Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 80L188EC des Produzenten Intel
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Intel 186 EB/EC Evaluati on Board User’s Manual 80C186EC/80C188EC 80L186EC/8 0L188EC and 80C186EB/8 0C188EB 80L186EB/80L 188EB Ma rch 1 997 Order Num ber: 272 986-001.
I nfo rmat i o n i n thi s do cum ent is p r ov id ed i n conn ect io n wit h Int el p r od uct s. No lic ense , ex pr e ss or i mp l ie d, b y e sto pp el o r oth er- wi se , to any i nt ell ect ua l pr o pert y rig ht s is gra nt e d by thi s doc umen t .
iii CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL 1.1 CONTENT OV ERVIEW ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ............ 1-1 1.2 NOTATION CO NVENTIONS ......... ................. ................. .........
CONTENTS iv CHAPTER 4 INTRODUCTION TO THE SOFTWARE 4.1 SOFTWA RE FEATURES .............. ................. ................. ........ ................. ................. .... 4-1 4.2 RESTRICT IONS ........... ................. ................. ......
v CONTENTS CHAPTER 6 iRISM-186 COMMANDS 6.1 IRISM VARIA BLES ................ ................. ........ ................. ................. ................. ............ 6-1 6.1.1 Other Variab les ................ ................. .................
CONTENTS vi FIGURES 2-1 Intel 186 EB Evaluat ion Board Layo ut .. ................. ................ ................. ................. .....2-1 2-2 Intel 186 EC Evaluation B oard La yout ......... ................. ................. ................
A 1 About Thi s Manual.
1-1 1 CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL This man ual descri bes how t o set up and use t he Intel 186 EB/EC Eval uati on Board. The boa rd is us ed to evalua te har dware and sof tware per formanc e and p rovide an “emul ati on-li ke” fe el when exec uting and debug ging use r-wri tten c ode.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 1-2 1.2 NOTATION CONVENTIONS The fol lowin g notatio n conven tions are us ed in thi s manual . # Pound s ymbol ( #) appe nded to a sig nal name indic ates t hat t he signal is acti ve l ow . ital ics Itali cs ide ntif y vari ables and ind icate new terms.
1-3 ABOUT THIS MANUAL 1 1.3 RELATED DOCUMENTS You can order I ntel produc t liter ature from t he fol lowing Int el li tera ture center s. 1-800- 548-47 25 U.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 1-4 1.4 ELECTRONIC SUPPORT SYSTEM S Inte l’s Fa xBack* se rvice provi des up- to-da te tec hnical info rmatio n.
1-5 ABOUT THIS MANUAL 1 1.5 TECHNICAL SUPPORT Tabl e 1-1 . Cus tom er Suppo rt Te le phon e Numb er s Customer Suppo rt (US and Canada ) 800 -628-86 86 Australia Na tional Sy dney 008-25 7-307 61-2-97.
2 Getting Start ed.
2 2-1 CHAPTER 2 GETTING STA RTED This c hapter des cribes th e Intel 18 6 EC/EB Evaluat ion Board ki t, and provi des setup instruct ions. Figur e 2-1 shows the 80x 186 EB Evaluatio n Board layout , and Figur e 2-2 s hows the EC board lay out.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 2-2 Figu re 2-2. Intel 18 6 EC Ev aluation Bo ard L ayout TP4 TP3 TP2 80X186EC EVAL 3V / 5V TP1 +5V GND U6 J2 JP2 A5288-01 JP1 GND GND CLKOUT DT-R# +5.
2-3 GETTING ST ARTED 2 2.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS • IBM* P C AT, XT or BIOS-c ompatib le comput er ho st syste m (int erfac es via COM1 or COM2 at 960 0 baud). • 5 V power sup ply (t he conn ector housin g and con tact pins a re inc luded i n the kit).
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 2-4 2.3 VIEWING THE BOARD SCHEMATICS The s chemati cs pr ovide d on t he di sket te ar e in the Adobe* Acrobat .pdf for mat. You can v iew and pri nt the sc hematic s using the Acrobat Read er. The Reade r is avai labl e at no char ge from the Intel World Wide Web sit e (http://www.
