Internet S ervice Manager . 8. If N etscape is us ed as the defau lt browser , follow the p rocedure in Section 2.
2-42 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps The three comp onents in the window in F igure 2-26 are p reselected. Add the remote storage co nsole comp onent by c licking on the remote sto rage consol e box.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-43 Advanc ed Installation Step s Inst all Intel Se rver RAI D Controll er U3-1 on a n Existing NT 4 .0 Server This procedure in stalls SRCU31 into a sy stem with an exist ing operating s ystem installed.
2-44 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps c. U nder the Service ta b in the WWW Service Pr operties w indow clear the Al low Ano nym ous checkbox in the Passwor d Authentica tion section. See Figu re 2- 28 .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-45 Advanc ed Installation Step s Note: Y ou must have adm inistrative level perm issions to install SRC U31 software. This procedure assu mes that the SRCU31 hardware and Win dows NT server are in stalled and operational in you r system.
2-46 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 2.5.5 Config uring Micro soft Windows IIS 4.0 Configuring IIS 4.0 f or Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 This procedure co nfigures Micros oft IIS 4.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-47 Advanc ed Installation Step s e. Open the properties of the Scr ipts virtual directory by right cl icking on the Sc ripts folder and selecting properti es from the drop down menu.
2-48 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-31. Authentication Methods h. Select OK and close Micros oft Internet Service Manager . R eturn to the NT installati on procedur e and complete y our inst allation.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-49 Advanc ed Installation Step s 2.5.6 Configuring IIS for use with Net scape Navigator 1. If Netscape Navigator is used as the default bro wser , use the following instruction s to configure Micros oft IIS for use i n Netscape Navigator .
2-50 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Figure 2-33. WWW Service Properties Window d. Select OK and close Internet Service Mana ger . 4. Reconfiguring Microsoft IIS 4.0 for Netscape Navigator a.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-51 Advanc ed Installation Step s Figure 2-34. Authentication M ethods h. Sel ect OK and close Micr osoft Internet Service Manager . Note: Basic Authentication requ ires a username and password to be entered when connecting to secured web sites (including SRCU31 RAID Stor age Console).
2-52 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 2.5.7 U ninst alling Intel Server RAID Control ler U3-1 from NT Server T o remove the (produ ct name) from your NT Server follow the instr uctions below .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-53 Advanc ed Installation Step s 2.5.8 Setup and Inst allation for Novell NetW are* 2.5.
2-54 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Inst alling Novell NetW are on a RAID V olume Follow the required procedure below to install NetW are on an Intel® Integrated RAID volume. Ha ve all har dware a nd sof tware on hand .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-55 Advanc ed Installation Step s BKSTROS M.HAM SCSIOSM.H AM HTTP and W insock Services RAI D Mana gem ent Age nts Select the desired components and hit <F10> to continue. The appropriate files are copied and the AUTOEXEC.
2-56 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 8. Inser t the SRCU31 NetW are installa tion diskette into the A: dri ve.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-57 Advanc ed Installation Step s Inst alling Novell NetW are on a Pass-through D evice or another St orage Device This procedu re instal ls Novell NetW are on a pass -through di sk or anot her storage dev ice.
2-58 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 12. Ru n "LOAD INST ALL". 13. S elect "Product Options", then "In stall product not listed". It will tel l you that it is going to scan the A: drive for install ation scripts.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-59 Advanc ed Installation Step s 5. NetW are w ill then ask for the size of the boot partition, you can either keep the default of 50MB or hit “Modify” to chan ge the size to suit your need s.
2-60 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Inst alling Intel S erver RAID Controlle r U3-1 on an Exist ing Novell NetW are Ser ver Note: Ensure that you first create the S RCU31 NetW ar e Inst allat ion diskette f rom the CD-ROM.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-61 Advanc ed Installation Step s LOAD CDBE.NLM LOAD LOCNLM32.NLM LOAD WS2_ 32.NLM LOAD WSPIP .
