Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung D945GNT/D945GTP des Produzenten Intel
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Intel® Desktop Board D945GNT/D945GTP Product Guide Order Number: D10471-00 2.
Re vision History Revision Revision History Date -001 First rele ase of the In tel ® Des ktop Boar d D945G NT/D945GT P Product G uide March 2005 -002 Second relea se of the Inte l ® D esktop Board D.
iii Preface This Produc t Guide g ives i nformatio n abo ut board lay out, com ponent inst alla tion, BI OS update, and reg ulatory requirem ents fo r I ntel ® Desktop Boa rd D945GNT/D945GTP. Intended Audience The Product Gu ide is inten ded fo r technic ally qualifie d personnel.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide iv Terminology The table below g ives descr iptions to som e comm on term s used in the product g uide.
v Contents 1 Desktop Board Feat ures ................................................................................. 9 Manufacturing Opti ons ........................................................................................................ 11 Supported Ope rat ing Sy stems .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide vi Installing and Re moving the De skt op Boar d ........................................................................ 31 Installing and Re movi ng a Proc essor ..................................
Contents vii B Regulatory Complia nce Safety R egulati ons ............................................................................................................. . 67 European Union Declara tion of Co nformi ty S tate ment .....................
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide viii Tables 1. Fea ture Sum mary ........................................................................................................... 9 2. Manufacturing Op tions .............................
9 1 Desktop Board Features This c hapter brief ly desc ribes th e m ain featu res of I ntel ® Desktop Board D945GNT/D945G TP. Table 1 sum m arizes the m ajor fea tures o f the de sktop board. Table 1. Feature Summary Form Factors • ATX (12.00” x 9.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 10 Table 1. Feature Summary (c ontin ued) Peripheral Interfaces • Up to eight USB 2.0 ports ⎯ Four ports r outed to the back panel ⎯ Four ports route d to two U SB heade rs • Four Serial A TA (SATA) chan nels (3.
Desktop Boar d Features 11 Manufacturing Options Table 2 shows the m anufacturing opti ons for desk top board D945GNT/D945G TP. Table 2. Manufactur ing Options Option Description Up to three IEEE 1394.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 12 Desktop Board Components Figure 1 sh ows the ap proxi mate loca tion of the major com ponents on desktop boa rd D945GNT.
Desktop Boar d Features 13 Table 3. Desktop Boa rds D945GNT Components Label Description A Rear fan hea der (4-pin, fa n speed control) B PCI Express x1 connec tors C Front panel au dio hea der D PCI .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 14 Figure 2 sh ows the ap proxi mate loca tion of the major com ponents on desktop boa rd D945GTP.
Desktop Boar d Features 15 Table 4. Desktop Boa rds D945GTP Components Label Description A Front panel au dio hea der B PCI bus add-in card connector s C PCI Expre ss x16 conne ctor D 12 V process or .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 16 Processor CAUTION Failure to use the app ropri ate power su pply ( bel ow) and/or not connect ing the 12 V (2x2) power connector to the desk top bo ard may result in damage t o the board, or the s ystem may not funct ion properly.
Desktop Boar d Features 17 Main Memory NOTE To be fully comp liant w ith all appl icable Intel ® SDRA M memory specificat ions, the boar d should be populated wi th DIMMs that suppor t the Se rial Pr esence De tect (S PD) data str ucture.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 18 Intel ® 945G Express Chipset The I ntel 945G Expres s Chipse t consist s of the follow ing dev ices: • Intel 82945G Gra phics an d Mem ory Co.
Desktop Boar d Features 19 Related Links: Go to the fol lowing link or pag es for m ore inform ation about : • Audio driv ers and u tilities http:/ /suppor t.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 20 RJ-45 LAN Connector LEDs Two LEDs are bui lt in to th e RJ-45 LAN port lo cated o n the back panel ( see Figure 3). OM17386 Figure 3. LAN Port LED Locations Two LEDs are bui lt in to the R J-45 LAN connecto r.