2-5 GETTING ST ARTED 2 4. Apply powe r to the h ost PC a nd the e valuati on boar d. When power is a pplied to the board, t he mess age “i 186 Ex 3V/5V EV” s hould appear ac ros s the L CD di spla y. This messa ge in dic a tes bo ard init iali zati on is com ple te.
3 Hardware O verview.
3-1 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 CHAPTER 3 HARDWAR E OVERV IEW The eval uation boar d comes with a 16 MHz 80L186 EB or EC processo r, 512 Kbytes of Fl ash (cont ai ni ng the iRI SM-186 moni t or an d a Flas h loa der uti l it y in t h e boot blo ck) , and 256 Kbytes of SRAM.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 3-2 3.2 MICROPROCESSOR The core of the eva luat ion boar d is the 80 x186 micropr ocesso r. This pr ocesso r opera tes at 3.3 volts up to 16 MHz i n thi s board. Al tern ative ly, th e boar d can be conf igure d to run at 5 volts up to 33 M Hz.
3-3 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 3.3 MEMORY CO NFIGURATION The memory on th e evalua tion board can be divi ded into three types : Flash , SRAM, and expans ion. Fla sh memory cont ains th e Flash lo ader uti lity, loc ated in the boot bl ock bounda ry, and t he RISM mon itor progr am, beginni ng at F800:0 000.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 3-4 Figu re 3-1. Physical M emory M ap GCS7 — Expan sion I /O Start : 400H Stop : 500H • Zero Wai t States • Ignor e Stop Ad dress • A ctive f.
3-5 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 3.3.1 Flash ( Program Mem ory) Flash memory, as configur ed in t he RISM moni tor, i s mappe d to th e upper 512 Kbyt es of t he 1 Mbyte 80x186 pr ocessor ad dress spac e. The board include s a single 4 Mbit, 32 -pin PSOP Flash devic e at location U9 wit h 110 ns acc ess time at 3.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 3-6 Fig ure 3-2. Ju mper Asse mbly f or Flash Do wnload ing 3. Reconnec t the seria l cabl e and p ower-up the boa rd. You shoul d notice t hat the t ext CQFLASH LOADER now dis plays on th e LED, sign aling that t he boa rd is rea dy for Flash d ownloading.
3-7 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 If t his text doe s not display o n the LED, ind icating a problem wi th the j umper asse mbly, the board boots as if no Flash l oader a sse mbly is i nsta lled; that i s, the Fl ash ta rget p rog ram imme diate ly star ts th e load ed user appli cati on progr am (for exam ple, t he iRIS M mon itor softwa re).
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 3-8 3.5 POWER SUPPLY The po wer sup ply conne cts t o J2 on the boar d sche matic. Pin 1 must c onnect to + 5 vol ts a nd pin 2 must c onnect t o grou nd. The sup ply is the n regul ated t o 3. 3 volts by the o n-boar d circ uitr y.
3-9 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 The M axi m MAX7 34 loc at ed at U11 is al so a cur re nt- mode DC-DC conv er ter . T his de vice steps up the V CC volt age to +12.0 volts. This voltage ou tpu t is suppl ied to p rovide a V PP o ption f or Flash memory pr ogrammi ng.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 3-10 The t wo seri al conne ctors are connec ted t o the M axim MAX561, an EIA/ TIA-562 Drive r/Rece iver. Th is devi ce operat es fr om a 3.3 vol t V CC (or 5 v olts, opti onall y). The EIA/ TIA- 562 st andard is a low vol tage s erial commu nication s prot ocol.
3-1 1 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 Fig ure 3-5. 25 -Pin t o 9-Pi n Adap tor To Evaluation Board P1 To Host PC DCD DSR RXD RTS TXD CTS DTR RI GND A2343-02 1 6 2 7 3 8 4.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 3-12 3.7 EXPANSION INTERFACE There are two expansi on conne ct ors on t he eva luati on boar d. Refer to the schemat ics i nclude d on a flop py diskett e in your ki t for repres entation of the conne ctor pinou ts.