2-62 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 2.5.9 Setup and Insta llation for Un ixW are* 2.5. 9.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-63 Advanc ed Installation Step s Instal ling UnixW are on a RAID V olume Follow the r equired pr ocedure below to ins tall UnixW are on an Intel® I ntegrated RAID v olume. Have all hardw are and softwar e on hand.
2-64 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps mount –F cdfs –r /dev /cdrom/ cdrom1 /cdfil es 5. Instal l all the Packages/Services Requirement s first before installing the components packages.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-65 Advanc ed Installation Step s c. Select option 1 (by typing 1) to install the requirements and components ( Figu re 2-36 ). The launched scripts are shown in Figure 2- 37 . Figure 2-37.
2-66 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Inst a lling UnixW are on a Pass-through Device or another Storage Devic e This procedur e installs UnixW are on a pass-through dis k or another st orage device.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-67 Advanc ed Installation Step s be unable to retrieve its copy of this (and other) file(s). Depending on the particular service being requested, fulfilling the request may take a long time, or may fail completely .
2-68 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps Packages which have b een previously installed will o nly be updated if the revision number of the currently installed package is older or newer . 1 1.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-69 Advanc ed Installation Step s Instal l Intel ® Server RAID Control ler U3-1 o n an Existin g UnixW are Server This procedure in stalls SRCU31 into a sy stem with an exist ing operating s ystem installed.
2-70 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 5. After completi ng the inst allation of the co mponents launch t he application u sing the commands in Ta b l e 2 - 6 . Launch ing S tora ge Console 1.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 2-71 Advanc ed Installation Step s Uninst alling Intel ® Serve r RAID Controller U3-1 from UnixW are 1. Insert the SRCU3 1 CD-ROM and mo unt the CD-ROM driv e as follows : a. Create a directory to mou nt the file.
2-72 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Adva nced Install ation Steps 2.6 Sup port W o rld Wide W eb Site: http ://support.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 3-1 Exploring the Utilities 3 3.1 Int roduc tion The Intel® Server R AID Controller U3-1 (SR CU31) Utilities chapter pr ovides informatio.
3-2 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Explor ing the Uti litie s 3.2.1 R OM-DOS S t artup Menu Figure 3-1. ROM-DOS S t a rtup Menu 3.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 3-3 Explo ring the Util ities Figure 3-2. Make Diskettes Options Upd ate Fla sh The Update Flas h Utility provides a functio n for programming SRCU31 f irmware. The Update Flash Utility pro vides the primary method of updating the IOP fir mware (SRCU31 firmware).
3-4 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Explor ing the Uti litie s Note: Only one card can be in the system at a time when using the Firmware Update Utility . FU U only works with one IOP . If two are found an error message indicates that two are found and that you must exit.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 3-5 Explo ring the Util ities Figure 3-4. RAID Firmware Dow nload Succes sful Advanced RAID Configuration U tility The Advanced RAID Con figuration Utility (RCU) is used to create and configure mu ltiple volumes before installin g the operating sys tem.
3-6 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Explor ing the Uti litie s b. Power off all system components and disconn ect their power cords . Wa r n i n g : S hock hazards may be present ins ide the unit in which this card is being installed.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 3-7 Explo ring the Util ities f. Boot the syste m. Y our firmware ha s been restored. Use r ’ s Manual via DOS PDF A DOS-based compatible PDF of the user’ s manual is provided on the I ntel Integrated RAID CD- ROM.
3-8 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Explor ing the Uti litie s.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-1 Using the S torage Console 4 4.1 Int el ® Integr ated RAID Softw are Suite 4.1.1 Sum mary of Contents • Intel® Integr ated RAID So.
4-2 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Using the Storage Console T able 4-1. Intel ® Inte grated RAID Software Software Use Function OS -Inde pend ent 1 RAID Configuration Utility (B IOS) RAID Configuration Configures a RAID volume (pr ior to boot up during BIOS initialization).