Desktop Boar d Features 21 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Support NOTE Computer systems that have an uns hielded cab le attached to a USB port might n ot mee t FCC Class B requ irement s, even if no dev ice or a low -speed USB devi ce is a ttached to the cab le. Use a shie lded cab le that m eets th e requir emen ts for a full-speed USB dev ice.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 22 Related Links: For info rmation ab out ins talling the PCI Express x16 card, s ee pag e 40 in Ch apter 2. BIOS The BI OS provides the Po wer- On Self- Test (P OST), t he BIOS Setup prog ram , the PCI/PCI Express and I D E auto-config uration ut ilitie s, and the video BI OS.
Desktop Boar d Features 23 Chassis Intrusion The board su pports a chass is secur ity fea ture t hat detec ts if the chassis cov er has b een rem oved. The secur ity fe ature u ses a mechanica l switch on t he chass is tha t can be c onnecte d to the c hassis intrusion h eader on the desk top board.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 24 The overa ll syst em noise reduct ion will v ary based on sy stem configura tion and env ironm ent.
Desktop Boar d Features 25 USB bus activity wakes th e com puter from an ACPI S1 or S3 sta te. Wake from P S/2 Keyboard/M ouse PS/2 key board/mouse a ctiv ity wak es the com puter fro m an ACPI S1 or S3 stat e. PME# Wakeup Support When the P ME# signal on the PCI bus is as serted , th e com puter wakes f rom an ACPI S1, S3, or S5 state.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 26.
27 2 Installing and Replacing Desktop Boar d Components This c hapter tell s you how to: • I nstall the I /O shie ld • In stall and rem ov e the desk top board • In stall and rem ov e a processo.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 28 Follow these g uidelin es before y ou begin: • Alway s follow th e steps in each p rocedure in the co rrect o rder. • Set up a log to re cord in form ation about y our com puter, suc h as model, seria l num bers, installed opt ions, and config uration informati on.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 29 If the power s upply and other m odules or pe ripheral s, as app licable, a re not Class B EMC compliant before integ ratio n, then EMC tes ting m ay be required on a represen tati ve sam ple of th e newly com pleted com puter.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 30 Installing the I/O Shiel d The desktop board com es with a n I /O shield. When insta lled in th e chass is, the s hield bl ocks radio frequency transm issions , protects intern al com ponents from dust a nd fore ign ob jects, an d prom otes correct ai rflow with in th e chass is.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 31 Installing and Removing the Desktop Board CAUTION Only qualifi ed tech nical p ersonne l should do this pro cedure. Disconne ct the computer from its power source be fore per forming th e procedu res descri bed here.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 32 Installing and Removing a Processor Instructi ons on how t o insta ll a pro cessor to the d eskto p board ar e giv en below.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 33 4. Rem ove the plas tic pro tectiv e socket cov er from the lo ad plate (see Fig ure 9, E ). Do not discard the protec tive so ck et cover. A lway s replac e the socket cov er if the pro cess or is remov ed from the socket.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 34 6. Hold the proce ssor wit h your th um b a nd index fing ers orie nted as shown in Figure 11. Make sure fing ers alig n to the sock et cutouts (see Figure 11, F). Alig n notches (see Figure 11, G) with the socket see ( Figure 11, H).
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 35 Installing the Proces s or Fan Heat Sink Desktop board D945GN T/D945GTP h as an in tegrated processo r fan he at sink retent ion mechani sm (RM).
