Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ISP1100 des Produzenten Intel
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Intel ® ISP1100 Internet Server Product Guide A Guide for Technically Qualified Assemblers of Intel ® Identified Subassemblies/Products Order Number: A 10528-001.
Disclaim er Intel Corporat ion (Intel) makes no warranty of any ki nd with regard t o this material, i ncl udi ng, but not li mited to, the implie d warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Intel assume s no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
iii Contents 1 Description System C ompone nts ............................................................................................................ 7 Serve r Bo ard Fe atu res ...................................................................
iv Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product Guide Instal lin g the Proc esso r ...................................................................................................... 2 8 Removing the Pro cessor Fan (If Appl icabl e) ....................
Contents v After the Sys tem H as Been Runni ng Cor rectly ................................................................... 69 Che cklis t .............................................................................................................
vi Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Server Prod uct Guide 25. Instal lin g the Add -in C ard (s) o n the R iser .................................................................. 46 26. Rem oving the Rear I / O Filler Panel(s) .................................
7 1 Description System Components Figure 1 show s the lo cation of the ma jor sys tem comp onents in the Inte l ® ISP1100 I nternet S erver. B C M D A OMO9445 E H L K N F G J I A. PCI Add-in Card Slots H. Fan 1 B. PCI Riser Card I. Fan 2 C. Server Board J.
8 Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product G uide Server Board Features Table 1 su mmarizes th e TR440BX serve r board fea tures. Table 1. Server Board Features Feature Description Form Factor MicroATX (9.6 i nches by 9.6 inches ) Processor Supports an Int el ® Pent ium ® III processor or Int el Celeron ™ proces sor in a PGA370 sock et.
Descrip tio n 9 Server Board Connectors and Components Figure 2 shows t he loca tions o f the se rver board connecto rs and co mponen ts. AB C DE FG H J I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA OMO9446 A. Wake on LAN C onnector O. System Fans Connectors B.
10 Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product G uide Controls, Connectors, and Indicators Front Pa nel Figure 3 shows t he loca tions o f the se rver fron t-pane l controls, connect ors, and indicator s. D C A OMO9447 BE F G H I J KL M N A. Power LED Indicator (Green) H.
Descrip tio n 11 Processors The server boa rd suppor ts a singl e Intel Pen tium III processo r or Celeron process or that plugs into a PGA370 socke t connecto r that secures th e proces sor chi p with a z ero-in sertion-fo rce (ZIF ) arm. The host bus spe ed (66 MHz or 1 00 MHz) is au tomat ically sele cted.
12 Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product G uide • Unbuffered DIM Ms of the followin g sizes: 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB, 128 MB and 256 MB for a total memory si ze of 1 G B. • Registered DI MMs of the fo llowing siz es: 64MB, 1 28Mb and 2 56MB for a maximu m me mory size of 1 GB.
Descrip tio n 13 NOTE All memory compone nts used with th e server boa rd shou ld comp ly with the following PC SDRA M specifi cations (s ee Cha pter 13 in the In tel ® ISP1100 Internet Se rver Tech .
14 Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product G uide IDE Support The server boa rd has tw o independ ent bus -master ing IDE in terfa ces that sup port: 1. ATAPI devi ces (su ch as CD -ROM d rives). 2. ATA device s using the trans fer mod es liste d in the In tel ISP11 00 Inte rnet Server Technical Product Speci ficat ion.
Descrip tio n 15 I / O Controller The FDC37B807 I/O control ler from SMSC i s an ISA Plug and P lay-co mpatible, multifunc tional I/O device th at prov ides th e foll owing featur es (se e Chapter 13 i n the Inte l ISP1100 Internet S erver Technical Produ ct Spec ifica tion fo r Plug and P lay spe cificat ion infor mation): • Two serial por ts.
16 Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product G uide Keyboa rd and Mous e Inte rf ace The PS/2 keybo ard and mous e connec tors are lo cated on th e serve r back panel.
Descrip tio n 17 For more det ails on programm ing and reading the Heceta 2 chip pl ease refe r to the Hece ta 2 Devic e Specificat ion ver sion 1.2 o r later ( see Chapter 1 3 in the In tel ISP1100 I nterne t Server Tech nical Product Speci ficat ion for how to o btain thi s speci fication ).
18 Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product G uide Wake on Ring/Resume on Ring Wake on Ring enable s the co mputer to w ake fro m sleep or soft-of f mode w hen a call is rec eived on a telepho ny device, su ch as a f axmodem. Th e serve r board p rovides th ree me thods fo r imple menting W ake on Ring : 1.