3-1 3 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 Figure 3- 7. 186 E B Per iphera l Expa nsion C onnector JP2 (24 p in) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 2 - V CC 4 - T0IN 6 - T1IN 8 - V SS 10 - INT0 12 - INT1 14 - INT2 16 - INT3 18 - INT4 20 - V SS 22 - GCS6# 24 - GCS7# V CC .
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 3-14 Figure 3-8. CPU Bu s Expansion (EB and EC) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 2 - V CC 4 - D0 B.
3-1 5 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 3 3.8 LCD INTERFACE The eval uati on board includ es a 16- charac ter by 1 -line LCD display. The displ ay has an 8-bit inte rface and is desi gned t o oper ate a t up to 20 M Hz .
4 Introduction to the Software.
4-1 4 CHAPTER 4 INTRODUCTION TO THE SOF TW ARE The In tel 1 86 EC/EB Eva luati on Boar d uses an Embedd ed Contr olle r Monit or (ECM ) writte n for the 8 0x186 f amily of 16- bit mi cropro cessor s. Thi s monitor suppor ts ba sic de bug fa cili ties (LOAD, GO, STEP, etc.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 4-2 4.2 RESTRICTIONS Two words of the use r stack ar e reser ved for use by the iRISM-186 software. Ot her memory and/o r regi ster s in the t arget memory are used by the iRI SM-186 softw are . The e xact a mount and locat ion of t his memor y is imp lementa tion-de pendent .
4-3 INTRODUCTION TO THE SOF TWARE 4 4.4 USER INTERFACE The use r int erfa ce to the iE CM-86 suppo rts c ommands t o init iate and co nfigur e the ECM-86, perf orm I/O o perat ions i nvolvi ng DOS fi les, e xecut e user progra ms, and i nter rogate vari ables in the ta rget syst em.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 4-4 4.5.2 -COM2, -COM1 These op tions tel l the iECM-86 software whi ch seria l communic ation port is to be use d.
4-5 INTRODUCTION TO THE SOF TWARE 4 4.5.4 -POLL, -SI GNAL These two opt ions cont rol how the host software detects whether or not the user’s code is running. If pol l mode is se lecte d, th e host per iodic ally polls th e ta rget wit h a REPORT_ST ATUS comman d.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 4-6 4.6 RELATED INFORMATION All un reserved funct ions of the proce ssor a re avail able to you, exc ept the N on-M askable Interr upt (NMI ), the Breakpo int i nstr uctio n (INT 3) , the Trap Fl ag (TF) , 16 K bytes of addre ss spa ce, and 128 byt es of I/O spa ce.
5 iECM-86 Co mmands.
5-1 5 CHAPTER 5 iECM-86 C OMMANDS This c hapter defines the i ECM-86 sof tware c ommands. 5.1 ENTERING CO MMANDS The syn tax fo r iECM command s is s hown belo w: COMMAND meta symb ol iECM-86 c ommand.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-2 bp_number Sixte en breakpo ints are avail able to the user. This numb er selects which b reakpoint to ac cess. code_a ddr The code add ress m ay be specifi ed by eithe r segment : offs et , CS:offse t , or CB:offset .
5-3 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 5.2.2 Other Fi le Oper ations In ad ditio n to o bje ct fi les, the i ECM-86 makes us e of i nclude fil es, log f iles, and l ist f iles .
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-4 parsi ng command s unti l a spa ce cha racte r is e ntere d from the keyboa rd (t he spac e chara cter can ’t come from an INCLUDE file).
5-5 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 5.3 PROGRAM CONTROL Commands t hat co ntrol pr ogram exe cut io n all o w you to res et th e proc essor, set ex ecu ti on b reak- point s, start execut ion, s top execut ion, st ep, and super s tep. The comman ds are grouped by thei r major fun ctions for t he sak e of di scuss ion.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-6 NOTE Most m onito r prog rams si milar to iECM-8 6 displ ay a mes sage on the co nsole when a break o ccurs (e.