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-3 Using t he S torage Co nsol e 4.2 Int el ® Integra ted RA ID Soft ware Com ponen t Inst all ation This section reviews Intel In tegrated RAID software installati ons of RAID Monitor, DMI and SNMP for Microsoft W indows NT* Server , Novell NetW are* and UnixW ar e*.
4-4 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Using the Storage Console Creates a syslog in /usr/adm/syslog that can b e configur ed send an ad ministrative email up on detecting an event.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-5 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Figure 4-2. RAID Monitor Application Configuration Dialog DMI Monitori ng Select this option t o install the DMI Compon ent Instrumentati on (CI) for Intel Server RAID Controller U 3-1 (SRCU31).
4-6 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Using the Storage Console See Section 2.5.9, Setup and Installati on for UnixW are* for DMI instal lation details . SNMP Mana gement Select this o ption to install the SNMP Ex tension Agent for SRC U31.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-7 Using t he S torage Co nsol e • The managed server: ISC Server Instrumentation is installed on the NetW are, Windows NT , or UnixW are server that is going to be managed by the IS C Console software.
4-8 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Using the Storage Console 3. The four components in the Pr eselected Components window below are preselected. See Figur e 4-1 . 4. Select the DMI Management checkbo x and clear all other checkboxes t o install the DMI CI only .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-9 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Note: Y ou may see the number 2147483648 whe n viewing attribute information wi th DMI E xplorer . This number is equival ent to 80000000 hex , which indicates that the item is unsuppo rted.
4-10 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console T o change the view of the right pane click V i ew/L ar ge Icon s , Small Icons , List ,o r Deta ils .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-11 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Installation O verview This overview r eviews what happen s during the install ation of the HP OpenV iew NNM integration software. The Ta b l e 4 - 2 lists the files that a re copied during in stallation.
4-12 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console 4.3 Con figuring RAID V olum es Using the Int el ® Integrated RAID S torage Con sole 4.3.1 Getting St arted Before using th e Intel Integrated RAID br owser software, do th e initial setup and i nstallation of this product.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-13 Using t he S torage Co nsol e SCO UnixW are Execute the Storage Console by entering http://l ocalhost:360 in the Netscape* browser provided with UnixW are. Note that UnixW are prompts you to login to the machine with a User ID of root.
4-14 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Figure 4-5. Current Configura tion with V olume Created The Menu The Menu (located in the left pan el of the Stora ge Console) enables the user to execute actions by cli cking on th e app ropri ate l ink .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-15 Using t he S torage Co nsol e The follow ing section s descri be the S torage Co nsole Menu fun ctions .
4-16 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Figure 4-7. V olume Configuration From this screen mod ify the volume migratio n priority , apply actions to the volume (mod ify , delete) and view member disk con figuratio ns.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-17 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Figure 4-8. RAID V olume Actions 4.3. 5.2 Cre ate T ypical Use the RAID V olume Creation W izard to create a typical RAID volume configuration. The u ser may c hang e volum e nam e and s ize only .
4-18 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Procedure T o create a volume using this feature: 1 . C l i c ko nt h e Cr eate T ypical link. In S tep 1 click on Ye s if you woul d like to dedicate a global hot spare.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-19 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Figur e 4-10. Create T y pical Step 2 Create Custom The Create Custom option al lows you to s elect the volume name an d size, RAID level, s trip size and define which d isks or arr ays upon whi ch to place your v olume.
4-20 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Figure 4-12. Add V olume Information Modify V olume T o modify a volu me: 1 . C l i c ko nt h e Modify V olum e link. 2. Select the volume from t he list you wish to change.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-21 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Figure 4-14. Modify V olume R AID Level 4. Select the appropria te strip size (16, 32 , 64 and 128K) and click on Subm it . The mo dify volume confirmation screen appears.