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 36 Installing and Removing Memory NOTE To be fully comp liant w ith all applicab le In tel SDRAM memory spec ifica tions, the boards requ ire DIMMs that support the Se rial Presence Detect ( SPD) data str ucture.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 37 Three DIMM s Install a m atch ed pair of DIMMs equal i n speed a nd si ze in DI MM 0 (blu e) and D I MM 1 (black ) of channel A. I nstal l a DI MM equa l in spe ed and to tal siz e of the DI MMs inst alled in channel A in either DI MM 0 or DI MM 1 of channe l B (see Figu re 16) .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 38 Installing DIMMs NOTE Install m emory in the D IMM socke ts prio r to ins tall ing the PC I Exp ress video c ard to avo id interferen ce with the m emory re tenti on mech anism. 1. Observe th e precau tions in " Before You Beg in" on pag e 27.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 39 Removing DIMMs To rem ove a DI MM, follo w thes e steps: 1. Observe th e precau tions in " Before You Beg in" on pag e 27. 2. Turn off a ll periph eral d evices c onnected to the com puter.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 40 Installing and Removing a PCI Express* x16 Card CAUTION When insta lling any PCI E xpress x16 card o n the de sktop board, ensure that it is f ully seated in the PCI Express x16 co nnector before yo u power on the sy stem.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 41 Connecting the IDE Cable The ID E cable can conn ect two dr ives to the desk top b oard. The c able suppor ts th e ATA-66/100 transfer p rotoco l. Figu re 19 shows the co rrect i nstalla tion o f the ca ble.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Pr oduct Guide 42 Connecting the Serial ATA (SATA) Cable The SATA cab le (4- conductor) sup ports the S erial A TA proto col and conne cts a s ingle driv e to the desktop bo ard. Either end of th e cable can be co nnected to the SATA d rive or the connecto r on the board.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 43 Connecting Internal Header s Before conn ecting cable s to the intern al head ers, obse rv e the precau tions in " Before You Beg in" on page 27. Figure 21 show s the lo cation of the intern al heade rs.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 44 Installing a Front Pan el Audio Solution for Intel ® High Definition Audio Figure 21, F o n page 43 sh ows the loc ation of th e yell ow front panel audio he ader. Table 9 shows the pin ass i gnm ents for the front pa nel aud io header.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 45 Connecting Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Headers Before connec ting th e USB 2.0 hea ders, observ e the precaution s in " Befo re You Beg in" on page 27. See Figure 21, D on pag e 43 for the location of the bl ack USB 2.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 46 Connecting the Front Panel Header Before connec ting the front pane l header, observe the p recautions in " Before You Beg in" on page 27. See Figure 21, C on page 43 for the loca tion of the m ulti-colored fron t panel header.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 47 Setting Up the Flexible 6- Channel Audio with Jack Re-tasking (Optional) NOTE This sec tion app lies only to D945GNT/D 945GTP desktop boards with the triple-s tack aud io connector.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 48 Connecting Fa n and Power Cables Connecting Fan Cables Figure 23 s hows the loca tion of the fan h eaders. Connect the p rocessor’s fan he at sink cable to the 4-pin processor fan head er on the board.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 49 Connecting Power Cables CAUTION Failure to use the app ropriate power su pply and/or n ot connecting th e 12 V (2x2) power connec tor to the deskt op board may result i n damage to the board or the system may no t functi on proper ly.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 50 Other Connectors Figure 25 s hows the loca tion of the PCI add-in car d, P C I Express 1 x, and disk ette drive con nector s.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 51 Setting the BIOS Configuration Jumper NOTE Always turn off the powe r and unplug t he power co rd from the compu t er before c hanging the jumper. Mo ving th e jumper with the power on may resul t in unreli able computer opera tion.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 52 Clearing Passwords This proc edure as sumes tha t the boa rd is installed in th e com puter and the config uration jumper block is set to norm al mode. 1. Observe th e precautions in " Before You Begin" on page 27.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 53 Replacing the Battery A coin- cell bat tery (C R2032) pow ers the rea l-tim e clock and CMOS memo ry. When th e compute r is not p lugg ed into a wal l sock et, the ba ttery has an es tim ated life of three y ears.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 54 AVVERTIMENTO Esiste il p ericolo di un espl osione se la pil a non viene sostit uita in modo co rret to. Utiliz zare so lo pile uguali o di tipo equiva lente a que lle con sigli ate da l produt tore.
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 55 AWAS Risiko letu pan wujud jika b ateri digan tikan de ngan jen is yang tidak be tul. Bateri sepatutn ya dikita r semula jika boleh. Pelupusan ba teri terp akai mestilah mematuh i peratur an alam sek itar tempatan.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 56 OСТОРОГА Використовуйте батареї правильного ти пу , інакш е існувати ме ризи к ви буху . Якщо можливо , використ ані батареї слід утилізу вати .