Descrip tio n 19 SMI and NMI Routi ng There are num erous S MI sour ces and a ll are rou ted to the PIIX4. S oftw are mu st configu re the PIIX4 SMI s ource p ins to co ntrol wh ether S MI is p ropagated t hrough t o the pro cessor via its H_SMI inpu t or not.
20 Intel ISP1100 Int ernet Serv er Product G uide Fan Support The server boa rd has five fan conn ectors. The functions o f the f an connector s are descr ibed in Table 7. Table 7. Fan Connector D escriptions Connector Function Fan 1 (J35) Supports fan s peed sens ing for fa ns with tac hometer outp uts.
21 2 Remo ving / Installing Ser ver Co mponents This chap ter prov ides procedu res fo r remo ving and ins talling replaceabl e and/o r upgradable componen ts in th e Inte l ISP1100 Int ernet Se rver. Befor e perfo rming the p rocedu res, be s ure to familiari ze yours elf with the foll owing “Before You Begin” in format ion.
22 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide WARNINGS This chapter is int ended for quali fied techn ical per sonnel with experience installing and configuring servers. SYSTEM POWER ON/OFF: The Power button on the ser ver front panel DOES N OT remove A C power to the serve r syste m.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 23 Rackmount Precauti ons Familiarize yourse lf w ith the follow ing precaut ions befo re rac kmo unt ing the ser ver.
24 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Safe ty and Regula tory Require ments This pro duct was e valu ate d for u se i n comp uter rac ks with in c omput er room s and simil ar l ocati ons . Other uses re quire further eva luation. Safety Compliance USA/Canada UL 1950, 3 rd Ed ition/CSA 22.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 25 Installing the Server in the Rack This procedur e describe s how to insta ll the se rver in the rack. Be fore procee ding, be su re and familiarize you rsel f with the “Ra ckmount Pre caution s” infor mation in the “Before You Be gin” section at the fro nt of th is chapte r.
26 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Removing the Cover This procedur e describe s how to remov e the cov er from the server. Before p roceeding, b e sure you are thorough ly familia r with the info rmation in “Before You Beg in” at the front o f this chapte r.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 27 Removing the Processor This procedur e describe s how to remov e the proce ssor on the server b oard. Bef ore proc eeding, be sure you are thorough ly familiar wi th the info rmation in “Before You Beg in” at the front o f this chapter.
28 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Removing t he Proc essor Chip Perform th is proc edure to re move th e proce ssor ch ip from th e socke t.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 29 Removi ng the Pr ocess or Fan ( If Applic able ) This procedur e describe s how to remov e the proce ssor fa n from a repl acement p rocesso r. Due to space constr aints, the server will no t acco mmodate a p rocess or with a fan mount ed on the h eat sink.
30 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Installin g the P roces sor Ch ip Perform th is proc edure to in stall the pro cessor chi p in the socket.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 31 Installin g the P roces sor He at Sink Perform th is procedur e to in stall the hea t sink on th e proces sor chip.
32 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Removing the DIMM Boards This procedur e describe s how to remov e DIMM board s fro m the serve r board socke ts. Before proceeding, be sure you are thorough ly fami liar with the infor mation in “Be fore You Begin ” at the front of th is chap ter.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 33 Installing the DIMM Boards This procedur e describe s how to insta ll DIMM bo ards on the s erver b oard. Bef ore proceed ing, be sure you are thorough ly familiar wi th the info rmation in “Before You Beg in” at the front o f this chapter.
34 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Removing the Hard Drive(s) This procedur e descr ibes how to re move th e hard d rives fro m the s erver d rive bay s. Before proceeding, be sure you are thorough ly fami liar with the infor mation in “Be fore You Begin ” at the front of th is chap ter.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 35 Installing the Hard Drive(s) This procedur e describe s how to insta ll hard dr ives in th e serve r drive bays. Before p roceeding, b e sure you are thorough ly familiar wi th the info rmation in “Before You Beg in” at the front o f this chapter.
36 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Installin g the H ard D rive in the Dr ive Bay Perform th is proc edure to in stall the mo unting brac ket with th e hard dr ive in the drive b ay. Refer to Figure 16 while perform ing this proced ure. 1.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 37 Removing the 3.5-inch Diskette Drive This procedur e describe s how to remov e the 3.5 -inch diske tte drive fr om the server dr ive bay. Before procee ding, be s ure you are thorough ly familiar wi th the info rmation in “Before You Beg in” at the fron t of this c hapter.
38 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Installing the 3.5-inch Diskette Drive This procedur e describe s how to insta ll the 3.5 -inch diske tte drive in the serv er drive ba y. Before proceeding, be sure you are thorough ly fami liar with the infor mation in “Be fore You Begin ” at the front of this chap ter.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 39 Installin g the 3.5-inch Disk ette Driv e in the D rive Bay Perform this proc edure to instal l the mount ing bra cket and dri ve in th e serve r drive bay. Refer t o Figure 19 while perform ing this proced ure.