4-22 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Figure 4-16. P hysical Disk List Note: The serial number dis played in the disk I D in Figu re 4-17 may not exactly match the driv e label serial number .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-23 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Figure 4-17. Physical Disk Configur ation T able 4-6. Phy sical Disk Usage Usage Description Available .
4-24 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console 4.3.6 .2 R eplaci ng a Faile d Drive If a disk fails, it will ev entually need to be replaced. If you need help phy sically locating the failed drive, select the Identify Drive o p t i o na n dc l i c ko n Submit as indicated in Figure 4-1 7 .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-25 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Figure 4-18. Logical Array List 4.3. 7.2 Expand Arra y Use this feature to expand an array , for example, when a drive is add ed to your syste m.
4-26 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Figure 4 -19. A dd Disks t o Array Migr ation Migration occurs wh en a volume is migr ating from one RAID level to ano ther , a v olume strip size changes or when a disk is added to an array .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-27 Using t he S torage Co nsol e 4.3.8 Enclosures V iew The Vi e w link is available if a n intelligent drive encl osure which hous es the SCSI d evices is detected.
4-28 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Figure 4-22. Enclosure Configuration 4.3.9 Util ities 4.3. 9.1 View Conf ig Use this featu re to view curr ent volume an d disk configurat ions. See Fi gure 4 -5 .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-29 Using t he S torage Co nsol e Bus Scan Use the Bus Scan feature t o scan the SCSI buses to recognize a newly i nserted disk( s). There are two modes for bus scan: Destructi ve and Add Di sk( s) methods.
4-30 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console 2. In the Menu click on Bus Sc an .T h e Select Bus Scan T ype page appears. See Figure 4- 25 .C l i c k on the Destructive Metho d radial button. Cl ick on Submit .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-31 Using t he S torage Co nsol e 4. Click on V iew/Config under Utilities to view all volumes and disk s. Note: For the syst em to see the disks when the system is powered u p, the user must insert the disk(s) into the system a nd then bus scan the d isks.
4-32 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console Options Figure 4-27. Options Page Bus Sca n T ype Select the desired Bus Scan, Default or Destructive. See “Bus Scan” on page 4-29 for details.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 4-33 Using t he S torage Co nsol e iop://localh ost/0/8/0 T o confi gure th e second SRCU 31 (change first “0” to a “ 1”) use: iop.
4-34 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 Using the Storage Console.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-1 RAID Features 5 5.1 Int roduc tion 5.1.1 In thi s Chapter This chapter describes how RAID is implemented in the Intel® Integrated RAID solution.
5-2 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 RAID Feat ures Online RAID Reconfiguration SRCU31 can migrate an existing RAID volume to a new RAI D level and/or st rip size.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-3 RAID Featur es One or more phys ical disks may be added to an arr ay to expand its capacity without rebooting . When disks are added to an array , unused capacity is added to the end of the array .
5-4 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 RAID Feat ures Arr ay Roaming Array Roaming allo ws the user the abil ity to move a complete arr ay to another system (with dr ives in any SCSI ID slot) and still preser ve RAID config uration and us er data on that array .
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-5 RAID Featur es transients on the SCSI bus itself and even the best drives and enclosures may not ‘hot s wap’ correctly while the bus is experiencing heavy traf fic.
5-6 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 RAID Feat ures 5.2 Overview o f the RAID Subsystem 5.2.1 Summary of RAID Levels SRCU31 su pports RAID Le vels 0,1, 5 and 10. Ta b l e 5 - 1 provides a summary of RAID levels . T able 5-1.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-7 RAID Featur es 5.2.2 RAID V olume Characteri stics RAID 0 V olume Ch aracterist ics Ta b l e 5 - 2 lists the characteristics of a RAID Level 0 volume. RAID 1 V olume Ch aracterist ics Ta b l e 5 - 3 lists the characteristics of a RAID Level 1 volume.