Installing and Repla cing Des ktop Board Components 57 To replac e the battery , follo w these steps: 1. Observe th e precautions in " Before You Begin" (see p age 27). 2. Turn off a ll periph eral d evices connec ted to the computer. Disconne ct the computer’ s power cord from the AC power so urce (w al l outl et or pow er adapter).
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 58.
59 3 Updating the BIOS The BI OS Setup program can be used to view and cha nge the BI OS settings fo r the com puter. The BIOS Setup prog ram is a ccessed by pres sing the <F2> key after the Powe r-On Self- Test (POST) mem ory test beg ins and bef ore the op erating system boot begins .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 60 Updating the BIOS wit h the Iflash Memory Update Utility With the I flash BIOS update util ity y ou can updat e the sy stem BIOS from a floppy disk or other bootable m edia.
Updating the BIOS 61 Recovering th e BIOS It is unlik ely th at anything will in terrup t the BI OS update; howev er, if an inte rruption oc curs, th e BIOS could be d amag ed. The follow i ng step s expla in how to recov er the BI OS if an update fails .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 62.
63 4 Configuring for RAID (Intel ® Ma trix Stora ge T echnology) - Optional Requires Micr osoft Windows* XP or 2000 and SA T A Hard D r ive(s) Configurin g the BIOS for Intel Matrix Storage Tech nology 1. Assemble y our system and attach two or m ore SAT A hard d rives.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 64 Loading the In tel Matrix Storage Technol ogy RAID Drivers and Soft ware 1. Begin Windows Se tup by b ooting from the Windows install ation CD. 2. At the beg inning of W indows Setup, press <F6> to ins tall a third- party SCSI or RAID driver.
65 A Err or Messages and Indicators Desktop board D945GN T /D945GTP repo rts POST errors in two ways: • By sounding a beep code • By display ing an e rror m essage on the m onitor BIOS Beep Codes .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 66.
67 B Regulator y Compliance This append ix cont ains th e fol lowing reg ulato ry com pliance in formation fo r desk top board D945GNT/D945GTP: • Safety regulations • European Unio n Declarat ion .
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 68 Č eština Tento vý r obek odpov ídá požadav k ů m evropský ch sm ě rnic 89 /336/EEC a 73/23/EEC. Dansk Dette produkt e r i o verensstem melse m ed det europæiske dir ektiv 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC.
Regulatory Co mpliance 69 Product Ecology Statements The follow ing information is provided to ad dress worl dwide produc t ecol ogy concerns and regulat ions.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 70 Français Dans le cadre d e son eng agement pour la p rotection de l'environnem ent, Intel a mis en œuv re le programm e Intel Prod uct Rec.
Regulatory Co mpliance 71 Türkçe Intel, çev re sorumlulu ğ una ba ğ ı ml ı l ı ğ ı n ı n bir parça s ı olarak , perakende tük eticiler in I ntel markal ı kullan ı lm ı ş ürünle rin.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 72 EMC Regulations Desktop board D945GN T /D945GTP com plies with th e EMC regulat ions stat ed in Table 19 when correctly installed in a com patible host syst em .
Regulatory Co mpliance 73 Japanese Kan ji statem ent translation: This is a C l ass B produ ct based on the s tandard o f the Voluntary Control Counc il for Interference from Inform ation Technolog y Equipment (VCCI ). If this is use d near a radio o r televis ion rec eiver in a dom estic en vironm ent, it m ay cause radio interfer ence.
Intel Desktop Bo ard D945GN T/D945GTP Product Guide 74 Product Certification Ma rkings (Board Level) Desktop board D945GN T /D945GTP has the produ ct certificat ion mark ings shown in Table 20: Table 20. Product Certification Markings Description Mark UL joint US /Canada Re cogni zed Com ponent mar k.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Intel D945GNT/D945GTP (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Intel D945GNT/D945GTP noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Intel D945GNT/D945GTP - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Intel D945GNT/D945GTP reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Intel D945GNT/D945GTP erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Intel D945GNT/D945GTP besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Intel D945GNT/D945GTP verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intel D945GNT/D945GTP. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intel D945GNT/D945GTP gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.