40 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Removing the PCI Add-in Card(s) This procedur e describe s how to remov e the PCI add-in card (s) fro m the serve r board. Befo re proceeding, be sure you are thorough ly fami liar with the infor mation in “Be fore You Begin ” at the front of this chap ter.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 41 Removing t he Riser and Add-in Card( s ) Perform th is proc edure to re move th e rise r and add-i n card( s) from the serv er boar d. Refer to Figure 21 while perform ing this proced ure. CAUTION Do not attemp t to r emove an add-in car d withou t first re moving th e rise r card from the s erver bo ard.
42 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Removing t he Add-in Ca rd(s) Fr om t he Riser Perform th is proc edure to re move th e add-i n card(s) from the riser card. Refer to Figur e 22 whil e performin g this p rocedur e. 1. Grasp the edges of the riser ca rd and th e add-in card you w ish to remove.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 43 Installing the Rear I/O Filler Panel(s ) CAUTION Be sure any emp ty expan sion sl ot(s) have a fille r panel ins talled as descri bed in the fo llowing “In stal ling the R ear I/O F iller Pan el(s)” pr ocedure.
44 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Installing PCI Add-in Card(s) This procedur e describe s how to insta ll the PCI a dd-in card (s) in the server expansion s lots. The vertical ly moun ted riser card acc ommod ates one st andard (left sid e) and on e low-pro file (r ight s ide) PCI add-in car d.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 45.
46 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Insta lling the Add-in Car d(s) on the Rise r Perform this proc edure to instal l the s tandard or l ow-profile add-in cards on the riser ca rd.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 47 Removing the Rear I / O Filler Panel(s) NOTE Perform th is proc edure on ly if you ar e instal ling PCI add -in ca rd(s) in u nused expansion slo ts tha t still have an I/O f iller pan el insta lled. Perform th is proc edure to re move th e rear I/O fill er pane l(s).
48 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Installin g the R iser an d Ad d-in C ard(s) Perform this proc edure to instal l the rise r and add -in card(s ) in th e serve r PCI expan sion slot s. Refer to F igure 27 whil e performing this p rocedure.
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 49 Replacing the Back-up Battery This procedur e describe s how to remov e and rep lace the li thium batter y on the serve r board . The lithium b attery pow ers the real-t ime cloc k (RTC) in the abse nce of AC power.
50 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide 1. Remove the se rver cov er as desc ribed in the “Remov ing the Serve r Cover” proc edure. 2. Insert the tip of a flat bladed screwdr iver (A ), or equival ent, under the tab in the p lastic ba ttery retain er (B ).
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 51 Power Up the Server This procedur e describe s how to apply AC powe r and power up t he server (refer to Fig ure 29). Before procee ding, be s ure you are thorough ly familiar wi th the “Befor e You Begin” inf ormatio n at the front of this gu id e.
52 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide 1. Attach th e fema le end o f the approp riate AC power cord to the ma ting AC power rec eptacle on the serv er back p anel. 2. Plug the ma le end of the AC power c ord into th e AC power sou rce (wall ou tlet).
Removing/Ins talling Serv er Components 53.
54 3 Configuration Software and Utilities This ch apter desc ribes the Pow er-On Self -Test (PO ST ) and server configu ratio n utilit ies. Th e table below brie fly de scribe s the util itie s.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 55 Note the scre en disp lay and wr ite down the be ep code you hear; th is info rmat ion is usef ul for your service rep resentat ive. For a l isting of b eep codes and e rror me ssages that POST can generate, s ee the “Solv ing Problem s” chap ter in this manua l.
56 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Table 11. BIOS Setup Function Keys (c ontinued) Setup Key Description < ↑ > or < ↓ > Selec t Item: The u p or down arr ow selects the prev ious or nex t value i n a pick list, or the previous or n ext feature in a menu i tem’s opti on lis t.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 57 Advan ced Menu The menu bar is sh own below. Main Advanced Secur it y Boot Syst em Managem ent Exit Table 13 show s the Advan ced menu. Thi s menu conf igures advan ced fea tures tha t are availab le through th e chipset.
58 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Table 16. IDE Configuration Menu Feature Options Description IDE Controller Boot (defau lt) Disabled Primary Secondary “Disabled” disables the integrat ed IDE Control ler. “Primary ” enables only the pr imary IDE Contro ller.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 59 Table 17. IDE Configuration Submenu (con tinued) Feature Options Description PIO Mode Auto (default) 0 1 2 3 4 Configures the PIO m ode. Ultra DMA Disabled (defa ult) Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Configures the U ltra DMA m ode.