5-8 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 RAID Feat ures RAID 10 V olume Charact eristic s Ta b l e 5 - 5 lists the characteristics of a RAID Level 10 volume.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-9 RAID Featur es 5.2.5 Arrays An arra y is a group of di sks con taini ng one or mor e RAID vo lumes . A RAID vol ume mu st be created either on an existing array or on a group of available individual disks.
5-10 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 RAID Feat ures data. A RAID volume m ay consume all or a portion of the disk capacity available in a system. Mul tiple R AID vo lum es c an exi st on a g rou p of di sks i n a syst em.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-11 RAID Featur es 5.2.7 Physical Drive Usage This section addresses the usage of phys ical drives.
5-12 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 RAID Feat ures Ta b l e 5 - 1 3 lists avail able disk actions depen ding on current usage and status of the disk (s). See Section 4.3.6, “Physical Dis ks” on page 4-21 . T able 5-12.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-13 RAID Featur es 5.2.8 Caching Downstream W rite-Through The RAID controller cache is used to buffer write data until it is written to disk. Data in the cache is not available to be read from the cache directly .
5-14 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 RAID Feat ures typically exhibit irregular patterns of write intensity over time. Such applications normally write short bursts of data. Such applications may include transaction proces sing (perhaps s orting applications or accounting software).
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-15 RAID Featur es Strip size is specified when you create a RAID volume. S trip size options for RAID levels 0, 1, 5, and 10 are specified below . RAID Level 0 Example Data on a RAID 0 volume is striped across a ll of its member disks.
5-16 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 RAID Feat ures Figure 5-4. Dat a Map of a R AID Level 1 V olume, V olume on 2 Disks with Mirroring 5.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 5-17 RAID Featur es Figure 5-6. Dat a Map of a RAID 10 V olume with 5 Disks, Showing the First 4 Stripes Using Double Mirroring - Striping with Mirroring with Four Disks RAID Level 5 Example Data and parity on a RAID 5 volume are striped acro ss all of its members.
5-18 Intel® Se rver RAI D Controlle r U3-1 Use r’s Manual R ev 1.0 RAID Feat ures.
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 A-1 Hardware Details A A.1 About thi s Chapte r This chapter provides installati on information, product f eatures and specifications of the In tel® Server RAID Contr oller U3-1 (SRCU 31) hardware.
A-2 Intel® Serv er RAID Controlle r U3-1 User’s Manu al Rev 1.0 Hardware Details • H ot Swap Disk Drive support (if disk driv e enclosure suppo rts this feature) • Maximum of 15 Drives suppor ted • Instant availab ility/background initiali zation of R AID V olumes • Global Hot Spares • Event Notification Figure A-2.
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 A-3 Hardware Details A.2 .2 In te l ® Server RAID Con troller U3-1 Specifications A.3 Disk Drive Co nnectivity A.3.1 S CSI Specifics This sec tion pr ovi des info rmati on on supp orte d SCSI tech nolo gy and for m factor s.
A-4 Intel® Serv er RAID Controlle r U3-1 User’s Manu al Rev 1.0 Hardware Details Use Single-ended (SE) and Low V oltage Diff erential (L VD) devices but it is recommended that you use only one type of drive (SE or L V D) on any one ch annel at a time.
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 A-5 Hardware Details The SRCU31 is a self t erminating adapter . This means that the end of the SCSI cable t hat is connected to the SRCU31 will be t erminated automatically . The other end of the SC SI cable will not be automatical ly terminated.
A-6 Intel® Serv er RAID Controlle r U3-1 User’s Manu al Rev 1.0 Hardware Details.
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 B-1 T r oubleshooting Scenarios B B.1 Sum mary of C ontent s • Hardwar e T roubles hooting • Software T roub leshoot ing • RAID Conf.
B-2 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 T roubleshoo ting Scenar ios SRCU31 adapt ers in the same sy stem. Note that on ly the items that r equire special attentio n for a two-adapter usage model are listed below .