5-7 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 5.3.3 Program Executio n These c ommands star t and s top ex ecution of user code. The comman ds prov ided ar e: GO GO FOREVER GO FROM cod e_addr GO FROM cod e_addr FORE VER GO .
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-8 GO FROM code_addr FOREVER Th is com ma n d lo ads the user ’ s PC wi th code_addr , clea rs the break point array , and st arts execut ion of the us er’ s code.
5-9 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 Super- stepp ing is simi lar t o stepp ing, exc ept tha t the s uper-s tep com mand tr eats a n inter rupt servi ce r outine or a subr outine call (and the body of the sub routi ne th at is call ed) as one indi visib le instr ucti on.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-10 {STEP | SSTEP} FROM code_addr count This c ommand loads t he use r’ s progra m coun ter ( PC) with code_a ddr and t hen si ngle- steps count times. 5.4 DISPLAYING AND MODIFYING PROGRAM VARIABLES iECM-86 pr ovides commands t o displ ay and modi fy pro gram var iable s in sev eral f ormats .
5-1 1 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 5.4.2 BYTE Commands There are fo ur for ms for t he BY TE commands: BYTE byte_a ddre ss BYTE byte_a ddre ss = byt e_v al ue BYTE byte_a ddre ss TO byte_a ddres s BYTE byte_a ddre ss TO byte_a ddres s = byt e_v al ue All of these co mmands can be us ed whet her or not th e user’ s program i s running.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-12 BYTE byte_ address TO byt e_addr ess = b yte_value This f orm is use d to in itia lize a regi on of memory t o the g iven byte_ value. Note that this command takes a lit tle o ver a mi llis econd (at 9 600 baud ) for each BYTE l oaded.
5-1 3 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 comman d term inat es wh en all o f the WO RD variab les in the selec ted range have bee n displ ayed. Duri ng len gthy di splays, you c an stop the output to the c onsole by pres sing the space b ar. You c an res ume the displ ay by pr essi ng the space b ar a se con d time.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-14 DW OR D va ri ab le s . Whe n this co mm an d is in vok ed, iEC M- 8 6 st a rts by dis playi ng the curren t defa ult b ase and the n a ser ies o f lin es show ing th e cont ents of the s elect ed mem ory reg ion.
5-1 5 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 resume the di splay by pres sing t he spa ce bar a secon d time. You term inate t he command by ente ring a carr iage r eturn .
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-16 defau lt bas e and t hen a s eries of lines showin g th e content s of t he sele cted po rts. Th e ne xt line s tart s with a hexad ecimal displ ay of t he addre ss of t he next PORT variab le to be disp layed, fol lowed by t he displ ay of u p to 16 PORT var iabl es in the defaul t bas e.
5-1 7 iECM-86 COMMANDS 5 WP ORT wpo rt_add ress = word_val ue This f orm is used to set a n indi vidual WPORT var iable withou t fir st checki ng it s curr ent va lue. When inv oked , this comman d sets th e WPORT variable at wpor t_ address to word_value.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 5-18 CS DS SP BP DI ES FLAGS IP PC {= <cod e_addre ss> } REGS SI SP = <w ord_addr ess> SS The pro cessor varia bles c an be modi fied on ly while t he tar get is stoppe d. They ca n be rea d at any time.
6 iRISM-186 Commands.
6-1 6 CHAPTER 6 iRISM-186 C OMMANDS This ch apt er des cri be s the el emen ts of i RISM-1 86 moni t or c ode. This infor mation i s c ommon to all impl em ent at io ns. 6.1 iRISM VARIABLES The fol lowin g tabl e lis ts the RIS M vari ables and pr ovides a desc ripti on of e ach.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 6-2 6.2 RISM STRUC TURE The RISM re sides in the targ et syst em and prov ides the interf ace bet ween th e target system and the us er inter face, which resi des in the h ost system . The RISM is com pact and si mple.
