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Document No:305261; R evision:004 Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Hardware De sign Guidelines February 2007.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 2 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 INFORMA TION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTELR PRODUCTS.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 3 Contents—Intel ® IXP45X a nd Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Contents 1.0 Introduction ......... .
Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Contents Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 4 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 3.12.1 Signal Interface ............
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 5 Contents—Intel ® IXP45X a nd Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Clock Group ...... ..........
Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Contents Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 6 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 44 DDR RAS Simulation Re sults: Two-Bank x16 D evices .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 7 Revision History—Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Revision History Date Revision Description Febru ary 2007 004 • Section 1.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors—Revision History Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 8 Document Number: 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors December 2006 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 9 Introduction—Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Prod uc t Line of Networ k Pro ce s s or s 1.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Pr oduct Lin e of Network Processors —Introduct ion Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD December 2006 10 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 1.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors December 2006 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 11 Introduction—Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Prod uc t Line of Networ k Pro ce s s or s 1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations Ta b l e 1 lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in this guide.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Pr oduct Lin e of Network Processors —Introduct ion Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD December 2006 12 Document Number: .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors December 2006 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 13 Introduction—Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Prod uc t Line of Networ k Pro ce s s or s Note: Figure 1 shows the Intel ® IXP465 Network Processor.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Pr oduct Lin e of Network Processors —Introduct ion Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD December 2006 14 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 1.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 15 System Architecture—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 2.0 System Architecture 2.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Pr od uct Lin e o f Ne twork Pro c essor s —Sy stem Arch i t e cture Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 16 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 Figure 2.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 17 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 18 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 19 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 20 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 21 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.3.1 Signal Interface 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 23 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 25 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Figure 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 26 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 Figure 4.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 27 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.3.6 Flash Interface Figure 5 illustrates how a boot ROM is connected to the expansion bus.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 28 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 29 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Note: The UAR T module does not support full modem functionality .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 30 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.5 MII/SMII Interface The IXP45X/IXP46X network processors supp ort a maximum of three Ethernet MACs.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 31 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.5.1 Signal Interface M II Table 8.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 32 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 ETHB_COL I Y es Collision Detect.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 33 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 34 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 35 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.5.4 Device Connection, SMII 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 36 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.6.1 Signal Interface 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 37 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.7 I 2 C Interface The IXP45X/IXP46X network processors support I 2 C interface and protocol.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 38 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 39 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 41 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 42 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.9.1 Signal Interface 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 43 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 44 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.10.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 45 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Table 18.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 46 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.10.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 47 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.11.1 Signal Interface 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 48 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 49 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 50 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.12.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 51 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 52 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 PCI_TRDY_N I/O Connect signal to same pin between the two devices.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 53 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 54 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.13.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 55 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 3.14.3 Device Connection 3.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 56 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 3.15.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 57 General Hardware Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Produc t Line of Networ k Processors—General Hardware Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 59 General PCB Guide—Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 4.0 General PCB Guide 4.1 PCB Overview Beginning with components selection, this chapter prese nts general PCB guidelines.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 60 Document Number: 305261; Revsion: 004 • Place noisy parts (clock, processor , video, etc.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 61 General PCB Guide—Intel ® IXP45X and I ntel ® IXP46X Product Lin.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 62 Document Number: 305261; Revsion: 004 • F ast and slow transmission line networks must be considered •P C B - b o a r d v e l o c i t i e s •B o a r d F R 4 ~ 4 .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 63 General Layout and Routing Guide—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 5.0 General Layout and Routing Guide 5.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 64 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 • Do not place high-frequency oscillators and switching network device s close to sensitive analog circuits.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 65 General Layout and Routing Guide—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Figure 23 and Figure 24 show good and poor design practices for via placement on surface-mount boards.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 66 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 5.2.2 C lock Signal Considerations • Provide good return current paths for clock tr aces.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 67 General Layout and Routing Guide—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP4.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 68 Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 • Wherever possible, use a perfect symmetry within a differential pair .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261; Revision: 004 69 General Layout and Routing Guide—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 5.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 70 Document Number: 305261;.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 71 PCI Interface Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 6.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors—PCI Interface Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 72 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 6.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 73 PCI Interface Design Considerations—Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 6.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors—PCI Interface Design Considerations Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 74 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 The limitations of the maximum trace length can be calculated with the equations shown in Section 6.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 75 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 7.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 76 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 Ta b l e 2 8 provides a list of supported memory co nfigur ations that can be implemented for one or two banks.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 77 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of N.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 78 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 Figure 29 shows the DDR memory interface of the IXP45X/IXP46X network processors using x16 devices with Error Correcting Code (ECC).
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 79 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Figure 29.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 80 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 7.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 81 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 7.1.2 Signal-Timing Analysis Figure 31.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 82 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 Figure 32. DDR Data to DQS Read Timing Pa rameters Table 30.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 83 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Figure 33. DD R-Data-to-DQS-Write Timing Param eters Table 31.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 84 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 7.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 85 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 7.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 86 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 Figure 36.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 87 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 7.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 88 Document Number: 305261,.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 89 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 7.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 90 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 7.2 Simulation Results This section contains the simulation results for each of the DDR signal groups.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 91 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Figure 37.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 92 Document Number: 305261,.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 93 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Table 37.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 94 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 Figure 39.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 95 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors The data-circuit simulation results in Figure 40 show that the voltage wavefo rm meets the DDR dev ice input voltage requirements.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 96 Document Number: 305261,.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 97 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of N.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 98 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 7.2.3 Control Group The control signal group includes the sign als DDRI_CS[1:0] and DDRI_CKE[1:0].
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 99 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of N.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 100 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 7.2.4 Command Group The command signal group includes the signals DDRI_MA[13:0], DDRI_BA[1:0], DDRI_RAS, DDRI_CAS and DDRI_WE.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 101 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Figure 45.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 102 Document Number: 305261.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 103 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Figure 47.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 104 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 The simulation results in Figure 48 are for the RAS circuit, the voltage waveform meets the DDR device input voltage requirements.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 105 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors 7.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 106 Document Number: 305261.
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proc essors February 2007 HDD Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004 107 DDR-SDRAM—Inte l ® IXP45X and I n tel ® IXP46X Product Line of .
Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Ne twork Processors—Category Intel ® IXP45X and Intel ® IXP46X Product Line of Network Proce ssors HDD February 2007 108 Document Number: 305261.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Intel IXP46X (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Intel IXP46X noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Intel IXP46X - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Intel IXP46X reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Intel IXP46X erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Intel IXP46X besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Intel IXP46X verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intel IXP46X. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intel IXP46X gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.