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 B-3 T roublesh ooting Scena rios In this situation NT may al so incorrectly assign and reference drive letters.
B-4 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 T roubleshoo ting Scenar ios operating system. Any volumes created on drives attached to the second SRCU31 will not b e recognized by the NT i nstallation program and therefore NT can not be install ed on those volu mes.
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 B-5 T roublesh ooting Scena rios Solu tio n: When a RAID V olume is deleted from a Windows NT system, NT still shows the drive in W indows NT Explorer , My Computer , and other locatio ns. Also, the Dis k Administrat or tool shows the dri ve as offline.
B-6 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 T roubleshoo ting Scenar ios 2. Select the C onnection tab from the Intern et Options window .
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 B-7 T roublesh ooting Scena rios B.7 Runn ing a Browser on the Unix ware Server Problem: During the installation of the Unixware component.
B-8 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 T roubleshoo ting Scenar ios.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 C-1 Error Messages Defined C C.1 Sum mary of C ontent s • Error Messages • RAID Co nfiguration U tility Error Message s • Flash Reco.
C-2 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Error Me ssages Defi ned The FRU is designed to work only o n one IOP hardware at a time. If it finds multip le IOP hardware in the computer in reset mode 0, then it has no way to determine as to which one should be upgr ade d.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 C-3 Error M essages Def ined The FRU d isplays this err or message when it t ries to allocate R AM memory in the ho st computer and the Oper ating System (DOS) can no t allocate memor y and returns an error .
C-4 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Error Me ssages Defi ned C.2.2 .3. W a rning Mes sages "WARNING 2301: This operation will update content s of RAID Adapter.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 C-5 Error M essages Def ined 1504 – Set Parameters Message Returned Error Status 1505 – Bad Result Count Returned from Messag e 1506 .
C-6 Intel ® Serv er RA ID Cont roll er U3-1 Us er’ s Manu al Rev 1. 0 Error Me ssages Defi ned.
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 Glossary -1 Glossary Array An array is a grou p of disks containing one or mo re RAID volumes. The data fro m each RAID volume on an array is evenly spr ead across all d isks in the array .
Glossary -2 Intel® Serv er RAID Controlle r U3-1 User’s Manu al Rev 1.0 Glossary ECC Data Protection (Err or -Correct ing Code memory) A memory system that tests for and corrects errors on the fly . It uses circuitry that generates checksums to correct errors.
Intel® Server RAID Controll er U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 Glossary -3 Glossa ry Online RAID Reco nfiguration Ability to switch th e RAID leve l configuration wi thout having to tak e the system offline.
Glossary -4 Intel® Serv er RAID Controlle r U3-1 User’s Manu al Rev 1.0 Glossary SCSI C hannel A bus that uses SCS I protoc ol to move data t o and from d isks. Selectable RAID Reb uild Rate A selectable parameter that specifies how mu ch time the controller devotes to r ebuilding a failed drive.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 Index-i Index Index A arrays 5-9 C caching 5-13 downst ream write-t hrough 5- 13 full write-back 5-13 sequential write-back 5-13 D disk dr.
Index -ii I ntel® Serve r RAID Co ntroller U3 -1 User’s M anual Re v 1.0 Index levels 5-6 levels examp les 5-14 online cap acity expan sion 5-2 online c onfigur ation 5- 2 online v olume migra tion.
Intel® Server RAID Cont roller U3-1 User’ s Manual Rev 1.0 Index-ii i Index in RAID Configuratio n Utility 2-5 vol ume de leti ng in RAID Configuratio n Utility 2-16 volume sta tus 5-10 volume s 5-.
Index -iv I ntel® Serve r RAID Co ntroller U3 -1 User’s M anual Re v 1.0 Index.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Intel SRCU31 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Intel SRCU31 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Intel SRCU31 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Intel SRCU31 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Intel SRCU31 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Intel SRCU31 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Intel SRCU31 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intel SRCU31. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intel SRCU31 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.