60 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Securit y Menu The menu bar is sh own below. Main Advanced Security Boot System Management Ex it Table 20 show s the Sec urity men u.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 61 Table 21. Boot Menu ( continue d) Feature Options Description After Power Failure Stays Off Last State (def ault) Power On Determines the mode of op eration if a power loss occurs . “Stays Off” k eeps sys tem off once power is resto red .
62 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Syst e m Management Me nu The menu bar is sh own below. Main Advanced Sec urit y Boot System Management Ex it Table 22 show s the Sys tem Managem ent menu. Thi s menu set s server management featu res. Table 22.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 63 Exit Menu The menu bar is sh own below. Main Advanced Security Boot Syste m Management Exit Table 23 shows th e Exit menu. This menu ex its the Se tup progra m – savin g, discard ing, and loading d efault se ttings.
64 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Obtaining the Upgra de Utility You can upgrad e to a new ver sion of the B IOS using the new BIOS file s and th e BIOS upgrad e utility, iFLASH.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 65 7. To extract t he BIOS.EXE fi le to the f loppy dis k, change to the te mporary di rectory that holds the BIOS.EXE file and typ e: BIOS A: 8. Press <Enter> . 9. The floppy disk now holds the B IOS upgrade and recovery files.
66 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide 8. Two beeps and the e nd of ac tivity in drive A indi cate succe ssful BIOS recovery. 9. A series of co ntinuous bee ps indi cates fa iled BIOS r ecovery. 10. If recov ery fail s, retu rn to step 1 and repe at the reco very pro cess.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 67.
68 4 Solving Pr ob lems This chap ter helps you ident ify and so lve pro blems th at mig ht occu r while yo u are using the system. Resetting the System To do this: Press: Soft boot rese t, whi ch cl e ars syst em memo ry and reloads the operat ing syste m.
Solving Problem s 69 Running New Application Software Problems th at occu r when you run new a pplication so ftware are usua lly rela ted to the s oftware.
70 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide More Problem Solving Procedures This section provide s a mo re deta iled approa ch to id entifying a problem and loca ting i ts source.
Solving Problem s 71 Specific Problems and Corrective Actions This section prov ide s possib le solut ions for these spec ifi c prob le ms : • Power light doe s not l ight. • There is n o beep or an incorrect b eep pat tern. • No charact ers app ear on scree n.
72 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide 4. If you do no t receive a beep cod e and charac ters do not a ppear, the video displ ay monito r or video con troller may have faile d. Contact you r serv ice rep resentative o r autho rized de aler for help.
Solving Problem s 73 Hard Disk Dri ve Acti vity Lig ht Do es Not Li ght If you hav e insta lled one or more h ard disk drives in your sys tem, check the fol lowing: q Are the pow er and sig nal cab le.
74 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide q Check the ne twork con trolle r LEDs tha t are v isible throug h an op ening at t he syst em back panel. Problems wit h Network The server hang s when the drivers ar e loaded. q Change the PCI BIOS in terru pt settin gs.
Solving Problem s 75 q If other so ftware runs cor rectly on the sys tem, contac t your vendor about t he failing softwa re. If the p roblem pe rsists, cont act the softwar e vendor’s cu stome r serv ice repres entative for he lp.
76 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Table 25. Erro r Mess ages Des cription Error Message Description 8042 Gate-A20 Err or Gate A20 on the key board control ler (8042 ) is not work ing. Repl ace the 804 2. Address Line S hort! Error in t he address decoding c ircuitry .
Solving Problem s 77 Table 25. Erro r Mess ages Des cription (c ontinu ed) Error Message Description No ROM BASIC Cannot find a pr oper bootabl e sector on drive A:, C:, or CD-ROM drive. AMIBIOS cannot fin d ROM Bas ic. Off Board Parity Error Parity error in m emory inst alled on a n adapter c ard in an ex pansion s lot.
78 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide Inde x A add-in cards installati on, 44, 47 installati on on riser, 45 remova l, 40 audible bee p err or code s, 5 3 B battery, 14 disposi ng of safe ly.
Index 79 I I/O controller, 15 diskette drive controller, 15 keyboard and mouse interface, 16 serial ports, 15 IDE suppo rt, 14 indicat ors, 1 0 K - L keyboard and mouse interface, 16 keyboard interfac.
80 Intel ISP1100 Internet Server Produc t Guide removing/installing server co mponents (conti nued) rem ovi ng t he PCI add- in c ar ds, 40 rem ovi ng t he pr oces s or , 27 rem ovi ng t he pr oces s .
Index 81.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intel ISP1100. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intel ISP1100 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.