6-3 iRISM-186 COMMANDS 6 6.5.1 SET_DATA_FLAG (Code 00H) This command sets the DATA_FLAG. This forces the next charact er receiv ed by the RISM to be tr ea ted as dat a, ev en i f it s va lue corr es pond s to a RISM command.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 6-4 6.5.8 WRITE_DOUBLE (Code 09H) This command stores the RISM_DATA reg iste r in the double- word of memory poi nted to by the RISM_ ADDR reg ister an d incr ements th e RISM_ADDR regis ter (by f our) to poi nt at t he next memory double -word.
6.5.14 TRAP_ISR This i s a pseu do- command . It ca nnot be i ss u ed dir ec tl y by t he host so ftware , but is execut ed when an INT3 is exe cuted. The INT3 ins truct ion is used by iECM-86 for imp lement ing soft ware br eakpoi nts and for s ingle- step ping.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL 6-6 6.5.20 WRITE_WPORT (Code 19H) This co mmand st ores th e least -sig nific ant w ord of th e RISM_DATA regis ter in the 16-bi t output port poi nted t o by th e RISM_ADDR regi ster .
6-7 iRISM-186 COMMANDS 6 6.5.24 Sta rt Up Co mmands (/ or ) Upon res et, the board is in the echo mod e. Unti l it rece ives an ASCII sl ash (/ ) or reve rse- slas h (), i t incr ements ev ery charac ter it recei ves fro m the ho st and se nds the i ncrement ed value back to the host .
A Parts List.
A-1 A APPEN DIX A PARTS LIST Table A-1 prov ides t he boar d loca tion, man ufact urer, a nd desc ript ion of each par t on the 8 0186 EB Eval uation Bo ard.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL A-2 J1 AMP #5442 82- 3 14 PI N SIP SKT SI P14 14 pin SIP sock et terminal strip JP1 AMP # 4-8722 7-0 2 X 30 HEAD E R HDR2X30 Cu t t o size (3-10318 6-.
A-3 PARTS L IST A XU9 Meritec # 980021- 44-01 SMT 44 pi n s ocket S OP4 4 SMT 44 pin s oc k et ,w / o ali g nm e nt pins U9 INTEL #PA28F40 0BV- T60 4Mb,bo ot b lk,flas h Socket ed U6,U12, U14 Motorol .
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL A-4 Table A- 2. 80186 EC Bo ard Manu al Par ts List (Sheet 1 o f 3) LOCATION MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION FOOTPRINT COMMENTS C31 Kemet # C0805C 102K5RA C CAP, .001µF CC0805 SMT Chip Cap C21,C30 Kemet # C0805C 103K5RA C CAP, .
A-5 PARTS L IST A L1 3216CH I P Not in s tall ed, but place f oot print P1,P 2 AMP # 748875 -3 DB9 RECEPTACLE DB9FM1 9 pin, sub-D, R/ A, fem ale Q1 Motorol a # MMBT2907AL T1 PNP T R ANSIST O R SOT23 S.
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL A-6 XU10 AMP # 822039 -3 28 Pin PLC C so cke t SOCKET28 SMT 28 pi n PL CC so cke t U10 Latt ice # GAL22LV 10C- 15LJ Low v oltage GAL Socketed U1 Motorol a # MC74AC14D 74AC14 SO14 SMT Hex Schmitt Trg. inverter U2 Maxim # MAX5 61CWI 562 Ser.
Index-1 INDEX 80C186EB/EC features, 3-2 80C188EB/EC, configuring board jumpers, 3-2 8-bit bus, configuring the board f or, 3-2 A adaptor 25-pin to 9-pin, 3- 11 for in- circuit e mulation, 3-2 B BCLK0 .
INTEL 186 EB/EC EVALUAT ION BOARD USER’S MANUAL Index-2 L LCD interf ace, 3-15 list file s, 5-3 log files, 5-3 M Maxim MAX561, 3-10 Maxim MAX750, 3-8 memory configuration, 3-3 memory ma p, 3-3 memor.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Intel 80L188EC (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Intel 80L188EC noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Intel 80L188EC - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Intel 80L188EC reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Intel 80L188EC erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Intel 80L188EC besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Intel 80L188EC verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intel 80L188EC. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intel 80L188EC gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.